Tyler Childers Makes Surprise Appearance, Wife Senora May Expecting

This story has been updated.
The bad news is that if you’ve been holding your breath for that big Tyler Childers tour ever since his dual arena tour with Sturgill Simpson got rudely cancelled by COVID-19, you’re going to have to hold out for a little longer. The good news for Tyler and his wife and fellow performer Senora May is that the couple is expecting their first child.
On Saturday (4-23), Senora May played the Mountain Mushroom Festival in Irvine, KY in her home region of Estill County. While performing, she announced that she is expecting, and then the assembled crowd got a rare treat as Senora handed off the guitar and mic to her “baby daddy” as she said it, and Childers played a few songs including “Bottles and Bibles” to finish the set.
Senora May also said she’s going to be taking the rest of the year off, and word is Tyler Childers will be taking it easy as well. How this factors into the release of a new album from Childers, we’ll just have to see, though the young family will have plenty of money coming in. Though Tyler’s album Purgatory was released all the way back in 2017, it continues to be one of the most popular titles in all of country music, regularly charting in the Top 15 in country, and receiving some 7 million streams weekly.
Tyler Childers does have a few engagements on the calendar. He’ll be playing a very special set at this year’s DelFest in Cumberland, Maryland the last weekend of May where he’ll be backed by The Travelin’ McCourys and picking bluegrass. He’ll also be playing at the Telluride Bluegrass Festival on Friday, June 17th, as well as Willie Nelson’s 4th of July Picnic on July 4th. Childers continues to be very selective with his tour dates, only playing big events.
Tyler Childers will also be participating in “An Evening With Healing Appalachia,” streaming on April 28th at 8pm ET on Mandolin. Tickets are free with a suggested donation of $10, benefitting Healing Appalachia.
Senora May released her latest record All of My Love featuring Seth Avett and Jessica Lea Mayfield in February of 2021.
Tyler Childers at the Mushroom Festival in Estill county. pic.twitter.com/fxCd7Si9rZ
— Big Blue Express (@bigbluexpress) April 23, 2022
April 24, 2022 @ 11:38 am
Wow, Wow, & Wow,
So Happy for them!
It would be kind of cool, if they would have some microphones sitting around and someone hit PLAY on the recording equipment. As Ty is singing into Senora’s belly, he could be putting together an album of lullaby’s for their baby.
April 24, 2022 @ 12:15 pm
Like how Sturgill made his 3rd album for his first kid. I could definitely see a Sailors Guide to Earth-esque album next from Childers.
April 24, 2022 @ 1:07 pm
Ok, i see what you’re saying.
But with less of the macabre. (Brace For Impact)
Sturgill could be downright brilliant if he let go and put down some of the dark.
Is this where i admit this is the 1st time have listened to anything off of, A Sailor’s Guide To Earth?
* Don’t smile too big there, music Sherpa
April 24, 2022 @ 3:09 pm
How is this newsworthy?
April 24, 2022 @ 3:50 pm
I rarely report on people getting married, having kids, etc. For example, it was revealed recently that Evan Felker of the Turnpike Troubadours has another kid on the way. The reason this is newsworthy is spelled out in the article, which is both Senora May and Tyler Childers have let it be known through the news that they will not be touring much in the next year. This might also affect when we get new music from Tyler Childers. Since myself and others had publicly wondered why Childers has not gone on tour since the pandemic peak, it felt very newsworthy.
April 24, 2022 @ 10:46 pm
You get your “news” from SCM? Know what I mean, Vern?
April 25, 2022 @ 5:25 am
How is your comment helping?
April 24, 2022 @ 4:38 pm
I saw your article earlier today and I immediately went online and bought my single day passes for Del Fest the Sunday Childers is playing. I was holding off because work hasn’t been good due to the weather (we took a 3k loss last month, on track to loss 4k this month; while the cost of operations – gas – is killing us) and the tickets are $99 a piece!! I wanted to see what we invoiced this month to justify the ticket prices and the day’s loss of work. But, screw it.
I’m going to stay sober and write you a nice review (I ran a country music blog from 2007 – I found SCM – STONE LN). Maybe, find a photographer to send you pics, too! This was my second justification to buy tickets.
I bet Tyler will still play the Healing Appalachia concert in the fall (September 23rd -24th) and I hope you attend. I know it was on your radar last year and it would be great to finally meet you in person (after our miss at Willie’s 4th of July Picnic in 2016).
April 25, 2022 @ 9:41 am
The news about your business, sucks.
Very sorry to hear it.
Glad you bought tickets for Del Fest.
As for the cost of gas.
Time for Americans, all Americans to stand up & demand the gas pipelines in the U.S. be reopened. We have plenty of resources in this country.
And, what about all of the pollution going into the seas, when gas, of which this country has PLENTY of, is hauled across the oceans?
For those of you who can’t wait to shake your fists and rage that this is a political statement, i would caution you.
This is a statement about survival.
April 26, 2022 @ 12:22 pm
Thank you, Di. You are so kind and the most carrying person in the SCM comment section. Hopefully, one day I can buy you a drink at a concert.
It’s been the wettest Spring in SW Pennsylvania since 1972 and it’s only April 26th and it rained all day today (there was a 50 day stretch from 3/1 – 4/19 where we had measurable rain 31 days and only 11 dry days). And it’s been the coldest. We are expected set a record low Thursday morning of 30 degrees. Hopefully, this means we’ll be servicing lawns weekly deep into August to make up for the losses. The landscaping schedule is backlogged until August.
Gas… Good Lord, it keeps me up at night. We fill up the trucks every 3-4 days at the cost of $102 (last fill-up $4.17 a gallon – PA taxes gas second only to CA). Then there’s gas for the equipment. All the two strike machines right now are on a canned fuel mix at 7.99 a liter because the manual mixed gas high in ethanol is gunking them up due to the damp, cold, and cloudy conditions. The shop said we weren’t mixing it to the right ratio, but we’ve been mowing a 50:1 ration for years now…. it has to be the damp cold weather.
We did introduce a battery operated HP Ryobi mower for the smaller city properties this season. Pittsburgh and SW PA is very hilly, steep mountains. Most of the lawns near the city we have to lift the mowers up stairs and over retainer walls (we lift the mowers 60x a day) to access the lawns. The battery powered mower is half the weight of the gas one. And it’s been performing very well – exceeded expectations. Ryobi initially said try it and if it doesn’t work, we’ll take it back. We ended up buying it. So now we have a wall charger with batteries that need managed nightly too. We can get 2-3 city lawns per battery so far.
All we can do is evolve and survive.
I hope to catch you at a concert soon. Besides Del Fest (Sunday), we are going to 3 Outlaw Fest concerts (7/31 Pittsburgh, 8/14 Darien Lake, NY (Buffalo), and 9/17 Columbia, MD) if you are raid tripping anytime.
April 26, 2022 @ 2:43 pm
Very interesting about the Ryobi battery mowers. I would have thought you would get maybe 1 hilly/steep city lawn, per charge. Cool to know you can get 2 to 3.
Yeah, gas prices & the whole gas crisis, is such a farce. I would be madder than hell if i were you. That U.S. gas is being held hostage, needs to stop.
Always up for a road trip. But with U.S. gas being held hostage, having to be quite selective with travel plans. Friends have been talking to each other, they have a few things up their sleeve.
Florida, 1st up. Need to get my speargun wet.
Actually thought about trying to get a ticket for Mile 0 Fest 2023, but with everyone from 0 Fest 2022 having 1st dibs on tickets, not sure how that would be possible.
I agree, would be so cool to be able to catch each other at an event sometime this year. And, make no mistake, it would be i, wanting to buy you and yours a drink. Have learned a lot enjoying the banter between you and Coroneos.
* Your VA in Pittsburgh, rocks.
(While visiting friends in Weirton, ran up to VA Pittsburgh to get refill on Bp med. Bp & heart rate were outrageous for 3 years, after losing husband) Walked in, & as a traveling vet, asked for refill. Bp was 221/110. H.R. was 117. Told them don’t even try to admit me. Just give me the refill, let me by on my way.
: D They were great.
Hoping you guys have a Great time this Sunday!
April 26, 2022 @ 4:01 pm
I’m going to need a new mower this season just for my house. I got a good 10+years out of my old one; but that thing is rattling, and truthfully I haven’t maintained it well; so am afraid it’s a bit of a safety hazard now. I wouldn’t have trusted the battery powered Ryobi, but now I’m thinking it may be right for my yard as it’s just a regular single-family home suburban home.
Also sorry to hear about the work crap. Hopefully you’ll clean up over the next few months (pun intended).
Curious about what Di targets with the spear gun! That’s the main thing I miss about living in South FL. Even if we weren’t getting fish, we’d be seeing sea turtles, manatees, sharks, etc. Always a good time.
April 26, 2022 @ 4:42 pm
@Hop, and Travis,
So Hop, is it the Ryobi 40V HP Brushless Crosscut self-propelled lawn mower?
Asking for Travis …
Mangrove Snapper.
Hogfish, equally delicious. Grouper – NOT the 500 and 600 lb. Groupers that love to sneak up beside you & make a booming sound, and you know, make you pee your wetsuit.
We only shoot the younger grouper.
The buds shoot barracuda.
Not me, buckwheat.
‘Cuda love to wrap your speargun line around you.
And the flounder lie flat to the sea bottom, so they’re fairly easy to get with your dive knife.
Shot my very first fish in the Dry Tortugas. 4 day live aboard dive boat. Hogfish. The crew on the ship cooked it to perfection. Melted in your mouth.
I love the manatee too!
Got thrown into the back of a police boat once, in Crystal River.
HEY – THAT manatee, came & got Me. Came right up. Was dive mask to manatee snout. So, i swam alongside, & that sucker lured me right into the manatee sanctuary. (it wasn’t my fault) THAT manatee flat out suckered me.
By the time it was all said & done, there was the police helicopter above us, the police boat nearby just waiting to throw my a** in it, while waiting for the manatee to conclude the tour of the santuary. (Got my money’s worth) That manatee was ultra cool.
And, i’ll bet you miss South Florida!
My scuba buds are evil, they shipped my speargun to me last year.
Jay & Julie Riffe fitted me with the Riffe teak mid-handle (was out visiting friends in San Clemente), & Jay had the guys in the shop make some custom bands. Then he made me band the gun in front of him.
At 5’1″, i don’t have guy strength. Am tough, but don’t have nearly the strength of most guys.
Anyway, it is a great gun.
April 27, 2022 @ 6:13 am
I actually gave my spear gun to the movers when I moved from Florida to Denver. The movers were 3 young guys that were having fun and messing with each other (a little unprofessional, but good guys it seemed), and they got all excited when they saw it. I told them, well I don’t need that anymore, so if you want it, take it. Then they proceeded to argue and wrestle to see who could get to it first. Even at 6’5″, 250 lbs, I remember occasionally struggling with that 3rd band when fishing, so fully understand the custom bands!
April 27, 2022 @ 10:39 am
Hey Travis,
Way cool move, that you gave your speargun to one of the movers.
Hope you are enjoying Denver!
Love Colorado.
So, have you been to Red Rocks? Possibly going to the TT show?
Just curious. i won’t respond.
* : D Thank you for saying that even you have trouble banding the 3rd band, sometimes. Especially true when the currents are strong, and behaving funky
April 25, 2022 @ 8:56 am
So is that a stage name, “Mrs. May”, or is her first name Senora? If that’s her first name it must have been weird for Spanish speakers when she was a kid. Like if we ran into a little girl whose name was “Ma’am”.
April 25, 2022 @ 10:19 am
Thats her actual name.
April 25, 2022 @ 11:16 am
I hope he doesn’t release a record for their kid. Has to be the dumbest trend around. Did people do this before? Dedicating an album is fine but when it spills into content I can’t accept it. Sure Waylon did an album like that too but it ain’t in no one’s top 10 Waylon records. The Sturgill one was lame. I get they’re excited for a kid when they make those kinda records but I literally couldn’t care less about it. Being a deadbeat or absent father and hitting the road etc has traditionally led to better records. Think about it.
April 25, 2022 @ 4:46 pm
Bobby Bare’s kid album was boss mode.
April 26, 2022 @ 7:41 am
I love this comment.
April 25, 2022 @ 4:56 pm
There are some knowledgeable people who read this site, including musicians, so I have a question: what does an artist gross when their album has 7M weekly streams? Is he pulling in something like $7k a week or $7 a week? I really have no idea.
April 29, 2022 @ 5:09 am
Tyler covered S.G. Goodman’s “Space and Time” during this streaming event.