Willie Nelson to Take Listeners to “The Border” on New Album

Willie Nelson is 90 years old, and will be 91 in April. He has a full calendar of live dates scheduled throughout 2024. And on May 31st, he will release what will be his 152nd album called The Border. This will be his third album in the last two years. It’s hard to not sit back, and marvel.
This will be an original Willie Nelson album, meaning it will include original songs written by Willie, as well as other songs carefully selected and recorded to make the album a cohesive, original expression. This is different from Willie’s last two albums: 2023’s Bluegrass, which remade old Willie songs bluegrass style, as well as I Don’t Know a Thing About Love, which was a tribute to songwriter Harlan Howard.
When Willie releases one of these original albums, watch out. His last one was 2022’s A Beautiful Time, and it won the Grammy Award for Best Country Album. This was no honorary distinction. It was well-deserved.
The Border will once again be produced by Buddy Cannon who co-writes four songs with Willie Nelson for the album. But the lead single and title track is a Rodney Crowell tune that the Texas native wrote with Allen Shambin, and appeared on Crowell’s 2019 album Texas. It takes a refreshingly nuanced and human look at a crisis that is very much relevant to this moment. The cover art is of the Big Bend region between Texas and Mexico.

Appearing on the album with Willie will be Mickey Raphael on harmonica of course, Jim “Moose Brown” on keys, Bobby Terry on electric/acoustic/steel guitar, James Mitchell also on electric guitar, Barry Bales on bass, and Fred Eltringham on drums. Buddy and Melonie Cannon are featured in background vocals.
Songwriting contributors to The Border include Larry Cordle and Erin Enderlin on the track “I Wrote This Song For You,” as well as Shawn Camp, Will Jennings, Mike Reid, and more.
But most importantly, this album will be Willie Nelson, his guitar Trigger, and original songs from one of music’s most beloved and prolific entertainers in history.
The Border is now available for pre-order.
1. The Border (Rodney Crowell, Allen Shambin)
2. Once Upon a Yesterday (Willie Nelson, Buddy Cannon)
3. What If I’m Out of My Mind (Willie Nelson, Buddy Cannon)
4. When I Wrote This Song for You (Larry Cordle, Erin Enderlin)
5. Kiss Me When You’re Through (Willie Nelson, Buddy Cannon)
6. Many a Long and Lonesome Highway (Rodney Crowell, Will Jennings)
7. Hank’s Guitar (Buddy Cannon, Bobby Tomberlin)
8. Made in Texas (Shawn Camp, Monty Holmes)
9. Nobody Knows Me Like You (Mike Reid)
10. How Much Does It Cost (Willie Nelson, Buddy Cannon)
March 20, 2024 @ 8:13 am
March 20, 2024 @ 8:23 am
It is a marvel. No other words to describe the output of work Willie has achieved this late in his career. When Nelson released Band Brothers in 2014, I said it would probably be his last great album. I was off my more (hopefully) than a decade.
We are lucky to be alive to witness Willie’s late surge.
The song “The Border” is fantastic. It doesn’t pick a side on the border debate, although the Mexican US agent does seem to yearn to cross back over into Mexico by the songs end. The reference of Campos and Ramien is interesting as there were two border patrol agents – Jose Compean and Ignacio Ramos – whom were eventually pardon by President George Bush after shooting and illegal immigrant and trying to cover it up in 2005.
We know where Nelson stands on political issues. So it’s interesting to see him craft a song staying neutral over an hot topic issue without any clear resolution.
I think Nelson’s guitar work is stunning on this song and harkens back to old westerns.
March 20, 2024 @ 8:30 am
After I wrote this comment, I saw Trig’s song credits and Willie didn’t write “The Border.” It was written by Rodney Crowell and Allen Shambin.
How about a westerner PA, former Cincinnati Bengal, #1 “Walk of Faith” artist Mike Reid song on the track list? I’m going to research it see if it’s a new song or previously recorded.
March 24, 2024 @ 10:08 pm
I completely agree with you. Great song. Great guitar work. Interesting reference. Willie’s politics mixing with a song about a complicated issue.
Only 9ne disagreement that there isn’t a clear solution. There is. It just isn’t a nice as people would like.
Illegal immigration is illegal and gets treated that way Legal immigration is legal and get treated that way. A number needs to be set on how many immigrants we take each year ir each month and they are chosen. That can be based off what they bring in terms of being a goid citizen or based on need but we can’t take the whole world. And there are other countries, not as great as the USA but places where you can make a goid life. Even asylum seekers don’t get to pick their dream home. They get the 2st country they come to where they are safe. After that if they want to move again it isn’t as asylum seekers it’s as immigrants like all the others.
The ones we let in need to be those who have no criminal records or ties to terrorism or cartels with the ability to contribute to the country if they want to become a part.
It may sound black and white harsh but it’s reality.
March 25, 2024 @ 4:27 pm
hoptowntiger, thanks for mentioning “Campos and Ramien”. Yesterday I googled Campos and Ramien trying to figure out if it was a reference to something, and found info on Jose Compean and Ignacio Ramos. Today I was looking for more info and found your post. Thanks.
March 20, 2024 @ 8:26 am
RAD!!! Larry Cordle is a good songwriter.
Teatro is one of my favorite all time albums. Spirit had its own vibe as well. These concept-sounding albums are winners. I can’t wait for this one!
March 20, 2024 @ 12:18 pm
Looks like this album should also be an important event and a boost for Rodney Crowell. In addition to the title song, which Crowell himself released on an album in 2019, Willie also covers “Many a Long and Lonesome Highway,” which was a #3 hit for Crowell himself.
Crowell’s part of that group of writer-artists who’ve have solid careers putting out albums of their own on independent labels and touring and performing in smaller joints and concert halls and also have had a lof of their songs covered by leading country stars and sometimes made into major hits. If the industry could figure out how to categorize and fully credit those dual-threat artists for their performing and songwriting, then Crowell–along with Lyle Lovett, the late Guy Clark, and Billy Joe Shaver, and Jim Lauderdale–would all be looked at seriously for Hall-of-Fame induction. I’d say the first three would be locks.
March 20, 2024 @ 2:15 pm
A boost for Crowell? Lol. It’s not like Willie is selling any more albums than Rodney at this point.
March 20, 2024 @ 4:37 pm
I’d guess that Willie’s new album on Legacy Recordings (the arm of all the many label catalogs of Sony Music) will sell more than Rodney’s last album, “Triage,” on RCI1 or his new one, “The Chicago Sessions” (due in May) on New West. ((And I’m going to buy Rodney’s new disc.)
I just Googled “Rodney Crowell the Border”. It returned “About 268,000 results”
I then Googled “Willie Nelson the Border”. It returned “About 8,810,000 results”–already.
I think it’s safe to say that Rodney and his song will get some extra attention from Willie cutting the song and making it the centerpiece of his new album.
Maybe Rodney will even show up at a Willie Nelson show and perform it with him. Willie’s touring amphitheaters and has some dates scheduled withe Bob Dyland and Robert Plant.
March 20, 2024 @ 2:20 pm
God bless Willie. He’s released some great albums throughout the years, my favourite being Spirit. When I saw he was releasing an album called the Border, I was hoping it would include a cover of Rodney Crowell’s song of the same name, and while Willie does a good job on the track, his voice sounds rough and almost gone at this point. However, he still sounds better than the mullet headed and bleached blonde cardboard cutouts coming out of Nashville. I prefer Crowell’s take on “The Border,” but it’s nice to see that Willie is still in the trenches. I imagine he will record until they put him in the ground.
March 20, 2024 @ 2:51 pm
Yeah his voice is frail and the breathing problems are front and center. I’m not excited for this one. Of course I don’t expect miracles out of 90 year olds. I get that he has an emotional need to keep on trucking, and that’s fine. The early and mid part of his career is what i will focus on anyway. I remember when Cash released his 3rd and 4th American Recordings albums he was sounding pretty rough. The 5th one was unlstenable for me.
I feel the same about Steve Earle these days. He has this gasp he does sometimes between words and it’s really noticeable, not sure why but the vocals suffer greatly.
I will say that’s Willie’s guitar playing is still inspiring and instrumentally this is pretty epic.
March 20, 2024 @ 4:15 pm
Yes I agree, unfortunately sometimes we fall in love with the legend and loose the ability to listen critically. Willie is a stellar musician and song writer and at this point age has caught up with his voice. Same as Joni Mitchell, she had an amazing voice that no one can replicate. Forward to now and her voice is definitely not the same.
March 20, 2024 @ 2:57 pm
Another gem from Country’s biggest treasure.
March 20, 2024 @ 7:31 pm
I think the new track sounds fantastic, and in particular I think the lyric very much benefits from the fact that we can hear his age in his voice now.
March 20, 2024 @ 8:59 pm
His guitar playing on this track is amazing for 91 years old, assuming the studio team didn’t juice it up with computers. I doubt my hands will have that speed left in them even at 70. His voice fits the mood of this song, despite the roughness.
California Snow by Tom Russell is a similar themed song with better melody. Both tracks are humane takes on a political issue, which is sadly too rare.
March 21, 2024 @ 7:04 am
I’m glad you mention Tom Russell’s “California Snow,” a compassionate treatment of a subject that can bring out the worst in some. It’s also a powerful piece simply on the level of basic song craft. Russell is among the underrated masters.
March 24, 2024 @ 1:40 am
I saw him last summer, no computers on the stage, his hands were flying! Going to see him in August with Bob Dylan, Billy Strings and John Melancamp. Also California Snow is a Tom Russell/Dave Alvin co-write isn’t it? I know they have some and the both did it but it’s been a long time since I had a physical copy of either album.
March 25, 2024 @ 7:01 am
Yes, you are correct. “California Snow” is indeed a Dave Alvin/Tom Russell co-write. Two superior songwriters whose concept of roots extends far deeper than what they might get from more pretentious, less informed members of the singer-songwriter tribe.
March 21, 2024 @ 12:50 am
152nd album – I don’t care if he merely whispers on this one, that’s insane. Just listening to 152 albums is a feat, never mind recording that many. I hope somebody remembered to do medical research on Willie to try to discover the secret of his vitality because among the many ways that he’s a phenomenon, he’s also a medical one.
March 21, 2024 @ 8:45 am
I have been a Willie Nelson fan since the early 60tys. So most of my life. We always tried to go when he played 2mi from home. He wore a suit and played a white Fender. But he had a favorite hangout in Helotes TX. ,there he was began to be the real Willie. Iwanted to go to Helotes and see if he’s there. My husband was against it saying ” I’ts raining he would not be there”. But we went. He wasn’t there. Lights on in a small dinner one other couple was there we got a sandwich. Willie came inside looked into the dark dance hall, and set up in the drizzling rain. I told my husband “I was not going home until Willie did”. Even with Alzheimers my husband rembered that. His music has always made me feel he knows every thought and emotion I’ve had. Thank you Willie, still listening.
March 21, 2024 @ 2:14 pm
Quite surprising is Willie sings what is not typically said aloud and definitely not an issue either parties will speak about. Maybe a half handful of reps will speak the reality. This is e weight of the song,
“ It was Mexican soldiers
Out of a black Humvee
With their guns to their shoulders
Aimed at my partner and me”
Foreign Soldiers in our country………just a border.
March 21, 2024 @ 5:02 pm
*Jumping into the article to see if he means Canada or Mexico* lol. This sounds fun!
March 23, 2024 @ 7:21 am
Love Willie. Saw him in the 70:s in Providence R.I.. again in Florida in the 90’s Had a country band for about 20 yrs. here in FL.People would say Willie just came in. Best complement I could ever get. I played a lot of his songs, along with all the others, but I lean to Willie. When I pick up one of guitars today I always go right to him. A treasure to be sure.
April 25, 2024 @ 5:06 pm
I just listened to Willie’s Border song over 2 dozen times in a row cuz I just LOVE it!
Willie is the greatest musician alive today ????????????