Tops So Far For 2010
2010 is turning out to be a bumper crop year for REAL country music, and no, I’m not just saying that to be a cheerleader for the “scene.” I’ll be the first to admit that last year was a terrible year for new releases, save for a few great ones from the Bloodshot Record’s gang (Wayne Hancock, Scott Biram, & Justin Townes Earle). And with all this great music, we still have a half year to go with new ones from Justin Townes Earle, possibly two new ones from Hank III, and many more on the way.
So here’s my Top 5 albums and songs so far, and note this is just from albums I’ve already reviewed, and doesn’t include the new one from Jayke Orvis (haven’t got my copy yet), or Those Poor Bastards (review coming). These are just my thoughts. Poke holes in them and leave your own prognostications below.
#1 – HELLBOUND GLORY – Old Highs & New Lows
It’s going to take a monster to knock this one off the perch.
#2 – OUTLAW RADIO – Outlaw Radio Compilation Vol. 1
Remember, it was a compilation Wanted:The Outlaws that took the Outlaw movement national, and that one was previously-released material. This is 22-previously unreleased tracks. If you want to hear some of the best songs of 2010, you have to get this album. (purchase here)
I thought the top songs on his last album were better, but this one is the better album. Press play and let the good times roll. And how can you go wrong with duets from Wayne Hancock?
#4 – .357 STRING BAND – Lightning From The North
Don’t overlook this album. Just because Jayke Orvis’s dreads aren’t involved doesn’t mean it doesn’t contain some of the best .357 songs so far.
#5 – RAY WYLIE HUBBARD – A. Enlightenment B. Endarkenment
Another one that is easy to look over but hard to top. The best, most relevant, and freshest album to come from an Outlaw legend in years.
#1 – HELLBOUND GLORY – “Be My Crutch”
Yes, I know this gives Hellbound a #1 sweep, but it is much deserved.
#2 – HANK III – “Karmageddon”
Even the naysayers of Rebel Within have to admit Hank III hit a home run with this one.
#3 – THE BOOMSWAGGLERS – “Run You Down” (from the Outlaw Radio Comp.)
Simple and straightforward, yet deep and beautiful all at the same type. I reserve the right to change my mind and name this the Song of the Year in six months.
#4 – REVEREND DEADEYE – “Chased Ol’ Satan” (from Trials & Tribulations)
Again, simple, but with undeniable soul that makes this song stick to your bones.
#5 – HELLBOUND GLORY – “Another Bender Might Break Me”
Masterful songwriting in an accessible format. This is what REAL country music is all about.
July 6, 2010 @ 11:48 am
Can’t argue with much, Hellbound Glory is my top album so far also.
My favorite song this year however is Country Music Lament by Tim Hus, followed by Be My Crutch.
July 6, 2010 @ 12:02 pm
I maintain my belief that I’m possibly the only person who liked the title track from Rebel Within more than Karmageddon.
My gut reaction to these lists was to start disagreeing and putting down my favorite albums / tracks of 2010 so far. Then I realized I’d pretty much be listing blues albums and TPB’s latest. (If I wanted to be a bitch I’d say that I’d place Rev. Deadeye more on the blues than country side)
So I will just shut up and agree with you.
Just bought the MP3 download from Amazon of Hellbound Glory’s latest. Still no place available to buy a download of Lucky Tubb’s latest. That’s kinda sad.
July 6, 2010 @ 12:11 pm
“Still no place available to buy a download of Lucky Tubb”™s latest. That”™s kinda sad.”
True, but it’s so worth the wait via snail mail.
Thanks for this list! I made an Amazon list of “Triggerman Recommends” and as I pick them up, I’ll click through your link on top 🙂
July 6, 2010 @ 12:22 pm
make sure you check out Trampled by Turtles album Palomino,
July 6, 2010 @ 12:25 pm
You ARE the only person that likes the song Rebel Within more. But that’s your right. I’m sure some will kick me because that album isn’t in the Top 5. I think it’s a good album, but there’s better, in my opinion. It is also my opinion that Hank III has yet to put out his best album of 2010. No matter what we all think, if Hank III puts out another album, HE will think it is better than RW.
My formula for picking “Best Of’s” is very convoluted, but songs like The Boomswagglers and Reverend Deadeye will always be held back a measure because they are more blues stomp than country. Though I would also assert that they are WAY more country than 80% of the stuff you would hear on the radio.
Gonna see Lucky and Gina in 3 days. I’ll ask them about the download.
July 6, 2010 @ 12:26 pm
Leroy Virgil of Hellbound Glory is a song writing genius……ENOUGH SAID
July 6, 2010 @ 12:28 pm
Well, you know, it’s just like, my opinion, man.
July 6, 2010 @ 12:31 pm
I’m with sawyer. I’d be interested to hear what Triggerman thought about Trampled by Turtles. I think their new album, Palomino, is the tits.
July 6, 2010 @ 12:56 pm
Trampled by Turtles, huh?
Well somebody get me a CD and I’ll put it on the top of the stack. If I have to buy it myself, they got to wait their turn. I’m already backed up and budget busted by all the bands that want reviews but won’t pony up the plastic. A review by The Triggerman is good for 25+ orders right off the bat, ask Jashie P. Don’t know why all of a sudden I’ve got to beg.
July 6, 2010 @ 1:11 pm
Shoot that was fast, sound like I already got a copy coming. I should piss and moan more often!
July 6, 2010 @ 1:28 pm
I will buy you a beer at the granada on Friday! 🙂
July 6, 2010 @ 1:35 pm
lighting from the north is by far my top for the year….. and how the days engraved is my top song as well….. jayke orvis broken bottle on an empty shelf is a close second
July 6, 2010 @ 1:37 pm
July 6, 2010 @ 1:45 pm
The .357 String Band are one of my faves so it’s an obvious choice for me, too. And it’s good to see Ray Wylie Hubbard there. His latest is amazing.
There’s been a lot of great releases this year so far, that’s true! I’m doggone tired now and would probably forget albums if I attempted to make a list now…just this: OTIS GIBBS. Not sure if he counts in a country list (more folk), but I’d just like to mention his name for folks who might’ve missed him.
P.S. I like The Rebel Within better than Karmageddon. In fact, I like most of the other songs better than Karmageddon, too. I’m gonna hide in my basement for a couple of weeks now.
July 6, 2010 @ 2:08 pm
I’m certainly not as up on the new releases as many on here probably are, I’m still trying to fill in some gaps from previous releases. But I can’t argue with Hellbound Glory at all, and Lightning from the North is probably my second pick, followed by the Outlaw Radio compilation.
Trampled By Turtles is an amazing bluegrass band from MN, I saw them last summer. They sit down during their live set, which I wasn’t sure of at first, but the energy did not suffer. Best band at the River City Roots Festival last year.
I have to admit, I think I like “Rebel Within” more than “Karmageddon” after repeat listens. “Karmageddon” is an amazing song, and a nice new direction for III, but for my personal taste I like it a little more country, and the title track has really grown on me. Just personal taste!
Can’t wait to see what the rest of the year has in store for us!
July 6, 2010 @ 2:09 pm
Oh, and what’s this about more releases from Hank III? I haven’t heard anything about that, that seems REALLY fast.
July 6, 2010 @ 2:11 pm
Of those albums on your list I only have “Outlaw Radio”, and “Old Highs…” so I can’t argue much, though compilations aren’t really fair in comparison to a single artists work. I also like “Rebel Within” more than “Karmageddon”. I would rank Hellbound Glory’s album ahead of Hank’s, but just by a nose. “Either Way We’re Fucked” and “Another Bender…” both rank ahead of “Be My Crutch”, for me. “Tore up and Loud”, “Lost in Oklahoma”, and “Gone, But Not Forgotten” actually all rank ahead of “Karmageddon” for me… “Gates of Heaven” by The Dad Horse Experience and “The Minister’s Doom” by Those Poor Bastards both rank above “Run You Down” on my list, Though I concur it is a great song. Can’t wait to read your TPB review. “Satan Is Watching” was brilliant.
July 6, 2010 @ 2:19 pm
HA! In yo face Triggerman!
3 other folks like “The Rebel Within” over “Karmageddon”. That makes 4 total. Cmon everyone else, we got a seat for ya up here in the bandwagon, climb aboard!
July 6, 2010 @ 2:29 pm
Well if I’m reading what III is saying correctly, there’s gonna be a country album and a metal album about a month after he officially leaves Curb, which means it would happen before the end of the year. Now don’t quote me on that, I’m not guaranteeing anything, but that is sure what it sounds like.
And all of a sudden I guess I’m in the minority with my love for Karmageddon. Rebel Within would be much better without the screams.
July 6, 2010 @ 2:37 pm
I agree on a screamless “Rebel Within”. “Lookin’ for a Mountain” beats “Karmageddon” hands down.
July 6, 2010 @ 2:38 pm
All you Rebel Within lovers can eat it. Karmageddon has RW over a chair giving it to em’ Pulp Fiction style.
July 6, 2010 @ 2:40 pm
I see you there man, its gonna be one for the ages. Not sure how much drinkin I’ll be doing though, it’s a work night for me. I’m gonna be interviewing both Wayne and Gina. If you see me out in the crowd, came say hi. I’ll be the cat in the hat.
July 6, 2010 @ 2:44 pm
Lookin’ For a Mountain is Excellent but the rhythm playing on RW wins me over. Love the screaming, too! 🙂
July 6, 2010 @ 3:08 pm
To be honest I do think the track RW does sound a little odd. It kinda feels like two completely different songs mashed together with the screaming / singing on the chorus parts. Maybe it was just a mixing thing where they just don’t gel together enough. Who knows?
BUT, it’s still one of my favorite tracks on the album just cause the….structure of the song I suppose, is neat to me and makes me wanna get fucked up. Hahaha, there you have it, straight from a video guy who doesn’t know shit about audio.
July 6, 2010 @ 3:34 pm
I am hoping for a new William Elloitt Whitmore but haven’t seen anything about it on his myspace or web site. I don’t know if he would be considered country in the classic, Hank Williams sense, but his music is definitely rural and full of soul… And does anyone know when J.B. Beverly and the Wayward Drifters are gettin’ a new album out? I thought I heard him say something about one while listening to the Outlaw Radio archives, but I drink alot…
July 6, 2010 @ 3:54 pm
Sorry T-man – I agree with the others. Karmaggedon is actually the only song that I don’t like on the new album. My favorite is ‘Lookin For A Mountain’ off there. Maybe it’s just good to here a new song with a good boot stompin Waylon beat.
But ‘Lightning from The North’ is by far tops so far. I miss Jayke, but I think this album is a more masterful and mature album than the other two. What’s odd- it took me a good 10 listens before I realized it.
July 6, 2010 @ 4:06 pm
I thought Rebel Within was another terrible album. Some of it is cluttered and over produced some bordered on pop country and some just sounded contrived and confused. But, Karmeggedon is the exception. It’s easily the stand out track.
July 6, 2010 @ 4:11 pm
Uncle Mary,
What about it bordered on pop country?
July 6, 2010 @ 4:16 pm
@ UncleMary
Overproduced, and bordered on pop country?
That is the least accurate review I’ve ever heard for any album, in the history of albums.
July 6, 2010 @ 4:22 pm
William Elliot Whitmore is another guy that deserves more attention around here.
Lookin’ For a Mountain is a great track as well, and would’ve been on the list if I had stretched it out past 5.
July 6, 2010 @ 6:51 pm
I’m personally a fan of “Moonshiner’s Life” from The Rebel Within.
July 6, 2010 @ 8:10 pm
Okay I was gonna give my favorite albums this year but I checked & most came out late last year so I’m gonna list them antway.
1)A: Enlightenment B: Endarkenment (Hint: There Is No C)- Ray Wylie Hubbard
2)Somedays the Song Writes You – Guy Clark
3)The Rose Hotel – Robert Earl Keen
4)Rebel Within – Hank III
5)Moon Child – Jerry Jeff Walker
1)The Guitar – Guy Clark
2)Drinkin’ Over Momma – Hank III
3)Drunken Poet’s Dream – Ray Wylie Hubbard
4)Pots and Pans – Ray Wylie Hubbard
5)The Rose Hotel – Robert Earl Keen
July 6, 2010 @ 10:55 pm
Allright…I bit my tongue long enough…I don’t care who the fuck you are! REBEL WITHIN is the best album released this year! This album is Hank III all the way! Hank III left Curb with one helluva bang. I think it was his way of sayin’ “FUCK CURB!” one more time. I could diggit a little more without “the screamer” on REBEL WITHIN…but DAMN even that has grown on me quite a bit. If LOOKIN’ FOR A MOUNTAIN aint a tribute to Hank JR ala WAYLON I’ll eat my hat,(fuck you pop country pin and all)!!! KARMAGEDON is my favorite song on this album because of the well done difference in the average Hank III song as well as my (personal) belief that this song with it’s Stephen King like ending is a well placed kick in Shooters plageristic side. I’d be glad as hell to give ya’ll my impression of every song on this album but it’s interferein’ with my enjoying it. LOVE THIS FUCKIN” ALBUM! LOVE THE HELL OUTTA IT!!!
July 6, 2010 @ 11:07 pm
July 6, 2010 @ 11:10 pm
July 7, 2010 @ 7:00 am
Well yesterday the combo dvd / cd-soundtrack of The Folksinger arrived. Listening to the soundtrack now and even though I’m only on track 5 so far, no matter how many great albums come out this year, this one is going to be in the top of my list. Fucking awesome stuff.
July 7, 2010 @ 7:07 am
For more info on The Folksinger (for those who are interested, and trust me, yall should be).
The official release date is August 15th but there may be a handful of pre-release copies left. Shoot a mail to if you’re interested.
July 7, 2010 @ 9:24 am
Nobody should EVER feel the need to bite their tongue around here.
Truth is I hate writing articles like this, because no matter what you say, somebody is going to get mad at you because you did not cover this or that artist, and it makes me come across like I have some hidden agenda, or in the case of Trampled by Turtles, that I’m uninformed. I cant listen to every country CD on the planet, and I can’t give every one the #1 spots. I do think that Hellbound Glory’s album is the best so far this year, and possibly the best since Hank III’s Straight to Hell. That’s my opinion. Beyond that, this was just a loose way to promote music that I thought was not getting enough attention for one reason or another, including what I think is one, if not THE best song of the year, Hank III’s Karmageddon.
If I stretched these charts out to 10, both Rebel Within and Looking For a Mountain would be there. They might both be there if I stretched them out to 6. Rebel Within has had plenty of promotion. It’s #4 in the charts, while Lucky Tubb is struggling to sell his first 100 copies. Hank III gets more publicity here than any other artist, hands down, and that’s probably not going to change, even though I catch a lot of hell for that from the growing # of Hank III haters for that being the case.
I believe now more than ever after listening to recent interviews that Hank III has been holding back his best stuff. I FOUGHT for these last two albums with all my heart, and I will cherish them more because of that, even if the new music Hank III puts out is twice as good.
July 7, 2010 @ 9:34 am
I am happy you wrote this article, cuz it got all of us talking bout music and now I have new shit to check out, such as this Folksinger combo… Shitty thing is I only have so much money I can spend on music and underground country isn’t my only passion. Guess that’s life. Anyways, I am sittin’ around home all day, layed up with a broken hand, and articles like this really help pass the time. Thanks again.
July 7, 2010 @ 9:57 am
You need to heed your own advice and not worry about justifying or explaining your articles. Fuck-it if folks get uppity about anyones opinion here. We come to YOUR site, nobody is making us do that. It is fun to go back and forth on opinions and dig deep but I always try to keep in mind that no matter what, this is music (for the most part) that we’re talkin about. Yes, we all love it with a passion but it is entertainment at its core.
July 7, 2010 @ 10:54 am
Thanks guys!
July 7, 2010 @ 12:13 pm
I think we all appeciatie your work. I often don’t agree with your personal thoughts on some of the music, but who cares- it’s your thoughts. For somebody to get so worked up about it- to the point they start telling everybody to ‘fuck off’ is absurd. Keep up the good work. Hey- it might be fun to make it a top ten list. It will either give us more to talk about or give some people more to bitch about. Ha
July 7, 2010 @ 1:24 pm
Drinkin’ Over Mama stands out as the best song off of RW. Great song.
July 7, 2010 @ 2:17 pm
I love this shit, it gives me a chance to geek out over REAL country music with REAL folks (even if you all live in the computer)! It’s great to hear about new music, not just from you Triggerman but everyone who responds. Sounds corny but it’s a bright spot in my day.
That’s thrilling news about Hank III. I got the impression from his Outlaw Radio interview that it might be a while before more music came up.
I also agree I’d LOVE to see a new album from J.B. Beverley & the Wayward Drifters. Haven’t heard much about them lately, but they are possibly my favorite country band.
I think “Rebel Within” would be better without the screams, but again it’s grown on me. My favorite tracks from the album are “Looking for A Mountain” (GREAT summer song), “Gettin’ Drunk and Falling Down”, and “Drinking Over Mama”. The only song I don’t care for is “#5”, and that’s just because it sounds a lot like “Angel of Sin” and “Whiskey Weed & Women”.
Tweets that mention Saving Country Music » Blog Archive » Tops So Far For 2010 --
July 7, 2010 @ 2:34 pm
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Rusty Knuckles, The Triggerman. The Triggerman said: Top Albums & Songs So Far for 2010: […]
July 8, 2010 @ 2:22 pm
Yeah I know a lotta bands need exposure but Rebel Within was a tremendous record because it was released to get out of a contract and still turned out good for what it was. The title song is definately the standout and the feel is classic III with a litlle different twist, the chorus turned out good with the doing everything again and again (Karmageddon depresses me, I think about impending unescapable doom).
When the hell is Unknown Hinson coming with one? … whatever happened to that old drunk Bourbon Crow?
July 8, 2010 @ 4:30 pm
I don’t know if anyone here is into Caleb Klauder, but he’s a country/bluegrass artist from Portland, OR. He just put out a new album too, but I haven’t figured out how to get it yet. Check him out though, his stuff is old timey country.
July 8, 2010 @ 8:16 pm
Thanks for the info on Klauder. I saw on his myspace that The Foghorn Stringband that he plays in, will be in Troy,MT in the middle of this month. I am only about an hour and a half from Troy, so my wife and I will probably go check ’em out. Thanks again!
July 8, 2010 @ 10:07 pm
Caleb Klauder is the shit.
Feel the need to mention here that if I had put Rebel Within #1 or even #2, I would have a whole other batch of people jumping down my throat. Proves that no matter what you do with Hank III these days, you can’t win, and that he’s become one of the most polarizing people in music.
July 9, 2010 @ 4:25 pm
The real question is would Hank III put “The Rebel Within” in his top 10 of 2010?
July 9, 2010 @ 4:41 pm
Yeah, I thought I read somewhere that the Foghorn String Band is coming to Missoula after the festival, but I can’t confirm it. So I’m thinking of heading up to Troy next weekend as well. Two festivals in the same week! It must be summer!
July 12, 2010 @ 10:29 am
Hey Folks –
Caleb Klauder is the shit. He will be in Montana with the Foghorn Stringband playing the Kootenai River BGF in Troy, then:
July 18 Boiler Room Kalispell
July 19 Top Hat Missoula with Wise River Merc
July 20 Filling Station Bozeman w/ Holler n Pine
July 21 Music on the River Gardiner
July 22 The Bouquet in Boise
At the end of summer, Caleb Klauder will be touring his new album, “Western Country” at the end of August with Beste Ellis of the Wilders in MT, CO, ID and UT –
Tues Aug 24th at The Bouquet in Boise
Wed Park City Utah Mountain Town Music
Then lots of Colorado dates
Wednesday Sept 1 Filling Station Bozeman
Thur Sept 2nd Boiler Room Kalispell
Looking for dates to play in Idaho/Wyoming/MT on Mon/Tue Aug 30/31
The official release date for Western Country is August 17th and will be on sale on ITunes/CD Baby and in record stores. Caleb will have the new CD with him on this July Foghorn Tour.
Any questions, fell free to email me at
Glad y’all are in tune to what is the best revival of old time country out there!
July 14, 2010 @ 6:07 pm
I’m actually really glad everyone is talking about Rebel Within, as I got my copy so bloody late from Amazon I thought everyone had moved on to other topics. I too like the title track the best (sorry Triggerman!) But my overwhelming first impression (and enduring one) is the entire album is just lacking in energy. I am pretty disappointed with it. There’s some really beautiful ballads on there (Lookin’ For a Mountain, Getting Drunk & Fallin’ Down, Drinkin’ Ain’t Hard To Do) but III didn’t sing them in that that high-lonesome voice that I love. I am guessing it’s the key they are sung in and I prefer it when he sings ballads in that higher key (ala the ballads on Lovesick, Broke and Drifting – my fav album). Rebel Within just seemed very ‘lack-lustre’ to me. Lacking in energy and passion. I much prefer Damn Right and Rebel Proud.
Saving Country Music » Blog Archive » Album Review - Trampled By Turtles “Palomino”
July 16, 2010 @ 12:29 pm
[…] Turtle’s album Palomino quickly sets them apart. It was suggested to me in a discussion about the best albums of the year so far, and after some spins, I agree wholeheartedly it deserves to be in the […]
August 5, 2010 @ 12:44 am
Better get used to Hellbound Glory topping the list, because they”™ll do it again with their next album. I”™ve heard a lot of their demos and much of it is their best stuff yet. And the rest of it still kicks major ass. Live, the band is even better. Hellbound Glory isn”™t just a band, they are an experience. And they are the future of country music, mark my words!
September 26, 2010 @ 2:11 pm
Here here Robert, Leroy’s songs just keep getting better and better! Can’t wait to see what they do next.