Shooter Jennings Offers Free “Missed The Boat” Album
For the birthday of baby Jesus, Shooter Jennings is offering up a free album Missed The Boat: A Collection of Demos and Rarities in exchange for your email addy. The album covers a wide swath of Shooter’s career, including demos as far back as 1998, a few remixes and leftovers from his recent Black Ribbons album, and a few live recordings as well. Shooter, who is now dubbing his music “Black Country Rock” introduced the album to his fans through his website.
We here at Black Country Rock would like to wish all of our friends a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! We are so fortunate to have such a wonderful group of friends and fans out there who keep us going day to day! As a show of our gratitude, we’ve come up with a special gift to give you all!
You can get the album by going to the Shooter Jennings Website, then navigating down a bit till you see the track list and cover and click on “Click Here to Redeem Your Free Download,” and entering a username and password.
Shooter Jennings also announced recently the release of “Black Ribbons, The Living Album,” a USB device that includes the album, artwork, lyrics, and a link to many live Black Ribbons performances and other exclusive content that evolves over time. Black Ribbons will also be re-released in February as an abridged “Bullet Version” that does NOT include the Stephen King commentary between songs on Feb 8th, 2011 through 429 Records/Savoy Label Group.
This is the same day The Music Inside: A Collaboration Dedicated to Waylon Jennings Volume 1 comes out, that includes a song by Shooter. (Read more about the Waylon tribute).
1. Wake Up! (Pig Flu Mix) (2010) 2. For All Debts, Public and Private (2008) 3. A Rejected Television Theme Song (2005)4. Daddy’s Farm, Demo (2003)
5. Blood From A Stone, Demo (2006) 6. Danger (1998) 7. Prayer to God (2003) 8. Theme from the Dukes of Hazzard (2005) 9. This Ol’ Wheel, Demo (2006) 10. Only You (1999) 11. Route 116, Demo (2006) 12. A Matter of Time, Demo (2006) 13. Manifesto No. 3 (Live from Carrboro, NC 11/10) 14. Everything Else is Illusion (Live from Carrboro, NC 11/10)
15. Black Ribbons (Live from Orlando, FL 9/10)
December 26, 2010 @ 1:36 pm
I got the living album a few months back- so far there are like 7 or so live concerts on it. 2 of them are black ribbons in its entirety plus one of his dads songs then 4 or so of his own, the rest of the shows were from when they were an opening band and those are like 6 or 7 songs off of black ribbons. overall its kinda cool
btw Gorillaz dropped an album for Christmas too, if your in to that kinda stuff
December 26, 2010 @ 7:05 pm
I know why Waylon and Jessi named him shooter!!! That’s very nice of him to give back to his fans.
Great blog Triggerman.
December 27, 2010 @ 8:53 am
The concept of the “living album” is cool, but the music (at least since the whole Black Ribbons thing started) is not so good. Certainly not near country.
And then to re-release Black Ribbons on the same day as the Waylon tribute? Come on man…
I saw Shooter’s show he was calling “Waylon Live” a year or so ago. He sang a few of his dad’s songs, then it turned into a show for Black Ribbons promotion. The majority of the crowd left.
Now, the Black Ribbons thing has fallen apart and he is on to “Black Country Rock”?
He is reeling and trying way to hard.
December 27, 2010 @ 12:45 pm
Clearly Shooter and the Waylon Jennings’ estate are in cahoots, but I’m not sure if to blame Shooter or not. Waylon has other kids as well, and Jessi has to be calling some of the shots. I know a lot of people are frustrated with how Waylon’s legacy is being handled, esp. in regards to internet properties, but I’m not really sure who is to blame, and would like to find out.
I also know a lot of people are wondering why I continue to publish stuff about Shooter, and only Big G had that balls to pipe up. I know there are a lot of fans of his older stuff, and this free album includes some of that and i thought it was interesting news.
I don’t know if Black Ribbons has flopped or not. It’s first label Rocket Science is kind of a vanity label, meaning one that you pretty much pay to be on, while the new label is a little more mainstream, so it must be selling some copies, if only to curiosity seekers.
December 27, 2010 @ 12:49 pm
I agree that the living album deal is cool and creative. But he is an asshole for doing it after all his fans have already bought the album on CD. That’s double dipping. So is the fact that he’s re-releasing Black Ribbons, just for the sake of removing Stephen King from it. He should at least have the balls to stand by his decision to put King on there, or to not include it in the first place.————- I think it’s boiling down to the fact that Shooter DOESN’T have a message or story to tell driving him to make music. Instead he just makes up shit and vainly try to rake in every last dollar he can.
December 27, 2010 @ 2:34 pm
I’m not sure if Shooter is money driven, or if this has to do more with ego and attention. In theory he has plenty of money coming to him. I think he sees Black Ribbons as his opus, and he is trying to do everything he can to keep it alive and in the public consciousness. Though certainly, this allows him to cash in twice.
And I agree, if you’re gonna use the stupid Stephen King dialogue, stick with it, but it is without question the worst part of the album. There are a couple of decent songs on it. They’re not country, but Triskadektaphopia and Black Ribbons aren’t bad, but you can’t wade through the rest of the crud to enjoy them.
December 27, 2010 @ 3:03 pm
I never have met Shooter, and he has pal-ed around with some other artists I enjoy seem to be quite different from him…. from the music directions he takes and the interviews I read of him and listen too, he seems like kind of a tech-geek. Like he really explores ways to make different sounds and offer music differently etc… No doubt his daddy told him to do what you want and not worry about what others think you should do, and that shows.
Like many, I am probably “hoping” he would do country and be the second coming of his dad. But it is like Dale Earnhardt Jr. He won’t ever be Sr. no matter what.
I think Shooter is just kind of a geek. I don’t mean it to be offensive, it just is he isn’t a bad ass type music dude. He is a hippie and tech-ie. He can do some great country music, but that clearly isn’t his focus. He might be trying to fight the country establishment, but he is so out there with it, it makes no sense.
December 29, 2010 @ 6:41 am
booo Shooter. never liked you…. never will!
January 3, 2011 @ 10:54 am
Dudes, here is what Shooter himself has to say about the Black Ribbons release for those of you so quick to accuse him of greed and being money-driven:
“For those of you inquiring about the re-release of Black Ribbons: The original label who released the album failed to meet their marketing requirements by many miles and when confronted, folded. We got the album back from them but they pulled it from iTunes and stores. Black Country Rock then took the album to 429/Savoy Label Group who re-printed the album with our specifications (Archetype Card, Special Packaging, etc) and put more of their own marketing money into the record for a Feb 8th release launch. Not only are we grateful for this, but we are excited by the possibilities.
There were several stores that refused to carry Black Ribbons because of the length (I know this is stupid, but many of these stores in trying to compete with iTunes are pressuring labels to limit albums to 10 tracks so they can sell them for 9.99/.99 a song). For these stores 429 suggested the “Bullet” version which would reach these buyers and lead them to the full version if they wished. A way of getting the album out to more people. So there will be two versions available. “Full” and “Bullet”.
There will be NO difference between the original March 2010 release of Black Ribbons and the Feb 2011 “Full” or “Deluxe” version of the album. Although in February we will be bringing you brand new content to coincide with the re-release of the album. We are very excited for what 2011 will add to Black Ribbons!”
I’ll also add that anybody making bad remarks about Shooter and how he “sold out” hasn’t met the guy.
January 7, 2011 @ 1:27 pm
Hi A.B. I just am reading this article. Your post is helpful in explaining why the re-release, but I think some of the above posts have valid points and your post doesn’t comment on why it is the same day as his dad’s tirbute album is coming out.
I had heard about the Waylon Live show he put on at a casino up here, and it sounded like he kind of did the bait and switch with that. Drawing in the folks with it being a Waylon show, and he basically played the Waylon Forever CD verbatim to start and then went into his own stuff.
January 7, 2011 @ 1:22 pm
Anyone have a link or heard the version of “Call Me the Breeze” that Shooter did for the recent country Skynyrd tribute released through WalMart?
It was a pretty good version, I heard it on XM once. Didn’t realize it was him.
I don’t know why he doesn’t stick to more country, he is pretty good at it.