Song Review – Paul Cauthen’s “Country As *uck”

Warning: Language
Country is as country does. It’s self-evident. And it’s common when someone has to tell you how country they are that they’re not that country at all, including, if not especially, in country music.
Texas-based country performer Paul Cauthen is supposedly putting this country music trend of telling people how country you are on blast in his new song “Country As Fuck.” But like certain other parody songs, it’s guilty of the same crime it’s supposedly criticizing, while sliding into Cauthen’s song catalog that continues to amass trashy, derivative, though admittedly infectious and entertaining songs that appeal to the least common denominator and widest possible audience, similar to Cauthen’s counterparts in mainstream country.
A few months ago I caused a kerfuffle when I saw Mr. Cauthen perform at Under The Big Sky Fest and observed, “You’d be a fool to not notice how Cauthen had the crowd in his hands the entire time. Few turned in a more rousing set. You just wish he’d work towards being more of an artist than an act, and reel in the voice and mature.”
Similar opinions had been shared about Paul Cauthen’s records in the past as well, but this time Cody Jinks and Ward Davis publicly caught wind of the take and came to Cauthen’s defense, and later Paul Cauthen himself chimed in, making ambiguous threats about what might happen if I was caught in the crowd of one of his shows.
But as “Country As Fuck” proves, the assessment of Paul Cauthen’s music was patently correct. I get it, Cody Jinks and Ward Davis are buds with Paul Cauthen, so they stick up for him. It’s a sign of character. But I’m a critic, and sometimes it’s the job of a critic to say the critical, unpopular things. If everything was roses all the time, what sort of credibility would there be behind that praise?
“Country As Fuck” is not country, and not very good. It’s once again a blustery tune from Paul Cauthen with a hip-hop attitude and cadence, and little to no substance behind the catchy grooves. As Steve Earle once said, it’s “Hip-hop for people who are afraid of black people.” Now don’t worry, I understand there is sarcasm at play here. That is why this song doesn’t deserve the full raspberry treatment. And you have to admit that for what it is, it’s done well. Paul Cauthen bares his id uninhibited in this song and video, and leans into the caricature he’s become over the last couple of years. The question is if any of this is good for independent country, or Paul Cauthen?
A few years ago Luke Bryan said in an in interview that when he plays songs live, he assesses the crowd’s reaction, and whatever songs the crowd reacts to the most, those are the ones he emphasizes and records more of. That’s what Paul Cauthen is doing with “Country As Fuck.” Songs like “Cocaine Country Dancing” and “Saddle” that are little more than one billowy chorus have become Cauthen’s calling card, and “Country As Fuck” will slide right into line as one of his crowd pleasers.
Artists challenge their audiences, and get them to enjoy music that on the surface would not appeal to the masses by reshaping paradigms. Entertainers give into their audiences, and feed them the red meat they scream for, succumbing to the crowd’s carnal and insipid desires. Again, you can’t discount the entertainment value and cleverness Paul Cauthen brings. But to act like he’s holding Bro-Country’s feet to the fire with this track is to turn a blind eye to the rest of Cauthen’s catalog that includes numerous other vapid songs in the same vein as “Country As Fuck.”
Cauthen talks about Kenny Chesney in “Country As Fuck” saying “Real cowboys don’t rock to Kenny Chеsney.” But go listen to Kenny’s recent album Songs for the Saints. He covers John Baumann’s “Gulf Moon.” There’s a great song on there called “Better Boat.” Chesney’s covered Guy Clark, and other great songwriters in the past.
Meanwhile, it’s a guy like Paul Cauthen who is overshadowing folks like John Baumann with his over-the-top pop-style schtick, or Ward Davis, who won Saving Country Music’s Album of the Year in 2020. That’s why critics are still important in 2021. That’s also why it’s important for critics to still exercise their role in the music medium. Because quality stuff tends to get overlooked and overshadowed by the big attention-seeking pop acts, including (apparently), in independent country now.
With a song like “Country As Fuck,” Paul Cauthen gives a critic no other choice but to be critical. Otherwise, you’d be a hypocrite. If you’re going to lash out at Morgan Wallen’s “Country A$$ Shit,” you also have to say something about “Country As Fuck,” including pointing out that the Morgan Wallen track is actually more country.
Paul Cauthen will be just fine whether the critics praise him or not. His fans are here for the party, and he brings it with “Country As Fuck.” And it’s likely his new album Country Coming Down due out on April 1st, 2022 will have some better quality songs on it. But I won’t apologize for wanting more from Paul Cauthen, for believing in him as an artist and not just as an entertainer, and wanting better songs representing the independent country space. We’re better than this. Paul Cauthen is better than this. He’s proven in the past that he can write a good song, and find something deeper than surface appeal. But that’s not on display with “Country As Fuck.”
1 1/2 Guns Down (3/10)
November 30, 2021 @ 8:26 am
My word, that’s positive awful.
November 30, 2021 @ 8:29 am
I think I will go play some Merle Haggard.
November 30, 2021 @ 8:42 am
One of the worst I have ever heard. Crawl back in that hole you came out of.
December 1, 2021 @ 10:28 pm
This guy has had a few moments that got my attention, but we booked him at a venue I worked at some years back and he was such a prick that it turned all of us off of him. As far as this track goes, it really is just bad from every angle. I think I am done giving him chances.
November 30, 2021 @ 8:43 am
Agreed. This dude has been a goofball novelty-act from day one. He’s like a country music minstrel. Like Wheeler Walker Jr. his audience are primarily people who relish in the most ridiculously offensive stereotypes of country music, but don’t really enjoy or value the genre itself.
November 30, 2021 @ 12:59 pm
Yes, but while Wheeler Walker Jr.’s lyrics might be of the lowest brow vulgarity imaginable, unlike Cauthen, his music is actually really country music and quite tasty at that.
December 1, 2021 @ 7:13 am
Wheeler Walker was a stage persona of a liberal comedian named Ben Hoffman. The whole thing was making fun of country fans cause he hates them. So his fans were either his fellow liberals or people too stupid to realize he was making fun of them.
December 1, 2021 @ 8:40 am
Agreed, but, I mentioned Wheeler Walker because, anecdotally, most of my liberal friends also hate country but LOVED “Cocaine Country Dancing” when I played the video on a big screen at a party once – for the same reasons people love Wheeler Walker. They thought it was hilarious, playing on their preconceived notions that country music is made by, and intended for drunk/junkie buffoons.
Country music, and its fans, are a joke to them – which is the vibe Paul Cauthen is leaning into. Except, Wheeler Walker and his fans are in on the joke whereas Paul Cauthen and his fans truly believe this is the real deal. Not sure what’s worse.
December 1, 2021 @ 9:41 am
I’m very much a liberal and very much LOVE Country Music.
I enjoy Wheeler walker for what he is, but definitely hate that view of Country Music and it’s fans as one note “Trucks, Girls, and Beer” music. And I encounter alot of that up here in New York, and are always trying to turn people on to the legit acts, many of who I’ve discovered on this site.
That said, yeah I’ve liked some of Paul Cauthen’s stuff and hope he doesnt become a parody of himself.
November 30, 2021 @ 8:45 am
I seriously can’t get into the dudes music outside a song or two. I think he’s a good dude and is Hilarious in interviews.
November 30, 2021 @ 8:49 am
I have never met Paul Cauthen. But everything I’ve heard about him is how he’s a good dude, and a sweetheart of a guy. Nothing personal here, I just want something better from him, and most importantly, I know he’s capable of it.
November 30, 2021 @ 9:05 am
Didn’t mean to imply that the review was personal or anything. I want to like every artist I come upon atleast musically. If I don’t I don’t it’s nothing personal. We all like different artists and styles ????
November 30, 2021 @ 10:28 am
Totally get you Tyler. Just wanted to say that because so often when I have something critical to say about an artist, some folks immediately assume it must be something personal. That’s not the case with Paul or anyone.
November 30, 2021 @ 7:03 pm
Did you ever see him live with David Beck in Sons of Fathers? That was one of my favorite bands in early 2010s. GREAT band. Too bad they didn’t make it.
November 30, 2021 @ 9:48 am
He is a good dude.
Who cares? Luke Bryan by all accounts is a good guy. He still wrecked country music by recording dreck. By a good dude doesn’t absolve people from criticism when they record crappy music.
November 30, 2021 @ 10:09 am
Didn’t say it didn’t. Just simply said that he’s good guy. Didn’t say that we can’t criticize his music because he’s nice. Geez
November 30, 2021 @ 8:46 am
This song is the worst thing I’ve ever heard – worse than Luke Bryan, worse than FGL, even worse than Big Smo and all the other country rappers who simply lack the self-awareness to know their music sucks.
November 30, 2021 @ 8:48 am
Wow, that is hot garbage. Just awful.
November 30, 2021 @ 8:52 am
His live shows are super funny and entertaining and he has true unique songwriting ability. A few songs on his first record were outstanding. This, however, is a steaming pile of crap. In his defense, he is going to make a ton of dough on this. Think of how many goobers are going to think this is cool and how many people that love a good beat will like it. Steaming pile of crap.
December 1, 2021 @ 9:15 am
It’s because he had a lot of co-writers on his first album, half the songs were co-writes with good songwriters from the Cheatham Street circle at the time. He wasn’t a good songwriter back then either, but he had the voice and some skill on the guitar.
November 30, 2021 @ 8:53 am
This type of schtick benefits from the “satire” aspect which gives him credit amongst those criticizing pop country tropes while also unironically attracting pop country fans drawn in by those same tropes. He simultaneously being laughed with and against and the line between the two is almost indistinguishable. Kinda like the whole of pop country in general. It’s often a parody of itself which tries to be ironic while also taking offense when someone laughs for the wrong reasons. That’s not Cauthen’s fault but he’s definitely leaning into it so t’s odd that he’d take offense when someone points that out while also embracing those reactions.
November 30, 2021 @ 9:06 am
If you don’t understand the satire that is behind this track, then you run the risk of the joke being on you. However, this is why a broader perspective on Paul Cauthen’s music is important. You can draw a straight line between his biggest song “Cocaine Country Dancing,” and “Country As Fuck.” He’s clearly taking an assessment of what resonates, and leaning into that, while trying to use the sarcasm of the song as a shield against criticism.
November 30, 2021 @ 11:11 am
Pure and sImple shock value… from the song title to the pseudo-country posing. The track sucks, the “song” sucks. Other than that, he’s not much of a singer. I agree with most of the comments here.
November 30, 2021 @ 8:54 am
Paul, do us all a favor, and play the kind of music we all know you’re capable of doing. You’ve got a presence, use it to bring good country to the forefront, not this Hick Hop, bro country bullshit.
November 30, 2021 @ 8:56 am
I love when Kyle inserts himself into his reviews as if he’s some big important figure causing huge waves. ” *I* caused a kerfuffle when *I* said such and such and then Paul Cauthen made ambiguous statements about what might happen if *I* showed up at one of his shows.”
Seriously, Kyle, you’re nowhere near as important as you think you are.
November 30, 2021 @ 9:21 am
The reason that I brought up my coverage of Under The Big Sky fest and the aftermath is because I think it helps contextualize the concern I have with this song, and the consistency that I have shown in my concerns with Paul Cauthen’s music. As I said after seeing him live, I had witnessed his music devolve into songs that are not much more than one billowy chorus extended out for 7-10 minutes, both undermining the credibility behind his music, and overshadowing the songwriting acts who are trying to do something of more substance. Highlighting that two very popular artists in Cody Jinks and Ward Davis called me out for those opinions is not exactly flattering to me. Frankly, I’m sure I lost a handful of readers in that moment. I respect the opinions of Cody and Ward, and like I tried to underscore in this review, I understand why people find Paul Cauthen appealing. Overlooking his entertainment value is foolish. I just know he can be a better artist than what is on display in “Country As Fuck,” and I hope to hear that in his upcoming album. My criticisms are offered constructively, and I wish him the best.
December 1, 2021 @ 12:27 pm
I was watching an interview from the Tonder festival (which has a cool stripped down version of ‘Country Coming Down’, looking forward to hearing that his upcoming album) and he seemed pretty genuine. I’m not aware of the kerfuffle specifics, but if what’s written in the song review here is on point, its seems counter to the vibe he was putting across in that interview.
November 30, 2021 @ 4:40 pm
Thank god we have you to set him straight though.
And you don’t come off bitter or resentful at all…hero.
November 30, 2021 @ 8:53 pm
Oh look, Jake Cutter has stepped in to defend Kyle. So cute.
November 30, 2021 @ 10:22 pm
I disagree with him plenty.
There’s a difference between that and always sounding like a resentful crybaby with an axe to grind. It’s admirable though that you force yourself to often read someone you seem to despise. Hats off.
December 1, 2021 @ 5:47 am
LOL, if you say so, Jakey.
December 1, 2021 @ 7:20 am
Your comment above really does scream that your butt hurt about something.
December 1, 2021 @ 11:20 am
December 1, 2021 @ 2:49 pm
When you write “Kyle” in my head I hear Cartman from South Park saying “Kii-iile”. Thanks for the laugh.
November 30, 2021 @ 8:57 am
What FUCK was That Shit….
This makes Luke Bryan sound like Merle Haggard..
I absolutely cannot stand this guy and if i thought his previous behavior made it seem like a self centered asshole, this video and song proves it.
November 30, 2021 @ 9:01 am
Couldn’t agree more with you Trigger. I saw Paul Cauthen open for Colter Wall a few years ago and the dude was bad ass and put on a hell of a show. However I’ve not been able to get into his recorded music beyond most of My Gospel no matter how hard I try. Every time he releases a new single I hope it’ll be the one, but nope. This song just plain out sucks.
November 30, 2021 @ 9:17 am
Sorry, this is kind of off topic, but Steve Earle is so out of touch lol. What a boomer level take. I know this is an anecdotal observation, but all the white zoomers and millennials I know, who actively listen to pop/bro country, also love hip hop and will listen to both interchangeably. The type of people who I assume Steve Earle was targeting with that quote… *white boomers* …won’t listen to any of that shit. Generally speaking, younger listeners seem far more engaged and interested in hip hop and aren’t as interested in listening to traditional country, which is at least partially why mainstream country radio has been such a pile of crap for over a decade now. That being said, good Lord, Cauthen sounds terrible these days. Granted, I haven’t heard much beyond My Gospel. That album was decent though, so I’m not sure what happened here. I know the dude is talented. I don’t know why he is wasting his time recording such juvenile trash.
November 30, 2021 @ 4:28 pm
Steve Earle…well I’m not even sure where to start with that one. Rough life will do that to a person. I just think back to guitar town and try to not let the rest cloud my memory of him.
November 30, 2021 @ 9:18 am
Don’t forget that Kenny Chesney also covered the Randy Rogers/Radney Foster classic “Somebody Take Me Home” on “The Road and the Radio” record.
As for Cauthen, I have to admit the only reason I play his music is because it makes my wife violently angry cause she hates it so much. It always cracks me up.
November 30, 2021 @ 9:23 am
I’m usually all for mainstream getting clowned on in songs by superior artists but this was garbage joking around or not.
November 30, 2021 @ 9:41 am
Agreed. Big swing and a miss here. He’s got a lot of potential and should focus his talents towards more serious prospects instead of becoming the next Wheeler Walker Jr.
November 30, 2021 @ 9:42 am
I haven’t liked him since that stupid rip off of God’s gonna cut you down. You’re not Johnny Cash, you’re a douche bag.
November 30, 2021 @ 9:51 am
And, no I didn’t listen to it.
I don’t need to shove shit into my ears to know I don’t like shit in my ears.
November 30, 2021 @ 9:55 am
The song is straight up obnoxious, I couldn’t even watch the whole video it was so bad.
November 30, 2021 @ 10:42 am
Just because Wheeler Walker Jr left the chat, that doesnt mean some other non-country bearded’ douche is required to fill the gap.
November 30, 2021 @ 10:51 am
All I can say is I was entertained. I laughed so hard at the lyrics and video. I do see the point of entertainer vs songwriter/musician. Sometimes you get both in one like Hank Jr. Others are either or. I do think Paul is capable of veering towards more art than satire, dude has a wonderful voice also. Speaking for myself only I can enjoy both the depth of an Isbell like talent and entertaining talents of Paul.
November 30, 2021 @ 12:51 pm
I basically came here to write this comment. Couldn’t agree more.
November 30, 2021 @ 3:15 pm
I was going to agree with this comment, but looks like that is already covered.
November 30, 2021 @ 11:39 am
Yeah, is this guy leaning toward a Kid Rock for smart people vibe?
November 30, 2021 @ 12:00 pm
Basically doing what Hardy’s song “Rednecker” did, except somehow even worse.
November 30, 2021 @ 12:25 pm
This is country as fucking garbage.
November 30, 2021 @ 12:30 pm
Counterpoint, he sits in a place with this country/funk/r&b fusion sound I enjoy that not many other performers explore and I don’t know if swinging to a more traditional sound in an already crowded field of that type music would do anyone any favors. As previously stated this song seems like bait for more mainstream listeners while also being tongue in cheek anti-establishment. I can take it or leave it but I don’t want him to suddenly start singing ballads and honky tonk either.
November 30, 2021 @ 1:31 pm
“he sits in a place with this country/funk/r&b fusion sound I enjoy that not many other performers explore”
Good counterpoint, and I think you’re correct. That was one of the reasons I bit my tongue when he released “Cocaine Country Dancing,” though I didn’t particularly care for that track either.
But what bothered me about this track, and one of the reasons I took a dozen days to digest it before reviewing it is how it’s being sold as parody, yet it also aligns with this direction Paul Cauthen has been going in his career. This is the equation that is hard to square. So is he making fun of pop country, or is he trying to further this fusion of country/funk/R&B? I think the answer is Paul Cauthen wants to have it both ways, and I’m not sure you can accomplish that without seeing the kind of backlash this song is receiving. It feels like this is the kind of music he wants to do, and is using the “parody” argument as a shield against criticism.
All that said, I most certainly recognize the entertainment value of the track. That’s why it wasn’t a full-throated negative review. I don’t discount the folks who find merit in it.
November 30, 2021 @ 12:42 pm
Here are the nominees for the Pile Of Shit Award 2021…usual subject #1…usual subject #2…blabla…many usual subject later…& Paul Cauthen for “Country As *uck”.
November 30, 2021 @ 1:03 pm
I don’t remember much about the show hick hopper Colt Ford played at Joe’s for a $10 cover, with two opening acts whose names I don’t remember, but it had to have been better than this Cauthen tune, because at least Colt played it straight.
November 30, 2021 @ 2:22 pm
Ty Stone, now a Detroit lawyer, and Matt Stillwell.
November 30, 2021 @ 1:06 pm
Big Velvet is doing just fine where he’s at. He’s two albums into a career and developing as an artist. I liked My Gospel a lot. I loved Room 41 and his live shows. Out of context Country as Fuck seems jarring, but as a fan of his work, I dig it as much as anything else. Like HBZ says above me, he occupies a space that not many others (no others?) really do. The video cracks me up. I’m as stoked for Turnpike as everyone else, I dig all the independent folks we all dig here, and I’ve seen Isbell at the Ryman every year he’s performed there since 2017(and I live in Florida) and I think the song and video are great. I’ll take Big Velvet over Mike & the Moonpies any day.
June 9, 2022 @ 1:05 am
Man you had me til you went bashing on Mike and the Moonpies.
January 9, 2023 @ 9:04 pm
What Timmy is getting at, rather, is that a Paul Cauthen show *may* rival Mike & the Moonpies as they both bring energy, charisma, and power. PC’s voice and expression, gritty funktry, wild sing-along response participation, and genre-spectrum bring an element to their live show that does stand apart. PC & Hot Grease Fire’s cover of The Who’s “Eminence Front” was well done and cleverly appreciated. Obviously, Moonpies are dynamically talented and are hyper consistent (in a good way) artistically, musically, lyrically, categorically, etc. Artists serve different purposes for me and they both serve. I personally feel “Country Coming Down” was rushed and the production is overkill, it doesn’t highlight the sound or talent of the band live? However, I’ve only seen them once. I will still jam to multiple songs on PC’s albums because they’re enjoyable, comical, comforting, and fun, which is something that quite a few artists miss entirely. Judging PC on a broad critical criteria for record output, then there’s still some work to do. And yes, the Chesney comment ain’t accurate. However, please name another band that enlivens the audience more than PC & HGF.
November 30, 2021 @ 2:02 pm
I just saw Paul Cauthen in Savannah.. thought he put on a great show “ Entertainment is Art “ I found his album “Room 41” very addicting and is often on replay. I think his new song “Country as Funk” and video are funny as hell. I feel like, he is a breath of fresh air, where everyone is trying to be all serious, I feel Paul is just having fun and he’s taking us all a ride on his tractor.. Our genre needs something different to add to our portfolio.. I think he is Country as Funk! Enjoy!
November 30, 2021 @ 3:48 pm
You make me feel like a wine snob with your opinion. On one hand we can bash him because his decisions carry weight. If he continues this (and to some degree the damage has been done), it has negative implications on the music we all love and positive implications on the music we generally hate. On the other hand, he is having fun and is a friggin weird dude and he just wants to be weird. Really difficult to find footing on this mess of a tune.
November 30, 2021 @ 2:12 pm
I’ll put you down as “undecided.”
November 30, 2021 @ 2:31 pm
It is sad to see this guy’s trajectory. Saw him a few years back in a very small setting and it was honestly one of the best live shows I’d ever seen. He played a few songs just him and his guitar, and his voice and yodel were simply captivating. The whole “Big Velvet” direction has been disappointing. I hope he can recapture that early magic.
November 30, 2021 @ 2:35 pm
Sounds like any other “bro country” song. Cus words’n all….nuttin’ like some down home “virtue signaling” goin’ on up in here…right down to the beard…
November 30, 2021 @ 2:37 pm
Saw this dude co-open for Colter Wall with Joshua Headley at the Roxy a few years back and thought someone was playing a joke. The only thing I really remember about it was a loud, blustery performance, and him stomping around and shaking his head back and forth so that his hat kept wiggling off of his head. It was strangely comical and 100% distracting from any music that may (or may not) have been happening at the same time
November 30, 2021 @ 4:10 pm
Trigger thank you! This is a spot on take. Dude is turning into a discount Wheeler Walker
November 30, 2021 @ 4:32 pm
Is the point, comedy? Because if it is, aren’t you taking it too seriously?
And if the point isn’t comedy, then isn’t 3 guns, 3 guns too many?
November 30, 2021 @ 4:52 pm
I enjoy and own his album My Gospel but this is hot garbage. I often appreciate his unique style but this one is a miss for me.
November 30, 2021 @ 5:31 pm
Hank Jr. said it best… “Leave that boy alone and let him sing his song”. Cauthen is neither the beginning of country music nor will he be the end of it. Simply a guy who doesn’t want to fit into the mainstream bullshit. I wouldn’t be surprised if a song like that was included in some sort of concept album.
Its been done many times before in Country music…
November 30, 2021 @ 5:49 pm
I was laughing at the song because I thought It was parody and paused it and said to my roommate “this is what people who hate country hear I put on a country song haha” and here I am learning that this ISN’T SATIRE?
Part of me wonders if this was made for the TikTok/social media algorithm. I could definitely see this gaining some traction. Especially if the right guy/girl who is considered hot enough lip syncs to it like an idiot.
I have to assume he made this song for that reason for my own sanity.
November 30, 2021 @ 8:47 pm
Paul Cauthen is a rock star with the same stage presence as someone like David Lee Roth. This song, like Cocaine Country Dancing and Big Velvet is a banger that is intended to exude certain glam, funk, and country sounds. It’s obviously a parody but as Shooter admitted, it’s infectious, thats the point. He didn’t intend to put out the worlds greatest country song with this, he intended to put out a song that had glam, funk, and country slathered in Cauthen’s natural goofiness in the form of a parody. Let the man do is thing and go see him play this live while he sings it wearing sunglasses at night on an indoor club stage. Guarantee it’d make you dance.
December 1, 2021 @ 9:23 am
Nailed it with the DLR comparison!
Entertaining as f**k but how many times are you going back to listen again?
December 1, 2021 @ 3:12 pm
Am I going to analyze and enjoy it on the level I enjoy something like “Turtles All the Way Down” by Sturgill or “Elephant” by Isbell, no.
Will it be on my playlist for my trip to Moab, Utah with my buddies? You bet it will be, right along with Cocaine Country Dancing and Big Velvet!
December 1, 2021 @ 4:58 pm
DLR was good looking in his videos.
Cauthen is Eric Church fugly.
December 1, 2021 @ 8:21 pm
But he carries the stage like a goddamn rockstar! Very few people can pull off the sunglasses inside look, Cauthen can.
December 1, 2021 @ 12:15 pm
I don’t Fucking think soo
This song, parody or not is Fucking trash. I don’t need Glam or Funk or hop hop beats in my country music, Why you ask ? Because then it becomes something entirely different then what it’s labeled and marketed as.
Fuck this guy and all he stands for, you wanna know who is country as fuck ? George Strait and this dude is just stupid as fuck.
December 1, 2021 @ 3:58 pm
I mean, the album art is essentially a visual depiction of the song and it’s marketed as a Paul Cauthen album, which anyone familiar with him, pretty much knows what to expect at this point. Is your issue that’s the genre categorized Country? That ship sailed a long time ago with artists like Sam Hunt that have done far more damage to the traditional country genre than Paul Cauthen could ever do.
Agreed, George Strait is Country AF and a living legend.
May 16, 2022 @ 4:11 pm
Saw him in Cambridge Sat night and I support this statement 100%
November 30, 2021 @ 10:54 pm
I caught his show a couple months ago and he played a few songs off the new album, including this one. It sounded like the other two were very similar to this one in sound and style. Caught Me at a Good Time sounded slightly more substantive but Champagne and a Limo is definitely in line with his Big Velvet persona. Seems like this is the direction he’s going now. I happen to enjoy his live shows as I think he has more stage presence than anyone I’ve ever seen but I totally get the criticism of this song, and I hope there are some songs with more substance and maybe another Ward Davis co-write on the next album. Gotta admit the guy is entertaining though.
December 1, 2021 @ 12:18 am
He says I’m country cause I drive a 1 ton truck. What the hell?
December 1, 2021 @ 8:22 am
I really don’t understand the dislike for what this guy does. Bro/Pop/BF country should be held to a standard of what is happening in country because its the face of it. So yes, Luke Bryan singing “Country girl shake it for me” is relevant in that discussion because so many people associate it as country music. There is zero self awareness when Jason Aldean sings “Dirt road anthem” or when FLG high fives each other.
Paul is an independent dude who is going against the grain. This isn’t a guy who is disconnected from the country world. I think he wants to do his own thing, put on entertaining shows … and I can appreciate the absolute ridiculousness of this song and still tap my feet.
I just think a review of one of his songs is a non issue for country music.
December 1, 2021 @ 8:49 am
I don’t know if his music is satire or real or something in between.
What I do know is that song sucks.
Country as Suck.
December 1, 2021 @ 9:06 am
Paul’s a talented singer and decent guitar player, but the guy couldn’t write his way out of a paper bag. He’s just not a talented songwriter. Maybe if he actually put more effort into it he could be. I remember he bragged one time about writing a song in an hour or less in an interview, the song was meh. He just has too many redundant lines is his songs, it’s lazy writing disguised as a hook.
December 1, 2021 @ 9:44 am
Pass. George Jones had more class in his cocaine pinky than this.
December 1, 2021 @ 2:53 pm
Paul Cuathen is one of the best live performers I have seen, the other is White Buffalo.
Regardless of whether he is making fun of pop country or not, the song simply isn’t good, it screams woo girl to me.
December 1, 2021 @ 2:54 pm
Tik-Tok bait. Nobody there will know it’s supposed to be satire or even care.
December 1, 2021 @ 4:40 pm
It’s generally a good idea, when you’re mocking someone you think you’re superior to, to actually demonstrate some superiority.
Cauthen doesn’t do that.
I didn’t make it halfway through his video. I just turned it off and thought, “what a d*ck.”
December 2, 2021 @ 3:32 am
Schade, dass sich hier in erster Linie Menschen äußern, die nicht sehen, dass Paul Cauthen in erster Linie ein lustiges, funky Statement abgegeben hat: gegen eine schreckliche Machokultur, die biertrinkend, Truck-drivend und Frauenärsche klatschend für sich in Anspruch nimmt zu wissen, was Country ist und zu sein hat. Die sich einig sind darin, dass Kacey Musgraves nicht Country ist, dass Mickey Guyton nicht Country ist etc.p.p. Good Old Boys halt. Paul Cauthen wird selber sehr gut wissen, wo der Unterschied zwischen Country As F… und Songs wie My Gospel oder Marfa Lights liegt und er hat all die hässlichen, gänzlich humorfreien Kommentare hier in Kauf genommen.
August 17, 2023 @ 9:42 pm
truer words were never spoken…i think?
December 2, 2021 @ 12:43 pm
None of you’re criticism is wrong, per se, but the problem is that I get the impression that you’ve spent more time thinking about this than he has. Does he muddle the criticism of artists who try too hard to signify by doing his own signifying? For sure. But I don’t think he’s trying to establish a clear thesis here. Cauthen just happens to have a gear that moves past alt country into funky party banger country funk, and this is a fun vehicle for it. I guess you’ve seen it so you should know, but it work in concert, and leaves him plenty of space to go anywhere else he wants musically, including back some of the My Gospel stuff that I think more closely hews to the artist you and others want him to be.
December 16, 2021 @ 5:49 am
Why can’t the country music fans just enjoy a song without being forced to face their morality of whether or not it is a pure country song. Hell, my country music listening consists of 80% of Tom T. Hall, Willie, Waylon, KK, and JC. I shake my head when I hear the Jason Aldeine and co. – that whole scene is awful. Even Alan Jackson is not good enough for my tastes, but I would not say ignorance is bliss if his name showed up at #1 spot on some cowboy/gal’s list.
Saving Country Music has a mission and an integral part of carrying out that mission is to push back or expose the crap that is being fired-off onto the masses – a better way to say that would be to say irresponsible and greedily record labels are intentionally miscatotgorizing pop and hip-hop music as country music. Even if you despise by-and-large this tractor rap, and the insidious ill-effect it has caused your favorite once-pure country artist to endure at some point you have to allow yourself to listen to the music.
I wish I could write for the site and help bring a bit more balance and dual purpose as to not attack the uber gifted once-true country artists; instead, help reigin his or her more pure talents without alienation him or her and his fan base.
December 16, 2021 @ 5:59 am
I finished writing above comment at 4:49AM PST, my grammar mistakes are abound.
December 17, 2021 @ 8:18 am
Take in the art, like it or don’t. No one needs to know how you feel about it. Cockroaches > Music critic
December 27, 2021 @ 10:18 am
Clearly I am late to the confab but as a fan of Cauthen’s I’d like to add my perspective and defend him a bit. I generally agree with some of the criticism and dont find this song all that good, original or cleaver. BUT I think most of you are missing the point of this song… he’s having fun. I think Cauthen clearly likes to have a good time. Why not join in?
February 7, 2022 @ 4:18 pm
He’s opening for Turnpike at Under The Big Sky this year. I guess I’ll endure only to claim a premium spot for Turnpike. Just can’t get into him and find the schtick annoying. Maybe the new album will be better.
March 12, 2022 @ 3:23 pm
The irony is so thick in this review it’s honestly hard to read. And I don’t take issue with the perspective. But as the reviewer reminds us that the more you have to tell people you’re country the less country you are… The same goes for critics. The more time you spend telling me what a noble critic you are, the less seriously I can take you.
Moreover you’ve committed a classic blunder in the world of critical writing; you’ve set a narrow personal standard for what you wanted to listen to, and now you’re gatekeeping a genre based off that. You’re not in any serious way addressing what Cauthen is trying to do and whether or not he succeeds in doing it. Whether or not his audience gets what the hope to from him. You’ve declared yourself the arbiter of country music and willfully ignored any aspect of the artform that isn’t convenient to you.
Like it or not Country Music cannot be boiled down merely to song writing. It is not so narrow a thing. It is, in fact, a performance art. One where artists connection both to his/her audience, and connection to place and time matter. If that’s not important to you, so be it.
But if you have to tell me repeatedly how high the horse is that you’re sitting on… Then maybe you just ain’t a cowboy son.
March 12, 2022 @ 6:58 pm
“You’ve declared yourself the arbiter of country music and willfully ignored any aspect of the artform that isn’t convenient to you.”
Nah, just gave my personal opinion. Then offered up a forum for others to give theirs, like you just did. Let’s not be so dramatic.
April 5, 2022 @ 8:38 pm
Why don’t you tell us a few more times about how it’s your obligation as “a critic”? You didnt just offer an opinion, you repeatedly tried to justify your position of authority. You can’t have it both ways bud.
September 28, 2022 @ 8:25 pm
You wrote a whole album review mentioning one song? Super weird. Do you just not like that song? What about the rest of the album?
September 28, 2022 @ 8:30 pm
This is not an album review. It is a song review. That is why it says “Song Review” in the title. The album has not been reviewed yet. It may be reviewed in the future.
June 27, 2023 @ 6:00 am
You are exactly the type of people Paul Cauthen wrote “Fuck You Money” for. He is unbelievably talented, he’s got Johnny Cash’s soul & Elvis’s over the top style- he gets to be whatever he wants to be because he can pull it off! I don’t know what the fuck y’all expect, but maybe that’s the problem itself. If you took any time at all to actually listen to ALL his songs, you’d hear his good heart – yes he has fun with his talent, why not? He shouldn’t have to always be serious in order to be taken seriously as an artist. Doesn’t take much talent to be a critique another man’s talent and success. That’s why you are here sharing your article, full of bullshit popup ads, and he is up on stage for thousands. Country as Fuck is fun & tongue in cheek but if you’ve ever been to east TX is hilariously accurate. I know because I am. You guys need to lighten up.