Zach Bryan Enjoys Homecoming Reception at Born & Raised Fest

Zach Bryan’s 15 minutes of fame were supposed to be up in September of 2019. Instead, here two years later, he’s one of the hottest and biggest things in country and roots music that you don’t hear on mainstream radio. When he took the stage Friday evening (9/18) at Born & Raised Fest in Pryor, Oklahoma—only about 40 minutes from where he grew up—it was like an arrival, and a homecoming all wrapped into one.
Walking out on stage, there was a deafening roar for the full-time Navy enlistee and homespun songwriter like few if any ovations this particular set of professional-listening ears has ever experienced for any performer in any context. Since his live shows have been few and far between due to his military commitments that have him stationed in the Pacific Northwest most of the time, a Zach Bryan sighting in the flesh is rare, and the reception is born solely from the naked appeal of his earnest songs.
Though Zach has made his name simply playing his guitar on homespun tracks and smartphone videos, he came out with a five-piece band including fiddle, guitar, keyboard piano, drums, and an upright bass. They were somewhat practiced up, with some players not exactly sure what to do on certain songs. They weren’t up there necessarily to embellish songs that folks became smitten with as mostly solo efforts. They were there because they’re Zach Bryan’s best friends, and that’s the point of this entire project, and phenomenon. Bring in a bunch of ringer musicians fresh off of big Red Dirt tours, or someone specializing in live arrangement and production to put a spit polish on this, and it would squeeze out everything that’s cool and unique about Zach Bryan and the magic he sows with his audience.
Watching Zach Bryan perform was like watching a local coffee house show with 5,000 people losing their everloving minds. When singing some of his biggest like “Godspeed” and “Condemned,” the crowd was singing along to every single word, and I mean Every. Single. Word.
You have to know Zach Bryan’s songs. Otherwise, the entire thing might come across as foreign to you as a French film noir. But for those who’ve bought in, there’s few things sweeter than seeing their hometown boy done good take the stage surrounded by thousands of their friends and singing along to songs that have become so embedded into their emotional experience, they now feel essential.
This is not a drill. There is nothing fake or insincere about any of this. It remains implausible. But after seeing Zach Bryan at a rare live appearance, there is no other conclusion to come to except that the insane appetite for his music is very, very real.
For regular updates from Born & Raised Fest, you can follow Saving Country Music on Instagram.
A (somewhat complete) set list:
2. “Godspeed”
3. “Man Thats Never Known You”
4. “Oklahoma City”
5. “Darling”
6. “Condemned”
7. “Moon In Oklahoma”
8. “Let You Down”
9. “Traveling Man”
10. “Letting Someone Go”
11. “Flying or Crying”
12. “Snow”
13. “Revival”
Zach Bryan plays again at Born & Raised fest Sunday afternoon.

September 18, 2021 @ 10:30 am
He sounded pretty good…..from the road where we waited for two hours just to get through the gate
September 18, 2021 @ 10:35 am
Definitely been some logistical concerns at Born & Raised so far. They should have had Zach and all the bands on a bigger stage Friday night. Probably took me two hours total to get inside and get fully credentialed yesterday … only to have my wristband rejected this morning as I tried to make my way to see Pony Bradshaw who supposedly cancelled, but nobody bothered to tell anyone as we all mulled around waiting for music that never came. It’s a first year festival. There’s going to be some hiccups.
September 18, 2021 @ 11:15 am
Others may not be but I am looking forward to him cutting a professionally produced album with a band. Someday on My Mind is my current favorite from him because it has his friends playing in the band and sounds more put together. Look forward to seeing him live some day.
September 18, 2021 @ 3:43 pm
I’m in that same camp. The cart is way ahead of the horse as it relates to the hype IMO…..based on what I’ve heard thus far. But I can see the potential. It seems like his strategy of working with people to help him “go viral” has worked well, and he’s bringing a lot of new listeners into the fold of real music. I’m all for that.
September 18, 2021 @ 1:16 pm
The exact same thing happened at Railbird last month.
Bryan was on the smallest stage at the festival, but had a huge crowd, mostly younger people, and you almost couldn’t hear the band for the crowd screaming every single word to every single song. And to Trig’s point, it was DEAFENING on the hits.
Heard numerous people milling about before the set say that they “drove hours [and paid ~$200/per day] just to see him”.
The momentum he’s got for the level of polish he and his band of friends don’t have is incredible to see in real time. This isn’t internet hype, folks. It’s very, very real.
Excited to see what happens in the future.
September 19, 2021 @ 6:19 pm
Can confirm on railbird. I was by the stage and couldn’t believe how the crowd for him kept getting more and more massive. The guy next to me came from Canada just to see him and a handful of others. The crowd knew every single word and it reminded me of seeing Tyler in Lexington because of the connection with the audience.
September 18, 2021 @ 3:03 pm
Got to see him in Minnesota. Just floored with his humility and raw talent. I love his music, but wasn’t ready to love his shows, and I walked away believing in him more than ever.
Sometimes I just love being proved wrong! Thanks Trig for always covering the good stuff – reviews and all!
October 5, 2021 @ 11:34 am
Where was he in Minnesota? I would love to see him live, but he doesn’t seem to come around these parts.
October 20, 2021 @ 8:32 pm
He was at Basilica Block Party… I also think he did a show at the Filmore (Fillmore?) venue around that date?
Either way, you are correct, he kept saying that he’d never dreamed of being able to travel far enough to see Minnesota lol. Crowd loved his humble charm.
September 18, 2021 @ 3:52 pm
Zach Bryan apperances may be rare, but they seem to be getting more common. He’s played in my area twice this year.
September 18, 2021 @ 4:50 pm
Hope things are going well for Hoptown & co. at the Outlaw Music Fest, in Raleigh
September 18, 2021 @ 5:06 pm
Not sure why anyone would attend an event with COID protocols, but to each their own!
September 18, 2021 @ 5:17 pm
Billy, stop being your own worst enemy.
It’s Saturday evening. Relax/enjoy
September 18, 2021 @ 9:01 pm
I see you are taking a break from replying with the usual whack-brain COVID conspiracy theories, Di. Good job! Baby steps are important, and it gives me hope that we aren’t in fact getting dumber as a species. Enjoy your weekend!
September 19, 2021 @ 7:11 am
Let’s please not get into COVID arguments here folks. Thank you.
September 19, 2021 @ 3:53 pm
The nice thing about Zach is that he isn’t trying to live somebody else’s past.
September 19, 2021 @ 5:59 pm
Excellent comment. I for one find his story very compelling. I am just, as yet, not enamoured as some are. But my mind remains open. Regardless, good for him.
September 21, 2021 @ 8:13 am
Oh man; Revival has to be an all-time set closer.
September 23, 2021 @ 1:52 pm
As a somewhat more, say mature, fan of Red Dirt, I didn’t really appreciate his meteoric stardom with the yoots. But, yeah, there is a genuineness and an authenticity of his music that is amazing and refreshing. And he couldn’t be nicer and more appreciative of his fans