Saving Country Music 2010 Artist of the Year: Jayke Orvis
I know I didn’t make a list of candidates for some stupid “Artist of the Year” like I did for Album of the Year or Song of the Year for 2010. I know I didn’t even announce that there would be an Artist of the year for 2010, and up until a few days ago, the idea of doing it didn’t even cross my mind. But that is what is great about having your own website, you can do whatever the hell you want. And right now, I want to say that in 2010, when taking into consideration musicianship, songwriting, performance, showmanship, dedication, and intangibles off the stage and aside from music, there is nobody deserving of a top accolade like Artist of the Year than Jayke Orvis.
First an foremost, Jayke Orvis is a super picker, a mandolin maestro, with brilliant technical ability and taste; traits not always found in tandem. And rarely do you find in tandem with a superpicker superlative songwriting abilities, which Jayke also possesses. Numerous songs from his 2010 album It’s All Been Said showed of not only a great ear and deep, masterful songwriting, but the ability to shake it up, writing songs more composition-based like “Shady Grove Gypsy Moon” and “Dreadful Sinner”, and then turning around with a song like “Streets”, which is simple, fun, and straightforward, but as you delve into the lyrics they reveal a tremendous amount of soul.
And Jayke is not some studio whiz. Whether touring with Rachel Brooke and a mashup band of borrowed players, or adding an elemental hand to the madness and magic of a Goddamn Gallows show, Jayke toured a lot in 2010, and left an impression everywhere he went because of the breadth of his music prowess. I’m not going to call Jayke’s pipes golden, or his guitar playing impressionable. What I will say is when looking at all the factors that go into making a musician, Jayke scores tops in so many different was, it’s almost unfair.
Think about it like this: Jayke’s talent was important enough to form a record label around it in the name of Farmageddon Records, because many people saw it as imperative to share Jayke’s music with the rest of the world.
But erase all of that for just a second. Put all my glowing accolades aside. What do I always try to emphasize around here? That music is just the excuse. What we really talk about around here is life, and people, and the importance of certain priorities. Anyone can spend a bunch of free time learning how to play the guitar real well and be an asshole the rest of the time. When two of Jayke’s band mates in The Gallows were wrongly accused of a crime, Jayke didn’t cut and run or say “mum’s the word.” Jayke took the point, along with Darren at Farmageddon Records, in doing whatever was possible to set what was wrong back right. With honest, heartfelt compassion and empathy, he worked for the release of Quentin and Uriah, and through the efforts of him and many others, there is now hope for exoneration. I’m not saying the man’s a saint, but when it counted, he stepped up.
Does this leave egg on the face of the .357 String Band, which Jake was a part of and let go? No, I think it strengthens the influence and impact that band has had, and proves even more how much of a proving ground for creativity .357 has become. Jayke was let free so he could blossom, but at the same time, the combative and equally collaborative environment has created 3 amazing albums from that band, and now a handful of solo projects, including Jayke’s and another spectacular one from .357’s banjo player Joseph Huber called Bury Me Where I Fall. The .357 String band is our generation’s BR549, making stars out of all the individual members because of the rich environment it created.
Right now Jayke is in Nashville, recording a new album with The Gallows with the help of the hottest commodity in underground country recording, Hank III’s steel player Andy Gibson. After that I heard he is planning to head back to Pittsburgh, maybe tend bar and lay low for a while. Jayke has a son, and seems to appreciate some balance in his life. Whatever Jayke decides to do in the future, I hope he understands that to a lot of people, 2010 would have not been the same without him.
Preview & Purchase Jayke’s Album It’s All Been Said
Purchase From Farmageddon
Jake also had the 2010 Video of the Year
February 17, 2011 @ 3:38 pm
I couldn’t agree more with your choice & it is an honor to be part of the “mash-up band” aka “The Dirty Little Secrets” which recorded his album & “The Broken Band” which has done each of Jayke’s tours thus far. Johnny Lawless, Banjer Dan, J.B. Beverley, Geo Valentine & Old Time Avery all deserve props for playing on Jayke’s debut album “It’s All Been Said”. Courtney “Fish Gutzzz” Kostrick- Upright Bass (Goddamn Gallows) & Joe Perreze- Banjo(Perreze Farm) also deserve a shout out. Thanks for recognizing Jayke’s talent & character Triggerman & thanks for doing what you do! I also want to give a shout out on Jayke’s behalf to Darren Dorlarque, Johnny Lawless, Chuck Spangeberg, Angie Chambers & all who are part of Farmageddon for making this family so special!
Thanks again,
James Hunnicutt- Guitar in Jayke Orvis & The Broken Band
February 17, 2011 @ 4:10 pm
Hey James, man I have video from you in Austin with Jayke, The Gallows and the whole thing, I was going to do a big live review with the videos, and right after the show I got sick, and have pretty much been in an d out of sickness since then, but I hope to catch up on that at some point.
Everyone should check James out, he’s got a new album out through Farmageddon called 99 Lives. He performed the title track in Austin and it was excellent. James is the glue that binds this all together!
February 17, 2011 @ 5:09 pm
Can’t wait to see that footage & you are too kind with your words Brother! So sorry you’ve been sick & I hope you get better soon… Anything I can ever do to help just let me know… We’re all in this together & that’s what makes it so much cooler than any other “scene” I can think of. 2011 has already been an amazing year for us & it’s a wonderful feeling seeing Jayke & Uriah get really cool endorsements & then this incredible honor for Jayke. It is well deserved & thanks so much for seeing that & acknowledging him in such a wonderful way…
Get better buddy & I’ll catch up with you soon 😉
February 17, 2011 @ 6:29 pm
James Hunnicutt is the glue- Well put bro. James has been involved in all of this since day 1. Hats off to him for putting up with all of us. Haha!
February 17, 2011 @ 9:19 pm
It ain’t easy but if all of you can put up with me we’ll call it even D! 😉
February 17, 2011 @ 3:40 pm
Great selection. Jayke’s a superb musician and even a better person!
February 17, 2011 @ 3:59 pm
Couldn’t agree more. He’s always been approachable at his shows. I always appreciated that about him. One thing- ‘Shady Grove’ is an old tune that he brought life to. That is another talent of his- ressurecting old tunes and turning them into his own. Congrats Jayke.
February 17, 2011 @ 3:59 pm
When I saw the title of the article I figured you’d created a whole new award! Genius. For all the bashing (pop country and otherwise) many of us love to partake in around here, it’s also important to celebrate what is being done right. This is a great award and I like how took into consideration things above and beyond the music, like his character.
I know 2011 has been slightly disappointing for you so far in terms of albums released however I think it might be a goodun! I’m very excited to hear what Hank III gives us post-Curb and Justin Townes Earle too. Hopefully both of them will be releasing stuff this year and maybe either of them will be up for ‘Artist of the Year 2011’.
February 17, 2011 @ 4:05 pm
Amen and Amen
February 17, 2011 @ 4:16 pm
It’s an honor to have Jayke on our label, and it’s very true that he inspired the label with his debut recording. Jayke has also been a good friend to me through the tough times. He is very deserving of this and it’s now his time to get credit for what he has done in music, the impact he has had in the underground country scene. I am in belief that him not being a part of the .357 String Band is a good thing and he can move forward with his music how he wants to. Something good always comes from something bad. Those guys will also move forward exactly how they want to. It’s not a bad thing. Wow, in one week Jayke received an endorsement from Weber Mandolins and is Saving Country Music’s artist of the year, a pretty string week for ol’ Jayke. I can tell you all this, his second album is gonna set your head on fire. Haha
February 17, 2011 @ 4:27 pm
a big fuckin hell yeah from me on this one brother. amazing album full of amazing songs top to bottom, look forward to the day i can hear them live. and for me, raise the moon gotta be one of the best songs of all time no question.
February 17, 2011 @ 4:51 pm
Clever Triggerman, clever. And deserving, of course. I got to see Jayke with .357 in 2008, and I can’t wait for Muddy Roots to experience the Broken Band live show in person!
February 17, 2011 @ 5:09 pm
Way to go Jayke!! I don’t know anybody who deserves this more…you have traveled down one hell of a rocky road to get where you are and I am proud to call you my friend no matter what!
February 17, 2011 @ 6:22 pm
Wow. If your anything like me, criticism and insults are a lot easier to deal with than compliments. You tell me i suck and why, and Im like “yea i know.” You couldnt tell me anything worse than I already tell myself on a daily basis.
But this…this is, profound. It may only be a small scene to most folks but its my world, my life, my family, and i feel like i just won the Acadamy Award.
To say thanks wouldnt be enough. I cant stress enough how much help Ive had along the way. The Goddamn Gallows took me in at my second lowest point in my life and have treated me like a brother ever since. They have givin me the confidence to move forward instead of festering in the past. I felt for a long time that i had no one left, but thats the amazing thing about shitty situations, you find out who truly IS in your corner.
JB Beverley was a huge one too. When i was hurtin, he put my ass on a greyhound headed towards Virginia to “be with those who love you.” I cant thank him enough for bein a blood brother and an inspiration. I love ya cuz!
James, Joe, Fishgutzz, stepped up and had my back in order to take it to the streets with my songs and made me believe in myself again.
Now the persons i think should get the credit for this isnt me, its Darren and Johnny Lawless. Without either of them, none of this would have happened. This IS a family and will always be a family. Blood is thick as you all know and we run thick as thieves.
Ive rambled enough and I know i havent thanked enough people, but I had to say something at least.
Triggerman, you put some fresh hope into these dirty bones.
Thank you all SOOOOOOOOO much
February 17, 2011 @ 6:33 pm
Since the first show in Montana in 2007 I knew you would be the one that did some real amazing shit down the line. You deserve this Jayke, all the hell you have been through and bs doesn’t matter anymore.. You make us proud bro- Keep the fire burning man!
February 17, 2011 @ 6:49 pm
Good job bud! Well deserved. I am one of those people that got the honor to see you grow as a musician and song writter over the past few years! And I still look up to you as a picker bud! You’re the best I know.
February 17, 2011 @ 9:25 pm
I agree with what Darren & Jahshie P said Jayke… I was impressed with you as a player & more importantly as a person from the 1st time I met you when .357 & The Swinos played together in Seattle at El Corazon in 2006 or 2007 I think it was? Too many memories & not enough brain cells… LOL… I DO remember that we practically ran into each other to say howdy, get to meet one another & tell the other how rockin’ we thought the others band was. I was impressed by you on all the levels that really matter & I’ve thought highly of you ever since that moment. I couldn’t think of someone more deserving & talented so hats off to you Brother Orvis!
We love you Buddy!
February 18, 2011 @ 12:49 pm
I with ya James. I think it was back in 2007 and I spoke with Jayke about a copy of Ghost Town to feature on my show and I remember how impressed I was with how he was to deal with. Fast forward to November 2008 which was my first .357 show in Detroit and again I was not only impressed with how he was with me but also with how he treated the other band (Whitey Morgan) which spoke volumes to me..As soon as Whitey was done playing Jayke was on stage telling him how much he enjoyed the Paycheck tune they did..
Congrats Jayke! You deserve it man!!!
February 17, 2011 @ 7:14 pm
Very well deserved. I have not been this excited about a scene in a while! I am filled with anticipation about all the great new music to come. Now, if I can just get all you guys to venture up Fargo way, we can thaw this tundra!
February 18, 2011 @ 11:54 am
Congrats to you Jayke, well deserved. As the son of a musician, I’ve been involved in music since infancy and can say with conviction that ‘It’s All Been Said” is an absolute tour de force. And your humble, heart on your sleeve, reply shows exactly why you deserve the recognition.
February 17, 2011 @ 6:36 pm
That’s awesome, I’ve had that cd in steady rotation for the past few months and it still amazes me. Seems Jayke is in a very good place right now, and it sure shines through in his music and performances. Congrats Jayke!
February 17, 2011 @ 6:49 pm
Go Team Jayke!!
So deserving to such a great guy and talented musician.
February 17, 2011 @ 7:03 pm
Couldn’t agree more, Triggerman.
Big ups to Jayke, I’d hate to be the guy who would have to try and name someone any better at what we do.
February 17, 2011 @ 7:23 pm
Well, I guess Taylor Swift’s people paid to have her loose another award. lmao! Good choice Triggerman.
February 18, 2011 @ 10:53 am
I see a new reality show: So you think you can sing better than Taylor Swift. Accepting new talent daily. They’ll fly you out, dress you up put you on stage and a live duet battle will ensue.
And no Auto tune Hollywood.
That’d be some reality for ya.
February 17, 2011 @ 7:39 pm
Who fucking cares!! All of your shitty wanna be redneck music sucks !!! Especially Jaykes !!!
February 17, 2011 @ 8:33 pm
Who the fuck is this guy?
February 17, 2011 @ 8:40 pm
Maybe if you weren’t a shitty wanna be redneck, you’d know!
Wanna be!
I think he’s right. I sure as hell don’t fucking care!
February 24, 2011 @ 6:46 pm
John obviously has the time to put negative posts up. Maybe he should ask folks for help in getting his head removed from his ass, it’s obvious that he has it lodged in there well. What a dick.
February 17, 2011 @ 8:05 pm
Thanks Triggerman,
I was sucked right into that video of Yankee Taste wishing I could have been there.
Good stuff.
February 17, 2011 @ 8:29 pm
I have only bought two songs from his album, “Dreadful…” and “Feelings Like This”… Probably my favorite country shit since some of III’s Damn Right material. That’s not meant to be a comparison just a statement. Just saying I can’t argue with him being artist of the year and that everyone should give him a listen. When I can afford to I will be buying the full album, for sure.
February 17, 2011 @ 9:36 pm
Congratulations Jayke! I knew the minute I saw you at Sam’s Saloon with the .357’s there was something special about you. I was right! Sorry to be so arrogant, but hey, I had never heard music like that before . . .
February 17, 2011 @ 9:39 pm
Oh and hey, I love a Recipe for Tea. Very unexpected!
February 24, 2011 @ 6:44 pm
The recipe for tea was me & Lawless fucking trippin our nuts off on some hash tea I made.. And it was so string we couldn’t get up off the couch for like 2 days. HAHAHA. Jayke saved that message. Prick! hahaha!
February 17, 2011 @ 10:05 pm
I love you brother Jayke. You are a testament to a man who sticks with what he loves and doesn’t bow down to anyone. Thanks for being a good friend and I hope you get to spread your love across this world with a fat bank account to boot.
February 18, 2011 @ 1:09 am
congrats to Jayke, a good read Trig, and that was a good video(of the year), i never’d seen it. I bet it is like winnin an Acadamy Award… I wish all this was televised on spike/fx or somethin
February 18, 2011 @ 5:14 am
Great pick. His debut was really great. Kind of stinks he may take a break…but I understand needing some family time.
Triggerman any chance you’ll do a list for who you think will be the biggest acts in 2011?
February 18, 2011 @ 9:26 am
I might do something like that, but a lot of what I was anticipating for 2011 has already happened. It may be many years before we equal the great music that came out in 2010.
Two artists for sure I would keep my eye on this year would be Ruby Jane, and Justin Townes Earle. Right now JTE is on an absolute tear with his live performances. So is Ruby Jane. Not sure if this will equate to any album projects this year, but if either of those two names are rolling through your town, they are a must see.
February 18, 2011 @ 9:45 am
Congrats to Jayke on this. I am not real familiar with his work, but no doubt he can play.
Jackson Taylor & The Sinners came out swinging with a new album 2/1/11 as well. Slipped by me, but I just picked it up and it is a good one. Not sure if you got this one Trig.
February 18, 2011 @ 1:51 pm
Somebody get me a CD and I’ll give it a listen. I get flooded with submissions so can’t spend time soliciting for them. The squeaky wheel gets oil!
February 18, 2011 @ 7:10 pm
Checked out the Outlaw Women video. Has Dale Watson in it (cameo at the bar/not singing).
February 18, 2011 @ 1:14 pm
Scott H. Biram says on his website that his new album should be out late summer. Thats a big one for me.
February 18, 2011 @ 1:48 pm
February 18, 2011 @ 6:29 am
I met Jayke a few years ago with .357 and it was one of my first times in a bar after I quit drinking and drugging. Jayke and me chilled at the bar and he made me so comfortable and understood my anxieties. I don’t think I ever even told him he changed my life that night and helped me understand how important music and the realness is in this group. Glad he was picked this year. Also Geo is playing a CBG on his album. Jayke thanks for being real. Triggerman thanks for everything you do glad I can say Im a small part of this family.
February 18, 2011 @ 9:04 am
That’s awesome Rev Nix and a real and true testimony to the person Jayke is. Congratulations on your sobriety and I’m sorry but I have to know . . . what is a CBG?
February 18, 2011 @ 9:12 am
CBG = “Cigar Box Guitar”.
February 18, 2011 @ 10:48 am
Ok, I’ve seen those! Thanks Triggerman.
February 18, 2011 @ 2:56 pm
“The Rev will lead your mind to CBG. Rev’s the pusher.”
February 18, 2011 @ 7:29 am
I like it alot!! that’s the shortest comment I have ever left!
February 18, 2011 @ 8:14 am
Great choice. His album is on non-stop rotation in my car. I have to say that I love Jayke’s music and I love the album, but I appreciate the fact that you said you’re “not going to call Jayke”™s pipes golden.” To me that is the difference between being a fan and being a responsible music critic. It doesn’t ruin the album or negate the honor, but it is an honest acknowledgment of a limitation.
Speaking of pipes, the Rachel Brooke album should be out next week. SCM 2011 Artist of the Year?
February 18, 2011 @ 9:28 am
I’ve had the new Rachel Brooke spinning for a few days now. I should have a review up very soon.
February 18, 2011 @ 11:42 am
Give me a preview. Just a little taste.
February 18, 2011 @ 3:25 pm
Look forward to it as well. Rachel Brooke is a favorite; I’ve yet to hear anything I don’t like from her.
February 18, 2011 @ 9:29 am
great choice, thanks for once again highlighting all that is still GREAT within the (real) country music spectrum! congrats Jayke – and thanks for all the great tunes!
February 18, 2011 @ 1:56 pm
I was lucky enough to catch Jayke, James, and the Gallows a few weeks ago on a week night with not much of a crowd. They played as hard as if they were at the CMA awards! Thanks Triggerman for informing people about talent out there that goes under the radar and congratulations to Jayke.With the people Triggerman compares for this title you should be honored.
February 18, 2011 @ 3:23 pm
For Aran: That’s just fine by me! You don’t see any CBG pushers in my neck of the woods!
February 19, 2011 @ 8:54 am
I am SO proud of you! I printed this out for your mom to see.
February 19, 2011 @ 4:23 pm
Ha! Jayke has a mom!
Oh wait, so do I!
February 20, 2011 @ 8:22 pm
Excellent pick Triggerman!! and Congrats Jayke!
February 23, 2011 @ 8:53 am
Truly well deserved! Can’t wait for the J.O. and/or G.G. tour(s) to return to Milwaukee.
Jayke Orvis & The Broken Band - Bless this Mess - Americana Music France
July 1, 2013 @ 4:44 am
[…] or such, which I guess fits with the image. Voted artist of the year (2010) on the famous Saving Country Music blog, and one of the best ‘undergrounty’-albums of 2012, Jayke and his band […]