Willie’s Daughter Paula Nelson Arrested for Pot on 4/20
Sunday was 4/20, an unofficial holiday for marijuana smokers all around the world, and unfortunately one such reveler with a father famous for his fondness for pot found herself on the wrong side of the law. Paula Nelson, Willie Nelson’s 44-year-old daughter and front person for the Paula Nelson Band, was arrested on 4/20 in Menard County in central Texas when less than two ounces of marijuana was found on her person during a routine traffic stop by a Menard County deputy.
“A traffic stop was executed and drugs were found,” says Menard County Sheriff Buck Miller to Ft. Worth Weekly. Possession of less than two ounces of marijuana is a Class B misdemeanor punishable by up to 180 days in jail and a $2,000 fine. Paula has subsequently been released on bond. “Let’s just say I’m writing a new song called ‘Spread ‘em, squat and cough.’” Paula joked on Facebook while posting a picture of her being handcuffed.
Paula Nelson has been a singer and songwriter much of her life, favoring a more rock and blues style compared to her father, but with country foundations from singers like Jessi Colter and Rita Coolidge. Her Paula Nelson Band has been together since 2004, and tours in Texas and around the US.
Two years ago on 4/20, Paula’s father, who’s a well-known advocate for marijuana law reform and legalization, had a statue dedicated to him in downtown Austin at 4:20 PM in front of the Austin City Limits’ Moody Theater. Willie was also busted for marijuana in Waco in 1994 when he pulled his car to the side of the road to take a nap, in a bust in 2006 in Louisiana, and in Sierra Blanca, Texas in 2010 at a border checkpoint.
April 21, 2014 @ 6:12 pm
Geez. Arresting Willie Nelson’s daughter on 4/20.
Cops need to find something better to do.
April 21, 2014 @ 6:25 pm
This would fit your ‘Fake News’ category. Was looking for Sheriff Harold Frankenfurter to comment.
April 21, 2014 @ 8:34 pm
She has her father’s good attitude. She’s very cute.
April 22, 2014 @ 8:59 am
I am pro-legalization, not just of pot but of most other recreational drugs.
I am ready to concede the War on Drugs, which I think has been a very bad mistake.
That doesn’t make pot or any other drug harmless, though, and seeing Willie still, apparently, smoking dope for decades makes me sad.
I look to these guys and ladies for music and not as people to emulate in other aspects of their lives and I respect Willie for pretty much countless contributions to authentic country music.
Willie may or may not be a stoner – ditto for his daughter.
Unlike Paula, though, I don’t celebrate using legal or illegal drugs.
April 22, 2014 @ 9:24 am
A “routine traffic stop”? WTF? They just stop people in Texas routinely?
April 22, 2014 @ 9:34 am
Born and raised.
Yep, pretty much. Especially in a backwater portion like that. Gotta keep those sheep on the straight and narrow.
April 22, 2014 @ 10:14 am
Via con dios amigo…
April 22, 2014 @ 11:14 am
In the picture, it looks like the cop is smiling too.
I’m pro-pot, pro-legalization and all that, but cops are required to do their jobs. They don’t make the laws.
Hopefully the law is reasonable with the penalty. Actually I hope she get’s whatever is normal for this sort of thing regardless of her pseudo-celebrity.
April 22, 2014 @ 5:59 pm
this is great. they are both clearly smiling. does anyone else wonder how texas manages to be to as industrious and progressively business friendly as they are when they can’t come to terms with social issues as played out as marijuana law? an aquaintance of mine, being a california resident, was once pulled over while traveling through texas. nothing came of the stop, but the state trooper took the man’s ID and smacked him across the face with it, saying “you california boys think your smart don’t you?”. forgive give me for going there, but f**k texas law enforcement. they give the state a bad name.
April 23, 2014 @ 7:59 pm
Ms. Nelson will likely get off with whatever the minimum is. She is no “pseudo-celebrity” as some have painted her; she is a successful musician in her own right. She is also a citizen in a place where, thankfully, the laws concerning small amounts of recreational, personal marijuana are fairly lenient.
@Ton P: Watch your mouth. What your “acquaintance” told you about that incident is one thing. Being insulting to those who protect our cities is totally uncalled for. You want every law enforcement official you meet to be nice? Maybe they could have a week where they don’t have to deal with stupidity, arrogance and the increasing ghettoizing of our communities. Maybe after that nice week-long break, they’d be more friendly.
No, I don’t think that would work, do you? Why not just let them be whatever they want to be on the job… arrogant or whatever. If you or I have nothing to be afraid of and nothing to hide, then we have nothing to worry about. I hardly think a random police officer treated someone that way for NO reason at all.
In any case, saying “F Texas law enforcement” in such a general way is like saying “F everyone where Ton P is from”. Should we say that?
By the way, it’s Texas with a capital T, thank you. My bloodlines run through the Lone Star State and you’d do well on a country-music blog to show a bit more respect to the place that gave us Bob Wills, Waylon Jennings and Willie Nelson.
April 27, 2014 @ 4:42 am
Family tradition….
April 21, 2019 @ 7:03 am
Go Paula!!!!!! Cops need to start arresting criminals and leave decent people alone!!! They need to smoke a bit themselves… mellow out!
April 21, 2019 @ 9:11 am
Are you saying you don’t believe this happened? You know you can cross reference stuff, right? Idiot.
April 21, 2019 @ 1:27 pm
What a waste of resources.There are several speed traps in Menard Co.Ridiculous! Paula is one of the nicest people you would ever want to know.Leave her alone!
April 23, 2019 @ 6:35 pm
I think it’s time for Paula and Willie to move to Canada, because we will look after you and respect you in every way!
We have lots of land in British Columbia for you to purchase and live in peace.
We also don’t hassle the celebrities that live or work here.
I find it very strange that you can have guns and lots of red necks which is fine, but why do they still treat you like children?
We would be very happy and very proud to to have you here Paula!
June 23, 2021 @ 10:39 am
Don’t the cops in TX have any real criminals to arrest ?? Keep up the Family Tradition Paula. BTW Your music is great, your Daddy taught you well.