Album Review – Randy Rogers Band’s “Homecoming”
If you’re looking for the band that veritably defines what Texas country music is today at its zenith of appeal and popularity, it is the Randy Rogers Band, period. Koe Wetzel may get a few more folks through the gates, and a few more bras thrown on stage these days, but that’s not really country. Other big acts have most certainly come out of Texas, but they end up becoming something else, and more synonymous with Nashville or country music at large as opposed to a distinctive sound of the Lone Star State. The Randy Rogers Band has always kept it Texas. They are the official Texas house band.
And if you’re looking for a record that veritably defines the Randy Rogers Band, Homecoming might not be a bad choice, even if it’s being released here 20 years into their tenure. On this album, they do what the Randy Rogers Band does best, which is deliver songs that are immediately appealing, emotionally involved, and don’t ask too much from the audience. To usher in their third decade as a band, they’ve leaned into their original approach even more, evoking their own style and music as an influence in an effort that is emblematic of their earlier songs and albums that have gone on to become synonymous with the Texas sound.
If we’re being honest, the Randy Rogers Band never ventures too deep. Songs from this album like “Nothing But Love Songs” about the radio playing sappy tunes while you’re trying to nurse a broken heart, or “Leaving Side of Town” about cheating on your lover, or “Small Town Girl Goodbye,” they all work along long-established themes and tropes of country, even if the words themselves are original. This fosters the feeling of nostalgia, but it only occasionally delves beneath the surface where deeper and more fulfilling moments can be found.
There is an element of safety and predictability to the music of the Randy Rogers Band, and to Homecoming specifically. But in this case, maybe “safety” and “predictability” shouldn’t necessarily be taken as pejorative. The approach of this record was to work in modes of the past, almost like a retrospective, just rendered in new material, with another Texas music institution in Radney Foster administrating the effort as producer—a role he also played throughout the aughts for the Randy Rogers Band when they were building the foundation they stand proudly upon today.
The music is that of the Randy Rogers Band and nothing more. It’s most all mid tempo, with the Texas fiddle ever-present in the songs, and some guitar solos interspersed between fairly standard verse/chorus structures. No outside players were called upon, even though some of these songs scream for a steel guitar solo or something else. But they wanted stick closely to the sound they’ve established, and what you see live, which is a pragmatic hybrid of country, rock, and just enough adult-oriented pop to make the appeal wide.
The asset of this particular album is that every single one of the eleven tracks holds a strong attraction, and immediately so. After 20 years, they known what they do, and they know how to do it very well. Bringing in co-writers like Drew Kennedy for “Picture Frames” results in a more meaningful moment. The only song not co-written by Randy Rogers is “Fast Car” by Randy Montana, Wendell Mobley, Lee Miller, and may get some Americana fans rolling their eye at the premise, but is nonetheless one of those songs that feels like a classic in the Randy Rogers/Texas music universe.
Parker McCollum, John Bauman, Jack Ingram, Radney Foster, and some other mainstays from Texas and beyond also contribute songwriting credits to Homecoming, but this album remains all Randy Rogers Band, which means some beyond Texas country fandom may not exactly understand the appeal, call it similar to mainstream country just with slightly more roots, or say there’s just not enough substance to steal their attention.
But down in Texas and within the diaspora of Texas country fans living beyond the state’s borders, the Randy Rogers Band is the compass point for what Texas country is, and Homecoming is as splendid of an example of it as any other, with striking appeal in every track, never letting you down, and exemplifying everything that Texas country is supposed to be.
1 1/2 Guns Up (7.3/10)
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Purchase Homecoming
October 21, 2022 @ 8:29 am
It may be the most Randy Rogers Band sounding album of all time, if that makes sense.
That’s not a bad thing.
October 21, 2022 @ 9:05 am
Best RRB since “Burning the Day.” I am a big fan and agree completely with the review. And that is what I want. I want a RRB record to sound like a RRB record. This will probably make my top 10 at the end of the year.
Brandon E
October 21, 2022 @ 9:12 am
October 21, 2022 @ 3:42 pm
Sorry for your pain. It will heal. ????
October 22, 2022 @ 12:53 pm
IDK; I’ve heard that sort of thing may require ongoing attention.
October 22, 2022 @ 3:08 pm
Thanks doc
October 21, 2022 @ 9:45 am
There was a time when songs like Chisled in Stone were hits and country bands didn’t perpetually sing about their best days being in high school. I still like Randy Rogers band though.
October 21, 2022 @ 12:07 pm
Spot on review and summation of RRB defining the Texas sound. Picture Frames hit me the moment I heard it. With our last kid out of the house this year it has become an anthem and inspiration for my wife and I. We actually framed the lyrics to hang with our picture frames. RRB is the very reason I dug deeper into Texas music when I discovered them years ago. The sound I had been looking for. And this album has it in spades. Fast Car may be my second favorite which is interesting now knowing it wasn’t written by Randy. Long live RRB and the Texas sound!
October 21, 2022 @ 12:16 pm
And totally off topic but the new Alex Williams album is fantastic. No longer concerned about getting songs on the radio, it’s everything we knew Alex is capable of and hoping Trigger can find time for a review to get the word out.
cosmic cowboy
October 21, 2022 @ 12:31 pm
Big disappointment. I gave it away, it belongs in the bargain bin!
Dr. H
October 21, 2022 @ 5:24 pm
Your comment belongs in the bargain bin.
By the way, the jerk store called, they’re running out of you.
Marky Mark
October 24, 2022 @ 6:53 am
Excellent diagnosis Doc! I used to love reading the comments on this site. Now you get stuck with 50% of the people trying to make a political issue out of something non-political, 25% just being nasty trollers and then the balance actually talking about the music. It makes me sad for Trig, who runs a fantastic site and has turned me onto so many good new bands.
Trigger, over the years I’ve mentioned TheWild Feathers a few times. To me, they are a fantastic blend of country and rock, kind of like if you rolled up Tom Petty, the Eagles and Cross Canadian Ragweed (come on Cody, get ragweed back together, it’s been too long). Maybe they’re a little too LA country rock for your taste but I’m curious what you think, because to me they’re right in there with bands like Whiskey Myers and BlackBerry Smoke doing a real cool mix of rock and country. Three singers, three songwriters and zero bad albums. I know there’s no way they didn’t cross your radar screen, but you’ve never given them any coverage. What do you think?
October 21, 2022 @ 1:17 pm
I feel like I knew all the words to the songs after the first time hearing them. It’s almost as if this album was created by AI with keywords Randy Rogers. This is quintessential Randy Rogers and I like it.
North Woods Country
October 21, 2022 @ 5:00 pm
I don’t know if I agree with the idea that they don’t go too deep. There are a lot of really sad Randy Rogers Band songs. They just let the listener do a little more inferring, which is great in any artform. A lot of great modern artists would be even better if they were a little more like Randy Rogers Band.
October 21, 2022 @ 9:15 pm
“Deep” may not be the right word. The writing just doesn’t give you much to unpack or unravel. There is not much to discover with subsequent listens. That doesn’t mean there isn’t an emotional quotient to it, or that it’s not “good.” It’s just not involved like we think of with more heady songwriting.
October 21, 2022 @ 8:07 pm
look at these idiots trying to get people cancelled for wrongthink, maybe if you dont like free speech, country is not for you, go listen to i dont know justin bieber? i heard backstreet boys have a new christmas album?
Scott S.
October 22, 2022 @ 6:26 am
Like Wade Bowen and Cross Canadian Ragweed among others, it was Randy Rogers Band and that Texas Country Rock sound that ushered me back to country music after my teen and young adult years of rock and metal. They may not be the shiny new thing on the block, but I always find myself enjoying a new album from these guys. I love that they have kind of gone back to their roots on this one. It was those roots that caught my attention in the first place.
Doug T
October 22, 2022 @ 8:49 am
When I asked on Reddit which albums I should listen to expand my Red Dirt/Texas library beyond Ragweed, Troubadours etc, someone suggested Rollercoaster. That is a great album. I’ll check this new one out.
October 22, 2022 @ 1:04 pm
It’s definitely not groundbreaking or High Concept, but it’s a hell of a lot more listenable than a lot of albums which aim to be so. If any Americana Hipsters wanna roll their eyes, eff ’em.
I may have to pick up some Shiner Bock to go with it…
October 22, 2022 @ 6:51 pm
Another solid album from Randy Rogers Band full of heartbreak songs! Finally got to see them a couple of times last year when they opened for Cody Jinks and they were great! RRB music is very underappreciated.
October 24, 2022 @ 7:17 am
“Nothing But Loves Songs” reminds me of the 2013 Wade Bowen song “Songs About Trucks.” I feel like that one got lost in the shuffle a bit.
Good album and album review. RRB is exactly what country radio should sound like.