Zac Brown Says Luke Bryan’s “That’s My Kind Of Night” Worst Song Ever
Another day, another country artist coming out against the current direction of country music. The latest is Southern rocker Zac Brown of the Zac Brown Band, who not only had some unkind words about the state of country music, but specifically set Luke Bryan’s song “That’s My Kind Of Night” in his crosshairs—the current #1 song in country music right now according to Billboard. In an interview on 93.7 JR FM in Vancouver, Canada with Barbara Beam, Zac Brown said in part:
I love Luke Bryan and he’s had some great songs, but this new song is the worst song I’ve ever heard. I know Luke, he’s a friend. ‘My Kind Of Night’ is one of the worst songs I’ve ever heard. I see it being commercially successful, in what is called country music these days, but I also feel like that the people deserve something better than that. Country fans and country listeners deserve to have something better than that, a song that really has something to say, something that makes you feel something. Good music makes you feel something. When songs make me wanna throw up, it makes me ashamed to even be in the same genre as those songs.
Luke Bryan and “That’s My Kinda Night” came up in the context of Zac Brown complaining about the current trends dominating country radio right now.
If I hear one more tailgate in the moonlight, daisy duke song, I’m gonna throw up. There’s songs out there on the radio right now that make me be ashamed to be even in the same format as some other artists. You can look and see some of the same songwriters on every one of the songs. There’s been like 10 number one songs in the last two or three years that were written by the same people and it’s the exact same words, just arranged different ways.
“That’s My Kind of Night” was written by Dallas Davidson, who is a popular Nashville songwriter that also co-wrote “Honky Tonk Badonka Donk” and other popular country music songs. Chris DeStefano, and Ashley Gorley are also given songwriting credits on “That’s My Kind Of Night.” Zac Brown also made sure to distinguish himself as not traditional country in the interview. Though Zac Brown has benefited from radio play on country radio and industry awards over the years, he has always gone out of his way to clarify he considers himself more of a Southern rocker.
What we do is not necessarily traditional country, but we play all of our own instruments, we write the best songs that we can, and we put harmony on the songs, we have a real band”¦a lot of it’s just about subject matter. We really write about real life, songs that come from life and our heart. To me country music has always been the home for a great song.
You can hear the entire Zac Brown interview below.
Zac Brown is the latest in a rash of artists speaking out about the current state of country. Alan Jackson last week said there was “No country stuff left” on country radio. Gary Allan in an interview with Larry King recently said, “We’ve lost our genre.” And Kacey Musgraves, who was just nominated for 6 CMA Awards, has spoken out numerous times recently, saying in late August that she was tired of Affliction T Shirts and truck songs.
Read: Luke Bryan’s “That’s My Kind Of Night” (A Rant)
Subsequently, Zac Brown has clarified via his Twitter feed, “My opinion is not about Luke as an artist, it’s about that song. He didn’t write it. I’m a fan of Luke, but definitely not that song.”
September 14, 2013 @ 4:46 pm
Respect. It’s been all downhill since “I’ll Stay Me” for Luke. The definition of a sellout who caters to teenage girls, a la Blake Shelton.
September 14, 2013 @ 4:53 pm
And I don’t want to see anyone jumping on Zac Brown for saying he’s a friend of Luke Bryan. He said that because Zac Brown is a nice guy and a gentlemen. He knows there’s no reason to make this personal, and the criticism should lie with the music. And he deserves respect for that just as much for having the courage to speak his mind.
September 14, 2013 @ 4:53 pm
Cue purist mainstream music hater comments about Zac Brown being a raging hypocrite in 3…2…1…
September 14, 2013 @ 5:09 pm
No, I’ve always thought Zac Brown had a different style of music than your average shitty pop country song. I like his style and the things he sings about.
September 14, 2013 @ 5:21 pm
As do I, but I think the same of Gary Allan ”” and as evidenced by the comments on the Allan post, some people apparently think he’s a pop-country diva just like Luke Bryan.
September 14, 2013 @ 4:55 pm
Some of Zac Brown’s songs are far more traditional than most of what’s out there. I have a lot of respect for those guys, and at the same time I think were finally getting the outburst from the genre we so desperately needed.
March 24, 2021 @ 8:33 pm
Cuntry is garbage music that whines about drinking and heartbreak .. same shit different manure pile. And Luke has one of the worst voices ever.
September 14, 2013 @ 5:24 pm
And Zac plays with Further and String Cheese Incident. Go Zac.
September 14, 2013 @ 5:28 pm
Let me just list the whole crop of artists that are destroying country music.
1. Florida Georgia Line – every song they release is just terrible pop trash.
2. Jake Owen – after his ‘Barefoot Blue Jean Night’ single, all his release became boring, loud and 80s rock sound. Pity though cos he had some really good album cuts
3. Jason Aldean – wannabe 80s rock and roll singer from the get go. Don’t even try to say that you are country/southern rock cost u are def NOT
4. Blake Shelton – a complete sellout to all the teenage gals and on being a pervert uncle on The Voice. With subpar songs.
5. Justin Moore – FAKE outlaw with that fake stupid twang of his. OMG did u hear his latest song that honors J.Lo Kim K booty? Terrible and embarrassing.
6. Brantley Gilbert – another fake outlaw and wannabe southern country rocker.
7. Luke Bryan – went downhill after Do I and became a complete sellout to soccer moms and screaming teenage gals who don’t know a thing about music. The only male country artist who shake his booty/hips? Are u freaking kidding me? Horrific that’s my kinda night song.
8. Tim Mcgraw – ever since joining BMLG, his releases has been a hit or miss and I don’t get whether he wants to be a cowboy singer or mass body builder at his shows. TRUCK YEAH? TRUCK HELL NO!
9. Last but not least, I actually don’t mind all the pop country acts like Taylor and Carrie. At least Taylor writes all her material and remains a creative force while Carrie has a great voice and choose songs with a substantial amount of substance and depth. It’s all the fake wannabe country rockers that I can’t stand.
September 15, 2013 @ 7:16 am
THIS! The only thing I have a small disagreement with is Jake Owen whose 3rd album was pretty solid. I liked “Barefoot Blue Jean Night”, but the 2nd single was kinda bad and 3rd and 4th were OK but way too loud. I do agree on the fact that most album tracks were better though.
And if this is an in order list, Luke Bryan needs to move way way up, but they’re all terrible.
Thank you someone on this site for acknowledging that not all mainstream music is complete trash.
October 25, 2013 @ 7:48 pm
considering he actually is from the country Luke Bryan knows country. He sings about where he is from and i hope that is understandable. i am 16 and listen to all country music from Johnny Cash to Scotty McReery. if you want crapy country music go no father than Hunter HAyes and Tyalor Swift. You have to cedit Brantley Gilbert for a good voice and that he writes his music. if you want to listen to shit lusten to Taylor Swift. or as i call her , TAylor Bitch. who amkes a buncha Shit.
October 25, 2013 @ 11:53 pm
When I returned to SCM, I promised myself that I would minimize my comments about Taylor Swift. But this one is too much. So here goes…
LOL! Even Taylor’s 3 worst songs (WANEGBT, I Knew You Were Trouble, and 22) are nowhere near as vapid or unintelligent as “That’s My Kind of Night”. The general body of Taylor’s work is magnitudes higher in lyrical substance and musical taste than this trash song.
October 27, 2013 @ 12:29 pm
i don’t exactly like thats my kinda nigght , but it’s not as shitty as I Knew You Were Trouble. i hate miss taylor bitch! chris young and josh turner are good artists. Josh Turner is more like ZBB than Luke Bryan. if you like country music that is not about tailgates , listen to Josh turner. perhaps you noticed on the list of best country artists i made that Luke Bryan was not in the top 5. It’s impossible to say that Josh Turner’s music is annoying. i got one of his hits in my head right now. Josh turner is not following the currant country music trends and at the same time has good songs that might even be better than Luke Bryan. and face thhe facts. these days the closest you will get to tradition oldies country is Alan Jackson. so since you don’t like the tailgate songs try some Josh Turner.
October 27, 2013 @ 12:33 pm
and i admit, as much as i like Luke Bryan , That’s My kinda Night realy is not that country. and yes , just because he sang it , Luke Bryan did not write That’s My Kinda Night.
February 10, 2014 @ 6:21 am
Great job Madison… im glad u see things clearly.. ive listened to country music all my life and im a proud football mom.. most kids today dont know what real country music is all about so its great to see a young lady like u voice ur opinion.. my daddy always told me “girl stay true to your roots and stay true to yourself and the good lord will handle the rest”.. he was rite Madison.. you cant go wrong… keep it up and never let your voice go unheard and never ever be ashamed of what u stand for sweetie…
Elizabeth Hollifield age 41..
May 12, 2022 @ 7:51 am
I’m probably way older than most of you. I grew up with my Dad listening to Hank Williams Sr. Dolly Pardon. Loretta Lynn and the like.
So if it wasn’t for the original founding ladies and gents of REAL COUNTRY music we wouldn’t be listening to any of it.
So as much music and artists as there are out there. Keep your bad mouth to yourself and if you don’t like it dont listen!!!
September 15, 2013 @ 8:00 pm
Bless this post.
September 16, 2013 @ 6:50 am
Well said. I’ve said it before, I’m not a “pop/country” fan at all, but that segment has been around since the beginning of time and the genre has survived. The big problem is the direction that mainstream, contemporary country is taking, couple with the fact that traditional country from both veteran and new artists seems to have been completely locked out.
September 18, 2013 @ 2:45 pm
I agree with some of your statements but florida georgia line made there hits and has not swerved from the music that made them famous and jason aldean wasnt pop country in the start listen to amarillo sky that song is traditional and blake shelton disnt sell out how can you say that blake shelton has swerved from his old red and austin days but he has kept meaning in his songs mostly about women isnt most of traditional country about women
September 18, 2013 @ 5:54 pm
Don’t listen to it then…this is country music NOW and its great! Way better than that old country crap music…country music is way more popular cause it changed. It was going no were and had NO fans when it was about losing their house, wife, pet, etc. STUPID music…I can’t stand when they play that old crap on the radio.
All ten of those artist are the BEST…love them all. I like zac brown band seen them 3 times in concert but let’s be serious most of the songs they play at their concerts are cover band songs…So hey Zac if your going to talk CRAP why don’t you play your own music at you concerts and then hey maybe just maybe you will SELLOUT as fast as Luke does!
September 19, 2013 @ 2:23 pm
“All ten of those artist are the BEST”
The fact that the previous poster only listed 8 artists really says a lot.
June 14, 2014 @ 10:10 pm
For all you people saying Luke Bryan’s “Thats my Kind of Night” is not country, I don’t see anything about Lee Brice’s “Parking Lot Party” so don’t be hating on one country song and not the ones you guys enjoy! I will admit that “That’s my Kind of Night” is not exactly country, but I am a true team Luke fan and I am only 13 but I don’t like him for his ass like most people do! I like him for his personality, how sweet he is to not only his wife and kids, but also to his fans! He may shake it for the fans but he is the most amazing guy I have ever met! And if you don’t like it, don’t just take it out on him, take it out on every country star who apparently isn’t country and don’t listen to it if you don’t like it. Put in a cd of someone who is country or you enjoy. Don’t buy it on iTunes or something if you don’t like it. I don’t like lots of country artist but I don’t go and tell the world, I keep to myself and don’t talk shit about them. I have grown up listening to Johnny Cash, George Strait and Alan Jackson. I understand country music has changed a whole lot, but Luke Bryan may not write his own songs all the time but he still can put a true meaning to. Take for instance, go search the meaning of Luke Bryan’s “Drink a Beer” you will be touched. And maybe it gets old hearing the same things over again it is good to hear a little change but this song is fading and better ones will come into country music, so don’t dislike country cause of one song!! #haveaniceday
April 3, 2015 @ 8:58 pm
Thank you!!!!! At least you know the Truth!!!! I can’t stand people talkin trash N shit about Luke!!!!! Its literally about to send me into tears!!! How about people talk trash about them and see how they like it!!! Cause I know they won’t!! I wouldn’t! And I love and respect Luke Bryan!!! I truly do! With all my heart and soul!! He really truly is the best! And so amazin!!!!! Luke Bryan I truly love you and your music! You and your family is amazin!! Thank you so much for everything!!! God truly and richly Bless you and your family!!! Love y’all!!!!!
May 30, 2014 @ 12:09 pm
You can’t call yourself a country music fan if you don’t like the old stuff- that’s real country music. If all you like is the new stuff you ain’t a country music fan.
May 12, 2022 @ 7:54 am
You got that right
September 14, 2013 @ 5:31 pm
I love that more artists are finally standing up against pop country. I hope that enough people speak up that it actually makes a differance. Love reading articles like this. I hope that we see more of this soon
September 15, 2013 @ 10:09 am
It is definitely a trend, and hopefully the more that stand up and speak out, the more it will inspire others to do so. End the end things still must fundamentally change, but change usually starts with people speaking out. We may be seeing the moment where the pop-ification of country has reached critical mass, and the backlash will lead to true change.
September 14, 2013 @ 5:39 pm
While Zac is unequivocally right about “That’s My Kind Of Night” being the worst “country” radio release of all time (yes, I do happen to believe it’s worse than “1994” and even “Boys Round Here” because it is the most dangerous of the three in that “1994” was a commercial flop while “Boys Round Here”, while unquestionably a musical weapon of mass destruction, doesn’t even go so far as to drop “make it rain” or T-Pain in its lyrics)………….I have to call out Zac and his band on one point.
What song did the Zac Brown Band emerge to commercial fame off of? “Chicken Fried”. That is by far one of the most shameless examples in recent memory of an artist exploiting laundry-list song descriptors for the sole purpose of cashing in on the listening demographic. And the band KNOW this. They admitted in a previous interview that they wrote that song purposefully so they could get their feet in the door. Thankfully nothing they’ve released since then has pandered as desperately as “Chicken Fried”, and at least “Chicken Fried” didn’t succumb to bombast, but it doesn’t change the fact that they relied on the exact same formula as a crutch………….and it is also going to be remembered and regarded as their signature song: fried chicken, blue jeans, sweet tea, pecan pie and troops and all.
I’ll give the band credit for at least not trying to replicate “Chicken Fried” on later releases, but Zac and his band need to be held accountable on that singular episode.
September 14, 2013 @ 7:18 pm
I will also add that while their musicianship is refreshing and they function as an honest-to-God band, their songwriting often still remains much to be left desired.
One find example is their preceding single release “Jump Right In”. They merely regurgitated the same “carpe diem” and pseudo-inspirational platitudes that bogged down too much of “You Get What You Give”. Including:
“You keep your heart above your head and you eyes wide open…” – “Let It Go”
“When you lose yourself, you find the key to paradise…” – “Knee Deep”
“It’s a game you can’t win. Enjoy the ride.” – “Quiet Your Mind”
When I was a baby child, my daddy said to me: ‘Many mountains we must climb before we’ll be free.” – “Who Knows”
It feels as though they selectively cull a lot of their lyrics from pseudo-inspirational memes on their Facebook News Feeds and Hallmark card cliches. Certainly several steps up from the “frat boy country” douchery, but still mediocre songwriting.
If the band can only discipline themselves more in the songwriting department and write more descriptive, storytelling songs in the vein of “Colder Weather” or songs that appeal more to personal experiences like “Lance’s Song” or “Highway 20 Ride”, they’re going to go much further.
Still, it doesn’t diminish Zac’s overall argument at all.
September 14, 2013 @ 9:45 pm
In defense of the ZBB, I’d have to say I’m glad that Chicken Fried was released.It exposed hordes of kids to a band which they probably would never have discovered otherwise, thus giving the band the foothold they needed to release some more creative music. And unlike so many other artists, their music actually gets out to the masses, which gives me hope that people will want more of what they hear. And as far as laundry list songs go, it’s not actually half bad.
In truth they actually remind me a lot of Alabama, in that they’re mainstream, sound very progressive, generally don’t have very complex lyrics, and yet still maintain a semi traditionalist sound.I know a lot of Indie/Alt rock fans that hate country but like the band, and that gives me reason to think that they’re helping to reverse the negative images of the genre that FGL and Brantley Gilbert produce.
If they needed to ponder to the masses first in order to do what they do now, then I’ll gladly forgive a few duds. I’d rather have a powerful band that can sway public opinion in a good way, rather than yet another underground one that does nothing to educate the masses.
September 18, 2013 @ 2:52 am
While I do respect your points, it still doesn’t change the reality that, as their commercial stature gradually declines and they enter their latter career years, what song is going to be regarded as their signature song?
“Chicken Fried”, obviously. The very song used deliberately and calculatingly as a means to get their feet in the door, even if it meant releasing substantially better music after the fact.
That’s the sad part in all of this. I’m convinced “Toes”, “Colder Weather” and “Knee Deep” in particular will continue to enjoy healthy amounts of gold airplay in the years ahead as well, but their legacy-defining song WILL be “Chicken Fried”. That realization can’t help but disappoint me. Imagine twenty years from now the next generation of artists name-dropping the Zac Brown Band like Bochepus is relentlessly name-dropped into submission now, and “Chicken Fried” is also relentlessly referenced like “A Country Boy Can Survive” is now! -__-
September 18, 2013 @ 8:43 am
Dude, go see ZBB in concert and then come back to tell us how much of a sellout he is. As much as I hate it, the country music format is a construct of our culture (or music industry more likely), and it probably won’t change anytime soon. You have a valid point, but Zac would still be working at Burger King without that song. We could be here all week arguing who is the bigger jackass sellout, but we all know the answer is you!!
September 18, 2013 @ 9:02 am
I disagree. I haven’t heard “Chicken Fried” on the radio in a couple of years, nor have I even thought about it in quite some time. It’s far from the first song that comes to mind when I think about ZBB.
September 18, 2013 @ 11:41 am
How amusing it is that you claim I’m calling him a “sellout” when that word doesn’t even surface once in my contributions to the discussion. Not to mention I acknowledge all of the music they have released since that debut single has been better (though I could do without “No Hurry”, “Jump Right In” and “Keep Me In Mind” too).
I understand the strong emotions that loyalty to any given artist can inspire, but I’m that type of person willing to acknowledge individuals on their highs and call them out on their lows. That’s the problem with “fandom” in my view. I want to be able to express gratitude openly and give credit where credit is due wherever need be, and also be able to openly give a piece of my mind where need be as well, rather than succumb to the “Taste of Country” pom-pom gesticulating of everything branded “country”.
If you’re going to claim I’ve called Zac Brown and his band sellouts, at the very least show your work and have the quotations to back up your assertion. Because as you will see, not at any given point in this thread (or any other thread here) do I ever drop that term when addressing the Zac Brown Band! 😉 I DID argue (and the band has admitted themselves in a previous interview) that they released “Chicken Fried” just so they could get their feet in the door, which is indeed “calculating” and “pandering” as I DID term it. But that stands apart from “selling out”.
September 14, 2013 @ 5:41 pm
Friends shouldn’t let friends record shitty music!
September 14, 2013 @ 5:51 pm
Kudos to Zac for telling it like it is… I especially credit him for acknowledging that they arent traditional country either…but they do what they do well… Unlike the majority of people being played on country radio these days… I do wish he would have not backtracked on Puke Bryan…. he should be held personally accountable for the trash he is releasing…… He’s a douche-nozel!!
October 25, 2013 @ 8:10 pm
i love country music. Luke Bryan si a decent artist he is not like taylor swift and her crap. i am a smaal town boy and my girlfriend is a 100% redneck from the country. i bet most of y’all hellions have never been in the country. and here’s my list of top 15 best country sogns of all time. 1. Don’t Take The Girl by Tim Mcgraw ( 1992 ) it’s the number one because of it’s sweetness and piano music. 2. I’ts Your Love by Tim Mcgraw annd Faith Fill ( 1997 ) 3. Long Black Train by Josh Turner. ( 2002 ) 4. The Man I Want To Be , by Chris Young. 5. Colder Wether by Zac Brown Band. 6. The Dance , by Garth Brooks. 7. Country Girl Shake It For Me , by Luke Bryan. 8. Anymore , by Travis Tritt. 9. See You Tonight , by Scotty Mcreery. 10. Drunk on you, by Luke Bryan. 11. our Man , by Josh turner. 12. Alyssia Lies , by Jason Michel Caroll. 13 Where I Come From , by Jason Mihcel Caroll. 14. Whiskey Lulliby , by Brad Paisley Feat. Allison Krauss. !5. You Don’t Know Her Like I DO, by brantley gilbert.
September 14, 2013 @ 8:13 pm
…and speak of the douche devil.
The official video for “That’s My Kind Of Night” has been released the same day Zac aired his comments! And now we have one of the worst “country” music videos of all time (I do happen to think the video for “Brown Chicken Brown Cow” is worse than this, but it’s still up there) to back, at least in my opinion, THE worst “country” radio single of all time. =P
September 14, 2013 @ 8:37 pm
You know, over the last few months I’ve been suffering from musical depression. I know that everyone’s opinion of when country music went in the crapper is different, but for me it was around 2011 when the laundry list songs came to be about 50% of what was on the radio. I became disenfranchised with country music and have had a hard time enjoying it since, classic or modern. But seeing so many artists come out of the woodwork to criticize this trash, I suddenly have hope. Maybe we CAN save country music.
September 14, 2013 @ 9:08 pm
The People v. Florida-Georgia Line? 😉
Oh…………rrrrrrrighttt. Until the Supreme Court’s ruling on Citizens United is reversed, good luck with that battle! -__-
September 15, 2013 @ 6:09 am
I will sat this about ZBB, their musicianship is off the charts. I saw them and was blown away by how tight the band was. They have also blown many of the crowds away at these big festivals that are not normally reserved for country acts.
Their is no doubt that Zac has a vibe about him that really likes beach/reggae type songs. I think this is because he is such a free spirit and writes about it. His beach songs may not be the all time greatest lyric, but the are not horrible either. In truth I could pick any artist in history and pick out mediocre lyrics in their catalog.
Now for “Chicken Fried’. I believe there is nothing wrong about talking about where your from and the lifestyle you grew up living. Every song doesn’t have to be a lyrical masterpiece. Sometimes in can just be fun, but it should be tasteful. I believe ‘Chicken Fried” walked this line perfect. It didn’t try to put down people from city or tell you how badass he is or even go through a number of cliched events that 99% of country people never actually do. It’s almost more of a song talking about how blessed he is for his life.
If you haven’t seen these guys live, go soon, they are unbelievable. Glad Zac said something, I have noticed he has not been at the last two or three awards shows. Not sure if this was scheduling or if he is just getting tired of the mess. I’m sure he will make CMA’s.
By the way. I love the new single “Sweet Annie”.
September 15, 2013 @ 9:14 am
Glad he spoke his mind!
September 15, 2013 @ 1:44 pm
The endless arguments about what’s ‘country enough for country’ are pointless and silly. Making the case that many of the hit sings are brainless is a point that needs to be made. I’d much rather hard artists tackle real emotions even if their style leans toward pop than hear a bunch of good ole boys and their incessant ‘jack up my truck, bring me a beer, wouldn’t it be cool if I could pick up this chick in a bar’ subject matter. I blame the public that is eating it up with a spoon more than the artists that are cashing in. If people want brainless drivel then that us what they are going to feed them.
September 15, 2013 @ 7:56 pm
True but to be fair, people listen to music for different reasons. Not everyone listens to music for something deep and meaningful. Some just like to listen to music for a good time. I think there’s room in country music for fun silly songs but it just need to be done in a way that’s more original and unique than what peoplevlike Blake, Luke, FGL etc. are offering right now. Its all generic lyrically and production wise
September 19, 2013 @ 2:33 pm
The problem isn’t that these songs are out there. The problem is that they’re EVERYWHERE and the country music establishment and it’s fans don’t seem to understand that enough is enough.
September 15, 2013 @ 7:00 pm
I knew I liked Zac for some reason.
September 15, 2013 @ 11:31 pm
Good for Zac and That’s My Kind of Nightmare is one of the worst songs ever. More artists need to speak out against this pop rap crap that should be banned from country radio. As much as some people here hate Luke, I have to say he’s way better than that song. It’s the worst and most pop song on his album so why was it released to radio? It gave me the impression his whole album is that bad. Why did radio give it a special deal to play it every hour and now it’s almost #1? It’s a club mix that should only be a bonus track for his fans, not on country radio to annoy listeners. Of course it’s commercially successful because radio plays the hell out of it so it sells. Dallas Davidson is also better than that song and has written better.
September 19, 2013 @ 8:18 pm
Thats my kind of night is a lot of peoples favorite song, that makes this a good song no matter what the genre. It is country though. More than zac brown bands songs. Zbb said that the songs should make people feel something well his songs sure don’t make people feel anything except maybe sick…
September 16, 2013 @ 7:50 am
Zac brown sucks, I can’t stand his music anyway. Station gets changed everytime I hear one of his songs & always will!!
September 16, 2013 @ 9:05 am
ZBB is the only mainstream country band I would buy a ticket to see. They are all class a pickers and singers and are as tight as tight can be. Good for Zach for speaking out. There is not a damn thing wrong with chicken fried as a song that is a solid country song not a classic but solid that got a lot of ears listening to something besides hip hop and rap for awhile. Good for you Zach for speaking out.
August 1, 2014 @ 2:03 pm
If you think thats bad..go ahead and take a listen to what Canada has to offer for country music…youtube these Artists. .lol
All very Successful in Canada.
Make sure you youtube them singing live…Auto tune is magical
And can make the worst sound like the best. Just ask these artists
Shane Yellowbird
Gord Bamford
Chad Brownlee
George Canyon
Dean Brody
Jesse Farrell
Ridly Bent
September 16, 2013 @ 11:35 am
One of my close friends happens to be very close to Zac and the guys. They are 100% legit. They love country music. Chicken Fried is not the best song in the world but then again there are tons of terrible songs in the Red Dirt scene. I would ask you to take a gander at all the anti Nashville songs. You will find that the majority are very much so “laundry list” songs. What is the difference between the word truck and Nashville? One of the funniest things I have seen is my second time to Nashville I walk inside Losers, sit down and to too my right are 5 Texas Country artists. Hmm. I despise crappy music. I love classic country and Americana, but let’s not kid ourselves..excrement is excrement whether it falls out of Nashvilles butt or the Underground scene
September 16, 2013 @ 12:41 pm
I’ve read that Zac Brown admits that he is more rock than country and he just uses country as a vehicle. He called his last album “country Southern rock-bluegrass-reggae-jam-record” so he isn’t pretending to be super traditional.
Anyway, Brown speaking out is a bigger deal than Gary Allan and maybe even Alan Jackson as he is near the peak of his fame, (granted his last album was not as big as previous ones, but he still had 3 top 20 hits on it and won a grammy) and can’t be accused of being bitter “Old Fart”
September 16, 2013 @ 1:03 pm
I would agree that he’s probably the most commercially relevant artist to speak out thus far.
September 16, 2013 @ 1:27 pm
Kacey Musgraves
Alan Jackson
Tom Petty
Zac Brown
Very impressive names speaking out! We need more!
September 16, 2013 @ 5:57 pm
I’m curious if Eric Church will have the cajones to speak out here.
He and Luke Bryan have already featured together on Jason Aldean’s “The Only Way I Know”. so they’re all but certainly friends too. And given Church is generally far more outspoken than Brown, not saying anything will only make Church look like he’s playing it safe out of the fear of ruffling too many feathers ahead of his fourth album release.
September 16, 2013 @ 8:26 pm
Let’s see how bad it hurts Zac Brown Band for saying this. My guess is it won’t hurt him at all because secretly everyone in the industry knows he’s right. If artists feel like they can speak their mind and come out unscathed, more may do it, and even more might do it if they feel it will land them positive publicity.
Eric Church wants it both ways. The “outlaw” in him probably wants to speak out. But he also knows that Luke Bryan is a big lunch ticket.
September 16, 2013 @ 6:09 pm
Says the reggae artist..
September 16, 2013 @ 8:03 pm
This pop country situation is just like the hair metal of the 80’s. It’s like being in a kettle of cold water and someone lights a small flame under it. It gets so bad so slowly that some people don’t realize it. There will be a country version of Nirvana to break it and wake people up to how bad its gotten.
Maybe that’s a horrible analogy, but I think I got my point across.
September 16, 2013 @ 8:57 pm
Every song zac brown does is pop. Ever heard knee deep?
September 16, 2013 @ 9:38 pm
What I have come to find over the many years of running this site is that speaking in absolutes will hang you quicker than anything else.
September 16, 2013 @ 9:54 pm
Ok, just about every song. Is that better?
September 17, 2013 @ 11:06 pm
If you don’t hear the huge differences between this song and any Zac Brown Band or country song I feel sorry for you. Like he said, his band isn’t just traditional country and they don’t want to be boxed into a genre. His point is this is a bad song period and it’s terrible for a country artist and song. Zero quality control. It’s a pop song and I don’t know if pop radio would play it since it’s so bad. It’s like we’re getting pop and rock radio rejects. The music and lyrics are crap and sounds like a 5 year old wrote it. What’s wrong with singing? Why rap? It sounds bad. The music isn’t real it’s a synthesized pop mess. ZBB and every country song is real music. Country has always been real music played with instruments, not synthesized, and that is a main thing that makes it better than pop. Better lyrics, vocals, and music. No ZBB or any country song comes close to being this pop, rap or bad.
Zac is trying to help Luke and country music, something that is badly needed, and Luke must realize that. We are too. If 1994, Truck Yeah, and We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together Again were the current bad songs on country radio when this interview was done I bet he would have called them out. These four songs and maybe a few more I’m forgetting are the worst on country radio in recent history, maybe ever, and stick out like a sore thumb.
That said, Luke’s song would make a good club mix for his fans, not something country fans want to hear on country radio or to represent country music. Luke wrote Good Directions, one of the best songs in recent history and it’s country. This is the opposite. How he can go from A to F material is beyond me unless his label or someone is working him or he just wants those pop sales. I bet every artist records at least one weak or bad song but only a few this bad get played by radio. Since Luke is the current Entertainer of the Year they will get anything he releases to #1. It seems like those guys or their labels are taking advantage of and abusing that position rather than respecting it and country music. Would it kill them to release some country songs again?
September 16, 2013 @ 10:00 pm
this time last year Chris SELLOUT Young would be one of the artists speaking out.
the Blake Shelton KOOL AID must taste pretty good to him.
September 18, 2013 @ 3:00 am
I hear you!
“A.M.” is awful (“…ask a hottie what her name is…”……….REALLY, Young?) as is his current single “Aw Naw” and “We Will Find It Tonight”. Meanwhile, “Nothin’ But The Cooler Left” and “Lighters In The Air”, while not as cringe-inducing and mercifully free of the bombast of the aforementioned tracks, are nonetheless more shameless pandering to frat boy country, as well as posturing to the young EDM-hungry audience.
I will give Young this though: “Text Me Texas” is an exceptional standout.
November 19, 2013 @ 1:28 pm
Honestly Luke Bryan is the best! I’ve been to a Bryan concert and he knows how to get the audience out of their seats. You watch the zac brown band on TV on the awards shows and everyone is in there seats bored! Listen to his new album and there’s songs about having a good time and songs that have meaning to them! Everyone is just to judgmental! Don’t listen to it then but obviously Luke Bryan has tons of fans and people that love his music!
September 17, 2013 @ 6:07 am
Zac, your music is great, and your musicianship is great. BUT, here is an idea. NOT EVERYONE CARES TO WRITE AND SING THE MOST THOUGHT PROVOKING SONG THEY CAN PUSH OUT THERE ARSE! Shut up and stop being such a douche. Hell, if we stayed with traditional country music your “southern rock” as you call it wouldn’t get airplay. YOUR PART OF THE REASON WE HAVE ALL THIS DIFFERENT MUSIC ON COUNTRY RADIO NOW. Moron! Is there to much processed music on country airwaves right now, yes. I mean isn’t it time for you to release ANOTHER beach song? It’s all cyclical and always will be. Shut up, cash your checks and play your music!
September 17, 2013 @ 6:37 am
Outlaw/schmoutlaw. You would have a very hard time convincing me that Eric Church doesn’t aspire to be exactly like Jason Aldean and Luke Bryan.
Remember when he came out and told the world what a badazz he was for getting fired from the Rascal Flatts tour by breaking the rules? He’s waayyy too much of a rebel to tour with a pop act. Now he’s on tour with Kenny Chesney. Interesting.
September 17, 2013 @ 8:04 am
Well, I won’t try too hard, as I’m by no means a fan, but I think I’ve heard at least a few recents songs of his that have some soul (e.g., Creepin’). Also, he gets props for having Valerie June sing with him on the ACM Awards show. I have absolutely no use for those other two guys.
September 17, 2013 @ 8:41 am
Trigger, going back to your review of the Luke Bryan song you made a comment regarding middle aged women being his primary fan base and liking him because of his looks. When I saw the ZBB comments I loved it because I think they are a solid band, although not really country and his comments were on point. Following this statement if you go on Luke Bryan’s page, 90 percent of the posts are you are hot. And the detractors condemning ZBB simply say “Luke’s hot” and really have no defense for his music other then one woman trying to compare him to Garth Brooks. Really pathetic if you ask me.
September 17, 2013 @ 10:19 am
Don’t forget the “you’re just jealous” defense.
September 18, 2013 @ 3:09 am
And his god awful video for “That’s My Kind Of Night” bold-faces, italicizes and strike-throughs your point most emphatically. It was designed with the sole intention of cashing in off of his hot and bothered fangirl constituency.
I’m quite convinced “That’s My Kind Of Night” was something merely parroted to Bryan by his label after he kowtowed to them screaming “Do your worst!” as Trigger has already stated prior. Bryan only has two writing credits on this entire album, whereas with his first two records he co-wrote a solid majority of the tracks and even put the effort in writing half the garbage on “Tailgates & Tanlines”.
The label is playing him like a fool and I’m not even sure Bryan is entirely aware this is the case.
September 17, 2013 @ 7:43 pm
I’m really happy that Zac made these comments, and I totally agree with him, but I also don’t get why people have to be so picky about music. Everyone is bashing Florida Georgia Line, but they make music that makes people happy. I love the 3 songs they have released so far. Country has always been associated with pop and rock. I don’t really think that’s the big issue. The problem is that artists are using the same “pop” model for writing #1 hits and throwing in dance beats and other sellout things, while singing cliche lyrics. This definitely does rub me the wrong way, but at the end of the day, these songs grow the genre to a wider audience, and I find that it helps bring this wider audience to the even better artists that they otherwise never would have found out about. It’s ok for country artists to throw in some pop styles into their music. I don’t see that as a terrible thing, but sometimes it gets taken wayyyyy too far, and I feel like I’m not even listening to country anymore. That really seems to be the main problem for me
September 17, 2013 @ 7:46 pm
Why does ZBB care what genre Luke Bryan is or isn’t. All the cliche comments about soccer moms and teeny bobbers is very lame. Let the people decide what is or isn’t good music. If his album sells, then people have spoken- its good- at least to the people buying the songs. If he has concerts with 1200 people, then he is a failure. If they sellout the stadium, it’s entertaining to the people who show up. Regardless of what other people with their own agenda label it as!!!!
September 17, 2013 @ 10:52 pm
I tend to agree. Even though I hate Luke Bryan’s songs, there’s nothing worse in music than people telling you what is and isn’t good music. Obviously a lot of people like it so whatever. Instead of focusing on artists like Luke Bryan, Taylor and Carrie, I’d rather see people speak up against the lack of variety on country radio and just leave other artists out of it.
September 17, 2013 @ 11:29 pm
Just look at pop music. Everyone knows shitty pop songs sell if radio plays them. That doesn’t make them good songs. Why does ZB care because he knows radio playing songs like this causes the country genre to go to pop hell. Radio playing more bad songs means they make it a trend or habit and play less good ones, then artists make more bad songs. Maybe he wants to turn his radio on and hear good country songs. Maybe he wants good songs representing country music.
September 18, 2013 @ 12:02 am
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion so Zac shouldn’t get slammed for this comment. He’s 100% right. I have to admit, some of today’s country music is catchy and fun and it’s nice to listen to when you’re drinking and having a good time. However, that true, raw talent in country music is pretty much gone. Pop music is sadly the most popular over every genre it seems and there’s nothing we can do about it. I’m young, but I know the difference between music crap and quality. The Zac Brown Band has true talent. I saw them over the summer and they brought me to tears a few times. Not because they have the best voices or lyrics even, just because they know how to play instruments and they know what they are doing. And for people bashing them that they aren’t true country, ever listened to “it’s not okay” or “whiskeys gone”? those songs are true bluegrass, which is where country was born from. they are an amazing band because they do rock (uncaged), reggae (island song), country (goodbye in her eyes), bluegrass (whiskeys gone), and even slight jazz ( overnight). I mean, that’s talent if you ask me. Sure, That’s My Kind Of Night is catchy, but ever looked at the lyrics? They are stupid, make no sense, and repeat ever other modern country song made. Luke adds as man country sound words in there to make it sound authentic, but where’s the guitar picking and bajo strumming and smooth violin? It’s all in a computer. Sorry to anyone who actually likes modern country. Some artists are trying to throw rap in their songs now, really? Stop.
September 18, 2013 @ 8:22 am
he should get slammed for his opinion, hes singling out one song by a great artist who happens to be #1 right now. If he said it as modern country as a whole it wouldnt be as bad, this sounds like hes jealous
September 18, 2013 @ 9:04 am
It’s obvious you are not a Country music fan and you have some sort or crush on Luke Bryan, or maybe are his lover or something, but the truth is artists like Bryan and the songs and the image portrayed by these posers is the reason Country is so terrible at the moment. Kudos fror Brown for speaking for himself and legions of Country fans, if this trend of speaking the truth continues perhaps the real Country fans will have decenet radio to listen to again. Perhaps a real Outlaw movement is in the stars……….Fuck you Pop Country fans!!!
September 18, 2013 @ 8:20 am
this coming from the guy who hasnt put out a good song since the chicken fried album…. We all have songs we dont like, you dont go bashing other artists. What did he hope to achieve from this? you cant make yourself look good by trying to make someone else look bad. Lukes songs #1 and his CD is doing awesome and hes entertainer of the year, this sounds like jealousy. Classless move from Zac Brown, and in all honest ‘Goodbye in her eyes’ may be the worst song ive ever heard. Boring, drawn out and wimpy. Talks like his stuff is so much better then whats out when in all honesty it isn’t.
September 18, 2013 @ 9:34 am
Like what you like just don’t call it country music ! It’s a shame that pure pop like my kind of night is wrongly called country music, it is not contry music ! Zac is right. It’s a free country listen to what you want to but a lot of us simply want country music to be country pure and simple.
September 18, 2013 @ 9:40 am
“this sounds like jealousy”
How original.
September 18, 2013 @ 1:53 pm
Toes ?
Very Country.
Oh and the spanish part even more so.
September 18, 2013 @ 2:00 pm
I hope everyone knows that people listen to music for different reasons. Speaking for myself, I don’t tune into the local country station or buy a CD for its life shaping lyrics from artists that don’t deal with similar issues as myself. If you listen to music simply for the lyrics, that is your choice. Zac has less than monumental lyrics to several of his songs, no big deal. He’s not a Rhodes Scholar, he’s a SINGER. Just like Luke Bryan. Get over yourself
September 18, 2013 @ 2:28 pm
I’m not really sure what you’re saying here, but the issue with the direction mainstream contemporary “country” music is taking is that if it doesn’t change, chances are great that nobody will ever hear another heartfelt, intelligent song on country radio again.
September 18, 2013 @ 4:09 pm
Excellent. The guy singing about rolling “a big fat one” is going to school us on country music. ZBB is closer to a grass roots music festival band than he is Nashville. When I think of artists in country music simply because they can’t make it anywhere else, ZBB is leading the list. Baseball cap country isn’t going anywhere – regardless if some beach singing, hemp beanie cap wearing guy doesn’t like it. Music doesn’t always have to be a soul-shaking hymnal (proven none-the less by the lame “beachy” music of ZBB), it just has to get folks feet tapping. If it doean’t appeal to you, so what? Turn the station. This world isn’t designed to make you feel special. LB and the likes aren’t ruining country, cry baby artists who think they’re in charge of anything are. And no, I’m not a teeny or soccer mom. I’m just a guy who’s tired of listening to ZBB whining and his estrogen fueld “deep and thought provoking” version of “country”. He’d better do a heck of a lot more in this industry before peddling who he thinks belongs here.
September 18, 2013 @ 7:13 pm
Trig, this is Davidson Dallas’ tweet in response to Zac’s:
@DavidsonDallas @zacbrownband I wrote the song. I don’t expect you to like every song I write but I do expect you to respect my creativity
September 18, 2013 @ 7:42 pm
Thanks for the head up!
September 19, 2013 @ 8:33 am
Fair enough. When he comes up with something creative, I will respect it.
And if he regurgitates another song about picking up a chick in a jacked-up truck with 35 inch tires and a bottle under the seat, I’ll ridicule it as much as I have the current one.
September 18, 2013 @ 7:35 pm
To be fair to teenage girls (my daughter’s one) I bet a lot of teenage boys would buy his albums because they think that they’ll get girls… if they’re like Luke Bryan.
In fact, wouldn’t surprise me if the marketing ploy behind all the women in the video is aimed at roping in horny young men.
September 19, 2013 @ 7:58 am
Trigger…if Eric Church speaks out at all on this one, he will probably be telling Zac Brown to shut the fuck up! I can’t see Eric Church staying quiet on this one for too long. And to state that “Luke Bryan is a big lunch ticket for him??? Eric Church doesn’t need a “lunch ticket”! Eric Church packs 11,000 plus into venues like the Honda Center in Anaheim, as well as all over the country!
September 19, 2013 @ 8:24 am
“Eric Church packs 11,000 plus into venues like the Honda Center in Anaheim, as well as all over the country! ”
He does????? That’s just fucking awesome!!!!!
September 19, 2013 @ 8:36 am
Especially given the fact that the Honda Center seats over 18,000 for stage events.
One Direction sold the venue out; 1D>Eric Church?
September 19, 2013 @ 12:21 pm
I wasn’t trying to insult Eric Church or question his draw. I am simply saying it doesn’t make political sense for Eric Church to attack Luke Bryan because they already did a song together and generally run in the same country music circles. That would probably cause more chaos then he wants to inflict on himself, even if he agrees with Zac Brown.
September 19, 2013 @ 7:27 pm
Hey Trigger, thank you for replying to me. I totally agree with you. What I’m saying is that if Eric Church spoke up about this at al, he would most likely be DEFENDING Luke Bryan, like Jason Aldean did, because Eric and Luke are buddies. If anything, Eric Church’s comments would be directed towards Zac Brown, telling him something like what Jason Aldean said.
September 19, 2013 @ 8:01 pm
Luke bryan is one of the best artists country music has probably ever had and is way better than zac brown band. But seriously if u don’t like it then don’t listen to it… because that’s the way it is.
September 20, 2013 @ 8:12 am
Although I was a big fan of both the Luke Bryan & the zac brown band, based on the recent comments made by the zac brown band I will no longer listen to them. Seriously, both are quite entertaining/talented, but that in no way entitles the zac brown band to make such critical remarks. Luke Bryan has demonstrated his vocal talents repeated with his many hits. Honestly it disgraces the south as a whole because we do not act like that, we are respectful of others, whether we like them or not.
September 20, 2013 @ 8:19 am
So does this mean you won’t listen to Jason Aldean either? I understand Aldean’s comments were a reaction to Zac Brown’s. But they were on a completely other level as far as vulgarity and attacking Zac personally.
September 20, 2013 @ 8:10 pm
It’s called an opinion. Zac Brown is just as entitled to what he said as you are to what you just said. If Jason Aldean can say what he said, then why can’t Zac.
We all know Luke has a good voice. But what Zac said wasn’t an attack on his talent, or his past songs. He specifically said that his current song is terrible. Which is true. If you try to deny that, then why the hell are you even reading this site, because you clearly don’t know what music is.
Besides that fact, what you said is pointless. Hits don’t mean good music. Just because Luke Bryan has had hits, doesn’t mean he’s proven shit. Zac Brown Band has put out very few bad songs, yet they haven’t all been hits. Luke Bryan has put out plenty of crap, and they’re all hits.
September 20, 2013 @ 9:19 am
I agree, but Zac, if I have to hear another f****ing beach song from you or Kenny Chesney I will have to classify you in the same category as Jack Johnson.
September 21, 2013 @ 10:07 am
I just heard this song for the first time while reading this article. Strange but true. ZacB is dead on. It stinks. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Sump in’ bout a truck in a farmers field. Sump in’ bout ice cold beer and a creek? Wait, I’m sorry, I am getting my sucky songs mixed up. Sooooo many sucky songs to choose from in country music today. Listen to the 90’s and early 2000’s for the good stuff folks.
September 21, 2013 @ 8:28 pm
Most of Luke Bryan’s lyric’s SUCK! We should all expose him for the fraud that he is!
September 22, 2013 @ 10:12 am
Sorry Zac, you will never have the look or as much talent as Luke Bryan. So if it makes you feel good putting down someone else’s songs go ahead, but all you are is jealous . You will never be as big as Luke Bryan, so face it.
October 12, 2013 @ 9:19 pm
You are so clueless. Zac Brown band is country as the day is long. Luke Bryan is a rapper.
September 27, 2013 @ 2:03 pm
Zac is right – current country top 10 is full of lazy lyrics and country guys talking about being country. Ugh.
That said, and as much as I love Zac, the dude is talking out both sides of his mouth. His first hit was “Chicken Fried” and rather than me prattle on about honoring our military for fighting for us, let’s hear from Zac on those freedoms they fight for:
I thank God for my life
And for the stars and stripes
May freedom forever fly, let it ring.
Salute the ones who died
The ones that give their lives
So we don’t have to sacrifice
All the things we love
Like our chicken fried
And cold beer on a Friday night
A pair of jeans that fit just right
And the radio on
Double ugh.
September 30, 2013 @ 1:39 pm
Drew, you’re right. Thanks for pointing that out.
September 30, 2013 @ 1:37 pm
Some of these popular male country artist who are on top right now will be forgotten in a few years. There will always be another young stud to take their place. Luke Bryan is on top not only because of the songs but his looks. He’s cute and energetic and the girls love him. Its definitely not because of his talent. As for the women, Taylor Swift is on top of the charts also because of girls ages 3 to 20. There are many other women in Country trying to make it whose voice is much stronger and better. Again, not only talent.
Time moves on, things change. Its happening in country music. It will never go back to the Merle Haggard and George Jones days. Accept it.
Can anyone answer me this question? Why would Jason Aldean want to sing with David Allan Coe? Coe is horrible? Especially when he’s trying to rap! OMG
October 12, 2013 @ 9:13 pm
Damn straight. That crap is straight up rap. I hate that they play this crap on WKLB
October 15, 2013 @ 8:20 am
It’s called making money! Selling tickets! People were freaking out when a man named Garth Brooks came around and was running around on stage. Let’s not bad mouth someone who is doing the samething as you but just making more money. If you don’t like a song push those buttons on your radio that’s what they are there for, or get an iPod and put your songs you like on it. I was at a ZBB concert when first started and they had a man rapping at it at the end I think was his body guard he is in some of the music videos. So don’t complain if you do it’s called entertainment
October 15, 2013 @ 8:34 am
They are singing the these songs to the young people who are out there doing these things that are said in these songs. They are the ones spending the money on tickets and downloads yeah downloads things have changed. He’ll Tim McGraw sings things like this too. They all do but George Strait.
October 19, 2013 @ 11:14 pm
I have seen Zac Brown Band in concert, and they by far where the WORST concert I have ever been to. While, Luke Bryan and Blake Shelton both put on one hell of a show. I happen to love the new style of country music, it sure beats that twangy crap that they used to call music. ZBB, I for one will never waste my money on anything of yours again. Oh, and by the way, I am not a teenage girl or a soccer mom.
October 26, 2013 @ 3:08 pm
Cougar? Yeah we get it, Luke and Blake are “hot.” They’ve both made songs with “that twangy crap” and Luke’s voice is twangy so you’re calling it crap too. Real country fans love twang
October 26, 2013 @ 9:02 pm
I’m not sure what you mean by “cougar”, I am the same age as Blake Shelton. As far as Luke Bryan having a twangy voice, you must be drunk, there is nothing twangy about his voice. As far as being a country fan, give it up, country music has changed and thankfully for the better.
October 26, 2013 @ 8:57 am
“Speaking in absolutes” vs. backhanded compliments and doublespeak. You have to walk a fine line and tiptoe between alternate universes to stay alive in this industry.
If you’re dealing with a big dummy, they’ll have no idea that you’ve just slapped them upside the head. They won’t feel very good….won’t be able to put their finger on it, and will be left wondering what in world just happened.
It’s not the same as “PC” and certainly more fun. This is what separates the genius from the name-dropping dog and pony shows.
October 31, 2013 @ 7:27 pm
Sorry. Zac who?
November 13, 2013 @ 12:51 pm
If I have to listen to any more of Zac Brown’s island-beat BS I’m going to puke. He was already wearing thin with me and he’s definitely lost a fan. One of the few country artists I have seen live that I thought less of AFTERWARDS.
November 17, 2013 @ 8:54 pm
When Luke Bryan first came popular and his song ‘Do I’ went big I thought this guy was good….. Wow, was I mistaken!! He has gone down hill since and the cherry on the top was ‘My Kind of Night’….. Lost all respect………
December 14, 2013 @ 8:48 pm
Luke isn’t very good period. Monotone garbage.
December 15, 2013 @ 3:25 am
We take country music from the old farts! The jackasses! The oppressors of generations who have kept you down with myths of popularity, and we give it back to you… the soccer moms and teenyboppers!!!. Country music is yours. None shall interfere. Do as you please. Start by storming country radio, and promoting the pop country singers! Step forward those who would serve. For a fan army will be raised. The old farts and jackasses will be ripped from their decadent nests, and cast out into the cold world that we know and endure. Crappy awards shows will be convened. Spoils will be enjoyed. Ears will be violated. The fans of traditional country music will survive, as they learn to serve true popular country. This great form of music… it will endure. Country will survive!!!!!!!
December 23, 2013 @ 1:44 pm
Wasn’t his first song Chicken Fried. People in glass houses Zac Brown. People in glass houses.
January 1, 2014 @ 12:37 pm
Yes pop country is very popular. And people that chant (rap) to music actually win Grammys over ppl that can carry a tune. But you know what. if ppl want to buy it
then it is fine to give folks what they want.
January 11, 2014 @ 7:46 pm
All I have to say about this is that Brad paisley and George straight are amazing.
January 12, 2014 @ 9:17 pm
Wow…another main stream artist has come to their senses and voiced their opinions on the state of country music. Only thing is, this has been said for years. Travis Tritt said it when he criticized ‘Achy Breaky Heart’ and said country music is being reduced to an ‘ass wiggling’ contest — and that was like 20 years ago.
February 12, 2014 @ 10:57 pm
Zac Brown sucks and Luke Bryan sucks. I’m just tired of this unintelligent garbage on radio they call music by Luke Bryan. Hands down shit. But fuck Zac Brown “Toes in the Sand” is garbage along side anything Kenny “Gay Ass” Chesney wrote. It’s all garbage Nashville fucking sucks.
February 12, 2014 @ 11:51 pm
Here’s a great Zac Brown Band song (at least in my opinion):
February 16, 2014 @ 10:40 pm
Zac brown has no room to talk with his tropical fruity tutti island shit he tries so sing… His songs are all whiny or lame ass salsa grass skirt hoola hooping horse shit.. No room to talk about shitty songs..
February 16, 2014 @ 10:44 pm
Brad paisley and the Mona Lisa? Wtf is his obsession with that painting.. His music, Zach browns, hunter Hayes, and rascal flatts are the worst excuse for country music along with many others.. But who is Zach brown to call out Luke Bryan? Last 2 true country singers are Jamey Johnson and Eric church
February 21, 2014 @ 3:24 am
Luke Bryan”™s “Drink a Beer” is spending a third week at the top of the charts. The track from his latest album, Crash My Party, is having a huge effect on his audiences out on his That”™s My Kind of Night Tour.
February 24, 2014 @ 6:47 am
Some of you are unrealistic. Justin Moore is great iv personally met him and his twangs not fake. The guys true blue. I was listening to brantley 5 years ago before he got big he’s a true outlaw. Eric church is awsome. Jason is ok, Luke is dead to me and son is FGL. You do not talk about rappers in country songs. And for them to put Conway and t-pain, and Hank in Drake in the same song together is disrespectful to the legends. Timcgraw sucks, Kenny Chesney sucks, Carrie suck, Taylor is the worst think that ever happen to music. Rascal Flatts and Keith urban and Hunter Hayes are not country go sing pop. Tyler Farr is awsome bye is album. Josh Thompson is awsome to.
March 23, 2014 @ 8:41 pm
You know, we all have opinions and we happen to live in America so we can say whatever we want, Zac Brown can say whatever he wants! But for me, that’s the best song anyone can come up with besides Jerrod Niemann’s drink to that all night!
March 23, 2014 @ 8:56 pm
And also, i love every song by Zac brown, but he shouldn’t be saying that, he has made some songs just like that’s my kind of night!
April 19, 2014 @ 12:49 am
If you all want to get technical, go listen to some Hank Williams, or other “classic” country music. Music, including country has evolved through time. Slowly, from Hank Williams jr, to George Strait, to Garth Brooks, to Toby Keith. All of which are amazing artists, but all different. Music changes with the times. If you want country at its roots, go find your self some blue grass, Bango music.
April 22, 2014 @ 5:16 pm
I “converted” to country music seven years ago. I’d decided to hell with what my classmates are listening to (I was thirteen at the time) and was tired of turning off the radio when certain songs came on (Soulja Boy, anyone?)
Country was an incredibly refreshing change from all that hiphop crap. There is SO much more variety in subject matter– we have songs dedicated to random things such as plastic cups and popular fabric motifs. We have songs about children– acting like children. We have songs about women nobody wants to mess with– songs that make a teenage girl feel secure and powerful and strong. Country is deep, poetic, and funny.
The last two years have seen a gradual change in country radio. It started around the time when Jason Aldean did a sort-of rap in “Dirt Road Anthem” and in the beginning, it was alright. But then things started getting out of control. If I hear one more song about driving out to the middle of nowhere with a girl and some moonshine, I might just scream. Some of this new stuff has been alright. I actually like Blake Shelton’s “Girls ‘Round Here.” I love his sense of humor and I like the way his sound matches his words in places.
But then, last summer, I heard “That’s My Kind of Night.” And I knew the appocalypse had begun. Suddenly, all the new popular songs are objectifying women. Suddenly, it’s alcohol and bums and boobs and sex and dirty dancing and absolute shit. I even heard a remix of one of Florida-Georgia Line’s songs with a rapper stuck in there. It’s just wrong. Worse than orange juice and toothpaste or strawberries and ranch dressing or anchovies and gummy bears. It leaves an awful taste in my mouth.
I hate shallow lyrics. If you’re going to sing a song, you need a reason to sing. 9 out of 10 times, announcing to the world that you’ve just shagged someone in a truck bed is not worth singing about.
And don’t even get my started on Jerrod Neimann’s “Drink to That All Night.” I saw him at one of Miranda’s concerts 2 summers ago (LOVE her) and I must say I’m a bit worried about him. If he doesn’t deflate that fat head of his soon…
Anyway, I hate that none of the good country is ever on the air. No one plays Kacey Musgraves or Ashton Shepherd or the Pistol Annies (at least around where I live) or Leann Rimes. It’s all men. It’s all the same. And if things keep going the way they’re going, I’m leaving.
May 16, 2014 @ 2:41 am
Coming from a guy whose biggest hit is a song about fried chicken, pot calling the kettle black?
May 23, 2014 @ 9:54 pm
I have to agree that country music has gone to pop music instead of music that you can dance to like the 2 step. And I for one miss the true country style music that has cone to the same sexual.drugs based music as other venues have.
June 2, 2014 @ 11:29 am
I have to disagree with Zac…Play It Again is the worst song ever.
It doesn’t make sense today because most everyone has a smartphone.
Anyone ever played the Luke Bryan drinking game?
Drink when any one of these is mentioned:
– Tailgate/Truck
– Daisy Dukes/Jeans
– Dixie Cups
– Buzz(ed)
– Headlight(s)
– Beer/Whiskey
June 4, 2014 @ 12:41 pm
You apparently aren’t a Luke Bryan fan or you would get the meaning of his songs. Sweet Annie is the worst song ever.
June 2, 2014 @ 3:42 pm
All the haters out there: They’re making a ton more money than you !!!!!!!!
June 4, 2014 @ 12:39 pm
You are wrong worst country song ever is one of your own Sweet Annie is horrible. Grow up and quit acting like your in high school. Jealousy is not a good quality to have.
June 17, 2014 @ 9:23 am
Drink a beer. Enough said. It’s done to make a living. Don’t like a mainstream song find one that’s not on the radio but is on the album. The greatest songs wernt always released as a single.
June 23, 2014 @ 2:40 pm
One poster said this deviation from traditional country music is a “trend.” I agree.
Yet, with some exceptions, I don’t think country will ever revert back to its roots.
I believe these new variations of true “country” music will continue to evolve, absorbing bits and pieces of other traditional and contemporary – both country and otherwise – music styles.
The essence will always center on money, and what sells. And, like it or not, one sector of the market right now seems to want a bunch of stereotypical odes to that beautiful country peach with her long, beach curls, cut-off jeans and beer in hand.
I live in Southeastern Pa. and NEVER listened to country, not on my life, because I found its lyrics (and melodies) to be melancholy and depressing. I have had to fight against depression all my life so that’s the last thing I needed.
Today’s country seems much different, for the most part, and it obviously has earned an enthusiastic audience, and many new fans.
For those who like Eric Church, he is far from the traditional icon of country music, instead relying on an original blend of elements, ROCK being one of them.
Speaking of which, you’re calling a lot of today’s country “pop,” which it is, indeed.
However, under that same heading is what some call “Country Rock,” an area that has earned some converts and, admittedly, is energizing and appealing.
As for infusing modern country music with other musical influences, the list goes on. I also think of Colt Ford and Jake Owen in “Back,” which has some rap-type sequences in there, to an extent.
And think about it: If Columbian artist, Shakira, can WRITE a song and perform it with a modern country sensation like Blake S., then the future is pretty much written, too.
Country Rock (and Roll, and Pop, and Rap, and everything in between) is here to stay.
June 26, 2014 @ 1:13 pm
If you are not a fan of Luke Bryan ….. just do not listen to him as simple as that, nobody is forcing you to, probably many of you are quite jealous of him because he has a great voice and he is an incredible human being and as a bonus he finish college , which many country singers have not even completed high school
June 26, 2014 @ 1:29 pm
he finish college
Oh, the IRONY.
And frankly, a college education means nothing all by itself anymore.
August 20, 2014 @ 11:06 am
Has Southern Accent, Qualified as country
September 12, 2014 @ 4:59 am
i have recently started a new job and country music is on the radio all day long. some of it i dont mind, i love classic rock and so naturally i am drawn to music by zac brown because i can tell that they write it and actually play it all but when i hear stuff by luke bryan it makes me sick. i actually saw him live with a couple friends once and the way he danced around grabbing his dick made me sick. so after watching that and then listening to his music coming out you can easily tell he writes nothing and has no talent what so ever. in some of those recordings you can tell he is not even singing its all computerized. if anyone wants to listen to real music try watching some live stevie ray vaughan on youtube, you may be surprise
September 20, 2014 @ 9:25 pm
Luke Bryan cannot sing. He is nasal and sounds like a bullhorn. Wouldn’t say that he is the best artist ever. He is entertaining though.
Ranking Mainstream Country Music Artists: Grade A | Country Perspective
November 19, 2014 @ 9:01 am
[…] Zac Brown Band – Country music purists will immediately cry foul, but to them I say blow it out your ass. “But what about “Chicken Fried” and those beach songs, Josh? You’re just going to forget them?” This argument is so damn old and I won’t stand for it anymore. I’ve listened to every single album that the band has released and I can tell you the majority of their music is not beach related. They have some damn fine album cuts. I’m guessing the people who are beating the dead horse with the island songs have only listened to his radio stuff. Even by just looking at his radio singles, only 2 of their 11 singles in the last five years are island/beach songs. Those songs aren’t terrible either. If Alan Jackson, Dave Grohl, Vince Gill, The Allman Brothers, The Doobie Brothers and Elton John are willing to make music with him, you should respect him. Also never forget this quote. […]
February 11, 2015 @ 10:48 am
Zac Brown is a hypocrite. H-Y-P-O-C-R-I-T-E!!!!! his description of luke’s music is the same description of his!
February 23, 2015 @ 12:23 pm
I totally agree that todays country music is awful! all the songs sound the same!
It gets me mad when I hear it. I hate how the men sing nice songs about girls but the women sing bad things about guys. Its like country trying to be rock but it dosnt work for me. No good beat to it. I like to tap my toe and dance. I think and hope its just a trend. I think its very over rated. By the way I am not a country fan. there are some country songs I like from the real country singers like patsy cline and Loretta lynn and dolly parton. I don’t like country today also because of the fake twang either. Just cant sing to it? My husband loves it but dosnt understand why I don’t like it. Its actually hurting our marriage, which sounds crazy! He always hated country music! Now he is addicted to this crap!
July 25, 2015 @ 9:33 am
Zac Brown is criticizing Luke Bryan? “Heavy is the Head” is officially the worst song ever produced in the history of music. Zac Brown it is not on you to say what is and isn’t good music. Stop believing in your own hype and just make music. If you don’t like the music, change the station…otherwise shutup and leave people alone.
December 22, 2015 @ 10:18 am
Zac Brown Band says this, but what do they call their new hit single “Beautiful Drug?” Because catchy as that hit may be, it’s definitely not country.
February 28, 2017 @ 11:59 pm
I’m sorry, I think that this song is soooo wrong. I would not want my daughter listening to this shit.
August 24, 2018 @ 11:59 pm
He said this before She Kept the Hotel Key or Up Down Up Down or That Walker Hayes douche didn’t he?
February 26, 2019 @ 1:37 pm
You know everyone of you are artist⁄songwriters. Each one you writing or singing about your life or a life you wish upon a star to be. Each and everyone of you either selling out or cashing in on. By either others feeling or wanting to feel you move them in one way or another. You all have used and invertially in so way managed to develop a since of pride by not being true to yourself or your fans. Hell who actually uses their real name when they perform. Who actually tells the truth of where they are from. You all up their pointing fingers and talking shit only on which is all your own flaws. To each and everyonr of you. Man up grow son balls or get a heart. And maybe when you do maybe then will you all see the real picture. That you all have a voice and you all have people that listen and you influence the people to feel act in ways according to what you sing about. So genre whatever country ,southern rock, outlaw country,hip hop, rock and roll,
Alternative or pop, you all have a and will always influence the people in this world. You give little girls dreams and fantasy you give teenagers standards of what they should feel and experience in life you give soccer mom eye opening realization of what she got or not. You give ole timers recollection of what life use to be. And here you all sit in your fake world with your fake name and your fake lives pushing these things to the real world. With songs like
Luke Byran “Do I ” or Zac Brown “Colder Weather”, Florida Georgia Line “Highway 20 drive” Taylor Swift “You belong with me” Tom Petty “Mary Jane” Rod Stewart “when a man’s in love” or Aerosmith “Fall together” Tim McGraw “Just to see you smile” MC hammer “Help the Children”Garth Brooks “Friends in low places you all have been so come on talk trash on the real things in life. Like what it takes to survivor or better man or women kids, and justice for injustice, life. Stand up stand together and sing together and fight for love don’t fight for hate.