Blake Shelton’s “Boys ‘Round Here” Video (A Rant)
I’m sorry people, but unfortunately this exists…
Apparently we’ve been fools America, toiling aimlessly and unproductively with the issue of race for 150 years when the solution was right under our noses. Why did we fight The Civil War? Why did we waste our time with the civil rights movement? Why did we integrate schools when the whole damn time all that we needed to bridge the racial divide were bouncing cars and really really bad music? What a shame that the hydraulic automobile shock wasn’t invented in 1860 so Robert E. Lee and Ulysses S. Grant could’ve just rolled their respective shagging wagons up to Appomattox and worked that shit out by swapping dance moves. Blake Shelton is a goddamn genius. Somebody give that douche nozzle a Nobel Prize!
If equality is what Blake Shelton was looking to strike in the video for “Boys ‘Round Here,” then he deserves a big pat on the back. Because anything and everything about this eye-raping edifice to the universal monoculture and hyper-driven consumer excess mixed with vomit-inducing racial tokenism is as equally repulsive as it is embarrassing. Yes, let all of the rationally-minded people of the earth, regardless of sex, race, creed, religious background, or social status come together and join hands in perfect harmony to collectively declare like a chorus of hosannas that this video blows complete and utter ass. Hallelujah!

The problem with this video is that if you don’t take it as a given that white people and black people are inherently distrusting of each other, then the premise doesn’t work. Just like with the Brad Paisley and LL Cool J collaboration “Accidental Racist,” Blake Shelton is using the race card as a Trojan horse to hopefully invade mainstream radio with country rap, positioning this song so that if you disagree with it, then you’re closed-minded, ignorant, and don’t want country to evolve.
Yes, this is the evolution of country music people! And we’ll finally know that racism has been forever vanquished and country music has finally evolved when every single song on the radio sounds exactly the same, and contrast and diversity has been forever bled out of culture. Because the way all people can come together is not by understanding and celebrating our differences, but by resolving them until we are all the same. Oh, and isn’t it convenient that this would also make us all so much more susceptible to mass marketing?!?
Country Taking Submissive Role to Rap in Mono-Genre

But enough conspiracy theories, I ask any of you that either own cattle, know someone who owns cattle, or anyone that works with cattle what the likelihood would be that you would have a porch party and invite a heifer to just be standing there to pet like a lap puppy? And how ironic is it that right after Boyz to Men shows up to the party is when the lyrics about “keepin’ it country” kick in? Combine all of that will the silly placement of the Pistol Annies like coiffed sirens at the edge of a shit crick, and this is video is so contrived it hurts my soul.
And I would bet you blinged-out car rims to cowpies that more fans of this song think that Blake Shelton is name-dropping Chewbacca in the “chew tebacca chew tebacca” refrain than have any idea what the hell a “Bocephus” is.
But we’ll have the last laugh folks, trust me. This country rap crap will be the pet rock of our generation. For many, this song and video is their entertainment. For the rest of us, our entertainment is watching those knuckleheads be entertained by this garbage. So do the world a favor, and if you find someone who is a fan of this song or video, for the love of God, don’t have sex with them.
Two guns way down!
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Your official Saving Country Music “Boys ‘Round Here” healthy replacement alternative courtesy of Corb Lund:
May 9, 2013 @ 9:00 am
I couldn’t make it more than a minute thirty seconds. We can’t forget now that Blake is the leader for which direction and moving country on. If this is his idea of which way it will go then I’d rather be left behind.
June 13, 2013 @ 5:04 pm
Amazing how a whole lot of people without talent can be so judgemental of another persons attempt to entertain the masses. We need a lot more songs like this and a lot less urban garbage on the airwaves.
May 9, 2013 @ 9:01 am
Lesson learned, kids. (Country + Rap) – Balls = CRAP!
Seriously. Hank Williams and Tupac are spinning in their graves.
May 9, 2013 @ 9:19 am
I thought Tupac was still alive and living in Oklahoma?! 😉
Rap artists would never allow the defamation of their music like this.
May 9, 2013 @ 2:21 pm
Agreed, but I don’t know if I would call them “artists” Trig…
May 9, 2013 @ 4:47 pm
I would like to agree with you, but my admiration for LL Cool J has profoundly dropped recently.
May 25, 2014 @ 11:03 pm
Trigger, that is so true. Rap would not allow country to infiltrate them the way country has allowed themselves to be watered down by rap. Rap artist, particularly the ones who are no longer successful, are just following the money. -Those same artist would not make a record with a country artist. I mean not one that target their fan base.
May 9, 2013 @ 9:04 am
Oddly enough the replacement sound of Corb Lund, this guy is on tour with Blake Shelton’s wifey Miranda Lambert. He was the opening act at her Tulsa show and I had never heard of him, however he made me a fan that night.
May 13, 2013 @ 8:52 pm
He was in Tulsa?
That’s twice I’ve missed him in my neck of the woods. 🙁
If I recall, I discovered Corb Lund through this website. So, thanks, Trig!
I find it really disappointing that Miranda Lambert chooses to be associated with all of this horsecrap. But then she has Corb Lund open for her (if she chose so, and I wouldn’t put it past her). I’ll be forever 50-50 on her.
As for Blake Shelton: SSDD.
May 9, 2013 @ 9:06 am
I may be wrong, but I think that “new country turd” is drinking a Goose Island wheat. Budweiser just bought the distribution rights to that beer to jump on the craft beer bandwagon. It’s akin to drinking a Michelob Ultra with a craft looking label. Even the beer is part of the monoculture in this one.
May 9, 2013 @ 9:16 am
I tried for a bit to identify that beer label just in case it could be used for ammunition, then grew bored. Yes, seems fitting he’d be drinking a beer that symbolizes the buying up of regional brands to take them national. All hail the death of contrast!
May 9, 2013 @ 9:10 am
The more that teen pregnancy is discussed in schools and on MTV, and the more that contraception is pushed, the more that teens get pregnant. The more that drugs are discussed in schools and on MTV, the more that kids abuse drugs. Some things are best reduced or eliminated by treating them as though they are so abhorrent, that decent folks wouldn’t dare discuss them. This type of shit is one of those things. Rap and ghetto culture is such a low, degenerate, abhorrent thing, that it is best for decent folks not to think or talk about it, lest you be contaminated by it.
May 9, 2013 @ 11:26 am
RD nice to get some perspective from the dark side of whatever rock you crawled out from under.
May 9, 2013 @ 11:35 am
Funniest post of the day. I’ll need a better(or maybe just a dumber) hiking staff to ascend to that moral high ground.
May 9, 2013 @ 9:19 am
Also- This video is at its best when paused at 2:22.
May 9, 2013 @ 9:22 am
I did not subject myself to torture that is also known as Blake Shelton although I did enjoy the read & the Corb Lund tune at the end, he is wonderful. I had never heard that song before, I’m about to add it to a long list of music to buy. I’ll keep Blake Shelton on a list with things that retard one’s brain along with meth and bug spray made with deet.
May 9, 2013 @ 9:49 am
I wish this video came in paper form, on a roll, so I could use it for what it’s good for.
May 9, 2013 @ 11:46 am
May 9, 2013 @ 1:16 pm
Thanks Trigger, it got here just in time!
May 9, 2013 @ 9:59 am
That’s the stupidest thing I have ever seen or heard……he is such a dollar dick.
May 9, 2013 @ 10:07 am
Fuck me in the head with a pistol! That’s just not real country music. Blake Shelton has spent too much time on the Voice.
May 9, 2013 @ 10:31 am
As someone from Kentucky I am ashamed that he mentioned my state. Also what the hell does Miranda Lambert see in him besides money signs?
May 9, 2013 @ 1:17 pm
As a fellow Kentuckian, I’m with you Chase. Maybe we can get them to “bleep” it out?
May 20, 2013 @ 6:36 pm
Blake shelton is the best just not that son
May 9, 2013 @ 10:45 am
Did anyone else think they saw tickle from that stupid show moonshiners? It looked like he was standing next to Blake when the gangstas walked it the barn.
May 9, 2013 @ 11:08 am
This is one of those songs that is just so bad it causes me literal pain when I hear it.
Looooove “Cows Around” though, I’ve played it for so many people. It’s just such a fun, happy sounding song, even people who don’t actually like it, still enjoy listening to it. It’s like the perfect antidote to the Shelton song. “Boys ‘Round Here” causes pain and horror … “Cows Around” brings smiles and joy.
May 9, 2013 @ 11:12 am
As some one who listened to mostly hip hop in my teens and started to discover country music in my mid-20s, I agree with you that this shit is atrocious and an affront to fans of either (or in my case both) genres.
I do think if you remove commercialization from it, there are places where hip-hop and country elements can mix successfully, such as with Gangstagrass (the group that does the Justified theme song) It may not be for everybody, but it is a hell of a lot better than this Fake Shelton crap. Even better are the solo albums by Rench, who is the producer of Gangstagrass which have a very traditional country sound but with a very subtle hip hop layer to the backing track. I strongly urge you to check it out (it is on Spotify after all) Also the music of Johnny Dowd and Jim White have a fair amount of hip hop influence on some of their tracks. And while some may cringe when David Allan Coe does his Slim Shady bit, he makes it work in his own way.
May 9, 2013 @ 7:55 pm
the carolina chocolate drops have some pretty cool songs on youtube where they try mixing hip hop & country. actually a lot of their stuff sounds hip hop influenced to me but im pretty ignorant of old string bands so maybe what im hearing is something that later influenced hip hop.
May 10, 2013 @ 12:27 pm
Ah, thanks! Staying Clean by Rench is a new favorite of mine!
May 9, 2013 @ 12:13 pm
The rap genre currently sucks balls just like the country genre does. Mainstream, at least.
May 9, 2013 @ 2:04 pm
This video underscores why I happened to believe from the beginning “Boys’ Round Here” is even more dangerous to the genre than “1994” ever was.
“1994” has already stalled on the singles chart, and isn’t even selling that strongly. “Boys Round Here”, however, is right on the cusp of the Top Ten on the all-genre digital chart and is just storming toward the summit of the singles chart too.
“1994” was quite awful, but when it comes down to broader implications, it’s nowhere near as potent for the worse as this is! =X
May 9, 2013 @ 4:22 pm
I find myself all the time trying to describe the difference between bad and dangerous. This is definitely a dangerous song. I think it has a very good possibility of being a #1
May 9, 2013 @ 8:38 pm
“Dangerous” is a term I make a concerted effort to keep holstered, and only pull out when I truly feel in every nerve of my body that it is so. It’s like a VIP club of supremely bad songs that 97% of bad songs (at least) wouldn’t qualify for.
I’d gauge the primary factor differentiating bad and dangerous to be when ideology overrides the novelty or running laundry list gag in any given song, that you can normally just roll your eyes and shrug off………..and takes on an unmistakably combative call-to-arms attitude either implicitly (like here through this unprecedented monogenre exercise and faux-diversity grandstanding act) or explicitly (like with Justin Moore’s “Guns”).
If you were to ask me which other songs I would consider “dangerous”, as opposed to merely “bad”, I would argue the following besides this and the aforementioned “Guns”:
Josh Thompson: “Way Out Here” (because of its tribalistic “us versus them” attitude and actually threatening a visitor from the city in the opening lyrics)
Rhett Atkins/Blake Shelton: “Kiss My Country Ass” (for same reason as above)
Aaron Lewis: “Country Boy” (for same reason as above as well as intense narcissism)
Florida-Georgia Line: “It’z Just What We Do” (for its egregious country-rap escapades and misogynistic lyrics)
Luke Bryan: “Country Girl (Shake It For Me)” (for its misogynistic lyrics and its huge success paving the way for more songs of its kind)
Jason Aldean: “She’s Country” (for its misogynistic lyrics and its huge success paving way for more songs of its kind))
Trace Adkins: “Honkytonk Badonkadonk” (because it is arguably the mother of all recent misogynistic lyrics in country music) and “Brown Chicken Brown Cow” (more the video than the song)
Brantley Gilbert: “Kick It In The Sticks” (a little of all of the above, in fact)
So, as you can see, I didn’t even include “1994”. I didn’t even include “Red Solo Cup”. I didn’t even include “Truck Yeah”. And make no mistake. Every one of those are atrociously awful. Yet, I don’t consider them dangerous. “1994” and “Truck Yeah” have never succeeded in catching onto a maximum audience in that the former has stalled at #14 on the country singles chart and the latter barely made the Top Ten before plunging into obscurity. Besides that, they are more mind-numbingly desperate cries for relevance than deathly catalysts of releases with broader repercussions on the genre. And “Red Solo Cup” is just an embarrassing spectacle of stupidity, but nonetheless has nothing more to prove or impose on you.
May 9, 2013 @ 11:57 pm
I completely agree. Just because a song is bad doesn’t make it “dangerous.” On another note, nostalgia seems to fool many people into thinking that there were no bad or dangerous songs back in the “good old days.” Really? “Old” does not equate to “classic,” people. Just because the majority of Pop Country is shallow doesn’t mean that it’s a recent development. Didn’t Waylon and Willie become Outlaws because they didn’t want to make music the Nashville way? “Boys Round Here” is simply the evolution of that trend that they were fighting against. Does that make it okay? Of course not, but it certainly doesn’t mean that older music is automatically better. I’ve heard plenty of older songs that I felt were no better than this dreck (save for the fact that they were sung instead of rapped).
May 9, 2013 @ 2:18 pm
I finally got the nerve to watch your review was spot on. That is the worst video and song I’ve heard and watched in a long time. Mainstream country sucks donkey balls. and so does this video
May 9, 2013 @ 2:38 pm
Trig, you nailed it again. I love to read your blog. Anyway, speaking of cows, I’m pretty involved in the dairy business, being my Dad a Dairy farmer and all. And I have to say, that yes you are right, a Holstein heifer simply wouldn’t walk in into the party and be petted like it’s a dog. And even if the cow liked it, I’m pretty sure plenty of folks wouldn’t like the fact that the cow would shit or pee every few minutes.
May 9, 2013 @ 3:06 pm
Pitiful, awful, shameful. Blake you ought to be ashamed of yourself but your not. Consider commiting hari kari it would be at least a somewhat honorable way out. Now I will pop in some Chris Wall’s El Western Motel Record and enjoy some real country music I suggest everyone do the same it will help you recover from the assult of this awful crap.Trig, the Curb Lund was a nice cleanser as well.
May 9, 2013 @ 4:04 pm
I couldn’t bring myself to listen to the song (it was bad enough at the ACM awards, plus I’m spinning the new Pistol Annies disc as I type), but yeesh, that video was a mess. :p
May 9, 2013 @ 4:52 pm
This song and video is a joke, right?
May 9, 2013 @ 5:31 pm
i believe you are wrong. that big #7 is not the goose island wheat I know, their wheat is “branded” as “312 (Chicago area code) urban wheat” I too heard rumor about buttwiper buying out goose island. i believed them although i had not researched the facts because i assumed them to be true due to the anti-trust suit against anhuesr-busch for attempting to gain over 80% of the beer market with recent acquisitions.
Back on point, this shitty song sucks as bad as a shitty bud light.
May 9, 2013 @ 9:42 pm
I thought I could be wrong. The one I tried had a yellow label around the top and the same shape. Either way this song is just as bland. I personally am a porter fan in both ale and wagner.
May 9, 2013 @ 6:49 pm
Love Cows Around. Perfect song for every cattle rancher.
May 9, 2013 @ 11:44 pm
“Yes, this is the evolution of country music people! And we”™ll finally know that racism has been forever vanquished and country music has finally evolved when every single song on the radio sounds exactly the same, and contrast and diversity has been forever bled out of culture.”
I find the statement above to be extremely ironic in the worst way. Whenever I get to talking music, whether it be with friend or foe, they often (if they’re not a fan of Country) state that it all sounds the same. When I listen to the classics, such as Jones, Jennings, Nelson, Cash, Haggard, etc., I’m inclined to agree. I’m in no way implying that it’s not good/great music, but quite a bit of it DOES sound similar. The crux being that classic Country is typically more about lyrics and words than sounds and musical arrangements. I was listening to a Johnny Cash compilation I own the other day and noticed that he used the same chord arrangements to open about four of his songs and half of the notes were the same. Say what you want, but I never get any of Taylor Swift’s songs confused with one another (and no, I DON’T like her music nor listen to it willingly). And maybe I’m misunderstanding your point, but didn’t you say that you don’t listen to mainstream radio, Trigger? If not, how would you know anything about it? I do, as painful as many of the songs are, but I never think that they all “sound the same,” or at least not between artists. When you get to a particular body of work, the songs DO all have a similar aesthetic to them (particularly Luke Bryan), but given that many of the greats like Cash were also susceptible to this trap, I find that to be a rather fallible basis for criticism. (Unless you’re referring to the homogenization of genres, with which I wholeheartedly agree is bad for music in general. I don’t hear rappers using twang, so why is there rap in Country?)
Despite this, you’re quite spot on in your condemnation of this video. Not only was the opening completely hilarious and stupid in the worst way, it was overtly racist. It also made me embarrassed that I’ve defended Country music to several of my friends as an art form to be taken seriously; Blake managed to destroy my resolve in the course of about a minute and 20 seconds. I couldn’t watch any more after I saw him on the porch rapping to himself. Hell, you can’t even MOVE when you “sing”? Apparently all Country folk are lazy in addition to being ignorant stereotypes (and proud of it too!).
May 10, 2013 @ 7:27 am
That reference to music all sounding the same was not referring to country radio, but to the breakdown of contrast between the music of different genres, caused in this case by the incursion of rap influences in country. In other words, instead of having clear contrast between different genres, not matter what genre you listen to, the music has the same influences, aka the mono-genre.
I don’t listen to mainstream country radio generally speaking, but that doesn’t mean I don’t listen to the songs on it. I am constantly checking the charts and listening to new singles as they are released to radio. I don’t think I have ever made the point specifically about country radio that all the songs sound the same, aside from maybe the laundry list lyrics phenomenon.
As for Johnny Cash’s sound, I think this is a pretty unfair zooming in on one artist to say that all classic country sounds the same. Johnny Cash had an established sound for some 30 years and I think we can all agree it existed in a pretty narrow window, possibly the most narrow window of any country artist for such an extended period. One of the reasons it was so narrow and lasted for so long is because it worked, and for most of the time he only had two other people in his band. His complexity was to keep it simple.
May 10, 2013 @ 9:23 am
Cash is more or less the antithesis of the sound-the-same argument. While it’s certainly true that some of his songs are almost indistinguishable from one another, it’s also virtually impossible to mistake him for anyone else.
Even songs of his I’d never heard before I was able to place as his within a few bars.
What sets Blake Shelton apart from 100 other pop country singers, aside from the ability to hit awe inspiring artistic lows?
May 10, 2013 @ 1:12 pm
“Cash is more or less the antithesis of the sound-the-same argument. While it”™s certainly true that some of his songs are almost indistinguishable from one another, it”™s also virtually impossible to mistake him for anyone else. Even songs of his I”™d never heard before I was able to place as his within a few bars. What sets Blake Shelton apart from 100 other pop country singers, aside from the ability to hit awe inspiring artistic lows?”
Cash is the “antithesis” if you’re an experienced listener. To the uninitiated, a lot of it sounds the same. I addressed this in my response to Trigger as well, but I wasn’t criticizing Cash or his music (which I love) as much as I was trying to be impartial with it. No matter how good it is, it isn’t perfect, regardless of how few imperfections may or may not be present. One of those few imperfections is that SOME of HIS music can sound the same. I wasn’t necessarily implying that Cash sounds like Haggard, if you get my drift (though inexperienced listeners seem to think so for whatever reason).
On the subject of some artists having their own unique styles, I agree completely. But not all artists have a unique style, whether they be from 1953 or 2013. Sure, Blake, like many of his peers, lacks a distinctive musical sound. But part of any artist’s sound is also their voice; when you “place” a Cash song, is that recognition not due primarily to vocals? Could you still recognize his music if he were to have cut an instrumental? I recognize Blake as well as I do Johnny, in that regard. That said, do I think they’re in the same league? HELL, no, and don’t ever think that I’m implying that in any way. On the other hand, Shelton has some really good songs in his discography but this just isn’t one of them (and might be his worst, I wouldn’t know). Like I said, I was trying to be impartial, not sound like I don’t like Cash, classic Country or that I DO like “Boys Round Here.” What kind of idiot would I be if I were to claim that modern “Country” is better than the greats (especially since I’m a regular reader of Saving Country Music)? The main difference between me and a lot of commenters, I would say, is that I still think that some Country Pop songs are good (some even great) and there’s still hope for the genre, not that all Country Pop artists “suck” or hit “awe-inspiring lows” (though many of them, such as Jason Aldean and Luke Bryan, do).
May 10, 2013 @ 12:53 pm
Ah. Thanks for the reply and I apologize for misinterpreting your comments. On Johnny Cash, I understand what you’re saying but make no mistake: I love his music. That said, it doesn’t mean I think it’s perfect or above criticism. I’m an odd duck when it comes to my tastes, it seems. No matter how much I like someone’s music, a movie, book, etc., I never blindly worship it. Nothing is above criticism because nothing is perfect. I love classic Country and no, it doesn’t all sound the same. I was merely using Cash as an example to show that it CAN at certain points. I try to stay impartial when I judge any art form, classic or otherwise. Yes, modern Country sucks on average and classic Country is typically better, but at the same time, I don’t think that ALL modern Country sucks or ALL classic Country is good/perfect like the majority of your readers seem to. Case in point: half of these commenters are acting like Blake Shelton couldn’t cut a song to save his life. Do all artists not have low points? I like quite a bit of his older, more twangy material and even you’ve said that he is better than this.
Like I said, I try to stay impartial. Impartially speaking, a lot of Johnny Cash’s music can sound overly similar. Do I still like it? Of course. Does it lessen my opinion of the man? No, it does not. Is he a legend? Absolutely. Is everything he recorded without fault? No, but it doesn’t mean that the songs aren’t great. Do you understand what I mean? I wasn’t CRITICIZING Johnny Cash or his music as much as I was simply stating what I perceive to be a fact. That fact nor my statement of it doesn’t necessarily have anything to do with my like or dislike of his music (or anyone else’s, for that matter).
May 10, 2013 @ 1:03 am
Oh no, you’re not gonna catch me on that one. I refuse to watch it …. sadly I have heard it …. that’s enough for Kev!!
May 10, 2013 @ 10:06 am
Okay, I’m starting a movement. I wanna put the “O” back in country because all I see lately is a bunch of cunts ruining the music I love.
“DON’T BE A CUNT. PUT THE ‘O’ BACK IN COUNTRY” -copyright, me just now 🙂
May 10, 2013 @ 10:14 am
Almost like a night in missouri except when we sitting round the porch we all are playing music. Funny video
May 10, 2013 @ 10:19 am
I don’t even know what to say about this piece of shit. I honestly didn’t even read most of what you wrote, because I just can’t take anything associated with this guy. This song is worse than trash, and the video is even worse than that. There is so much shit in this video that makes no sense. First of all, black people don’t come to barn parties to drink with white people. They just don’t. I’ve been to a lot of parties, and I’ve never seen a black person at one of them. Second, why the hell is everyone dressed like a bunch of idiots? The only time everyone wears camo around here is during deer season. Then there is the fact that he just randomly places that piece of shit Raelynn in here, just to prove that she isn’t a complete failure (when we all know she is). And the cow on the fucking porch? I don’t even know what to say about that. The fact that the pistol annies would even associate themselves with this disaster is unbelievable.
What really makes me mad though, is how many classic country names Blake drops on this album. I know he doesn’t write his own songs, but the fact that he is talking about all these people that supposedly nobody listens to just makes me hate him even more. Bocephus probably wants to ring his neck for actually uttering his name in this song
May 10, 2013 @ 10:27 am
Man. I don’t even know where to begin on this one. I like (some) rap. if I were the Wu-tang Clan, (one of the black guys is wearing their t-shirt) I’d be looking for some money, or have that shit blocked out in the video. This is just disgraceful on all levels. And I’m not saying this to be racist, but country and rap don’t mix. NEVER. As far as I’m concerned all the examples of “country” rap are poor excuses for boys who can’t play an instrument and can’t sing.
May 10, 2013 @ 11:55 am
I almost Hate you trigger for bringing this shit to my attention.
May 10, 2013 @ 12:24 pm
This is horrible. What the hell, has it been recorded for? Why does it exist? Musically, of course it’s terrible. Typical “Trashville-music”, having nothing to do with country, especially when combined with rap. I obviously don’t know the life in America, but everyone knows that black people live in equality with whites. Singing such a crap is a REAL RACISM, because it suggests unexisting racial problems, and shows white people as fools. Another example of discriminating white people and showing that another races and cultures are “better”. That’s the same in Western Europe, especially, when talkin’ about muslims (if they black, white ir “brown” – I don’t give a fuck). Problem, slowly appearing in countries like Poland. There’s nothing like a better race or a better culture. I’m not from a right or a left side. I’m not a catholic and any kind of retarded, traditionalist fanatic. But the racism of nowadays pisses me off. How such an idiot could criticise real, good country music. I’ve never regretted signing the petition against Blake Shelton, but If I could do that second time I would do so!
May 10, 2013 @ 12:47 pm
Even a Yankee city slicker from Brooklyn like me knows what real country is. Let’s just say that Blake Shelton ain’t no Wayne Hancock.
I Just Don’t Get It…
May 10, 2013 @ 1:08 pm
[…] had a much more evolved argument for why this song is bad HERE on his website, but I am not that deep. I just think it sucks…but NOW THAT I KNOW THAT […]
May 10, 2013 @ 3:14 pm
Just hearing “Mr. Super-ego” utter the name “Bocephus” sent a raging hatred down my spine and made me want to throw the computer out the friggin window! Seriously, when are people going to stop liking this guy? What will it take for Blake Shelton to piss everyone off? Idea? Blake wiping his ass with the original lyrics to “I’m So Lonesome I Could Cry.” Or would people even know who even wrote that song? Damn this foolishness!!!!!!
May 10, 2013 @ 5:37 pm
What annoys me so much is Blake can do so much better than this. Listening to his old stuff, and seeing how he portrayed himself really just saddens me, because I think of how he is now. So disappointed.
May 10, 2013 @ 7:10 pm
I agree.It’s also sad because the dude can flat out sing.
May 10, 2013 @ 6:12 pm
Speaking of ironic, you are bashing this awful song and video while simultaneously accepting advertising dollars from it by having it at the top of this page, ha.
May 10, 2013 @ 7:56 pm
Blake Shelton nor anyone else paid to be advertised to this site. That is a Google ad that picks up on your browsing behaviors and shows you ads it thinks are relevant to your tastes. In this case, it seems to have chosen wisely. If it makes you feel any better, this site is currently hemorrhaging money just to stay online.
May 10, 2013 @ 7:05 pm
Well,thanks for the alternative anyway!
May 11, 2013 @ 4:18 am
I’d change the channel if it came on but I’d still rather listen to this than 1994. The only good thing that came from that song was a revival in my love for the song ‘John Deere Green’ (judge me if you want but I was only 6 in ’94 when than song came out)
On that note, I have to go put some gold chains on my roosters so people know I’m REAL country
May 13, 2013 @ 4:39 pm
Hey Trig,
Have you ever heard of Gangsta grass? They are the guys that did the theme song for Justified. I my opinion they do a pretty good job of mixing blue grass and hip hop.
May 13, 2013 @ 4:54 pm
I get asked if I’ve heard of Gangstagrass on average of twice a day.
May 14, 2013 @ 9:12 am
I just Can’t check out the BS song… My patience with the current state of radio country just won’t allow it. What he and so many others are doing is just
Un forgive able & I hope this all comes to and end one day.
Just went to Corb Lund 3 nights back…he always puts on a great show and
Is very refreshing to see & hear. Check him out if you get the chance.
I can’t slight him for being in the same tour for a while as Lambert, promoters
set that stuff up… He’s out there making a living is all. I doubt him and his band
have her cd in the vehicle as they head to the next gig.
May 14, 2013 @ 3:17 pm
After watching that Blake Shelton video, I feel like my soul needs to be scrubbed with a Brillo pad. Gah that’s awful; but honestly what do expect from the CMA Entertainer of the Year???
May 15, 2013 @ 12:54 pm
I’m so glad I’m not a teenager these days. Is this seriously appealing to them?
Come on Blake…if you’re going to hip hop/hillbilly it up at least get Lil’ Wayne, not someone dressed up like him.
listen to it, listen to it, listen to it…spit.
May 20, 2013 @ 1:20 pm
I can’t believe people still listen to this jackass. I don’t know why I listen to his music when it comes out thinking he will cut something like Ol’ Red. This douche bag is lost and he ain’t comin back…
May 25, 2013 @ 7:18 am
what we need to do is put the blame where it belongs a song from the early 90 that first mixed country and rap that i think we have all forgotten about a song by The Geezinslaws Brothers that Charted ” Help I’m White and I Can’t Get Down”
May 25, 2013 @ 6:37 pm
That’s a great video. Loved it. Sums up my boyfriend. 😉
May 25, 2013 @ 6:25 pm
What you people need to do is freaking lighten up. It’s a stupid song. It has a good beat, it has a nice idea and it makes me happy. It’s a song. Good God. Get a life all of you. This song means nothing. It’s not a political statement, it’s not gonna change anyone’s life. It’s a simple song.
June 7, 2013 @ 5:34 am
Well said Kimberly L. Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar and a song is just a song. I get SO tired of the it’s-not-country-unless-I-say-it’s-country people. It must suck to be so bent out of shape over a song. Again, LIGHTEN UP.
May 27, 2013 @ 3:44 pm
REALLY!!!?I Could not agree more W/KimberlyIT’S A F’IN SONG AND yes the vidieo does not match but why are you not tearing apart Darius Ruckers “Wagon Wheel” video too? Hello y’all are speaking of no bull sh!t where it comes to country music and videos… but your on a soapbox that is old and rotten! come on people! This is simply new Country and it’s good music! GET A LIFE! You are playing a race card that does NOT exist!THAT’S NOT FAIR, UNLESS YOU WANT TO PULL APART every COUNTRY AND RAP AND rock ARTISTS VIDEO OUT THERE! The video of “Wagon Wheel” By Darius Rucker is GREAT and so is the song … ( THANK YOU BOB DILLON!) but y’all don’t seem to give a shit about the racial equaleties in that one… maybe Blake Shltons video is off mark for the song but I feel your just a bunch of ignorant assholes who have there head shoved up they’re ass so far that y’all just can’t pull it out! We ARE all the same whether Black, Red, Yello, or White… Blake’s video is simply prooveing that even in our differences we ALL are similar! ( Unless you want it to go back to 1967 were eaqual was equal but white folks and black folks and native americans had seperate water fountains and seats on the bus!)
June 13, 2013 @ 9:28 pm
Please check your spelling and grammar when calling people ignorant on the internet.
June 2, 2013 @ 11:16 am
Seriously, I heard this song, watched the video, and I thought to myself, “What the hell is Blake Shelton trying to prove?” This guy was never any Cash, Waylon, or Willie, but there was a time where he actually put out some good music. Now, it seems, he is purposely trying to race himself to the bottom, trying to put out progressively worse drivel than the previous album or single. And not only that, he is not shy about it either.
Seriously, Blake, if you are trying to prove that you are “hip, cool, and down with the youth of today” then fine. But you do not have to act like a boorish blowhard to show it.
June 14, 2013 @ 3:16 pm
Trigger, have you heard the remix of “Boys Round Here”? It’s largely the same song, but features Jason Aldean, Luke Bryan, Ronnie Dunn, Miranda Lambert, Brad Paisley, Reba McEntire, Josh Turner, Keith Urban and Hank Williams Jr.
June 14, 2013 @ 8:06 pm
Yes I have. Been struggling to find something to say about it beyond the two rants I’ve already done for this song and video.
June 14, 2013 @ 9:28 pm
Well, it can’t be too hard. Aside from the embarrassment of who’s involved and the fact that they’re all wasted, the worst part of the song is the only part that is augmented (and somehow even worse than before). I can’t wait to read your eventual review of it.
June 15, 2013 @ 3:45 am
“We ARE all the same whether Black, Red, Yello, or White”¦ Blake”™s video is simply prooveing that even in our differences we ALL are similar!”
Or is it another slick marketing piece designed to sell people on the idea that country going/merging with pop, rock and rap is good, kinda like when Billboard added pop airplay to the Hot Country chart and pop stars played CMA Fest and awards shows?
Here’s a better song and video
July 13, 2013 @ 7:19 am
This comment thread is truly the down fall of america. For starters regardless of how “the races” are portrayed, the main theme was acceptance of the opposite race, and how we have more in comman than we all think ( the spinning redneck dj the jaked up truck on air shocks etc.)
Secondly it wasn’t Blake Shelton’s video idea, that would be management with his record label, plus the video director and producer.
Also, the song was originally wrote about how “rednecks” don’t listen to the Beatles (listen to the opening line) but again management at the record label didn’t think this would sell ( nobody cares if white people hate other white people). So in order to sell records they decided to make it racial ( everybody cares when whites don’t like blacks). Now being under contract from this record label it was and is Blake’s obligation to sing this song and do the video.
Plus a Bocefus is one of the greatest country stars of all time. and my mare and heffer party with me all the time
Lastly the low riding car and the jacked up truck were to symbolize a very growing trend here in America, and that is that fat girls can’t jump high but can sit low. Think about that one. Stereotypes exist because they’re true!
Happy hating haters.
Mr. D
July 13, 2013 @ 10:24 am
How does loving great country music make anyone a hater? As many have said we like Blake’s more country songs, same goes for other artists. We love country and don’t like anyone adding pop or rap. If they want to do one song like that it’s fine with me but let’s not make it a habit/trend everyone is doing because they want to copy other artists or labels are forcing it. That’s truly the downfall of country music. Even Chris Young is doing it now with his new single. I am shocked and agree with this comment on his Aw Naw youtube video “Which is my point exactly, Mr. Young has abandoned his altruistic roots, and opted to become a copy-cat party artist. I adored the altruistic Mr. Young. This copy-cat party music is pitiful. He needs to return to his roots.”
Aw Naw, HELL NAW! That’s how I feel about country going pop and rap and mediocre copy cat songs. Country was already pop enough before this crap started.
August 8, 2013 @ 11:19 pm
Blake Shelton is one of the most creative and successful country singers of the 21st century. We are all lucky to have the opportunity to be living at a time when we can actually witness him in person. I’ve just recently become interested in Country music, thanks to Blake.
As an African-American, I used to perceive most Country Western fans as mostly Republican red-necked racists. This video that features African-Americans, while somewhat unrealistic-looking, does look refreshing to me. It gives me the opportunity to see white country folk as something other than Rednecks. Perhaps, if the featured blacks had been dressed to look more like college students, rather than HipHop hipsters, they would been receive with greater adoration. Whites need to get to see us in more productive roles than the ones that fit the stereotypical HipHop image. An image that carries racial overtones, that are heavily laden with criminality.
At any rate, Blake Shelton totally Rocks!!!
September 1, 2013 @ 6:48 pm
Listening to this song would be extremely painful….For you!!!
September 1, 2013 @ 6:52 pm
Was this song part of my plan to destroy country music? OF COURSE!!!
May 25, 2014 @ 9:54 pm
“I get a text from Blake saying, ”˜Espo, we have just recorded the sound of money, lots and lots of money.”™
– ”“ Warner Bros. Nashville president on how he heard about “Boys ”˜Round Here.”
February 24, 2020 @ 12:26 pm
Love Blake Shelton and I love this video! He is amazing and I would sell my soul to meet him and attend a concert of his!
April 1, 2021 @ 1:50 pm
Guess ol’ Blake wasn’t chewing tobacco,he was snorting coke and ingesting crack when he came up with this moronic drivel (In five years my four-month-old great-great-niece will write something more intelligent than “Boys ‘Round Here .” ) And I wonder what the “Girls Round There ” think of those lads ?