Why Is Nelly Still Performing on the Florida Georgia Line Tour?
Seriously, what the hell is Nelly still doing on this Florida Georgia Line tour? And what the hell was he doing on a “country” music tour in the first place? I know, I know, nothing about Florida Georgia Line’s music resembles true country music. We’ve already logged those protestations many times before, and specifically wondered aloud why the hell Nelly was asked to tour with Florida Georgia Line previously. But now that he’s been accused of rape, how about we let a little bit of common sense prevail and pink slip this guy from any future country music involvement, at least until the truth emerges?
Tonight, Thursday, October 12th, 2017, Florida Georgia Line’s fleet of buses and semis will be set up in the parking lot of the Jacksonville Veterans Memorial Arena in Florida, and Nelly, who less than a week ago was accused of sexually assaulting a woman in his bus as it idled in a Wal-Mart parking lot in Washington State, will be taking the stage with them. And that’s apparently okay with with the people in charge.
Look, I know we live in a country where it is innocent until proven guilty. Nelly is a free man at the moment, and no official charges have been brought against him. But we also live in a society where sexual assault accusations from young women need to be taken seriously. Nelly has a right to due process, but so does the alleged victim. I’m not asking for Nelly to be locked up until we know what happened, but how about exercising a little bit of prudence until this matter is cleared up, and not allow him to take the stage at what is supposed to be a family friendly country music concert?
Shockingly, Nelly is flatly denying the accusations, while his lawyer bullies and shames the accuser, claiming she’s just digging for gold in such aggressive language that the accuser’s lawyer, Karen Koehler, says Nelly broke the law. “It is morally reprehensible for an accused person and his bully lawyer to issue derogatory and defamatory statements against a young alleged rape victim,” Koehler says. “It is also criminal — in the state of Washington — when those vicious attacks are issued in the form of threats.”
Nelly’s lawyer Scott Rosenbaum had said in an earlier statement, “Our initial investigation clearly establishes this allegation is devoid of credibility and is motivated by greed and vindictiveness. I am confident, once this scurrilous accusation is thoroughly investigated, there will be no charges. Nelly is prepared to address and pursue all legal avenues to redress any damage caused by this clearly false allegation.”
More details have also been revealed about what exactly the 21-year-old alleged victim is accusing. According to TMZ, she met Nelly in a club, and was driven to Nelly’s bus by part of his entourage. Back at the bus, she claims Nelly tried to have sex with her, and she declined. Nelly told her to “shut up,” and said he wanted to have sex with her without using a condom, which he eventually did, the alleged victim claims. Nelly then offered her hush money before she was kicked off the bus by another woman, and given $100.
The problem with prosecuting many of these rape cases is it boils down to a he said, she said. The act was not premeditated by Nelly, and that’s why the charges being sought against him are 2nd degree rape, and not 1st degree. The victim also arrived at Nelly’s bus willfully, even according to the victim’s lawyer.
Maybe Nelly is being taken to the cleaners by a gold-digging accuser. Maybe Nelly did rape her. Maybe the truth lies somewhere in between. But this is country music, and we have enough problems with how women are treated and characterized in the genre before helping to promote an accused rapist on a major tour. Find someone to replace Nelly, maybe someone who actually plays country music; maybe a female performer since Lord knows there’s plenty of them out there not being given these big touring opportunities while a washed up rapper like Nelly is.
Florida Georgia Line’s “Smooth” tour is almost over anyway. Nelly is a millionaire (“Millionaire” is actually the name of his current single), and this will not cause him any grave financial hardship. And if it does cause him financial loss and he’s found to be innocent, he can seek repercussions through the legal system against the accuser. That’s what the legal process is there for.
But in the meantime, with the news of Harvey Weinstein and other sexual predators in positions of power being dragged out into the light, how about country music exert a little leadership here and let it be known this type of behavior won’t be tolerated. In 2017, we’ve seen bands like PWR BTTM and Zex have their careers completely eviscerated due to sexual assault accusations where there wasn’t even an open and active investigation involved. But somehow Nelly gets a pass? After listening to the lyrical content of Nelly and Florida Georgia Line songs, are we really surprised this situation has transpired?
The words are bad enough. But when it boils over into accused actions, that’s where the industry should draw a line, at least until the truth is determined.
October 12, 2017 @ 10:58 am
The No Morals Muskateers
October 12, 2017 @ 10:59 am
I wouldn’t call FGL “family friendly”
October 12, 2017 @ 11:10 am
This accusation was met with fist bumps from FGL.
October 12, 2017 @ 5:14 pm
Is that true?
I’ve known those guys for years. Bash their music all you want, and fairly so, but are they rape endorsers in your mind? Sad, is that state of this group of dedicated country music fans, if we assume that those two men of FGL are saying “yeah bro, way to rape that person.” Trigger, does anything about their previous conduct make them seem like people okay with rape?
October 12, 2017 @ 7:20 pm
There is nothing that makes me believe that Florida Georgia Line condones, promotes, or is complicit with rape. Nor have I at any time said or implied that. Nor am I saying that Nelly shouldn’t be afforded due process, or that innocent until proven guilty shouldn’t be the law of the land. All I am saying is that a very serious charge has been levied against Nelly, and if the country music industry wants to take a leadership role in this matter, they should re-think having Nelly continue to open shows while this is an ongoing matter.
October 13, 2017 @ 6:37 pm
They’re garbage people. He’s a garbage person. What else do you need to know?
October 13, 2017 @ 7:51 pm
The truth. This is a trash article on a level I have never seen from Kyle. Literally, three hours ago she recanted. He said, “this is country music”, referring to FGL. Man, have you gotten lazy. What happened to that “journalistic integrity” you used to go on about. Between this and the swipe at Shooter, you really just look like a punk.
October 12, 2017 @ 5:28 pm
The more i think about this the more upset I get. Do realize how much fake crap goes into this songwiriting? I held a publishing deal for years in nashville; we were constantly pressured to add more “commercial” appeal to our songs, until there was little else to do. Does that make me a rapist? Does that make every other country artist who bent their songwriting standards to write an “acceptable” song (based on their publishers opinion), supportive of sexual assault? The guys from FGL probably woke up to a crappy situation when they found out what happened, got advice from their PR firm, and proceeded based on that advice. They are two young men who aren’t allowed to make single decision in their musical lives. Do we expect them to bear the burden of proof?
Oh well. Go stick your head back in the sand, where artists have a single choice in their tours, singles, or lives
October 13, 2017 @ 7:16 am
“They are two young men who aren’t allowed to make single decision in their musical lives[…]Go stick your head back in the sand, where artists have a single choice in their tours, singles, or lives ”
Then they need to decide if, given the choice, they’d rather be musicians or big stars.
October 13, 2017 @ 7:31 am
Kris, I’m not sure what being pressured to write commercial songs has to do with a rape accusation but everyone, including music artists, has a choice in life. They can choose to sign a contract where they give up control of their life and image in pursuit of money and fame or they can hold on to to their integrity and control their own life. Maybe they don’t get the big house and fancy cars and whatnot but there is a lot to be said for being able to look at yourself in the mirror and having self respect for the person you see. It sounds like what you dealt with in the music industry jaded you and unfortunately you probably won’t be the last person that happens to. Mainstream anything is all about money now.
October 12, 2017 @ 11:42 am
“But in the meantime, with the news of Harvey Weinstein and other sexual predators in positions of power being dragged out into the light, how about country music exert a little leadership here and let it be known this type of behavior won’t be tolerated.”
Presumption of innocence.
I don’t care for this Nelly guy but you can’t start disciplining a person or calling them out without knowing the actual facts. You were not on the bus. All we have are tidbits of information. Harvey Weinstein is one person and Nelly is another person. You can’t mix the two people up. This sounds like guilty until proven innocent to me. Let the man have his day in court.
Taking Nelly off the tour doesn’t say that you care and you don’t tolerate rape. It say’s we don’t tolerate accusations because of bad optics and it can affect our wallets.
October 12, 2017 @ 11:50 am
Maybe the reason why Nelly is still on tour is because some people still believe in due process.
October 12, 2017 @ 12:04 pm
I’m pretty confident FGL can’t even spell the word “due.”
October 12, 2017 @ 12:08 pm
In May, the band BWR BTTM was dropped from their label, dropped from their booking agency, and their careers were destroyed because of accusations of sexual assault in FACEBOOK COMMENTS. A month ago, a Canadian band called Zex had their careers destroyed because someone made sexual assault claims in EMAILS to their label. NO police actions, not police investigations, nobody was arrested or detained, no 911 calls were made, not effort was made to corroborate the alleged victims’ stories whatsoever.
In this case we have a known victim with a plausible story and an open criminal investigation. And what has happened to Nelly? If anything, the public assumes he’s the victim. And he might be. Nobody is saying he should be locked up or even have his career destroyed. But how about letting due process play out before you might find yourself complicit with rape by continuing to have this man play on a tour he probably shouldn’t be playing anyway?
The country music industry has just proved that it is irresolute on sexual assault accusations.
I didn’t make any parallels to the Harvey Weinstein situation in the article, just mentioned the environment in which these sexual assault accusations were made. But the way Weinstein was able to get away with his deplorable behavior for a quarter century was through a culture where claims and accusations by young women went unheeded. Would anyone be shocked, especially seeing how the way women are treated on the surface in the country music industry, if similar revelations to the Weinstein issues eventually made their way out of Music Row?
I’m not asking for Nelly to be detained. But I think it is very prudent in this matter to at least ask why he’s still performing on the stage on a major country music tour when such accusations remain unresolved?
October 12, 2017 @ 12:18 pm
“But I think it is very prudent in this matter to at least ask why he’s… performing on the stage on a major country music tour…”
October 12, 2017 @ 6:06 pm
“the way Weinstein was able to get away with his deplorable behavior for a quarter century was through a culture where claims and accusations by young women went unheeded”
go deeper. why? money, Trig — BIG money, inner ring feeling, careers, political contributions …
October 12, 2017 @ 9:48 pm
“Nobody is saying he should be locked up or even have his career destroyed.”
Actually, you might be saying he should have his career destroyed. You’re saying he should be punished, based on accusations alone. Ok, so Nelly gets thrown off the tour. This has immediate and lasting implications. Immediately, he loses money, as well as possibly new fans from shows where people may have never listened to Nelly before, since it’s a genre outside the norm for him. The lasting effect is that the next time someone is thinking of booking him on a tour, they see him as risky. Even if he is innocent, he’s been thrown off a tour previously.
This is already going to hurt Nelly’s career, because even if he’s found innocent, people will still say he got away with it because he’s famous, or it’s he said she said, or any other number of things. Unless there is video evidence that completely clears him, this is harmful to his character.
While I don’t think Nelly particularly belongs on a country music tour, we shouldn’t be setting the precedent that the minute someone accuses someone of something, we kick them off the tour.
So by all means, this needs investigated by the authorities as thoroughly as possible, lets hold off punishing anyone until there is evidence supporting the allegations.
October 13, 2017 @ 9:23 am
Harvey Weinstein wasn’t afforded that opportunity. BWR BTTM wasn’t afforded that opportunity. The Canadian punk band Zex wasn’t afforded that opportunity. Dallas Cowboys running back Ezekiel Elliot who was CLEARED of wrongdoing by police and was still suspended for 6 games by the NFL yesterday was not afforded that opportunity. Amazon executive Roy Price who was just suspended from the company today due to sexual harassment claims wasn’t afforded that opportunity. And these are just examples of things that have happened in near history.
So why is Nelly being treated with kid gloves in this matter? Why is nobody bringing up “innocent until proven guilty” with Roy Price? The reasons are:
1) The country industry is turning a blind eye to the accusations.
2) The media and the public are being spun by a dedicated publicity campaign from the Nelly camp to paint the victim as a gold digger.
October 12, 2017 @ 12:27 pm
Presumption of innocence and due process apply in a court of law, not in a contract matter between 2 private parties and not in general business and moral judgment matters.
The same way the freedom of speech applies in the context of governmental action and not between 2 parties to a contract.
October 12, 2017 @ 12:43 pm
Yes, if Nelly was being held without bail or being sent to prison without due process, this “innocent until proven guilty” concern would apply. In this instance, I’m simply asking if it wouldn’t be prudent for all parties to lay low and let the truth come out before you have someone who may eventually be convicted of rape parading around the stage of a mainstream industry-backed production?
October 12, 2017 @ 1:24 pm
I’m not trying to argue whether the record label or whoever is in charge of the tour has a legal right to terminate Nelly. I don’t know what they can do, I’m not a contract lawyer. They probably could. They probably could terminate him because they didn’t like the color of his shirt that he wore one day.
I’m just giving ‘my’ opinion on the fairness on what Trigger believes should be done about the Nelly-Rape fiasco.
I just feel that we are jumping the gun with Nelly. We know so little on what happened. Also, I believe the reason why he is still touring is because there’s someone who feels like he should have his day in court first. Let due process work it out and then make the call. Obviously it’s not up to me.
October 12, 2017 @ 12:01 pm
“After listening to the lyrical content of Nelly and Florida Georgia Line songs, are we really surprised this situation has transpired?”
Florida Georgia Line had nothing to do with it… This is a new low for you.
October 12, 2017 @ 12:45 pm
Oh, I am sure you can find much lower.
Nobody said Florida Georgia Line had anything to do with the accused rape. But it’s their tour. Brian Kelley and Tyler Hubbard before anyone could get Nelly axed from the roster. Instead, like everyone else involved, they’re proving that mainstream country music does not take accusations of sexual assault seriously.
October 19, 2017 @ 12:33 pm
I have never heard of you trigger and based on your opinions I hope I never hear from you again. Due process and even comparing This to Harvey Weinstein makes you look foolish is a journalist. Also one one hand you make out these other groups were wronged by getting axed yet in the same breath you say the same thing should happen to Nelly.
October 12, 2017 @ 6:07 pm
FGL should put him in time out till it’s settled
not a hard call
October 14, 2017 @ 3:58 pm
Actually Kyle, their music and a lot shitty bro country pretty much endorses sexual assault.
October 12, 2017 @ 12:14 pm
FGL’s wives must answer this question.
October 18, 2017 @ 10:12 am
I thought they were married to each other?
October 12, 2017 @ 12:35 pm
That picture at the top of the page is pure country.
October 12, 2017 @ 1:30 pm
The answer lies in Scott Borchetta’s greazy mane.
October 12, 2017 @ 1:33 pm
You know what, fuck these guys. Cancel their tour.
October 12, 2017 @ 2:10 pm
My guess is the label and tour folks are thinking more in terms of potential PR backlash / fan reaction. On that front, I would be willing to bet that a good 80% + of the attendees at the remaining shows are so unaware of the world around them that they haven’t heard about the rape allegations.
October 12, 2017 @ 3:59 pm
I can’t stand Nelly or FGL for that matter.
But why should he not be able to perform and earn money from touring?
It’s his job…it’s what he does.
He hasn’t been charged with a goddamned thing….but somehow he should be kicked off a tour for something he hasn’t been ? Innocent until proven guilty?
The most hysterical statement in this clearly biased article has to be: “After listening to the lyrical content of Nelly and Florida Georgia Line songs, are we really surprised this situation has transpired?”
Fucking hysterical..
I’m sure Bob Dylan, Robert Plant, Ray Charles, John Lennon, David Allan Coe, Mick Jagger,, Hank Williams Jr., or any one of the latest bro-country flavors of the month never wrote or sang a misogynistic lyric in their life right? And all of their songs made a ton of guys go out and rape and pillage for the last 50 years….
Bullshit… It’s what the whole foundation of rock and roll music was built upon.
If this was Brad fucking Paisley and not Nelly, I’m quite certain this article would never have been printed.
October 12, 2017 @ 5:16 pm
October 12, 2017 @ 6:13 pm
willie, someone filed rape charges — time out until due process is done
there’s enough grey here, and FGL is being stupid: if the charge holds up, they’ve sheltered a rapist
PR will love that problem I’m $ure
October 12, 2017 @ 7:33 pm
Today, Ezekiel Elliot, the starting running back for the Dallas Cowboys and last year’s NFL leader in rushing yards, was suspended by the NFL for 6 games due to the fact that a woman accused him of domestic violence. Police investigated the matter, and decided NOT to charge Elliot, and dropped the case. However the NFL decided, due to the negative cloud these domestic violence and sexual assault cases have caused for the league, to suspend players in these situations anyway, if for not other reason than they’re putting themselves in situations that are hurting the reputation of the NFL. On a personal level, I think the suspension seems too harsh for something Mr. Elliot may have not done. But it’s also completely understandable from the NFL’s standpoint.
In the case of Nelly, the investigation is still pending. He has not been exonerated. There is a good chance he will eventually face 2nd Degree rape charges brought by a grand jury in Washington State. Nobody is arguing against innocent until proven guilty. I went out of my way to say we should presume Nelly’s innocence until the matter is settled. But just like the NFL, it is up to the country music industry to protect its reputation and integrity. The prudent thing to do in this matter would be to not allow Nelly to perform at these shows until the matter is settled.
October 16, 2017 @ 10:58 am
Somebody sure sounds like a Cowboy fan on this website making comments about Zeke Elliott. He wasn’t charged by the Columbus Ohio Police Department because they are a corrupt small college town police department who protects the most valuable asset the entire community, The Ohio State University football team. The NFL conducted a separate investigation and concluded that Zeke did assault her physically. The Ohio police chief should be fired from his position if he is just protecting Urban Meyer’s goon squad and not the other citizens of that community.
October 12, 2017 @ 4:28 pm
On another note, check this crap out. https://get.freshly.com/midland-sweepstakes/
lol. This “vocal trio’s” plan is slowly becoming more and more clear……pimp their fake, pretty-boy image out to the full extent possible in order to make a quick buck. I am confident and hopeful that they will be a thing of the past come 6 months from now.
October 13, 2017 @ 9:29 am
I actually have a subscription to that food delivery service and when I went to select my meals it asked me if I wanted to add a copy of Midland’s album. So random. Anything for marketing these days, apparently.
October 12, 2017 @ 6:38 pm
every damn white man that engage in bullshit get leave with pay U won’t stop their cashflow and per your whiteman created law
he has not been proven guilty
so thats make him what
the big Inocent…ijs
October 12, 2017 @ 7:50 pm
October 13, 2017 @ 5:09 am
The “upvote” is certainly from Seak
October 14, 2017 @ 3:56 pm
English please?
October 12, 2017 @ 7:38 pm
As a woman who has endured quite a bit of catcalling and uncomfortable advances as of late, I agree with Whiskey_Pete that we nonetheless need to let due process have breathing space before any such subsequent decision is made.
More often than not, rape accusations are proven legitimate according to FBI statistics, and we certainly must collectively do our part to address and transmute rape culture. That said, due process is an essential cornerstone that must be acknowledged in all cases regardless of how stomach-churning the allegations are.
As disgusting and nauseating as the whole Weinstein fiasco is and the fact he merely resembles the tip of the iceberg as to how deep the roots of rape culture sink throughout entertainment and so forth, hopefully the inevitable, far-reaching development of this debacle will implore many more to do some intensive soul-searching and become educated of consent, boundaries and better communication.
October 12, 2017 @ 8:52 pm
I have been a huge Nelly fan since day 1. He would not rape someone. His collaboration with fgl is amazing… i went to the Anaheim show. He should absolutely be able to finish the tour. Come on, she just wants money.
October 13, 2017 @ 1:00 pm
“I have been a huge Nelly fan since day 1. He would not rape someone.”
You should contact Nelly’s lawyer, I’m sure he/she could use you as a character witness.
October 13, 2017 @ 4:12 am
Why is it that every time a Caucasian female gets rejected by an African American male, she and her community think that rejection is grounds for rape accusations against that same male of African descent? Why is she a victim? Is she a victim? It would be fair if you have to prove your victimization just as an assumed suspect must prove their innocence. I do know that this is becoming a modern day witch hunt on African American males. It needs to stop before your precedence fosters mirroring ideology in those you seek to destroy.
I also find it hilarious that you same appalled individuals of Nelly’s alleged spooky actions, are the same ones who most likely voted for the Donald. The Donald, let me remind you, is the same male who was named in a child molestation case during his campaign which mysteriously wandered off after the election. He out of his own mouth admitted to sexual misconduct with numerous women and how he badgers them into recanting their own truth. But you want to campaign for Nelly to be off a tour that he did no wrong on.
I’m a real survivor of sexual assault and do not take this situation or the allegations lightly. However I want to add that the zombie mob you all are becoming does not have the right to continue accusing a man who was found of no wrong doing simply because he’s of African descent. Cut it out and check your female counterparts for being savages lacking moral order and self decency. Then go to her parents home and give them an earful for not raising their daughter to be honest and just. Then run straight to the media and ask them to cover that story because you have not one with this witch hunt you all are on.
Absolutely despicable, the whole lot of you.
October 13, 2017 @ 8:23 am
I didn’t you were the detective on the case and have seen all the evidence.
October 13, 2017 @ 9:33 am
I haven’t seen any verification of the alleged victim’s race, which may be in violation of privacy laws in rape cases. It has been verified that she is 21-years-old. So it’s an assumption that she was white, just like it’s an assumption Nelly turned down her advances, and that any of us voted for Trump.
October 13, 2017 @ 4:44 am
The proof will be in the numbers….has the tour income/attendance suffered since the accusation?
October 13, 2017 @ 4:49 am
We will never know the truth. Maybe he did? Maybe he did not? But in today’s society anyone who questions a woman claiming she was raped is vilified. I always question everything I am presented with. I have no clue if that rapper fella raped some girl or not. And neither do any of you. But you will judge and get loud to support your agenda non-the- less. Sad to see this underground country community is filled with people no different than that in mainstream America. This is exactly why I do not socialize very much at shows. Most people suck terribly and that means most of you too.
October 13, 2017 @ 5:57 am
I still have a major issue with Nelly on a country tour. True country music fans don’t listen to Nelly. Just like Nelly fans could care less about county music. Oil and water don’t mix. While I am not a huge FGL fan I do find some of their songs listenable. I just don’t understand why we have to keep trying to mix polar opposite genres of music.
October 13, 2017 @ 6:24 am
Get with the program. You HAVE to be ok with it, or it says a lot of terrible things about who you are and what you think.
October 13, 2017 @ 8:06 am
” Nobody is arguing against innocent until proven guilty. I went out of my way to say we should presume Nelly’s innocence until the matter is settled.”
Yet you ended your article with:
“After listening to the lyrical content of Nelly and Florida Georgia Line songs, are we really surprised this situation has transpired?”
Even if he is charged, it is completely irresponsible of you to insinuate that lyrics incite action.
I guess you thought The Beatles were responsible for the Manson massacre, or Marylin Manson was the reason that Columbine happened…? Did you know that immediately after Mark David Chapmen pumped nine hollow point bullets into John Lennon, he sat down on the ground, pulled out a copy of “Catcher In The Rye” and read patiently until the police arrived? I’ve read that book a dozen times in my life and have never contemplated murdering anybody.
Your insinuations are utterly preposterous.
October 13, 2017 @ 9:13 am
Willie (and others),
I never said that the lyrics of either Nellie songs or Florida Georgia Line songs inspired rape, sexual assault, or anything else. You’re inferring that from what I said as opposed to understanding it in context. The context of this article is not to put Nelly on trial and proclaim him guilty. It is simply to say that in these matters, I think it is prudent to exercise caution until the matter is cleared up, which is what is occurring on nearly a daily basis in all sectors of American life. Yet somehow Nelly seems to be completely immune to it.
When I’m saying “are we really surprised this situation has transpired?” I’m not talking about the rape, I am talking about the way the country music industry and Florida Georgia Line specifically are failing to take these allegations seriously, even in an environment where artist’s careers are being destroyed, people are being fired, and athletes are being suspended for less.
Just today I was reading a story on how one of Amazon’s executives has been suspended while they look into sexual harassment claims.
In the case of Nelly, it’s sexual ASSAULT. RAPE. And nothing has happened.
And I’ll tell you why: It’s because the press, the public, and the industry have been duped by a dedicated marketing campaign by Nelly’s peeps to brand the victim as a gold digger. Maybe she is a gold digger. But maybe she’s the victim of rape. All I am asking is that country music take the same precautions Amazon just did with their employee, the NFL just did with Ezekiel Elliot, and The Weinstein Company did with Harvey, and make sure they’re not inadvertently complicit with rape by allowing Nelly to still play shows while this matter remains unresolved. This seems like a very fair and prudential request.
October 13, 2017 @ 11:10 am
I long for the day when FGL’s 15 mins are up. It has to be soon right? It’s time for these
guys to go back to delivering pizzas…
October 13, 2017 @ 12:09 pm
I’m sure it was all a misunderstanding but still…
I probably would not let my daughters visit a wal mart parked tour bus in Jacksonville.
October 13, 2017 @ 8:11 pm
Can you do a rant on how busbee may be the worst producer in country music history? (besides whoever the hell produced the new Shania album) busbee absolutely ruined some of the songs on the new Carly Pearce album. He needs to keep his mitts off country and screw off.
October 13, 2017 @ 11:07 pm
Your credibility is going out the door, Trigger. I’ve been saying it all year but you are just not the writer you used to be. You have been saying alot of outrageous things lately that are unnecessary and offensive. I’m one of the hardest people to offend, but some of the shit you say (like this article) ruffles my feathers. Not very good journalism, man. If this is supposed to be the website that “saves country music” and is supposed to be the site that “the big guys on music row” pay attention to as you claim, you are doing a really bad job as of late. Nobody is going to take you seriously when you make offensive, shitty articles like this.
October 14, 2017 @ 3:48 pm
All that southern charm offsets all the rapey vibes those guys put off I guess.
October 15, 2017 @ 12:19 am
I do not take a reported rape as lightly as Florida Georgia Line appears to take it by continuing with Nelly. There are many issues involved here, but if there is any chance that rape occurred, whether it will be proved or not, Nelly should not have returned.
October 18, 2017 @ 12:35 am
Agree. Same with Trump and his sexual assaults. Surely?
October 18, 2017 @ 9:33 am
It is only through God’s grace that haters will ever see the light.
Truth shines like a light through darkness, and that truth angers haters, who strike at it with empty, trolling comments.
March 14, 2018 @ 3:25 pm
Brian ‘Coat Tails’ Kelley
…I just felt like saying that. Carry on