Tim Pop Live Comes to SCM Live!

I am very excited to announce that the podcast legend by the name of Tim Pop is moving his “Rebel Rouser” country music podcast to SCM LIVE!

Rebel Rouser is an hour-long weekly podcast that mixes old-school, classic country music with the new school underground stuff. It may be new to you and SCM LIVE, but Tim Pop is already done over 60 episodes of Rebel Rouser over on the Real Punk Radio network. The show will air Thursday nights at 9 PM Eastern, 8 Central, and will be preceded by Reverend Nix’s “Mojo Medicine Show”, which has been moved from Fridays to Thursdays, starting at 8 Eastern, 7 Central.

Reverend Nix already sets the table on Wednesdays for the flagship of SCM LIVE, Outlaw Radio Chicago, so now there will be two nights a week where you can listen to great music, and if want, hang out in the chat room and enjoy the camaraderie that has made Saving Country Music one of the strongest online communities country music can boast.

I have known Tim Pop, and have been listening to his podcasts for over three years. I first heard about his main podcast “Tim Pop Live” from Rachel Brooke through MySpace. Tim Pop is based in Detroit, and is good friends with Rachel & Junk (aka Brooks Robbins) (who have a new side project called “Modern Mal”)  The first time I listened to Tim Pop Live was less than two weeks after I had started Free Hank III, the organization that eventually morphed into Saving Country Music, and Tim Pop, who didn’t know me from Adam, was talking about it on his podcast. That is when I knew what the power of community and collaboration could do.

Y’all please stop by on Thursday’s if you can, listen a little, hang out in the chat room for a bit. And if Thursday’s are bad for you, or you want to check out what kind of chops Tim Pop has, you can check out previous episodes of Rebel Rouser or Tim Pop Live at www.timpoplive.com.

And don’t forget that THIS SATURDAY Lowebow Fest from Florida will be broadcast on SCM LIVE as well!

Tim Pop is also a lead guitar player. Here he is shredding for the band Switchblade Justice!

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