Travis Tritt Rips the CMA’s for Booking Beyonce
While many of today’s country stars and the majority of the performers at the 50th Annual CMA Awards are rallying behind the decision to book Beyonce to perform on the 2016 presentation, one artist is more than happy to share his displeasure. The CMA’s invited a cavalcade of stars from country music’s past to perform on the show, but the 7-time platinum-selling Travis Tritt was not one of them. It’s possibly the outcome of his penchant to speak his mind when it comes to certain subjects, which he did again amid the controversy over Beyonce’s appearance Wednesday night.
“As I see it, country music has appealed to millions for many years. We can stand on our own and don’t need pop artists on our awards shows,” Tritt said in a series of tweets on November 3rd. “I love honest to God country music and feel the need to stand up for it at all costs. We don’t need pop or rap artists to validate us.”
Earlier Tritt had made some other digs at the Beyonce decision. “Thanks to everyone who came out to see us in Bowling Green, KY tonight. Sorry we weren’t able to do any Beyoncé for all the country fans,” he said. “FYI – My band and I are gonna try to work up Beyoncé’s “All The Single Ladies” for all you die hard country fans who love traditional music!”
Subsequently Tritt has been swept up in the whole “If you don’t like Beyonce, you’re racist” furor. “I’ve worked with Charlie Pride, Buddy Guy, B.B. King, Patti Labelle, Randy Jackson, Sam Moore, Ray Charles, Isaac Hayes,” Tritt said. “Never thought I would ever be labeled as a racist. What is so wrong with allowing pop/rap/country/R&B/soul/gospel/bluegrass/blues or rock shows celebrating their backgrounds?”
Travis Tritt is releasing a new double CD and DVD on November 15th called A Man and His Guitar that features him on stage at the Franklin Theatre in Franklin, TN with just a guitar.
November 5, 2016 @ 10:36 am
I have even more respect for TT now, if that’s even possible.
November 5, 2016 @ 10:42 am
My favorite part in all this is watching people ask him why is this a big deal now, and not in the past, when the man has been complaining about pop stars on country award shows for years.Don’t know if you follow him or not,but Storme Warren caught hell from the Beehive too on the night of the awards.
On a side note,Maren Morris “liked” a tweet from Bobby Bones telling him to “Get over it”…I officially hate both of them.
November 5, 2016 @ 10:19 pm
Maren Morris – not a fan of hers. Seems like all she cares about is $$$$. Look for her next album to be even more pop/hip hop, and continuing to lower my consciousness.
November 6, 2016 @ 5:48 pm
All the rap in todays country music please!!!! Sorry but there are some sistahs who get down on country. Nobody is trying to steal anything from anyone. Seems with all the rap in country music there is some mutual respect going on or is all the country uproar leading to another vice (smile)?
November 5, 2016 @ 10:46 am
This website has such a herd mentality. What ever trigger says goes. “wow this album is terrible I cant wait to watch trigger rip it to shreds” Trigger: New album not so bad! Everyone: “Hey guys the album wasn’t all that bad!” Get some courage and stand up to this tyrant.
November 5, 2016 @ 10:59 am
You, sir, are an idiot. In case you were wondering.
November 5, 2016 @ 10:59 am
Aww…are we feeling irrelevant, today? Well, that would be because you are!
If you don’t like Trigger, then why the hell are you here? GET over yourself! This article has nada to do with an album…it has with Travis Tritt complaining about something we almost all agree on…pop/rap stars on country music Awards shows. IF you don’t like Trigger, then feel free to leave. It’s Trigger’s site, and what he says here, goes! GTF Over yourself!
November 5, 2016 @ 11:09 am
Again another example of herd mentality. “It’s Trigger’s site, and what he says here, goes” he is a tyrant! Beyonce had a beautiful performance. It was by far the highlight of the night. Country music and pop music need to form a coalition of the willing, of the passionate, of the moderately interested if we want to continue to grow.
November 5, 2016 @ 3:54 pm
The committee writing Beyonce participates in speaks to her talent. She doesn’t write the songs she releases she pays extra for a writing credit. This is what we are trying to separate from country music already. Her contribution is approving what is written, if you don’t know that you need to open your eyes. I am from Houston and have little respect for her except as a singer. She can dance good too, doesn’t justify legions of followers.
Trigger is a douche, it’s true. But he is an excellent writer and one of the first to stand up for the integrity of country music. Pop music is for kids, children lack education and experience that’s why they choose it. They just want to dance. Real country music is on an elevated level of self awareness. Opposite of Beyonce, who is just a fame………
November 5, 2016 @ 4:59 pm
You’re crazy, you know that, right? The highlight of the night? Not by a long shot. After Alan Jackson and George Strait performed they could have shut it down went home. Nothing was going to top that performance.
November 7, 2016 @ 9:23 am
Amen to that Mr Jackson.
November 5, 2016 @ 5:08 pm
You’re crazy, you know that, right? Jackson and Strait was the performance of the night.
November 5, 2016 @ 9:17 pm
Preach it, Jacob!!!
Beyoncé uses nearly as many guest writers as Travis Tritt!
The only genre with real stigma against using guest writers is rap.
November 5, 2016 @ 9:39 pm
Ehhhh, I dunno, we rock fans are picky about the bands we like writing their tunes. A cover song occasionally, fine. A cowrite here and there, ok. Let me tell you, Maiden fans would go ballistic if it wasn’t the band writing their songs.
November 6, 2016 @ 5:40 pm
Mr. Jackson…country music does not want to grow into pop music. AND we sure don’t want to see pop stars with clothes on that is see through. IF she had come on the show dressed appropriately and without dragging the trash with her, I don’t believe most people would have had a problem. The song wasn’t bad. She has a great voice. BUT she was not appropriate for country music lovers.
November 7, 2016 @ 9:13 am
Why did you CMA even “Invite” Beyonce? Got the Country BLUES? Losing CMA they mean! Alo Ha! Mahi This made my day in Hawaii man! It’s your CHOICE to see pop stars like Beyonce who rocks my world in SEE THROUGH clothes ‘cos she rocks! Ever think to SHUT your EYES while she’s NAKED & “performing”? What tra$h? You mean Country = TPT watch this show! Trailer Park Tra$h big time watch this CMA. It’s not appropriate so you’re so right but why “invite” her brah? Alo Ha! Ha! Ha! Still laughing after FL after 33+ years went country then Mahi couldn’t listen to Hip Hop/Rap or Top 40 Radio Stations after Country took over! REVENGE is SWEET. Fire the dumb ostrich that “hired” this SEE THROUGH Star! lol
November 5, 2016 @ 11:14 am
ALSO that song “I met a girl” trigger told you guys to drool over? WRITTEN BY SAM HUNT which oh?? He told you to hate. Follow your Shepard you lost sheeple.
November 5, 2016 @ 9:28 pm
Honkytonk Badonkadonk was written by Jamey Johnson.
Chris Stapleton wrote South Side.
The what always matters more than the who.
November 6, 2016 @ 10:15 pm
Don’t you have some Chase Rice videos you should be upping the view counts on?
November 7, 2016 @ 12:03 am
Really, you have nothing better to do? Why waste your time and ours reading this if you hate Trigger and all of us? Also, this has nothing to do with an album or didn’t you read it at all?
November 5, 2016 @ 11:13 am
I have always encouraged disagreement and differing viewpoints on this website, and that’s one of the reasons I emphasize the comments section, and SCM has one of the most robust and active comments sections that you will find on the internet. It goes without saying that most of the people who read are likely to agree with me more often than not, but the last thing I want to operate is an autocracy. If you disagree with something that I post, please feel free to pipe up. This does seem like a strange article to post this comment on though. This isn’t an album review. I’m just reporting what Travis Tritt said. There’s no opinion involved.
November 5, 2016 @ 3:55 pm
Jackson not knowing this wasn’t an album review is just proof he doesn’t actually READ the blogs. If he did,he would know it’s been pointed out a 100 times by everyone and his brother (including yourself) that Sam Hunt (and OTHERS) wrote “I Met A girl”.,,KInda old news at this point!
November 5, 2016 @ 3:20 pm
WRONG …..( works for Trump )
November 5, 2016 @ 3:22 pm
”This website has such a herd mentality. What ever trigger says goes. “wow this album is terrible I cant wait to watch trigger rip it to shreds” Trigger: New album not so bad! Everyone: “Hey guys the album wasn’t all that bad!” Get some courage and stand up to this tyrant”.
November 5, 2016 @ 5:05 pm
I am a Portuguese country fan that live in Portugal and that commented on the CMAs facebook page because Beyonces,Kanyes,Biebers,Gagas are bad news.Being a foreigner i do not understand why do you need people like Beyoncé when you are celebrating country.There is even a detail that bothers me the most wich is the support that Beyoncé showed for the Blacks Live matter,to me as a foreign and not a US citizen Black lives Matter is a terrorist organization,when goups like that attack the police forces of a country,i subscribe to channels where i can watch the graphic nature of encounters where the police forces of your country unfortunatly have to Kill criminal elements or people who just do not comply,your cops are not killers,some are bad,happens to all professionals,but the level of violence and disrespect that i see towards them is incredible,police officers being ambushed and killed…man…what a mess.Now to the music,so The Band Perry was CRUCIFIED for the pop experiment,and they were probably not invited to be at the CMAs,the 50th(important date) and then they invited Beyonce??!!TBP at least has done much more for country…Look at The Facebook page of the CMA,it was having a fan riot,my comment had 10 rapid likes,there where comments with 500 likes or so…why does the beautiful country music needs people from genres that not show the same level of musical greatness,life and poetry?There is good Pop MUSIC,good rock and such,so many,why Beyoncé,country night!Country music…right? Not to mention the disrespect for law and order in your own country.A mistake,now i urge you to take the higher road and not crucify the responsibles for the mistake.Ah,Little Big Town showed a lot of class even with the relationship with Taylor Swift,Karen Fairchild is a great leader.
November 7, 2016 @ 9:07 am
How many books have you wrote ‘cos I couldn’t read it = No Time for this drivel! RIP Country Music! Missed a GREAT performance by Beyonce! Got the “Country Western BLUES” I see so move on & enjoy Hip Hop & Top 40 music unless your foreign country like my parents’ third world Central America country doesn’t let you! Alo Ha! Mahi It’s All Good! Rock on!
November 7, 2016 @ 10:47 am
Portuguese country music? Like Fado?
November 5, 2016 @ 5:43 pm
When you’re finished reading, Jackson, just remember the way out’s down the road, not across the street.
November 5, 2016 @ 8:20 pm
Don’t worry, Jackson – when you grow up you’ll learn to appreciate music that’s good enough to create an audience, and you’ll stop listening to music that was created for an audience. There’s a subtle, yet very important difference between the two that you might not yet fully grasp. The former is made by people with artistic integrity and talent. The latter is made for models and dancers to regurgitate in order to relieve a percentage of the population of their money.
November 6, 2016 @ 6:09 am
No, the “herd mentality” is what gets shitty pop acts on these award shows. Don’t think for yourself there Jackson, Bobby Bones and corporate Nashville will do it for you.
November 6, 2016 @ 6:36 am
And yet here you are.
November 6, 2016 @ 7:31 am
” Pop music is for kids, children lack education and experience that’s why they choose it” How full of yourself can you be? The fact of the matter is if anyone disagrees on this website they get harassed and mocked. Some of us come here for the Indie records that get promoted and it helps us find new artists. People like yourselves come here for a pat on the back telling each other you are so much better and grown up than other people because of your musical preference. Grow up music does not define your age or your intelligence.
November 6, 2016 @ 11:18 am
Studley Dudley, we know that’s you. You’re not fooling anyone. Sit down and shut up!
November 5, 2016 @ 10:51 am
I have tremendous respect for TT and agree with what he said here. I only ask why it’s taken him so long to speak out. In recent years past the CMA’s have had Ariana Grande, Megan Trainor and Lionel Richie making guest appearances.
And I’ll give credit to Beyonce and the Dixie Chicks here, the song they performed sounded like a traditional country or blue grass number. I’d honestly never heard the song before but just assumed it was some old time standard. I was surprised to learn this was actually a track off of Beyonce’s new album. Contrast that with Miranda Lambert and Megan Trainor opening the show with All About That Bass, or Little Big Town and Ariana Grande teaming up for Bang Bang. Or Thomas Rhett and FallOut Boy playing some of their songs last year.
I’d liken Beyonce’s performance this year with Justin Timberlake’s last year, where he teamed up with Stapleton for a genuine country performance.
There’s too many current and older country artists that go unnoticed, so I’m a strong supporter of devoting all award show time to country artists and country performances, however if the CMA’s insists on including outsiders for segments in these shows, at least they did it the way they did it with Beyonce this time around. I mean it’s not like she got up there and did Single Ladies with a banjo behind her.
November 5, 2016 @ 11:21 am
I’m seeing similar comments to this all over the place. I can’t speak for Travis Tritt or anyone else, but I can tell you that I was speaking out about Meghan Trainor, Ariana Grande, Kid Rock, Lil Wayne, and who knows who playing the CMA Awards for going on a decade. I also took specific exception to Justin Timberlake, even though I also acknowledged his performance resulted in a historic moment for country.
I think the proof is in the pudding. Justin Timberlake performed with Chris Stapleton, and it resulted in arguably the most historically important moment in country music in the last 20 years, launching Chris Stapleton into superstardom, and creating a consensus around Stapleton as an artist everyone can appreciate. What happened with Beyonce? The exact opposite. It created division, bad blood, drama, misinformation, anger, threats, etc. etc. Part of this is because of racist elements within country, but the CMA’s also have to be given credit for being so shortsighted in the booking. It just didn’t work.
November 5, 2016 @ 11:50 am
Absolutely well said. As soon as I heard she had been listed as a performer I knew what the overwhelming response would be. Then when I heard she’d be performing with the Dixie Chicks I had to wonder if the CMA’s were just trying to troll people with the lineup.
November 5, 2016 @ 1:38 pm
For CMA’s not to book people bc of political views, would be almost as bad as not booking someone bc of race. I don’t think the CMA’s should give in to the segment of the country population that essentially says unless you conform to conservative political views (or keep your mouth shut) you aren’t country.
You can be ok with inviting one or two pop artist to a country music show, or opposed to it. You can be ok with inviting people who speak their political views, or anti. But you can’t be ok with inviting some pop artists, but not others, or inviting people who speak out in favor of the NRA, but not who speak out in favor of the Blake Lives Matter movement.
(also I don’t know Travis Tritt, or if he’s racist or not, or whatever…but the statement I’m not racist bc I’ve recorded wit Black artists, or I’m not racist bc I have a Black friend, is fundamentally a misunderstanding of racism.)
November 5, 2016 @ 1:53 pm
Travis has been anti-pop acts in county and anti CMAs for about 20 years now. He has written songs on it.
I think he saw the controversy and saw it as a moment to speak his mind again which has always had both positive and negative results for him.
As for being racist, I doubt it. I remember him doing a song back around 2004 called “what say you” that doesnt seem like something a racist would record. He has strong pro gun views but that is as much as I have seen to any extreme with him.
November 5, 2016 @ 1:58 pm
Totally fair, thanks for the info. Post was more philosophical overall point.
November 6, 2016 @ 7:58 am
That’s a very impressive list of artists that he’s worked with. Some serious all time greats. I’m familiar with the Buddy Guy and Patti Labelle collaberations. He did a duet with Buddy on John Fogerty’s Change in the Weather. It was on Buddy’s Feels Like Rain album. I know my Buddy Guy/blues loving and very much NOT country loving brother was very impressed with him. Travis and Patti Labelle did a duet on Sam and Dave’s When Something’s Wrong With My Baby that I thought was glorious. It was part of a serious of videos by TNN or CMT some years ago would pair up a country singer and soul singer. Another great one was Conway Twitty and Sam Moore (of Sam and Dave) doing Rainy Night in Georgia. One thing that was really special about that one was what a Conway fan Sam Moore seemed to be. It was done shortly before Conway Died in 1993, so I guess these videos were done around 25 years ago.
Based on his performance on those two collbaerations, it sure seems to me like Tritt has a deep appreciation for at least some genres identified with black folks. If he got called a racist just because he objected to a popster being on a country music awards show, that’s pretty flimsy.
November 6, 2016 @ 9:33 am
Agree (& again I never said he was racist, or should have been called racist, my entire point is that the defense of but I work with AA isn’t actually proof).
November 6, 2016 @ 8:31 am
Seak, sometimes I agree with you. I agree that politics should not be part of he CMAs in any way. I would rather see no big pop stars involved, as it’s about country music. IF country music is largely white because of a lack of black artists getting involved then so be it. The fact that Rhiannon Giddens, Darius Rucker, Charley Pride are accepted shows that black artists are welcome. We will welcome anyone in fact who wishes to play country music in. Beyonce is not country, period.
But do not lecture us on how you think an artist like Tritt recording with many blacks and associating with them is still racist! I’m calling that BS. You sound like a typical millenial influenced by PC nonsense. Enough is enough. I have personally been a victim of attack in my childhood by folks of another race. I was called cracker and honky and picked on in school as I was in the minority. They bullied me over my race. You have no idea. Guess what, racism works both ways jack!! And I am not bitter or racist today, even though some may think I have reason. in fact, I am in a very integrated church and work closely with blacks, Hispanics and Asians many of whom are my dear friends..and don’t tell me that’s a racist statement cause it aint!!!! I’m gonna stand up to you and your fellow PC Trolls every time.The people who cry racism the loudest are the racists. But really you are a victim of this insanely insidious lie that is being inculcated into young impressionable minds by very powerful forces who ultimately will take away your freedoms, you are clueless.
November 6, 2016 @ 9:32 am
Re-read what I said, I NEVER said Tritt was racist. I said the defense of: I am not racist see I have AA friends/people I worked with, is a misunderstanding of racism.
Yes one part of racism is refusing to work with/interact with people of other races. But racism is actually the assigning of characteristics to people based on their race, generally to prove their inferiority. You can be friends with someone who is AA & still make a comment that AA are lazy, the comment is racist, regardless of your friendship.
Also the whole millennial thing is a massive bunch of over-played BS & my college didn’t have safe-spaces when I went there.
November 6, 2016 @ 9:36 am
You sound like someone who is largely and maybe willfully ignorant of the history of the black experience in America. You seem to think that because you personally were treated unfairly by some black folks that you’re some sort of expert on race issues, as if your experience is somehow the equivalent of centuries of INSTITUTIONAL racism (Slavery, Jim Crow, etc.) experienced by generations and generation of black people. Truthseeker, huh? Yeah, right. An no, I’m not a millennial. I’m in my mid 50’s.
November 6, 2016 @ 11:48 am
Seak, your reply is reasonable, I won’t disagree with your points. Fact is though, and the point of my diatribe is simple, I am sick of people lecturing everyone everyday on racism. IT’S become a powerful political weapon that’s being used to force people to march in line to a certain ideology. Everyone understands there are always bad apples, that’s truth. SHAME on the bad apples, if they cross my path they will hear about it.
My job as a public servant takes me out all over a large city and I daily interact with people of numerous ethnic persuasions and do you know what I see more often than not, is that a large segment of people today have a certain decency and kindness and politeness. I meet few people that you might actually call racists. Now what people might say behind closed doors is different. But rather than look upon my fellow man and blanket assume he or she is racist is ridiculous. People will prove who they are by their deeds. And if some are genuinely bad, I believe they will get theirs one day. I will spare you my personal theological beliefs in respect to this blog.
Jack, I have sufficient education on the history of slavery, civil rights etc. MY POINT in sharing my own experience is that contrary to the current media narrative, racism happens to folks of all colors. I will not go into problems within other cultures and countries as we could spend hours debating that. AT the end of the day, nothing divides people more than calling them racists. This never produces a good result. Its an Alinsky tactic. AND a mighty effective one at that.
My suggestion to those obsessed with identifying racists is to look into a mirror and honestly ask yourself what can you do in a positive way for society. Then become a positive force for good in word and deed.
Sorry Trigger for getting way off topic. LOVE that country music!
November 7, 2016 @ 11:05 am
Please Jack Williams, will you enlighten us and show us the way out of this darkness of rawcisim? You being in your 50’s… shows us that you are timeless and infinite in wisdom.
November 5, 2016 @ 3:50 pm
He has bitched about ALL of them over the years.That and the horrible music we hear on country radio today. Christ,the man recently went on a rant about Achey Breaky Heart not long ago (again)
November 5, 2016 @ 3:32 pm
”There’s too many current and older country artists that go unnoticed, so I’m a strong supporter of devoting all award show time to country artists and country performances, however if the CMA’s insists on including outsiders for segments in these shows, at least they did it the way they did it with Beyonce this time around. I mean it’s not like she got up there and did Single Ladies with a banjo behind her.”
I think the biggest factor was that this was COUNTRY MUSIC’S biggest night ( award -wise ) in 50 years and no place for a pop star who is so far removed from the genre that its laughable .Particularly with so many more deserving loyal country artists out there ….Travis Tritt being one of them . It was an insult to country music and country fans on a big night like this was .
November 7, 2016 @ 9:29 am
I’m in favor of traditional county. But I like all music. I feel this was a point Beyonce was making.. Really or political. She’s been bashing white cops all around. Just her way of knowing to get noticed. My thoughts… No disrespect to her just there’s the motive… Not genuine at all.
November 5, 2016 @ 10:55 am
I think Tritt is a tool.
I just posted a comment under your viewership article. But, the gist of it applies here.
When they decided to move the CMAs to November 10-11 years ago, it was a TV decision – networks wanted to cash-in on sweeps week and charge advertisers a premium. The decision was counterintuitive to the health of the country music industry because they lost the 4th quarter showcase.
So, that’s why we get silly duets with Beyoncé and Timberlake- they get eyeballs on the TV at the expense of the growth of genre.
November 5, 2016 @ 11:12 am
Lmao. I like Travis but he needs to relax. He’s probably pissed that he wasn’t invited.
November 5, 2016 @ 12:21 pm
I said that he was a tool because I got in a twitter fight with him awhile back and I can’t remember what for! It had to have originated from something posted on SCM. But, it’s been so long since I’ve used twitter, I can’t remember my password.
November 5, 2016 @ 4:02 pm
“He is a tool and I’m such a douche I can’t remember why, oh yeah cause he is somebody and he said something and my ego said take him down”. Wonder what happened in 94, was that the year you were born, so basically your a kid that is just trying to be cool. Your entire generation are the real tools.
November 5, 2016 @ 6:05 pm
How about we compare your songs to travis oryou go out and do 2 hour acoustic show and we shall see who the tool is!
November 5, 2016 @ 12:26 pm
I reset my PW. It was the Tim McGraw Sandy Hook charity performance from April 2015. It was the one and only time I tweeted a celebrity and he had at.
November 7, 2016 @ 8:12 am
I’m guessing Travis was less than excited that McGraw was performing for an anti-gun organization?
November 5, 2016 @ 3:35 pm
”Lmao. I like Travis but he needs to relax. He’s probably pissed that he wasn’t invited.”
WRONG . We need more and more folks like Tritt speaking out against the ” Trav-esties ” ( pun intended ) that are going on in the name of country music and for the sake of $$$$$$.
November 5, 2016 @ 10:57 am
CMA’s continue to be an irrelevant joke. Haven’t watched since the early nineties. So who they book is of no consequence to me. Long live Texas/Red Dirt music.
November 5, 2016 @ 12:02 pm
Tritt for President!
November 5, 2016 @ 12:04 pm
Even if the CMAs inviting pop stars on the awards show isn’t a new thing, TT is exactly right here, and good on him for coming right out and saying all of this.
November 5, 2016 @ 1:12 pm
He is right.
Country music has a self-loathing disease. For some reason, the leaders of this genre want to be loved by people who dislike the core values of country music.
Follow the advice of the Aaron Tippin: You Got To Stand For Something or Fall For Anything.
November 6, 2016 @ 5:20 pm
That’s good advice for any situation. But even better advice for country music. Stick to your guns and stay true to the values. Like Hank3 sang, not everybody likes us, but we drive some folks wild.
November 8, 2016 @ 1:39 am
I, CountryKnight, is C. The auto fill didn’t fulfill (har har) its duty.
November 5, 2016 @ 1:21 pm
Tritt tells it like it is,hell yeah!
November 5, 2016 @ 1:25 pm
He is right.
Country music has a self-loathing disease. For some reason, the leaders of this genre want to be loved by people who dislike the core values of country music.
Follow the advice of the Aaron Tippin: You Got To Stand For Something or Fall For Anything.
November 6, 2016 @ 1:33 pm
Good quote from Tippin. Following the crowd is easier but standing for core principles and beliefs makes a person feel empowered and confident. Empowered , confidant, positive people can be a powerful force for good.
November 5, 2016 @ 1:32 pm
I would guess the reason Tritt wasn’t invited was because he’s never won a CMA MVOTY or EOTY or AOTY award.
November 5, 2016 @ 6:09 pm
he has won a few cmas ever heard of google?
November 5, 2016 @ 6:11 pm
yep, you should try it, look at which CMA’s he won. Then look at my post again. Then realize that the priority on inviting people back were FVOTY MVOTY an EOTY award winners.
November 5, 2016 @ 3:15 pm
I agree with him. I don’t like Beyoncé, but I do like Charley Pride, Ray Charles, and anyone else of any race that respects country music.. Her fans are delusional millennials that get butthurt over anything and I think it’s absolutely hilarious how upset they get.
November 5, 2016 @ 3:26 pm
Travis is 100% correct . There are too many REAL country artists whose careers might have been launched , resurrected or honoured had they been given that Beyonce spot ….a spot most of them rightfully earned by staying true to COUNTRY music and their own hearts . Why the hell does Beyonce need more exposure ??
November 5, 2016 @ 3:42 pm
“Travis Tritt is releasing a new double CD and DVD on November 15th called A Man and His Guitar…”
Smart man Travis… you’ve got an album to promote, so you waded in on all this Beyonce/CMA controversy and got some press out of it. Well done.
November 5, 2016 @ 3:50 pm
I must say, Beyonce’s fans must indeed be fanatical. They apparently insist that the only possible reason someone might not like her music is racism. The idea that one’s enjoyment of the arts is a subjective experience and that each of us has our own tastes in music…unpossible!
I realize that not everybody likes traditional country music, and I don’t insist that they ought to. But I do like it, and I’d like to have a place where I can enjoy it. What’s “racist” about that?
And pray tell me, what is wrong with wanting opportunities like appearing on a country music awards show to go to country music artists, especially those who aren’t already millionaires with large followings?
November 5, 2016 @ 3:51 pm
Sorry, meant to post that under this screen name. Not trying to sock puppet!
November 5, 2016 @ 5:24 pm
What has Travis Tritt said about the decrepit bro-country crap that made mainstream country radio into a cesspool the last several years? That whole toxic sludge has done INFINTELY more damage to country music than one performance by Beyoncé and the Dixie Chicks on the CMAs could ever do, and yet he hasn’t said anything meaningful about it (and perhaps not at all).
I’m not saying that Tritt is guilty of being a racist. But I do think his outrage is selective at best, and misguided at worst. I make ZERO apologies in saying this.
November 7, 2016 @ 6:44 am
Check out his Twitter feed. Just recently, “You’ve never heard me say I’m a fan of that stuff either. I’m old school. Haggard, Jones, Cash, Waylon & Hank Williams.” And, “No argument here. I’m not a fan of the direction that country music has taken in recent years.” He’s been pretty clear about the fact he’s a traditional country music fan.
November 7, 2016 @ 6:56 am
Another recent tweet, “Obviously, that’s why you follow me also. I don’t want rap or pop mixed in my country”
From May, “Rap country ain’t outlaw country. There is a huge difference and the fans should know the difference.” “Any artist who wears a Waylon hat or t-shirt while doing rap country should be ashamed of themselves. Waylon hated that crap!”
Don’t have time to look further, but it’s in there if you check him out at
November 5, 2016 @ 6:13 pm
he was bitching about Brantley gilbert a few years ago he has always spoke his mind, you obviously haven’t followed him to close
November 5, 2016 @ 7:03 pm
I’m well aware of what he said about Brantley Gilbert. But given that there are no other examples of him laying into, say, Luke Bryan or Jason Aldean, or getting on the Florida-Georgia Line chuckleheads for collaborating with Nelly, stuff that has done far more damage to country than Beyoncé could ever do, I am not in the least bit damned impressed by his bellyaching about the Chicks/Beyoncé collaboration.
November 5, 2016 @ 7:15 pm
Like I said before, I’m OK with pop singers paying a visit to country, but it’s a matter of what they do that bothers me. Beyonce should have never been invited to play the CMA awards after all those nasty comments. The one comment that was the most crass which I caught said that the user wished that black people would “take back” country music as if they should have the genre all to themselves. Other pop singers like Kelly Clarkson and Justin Timberlake are a different story since they don’t bring race or sex into the situation or try to make country singers look bad. Plus, their fans aren’t hostile, unlike the Beyhive.
November 5, 2016 @ 7:27 pm
For all these folks saying Travis Tritt was silent until now about the problems in country music, here are some links:
“Travis Tritt: Artists Are Portraying ‘Something They Aren’t'” – January 14th, 2014
“Travis Tritt Calls Out Brantley Gilbert for ‘Disrespect'” – June 1st, 2014
Tritt is known for regularly taking up the issue on his Twitter page, and for speaking out on stage at his concerts. There are a dozen other examples you can find on Twitter and in YouTube videos. This is not something he just decided to take up now. He has been adamant and outspoken on these issues for years.
November 5, 2016 @ 7:31 pm
I’ve been relentlessly harrassing Bobby Bones on Twitter about his criticism of Travis Tritt, also implying that Travis is racist. I thought Bobby Bones couldn’t possibly disppoint me more than he already does by being a carpet bagging no talent hack at the center of country radio’s downfall, but his completely unnecessary race baiting was poor form even for him.
November 5, 2016 @ 10:07 pm
God Bobby Bones is a tool.
November 6, 2016 @ 2:00 pm
Tools have a use.
Bobby Bones is even less useful than a screen door on a submarine.
November 6, 2016 @ 5:24 pm
Any chance we can get him on that submarine?
November 7, 2016 @ 10:42 am
Hahahaha…that’s funny..I don’t care who you are…that’s funny!#
November 7, 2016 @ 7:17 am
A plague is more like it.
November 7, 2016 @ 6:58 am
Rut-roh. Look out for the block. If you say anything he doesn’t agree with, you’re history. Take advantage of it while you can. 🙂
November 5, 2016 @ 7:53 pm
…now we know why he was absent from the “Forever Country” music video.
November 5, 2016 @ 9:49 pm
I love (most of) Travis Tritt’s music, & I always liked him. But I have to agree & disagree with him here.
First off, why is everyone (the media, critics, fans, etc.) making a big deal about Beyonce specifically, playing the CMAs? How many artists from other genres have played “Country” award shows in the past 5 years? I can think of 6 (Steven Tyler, Lionel Ritchie, Kelly Clarkson, Ariana Grande, Meghan Trainor, Elle King) just off the top of my head. They’re all equally offensive in my opinion (maybe even Beyonce SLIGHTLY less so since I see her as more of a serious & talented individual than the others, albeit with no business on a Country stage).
So Travis Tritt, why this pop artist artist, why now? And further more, I’m wholly more offended by the all the fake Country singers dominating Country Music, the radio, and all the Award shows. Why not speak up against that more? That’s who’s stealing your bread and butter & the music we revere so highly. I would think the average, ignorant, Joe Schmo tuning in would be much more likely to differentiate Beyonce from not being Country than say Luke Bryan or Carrie Underwood. Bottom line, it ALL pisses me off to no end, but I’m definitely more offended by Taylor Swift (even now) than Beyonce.
As far as Travis Tritt picking now to complain, I’m reminded of comments he made about 13 years ago that turned me against him for a while. If he had been bitching all along about ALL the impostors & genre crossing artists infiltrating Country Music, I’d put no stock in this & be totally with him. However, as I was reminded reading this article, he was a card carrying member of the witch hunt against the Dixie Chicks. I won’t go into how heartbreaking & ridiculous I still think that was, and how any traditional Country artists who jumped on that bandwagon were spiting themselves & the music. But I have to wonder if their participation in that spot has something to do with his ire. Moreover I think them being on a Country Award show (esp The 50th CMAs) was a much more shocking occurrence and WAY bigger deal than Beyonce, or anything that happened that night (outside of the legit Legends participation). And nobody’s talking about that. I especially enjoyed the slip into “Long Time Gone” (especially when AJ & Strait didn’t get a chance to rip into Murder On Music Row) in the faces of people like Florida Georgia Line, Luke Bryan, Jason Aldean, Kelsea Ballerini, Rascal Flatts, Little Big Town, and all the other phonies who’s names are irrelevant. “They sound tired but they don’t sound Haggard, they got money but they don’t got Cash, they got Jr but they don’t have Hank”, I for one sure missed them
November 6, 2016 @ 10:18 am
I appreciate your thoughts Sam and I don’t want to be combative, but Travis Tritt has been highly critical and outspoken about the incorporation of pop in country for a dozen years or more, including in highly-documented incidents that have been highlighted on this website and other places. I would post the links yet again, but I don’t want to be redundant. I have no clue why so many folks have bought into the idea that Travis Tritt has been silent until now. This must be a theory people are seeing on social media and are parroting it without checking the facts, but it is unfounded.
November 6, 2016 @ 3:38 pm
I think they are pointing out that he hasn’t specifically pointed out other pop stars performing on the CMAs . So why now is the question. Yes he may have been outspoken in the past but not directly after a performance on an award show.
November 6, 2016 @ 4:23 pm
Trig This is what I been saying,but gave up several posts ago.Even when you post links,they still keep on on how this is the first time he’s bitched about pop artists on awards or pop period…Most of this comes on late night twitter rants where he may or may not have a few bourbons in him
November 7, 2016 @ 9:53 am
Where are these links showing him ranting after an awards show about pop stars? I aure haven’t seen them. He himself has collaborated with non country musicians on many occasions so not sure why it’s not ok with him that others do it.
November 5, 2016 @ 10:01 pm
I agree with Travis and other pissed off country fans. I don’t think pop singers need to be there. Especially Beyonce, for reasons many others have mentioned. The fact that she cut into Dolly’s Lifetime Award Speech sucked. What the f were the Cma’s thinking? I am so outraged at this whole scenario- but I don’t want to pour gasoline on a fire. Country music fans are racist because we want COUNTRY singers at our Awards shows? If the stuation were reversed, and let’s say, Queen Bey were up for, oh, a Lifetime Achievement Award at the Bet Awards, and SAM HUNT showed up to sing an extended version of Take Your Time, cutting into QUEEN BEY’s speech, the Beyhive, the media, would be on the damn war path. It’s RACIST- SAM HUNT cut into Queen Bey’s speech! The Network is racist! They’re all racist! But Beyhive, says the Network Exec sweetly, Sam Hunt had elements of Hip Hop in his music. Our Queen (Dolly)’s speech was cut into, and these stupid Beyhive fans don’t care and are BEYOND disrespectful. So over the racist card being played it’s not even funny. Unfortunately some people get it, and some don’t.
November 5, 2016 @ 10:52 pm
He complains about Beyonce not belonging in country, while at the same time brags about working with Patti Labelle and Isaac Hayes? Wha?
November 6, 2016 @ 4:29 pm
But did he perform on the CMA awards with Patti Labelle or Isaac Hayes? Wha?
November 7, 2016 @ 9:54 am
I’m sure he would have if they had invited him
November 6, 2016 @ 3:49 am
I was wondering how long it would take for him to be called a racist. The more astounding and kind of creepy/weird part is the it seem the Beyhive just go through comments looks for people to “bust”. Talk about following blindly. That is exactly how Germany elected Hitler.
November 6, 2016 @ 5:08 am
Judging by some of the racist comments here on this site and on social media about Beyonces cma performance, there are clearly idiots on both sides.
November 6, 2016 @ 5:11 am
Amen to that Travis.
November 6, 2016 @ 5:22 am
I dont know why everyones getting so worked up by these pop and beyhive fans criticising country music’s racial diversity issue (as aggressive as some of those criticisms might be)
A lot of the articles on this site have been about mainstream country musics lack of diversity. Its ok for us to point it out but not pop fans. This feels like one of those “I can criticize my mother but you better not” situations
November 6, 2016 @ 6:35 am
If it wasn’t this election season, we wouldn’t even be having this conversation. Country fans typically lean right, we all know that. Beyonce is an obvious Clinton supporter, we all know that too. Therefore, logically, there is going to be pushback from country fans. If I didn’t know any better this was trolling on a large scale level to initiate this reaction, because it was an obvious reaction, and since certain elements love to throw around the “R” word with abandon this season, you just can’t help but make that conclusion.
My solution is an economic one: don’t watch the award shows, none of them; pop, country, or otherwise. I believe the level to which we elevate celebrities in this country is silly.
November 6, 2016 @ 8:14 am
I absolutely lurve Alicia Keys,not such a huge fan of Beyonce’s style of music. It’s just that simple. I think it would’ve gone over better without Natalie in the picture. She still comes across so defensive and militant. Meh.
Dolly and Beyonce would’ve been a better pairing. But sigh and alas, it did go over like a lead balloon.
November 6, 2016 @ 9:19 am
I’m of two minds on this- Beyonce and the Dixie Chicks together was really good and had more energy than most performances usually do on the CMA’s and was more country sounding than a lot of the stuff that pops up on country radio today. I had no problem with Beyonce performing on the show (and I will admit that part of that is because I think Beyonce is a phenomenal artist and a beautiful woman)
I do agree with Tritt though on this- it baffles me that the CMA’s/ACM’S/CMT Awards pander so heavily to crossover stuff. It does feel like the country music industry feels like their artists can not stand on their own and they stump heavily for pop artists. It does boggle the mind at times.
November 6, 2016 @ 11:35 am
Almost every band that performs on the CMAs is a pop artist…
November 6, 2016 @ 12:26 pm
While a lot of Travis’s songs are not traditional,IMO,his songs are a lot better than a lot of the other stuff that’s out there today.
Kudos to Travis for speaking out on this!
November 6, 2016 @ 12:46 pm
Congratulations CMA’s, not only has your pathetic desperation to save your moribund ratings against game 7 of the World Series, completely failed, but you have also managed to turn the attention away from any and all of the performers (including the classic ones) and put it on the tired cliche of all Country fans being racists rednecks. It was bad enough having to qualify being a fan of Country music when Florida Georgia Line was running wild, now you have to add in the qualification that you aren’t some close minded racist. So when someone asks you what genre of music you like, you now have to say “Country music, but I don’t listen to the crap on the radio and no, I’m not a racist hillbilly with a 2nd grade reading level who hates african americans”.
November 6, 2016 @ 1:03 pm
Here’s my two cents.
Beyoncé and Dixie Chicks did a very solid, entertaining performance. I don’t even like Beyoncé. It was nice to see Dixie Chicks. Although, Natalie still gives off that annoying in your face vibe lol. Anyways, as far as Travis Tritt is concerned, I think what he said is perfectly reasonable. After all, it is a country award show, and it was the 50th anniversary for CMA. But the truth is, most of the other contemporary performers that night are no more country than Beyoncé is. I don’t mean that as an insult. I like pop country just as much as I like traditional country, rock country, or any other variation of the genre. I just wish the lyrics weren’t so stupid nowadays. I don’t need some dark depressing song about lonesome nights or drunken affairs, I just want music that doesn’t lower my IQ lol.
Above all, people need to stop with the race baiting. Also, I don’t “follow the herd” on this website. I have thought many times that Trigger is way too nitpicky and harsh on certain artists or songs. I do find it very annoying at times, but I also know he deeply cares about the genre and music in general. Which is why I keep coming back to this site, even though there are plenty of times I want to avoid it. I think that about wraps it up.
November 6, 2016 @ 2:41 pm
Even at this late date, I have not said a single word about Beyonce’s or the Dixie Chicks performance. Travis Tritt hasn’t said anything specifically about Beyonce’s performance. Many, if not the majority of the people who have been critical of the decision to have Beyonce perform at the CMA’s haven’t said anything critical about the performance. How good or bad Beyonce did with all the accusations of racism and other drama surrounding it is virtually irrelevant. Beyonce’s Beyhive have made sure of that.
” I have thought many times that Trigger is way too nitpicky and harsh on certain artists or songs. “
This is my job to be way too nitpicky. I am a critic in a music world of pom pom wavers. That’s what I do. I criticize.
November 6, 2016 @ 3:23 pm
I never claimed that you said anything about the performance. I know you haven’t. I am simply saying that it was a good quality performance, regardless of how country it was or wasn’t.
“This is my job to be way too nitpicky.”
That is my problem with most critics. Whether it be music, movies, or books. They are so focused on finding the supposed faults with a work of art, that they can’t appreciate it for what it is. I disagree that many critics are basically cheerleaders. Don’t get me wrong, I do appreciate your in depth reviews. I just think some of your criticizes are heavy handed.
November 6, 2016 @ 2:17 pm
First off I Love Country Music but you won’t see me watching a CMA show because Country Music is not true to Country Music anymore. I’m old school anyhow and most of country;s stars today aren’t the real country. Some of the music lyrics are a joke. They show try taking lessons from real songwriters such as Alan Miller and Dan E Strimer. Even Raul Malo writes his own songs.The day of real class and dress are gone. Dirty ripped jeans are the norm,ugh! Please, no more songs about beer and fishing. Give me The Band The Mavericks any day. You can’t pigeon hole them, They are true to their name. They can perform anything and they do it well. That’s one big reason The Mavericks Rule! Pure Perfect Entertainment from a “Real Band” of talented musicians led by the man with the Voice Of Velvet Raul Malo. Go see a live show and you will see what I mean. You have no idea what you are missing.
November 6, 2016 @ 5:48 pm
I like TT’s music- beyonce not so much
November 6, 2016 @ 6:00 pm
I like TT’s music!
November 6, 2016 @ 6:08 pm
really, Travis? Isn’t music about creativity?
November 6, 2016 @ 6:10 pm
Oh dear! He must be a racist! That’s the only thing to say to someone who disagrees with a black person, or the message of a black person, or a black person going where they don’t belong. I mean it’s okay if blaks first hated Eminem, for being white in a “black music genre”, but you know blacks can’t be racist, just ask Eric Holder. lol
November 6, 2016 @ 7:14 pm
Jesus fucking Christ people…..
November 6, 2016 @ 10:09 pm
in all honesty i wasn’t sure what to think of the performance it wasn’t bad but it felt like it didn’t belong what i don’t agree with is natalie’s reaction. For those who don’t know natalie said on twitter that she lived a dream of singing with beyonce on the cma’s dime.
in my opinion the hopes of them releasing another country record (which i never saw happening) or of the relationship with country music being rekindled just burned out with that comment. And dylan scott of all people i think said it best when he said that spot could have been used for an up and comer or someone who the fans could mutually agree deserved it.
November 7, 2016 @ 3:39 am
I’ll say right off that I haven’t seen or heard this performance yet. I’m sure there’s room within country music for experimentation but it’s got to be about picking the right time and place. At a show honouring country music it seems reasonable to me to have country folk appearing and not just sticking in an act that will generate the most viewers. I agree with others who have said that this time should have been spent showcasing some up and coming country stars!
November 7, 2016 @ 4:52 am
I agree 100% with Travis Tritt. As I watched the show, I began to wonder where the singers were that made up the 50 years of COUNTRY MUSIC.. Sadly , they were missing. If I had wanted to see Beyonce , I would have watch a program of her kind of music , of which I do not care for. I was ** really ** disappointed when Vince Gill was not given a chance to sing. He has won a lot of Country Music Awards; a lot more than she will ever win. Connie Smith and Patty Loveless would have added a LOT to this show also . One last comment , This kind of show is NOT the place to voice your ” opinion ” on subjects that you know will BE controversial..if you can’t accept the outcome of the public to your opinion. Thank you.
November 7, 2016 @ 6:18 am
I feel the same way as Travis Tritt. He is not racist at all and neither am I. But the CMA’s should only have Country performers. The other Award shows do not ask Country Musicians to preform unless they have cross over music.
November 7, 2016 @ 7:04 am
Most country IS pop music. 🙂
November 7, 2016 @ 8:01 am
I have a list started of folks I would have rather seen on a 50th anniversary show for COUNTRY MUSIC, Most of them were in the audience!
And why not get Kenny Rogers to give Dolly Parton her award? Marty Stewart, Brooks and Dunn, Kenny Rogers, Loretta Lynn (in the audience) Crystal Gayle (in the audience) Statler Brothers, Lori Morgan (in the audience) …..ok, yal add to this as you think of more.
November 7, 2016 @ 8:03 am
Travis Tritt is no racist.
November 7, 2016 @ 8:27 am
Correct me if I’m wrong; but how is this really any different from Steven Tyler? Wasn’t he one of the performers at last years awards? I don’t like Beyonce, never have; No I don’t think she belonged at the CMA’s. Still don’t understand why she was performing with the Dixie Chicks. Maybe those gals didn’t think they could stand on their own which is really sad actually; I love the Dixie Chicks, they have gotten a really bad rap all for speaking their minds…which is protected by constitution by the way. At least when Steven performed it made sense, the song he sang was more country and I do think he was trying to diversify himself. Beyonce on the other hand, I have no clue; show her body off in a scantily clad dress? (which I felt was in very poor taste). Country is more about old fashioned values, God and family. Beyonce is more about money, pop, fame and more money. For a 50th Anniversary show, she sure didn’t belong there. There are plenty of other artists that I would have rather seen or seen more of…like Randy Travis!!! How amazing was he??
November 7, 2016 @ 9:09 am
Fifteen years ago, I listened to zero country. I stepped into it because of collaborations like this. Five years ago I knew none of the non-pop country artists. Today I listen to “Saving Country Music artists” on a regular basis and can’t stomach most pop country. I loved the Beyonce/Dixie Chicks performance and I love the song, the music. I loathe the insular tripe that always follows.
Travis Tritt’s inner asshole comes out every 18 months or so. He stirs the pot and then plays innocent in the smarmiest way.
November 7, 2016 @ 9:19 am
If I turned on my TV to watch a Christmas Special and found an Islamic program I would be upset. Tuning inCountry to watch Beyonce makes even less sense. Let’s give the new country a new name, and their own program, and they can invite Beyonce. The current program plan seems to be to anchor the program with traditional artists, then fill the program with NOT REALLY COUNTRY ACTS. This take over of country music is not appreciated. We are smart enough to see that the people calling the shots don’t like country. Here’s to Travis.
November 7, 2016 @ 9:33 am
November 7, 2016 @ 9:49 am
“I”m can’t be racist! I have black friends!” lol
November 7, 2016 @ 9:59 am
Music is suppose to bring people together. It is nice to see when people mix rap/rock or country/pop. I think if it stayed the same it would get really boring. I like seeing artists try something new and I loved the performance. Sometimes if you don’t change with the times you get left behind and even though I am a Travis Tritt fan it seems he has been left way behind. Just my opinion.
November 7, 2016 @ 11:15 am
Yea it’s real nice. Real great. All this mixing. When I turn on the radio I don’t know whether it’s the country station, the christian rock station or the top 100 pop hits station, or the hip-hop station. I can’t tell anymore. It’s so great.
Get out of Deborah, you’re a deplorable.
November 7, 2016 @ 11:18 am
basket of deplorables
November 7, 2016 @ 10:10 am
It isn’t racist to say you don’t like Beyoncé. She is not a country artist. I feel bad that the only way the Dixie Chicks could perform was to be on stage with her, or anyone for that matter. She was not the only “showboater”, but I hate that part of the awards shows. I don’t like her at all – but it is my preference to dislike a singer. It isn’t like you like everyone and not liking someone does not make you a racist.
November 7, 2016 @ 10:27 am
Really? Travis are you going there. I bet you didn’t complain when Justin Timberlake was on the show last year(or the year before). I think having her on show the appeal of Country Music across music genres. I mean how is this different from CMT”s Crossroad shows when the put a country artist with a rock/pop artist? Answer it isn’t.
Also think about it, by being on the CMAs Beyonce may have turned some of her fan on to country music.
November 7, 2016 @ 10:33 am
I don’t get the Beyonce hate. I thought she and the Dixie Chicks were awesome. I love country music, I play traditional country music and it’s what I listen to the majority of the time but I can still appreciate a good song and a good performance. I don’t listen to Beyonce typically and I don’t have any of her albums but I thought she did great.
It’s not Beyonce or other pop starts that are ruining country music or country radio. She had nothing to do with all the tools that are putting out music that is neither country nor pop and is mediocre at best.
November 7, 2016 @ 12:22 pm
I didn’t watch the award show, I listened to it on the radio while I was busy cleaning a cooler full of fish with my dad. When they announced that Beyonce was going to perform we both looked at each other like ‘what the hell?’ but maybe it’s gonna be awesome. We reserved judgment, but when she sang we both said the same thing at the same time ‘who invited Beyonce to the CMA’s?’ and my dad was like ‘maybe her driver got lost on his way to the MOBO awards.’ as a joke, but it really seemed out of place that she was performing, We like pop music as well, and noticed that it wasn’t her usually Beyonce-ness, like she watched a bunch of Grand Ole Opry footage and tried to imitate them … and failed. It sounded forced and like she was trying way too hard to fit in. Maybe it looked awesome, but I didn’t see it so I can’t judge that.
November 7, 2016 @ 12:23 pm
When did TT become a Cover Girl model?
November 7, 2016 @ 2:02 pm
For how long now has country music been little more than rock or pop, with twang? I not much of a country fan, but I love Americana, which I find more country than country music. But did Travis complain about Steven Tyler? Taylor Swift (?!!?), and so many others, either out for the publicity, or CMT looking for the same?
CMT obviously wants a bigger audience. That is why these ‘others’ are invited. It’s an odd choice for an award show, celebrating their own brand of music. I’m not that familiar with Beyonce, but I’m sure she puts on a show. But really? And with the Dixie Chicks? Country music never deserved them, except in the early days, when they played country. There last two albums had nothing to do with country – and they were selling out arenas full of country fans. Then, someone decided to axe them. It wasn’t the listeners. Those calls to local radio stations were from a call center. One of the strangest hit jobs I’d ever seen. (eventually, the local yokels got the message, and found their rage). Death threats and cancelled shows followed. Congratulations, rubes! So I only think they agreed to come back to CMT was for a final FU, Fans!
Country music will never be what it once was. Those days are gone. Rock is now mostly pop. So is country. And rap is mostly un-listenable. I think Travis has a point. I’m sure Beyonce and the Chicks were good – but if you aren’t railing against other rockers – it’s in poor taste to just notice the black woman!
And those black artists you mentioned – do you think their audience wondered why some white country crooner was onstage???
November 7, 2016 @ 3:06 pm
Yes, country music isn’t what it used to be, it’s rock/pop sang with a twang but rock-n-roll isn’t the Chuck Berry rock that it once was nor pop the Bobby Vinton way, ect. ect. for all genre, it all changes with time. I have never liked the Dixie Chicks, Beyonce or Travis Twit as I so lovingly call him, although I do give him credit for reuniting the Eagles 🙂 As far as the CMA awards go I don’t believe the D.C.’s nor Beyonce should have been on there. I didn’t care that they spoke out against Bush and the war because it was their right to do so, had it been said at another time, when America didn’t have our Patriotic up and still reeling from 9/11, I doubt so many would have cared. It was the hypocrisy they showed by calling Toby Keith’s song “Red, White and Blue” (which was his right), the country music industry and the fans ignorant. Of course it didn’t stop there, there was also the comment that they would rather have a few cool fans listen to their music than the ones who would put their cd into a 5 cd changer with the likes of Reba and Toby, I have to wonder who the other 2 artists/group would have been in the changer, if it would have been mine it would be Merle, Waylon and Patsy, wouldn’t have been room for them LOL! As far as Bouncy goes, it’s her anti-cop, black panther fiasco at the superbowl and affiliation with BLM that I believe have turned country fans against her. Yes, black lives do matter but the org. it’s self is racist, violent and in my opinion has set race relations back instead of forward. Now for your comment on the most historical moment in country music in 20 years, the Stapleton & Timberlake performance of the remake of Whisky River, they did a great job of singing the lyric’s of Whisky River to the music of Etta James “I’d Rather Go Blind” almost note for note. If he’s going to remake a song and make it his, he should have used his own music, Just saying 😉 With all this said, it is just my opinion, I speak for no other country music fan but myself.
November 7, 2016 @ 4:12 pm
I personally agree with travis….i feel country music awards show should feature country stars….not to mention it was the 50 th year huge celebration…if they had not had beyonce..maybe just maybe Dolly could have given her speech after accepting a LIFETIME award….other than these two issues…..loved the show
November 8, 2016 @ 7:43 am
Even before I read what he said about the show, I was baffled. Not only that Beyoncé was even ON the show, but that SHE performed and Dolly didn’t. It’s a slap in the face to all the country music fans who waited so long and paid good money to see their favorite COUNTRY music artists. For crying out loud, what would’ve happened if Reba McIntyre sang at the BET Awards but Patti LaBelle didn’t? I applaud Travis Tritt for being honest about what many of us already thought.
November 8, 2016 @ 4:31 pm
I agree with Travis. They have their own music and award shows. We don’t need their music on ours. Plus, country has gone pop. And also, why isn’t Hank Jr. in the Hall of Fame! It’s ridiculous!!
November 8, 2016 @ 9:51 pm
I appreciate why Travis feels as he does when there are so many country artists not getting time on the CMAs. The network brought on Beyonce for ratings purposes and ad revenue and I get that decision. I am not someone who buys Beyonce’s music but she’s popular on a wide spectrum and the network probably figures she’d help ratings on a competitive night vs. World Series. Her performance was fine.I did like other CMA performances better, such as Stapleton/Yoakam, but that’s just my preference. If someone tuned in to see Beyonce and heard George Strait, Chris, Dwight, etc.and checked out their music, then it was worthwhile.
April 16, 2021 @ 6:20 pm
Travis should worry more about his 3rd wife dressing so slutty, than Beyonce, LOL!
March 29, 2022 @ 12:29 am
anyone old enough to remember when people were saying Travis Truitt wasn’t country. I remember it.