Watch & Hear Drunk Toby Keith / Toby Refuses To Acknowledge Issue
UPDATE: Toby Keith Publicist Punts on Drunk Concert, Indianapolis Press Picks Up Story
Many of the attendees to Toby Keith’s Saturday night (9-13) concert at the Klipsch Music Center near Indianapolis are up in arms over Toby Keith’s performance after Keith showed up drunk and stumbled through his set. Some families spent upwards of $300 dollars on tickets and drove from many hours away just to see Toby Keith slur his words and forget others throughout the concert in what one parent called an “embarrassing” performance.
Numerous fans reached out to Live Nation and the Klipsch Music Center on Monday in an attempt to get refunds to no avail. Neither Live Nation, the Klipsch Music Center, nor Toby Keith’s management have addressed, or even acknowledged the issue. Saving Country Music also made calls to both the appropriate parties at the Klipsch Music Center, which is owned and operated by Live Nation, and to TKO Management which manages Toby Keith, and neither entity returned calls.
READ: Drunk Toby Keith Blows Show in Indiana
Surprisingly, only one video from the 24,000-capacity venue has surfaced in the 48-hours since the concert, but this one piece of evidence does not put Toby Keith in a very flattering light. Singing his 9/11-inspired mega hit “Courtesy of the Red, White, & Blue,” Toby Keith can be clearly heard heavily slurring his words and at times trailing off, until at the end of the line, “So we can sleep in peace at night when we lay down our heads,” he descends into an inaudible garble, inspiring the videographer to exclaim, “Oh God!”.
As a courtesy, Saving Country Music has isolated the audio in question in the below video, so inquiring minds can listen and determine just how drunk Toby may or many not have been that night.
September 15, 2014 @ 6:11 pm
Holy Moses . That’s …well ………….I dunno WHAT that is but I’m pretty sure live Autotune wouldn’t have stood a chance fixing this one , Toby .
September 15, 2014 @ 6:35 pm
I didn’t notice any difference.
September 15, 2014 @ 6:58 pm
Wondering who put on a more embarrassing display over the weekend. Toby Keith with his drunkenness or Kanye West demanding that his bodyguard confirm that someone not standing up at his show was in fact in a wheelchair.
Personally, I had a great time at the Garth Brooks show.
September 16, 2014 @ 11:34 am
Garth truly was fantastic. I saw him twice in Chicago. The guy didn’t miss a beat with a decade off touring, and he knows how to work a crowd and give people what they want.
It seems to me that artists are getting too full of themselves. Kanye, well, what needs to be said about a man who will stop a show unless every person in an audience stands up for him? In Toby’s case I sincerely hope it was just a horrendous lapse of judgement. He needs to stand up, be a man, own what he did and make it up to his fans — by refunding their tickets or offering a free make-up show at some other date for Saturday’s ticket holders.
September 16, 2014 @ 4:38 pm
I said the same thing about Garth. You’d never know he’d been retired for 16 years.
October 17, 2014 @ 10:39 pm
I am sorry to burst the bubbles of all those who believe this the first time Toby Keith stumbled onto stage. I saw him in 2012 in Tinley Park, IL. I was in the fan section with a friend who was going to his first concert EVER. Toby came out; red-faced, perspiring and slurring his words. Iit took half of the show before he got sober enough to perform well. I had seen him in 2011 and the show was great. Based on the 2011 show, I decided to try once more to show my friend he was as good as I had told him. I bought $400.00 tickets, total. I really wanted to go to this concert because “Hope On The Rocks” seemed different. But, when we heard the first single for the next album, “Drinks After Work”, my friend and I put the tickets up for sale. When is Toby going to realize some of his die hard fans, like myself, actually like what made him famous, not what’s made rich?
October 25, 2021 @ 3:28 pm
I will take Toby Keith drunk any day over Kanye off his meds.
September 15, 2014 @ 7:25 pm
While it’s frustrating to pay hard-earned dollars to attend a concert where the performer(s) are too inebriated to, well, perform, it’s interesting how back in the day (yes, before my time) it seemed to be considered “cool” to attend a concert where the artist or band was utterly wasted. At least that’s what I’ve been told by people who went to a lot of concerts back in the 60s/70s/80s. Take the Grateful Dead’s performance at Woodstock, for example. The entire band minus Pigpen was so drugged out that their set nearly descended in to pure chaos and that performance is considered legendary by many people. Now, I am in no way comparing a hack like Toby Keith to a legendary band like the G.D. but it’s interesting to see how times have changed.
September 15, 2014 @ 7:39 pm
I’m not sure if that’s the case. It may be with some people. I know Jerry Garcia and the rest of the Dead were the first to discount their Woodstock set as one of their worst performances ever. Sometimes it’s an experience in itself to watch a train wreck, but people taking their family to a Toby Keith show is certainly not that demographic.
September 15, 2014 @ 9:15 pm
Oh absolutely, I remember seeing where Jerry stated that Woodstock was their worst performance of all time. And you’re exactly right that watching the train wreck is an experience for some people but I was really making a semi-off topic observation. Though it is interesting how people get angry over a person being intoxicated on stage when a large majority of that person’s hit songs revolve around excessive boozing.
September 21, 2014 @ 7:03 am
Yes, but the difference is… those bands actually sounded good anyway. This guy who makes our country so proud singing “we’ll put a boot in your ass” apparently can’t handle his liquor.
September 15, 2014 @ 7:33 pm
I take FB and Twitter posts with a grain of salt. In this day and age there are internet assassin’s hiding behind their keyboards and once a story gains traction, everyone is piling on. So, while it’s a nice starting point for a conversation, I need video evidence.
The youtube post was interesting, but it’s astonishing that it’s the only one. And keep in mind, we are assuming (which is a dangerous practice) that this video is actually from Saturday’s concert – the publisher of this video doesn’t specify when or where the video was recorded. It’s hard to believe 12k (or so) people attended that concert and only one person posted a video to youtube, especially when I spent the better half of this morning watching pages of youtube clips from Saturday’s Farm Aid.
What’s interesting now is the response from Keith’s camp – silence. And maybe that’s the best course of action. Without undisputed, circumstantial video evidence, this may just blow over.
September 15, 2014 @ 7:42 pm
That video is from the Klipsch Music Center. The stage configuration, the overhang, where the screen is at the back of the stage, it is definitely from Klipsch.
September 16, 2014 @ 1:07 am
Video isn’t the only form of media to show incrimination! Have you seen the pics posted on Klipsch Music Center’s FB? TK’s all red-nosed, squinty-eyed and puffy. A couple of them are hilarious! I saved a few in case they get deleted.
The pictures were shot and posted by Klipsch and I’m surprised Toby’s people have not demanded for them to be removed – they are that incriminating. The fact they were even posted tells me that maybe Klipsch isn’t too happy about Saturday night, either. Otherwise, why publicly embarrass Keith and run the risk of him never playing there again?
There are a lot of posts on that FB page about Keith referring to our brave men and woman as Motherf*ckers (but in a good way).
Interestingly, 1 out of 10 commenters do come to TK’s defense saying he was not drunk or not THAT drunk.
September 16, 2014 @ 6:23 pm
I was there for that concert. I have the whole video on my phone it was crazy forgetting his words and everything. I love tk but damn man that was not the time to be that slammed.
September 16, 2014 @ 8:18 pm
I am a former concert promoter, and Toby did a concert for me in 1994., and there he met some ladies that introduced him to their home made wine, and when he is in the area they usually bring him some of that wine, and I am guessing they were at his concert @ Klipsch, and he probably did drink their wine before going on stage, If his nose was red, it was because he had drank their wine! That is what happens when he drinks that stuff!! That mixed with the tiring schedule he does, the combination of wine and exhaustion may have resulted in the performance he gave on Saturday!!
September 15, 2014 @ 8:23 pm
There are too many posts and venue reviews to take it with a grain of salt.
September 16, 2014 @ 11:07 am
Yea, I was there… He was most certainly drunk to the point of slurring words, trailing off, and forgetting lyrics… He abruptly left the stage at one point to the complete surprise of the another artist (forget her name, but she just had knee surgery), as he insisted that she sing a song. I don’t have video or a recording to prove his inebriation: I usually don’t record at concerts so who knew I’d need proof…. It was a horrible show on Toby Keith’s part and I probably won’t attend another one of his concerts. Don’t mind if a performer drinks or gets his buzz on, but if you can’t perform with dignity, stay off the stage…
September 17, 2014 @ 6:53 am
wrong! no one is supposed to be videoing the show. thats called copyright infringment.keith was drunk or high or something! i have too many friends that were there.he def was not suffering from depression! these artist live a grueling schedule, i ask we step in Keiths shoes for a moment. the pressure to perform at peak level every show must be intense.he’s gonna have to do something! i wonder if he smacks women when he’s drunk!
September 15, 2014 @ 7:46 pm
So people are whining that a drunken white trash redneck ruined their concert? Ironic since the fans at these shows are usually so obnoxiously inebriated that they themselves ruin the show for the sober minority there to listen to the music…
Tony Keith acting like a drunken asshole should surprise NO ONE!
September 16, 2014 @ 11:16 am
Some fans may get drunk but I would say MOST DON’T and yes I have been to many a concert (of all genres).
September 15, 2014 @ 9:19 pm
Maybe Toby Keith will replace David Allan Coe as the new age on stage performance shocker. You never know what you will get at DAC show, seems Keith may be heading down the trail!!!!
September 16, 2014 @ 5:33 am
From a local Indianapolis TV station web site:
Drunk on stage? Fans outraged over Toby Keith’s Klipsch concert | Fox 59
September 16, 2014 @ 5:59 am
[…] to reports from our media partners at the Indy Star and the website, many fans had trouble understanding what Keith was saying and want […]
September 16, 2014 @ 6:05 am
I have waited 20 years to finally get to see Toby Keith. When I’m singing along with him and I know the words better than he does? That is just pathetic. That was my birthday gift from my new husband and my daughter. I was so disappointed. I will never spend another dime on him again. He had his daughter open up for him. She was so off key and flat. Must run in the family. The only thing good about the whole show was Colt Ford. If there was a way to get our money back, I would do it in a heart beat.
For him to stand up there and recognize our veterans, when he was acting like that then to say f*#% you all, I was livid. My dad was in WWII my two boys are in the military and I work for the VA. Just not enough words to describe how horrible this concert was.
September 16, 2014 @ 6:17 am
This was our 5th and sadly our last Toby Keith Concert. Too drunk to perform. We left after about 40 minutes. As we walked to our car I was amazed at the number of people of all ages that also were leaving. Get help Toby!
September 16, 2014 @ 6:36 am
Kudos, Trig on having the Indy news picking your story up!
Keep on fighting the power!
September 16, 2014 @ 6:44 am
This was my first Toby Keith concert who i LOVE not just for that handsome face but for his music, the words he sings and for the memories i have with his music. I was very disappointed and i am smh with the fact that at one point had to run off stage to go Pee and has some random girl come up and sing who after her song announced to Toby to come back that she wasnt singing anymore songs….. very sad. 🙁
Fans say Toby Keith too drunk at Indiana concert |
September 16, 2014 @ 6:49 am
[…] website Saving Country Music has written about the concert, including video some fans think illustrate Keith sounding drunk while […]
September 16, 2014 @ 7:13 am
I was at those concerts in the 70s and 80s and it was never cool to sing like shit and make a total drunken fool out of yourself. The Toby Keith concert was pathetic. First they shove a 15 minute Ford commercial down your throat. Then Toby Keith starts singing and he is clearly drunk out of his mind, and was slurring his words, singing off key, forgetting words. Just a really poor performance. Many people left early and my wife and I finally left before the encore and at that time many people were streaming out of the concert. I lost a lot of respect for Toby Keith.
September 16, 2014 @ 8:14 am
I’m just curious as to how many of the fans complaining and wanting their money back were going to just get drunk at the show anyway. If you’re just gonna get drunk, does it matter if the singer is remembering the words to the songs?
Also, there have been some articles on the web lately saying that country has an alcohol problem. Will this occurrence further fuel that discussion and possibly create change?
September 16, 2014 @ 8:59 am
The bar I go to has Karaoke night in which the participants take that little stage with more respect and dignity than this mess.
There isn’t even a prize at the end of the night. Just a chance to sing to a crowd, and some surprisingly good renditions.
I mean, if you’re going to spend your hard earned dollars listening to a drunk slur through your favorites, might as well go with the bar. At least there you won’t be paying $8 for a solo red cup.
September 16, 2014 @ 9:11 am
When people say Colt Ford did a better job than Toby Keith, you know something went horribly wrong with that concert…
September 16, 2014 @ 9:32 am
I have been going to see Toby in concert for 20 years and was so disappointed and saddened at his appearance in Indy. Not one song was in tune and he didn’t sing any song correctly. We left before encore because I couldn’t stand to watch him mess up on a song that honors our troops. I think he needs to be held responsible and something should be done to prevent this from happening again. The tickets are not cheap and he should be held accountable. I
September 16, 2014 @ 9:48 am
It is truly incredible the degree to which the “therapy” racket has so warped the brains of the American sheeple. The silly idea that you are totally powerless over everything, and if you make, what some others view as a mistake, or mistakes you are obligated to declare your helplessness and throw yourself at the mercy of the therapy racket. Your father didn’t hug you enough? Your mother liked your sister better than you? You occasionally drink more than is good for you? You buy too many lottery tickets? Your job sucks? You ran up a bunch of debt on your credit cards? You can’t figure it out on your own or with the help if your family and friends. You most certainly must pay a “professional” to solve your issue. Its all bullshit. Few things chap me like a brainwashed moron telling a total stranger “you need help.” Fuck you.
September 16, 2014 @ 3:01 pm
Yep. They should all just OD or shoot themselves.
Effin losers.
September 16, 2014 @ 12:17 pm
Look I am not defening TK here but I am hoping this was a bad night and he holds off till after the gig next time. I have seen lots of performers pretty wasted on stage over a lot of years. Not saying it is right but it happens ocasionally. Most of the old school guys could pull it off TK not so much.
September 16, 2014 @ 12:27 pm
I have several friends and family that attended this show last Saturday in Noblesville and all complained about how drunk he was. My father has seen him at least 8 times over the last 10 years and will never go see him again. i saw him about 5 years ago and was offended and I dont get offended easily. To have an audience full of families and young children and throwing out the F bumb every other word is not necessary. I do my fair share of cussing too so that normally doesnt bother me, but for some reason it did that concert and I decided I would never go again!
September 16, 2014 @ 1:08 pm
I was in the pit and have at least 3 videos of different songs showing he did an amazing job on them . If I could I would attach them to this commentt, but there isn’t an attachment button. Unfortunatly I didn’t record the Courtesy of the Red White and Blue…but we all mess up a time or two in life and it seems those who care the most are the ones who want a refund. While Toby might have had his eyes closed most of the performance, can you blame him with all the lights in his face? So what if he had a few drinks; his songs about having a good time and saluting America are why we love him! He doesn’t owe us an explaination or a refund, if you weren’t impressed then don’t go back…it will lower the prices for the rest of us who are real understanding people and real fans!
September 16, 2014 @ 3:52 pm
When you spend $700 or so for a ticket. You at least would like the singer to sing. He forgets the fans put him where he is – they can also take him to the bottom of the heap.
I love music and have been to many many concerts and would be very unhappy had I paid the price for a ticket and he couldnt even talk much less sing. I would want a refund.
September 16, 2014 @ 4:26 pm
seriously… this is news? guys been around for 20 years and accidentally gets too drunk before one show..
I’m not a toby fan, but an outlaw country blog doggin on a guy for getting too drunk 1 outta thousands of shows?
all the people idolized by this website have done that many times over… and not gracefully either, as we all like to romanticize.
pretty sure his last single was, “too drunk to karaoke.”
September 16, 2014 @ 4:49 pm
Yes, this is news. And I think it is diseased to somehow think it is “cool” or “country” for an entertainer to get up in front of a crowd of people, some of which spent upwards of $300 on tickets, and not deliver what they expected. This is not George Jones circa 1974, whose tickets when adjusted for inflation would have still been $20. This is not David Allan Coe who nobody is selling as family entertainment anyway. People come to Toby Keith concerts with their families, and expect something of quality for their hard earned money. And in this case, they didn’t get that and deserve a refund, if not an apology.
If you don’t think this is news, then you might want to tell that to every single local television news program in Indianapolis who is running stories about this tonight. There are hundreds of fans up in arms over what happened, and just because the complicit country music media doesn’t want to cover the story because they’re afraid they’ll lose that sweet Live Nation advertising payout doesn’t mean I shouldn’t play ball.
If Toby Keith would have simply offered an apology 48 hours ago, all of this would have been forgotten. Instead angry fans aren’t getting answered, and I personally feel like I have a duty to continue to report on this story until they do.
Make it right Toby, and let’s move on.
P.S. – I don’t mean to pick on you personally. I’m seeing this sentiment many places, and I think this needed to be said.
September 16, 2014 @ 5:47 pm
That is because Indianapolis News stations broadcast what people don’t like more than focusing on what people do like, anything negative and to smash another person is news here in good old Indiana; just like almost ever news station, everywhere. Notice they aren’t asking or broadcasting videos from those that have recorded other parts of the show where Toby nailed it and did amazing, they are focusing only on the negative, which is what is wrong with the media. It’s sad to think many people are smashing the show simply because they want a refund now that it’s made the news. Even if Toby was too drunk let’s focus on helping one another rather than smashing them in the news and social media. If you don’t like him anymore, don’t go to another’s as simple as that. I asked the same question…really why is this in the news???
September 16, 2014 @ 5:58 pm
There are no positive videos. People have been sending me videos all day. If there are videos that refute what is alleged, then by all means post them, and I will report on them. Otherwise the video evidence only corroborates what a majority of concert goers are saying.
September 16, 2014 @ 5:34 pm
I think he as earned the right. . He is a true american!. Yea he might have had a few too many, but so what! I was there and had a great time right along with him. I could rant forever but as he said Saturday. . If you’re not patriotic, then fuck you! !
September 16, 2014 @ 5:59 pm
Yes, so if you don’t like Toby Keith, you’re not patriotic.
September 16, 2014 @ 9:18 pm
September 16, 2014 @ 5:55 pm
I hate to say this but I to me this isn’t a huge deal. If he was doing this on a regular basis, that would be one thing, but in his 20+ year career, how often has this happened? I of course am sorry to the people who spent money and saw this but now they can talk about how they were at that horrible Toby Keith show that everybody was talking about.
I know it sucks that these people paid for the one night Toby was drunk but artists being too impaired to play is nothing new or surprising. I do think Toby should create some kind of refund though.
And is it really that surprising, in an age where country is dominated by drinking songs and every major tour has an alcohol brand sponsoring it, that an artist was drunk on stage? I’m sure at least 30% of the crowd that went was planning on getting drunk anyway.
September 16, 2014 @ 6:30 pm
I don’t think this is a “huge” deal either. It certainly isn’t unprecedented. But it is news, and it is being made worse by Toby Keith being unwilling to apologize or at least acknowledge what happened. If that happened, this story would have been over on Sunday.
September 16, 2014 @ 5:57 pm
I do though, appreciate SCM posting about it, since clearly no other country outlets would dare run negative news stories about country music.
September 16, 2014 @ 9:16 pm
My Mom and Dad used to tell me stories all the time of the shows they saw when the main attraction was trashed.
Tom T. Hall was blasted one show and told stories through almost the entire evening… singing maybe 2 or 3 tunes.
Johnny Paycheck was at a different zip code when they saw him once.
They also said the Possum was pretty polluted at one of his shows they saw.
It seems to be much of a bigger deal now in these politically correct times. Now don’t think that I condone an artist charging these ridiculous prices to fans and then not giving their money’s worth.
Just seems like it was part of the territory back in the good ole days.
September 16, 2014 @ 9:23 pm
Heres the bottom line. George Jones, Johnny Cash, Ernest Tubb, Carl Smith Hank Williams Sr, Hank Williams Jr.,Waylon Jennings and several others have all done the same dam thing its just the way it is I am no Toby fan by a long shot but he screwed up and that’s that end of story hes only human.. I can remember back in the early 90s when Bocephus did a couple shit shows it was like omg hes a raging drunk…. not so Ive seen him over 70 times live and only drunk once.. Toby screwed up no one knows whats going on for sure. But I think its kinda sickning that the man makes one mistake and everyone is freaking out it is what it is…
September 16, 2014 @ 11:22 pm
Hey Dave,
I think one of the growing misconceptions about this story is that “everybody is freaking out” or that somehow people are characterizing this situation as exceptional. Of course it has happened before, and of course it will happen again. I thin there’s a huge difference between someone paying the modern day equivalent of $20 to see Hank Williams in 1952, and paying $300 to see Toby Keith. Hank Williams today would be the equivalent of a small club act. This story is not being driven by Saving Country Music or any other media outlet, it started with the fans who attended the event and felt ripped off, and it has continued to this point only because Toby Keith and Live Nation refuse to acknowledge it, or offer an apology. Toby Keith apologizes on Sunday, and none of these stories are written. Instead now his publicist says he’s “never” been drunk at a show. NEVER. And the story continues to grow.
September 17, 2014 @ 4:54 am
Don’t misunderstand me, Trig. It’s still an important article and it really is not fair of me to compare the greats of Country music to this episode. You’re right. Things are way different now, namely being how the media operates.
Let us not forget what the press did to Jim Morrison, among others.
However none of this makes it right to be unprepared for what you are paid to do – entertain cohesively.
I’m all for having a few cold ones, but save it for after the show.
The right thing to do would be to go back and do another show for all the ticket holders.
I’m pretty sure it wouldn’t break this dudes bank.
September 17, 2014 @ 5:32 am
I was very disappointed in the concert on Saturday! I have taken my mom to see Toby at Klipsch in previous years and it was always a good show….I took my mom to see him again and this time wasn’t so great! I’m not demanding a refund or anything crazy like that, but an apology from Toby Keith would be nice. I kept telling my mom during the show that he was drunk…I can’t remember which song it was, but he sang the same line twice…and you could tell it messed the band up. I had several songs videoed on my phone, but was so disappointed, I deleted them! My mom and I were just sober concert goers hoping to see a good show. One reason I am a TK fan is because of the time he commits to our troops…I am a surviving sister to a man who gave his life during Dessert Storm…I LOVE PATRIOTIC SONGS….and TK ruined his on Saturday night!!! Very upset and disappointed fan!!!
Fans Say Toby Keith too drunk at Indiana concert | WANE
September 17, 2014 @ 7:54 am
[…] website Saving Country Music has written about the concert, including video some fans think illustrate Keith sounding drunk while […]
September 17, 2014 @ 10:51 am
Trig, I will say one thing When Bocephus screwed up he did say he was sorry, and refund our money at least, when he did he was the entertainer of the year and at a higher point in his career than toby is in 2014, with that being said I did not start trashing him and boycott his music or shows and have never seen him drunk since. I personly would probly never go to see toby live but if I was a toby fan I would not let one bad experience stop me from being a fan or boycotting toby or his music..
September 17, 2014 @ 12:58 pm
That’s exactly what Ashley Mayhew who was interviewed by the CBS station in Indianapolis said. She just wants an apology, like many of the people who attended a show. Haven’t seen anyone call for a boycott, though I have seen many fans say they will never go to another Toby Keith concert again.
September 17, 2014 @ 12:01 pm
a fool and his money are soon parted
September 17, 2014 @ 9:20 pm
Now more than ever: SUPPORT LOCAL MUSIC. FUCK these over-paid under-talented paparazzi whore major label goofballs.
September 25, 2014 @ 5:34 pm
I Have Gone to Many Toby Keith Concerts at Comcast Center Boston and He has always been Wonderful and So Patriotic , I have always said it was one of the the Best Concerts i have been to . Other than Bonjovi lol But He is Great and I love him and I am sure he will never Do that again and was Shocked to hear about it . Maybe his UN Happy Fans will get to try to see him again he Really does put on a Good show !!! He must of done some Shots not thinking lol and Really Tired not a good Combo !!
September 26, 2014 @ 6:53 pm
B happy you got to see him..he’s been thru a lot this year..God Bless TK
September 29, 2014 @ 9:59 am
My 5 yr old neice went to the concert with us and after the first few songs she looks at me and says, why does he not know the words to his own song? Even at one point he left stage( likely to throw up) and had a backup singer sing lady gaga for us??? Thanks Toby we will make sure not to go to another one of your concerts again
February 18, 2019 @ 8:43 pm
These are old posts but I feel the tragic death of his father and the fact his father had been an alcoholic (recovered), his punishing schedule,being away from his family….it’s taken it’s toll. I have seen what the death of my husband has done to us,especially our son. I am devastated but spend quite a bit of time helping our son through these horrible days without a father he loved so dearly. II sincerely hope Toby can clean his act up,trim that beard,not drink and look so scruffy, looks like he bathes….and be the Toby we all know and love. Your children are watching, Toby.
October 25, 2020 @ 1:04 pm