Wheeler Walker Jr.’s Pre-Orders Get Pulled from Pledge Music
Warning: Language
Foul-mouthed country music star Wheeler Walker Jr. is furious after crowdfunding and merch fulfillment site PledgeMusic pulled pre-orders for his new album Ol’ Wheeler on Wednesday (2-22) due to concerns over the content, Saving Country Music has confirmed. Despite PledgeMusic knowing the nature of the project and taking pre-orders over the last week, the company decided to pull the project due to numerous complaints the company has received. PledgeMusic had a deal with Wheeler Walker Jr. to handle pre-orders of the album exclusively. Ol’ Wheeler is set to be released on June 2nd.
After multiple complaints, PledgeMusic did attempt to craft a resolution with the Wheeler Walker Jr. camp, but Walker Jr.’s management thought the solutions would “neuter” the spirit of the project, and so PledgeMusic pulled it. Customers should be receiving refunds from PledgeMusic, and Wheeler Walker Jr. has set up a new pre-order destination via District Lines.
“The fuckers/pussies at PledgeMusic have pulled pre-orders for my new album because it’s too offensive,” Walker Jr. said on Twitter Wednesday evening. “Asshloes like PledgeMusic are trying to stop you from buying my new album. But I will get it to you.”
Separately, apparently the Ol’ Wheeler album has also possibly hit a snag in the manufacturing side. Saving Country Music could not confirm the nature of the issue, but it apparently won’t affect the June 2nd street date of Ol’ Wheeler, though there is the possibility of slight delays for vinyl copies.
“A MAJOR record company has tired to halt production of my new record,” Wheeler says. “Nashville is officially ‘scared.’ But I will get the album to you. They know I will bring down the Music City Machine. This is war now. And I will win. They want you to open wide and shove the new Florida Georgia Line/Backstreet Boys shit down your throat. Fight them and listen to Wheeler.”
Wheeler Walker Jr. is the alter ego of comedian Ben Hoffman. Since launching Wheeler Walker Jr. in 2016, his music has shown surprising traction, often upstaging major label artists in album sales, and sometimes getting into altercations with pop country stars on Twitter.
February 22, 2017 @ 8:19 pm
This is crazy. I have no idea what’s going on in this country!
Wheeler Walker is not my cup of bourbon, but I support free speech (and pissing off those who are offended by free speech). Same with the British poof, Milo – I don’t agree with anything he says, but his right to say it. It’s the one thing the right and left agree on: silencing freedom of speech.
February 22, 2017 @ 9:45 pm
fyi it’s only “silencing free speech” when the gov’t prevents you, private orgs always have had the right to do what they want..in this case pledge. Also people always have the right to complain, picket and shout you down, that is equally free speech.
February 22, 2017 @ 10:20 pm
I don’t know about “shout you down.” Maybe that’s the society we now live in when someone can be shouted down for expressing an opinion. And those who shout the loudest get to be President.
February 22, 2017 @ 10:26 pm
As the speech at the end of The American President goes “America is advanced citizenship…advocating at the top of his lungs that which you would spend a lifetime opposing at the top of yours”. It’s not really a new thing (I mean we’ve had canings on Senate floor), we just generally don’t vote for the person yelling loudest :/.
February 23, 2017 @ 6:47 pm
Do you agree that if a bakery chooses not to bake a cake for a gay wedding they have the right to do so?
February 23, 2017 @ 6:52 pm
No, nor do I think they can refuse an African-American wedding, or a Jewish wedding, because that’s discrimination. If you choose to be in a service industry you have to serve everyone equally regardless of race, religion, sex etc. On the other hand if they’d like to go to the local town square and scream about how Gay people shouldn’t be allowed to marry that is their right.
February 23, 2017 @ 7:28 pm
Would you agree with a Gay store owner or any owner for that matter refusing service to a known racist/bigot?
February 23, 2017 @ 9:45 pm
What does this have to do with Wheeler Walker Jr.’s pre-orders getting pulled?
Let’s please not get too off topic folks. We’re not going to solve the world’s political problems here.
February 24, 2017 @ 5:43 am
My bad Trigger, as for WWJ I thought the first album had a really good sound to it probably 7 or 8 out of 10 but lyrically was terrible. I know it’s a comedy album but not my cup of tea, but to each his/her own.
February 24, 2017 @ 11:43 pm
seak05, do you read the comments section just to jump on anyone that rustles your SJW jimmies? The warpath your blaze against every reader you don’t agree with is ridiculous, and when your arguments fall on deaf ears, you fall on the beloved pastime of considering them racists, sexists, homophobes, or bigots. It’s really amazing how you’ll even take comments that are not in the slightest bit political and twist them so you can start an argument and continue your virtue signalling. You are toxic, and you are the very reason some people are reluctant to comment on articles anymore. I don’t know about you, but I’m here to talk about country music, not be lectured about why my comments are unacceptable in your obviously-perfect liberal worldview. If you can’t accept that some readers on this site may have thoughts and opinions that don’t align with your clearly-enlightened state of being, I suggest you find a comments section over on reddit or Buzzfeed that will be a better safe-space experience for you, where you’ll never have to deal with those horrible conservative views ever again.
February 25, 2017 @ 12:05 am
Generally speaking I appreciate seak05’s perspective here especially because it’s not in the norm, and I enjoy seeing a diverse perspectives in these comments sections. I think we can all learn from each other’s perspective, and when we fall into only seeing perspectives that are like our own, it can be dangerous. We need to be challenged.
That said, I don’t like the perspective of always trying to find the political angle of each story and then stoking that fire. Nothing ever gets resolved, it usually results in acrimony and anger, and it takes the focus away from the music where it’s supposed to be. I understand that sometimes there are political angles to stories, but I purposely try to avoid stories where political arguments could start (see Sturgill Simpson’s latest video). Yet they still seem to get started. We’re all going to have to try and be respectful of my desire, and the desire of many of the readers, to keep this a mostly political-free zone. Otherwise it will harm the these comments sections as the free flow of ideas, opinions, and perspectives they’re supposed to be.
February 25, 2017 @ 8:48 am
I was asked a question, I answered it. Seeing viewpoints that are only your own is a) dangerous and b) boring. Never did I name-call
I respect Trigger’s right to run an apolitical blog, even though I think he breaks it sometimes :p. I do think that it’s a little sad though. Music has always been tied to politics, race, religion. As one can see in the latest Sturgill video, or Gidden’s latest album. If those two artists aren’t discussed on the blog I think it’s a loss, mainly because this is where I discovered them in the first place. But no, I don’t think you can talk about it, without talking about politics, history, race etc.
February 23, 2017 @ 11:26 am
Pro Tip… calling somebody a poof is not acceptable in this day and age.
February 23, 2017 @ 2:19 pm
But it’s an article about suppressing free speech and censorship and it’s the better of the adjectives I was thinking of using.
As a gay man (after seven years I’ve just outed myself on SCM), I’ve never let words or labels bother me. They are just words.
February 24, 2017 @ 12:09 pm
Great your not bothered, but those same words are used to bully and attack other people who are gay. As a Gay man you would know how many in the community feel about slurs.
February 22, 2017 @ 8:20 pm
Have to love the people complaining about the subject matter of the record, I mean, I know I LOVE forcing my beliefs/opinions on what is “acceptable” and what is not. Between the Social Justice Warriors on Twitter or the One Million Moms gasbags, apparently the concept of “if you don’t like something, don’t buy it”, is no longer taught in a ton of modern American homes.
February 22, 2017 @ 9:50 pm
Well see in this case a whole bunch of people told Pledge hey if you’re going to do this, we’re not going to support your site….so basically they did exactly what you’re suggesting.
Also um the entire American Revolution was a protest, dumped some tea and everything. But I guess they could have just sat at home, feels sort of un-American though….
February 23, 2017 @ 7:23 am
Comparing the morons at One Million Moms to the American Revolution is absurd. My point is that the extreme fringes on both the right and left love to tell people how to live their lives and it is absurd. Especially a lot of the people who spout off about “religious and moral values” in music or entertainment are the same people whose personal lives are a total mess/lie.
Also, there is a difference between saying to Pledge “we won’t support your site and other artists” and just ignoring Wheeler Walker Jr. Seriously, I like some of Wheeler’s stuff, but lets not kid ourselves into thinking he is some massive Country superstar who is going to be invading the television/radio airwaves anytime soon. I just don’t understand why segments of the population thought complaining to Pledge was worth their time on this one. Wheeler’s subject matter is no different than what Rap was putting out 30 years ago and the guy, while having an extremely devoted fan base, is in no “danger” of every crossing over into the mainstream and making a huge cultural impact.
February 23, 2017 @ 9:21 am
Got it, so right to protest is predicated on whether you agree with them or not. #nothowitworks
Pledge is a private company, pple objected to what Walker was putting out and told Pledge, Pledge made the business decision to pull it. This literally has nothing to do with free speech, or what rap was putting out 30 years ago (oh and about a billion people have complained about rap music). Would I have bothered to complain? No. I don’t really care enough about him, but telling other people that they’re not allowed to complain is BS.
Also for point of accuracy, the million mom march was in the 90’s and in support of gun control legislation.
February 23, 2017 @ 4:17 pm
One Million Moms is different than the Million Mom March. One Million Moms is an organization who attempts to censor anything they consider “indecent”. Which, for them I’m guessing, is anything NOT on the Christian Broadcast Network.
I’m not saying that people don’t have a right to protest, but I also think it’s beyond stupid that groups like One Million Moms attempts to tell me what I can/cannot listen to. People need to just be adults about this stuff. Wheeler Walker Jr. ain’t the reason your kid is messed up, it’s cause you are a bad parent. This whole “I get to tell others how they should live their lives” is the reason I refuse to support either major political party these days.
There are bigger concerns that people should be focused on and working towards than whether a guy whose entire claim to fame is he once had a top 10 Country album on the chart can or cannot release an album. Pledge can make a business decision and that is fine, but I can tell you that I doubt I will be buying anything through Pledge again since they caved into individuals who think they are morally superior.
February 23, 2017 @ 4:56 pm
Agreed (well except about Pulse I don’t care enough Walker to stop using it to support artists I like :p)
February 25, 2017 @ 7:36 pm
It has much more to do with free speech than with the American Revolution.
February 22, 2017 @ 9:00 pm
This has nothing to do with free speech. No one took their right to ssy what they want. Someone chose not to support them (Milo y. & wheeler) by allowing the use of their platform. I don’t care about this, right now the world needs alot less wheeler walker Jr’s and Milo y.s, and a lot more Jason isbell and Sturgill Simpsons. Let them say what ever they want, but why would anyone think they deserve a platform to reach and influence multitudes with their purposefully negative ideas. In both cases (wheeler and milo) ideas they don’t even actually believe in, but someone else will.
Also pretty disrespectful to Waylon to call the album that. For me it is anyway.
February 22, 2017 @ 10:28 pm
“right now the world needs alot less wheeler walker Jr’s and Milo y.s, and a lot more Jason isbell and Sturgill Simpsons”
I wholeheartedly agree with you. But who gets to draw that line? Who determines what’s acceptable, like Isbell and Simpson, and what’s not, like Wakler and Milo? That’s a slippery slope towards censorship.
February 23, 2017 @ 6:43 am
they’re not opposed. look up the term “Overton window.” Ben Hoffman is the Dee Snider of country music. yes, he’s juvenile and obscene and only occasionally funny. there’s a lot of tripe in his schtick, and his faux obsession with Reba is just silly.
but “F*** You B****” is a classic
February 24, 2017 @ 7:47 am
The SJWs and the One Million Moms can all pound sand. Regulate your own households, and let people do business if they wish to. It’s one thing if the business or artist had engaged in some sort of political action, and the boycott emerged in retaliation. It’s another thing to go out of your way to squelch free speech and an artist’s attempt to sell product.
The grand irony here is that the boycotters are likely invoking the Streisand Effect. The more they protest, the more they publicize WW Jr’s music and make sales for him.
February 22, 2017 @ 9:08 pm
Fucking pussies…
February 22, 2017 @ 9:12 pm
I don’t care. I may hate the corporate machine in Nashville, but Wheeler’s “Pussy King” (from this new album) is so pathetic. Is this his whole shtick? Really? Is the new album just a bunch of references to pussy and dick? Even if the musical quality is far better than what’s on the radio, this is hardly the remedy. It’s somehow even more pathetic than bro-country.
February 23, 2017 @ 7:29 am
More pathetic than bro-country? Okay bud I’ll take the pedal steel in “Beer, Weed, Cooches” and the twang of “Redneck Shit” over bro-country anyday. Wheeler is solid country music, and he’s hilarious to boot. Give your head a shake.
February 22, 2017 @ 9:24 pm
Wheeler’s music sucks, but I don’t see how his music is any more offensive than rappers rapping crap like bitches and hos, killing cops, or exposing drug use. If you don’t like his music don’t buy it. Let the sales or lack there of determine what’s acceptable.
February 22, 2017 @ 9:34 pm
My biggest problem is that this company backed out after taking pre-orders for a week and agreeing to do so. If Wheeler had approached them and they said no up front, then I could respect that. They made an obligation and then backed out when they started taking some heat, that is bus league and coward in my opinion. I don’t believe for one single second they did not know who he is or his content, so it is not like they were blindsided by this and decided to pull out of the deal. They gave their word to do something, they should have followed through with it and then not worked with him again after it was all over.
February 23, 2017 @ 1:20 pm
Been reading all these posts waiting for someone to say that. They knew what they where getting when they started business with Wheeler. They backed out they deserve to deal with the fall out
February 23, 2017 @ 6:30 pm
They might not have. Most businesses are run with so much bureaucracy that the guys whose job it was to stamp in red “not suitable for pledge” might have been sleeping on the job. Probably not, but it happens. I’m sick of the negativity and wheeler, though probably not intentionally, encourages this negativity. With the current atmosphere it’s not about censorship, its about blatant stupidity. So many gullible idiots don’t just listen to this cause it’s funny, they listen and it reaffirms their stupidity. Tons of people did it with D.A.C. XXX and Johnny Rebel, I’ve seen and met these people its real. Also group mentality takes over and influences otherwise intelligent people to take on these morals or beliefs.
I ALWAYS thought, hey a jokes a joke, let comedian ECT say what they want. But now I know with a majority of dumb asses, we can’t just say anything cause dumbasses will take it seriously.
February 22, 2017 @ 9:49 pm
Pussy King is absolutely degrading trash, it’s not any better then any of the bro country stuff he rails about. I’m so over the whole, I’m funny because I’m offensive. Offending people isn’t funny, or clever. If you want to be funny actually be clever. I wouldn’t produce his music & I’m not going to buy it, but I’m not going to make it illegal if someone else wants to do it. In this case Pledge was like, on second thought, nah. As a private company that’s their right.
February 23, 2017 @ 12:07 am
Honestly, Wheeler makes comedy records. Comedy records with a kickass country band. I actually liked his last album, in a “drinking beer and cutting up with my boys ‘you gotta hear this shit'” kind of way. I tried to order some merch the other night, but DistrictLines shipping is ridiculously high. I’ll have to pick it up at a WWJr show later this year when he announces dates.
I totally understand why so many people dislike him. He pisses people off and I find it hilarious.
Again, it’s purely comedy.
February 23, 2017 @ 9:23 am
legit question, why do you think offending people is funny?
February 23, 2017 @ 9:35 am
People are too sensitive nowadays!
February 23, 2017 @ 11:27 am
I don’t go out of my way to make people uncomfortable. Im not mysogynistic or homophobic. I’m a very considerate person with tolerant views. The thing is, it is so offensive that it shouldn’t be offensive.
Let me explain further. Ben Hoffman is an intelligent guy, as most comedians are. All of the bravado and hyper masculinity he brings to the character is a parody of the dumb redneck archetype. Humor is subjective.
WWJR pulls it off because his “homophobia” is contradictory as he talks about sucking off dudes and all sorts of other devianceies. He is very commited to the gag even though everyone knows it’s just that. It’s lowbrow humor that is not supposed to make everyone happy. His intention is to piss people off that take him too seriously.
I dont agree with and won’t defend the things he says because were this not an act, he would just be a dick. However, i see it as incredibly hilarious juvenile humor with a strong country musical arrangement. He does the parody so well that it’s fun the listen to.
I’ll admit though, pussy king was not as funny to me as his early stuff. I wouldn’t doubt that the jig is almost up and as he runs out of steam his second album will be his last. I hope I’m wrong though
February 23, 2017 @ 1:21 pm
That’s fair, people have different senses of humor, so different people find different things funny. What I am curious/confused about though is this phenomenon: to me, a joke is either funny or it’s not…regardless of how others feels about it. Their seems to be a group though that it’s not about the actual “joke” but about provoking a reaction. So joke is told, someone gets offended, haha you’re offended. And that’s what I don’t get.
February 23, 2017 @ 6:34 pm
None of that matters when fucking idiots dont get the joke and take it seriously on both sides. Rednecks start imitating him and liberals think it is hate speech. Too many dumbasses.
February 24, 2017 @ 12:35 pm
who does he offend? His music is crude but I’m not sure I’d call it offensive to anyone in particular. I might be wrong but if you can provide an example I’d appreciate it.
February 23, 2017 @ 12:30 am
I love me some Wheeler!!! So many haters but one way or another youre posting about him so he wins!! Yalls are pussies this shit kicks ass, I bet yas dont try anal either, pussies!!
Long live ol wheeler!
February 23, 2017 @ 6:30 am
Not funny. Not original. Those that think its funny don’t realize that he is making fun of them. This is the country music version of Blazing Saddles.
February 23, 2017 @ 9:27 am
I can’t imagine what kind of person would actually complain to Pledgemusic about this. Get a life. On the other hand, Pledgemusic isn’t a public forum. If they don’t like what you’re selling, they have the freedom to tell you to go sell it somewhere else. That is how it works. Free speech in any forum doesn’t mean you are free from the ramifications of what you choose to say.
Oh, and I love Wheeler Walker. That album is great.
February 23, 2017 @ 9:54 am
I wish you npr fucks would find another site to frequent.
Its a comedy record people. Get over it.
February 23, 2017 @ 10:31 am
Yeah, I am sick of this PC world. On a different note, I think I’m the only one that finds WWJ unfunny…it gets old real quick….
February 23, 2017 @ 11:32 am
You’re not the only one. But… younger me would have had his stuff on repeat. You can be funny and clean, you can be dirty, you can be funny and dirty… I find most of his stuff just dirty and not clever. It’s reminiscent of 2 Live Crew and Andrew Dice Clay… more shocking than anything. The instrumentation, though, is fantastic.
All that said… he’s not hurting anyone, advocating violence or hate, he’s just singing trite lyrics about sex. I’ll listen to the new album once or twice, like I did his first, and probably never again. But no matter what he sings about, me taking offense to something I willingly subject myself to, is insanity.
February 23, 2017 @ 4:22 pm
I find a WWJ song is funny the first 1-2 times you listen to it, but it’s not something I would ever put in heavy rotation or anything. Dude ain’t Isbell if you catch my drift.
That said, I give him props for actually putting together a band that can play and play Country music and for not being afraid to rip on acts like Bryan, FGL, etc. for how ridiculous they dress, act, and look. I mean, that FGL/Backstreet Boys song alone is more offensive in terms of pure “suck” than Wheeler singing about Idaho girls and corn.
February 23, 2017 @ 10:36 am
The truth about wheeler is he is doing the same songs we all love, but isn’t afraid to use colorful language. The connotations are the same. “Fuck you bitch”? Angsty break up song done a million times in country music over the years. But he’s actually saying what all those other songs are beating around the bush about because they are too chicken shit. “Beer weed coochies”? Your typical weekend country party song, unfiltered. “Better off beating off”? See Joe Nichols “what’s a guy got to do to get a girl in this town? “. Same song. And truth be told, it’s not exactly like he’s furtive about his perversion, Pledge funds should have stood by their agreement.
February 23, 2017 @ 11:39 am
Great point, and I think you just helped me figure out what it is, specifically, that bugs me about him. He’s singing the kind of country lyrics I don’t like, but with cursing (which I kind of do like). You can’t just throw curse words into a bad song and make it funny or make it good. All you do is make it novel. If the lyrics were clever, with some wordplay or even some poignancy, I’d be more inclined toward fandom.
February 23, 2017 @ 11:00 am
I’m pro Walker.
I saw the him live and couldn’t believe how good he was as a front man.
His band was fantastic
Whether you like the stuff or not is your choice.
My wife absolutely loves Walker.. (kinda weird)
It’s not like vulgar comedy records haven’t been around for decades.
February 23, 2017 @ 11:25 am
Not sure this is allowed…but I’ll link one of Trigger’s old stories within this story.
Shows the hypocrisy that is the music business.
February 23, 2017 @ 11:42 am
IMO Wheeler is low brow, unfunny trash. His humor is like a kid learning his first bad words so let’s say fuck every other word and throw in pussy because women have pussies and calling men pussies is derogatory yuck yuck.
Nobody is preventing him from making his type of music. He’s not being silenced. A private company has the right to stop doing business with him if it’s going to affect their bottom line. They chose continued profits over losing his business.
And FGL innuendo is like a church sermon compared to and I quote:…” I have pussy on the brain and a dick covered in purple veins.”
If you can’t tell the difference between in innuendo and a guy singing about an Asian girl with a inside out pussy… I don’t know what to tell you but enjoy his album.
February 23, 2017 @ 11:43 am
This is why the term ‘snowflake’ is so popular.
We’ve got a bunch of sensitive flowers running around including on this site.
I like his music, it’s fun to listen from time to time. It’s a break from the norm and gives me chuckle. He is helping shed light on the ridiculous state of country music and fighting against the censorship that we continually see. Kudos to Wheeler Walker Jr.
Oh and Sturgill Simpson can kick rocks. He can go on tour with the Dixie Chicks and lecture people.
February 23, 2017 @ 11:52 am
delicate flowers*
February 23, 2017 @ 11:53 am
So you’re unable to buy any of Wheeler’s music? They took down all his videos on YouTube in this fight to censor Wheeler. Oh the humanity! And speaking of censoring… I see you brought up the Dixie Chicks. No doubt you’re one of the people who made a huge issue of them being played on the radio.
February 23, 2017 @ 12:01 pm
I see that I’ve offended you.
And nope I didn’t.
February 23, 2017 @ 12:19 pm
Your lack of self awareness is offensive.
February 23, 2017 @ 6:43 pm
See this dude is self aware, he knows he wants to be ignorant and gullible enough to think wheeler is contributing anything original or positvie to country music. The folks that know he is actually Ben hoffman(youd be surprised how many think wheeler is real), have to admit this has nothing to do with country music, only a comedian that couldn’t make it on his own shtick. It’s all about money.
February 23, 2017 @ 12:36 pm
That’s foolish.
February 23, 2017 @ 2:24 pm
His new song is terrible. I wasn’t that impressed with most of his work before but he apparently thinks there’s more to be pulled from that empty well.
I’m not sure about the merits of pulling his music like this. Since this is a private company they can turn down any project they want, but it would have been better not to sign onto the project in the first place if this isn’t what you want to be associated with. Maybe it was worse than they thought.
There’s so many channels now days to get your creations out, that I can’t see this being much harm to Wheeler. His bigger problem is he just created a shitty blues interpretation of Too Short’s Cocktails.
February 24, 2017 @ 10:17 am
I don’t care for anything I’ve heard from WWJr. And I understand that the right to free speech doesn’t mean that others have to facilitate your speech, or even have to listen.
That said, I get really sick of people working so hard to prevent others from speaking. All of the protests and boycotts and threats of boycotts, just because someone is saying something that offends you. Grow up and learn how to communicate your own perspective, rather than shout everyone else down.
Now, there are limits, I think, to what I just said. If someone is communicating something that is truly deplorable (to use a loaded term), meaning that they are inciting or promoting violence or hatred, go ahead and shout them down, call their bullshit what it is, boycott their business. But I think art and comedy should be given a very wide berth for freedom of expression. If it offends you, just look away.