The Worst “Country” Songs of 2013 So Far
As you might suspect, at the halfway point of 2013 a list of mainstream country’s worst misdeeds is mostly populated by an ear-serrating cacophony of country rap. With only a couple of exceptions, country rap has replaced what last year at this time was a parade of laundry list-themed songs. Country rap has become the next devolving plateau in mainstream country’s tireless effort to find the true meaning of “lowest common denominator.”
Florida Georgia Line – “Cruise” (remix ft. Nelly)
Just take a moment to appreciate that this song was on Saving Country Music’s 2012 “Worst Country Songs So Far,” yet nearly a year later it still sits at #1 on Billboard’s country chart. “Cruise” very well might go down as the biggest single in the history of country music. So with that in mind, we’ll re-qualify it for this dubious distinction on the technicality that they remixed it with rapper Nelly in 2013.
Jason Aldean – “1994”
Still the reigning heavyweight champion for worst country music song ever. Will the second half of 2013 field a worthy challenger?
“In Music Row’s everlasting quest to train all of its resources on scouring America to unearth only the finest, most purest form of audio diarrhea, they have struck the mother of all motherloads originating from the unholy bowels of Macon, Georgia’s Jason Aldean. Yes Nashville, pat yourself on the back, let all of the Auto-Tuned stars sing out in unison as Stratocasters bray out a cacophony of stadium rock riffs in unified celebrationyou have officially discovered the shittiest country music song to ever touch the human ear drum.
“Do I understand the levity and the long history of country music that must be considered to declare “1994”³ the worst country song that has ever been released? Yes, yes I do. And yet I still stand firmly behind that opinion.” (read full rant)
Michael Jackson Montgomery – “I Support The Troops More Than You”
After slipping into an Affliction T-Shirt two sizes too small and shoving a couple of tennis balls down his skinny jeans to embellish the silhouette of his manhood, the pop country star that never was named Michael Jackson Montgomery makes us cringe from the sappy, mawkish, flag-waving hyper patriotism that goes far enough beyond the line of patriotic decorum to be called an American embarrassment. A terrorist might die every time this song is played, but the tender ears of the freedom-loving world is the collateral damage. Eat your heart out Toby Keith.
Brad Paisley & LL Cool J – “Accidental Racist”
“Brad Paisley is bored. And he’s been bored with country music for years now. It doesn’t mean he doesn’t love country. Brad is the savant of country music, but like the gifted kid in elementary school who when not challenged begins to lose focus or even lash out, Brad has fallen deeper into joke songs and gimmickry to keep himself engaged with country as time has gone by.
“Accidental Racist” is outside of what is relevant in music right now. Sappy racism songs went out of vogue in the 90”²s. And it’s an oversimplification of the issue. Race in the United States is in a very fluid state at the moment. We have a black President. One of the largest concentrations of black Americans is in the South. If you’re white and living in Texas, you’re a minority. This is not 1991, and we’re not living in the shadow of the Rodney King trial. It doesn’t mean racism is dead, but in no way does it help to revert back to old platitudes and plays for emotionalism.” (read full review)
Blake Shelton – “Boys ‘Round Here”
It may lose out to Jason Aldean’s “1994” as the worst country song ever, but it is a close second. What makes “Boys ‘Round Here” more dangerous is people actually like it, resulting in it becoming a #1 hit.
“Just when we thought the American public was finally getting wise to the fact that country rap is a Cancer of Western Civilization, needing to be cut out and radiated like the grapefruit-sized, puss-filled tumor it is, here it comes roaring back like a raging case of bleeding hemorrhoids.
“Blake Shelton’s “Boys ‘Round Here” is songwriting by algorithm and analytics, fashioning together words and sounds known to have the widest impact on mainstream radio’s weak-of-mind demo. The “boys” in the title of “Boys ‘Round Here” is fitting, because this song is rank immaturity. It’s the audio equivalent of sneaking out of your mom’s house to smoke pot behind a Pizza Hut.” (read full review)
Darius Rucker – “Wagon Wheel”
It’s not that this song is terrible, or even that Darius Rucker’s version is that bad. It just that this song’s legacy has become so quagmired and convoluted, you can’t like it anymore, even though you still kind of do. Earlier this year on NBC’s The Voice, one group of contestants performed the song and attributed it to Darius Rucker, when it should have been attributed to Old Crow Medicine Show….which really should have been attributed to Bob Dylan.
It is a good song. But good gosh, let it ride off into the sunset already.
“As if legions of college town string bands full of anthropology majors mercilessly regurgitation “Wagon Wheel” over and over to try and score hummers from undergrads after the show in their Volvos with the back windows tattooed with political stickers wasn’t enough, now Hootie has lent his back to the collective toil of the Western World to do everything humanly possible to run this song into the proverbial ever-loving ground so hard that it taps the mantle of the earth and causes a catastrophic volcanic and tectonic event that wipes out the entire human $@#*ing race.” (read full rant)
Joe Diffie feat. D. Thrash – “Girl Ridin’ Shotgun”
“Did you feel that Oklahoma? That was the earth tremor caused by your native son Joe Diffie selling out so violently it measured 2.1 on the Richter scale. The mulleted, cop mustached 90”²s semi-sta has released an “answer” song to what many consider the worst song in country music history, Jason Aldean’s country rap “1994,” and it is as embarrassing as puberty.
“The beats for “Girl Ridin’ Shotgun” sound like they were composed by a 7th grader who just snorted his ADD meds, just like all of the beats of the Jawga Boyz’s bombastic and trashy tracks. The beat doesn’t even get five seconds into the song without going off meter. There’s biscuit crumbs in Joe Diffie’s mustache that could compose a better beat. And then D Thrash’s first line doesn’t even rhyme. Are you effing serious with this song? “Girl Ridin’ Shotgun” makes me want to make out with my cousin and bet on a dog fight.” (read full rant)
June 20, 2013 @ 9:00 am
wow, that’s a pretty bad compilation of songs. I tried thinking of others that would merit inclusion but country radio is so devoid of soul right now I’m hard pressed to name any recent country songs that stick out, good or bad.
I might disagree with the inclusion of I’m More Country Than You, and Girl Riding Shotgun, just because the first is a parody song rather than an actual attempt at a country song, and and Girl Riding Shotgun feels more like Joe Diffie hanging out with a film crew one day and them just deciding to make a music video, rather than an earnest attempt to make a song.
Other than these I might suggest Gone, or Done or whatever it is by The Band Perry.
And if you expand your criteria to include live performances then you could definitely include the previously mentioned Band Perry Song when they did it live at the ACM’s, as well as Lenny Kravitz and Jason Aldean at the CMT’s and Lenny Kravitz by himself at the CMA fest. “You’ve got to let looovee….. you’ve got to let loooveee……?’
June 20, 2013 @ 9:14 am
That Band Perry ACM performance was pretty darn awful. Worst thing this side of a Taylor Swift live performance.
Acca Dacca
June 20, 2013 @ 1:29 pm
I thought the exact same thing when I saw it. Out of breath vocals, over-the-top choreography, stupid outfits, the brother with the Bon Jovi hairstyle, etc. Add that to the fact that it was apparently lip synced? I couldn’t believe my eyes (or ears). Then, I look it up on YouTube to show my friend just how terrible it is and the top comments are praising how “great” it was.
Keith L.
June 21, 2013 @ 11:32 am
While working the taxi stands at the CMA Fest, I got to hear Carrie Underwood do “Paradise City”. Yes, the G&R song. Talk about dripping with awesomeness! Holy shit bags!
June 22, 2013 @ 5:01 am
I don’t like g and r, but what’s wrong with doing tunes that were originally from some other genre of music?
Willy Nelson does that doesn’t he?
June 25, 2013 @ 6:48 am
How is Downtown not on this list?
I mean this is a song about a “lady” (using the term loosely) wanting to go to the club , “downtown”, in a short skirt and get lucky with her man. What part of that sentence has anything at all to do with anything even remotely considered country music?
This is not a “country” song speaking to the American experience. It’s not an imminently relatable experience. It’s not about family. It’s not about hard times. It’s not about a bit of rural fun.
I mean there’s a lot of things that do fall under country.
But this ain’t one of them.
It’s a piece of pop/club fluff from a pop/club fluff band that is pretending to be country.
June 20, 2013 @ 9:04 am
I mean, I understand the reasoning, and it’s not my favorite song by any means, but Wagon Wheel definitely doesn’t deserve to be lumped in with this garbage. Michael Jackson Montgomery can’t even sing in tune. God, I bet there have people whose death rattles have been more in tune/key than that dude.
June 20, 2013 @ 9:15 am
Thought I did a pretty fair job explaining the dichotomy of that song in the description. I agree it shouldn’t be on here, but at the same time it must be.
June 30, 2013 @ 1:01 pm
lol I just checked out some of those Michael Jackson Montgomery songs and it’s actually just a joke. And pretty f#%ing hilarious too. Check out his song “Ice Cold Beer in a Pickup Truck” on youtube with the slide show of Axe body spraying action shots.
June 20, 2013 @ 9:50 am
Hell I’d say include Wagon Wheel just because its a totally pointless cover. It’s a note for note redo of OCM’s version with nothing new added. It’s like in the late 90/s early 2000’s when Emo/Punk bands would release note for note covers of 80’s pop songs, just because they knew symphonically they’d be hits.
There is 0 reason for a radio station to play Darius’s version over OCM’s version other than one is by Darius Rucker. And I can’t lie, I was driving the other day and it came on the radio, and I didn’t change the station, though I did feel cheap after.
Gena R.
June 22, 2013 @ 8:43 pm
“The only time I served was behind bars / For showin’ my junk in a transvestite bar” — Michael Jackson Montgomery is no Earl Dibbles Jr., but that bit made me LOL.
June 20, 2013 @ 9:12 am
Nice list. The one that really sucks is what Rucker did to a classic song He stripped the heart and sold out of it.
John Weatherford
June 20, 2013 @ 9:44 am
This may be the dumbest question of 2013, but is “I Support the Troops More Than You” intended to be satire?
Gena R.
June 22, 2013 @ 8:48 pm
I believe so, considering some of the lyrics.
Matt 2
June 20, 2013 @ 9:59 am
colt ford w aldean – drivin around has got to be on this list. it is beyond terrible on so so many levels
strait country 81
June 20, 2013 @ 10:04 am
what’s with the video Still of FGL cause they dont look like Badasses.
Believe it or Not my GF has plenty of even worse songs on her iPOD.
June 20, 2013 @ 11:14 am
First and foremost, this comment’s purpose is not to promote, defend, or identify Darius Rucker as traditional or acceptable country music artist. I fully acknowledge that his career genre transition was fiscally-fueled, and at heart( and out in the open) he continues to market pop music as country.
In many ways, I’m ashamed I enjoyed his version of ‘wagon wheel’. Or I was. I’ve come to terms with it, and many other ought to as well. I can like one song from a douche, without liking or promoting his entire portfolio of psuedo country crap.
And I dispute that if one song is covered too many times it becomes worthless. Much of the late JR Cash’s records were comprised of many much-covered songs, some country in orgin and some not, expertly done.
June 20, 2013 @ 3:00 pm
No need to be ashamed. I think Wagon Wheel is such a well written song thanks to the chorus that Dylan wrote and general structure that pretty much anyone could cover it and make a reasonably catchy listenable record.
And I think that”™s where the ire here comes from, that there are so many versions of it out there, that its almost lazy to do a cover of it, especially when all the versions of it are so similar.
As opposed to the covers on American Recordings, where Johnny actually put his own spin on the songs and you got something out of it beyond the original recording.
June 20, 2013 @ 9:02 pm
“Wagon Wheel” is the “Freebird” of our generation, except if every time someone from the crowd yelled out “Freebird,” the band actually played it.
Jack Williams
June 21, 2013 @ 4:55 am
Speaking of Free Bird and Darius Rucker, check out the track called “Size 13” from this Popa Chubby (the self proclaimed King of the New York Blues) live album.
Every time I hear someone call out “Free Bird”, I just want to slap them. Then I remember that I’ve been that douchebag at one time and thought I was very funny.
Free Bird is an absolutely great song, though. Especially the version from One More From the Road. It has not been ruined for me like Wagon Wheel seems to have been ruined for so many people. Oddly enough, I somehow missed Wagon Wheel completely and didn’t hear know of it until that Tennessee girl sang it on American Idol (and no, I don’t watch the show. My wife recorded it and thought I would be interested in that audition). I think I got OCMS mixed up with J.D Crowe or something and didn’t realize they were a “hot new thing” in roots music. Didn’t know of their connection with Dave Rawlings, which probably would have been enough for me to check them out.
June 21, 2013 @ 10:32 am
Love Papa Chubby and Galea. How appropriate is that?
June 20, 2013 @ 11:52 am
I really like Darius’ version of “Wagon Wheel”, and it’s probably one of the better songs that are being played on country music radio, but you’re right. The others are just awful.
“Boys ‘Round Here” is far too catchy, and I still find myself absolutely hating it even though I can’t help to sing it. :/
“1994” is shit. I can’t listen to that song without wanting to blow my brains out. It’s not catchy at all and it blows.
“Girl Ridin’ Shotgun” is a terrible song. I don’t get why it’s Joe Diffie feat. D-Thrash, because D-Thrash sings in the song more than Diffie and he absolutely destroys the song. If it was just a Diffie song, it might would be a decent popish-country song. I’ll admit that I do enjoy his part in the chorus, and as said before, I’m guilty for liking the trucks in the video.
“Accidental Racist”, to me, is a terrible attempt to try to seem relevant. I think we’ve already got over the race barrier, and we don’t need to keep incorporating rappers and R&B stars into the mix to try to make, “history.” I believe Mr. Charlie Pride and his vast amount of country music friends and fans proves that country music isn’t racist at all. And this “red flag” on my t-shirt doesn’t mean I’m a Skynyrd fan. It means that I’m a Southerner, Brad.
And finally “Cruise”, it’s one of those songs you want to bash your head in when it comes on the radio, because it’s so damn annoying with all it’s autotune and bullshit lyrics. So whenever it does come on the radio, I treat it like a pop song and turn it. That is of course if I’m not with a female, which then I sit in agony as I must listen to it or get into a huge argument about how Hank didn’t do it that way… Yeah. 😐
June 20, 2013 @ 12:51 pm
“Wagon Wheel” is one of the very few subjects I can actually talk about with people who only listen to mainstream / pop country and (somewhat) agree with them. They will say it’s a good song and I will agree with them. This version of it is slicked up and made for mass consumption, but the song itself is still a good song, even if I am a bit burned out on it and would rarely choose to listen to it. I ALWAYS point out that it’s an OCMS song and was based on a Dylan song though.
June 20, 2013 @ 12:51 pm
THANK YOU…w the exception of Wagon Wheel I have to say I love ya…:) I will NEVER understand the FGL attraction..or The Band Perry as even being near country…I just miss what was & what should be. Ray Scott needs more notice…
July 26, 2013 @ 5:40 am
I agree about Ray Scott. I just discovered him not too long ago and I’ve liked alot of his music so far.
June 20, 2013 @ 1:02 pm
I think Sheryl Crow’s “Who Needs Mexico” deserves inclusion on this list!
June 20, 2013 @ 1:14 pm
Due to my recent, reluctant work with a local country radio station (hey, a man’s got to eat!) unlike last year at this time, I actually heard most of these songs.
Darius Rucker’s version of “Wagon Wheel” is a curious case. I personally don’t like it. The way he speed’s through the song and strains his voice to hit those higher notes exhausts me!
However, I’ve been in a rooms with young interns and have heard one asking the other, ‘did you know a band Old Crow Medicine show originally recorded this song?’ Instead of educating them, I just smile.
I only watch the highlights of award shows on youtube the following day anymore, but it would be cool if Rucker’s would preform the song with OCM at the CMAs. For that glimmer of hope, I’ll look the other way (or clasp my hands over my ears) when Rucker’s version of this song sneaks up on me.
June 20, 2013 @ 2:44 pm
Check out youtube, there’s a clip of Darius doing Wagon Wheel with OCMS at the Opry
June 20, 2013 @ 1:46 pm
I don’t think “Accidental Racist” is a good song by any means, but it is actually one of the better songs on Wheelhouse despite being a totally unnecessary topic with entirely unnecessary and awful rap added. Paisley’s part is pretty nice.
And “Wagon Wheel” inclusion is ridiculous, but I’m not going to argue that.
“More Trucks Than Cars” – “She Cranks My Tractor” – “Pirate Flag” — All those should absolutely be on here.
And some that I personally hate though I’m not sure if they’re in the same category as these disasters: “Crash My Party” – “See You Again” – “Hey Girl” – “How Country Feels” – and as a shocker “Your Side of the Bed”.
June 20, 2013 @ 9:05 pm
Both “More Trucks Than Cars” and “She Cranks My Tractor” are from 2012. BUt terrible nonetheless.
william michael smith
June 20, 2013 @ 2:47 pm
Most excellent list. Too bad it had to be made. We need to do this for the “Texas country” genre. It would take more than ten slots, however.
June 20, 2013 @ 3:04 pm
as a recommendation, i would suggest “Little Bit of Everything”. i really, really hate that song.
June 20, 2013 @ 3:09 pm
Fuck me runnin.. that Joe Diffie one wins worst song by a mile.. and the others one are fuckin bad as shit.
June 20, 2013 @ 4:03 pm
Way to contribute to the discussion jlm…. truly an expert analysis. You must be in the business
June 21, 2013 @ 7:24 am
I’m so sorry, i was under the impression that I was giving my quick opinion, not doing a professional write up/analysis.
June 20, 2013 @ 6:49 pm
“It just that this song”™s legacy has become so quagmired and convoluted, you can”™t like it anymore”
Right on.Anytime I now have on Old Crow “play all” selected on my mp3 player,I skip ‘Wagon Wheel’ when it comes on..Down right sad.
June 20, 2013 @ 7:29 pm
So, as I terrorize Country Music, I will feed its fans pop country to poison their souls. I will let them believe real country can survive so that you can watch them clamoring over each other to “stay relevant.” You can watch me destroy an entire form of music and when you have truly understood the depth of your failure, we will fulfill Scott Borschetta’s destiny”¦ We will destroy Country Music and then, when it is done and Music Row is ashes, then Country Music has my permission to die.
Eli Locke
June 21, 2013 @ 11:18 am
all I can say is that made me sad…and at the same time I really enjoyed it, because I finally got around to watching Dark Knight Rises the other day..
June 21, 2013 @ 6:43 pm
I am Music Row’s reckoning. The borrowed time Country music has been living on. A necessary evil.
June 20, 2013 @ 7:36 pm
Add these new “country” songs going to country radio (original) (“country” version)
Wagon Wheel blows them away.
June 20, 2013 @ 8:45 pm
Trigger, I’ve been gettin on here a lot over the past year or so. I completely agree with most everything this site stands for. Music is about soul, and these excuses for “country” songs on the radio these days are pathetic. I want yall to know that, before I continue, I am one of the strongest supporters of underground true country music. I know some people are gonna freak out, but I wanna point out something. Even though its not actually country, I still like Cruise. Most true, real, soulful songs come from pain and trouble like Waylon’s wandering, or Hank’s heartbreak. Its real because its powerful and makes great music. But in this shitty world we live in, sometimes people just wanna hear a happy song. No deep meaning, no pain, no problems. just a song about a shiny truck with a hot girl in it. Especially around summertime. Even the Nelly remix I can listen to, although its unfair cause I’m from Missouri south of Saint Louis where almost every kid listened to a few Nelly songs when he first came out. Still, my point is that just because its a pop song doesnt make it completely terrible. If I’m on my land with a bonfire goin and we’re passin the whiskey round, you’ll never hear fuckin Luke Bryan or any shit like that. But if its summertime and ive got the windows down and its a beautiful day, you might just hear Cruise coming from my truck. Just wanted to point out that a song doesnt have to be truly beautiful to serve a purpose
June 20, 2013 @ 9:11 pm
Hey, I’m perfectly willing to admit “Cruise” is a very catchy song with a great hook and a positive vibe, and I agree sometimes music should simply be felt and not always have to carry some deep meaning. My primary issues are with the materialism embedded in it, and the Ebonic jargon that talks down to its audience, and that it’s about to unseat much better songs by folks like Hank Williams and Johnny Cash in the annals of country’s greatest chart performances. It had its day in the sun back in 2012. Now let’s move on to something else.
Noah Eaton
June 20, 2013 @ 11:38 pm
To answer your question as to whether any release can rival “Boys ‘Round Here” and “1994” for “Worst Country Single of All Time”…………I can already see a few viable contestants:
1) “It’z Just What We Do” by Florida-Georgia Line (Unlike their lead two singles, I honestly have no beef with their current single “Round Here”. I don’t necessarily enjoy it either, but it is a harmless, catchy ditty centered around the done-to-death theme of “Work Hard, Play Hard”.
That said, the other track that was being considered for future single designation at a recent radio conference was “It’z Just What We Do”. And make no mistake: the duo is going to aggressively push to make this a single because they repeatedly claim their fans go nuts over this in concert and that is how “Get Your Shine On” also became a single.)
Anyway, what really puts this over the top in terms of historic worsts for the genre is 1) the relentless country-rapping on Tyler Hubbard’s part, 2) aggressive materialism/product placement from trucks to Bacardi and shamelessly name-dropping………yep, you guessed it, poor Bocephus for the gazillionth time to try and bolster their “country cred”………..and most tellingly of all, 3) name-dropping THEMSELVES at the end of the second verse! -__-
2) “The Booze Cruise” by Blackjack Billy (Think Florida-Georgia Line multiplied by two and a half additional members.
Their debut single has already cracked both the Canadian country and digital single charts, and now they have their sights set on dominating the United States of America as well. The lyrics set a new low (which was already rather low as it was) in terms of misogyny on country radio including: “Ooh so many hotties, who wants to do a body shot off a string bikini? We call that a hillbilly martini…” and: “Donnie’s daughter she’s sweet sixteen, he’s madder than hell cause she was last seen, jumping on the back of some boy’s jet ski, that girl done flew the coupe, no telling what you’ll lose.”
Once these douches crash the gate, Florida-Georgia Line will suddenly seem comparatively benign.
3) “Country On The Radio” by Blake Shelton (When you first hear Shelton sing the opening lyrics here, one who has been following him along will automatically be reminded of his older record “Same Old Song” where he lamented being “fed up with the same old vanilla” and asked:
“I want to hear a song about passion
I want to hear a song about sin
I want to hear a song about redemption
Yeah, sing me one of them
Tell me about a cowboy in Australia
Tell me about a prisoner in China
Tell me about some old stock car driver
Down in Orangeburg, South Carolina…”
Flash forward to “Country On The Radio”, where he……….well……….solicits quite a mixed message to say the least:
“You ever wondered why country songs say the same old thing
Like a broken record skipping down on main.
Pretty girls, pickups and cut-off jeans?
You know what I mean.
Dirt roads, corn rows and homemade wine.
Juke joints, jumping on the county line.
Heard ’em sing about it a million times
But I don’t mind…”
Well, that ship has sure sailed.
It’s the arrogance that makes this more sour than your typical run-of-the-mill laundry-list song.
And we also mustn’t forget about Luke Bryan’s to-be-revealed collaboration with T-Pain, the fact Craig Morgan has a new album in the pipeline which is the successor to an album that brought us BOTH “Corn Star” and “More Trucks Than Cars”, the likelihood that Love & Theft will respond to their poor-selling, dull sophomore album by cashing in on the Florida-Georgia Line business model in order to score another hit or two, Jake Owen’s next album likely consisting of a lame country-rap or dubstep-country shenanigan, and………of course……….Brantley Gilbert’s inevitable first full-length album of brand new material in Borchetta’s cadre.
June 21, 2013 @ 7:14 am
My curiosity was tweaked by the name of the song “The Booze Cruise” So I looked up on you tube. What a terrible song. I’m sure it would be on Trig’s list if it was a US release. The lyrics are so predictable and so is the theme of the video. I hope that group stay north of the border.
June 23, 2013 @ 12:51 am
I can almost guarantee it will be a U.S. release at some point. Sirius XM is playing the heck out of it and thats how FGL broke through last year with Cruise.
June 23, 2013 @ 8:35 am
At least I won’t have to hear it. I don’t listen to mainstream radio, but I’m sure the teen to 30 crowd will eat it up.
June 21, 2013 @ 8:57 am
Man, Is that Montgomery guy for real?? I have been cracking up listening to that. HaHa
Your right about a terrorist might die if he continuously listens to that.
June 21, 2013 @ 10:20 am
I agree with all the songs on this list except “Wagon Wheel”. The Darius Rucker version isn’t perfect, but it is better than most of the other songs played on mainstream “country” radio.
Instead I would add the song that Taylor Swift recorded with Tim McGraw to your list. My local country station has been playing it all the time. It’s a real station changer.
Davey Smith
June 21, 2013 @ 10:23 am
You have to admit, Wagon Wheel is pretty Ketchy…
June 22, 2013 @ 5:31 pm
I see what you did there.
Big Stem
June 21, 2013 @ 10:43 am
How on earth were you able to narrow it down to only seven?
June 21, 2013 @ 10:46 am
I don’t argue that “cruise” isn’t catchy. Put it on the pop stations, take it off the “country” stations, and I have no problem with it.
“Now don’t get me wrong, to each his own I believe, but they’ve took the soul out of what means a whole lot to me.”- Dale Watson
Oh, and also if they would change their name to something other than Florida Georgia line, that would be better too. I’m not crazy about the area I call home being associated with such douchebaggery
Eli Locke
June 21, 2013 @ 11:20 am
wow, thats a pretty awful group of songs..I almost feel bad for Joe was really sad and awkward watching that video.
And I have to say, the Remix of “cruise” bothers me less than the original..maybe because its clearly not even trying to be country? I’m not sure why..but it bothers me less, It shouldn’t be on a country station…but its not as terrible as the original..
June 21, 2013 @ 11:37 am
All I can say is god bless Texas, red dirt, bluegrass, alt country because songs like this makes it an easy choice to just listen to my iPod or Sirius radio. The young kids have no clue about the tradition of country. I’m a teacher and when kids ask what kind of music I like, I have to be specific cause if I say country, they all assume its colt ford, douche Gilbert and Aldean. I tell them to actually listen to the lyrics and not the beat and you’ll understand why mainstream country is pathetic. If you want a catchy beat or sound, that’s what pop is for. Until the young group of listeners get tired of the same crap over and over, we’re in for a long long stretch of crap country.
June 21, 2013 @ 2:22 pm
Maybe when Dale Watson’s new genre gets going I’ll be able to tell people what I listen to. Right now I would never say I listen to country music because of what it implies. I’m like you I tell people I listen to bluegrass, Americana, Texas or Alt Country.
twostepcub (@twostepcub)
June 21, 2013 @ 10:56 pm
OK, confession-time.
I admit I liked “1994” when I first heard it. Production, humorous pun-filled lyrics cribbing from a singer I truly liked in the day, and not the usual Cash/Waylon/Strait/Jones name-dropping crap. I then removed all value when Aldean flat out lied about including Diffie in the video. So there’s that. Harmless.
I would also not really include “Wagon Wheel” as “worst”, though it isn’t groundbreaking – at least it brought the song to a wider audience.
you DID include the worst song of the year, “Boys Round Here” by who is now the McDonalds of country music, Blake Shelton. Seemingly market-tested to an inch of its life, it’s absolutely everything people who hate “country”music should be hating country for. It’s buzzwords thrown together for full “masculinity” and “tribal expression” impact, and sprinkled with “country rap” to seem “hip”
Eff Blake SHelton. Eff him to hell. I’m worried his suckitude will eventually rub off on Miranda Lambert. Then he should be charged with a felony.
June 22, 2013 @ 10:23 am
Your rants are awesome! Although I’m not sure whether or not I should thank you for introducing me to the horrors of Jason Aldean
Acca Dacca
June 22, 2013 @ 1:03 pm
It’s unbelievably depressing that many peoples’ first (or one of their first) experiences with country music will be with the “Cruise” remix. Personally, I thought that the original was okay, not good but not too bad, but the remix is an abomination. Half of the comments on the music video post on YouTube are about how the poster “hates country music” but likes this song or thinks that Nelly made it “better” or that they didn’t know they would like country if they listened to it. IT’S NOT COUNTRY MUSIC. I didn’t initially mind Florida Georgia Line but I’m officially sick of them.
June 22, 2013 @ 1:21 pm
The Randy Rogers Band w/ Willie Nelson- “Trouble Knows My Name”
…absolutely can’t stand that song.
Keith L.
June 22, 2013 @ 2:38 pm
Well, I have to replies to that, first, the entire night was “rain shortened”. With an approaching storm, they limited each artist to 2 songs each, except for Carrie, who got 6, so, if you’re a fan of hers and Paradise City is one of your favorites that she does, then good for you. Second, it sucked balls.
Keith L.
June 22, 2013 @ 2:40 pm
ooops, sorry, I meant “two”, I’ve had “too” many beers this evening
Patrick C
June 24, 2013 @ 6:17 pm
what the fuck is a jagwa boy? a retard? I think I am going to start replacing the word “gay’ with jagwa. For instance; ” that shirt is totally jagwa, you twink!!!.
Patrick C
June 24, 2013 @ 6:23 pm
OOOppps. D-thrash of Jawga boyz, Yo , my bad dawg !!!.
June 24, 2013 @ 7:23 pm
We both know I have to kill country music now. You’ll just have to imagine the fire!
Noah Eaton
June 25, 2013 @ 11:52 am
Looks like we already know what another one of the Worst “Country” Songs of 2013 will wind up being. This was posted on Farce The Music today:
Uggghhh. This is probably going to be his next single too, given that T-Pain mentioned in a recent interview that he was featured on the lead single for Luke Bryan’s forthcoming album before “Crash My Party” was chosen instead.
And Blackjack Billy’s “The Booze Cruise” is also in the Top Forty of the iTunes Country chart: indicating it could potentially break out any week now! =(
Motown Mike
June 29, 2013 @ 8:45 am
Joe Diffie sang many a 90’s country song that I still enjoy to this day. “Home”, “Tears in the Rain”, “Ships That Don’t Come In”, “Coolest Fool in Town”, “New Way to Light Up an Old Flame”, “Texas Sized Heartache” are all songs I still put on and play. Those are well written and sung records that stand the test of time. I even enjoyed many of his quirkier tunes like “John Deere Green”, “Prop Me Up Besides the Jukebox (If I Die)” and “Pickup Man”.
“Girl Ridin’ Shotgun” is not one of those time tested songs. It’s a trite, vapid, downright awful, yet typical, piece of work. It’s a record that makes me sad to see a quality 90’s artist like Joe Diffe record. For a quick buck, riding the ignorant “1994” wave, he’s decided to record this hip-hop trash. Heck, it’s not even a good hip-hop record. Some artists, when they realize their time on the chart is done, have gone onto record quality music. LeAnn Rimes, Patty Loveless, Ronnie Dunn, Alan Jackson and on. It’s too bad Diffie didn’t choose to follow that route.
July 20, 2013 @ 6:05 am
I must love the “worst” music. I have all these albums and listen to them loud and proud. They might not be the traditional country that generations ago listened to, however they are great workout songs and keep me upbeat and moving.
February 9, 2014 @ 4:41 am
Luke Bryan, please get off this message board. We know it is you. You are not fooling anyone!!!
July 25, 2013 @ 8:30 pm
Heard this lyrical laundry list on radio
July 31, 2013 @ 12:00 pm
The Band Perry did absolutely AMAZING at their ACM performance. We all have our own opinions, but obviously you don’t know what the hell your talking about, I mean C’MON!!! Seriously people?
November 3, 2013 @ 11:19 am
With all due respect, The Band Perry are a joke. And they are not country.
November 3, 2013 @ 8:57 am
Short, tall, slim or jelly roll….jumping up and down is not an attractive look for Kelly Clarkson or Kimberly Perry.
I realize that back in the day….Dolly jumping up and down would blacken her eyes.
When the vocals start to thin from overuse, they need every possible breath.
February 8, 2014 @ 6:08 pm
Completely disagree with Cruise being worst of 2012, but the remix with Nelly sucks. Rap and Country shouldn’t mix. A little pop, rock to country is fine and actually adds fan base, hence FGL’s huge popularity. They made a fan out of me. Also, to those mocking The Band Perry, they are a hugely talented band of siblings and that little lady has the voice of an angel.
February 8, 2014 @ 8:47 pm
December 2, 2024 @ 4:15 pm
All I can type about the FGL/Nelly partnership is that the only Nelly who ever interested me is the late Major League Baseball Hall Of Fame infielder Jacob Nelson “Nellie” Fox (b.Dec.25,1927-d. Dec.1,1975,age 47),who succumbed to melanoma, likely because of the HUGE wad of tobacco I ALWAYS saw in Fox’ cheek when I was a little boy watching Detroit Tigers-Chicago White Sox televised games .
December 12, 2024 @ 8:31 am
I was a gifted kid in elementary school,but…”Accidental Racist” likely sprang from the,ummm,brain of Little Lad Brad and Jabbering James (Smith,LL Cool James’ legal name) because they were trying to convince folk they were buddies and if Americans could bury its dodgy history since 1619,everything would be just groovy,as we 60’s kids said in those days. Worked out fine for the two boys (who aren’t pals) and the USA,didn’t it ?