Album Review – The Mavericks – “Moon & Stars”

There’s not much better than a song from The Mavericks when they really get a hold of one, and do what The Mavericks do. You’re almost apt to forget or overlook them as a country fan, but you shouldn’t.
There’s not much better than a song from The Mavericks when they really get a hold of one, and do what The Mavericks do. You’re almost apt to forget or overlook them as a country fan, but you shouldn’t.
The Nashville Songwriters Hall of Fame announced their 2022 class last week, with Shania Twain, Steve Wariner, Hillary Lindsey, Gary Nicholson, and David Malloy all being named 2022 inductees. With Shania leading the way, this is the first time since 2009 that the Nashville institution has picked two women.
As bad as 2020 has been for just about everything, believe it or not, country music got it worse than just about every other segment of music, entertainment, sports, etc. when it came to both the amount, and the major names that passed away in the last 12 months.
“80’s Ladies” spoke to women both young and old, and became an anthem. It also made K.T. the first ever middle-aged woman to launch a country career in history. “80’s Ladies” was her signature, but subsequent songs would become bigger hits.