Willie Nelson Pens Ode to His Death Hoaxes: “Still Not Dead Again Today”


There may not be another celebrity who’s been killed off by Facebook and the internet more times than country music legend Willie Nelson. The 82-year-old has been the victim of a number of high-profile death hoaxes over the years, including one on April 11th, 2015 when a hoax was posted saying the singer passed away on his property in Maui, and was found dead by his gardener. It was eventually shared on Facebook over half a million times.

Another death hoax was originally posted on February 21st, 2015. Both hoaxes took an even more sinister turn when the same people who started the hoax also turned around a reaped the rewards of debunking their own hoaxs, getting duped country music fans coming and going. Older celebrities like Willie Nelson are especially lucrative targets for hoaxters who reap big revenue from the viral traffic they create by preying on concerned fans.

Well at least Willie can laugh about it.

On the heels of releasing a new record Summertime: Willie Nelson Sings Gershwin, Willie Nelson decided to release a new original song called “Still Not Dead Again Today,” lampooning his many, many death hoaxes. Included with the song is a video highlighting some of the information and images from many of the ridiculous hoaxes.

I woke up still not dead again today
The internet said I had passed away
Well if I died I wasn’t dead to stay
I woke up still not dead again today

Luckily Willie Nelson remains very much alive, and very active for your average 82-year-old. “They say my pace would kill a normal man,” says the new song, which should not just be an entertaining new installment in Willie’s legendary career, but a cautionary tale to Facebook and internet users to check snopes.com and other reputable sites before sharing any information on the death of a celebrity.

EDITORS NOTE: Apparently the video has been pulled, which is weird because it was originally published by Willie’s Official YouTube channel. Perhaps they decided to get the song ready for sale. Stay tuned.

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