Sam Hunt’s “Take Your Time” Wastes The Time of Country Listeners
Why in the world as the proprietor of a country music outlet am I being tasked once again to talk about this guy? I know what some of you are going to say. “Well Trig, just ignore him!” As if I close my eyes and pretend he’s not there he will magically go away. I only wish. But instead Sam Hunt is not only very much real and in the flesh, and firmly ensconced now as a mainstream country music performer, he’s starting to put together a run that could rocket him into the very top tier of the genre. And unlike Florida Georgia Line before him, he’s not doing this in spite of critics, he’s doing it because of them, as the journalists who only know country music from the outside looking in continue to rain down fawning plaudits for Hunt like dollars bills at the cocaine night clubs Hunt croons about in his urban-centric martini-sipping waxed crotch EDM computer-based dance beat compositions molded on an iMac during a Molly binge.
Can’t Sam Hunt just move on to being one of those people who is famous for being famous and get bounced out of the third round of Dancing with the Stars or box Tonya Harding on Pay Per View or something? Why does Sam Hunt even exist in anything resembling the country music world? He’s the country music equivalent of a malapropism, but now that his second single “Take Your Time” is rocketing up the charts, the humor has lost its punch.
“Take Your Time” is the worst song that could have been chosen for Sam Hunt’s second single from and album chock full of bad ideas and boiling over with non-country influences and arrangements. Sam Hunt makes EDM/urban/R&B dance music, not country, and it’s not even slightly above average EDM/urban/R&B dance music when compared with its peers of these respective disciplines. Sam Hunt’s music is fluff that lays down in the awkward moments between the ages of 21 and 22 1/2 when a very narrow demographic of American youth think hanging out at clubs with $14 mixed drinks is cool before waking up one morning broke and depressed, looking into a cocaine mirror and realizing they’ve turned into a complete and utter douchebag.
Some will tell you Sam Hunt and “Take Your Time” is simply country music “evolving,” yet once again the theory of evolution in the minds of country music’s powers that be has to do with dredging up a 30-year-old antiquated and outmoded form of expression in a misguided attempt to pander to the trends of today. Gee I can’t wait until country music’s “evolution” gets to the mid 80’s and country stars are dancing around on stage in spandex onesies with televisions on their heads.
Barry White, who perfected the sexy talk in songs that resolves into singing later in phrases isn’t rolling over in his grave because of Sam Hunt, he’s laughing at the dumbasses who are spending money on this crud who think it’s fresh. Your song talking is lame Sam. Red Sovine would kick your ass. All Sam Hunt does is expose that many in the country music business hate to sound of country, and wish they could replace it with something they actually like. Meanwhile their willing accomplices in the mainstream media singing the praises of Sam Hunt as some critical darling find themselves in the same boat. “Oh, something from a country male I finally like!” Yeah, that’s because it’s not country.
The fuel that many will use to justify Sam Hunt’s transgressions in “Take Your Time” is that he doesn’t actually try to screw the girl of his desire in the song. But this is a false front, it’s fake hustle, not only if you read between the lines of the sentiments articulated in the song, but in the way it’s being received by many listeners. “I don’t want to steal your covers, I just want to take your time” the song says, but in truth any depth to this song is accidental, despite its sedated delivery that seems artistic simply because so many country listeners’ perspectives have been so stretched in the wrong direction by so called “Bro-Country.”
The words of “Take Your Time” are the shallow utterances of young adult sex rituals conveyed with uninspired urban jargon then addled with hip-hop inflections. Anyone who can find “depth” in these lyrics is broadcasting that they exist in a shallow state of affairs. I’m not saying the words aren’t something different, but they certainly aren’t anything special.
Sam Hunt said in a recent interview that he’s heavily influenced by R Kelly and Usher. Well that’s fan-freaking-tastic, then why doesn’t he go over to that side of the music world and release this bullshit? Why in the world does he have to bring this music to country? I’ll tell you why: Because they would laugh him out of the building in the R&B world because it sucks.
Let R&B artists be R&B artists, and let country artists be country artists, and let this lend to a beautiful and diverse variety of music choices that American consumers can experience based off of their backgrounds, upbringings, and current moods and desires. Making country sound like rap, R&B, or EDM music, or vice versa, only restricts the choices of mainstream consumers; it doesn’t expand or “evolve” them. If Sam Hunt wants to make R&B/EDM/urban music and if people want to listen to it, hell yeah I say, more power to them. But you don’t put bacon in the produce department. I hate that Sam Hunt makes me hate on him for perpetuating this lie on country music consumers because he seems like a nice articulate guy. But I’ll be damned if I’m going to stand here and have someone tell me a goat’s a chicken.
I’m glad Sam used a few more real instruments on this song, but it in no way redeems this country music misnomer.
Take this R&B stuff back to KISS-FM, and quit taking of my time Sam Hunt.
Two guns down.
January 20, 2015 @ 1:22 pm
‘All Sam Hunt does is expose that many in the country music business hate the sound of country, and wish they could replace it with something they actually like’
This really is such a huge point and it is seen with all the people that now populate labels at the executive levels and production people involved in the actual making of the music. So many come from other genres and really have no connection to country music and it’s history and traditions so why would they want to nurture these traditions.
March 8, 2015 @ 3:02 am
I don’t think people should be talking crap on Sam hunt I think he is a lot better than the music singers we have know days. like for instance Keith Urban and Zach Brown Band. if Sam Hunt was not a good music artist or singer for country then why is he writing music for Kenny Chesney, Keith Urban (song thief), and Billy Currington.
March 8, 2015 @ 11:57 am
Bwahahaha!!! You think Sam Hunt’s cheesy ass non country songs are better than the Zac Brown Band’s work?
You’re off base.
Though Zac Brown may have some relatively shallow songs, what’s important, is that they’re aware of this and intend these songs to be taken lightly in the first place. Easy listening, I reckon would be the best way to put it.
But I guarantee ya Sam Hunt truly believes “Take Your Time” is a deep and romantic song.
March 8, 2015 @ 10:54 pm
you probably don’t really listen to that much music by sam hunt that’s okay. It does not matter who is singing the song it matters what the song means to them. When Keith Urban stole his song “Cop Car” that song meant something to Sam Hunt. I don’t care what you think about me. I have an opinion and I can say what I want to. Zac Brown Band is the worst band I have ever heard. THATS THE TRUTH IF YOU DONT LIKE THAT TAKE IT UP WITH YOUR CONGRESS MAN.
March 9, 2015 @ 11:49 am
“Zac Brown Band is the worst band I have ever heard.”
That’s humorous.
Almost as humorous as the amount of hair gel that Sam Hunt uses every morning before going out the house.
March 29, 2015 @ 4:10 pm
Fraulien Lovergirl24:
Thank you for your support of Hydra and its loyal agent, Herr Hunt. Together we will crush this puny traditionalist sect with our iron fists.
And if they cut off one head, two more shall take its place.
May 14, 2015 @ 8:05 pm
Actually it was Sam Hunt or let Keith Urban produce Cop Car and Sam’s version came out a whole year after Keith’s and I believe Sam has no business in country music because all he sings is pop crap it is not country
March 9, 2015 @ 1:34 pm
Im sorry but Sam Hunts music has a meaning for it. Does Zac Brown Band I don’t think they do. Im sorry.
March 9, 2015 @ 2:06 pm
Right. Because “Colder Weather”, “As She’s Walking Away”, “Highway 20 Ride”, “Sweet Annie”, “Goodbye in Her Eyes”, and “All Alright” are completely devoid of meaning and emotional poignancy.
Boy, I tell ya, your counterpoints are damn near irrefutable. If you’re not on a debate team, you should be. You should be captain. Y’all would never lose an argument.
March 9, 2015 @ 2:45 pm
well I can tell that you use a lot of sarcasm that’s okay. I deal with that everyday with my boyfriend. I think Sam Hunt is a good music artist and singer. He puts some of these females to shame and even some of the males. im sorry to say that but its the truth. No I should not be on a debate team I would suck sorry maybe you should
March 9, 2015 @ 5:12 pm
“I think Sam Hunt is a good music artist and singer.”
Okay, not being sarcastic here. That’s fine. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. I just took umbrage at how you casually dismissed the ZBB as a below par artist.
Look, I’m not even that huge a fan of theirs (however “Colder Weather” is just an absolutely amazing song). And, I assume like you, I really don’t care for their Jimmy Buffet type songs. It doesn’t mean those type of songs by them ain’t good, cause I know they’re tons of people who love that kind of music, and I’d reckon they do those song better than just bout anyone. But, to dismiss Zac Brown as some sort of bottom tier artist is pretty absurd. He’s pretty much renown for having one of the best and most powerful voices in the music industry today.
But my biggest grievance with your comments was that you accuse ZBB’s music of being devoid of substance. That claim couldn’t be more unfounded. I gave you a list of song’s that are full of meaning and some with considerable depth.
Another that comes to mine is “Cold Hearted.”
I just love the subtle steel guitar (Those are pretty country ya know?) in that song.
Anyhow, I’m not sure how familiar you are with ZBB’s work, but check some of those songs out if you’ve never heard em. You may enjoy them. If not, that’s okay too. Just don’t disregard them as some substandard band that has been putting out tasteless music for years. They’re pretty much the opposite of that.
And for the record. I don’t hate Sam Hunt. I hate that he calls his music country. It ain’t. A lot of ZBB’s music ain’t country either, but they openly admit it.
March 29, 2015 @ 4:07 pm
Mrs. girl24:
What you have just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard.
At no point in your rambling, incoherent response, did you say anything that was even CLOSE to what can be considered a rational thought. And everyone on this board is now dumber for having read it.
I award you no points. And may God have mercy on your soul.
October 6, 2016 @ 3:06 pm
Sam Hunt’s “Take Your Time” is the worst song ever created. His attempt to talk and sing or whatever he is doing is absolutely the worst thing in the world–in the universe.
June 27, 2023 @ 5:52 am
Then why does he have so many #1 hits. He writes, he plays and he sings much better than the guys you probably like. Like Luke Brian, Kenny chesney ( who he wrote songs and music for) and then there’s Derek’s Bentley and Jason Aldine who Al’s talks through his songs and nobody Amy’s shit about it. You wouldn’t know music if it slapped you in the face!
January 20, 2015 @ 1:26 pm
On the plus side, I’m glad you’re still ranting, Trig. On the downside, I have to listen to this shit out of curiosity and it always leaves me feeling dirty. This song is awful. Thanks(?) for sharing.
January 20, 2015 @ 1:32 pm
“Red Sovine would kick your ass”
That is at least in the top five things ever written here.
January 20, 2015 @ 1:40 pm
I totally agree!!
January 20, 2015 @ 1:41 pm
Spot on review as usual. What a terrible song, especially the spoken verses.
January 20, 2015 @ 1:42 pm
Don’t they realize there are a lot of even young people who this pseudo-country music upsets and depresses? I’m 19 and I hate this crap!!! Seriously, they should just make another name for this stuff and let the country stations actually play country! Look, there’s people like me who don’t party at all and NEED real country music with deep themes to stimulate our brains and provide us with musical therapy to mediate our depressive tendencies. Or maybe that’s just me. I know you can look it up, but it’s harder than having it presented to you like this crap is. Besides, don’t they realize how stupid the songs are compared to real country? Do they really want their music and performers to reflect that poorly on them? News flash; NOBODY’S LIFE REVOLVES AROUND PARTIES AND DRINKING! BUT A LOT OF PEOPLE’S LIVES REVOLVE AROUND LOST LOVE AND TRAGEDY! AND THE KIDS? YOU IDIOTS ARE TEACHING THEM BAD HABITS! AND THERE SHOULD NEVER BE ANY SOUNDS BESIDES NATURAL VOICE AND INSTRUMENTS! THAT RULES OUT EVERYTHING THEY’RE DOING, SO REPLACE THAT FAKE CRAP WITH STEEL GUITAR, FIDDLE, AND OTHER REAL INSTRUMENTS, AND SING ABOUT REAL, GENUINE THINGS! Sorry about that, had to let it out.
January 20, 2015 @ 2:19 pm
I know what you mean. I’m 16 & despise all this modern shit they call country. There are a couple others in my age group who share views with me but most like to listen to this dumb shit. I can’t listen to music with friends because it’s all bro-country or some crap like Sam Hunt. It drives me nuts.
January 20, 2015 @ 3:46 pm
I’m only 14 and I think bro-country can go fall into a ditch.
January 20, 2015 @ 4:52 pm
The people who make this so-called music need to hear these things. It seems a significant portion of their target demographic wants to see Bro-Country and such cultural atrocities sliced to pieces, have their ashes burned, and even be rejected by the deepest valleys of music hell and have no place to go but complete non-existence. In the face of such adversity, it would be foolish for them to continue down this path. People KNOW it’s not country, they KNOW it sucks, it’s just the only “country” that’s being presented to a very narrow, but loud, demographic. The only fans of Bro-Country are those who emphasize how “country” they are by wearing camo everything and combat boots (not cowboy boots), believe the epitome of manhood is owning a truck, and think REAL country is Jason Aldean. Because he raps about trucks, yo! Actually, that was half the guys at my high school, and the no class girls who liked them, so I guess there’s plenty of dumb people for them to cater to… Still, everybody else needs something too, and the only reason this stuff is called country is because they NEED TO BELIEVE THIS MUSIC IS COUNTRY TI JUSTIFY THEM LISTENING TO IT! I think we’ve stumbled on the truth. Read this Trig; if it wasn’t called country, nobody would listen to it at all. They call it country so people can become convinced they should like it, just so they can get people to buy it. Because if you’re country, you like country music, and if truckin’ and drinkin’ is country, if it’s in a song, it’s country music, right? So then, rapping and EDM must be country things right? Now we know the real problem. Trig probably came to that conclusion forever ago… I never got past the “I hate it” stage…
December 4, 2017 @ 3:30 pm
January 20, 2015 @ 7:00 pm
AMEN! There’s no country here.
January 28, 2015 @ 10:10 am
Brandon (and the others of you commenting here who are of the younger crowd). It is very heartening to hear you and to know that you care about “real” and meaningful songs. I want to feel like things are moving in the right direction. I’m working with Milton Patton (age 23, black, a real country singer — but you need to be the judge — his youtube video from “America’s Got Talent” is a good introduction). We are working on it, folks. Studio work is almost complete, and wow I hope you’ll get the chance to hear it. Milton and I hope you will like it. We believe that there’s nothing wrong with good studio production, but you’d better bring some good songs, and deliver with a good vocal performances and some good players. Thanks y’all.
May 5, 2017 @ 2:22 am
Seriously, Brandon…You can listen to older Country anytime you want to.
Just because , you find “New Country ” offensive….maybe you need to revisit a new choice . I’m not disrepectful of your choice..we all have an opinion….but today’s country is Rocking, all over the world…..
As they should
January 20, 2015 @ 2:01 pm
There is absolutely nothing country about that song, not even a throw away steel guitar or banjo buried in the background. The only fathomable reason that this guy is labeled “country” is because he comes from a small southern town.
January 21, 2015 @ 8:06 pm
I agree 100%… said my exact thoughts. And I, in general, enjoy most of the modern country music, bro-country and all. But when I turned country radio on and heard this song, I thought they changed the format to pop. I honestly thought this song was a new single from Macklemore. I about shit when the Dj said it was Sam Hunt. Sam is a good artist and his songs are decent, but they do NOT belong on country radio.
January 20, 2015 @ 2:03 pm
As bad as this is, this isn’t the first era in country music where
January 20, 2015 @ 2:09 pm
Er, I didn’t mean to press post comment.
As bad as this is, this isn”™t the first era in country music where the powers that be tried their best to make it sound everything but country.
Going back and looking at the Billboard top 100 country songs from 1985 and there is very little traditional country represented. There was a heavy use of pop synthesizers and it looked like the steel guitar was going extinct. With the rise of artist like Travis and Yoakam, by the late 80’s the genre had almost made a complete 180.
January 20, 2015 @ 2:18 pm
Yes that’s generally true from a sound perspective but on the lyrical side I’m not sure that the mid 1980s mainstream country was that out of line with the historical norms of country music. What makes this current time so alarming is we are seeing both the musical style and the lyrics veering far off line with what country music has been.
And another difference is that the 1980s sound was an attempt to draw an older audience with a more AC sound where as this is a blatant play for the youth demo and I would argue that with the 80s shift it was easier to correct than this time.
January 20, 2015 @ 2:42 pm
Certainly agree with you on that point, even the worst from era lyrically didn’t insult my intelligence as a country music fan.
January 20, 2015 @ 2:04 pm
I did it. I got all the way through this motherfucker and it’s every bit as awful as you described. Why did I bother? Well, this is one of the funniest pieces you’ve written since last year with “Donkey” and I felt I owed it to you to have to endure it. The Sovine reference alone was worth it. Hunt can slather himself in molasses and jump head-first into a fire-ant bed.
January 20, 2015 @ 7:19 pm
Bahaha … I forgot about “Donkey.” That’s about the only song worse than this piece of cr*p.
January 20, 2015 @ 8:17 pm
Thankfully, Donkey was even too much for country radio. With the way Niemann’s career fortunes have changed since releasing that song, I think “riding the donkey” should be the “jumping the shark” of country music.
January 20, 2015 @ 2:04 pm
“Let R&B artists be R&B artists, and let country artists be country artists, and let this lend to a beautiful and diverse variety of music choices that American consumers can experience based off of their backgrounds, upbringings, and current moods and desires.”
Exactly! I don’t just listen to country music, and if I feel like listening to rock or blues instead I simply listen to songs in that genre, rather than sit around wishing that country artists would “evolve” into rock or blues artists.
January 20, 2015 @ 2:06 pm
“The words of “Take Your Time” are the shallow utterances of young adult sex rituals conveyed with uninspired urban jargon then addled with hip-hop inflections. Anyone who can find “depth” in these lyrics is broadcasting that they exist in a shallow state of affairs.”
This is ALL you needed to say about this song and the phenomenon it echoes , Trigger. THIS sums up such a huge demographic in these times that it would be downright irresponsible business-wise and foolish for SOME label NOT to designate SOME artist as their mascot and NOT to pander to it with shit like this .
At the risk of sounding like a broken MP3 player , I’m more convinced by the day that what we are witnessing with generic , watered – down sexually driven ‘entertainment ( music ,movies and TV ) is the exploitation of a progressively dumbed-down society addicted to a ‘connection’ through media . It doesn’t matter that the connections are uninformed , uninspiring , unhealthy and unproductive not to mention time-wasting , as you’ve pointed out . ADDICTIONS DON’T MAKE SENSE to the sober . The addictive universe is a universe which only needs to justify its existence to itself . A male is more sexually desirable to women than the next male. Fine . But to SELL him to as many buyers as possible , someone has to give him SOMETHING to do to give him celebrity status . Give him a microphone and some generic can’t-miss ‘songs’ . They aren’t selling the song . They are selling the ” singer ” , his haircut , his T-shirt , his earing , his ass in a pair of jeans , his backward ball cap and fake drawl . NOW we got a package to market . THIS omnipresent approach to ‘entertainment’ is the REAL issue here. Not the evaporation of a style of music ….but the evaporation of independent-minded thinking and informed humans .
Sorry …..carry on .
January 20, 2015 @ 2:18 pm
I don’t get how anybody can find these douchebags attractive.
January 20, 2015 @ 2:57 pm
He’s not attractive. I can’t get past the comb-over.
January 20, 2015 @ 5:42 pm
Thank you Martha . I thought might be the only one who thought Hunt looked like a psychopathic serial killer in the black and white shot . He’s got that Lee Harvey Oswald thing going on and I can’t get past it .
January 20, 2015 @ 5:49 pm
And the crown on his shirt seems say “I’m the king of all country music impersonators.” He must have a really big ego. Besides, it looks like something only the teen singers of Disney channel would wear.
January 20, 2015 @ 7:09 pm
Winner, most ridiculous look in country music ever. Crown = king of pop posers. Another jock country act.
January 20, 2015 @ 2:23 pm
“Take this R&B stuff back to KISS-FM, and quit taking of my time Sam Hunt.”
Anyways, I agree with this review. I might have to say this song is worse than “This Is How We Roll” and “Burnin’ It Down.”
January 20, 2015 @ 2:24 pm
Trigger – so many of your thoughts reside in my head, it’s frightening. Sam Hunt’s music, for the country music listener, is the equivalent of a wet fart. You think it’s gonna be over and done quick, but instead it’s sticky, it’s stinky, and it resides with you until you can shower it off.
Seriously, don’t like this guy at all. I love the way they portray him – “Former College Football Player turned Hit Songwriter” … while true, let’s not gild the Lilly here. The dude was a losing QB for the UAB Blazers. He threw more INTs than TDs and had a 47% completion percentage as a senior. That’s like saying I’m a Former College Football player turned working television actor. I played for the University of Georgia for two years, lettered, and I’ve been on a number of TV shows. In truth, I’m a struggling songwriter/actor who has been fortunate to land in front of a camera. To run around touting myself as the others is bullshit.
Kinda like Hunt’s music being called Country.
I swear, Trig … you know I’m on the side of the fence that says “If folks like me want to save Country Music, we gotta write better songs” … but that just isn’t true. “Country Music” doesn’t want to be saved, because the powers-that-be don’t love Country Music. They love money. And that’s understandable. Money is incredible. It’s intoxicating. It can make you think in strange ways – you know, like … a hip-hop drum loop and banal lyrics are the “next evolution”. They aren’t in the business for the betterment of the artistic side of it. They’re in it to pay for all the toys.
And maybe it’s time we all just accept that.
AND TAKE THEIR TOYS AWAY FROM THEM. Stop buying this meaningless drivel, stop listening to the stations that play it, stop tuning into the 15 new Crappy country award shows every year. Nothing strikes a chord in this industry like the guitar pick that is the Great American Dollar.
Let’s spend ’em more wisely.
January 20, 2015 @ 2:40 pm
Shouldn’t this be two guns WAY down?
January 20, 2015 @ 3:04 pm
I for one, am glad this shit exists – if for no other reason – just to see you write about it. This crap really brings out the best in you. 😀
January 20, 2015 @ 3:05 pm
I hate this song so much! Need to listen to some Sturgill Simpson and George Strait now. Not that I have not heard Take Your Time enough on radio.
January 20, 2015 @ 3:10 pm
Glad to see you rant, Trig. I was listening one day to the title track to FGL’s Anything Goes on the radio. It was so bad that I thought,”This couldn’t be liked by anybody who has half a brain!” So, I Googled “FGL album reviews,” or something to that effect. Your review was the top search result, and I have been coming back here every day since.
January 20, 2015 @ 3:29 pm
The thing that kind of amazes me about this guy is how his entire image is crafted. Just look at his publicity photos. He is not even trying to pretend to look or act like a country singer. I know that appearances are not everything but it is kind of startling to see a new act just completely flaunt his lack of respect for the general traditions of a genre.
It’s like one of those Soviet brainwashing operations of old where they convince you that there are four lights when in fact there are only three.
Sam Hunt is country!
Sam Hunt is country!
January 20, 2015 @ 3:31 pm
Couldn’t bring myself to listen to this shit, just looking at the guy makes me sick. I still have a hard time believing that anybody in their right mind can listen to this fucking music. Talk about a generation of dumbasses!
January 20, 2015 @ 3:34 pm
Not EVERY critic gave this guy a pass, Trig – hell, I panned this release and with every time I’m stuck covering him on Billboard BREAKDOWN, I still think I was too easy on him.
January 20, 2015 @ 4:16 pm
The only song off that album that I’d even consider as single is Raised on It (pretty much treads typical grounds, but it is kind of catchy. Easily one of the best song on the album, even if it isn’t all that good). Unfortunately, judging by iTunes, it looks like Break Up In A Small Town and Ex To See are the next singles. Joy.
January 20, 2015 @ 4:28 pm
Female country fans want to fuck Luke Bryan and have Sam Hunt do their hair? I guess?? WTF???
Is there any precedent for country music bending over for something like this?
January 22, 2015 @ 3:51 pm
“Is there any precedent for country music bending over for something like this?”
There’s one every generation or so. Google Bill Anderson’s “I Can’t Wait Any Longer”. Country-disco at it’s best. And by “best” I mean “worst”. Somehow it was a top ten hit. Not surprisingly, it was Whisperin’ Bill’s last.
January 20, 2015 @ 4:39 pm
Didn’t you mean “R&B INFECTIONS” instead of “inflections”?
January 20, 2015 @ 4:44 pm
I’m somewhat optimistic about the direction mainstream country is moving in overall, but I think the emergence of this guy is the single biggest threat to the genre right now, as bro-country continues to recede. He’s poised to become the next Taylor Swift: a popular, mainstream “country” artist who makes strictly pop-oriented music that draws in pop audiences, whose success is facilitated (inappropriatley) through country radio.
January 20, 2015 @ 5:47 pm
Let’s hope Sam Hunt pulls a Swift. It’d be best for all involved. He could make his shitty pop and country could be country again. A boy can dream!
January 20, 2015 @ 4:54 pm
It’ll be worse than Taylor because he’s male, and they only promote male artists now. That’s a tragedy in and of itself.
January 20, 2015 @ 5:04 pm
As far as country music songs go…. scratch that
As far as R&B songs go, this one is pretty bad. Sonically this is like a very bad impersonation of PM Dawn, without the thoughtful lyrics. I’m flabbergasted that critics say that artists like this are about country music “evolving” when they are resurrecting the sounds from other genres 20-30 years ago.
It’s not as offensive as many country songs, it’s just that it’s bad. Not creative, not thoughtful or unique. I don’t mind the subject matter per se.
January 20, 2015 @ 6:13 pm
“The fuel that many will use to justify Sam Hunt”™s transgressions in “Take Your Time” is that he doesn”™t actually try to screw the girl of his desire in the song. But this is a false front, it”™s fake hustle, not only if you read between the lines of the sentiments articulated in the song, but in the way it”™s being received by many listeners.”
This. When I listened to the song the message that came out quite clearly was “I wanna get in your pants and then pretend I don’t know you”.
January 20, 2015 @ 6:27 pm
“Sam Hunt said in a recent interview that he”™s heavily influenced by R Kelly and Usher. Well that”™s fan-freaking-tastic, then why doesn”™t he go over to that side of the music world…? [T]hey would laugh him out of the building in the R&B world because [his music] sucks.”
RIGHT ON, Trig! Couldn’t have said it better myself.
This kinda reminds me of how I used to feel about people like Faith and Shania when they crossed over into pop; they might have been the biggest things happening in country at one time, but I certainly never thought they had the chops to compete with the big voices (Whitney, Mariah, Celine and the like) in the pop-diva realm.
January 20, 2015 @ 6:27 pm
Jesus …I told myself I didn’t want to listen to this song . Then I read all of the reviews and comments here and thought ” REALLY ?…IT’S THAT BAD ?” . Damned if everyone here wasn’t right – ITS THAT BAD. So’s the shitty production . This piece of dog turd is SO NOTHING that I’m surprised Jason Aldean didn’t cut it .
Lord help us .
January 20, 2015 @ 6:48 pm
Prime example of a completely pop act that doesn’t belong in country music or on country radio at all, another poser taking up valuable space from far better country artists. And Universal is just as guilty as radio here.
“Sam Hunt makes EDM/urban/R&B dance music, not country, and it”™s not even slightly above average EDM/urban/R&B dance music when compared with its peers of these respective disciplines.”
“Sam Hunt said in a recent interview that he”™s heavily influenced by R Kelly and Usher. Well that”™s fan-freaking-tastic, then why doesn”™t he go over to that side of the music world and release this bullshit? Why in the world does he have to bring this music to country? I”™ll tell you why: Because they would laugh him out of the building in the R&B world because it sucks.”
And that’s why it’s on country radio, because it’s become the sellout dumping ground for grade B or lower pop. Pathetic. And if Sam were a Samantha does anyone think he’d hit #1 with the same music on sexist country radio?
January 20, 2015 @ 7:07 pm
yo trig dawg dont be hatin you didnt like mah sexy intro spoken word? i was lickin mah lips and doin mah best ll cool j for da ladies
January 20, 2015 @ 8:39 pm
Um… Has anybody seen the Kristian Bush “Trailer Hitch” video that portrays the zombie apocalypse? Yes, country went THERE. You could make the argument that the current state of country music represents its own zombie apocalypse, with the fans of Bro-Country being the zombies.
January 29, 2015 @ 1:37 am
I agree with your bro-country fan analogy, but the zombie thing isn’t the point of Trailer Hitch. It has a great message and is really deep, especially compared to this crap country.
January 20, 2015 @ 8:46 pm
I heard this song on KSCS in Dallas of all places! It was late one night and I was punching button trying to find something decent. I didn’t find it that night.
This is the sad state of “country music” the names run together like Shelton, Urban, Georgia Line or whatever they are called and 90% of the new crop is called. This even makes a shitty singer like Jason Aldean sound like a less of garbage as a bullet would tear thru one’s head to stop the insanity.
This is white trash, girl with a tramp stamp, Jersey Shore meets trailer park, God-hatin’ music at it’s finest.
January 22, 2015 @ 7:54 am
KSCS and 99.5 the Wolf both suck anymore and have for years. 95.9 the Ranch is where it’s at. 😀
January 20, 2015 @ 9:04 pm
“… he”™s doing it because of them, as the journalists who only know country music from the outside looking in continue to rain down fawning plaudits for Hunt like dollars bills at the cocaine night clubs Hunt croons about in his urban-centric martini-sipping waxed crotch EDM computer-based dance beat compositions molded on an iMac during a Molly binge.”
Can’t beat a Trigger analogy or a review that hinges on one. Great read.
January 21, 2015 @ 4:08 am
What’s the guy in the Wehrmacht haircut and black t-shirt doing standing in an alley with trash cans? Did he get separated from his unit?
January 21, 2015 @ 6:21 am
This douchebag was recently on the Grand Ole Opry. Now the opry has become creepy because of this fact.
January 22, 2015 @ 9:21 am
Amen. He doesn’t even categorize himself as country and yet he gets to perform there…
January 21, 2015 @ 9:07 am
Why does he always dressed like a fucking club DJ? He’s probably besties with Paris Hilton. This happens every time one of these floozies starts poontangin’ around with those show folk.
January 21, 2015 @ 10:23 am
Apparently, you can’t even quote a PG movie any more. The world is circling down the toilet.
January 21, 2015 @ 9:35 am
But you don”™t put bacon in the produce department. I hate that Sam Hunt makes me hate on him for perpetuating this lie on country music consumers because he seems like a nice articulate guy. But I”™ll be damned if I”™m going to stand here and have someone tell me a goat”™s a chicken.
The sad thing is that this statement isn’t even remotely hyperbolic. It is dead on. I don’t even hear a hint of “pop country.”
January 21, 2015 @ 11:32 am
WTF … I think my ears are bleeding…
January 21, 2015 @ 2:05 pm
I am in tears. Your rant is definitely a treat.
January 22, 2015 @ 7:01 am
This douche claims he doesn’t want to wreck our Friday. Well sure as hell wrecked my Thursday.
January 22, 2015 @ 9:19 am
This just in! Hank Williams is currently rolling over in his grave!
BTW: This man doesn’t even categorize himself as COUNTRY MUSIC and yet he gets to perform at the Grand Ol’ Opry??? WTF??!!!
January 28, 2015 @ 10:23 pm
John, you do not have to be country to play in the Opry. Even Sam Smith: That AC or whatever singer with two or three radio songs has a scheduled performance at the Opry.
January 28, 2015 @ 10:47 pm
Sam Smith is playing the Opry House, but it won’t be an actual Grand Ole Opry performance on the WSM radio program. But you’re right, they have had artists from other genres perform in the past, but usually there is a country tie in or they play country music.
November 6, 2015 @ 12:32 pm
Why was Timberlake there??? hen did he go country? I love him . He’s a breath of fresh air. Much better than chew tobacco, chew tabcco, SPIT. Seriously Please
January 23, 2015 @ 9:20 am
28 seconds. That’s all I could handle. Even for R&B or whatever, this is godawful.
January 24, 2015 @ 2:47 am
This guy is trash. Why would anyone think that his “music” is in any way, shape or form of country…. I hate radio music
January 24, 2015 @ 1:23 pm
do people realize that a genre doesnt evolve? country is country. pop is pop. if you want to produce pop, go ahead but go on the pop stations. genres dont evolve, country is still the same kind of music it was ten years ago. the stuff on the radio now a days just isnt country music at all.
January 28, 2015 @ 11:47 am
I just heard this song on the radio. And did a double take on what station my radio was tuned to. I do like pop but this is crappy pop and in no way is it country. When I have my radio on a country station I want to hear country not anything else. I guess I will have to switch to another country station while it is on to avoid it.
January 28, 2015 @ 10:21 pm
Very well said. I wonder how anybody that early into his career could make songs that do not fit into the genre. I swear I think of Macklemore when I hear this song.
January 30, 2015 @ 11:52 am
This is not country! I’m not saying this is a horrible song but it’s NOT country.
February 3, 2015 @ 9:58 am
Why can’t you just appreciate the song? It’s a good song and I’m not sure if you are aware but most places country music is popular, a 14 dollar mixed drink doesn’t exist. I sorry but I don’t understand your problem with a good song. If you don’t like the guy fine but don’t take it out on the song.
March 29, 2015 @ 3:50 pm
Actually no, Sam. It is not a good song, so don’t kid yourself. I know that’s you, Sam. You’re not fooling anyone.
February 6, 2015 @ 3:25 pm
Florida Georgia Line now sounds like George Strait.
March 3, 2015 @ 11:01 pm
Don’t compare Florida Georgia Line with George Strait that is insulting.
February 11, 2015 @ 12:18 pm
This is a late post but I felt this was worth sharing. Yesterday I was listening to the radio while working and this song came on. However, before the song played, the radio dj announced the song and then said they had receieved a lot of feedback on the song from listeners and that it was mostly negative and wanted us to call and give our opinions on the song. I am a mail carrier and listen to the radio almost every day because I hate to work in silence and this was the first time I have ever heard them publicly say that a song is being received negatively and they want our opinion. I felt that was a pretty big deal.
February 20, 2015 @ 12:14 pm
February 23, 2015 @ 7:25 pm
Sam Hunt is really not bad at all….. Please clean out your ears and listen to his music!
I love traditional country just as much (if not more) than the next guy, but just listen to him, and stop complaining! You guys think you run country music, and that if it doesn’t pass your “approval” then it isn’t country music!!! Guess what? Country Music is bound to grow into faster beats and tempos! Get over yourselves!
March 3, 2015 @ 10:31 pm
“You could’ve rolled your eyes
“Told me to go to hell ”¦ ”
I am, Sam. I am.
March 3, 2015 @ 10:59 pm
I can’t believe this stupid song hit #1 on the country chart. this song is full of crap and it is not country at all.
March 7, 2015 @ 11:32 am
Music is made and consumed by those of like mind. Sam Hunt’s music has resonated with many people or he wouldn’t be the success he is. He is independent and bows to no one. If you don’t like it, too bad. Write, sing, produce and market your own music and let’s see your talent.
March 9, 2015 @ 5:26 pm
I think the main point of the article was that Sam Hunt’s music ain’t country.
I agree. I ain’t saying that it’s bad, but I don’t care for it. To me, even after disregarding the all the synth’s, R&B, and EDM influences, the tone just comes off as firkin cheesy. Laughable really. But I reckon some young lady finds his cornball sexy talk attractive. Just please stop calling it country music. It’s really disrespectful to the genre’s roots.
March 10, 2015 @ 3:26 am
Hmmm. Guy goes into bar and finds girl that’s been going there for a while. He chats with her and wants to continue in some way.
Dang, sounds pretty country to me. Thousands of songs are written about boy-meets-girl-in-bar. Only the instruments have changed. So we are to o accept only acoustic guitar and unenhanced vocals as the only legitimate country music? LOL!
March 10, 2015 @ 7:14 am
Gratuitous vocal “enhancements”, synthesizers, and backing beats that have been composed with software have no place in real country music.
Make it sound as ridiculous as you want, but adding any of those makes it country influenced POP music.
George Strait and Alan Jackson would tend to agree with me. They even made a song about it. But you probably already know that.
March 10, 2015 @ 7:12 am
Gratuitous vocal “enhancements”, synthesizers, and backing beats that have been composed with software have no place in real country music.
Make it sound as ridiculous as you want, but adding any of those makes it country influenced POP music.
George Strait and Alan Jackson would tend to agree with me. They even made a song about it. But you probably already know that.
March 29, 2015 @ 3:53 pm
Herr Hunt is a part of my master plan to take over country music and crush it under the heel of my jackboot!
March 30, 2015 @ 12:00 pm
I am sure Sam made the radio stations play this song. Shame on him for that. Actually I believe that listeners call in and request these songs be played. He used to only play this song in concerts but people started asking for it. The play lists for the stations are driven by the audience requests. If you don’t like the song then turn it down, or off.
March 30, 2015 @ 12:07 pm
Singles are chosen by record labels and many times 7-figure budgets are put behind promoting them to radio and the public. Listeners feedback rarely factors into playlists much these days, and only the amount of spins a single may get, not what would be selected for radio play.
April 8, 2015 @ 2:48 pm
I think Sam Hunt has a terrific voice. I just think take your time is a waste. I’m not sure what he’s trying to do. It sucks as a country song. not really Rap. great voice just a bad choice with this Song.
April 8, 2015 @ 2:52 pm
there is not a lot of good country anymore. Josh Turner would be one of the best. his latest song, lay low. Is played much less then Sam hunt take your time.
April 14, 2015 @ 4:02 pm
It seems like Trigger is the one wasting the time of country music listeners.
April 14, 2015 @ 4:10 pm
April 16, 2015 @ 1:13 pm
Yes, Sam Hunt is a skilled and talented musician. However, he does NOT sing country music. If I want to hear his kind if music I’ll find some crappy rap or hip hip station to listen to. Hunt’s music has NO PLACE on country music stations.
April 17, 2015 @ 1:07 pm
Worst song on country radio today. I can’t believe this hit #1. Well, actually I can, it shows the lack of intelligence of today’s country music listeners to eat this stuff up with a spoon.
May 20, 2015 @ 1:04 pm
Well, finally, someone who agrees with my opinion of this song…it’s not country, and it should not be playing on country stations. I change the radio station every time I hear it. What’s sad is I do like some of his other work, just not this piece of…well, you get the drift…
June 11, 2015 @ 1:45 am
You people are fkin ridiculous… Bitching about someone merging genres… omfg, the sky is falling, And he doesn’t dress up to your standards? Oh my god, stop the insanity. Why you would give a shit what an artist wears is beyond me. Like what you like instead of trying to like what you don’t by limiting yourself strictly to one genre and you’ll be more content…
June 17, 2015 @ 10:09 am
I actually pulled up Sam Hunt on Youtube and gave it an honest listen. The music is something 12 year old’s would listen to and find it “cool”. Having said that, it’s in no way related to country music. I turned it off. I won’t waste my time or money on music for elementary kids
June 17, 2015 @ 1:05 pm
I love his songs and I love his voice when he’s talking. I could listen to a cd of him singing or talking. His voice is perfect to me!
July 8, 2015 @ 2:51 pm
Heard this song today for the first time and thought. “Wow this might be the worst sing I’ve heard in 10 years”. Then I found this article. We’ll written and insightful.
July 25, 2015 @ 6:25 pm
I’m only 15, but I often wonder what David Allan Coe thinks of Sam hunt
September 10, 2015 @ 7:41 am
And this song actually got a nomination for a top CMA Award. For shame!!!
September 22, 2015 @ 7:31 pm
ummm yeah there is a reason why he is so popular and why his songs are being bought and raised to the top…it’s cause they are good. Take Your Time is an amazing song! Get over yourself
September 22, 2015 @ 7:31 pm
Of course you wont post my previous comment because it disagrees with yours…lol
September 22, 2015 @ 7:46 pm
It’s been posted Carissa. It was awaiting moderation. I welcome your dissent.
November 5, 2015 @ 6:39 am
You people are the reason so many young people not in the demographic have trouble enjoying country music. Guess what — music changes. If it wasn’t, then we’d have a bunch of repetitive cookie cutter music in every genre. Go ask your parents if the rock n roll they listened to is just like what their parents listened to or better yet go look yourself. Play Elvis, The Beatles, The Bee Gees, Bon Jovi, Red Hot Chili Peppers, The All America Rejects, and Fall Out Boy and tell me popular music stays the same. Why should country be any different?
I’m not really a fan of Sam Hunt, but when I first heard “Take Your Time,” I immediately thought of “Burn” by Usher. Then I read that one of his biggest influences is Usher. Well it shows. Usher was big on talky verses and a hook that got stuck in your head for days. To me “Take Your Time” does exactly that. You may not like it, but it’s his art and obviously some people enjoy it since it was nominated for Song of the Year at the CMA’s.
The review and even more so the comments on this board are really disappointing. Everyone is not going to like every song, but you don’t have to crucify the artist for it. I HATE the song “Smoke Break.” Stupid article, stupid concept, and ear grating But I’m not going to slam Carrie Underwood as a waste of my time because of it. Really life is too short and these people are giving us the gift of their art. You can choose to take it or leave it, but you don’t have to slam the artist in the process.
November 13, 2015 @ 9:41 pm
I loved your spot on review of Sam Hunt. I said “that’s the truth” while laughing on several occasions. It just keeps getting worse. Maybe you even didn’t know how right you are. I could tolerate “Take your Time” at low volume in the background on a country station, simply dismissing it as the inevitable bad song on the radio while waiting for a good one. His latest single “Breakup in a Small Town” pisses me off to no end and I have to mute or change the station. It calls the integrity of country stations fully into question. They must be getting paid off to play this shit. Sounds like something off the mainstream pop stations that young punks with sagging pants and queers listen to. I see no evidence of country or talent here. Wonder if a gangster rapper is going to pay off these stations for air play next *shudder*. Time to send this crap back to hell where it came from! I was going to start a flame war against local country station social media pages over this crap. I am that enraged it gets played to an audience who supposedly love country. If they did, they would stop this abomination in its tracks. Anyways, thank you for letting me vent after finding this review by typing “Sam Hunt sucks” into Google to see if people feel the same as I do. Good to not be alone 🙂
December 14, 2015 @ 6:46 pm
Sam Hunt is hot! His voice is hot! His music is hot! He makes girls want to drop their panties! And he’s getting a decent amount of $ making the music he wants to make, not the record label. He’s said in many interviews that this was the direction he wanted to take with his music. He knows people won’t think he’s country, but he doesn’t give a shit cause he knows what he’s doing and where his music is heading. In his own words from Rolling Stone: “I do think I’m country,” he says, “but your definition of that word might be different from my definition. In my opinion, country music, the sound of country, has always evolved. But the one thing that has not changed is the story element. And I think country songs are truthful songs about life written by country people”. The fact that he’s had 3 number ones tells you that the majority of country music listeners love him and what he’s selling.
December 14, 2015 @ 8:28 pm
Oh and I have to point out that “Let R&B artists be R&B artists, and let country artists be country artists, and let this lend to a beautiful and diverse variety of music choices that American consumers can experience based off of their backgrounds, upbringings, and current moods and desires” doesn’t help your article. You talk about diverse variety, yet when it encroaches on what you deem country music to be you throw the toys out the cot?? Seriously dude chill, it might not be the country music you like listening to but it’s the kind of country music the future generation wants to listen to. This is where music is headed. Like someone already said earlier about rock music, what my dad grew up listening to was not what his father grew up listening and none of that is what I listen to today. It evolved and had other elements thrown in the mix. Country music was built on gospel, jazz, blues, pop, and folk. Country from the 20’s/30’s is nothing like Country from the 60’s/70’s which is nothing like country from the 80’s/90’s, which is different again today. You can hold on as tight as you like to what you think country music ought to be but it will change and grow into something else. Just like the Bro Country will fade and something else will take it’s place and all the Bro Country fans will complain. Just how it is.
January 18, 2016 @ 10:47 pm
His songs are still being listened to all over the world, he is still making his money and nothing you guys say will change that. So stop wasting your time complaining about this guy’s music and find lives to live.
Haters gonna hate! ✌
February 15, 2016 @ 6:23 pm
I think we have to stop pretending that just because someone can write a song means they can sing. I think this man is a poor singer, his live performances are flat and and has too much pitch. I also don’t buy him as a country artist, I feel like he’s using country as a stepping stone to get to Pop; it’s just how he presents himself on stage and the clothing he wears, there’s just something about him that doesn’t scream country.
June 15, 2016 @ 2:15 pm
Wow, you must get worked up about non-segregated proms and taking down the Confederate flag too. All this whinging about an artist you can clearly ignore, if you chose to do so, sounds more like you can’t stand the idea that black people have influenced the sound of an artist who fits best in the country format. If you think a song can’t be country because it lacks a banjo, then you must live in “Deliverance” country, because you’re living in 1972. It’s just sad that this nonsensical haterade comes up on the first page of Sam Hunt results on Google. You don’t deserve that kind of platform, considering how much you sound like a 5th grader, in word choice and in the open tantrum you’re having in front of the world.
June 15, 2016 @ 2:59 pm
A black man named Rufus “Tee-Tot” Payne taught Hank Williams how to play guitar, and if wasn’t for him, this site probably wouldn’t even exist. My arguments have nothing to do with the racial divide, they have to do with the diversity of American music. I love many forms of traditionally-black music, and if it wasn’t for the blues, you can make the argument that country music wouldn’t exist. What I’m not a fan of is all popular music sounding the same. American music should be a rich, diverse tapestry of various influences, not one big blob where you can’t discern what is country, what is rock, what is EDM, and what is R&B like with Sam Hunt’s music. Years ago Sam Hunt would be guilty of cultural appropriation, and for whitewashing black muisc. Today, if you don;t like his music, you clearly must be racist.
June 24, 2016 @ 1:16 am
Dear Trigger
Now I live in sunny New Zealand and as you can imagine I don’t hear a lot of country music on commerical radio. Having said that Lady Antebellum “Need you now” had air play and dare I say it that awful women Shania Twain was popular in the 1990’s. So imagine my suprise I heard on the radio this morning, none other than Sam Hunt “Take Your Time”. It was being played on a radio station called The Hits. I will leave you to have a look at the website but I will think you will find it is not a country radio station. It would appear that this song is now No 16
Sam Hunt does not seem to be country?
March 25, 2017 @ 4:25 am
If that doche-bag Sam Hunt ever listened to a Gram Parsons or Chris Knight record, he’d cut his cheese-dick throat. Ridiculous excuse for music, much less country music, as are your Chesneys, McGraws, FG Lines, Easton Corbins, pussy Keith Urbans, etc. etc. etc…..People that like and promote this garbage are a micro-cosm of what is wrong with this country…sheep, media controlled sheep. And those ass-rangers are too lame to even write the garbage! Try some country that you find in the rock-n-roll section, early 70s country rock, southern rock or current alt-country. That is the only place where the awesome tradition of country music is still carried on to any degree. Conway and Waylon are truly rolling in their graves.
March 25, 2017 @ 9:29 am
Sam Hunt ranks right up there with Taylor Stinking Swift. She can’t sing and was shoved down our throats for God knows how many years. Now he’s hitched on to her and she’s making it possible for him to be shoved down our throats. Why can’t he just go to her new world of pop and get the hell out of ours!
May 5, 2017 @ 2:25 am
Then don’t listen….it’s that simple