“Boom” By Walker Hayes Is The Worst Album In ‘Country’ Music History. Full Stop.
WARNING: Language
Friends and neighbors, I know you would rather spend your time reading about something a bit more positive in nature than the rabid attitudinal protestations of some twisted up music critic spouting off about this grotesque specimen of audio diarrhea, and during what is supposed to be a festive season no less, and with so much else out there in the world today eating at your mind and angering your blood. But it would be such a gross dereliction of Saving Country Music duty to not draw and quarter this audio monstrosity, I would die from neurotic distress due to the feeling of unfullfilled purpose if I let this embarrassment achieve wide recognition without a murmur of protest, let alone the barbaric yawp of sheer unmitigated ferocious dissent it deserves to be met with. The only question is if I can steady my hands enough through the roiling anger twitching behind my eyes, and the abhorrence to the mere notion of this album that’s bubbling my bile to physically type what must be shared.
Fuck this album, I’m sorry. I would rather personally watch my male genitalia cleaved clean off my abdomen with the combination of a rusty maul and a frozen sledge hammer, then strapped up with a Go Pro and my eyes clamped open and forced to watch on a monitor as a carrion bird carries it far away before ultimately descending into some foul-drenched alleyway drowning in refuse to vulturously pull at the bloody and putrefying flesh with its beak and talons, only to regurgitate it hours later after it’s marinated in the most vile hell of scavenger digestive juices, to then be re-consumed eventually by an emaciated mongrel and vomited up again in the middle of the road, and trundled over by heavy vehicles so many times it becomes no more discernible from a spot of grease discarded from the undercarriage of a Toyota than listen to one more electronically-derived and idiotically conceived millisecond of Walker Hayes’ Boom.
I’m embarrassed to be a part of the same animal species that would produce such an audio abortion and proffer it to the public for consumption.
First off, understand that everything about Walker Hayes is complete and utter fabricated bullshit. The songs of Boom are in no way a representation of him, let alone country music. Boom isn’t just not country music. Boom isn’t just the exact polar opposite of country music. No, Boom is literally the most acidic and destructive form of music to the country genre that not just has ever been produced, but that could ever be conceived of by the human brain or artificial intelligence, or a combination thereof. It is diabolic in its scope of cultural degradation. Even a performer like Luke Bryan should see the value in adamantly opposing Boom. It’s that virulent. Even someone like Sam Hunt should see that the danger Boom poses to country music as absolutely existential. Boom isn’t just bad, it is apocalyptic. It is literally the worst thing possible, ever.
Walker Hayes is a complete construct of desperation, and of slavitude to whatever he thinks will sell, along with an assessment from the new Country Music Antichrist, Shane McAnally, who relaunched the old mothballed label Monument Records just to produce and release this piece of shit, and inflict the world with the pussing musical scourge known as Walker Hayes and Boom. Not even Nashville’s unscrupulous major labels would sign off on this it was so terrible. Shane McAnally had to make a label especially for it. Being the principle puppetmaster behind Sam Hunt wasn’t enough for Shane McAnally. Now there should not be a shadow of a doubt left in anyone’s mind what McAnally’s agenda in music is, which is to completely reshape “country” into his own image, which happens to be an extremely urban, stultifying, primarily laptop-composed shitblob served with an almost sadist attitude, and with the sole purpose of making himself lots of fucking money at the direct expense of the intelligence and mental well being of the masses. Selling copies of Boom is like purposely giving people a disease to make a profit. It is cultural poison.
And what is the motivation for all of this?
Go back and listen to Walker Hayes circa 2013, when he still had his fucking Justin Bieber wind-blown haircut. It’s still utter garbage of course, but it’s nothing like Boom. Where is the extremely, extremely urban accent, the talk rapping, and all the other bullshit that makes Boom so bad? Walker Hayes utterly failed in country music because he has so much nothing, MIT could use the space where Walker’s talent should be as an absolute vacuum for scientific experiment.
But what Walker Hayes did have was six kids, and now he has a seventh on the way. And with a complete lack of life skills, and apparently no grip on the principles of family planning, Walker had to figure out some way to put food on the table. Some people cinch up their belt, swallow their pride, and get a real job. Walker on the other hand decided to stick his nose deep into the shittiest trends in country music, make a record that encapsulates all of them and in their entirety, and Shane McAnally was unscrupulous enough to see it could make them both a mint. Yes, because Walker Hayes doesn’t know what a fucking rubber is, we now all have to pay by listening to the inane, intellectually-insulting, culturally-appropriating doltish odes to stupidity that Hayes compiled in his fucking garage on a laptop and is passing off as “music.”
For serious Walker, it may not be my place to tell you how to live your life, but just stop procreating, dude. Wear protection. Gets some tubes tied or gonads snipped. Finish in the butt, whatever you have to do, but quit making us all suffer from the fact that you’re so unskilled, you can’t even pull out in time, let alone put a half decent song together. Go listen to “You Broke Up With Me.” Honest to God, Walker Hayes can’t even fucking whistle.
Walker Hayes is the perfect example of ferreting out the most glittering example of mediocrity among the unwashed masses, and shining a spotlight on them, making everyone else in society aspire to achieve that level of devolved stupidity under the perception of that’s how you succeed. The only skill that Walker Hayes possesses is the ability to completely detach himself from self respect, and do whatever it takes to “make it,” no matter the cost to himself or the public. Anybody could do what Walker Hayes has done with Boom. They just don’t have the thorough lack of scruples it takes to be able to stoop so low.
And don’t act like I’m being a bully here. You’re really going to try and tell me after listening to “Dollar Store” or “You Broke Up with Me” that even Walker Hayes doesn’t know this stuff is utter refuse? Yet he is still willing to present it for human consumption. That means he’s not just incapable, he’s also culpable. There is a song on this record called “Mind Candy” where the 37-year-old Walker Hayes with seven kids is openly obsessing over a 17-year-old from his past. Boom isn’t just embarrassingly awful and age inappropriate in large swaths, it’s utterly immoral in moments.
And while we’re on the topic of sex and immorality, I hope the ghost of Lou Reed materializes in front of Walker Hayes, reefs him in the nuts so hard they pop out of his ears and dangle down like earrings below his lobes, and then skull fucks Walker for so blatantly ripping off “Walk on the Wild Side” with his inbecilic “Dollar Store.” Attention estate of Lou Reed: sue Walker Hayes. Sue him hard, and sue him now. “Dollar Store” is the straight up filching of a melody, open and shut.
Nothing about Boom is original. Even when Walker tries to get meaningful, it’s still a con job. “Halloween” is the exact same song as Kane Brown’s “Learning.” Same exact theme, and same exact structure. If you can suffer through both, give them a listen. When you’re 37-years-old and derivative of Kane fucking Brown, you know how much you blow. Everything on this record is appropriated. There is only one song that isn’t a scathing insult to the listener, and that’s “Beer in the Fridge,” and it’s still extremely underwrought, and couldn’t even be stretched out to 2 1/2 minutes. Even “Craig,” which is about a pastor who buys Walker Hayes and his family a minivan, is full of self-absorption and opportunism. Craig is no hero if Boom is the result. He’s an enabler.
This isn’t just a matter of opinion or taste. It is utterly irresponsible of Walker Hayes and Shane McAnally to release music such as this. And before anyone chooses to moralize about the harshness of this assessment, how about you turn your ire to how this album has to be the most glaring example of cultural appropriation to ever be recorded. Yes, this is yet another historical low for Walker Hayes and Boom. The astounding robbery of black heritage, urban music modes, and ethnic annunciations from one of the most lily white, Mobile-born, Caspar Milquetoast, Southern fucknards breathing on the planet right now should have every politically-incited opinonator out there at Slate and Noisey seeing double red and typing away furiously at think screeds. This guy make Elvis look like a saint. I would call him the Vanilla Ice of country, but that doesn’t cut nearly low enough.
If you’re going to give shit to country for not crowning Beyoncé queen and giving her every single fucking award in the genre because she released one song that wasn’t really even that country, then by golly, I want to see you hypocrites up the ass of Walker Hayes from this affliction he’s causing to not just country music, but hip-hop culture as well by making a white mockery of the art form. Walker Hayes is an equal opportunity offender. If you have any sense of taste and perspective, regardless of your cultural compass, you should be writhing with spite and anger.
I’m sorry folks, but not enough negative can be said here. Walker Hayes and Boom deserve to be roundly and vehemently rejected by everyone in the country music industry, and by all who hold intelligence dear in society. And this is not hyperbole. Boom is the worst album of “country” music in history, and should be universally repelled and impugned by everyone, buried or burned as the example of cultural rot that it is, and never spoken of again except in reference of what we can never allow to befall our precious, fertile ears again.
December 19, 2017 @ 8:19 pm
Kyle, this is the most inappropriate review I’ve ever read. The personal attacks on Walker’s family and the obvious homophobic undertone on Shane McAnnally are completely unwarranted. If you don’t like his music that’s one thing( I don’t care for it either) but you crossed a line and I believe you owe him an apology for attacking his family. Not cool and not to be applauded in any way, shape, or form.
December 19, 2017 @ 9:24 pm
This was not a review, though I’ve seen numerous people try to characterize it as such. Saving Country Music has a category called “Reviews,” and this isn’t in it. This is satire, purposely over the top to make a point and to be funny, and I can’t imagine how anyone would take it otherwise. Nobody’s family was attacked, and frankly that’s an idiotic insinuation. Oh and guess what, a vulture didn’t fly off with my genitals either. And I’ve seen a few folks throw out the notion that my comments on Shane McAnally were “homophobic,” but I’ve yet to see anyone explain fucking how. Why, because he’s a homosexual? So any criticism against him is homophobia? Somehow my hatred for gay people sure didn’t seem to translate to my coverage of Brandy Clark, Brandi Carlile, Ty Herdon, oh, and Shane McAnally when he was actually making decent music with Kacey Musgraves and others as opposed to this cultural fucking rot from Walker Hayes. Defenders of Walker Hayes and Shane McAnally better take a good gander at the lyrics of “Mind Candy” and the clear and the most obvious example of cultural appropriation in the history of music coming from Walker before they start moralizing. I’m peacock proud I took this piece of shit album to task, and with fierce-enough words that people are talking about it and taking notice. But I’m NOT a homophobe, and I did NOT “attack” anyone’s family. The only thing I’m prejudice against is shitty music, and this here is the shittest music I have ever heard, and that’s no satire.
December 19, 2017 @ 9:37 pm
I’ll admit this Trigger your response to this comment was as amazing as the initial article. Bravo sir.
December 20, 2017 @ 6:18 am
“But I’m NOT a homophobe,”
No one is. Its not a real thing.
Sir Honky Of Crackerdom
December 22, 2017 @ 6:21 pm
That is exactly what I was going to say. Trigger can’t be a homophobe, because it’s a made up, propaganda word.
February 1, 2023 @ 12:04 am
This was the best thing I have ever read in my life. I stumbled upon this in the middle of the night and I haven’t laughed this hard in I don’t know how long. I don’t know who you are but I love you.
December 23, 2017 @ 8:23 am
I am so glad I’m not the only one who experiences mind bending rage when this junk is played on country radio! I think we have a subconscious need to know that music comes from a special place, that it speaks for those who can’t find their own words. It’s not just lyrics though, it’s the weaving of melody, timing, rhythm and beat and how we interpret those in our own souls. We want music to make us feel something. We want it to motivate us. This crap does none of that for me (unless you consider the aforementioned rage). It is the blatant fakeness of it that pisses me off the most. The fact that he is so vocal about needing money, the fact that he seems irresponsible in fathering children with no means to provide for them, and the blatant lack of true musicianship collide into our hatred. More power to anyone who listens to this….I can’t and won’t.
December 27, 2017 @ 6:31 pm
” It’s not just lyrics though, it’s the weaving of melody, timing, rhythm and beat and how we interpret those in our own souls. We want music to make us feel something. We want it to motivate us. This crap does none of that for me …..”
February 18, 2019 @ 11:31 am
Some commenters said it was an inappropriate review? Possibly… Dead on accurate, absolutely!!! After such a scathing review I had to check it out on Spotify. Yep, its total garbage. After a few minutes listen it made me want to run him down personally too! Sigh, the country music I loved is gone forever. Wow, how does and entire american genre of music just disappear basically overnight, poof.. gone!
September 21, 2022 @ 5:12 am
good not a single crap I like walker aint no legend
December 20, 2017 @ 4:17 am
What’s ironic is that your writing is no different than Walker’s music. He adds hip hop beats and quirky lyrics to his music while you write the most audacious things you can conjure up. Both approaches are lowest common denominator tactics designed to generate maximum interest. I am peacock proud for calling you out on your homophobia as well as your inability to see your writing for what it is(although I suspect you know). Regardless, you still owe both guys an apology for your over the line attacks. Try bringing value to the world as opposed to vitriol and you might see success of your own.
December 20, 2017 @ 7:12 am
He’s not “selling”, or telling someone it’s raining when pissing down their neck. You’re really good at telling others what you think they should do. I’m just wondering by what authority do you believe you have that right. This is Triggers web site. He can write what he damn well pleases. The difference between him and the shit being sold as music is it doesn’t take money from ones pocket under false pretense, and, success for Trigger is for Trigger to decide.
December 20, 2017 @ 8:11 am
Serious question here….what did Trigger say that makes you think he is a homophobe? I’ve gone back and re-read the post a couple of times and I don’t see it. Are you saying that if someone is gay, he/she is off limits as far as criticizing their work?
Jack Williams
December 20, 2017 @ 8:12 am
I am peacock proud for calling you out on your homophobia
If you are so proud, please substantiate your claim. Give one example, for starters. I’ve read the article three times and I don’t know what you’re talking about. I don’t even detect homophobic “undertones” directed at McAnally. And I think I’m usually pretty good at detecting that sort of thing.
December 20, 2017 @ 9:56 am
And you won’t see a substantiation from Mike or anyone of his ilk. When they see something they don’t agree with, they pull the homophobe/race card. It’s all they have because it’s the easy/lazy way out.
December 20, 2017 @ 10:46 am
I write one of these stupid rants about every six weeks, and post dozens, sometimes a hundred-plus articles in between. Walker Hayes just put out a record with 9 of the 10 songs unfit for human consumption. I don’t think that’s a fair comparison of our output.
December 21, 2017 @ 8:07 pm
Lol I enjoyed that as much as the original article.
December 20, 2017 @ 12:35 pm
You are making about as much sense here as a box full of rocks, Mike.
December 20, 2017 @ 7:29 am
Country music has always, in part, been the music of the poor white trash. To me, this is just what that segment of country sounds like in 2017. These are kids who wear Walmart camo and affix dixie flags on their crappy low riding Toyotas while cranking Migos. They are cultural bastards out looking for daddy and coming up empty. Walker Hayes is what they sound like.
December 20, 2017 @ 7:58 am
Satire or not Trigger is spot on as far as this guy’s music. I’ve never heard of him or his….well whatever you want to call it…but it damn sure ain’t music. But whatever it is….it is awful.
Larry Migliore
December 20, 2017 @ 8:01 am
Regardless of wether you know what and what isn’t satire, one thing is certain, trash like this, masquerading as country music is nauseating for a country songwriter like me. The only reason pablum like this is being pushed out to the 15-20 year old music buyers is none of them would appreciate real country music! So, the NashVegas record executives devised a way to incorporate “club”, “Rap” and “pop” to satisfy the kids. Their business acumen? Put it all in a blender, add a touch of steel and brand it “Country” ! Sorry, but it’s sickening.
December 20, 2017 @ 9:42 am
This article raises my never ending whine about Why such untalented, un-genuine hacks get to make a record, while true talents go unnoticed. Then I remember Obama, and it all makes sense…
Sorry not sorry for mentioning politics.
December 20, 2017 @ 11:03 am
LOL…. can you say can of worms?
March 6, 2022 @ 2:26 pm
It’s because most fans are just as untalented and clueless
December 20, 2017 @ 10:49 am
Just out of curiosity, I went on this brodouche’s Facebook page. Every post has a picture or video of him. Every…single…god…damned…one!!!
Seriously, fuck you, Walker Hayes!!! Fuck your shitty music, fuck your shitty pull-out game, and fuck every single person who thinks this is country, or worse, the “evolution” of country. I hate every single last one of you!!
December 20, 2017 @ 11:04 am
LOL…. how do you really feel?
December 20, 2017 @ 7:25 pm
Are you the same Mike from above?
March 22, 2018 @ 6:32 pm
Yeah, Bryan, I am sure you are the one to do it, huh? Being you are probably a Walker Hayes fan, I am not going to lose sleep over it.
March 22, 2018 @ 6:33 pm
No, I am not, Tom.
December 20, 2017 @ 3:37 pm
After going on his site, I now have chlamydia.
Bryan breland
February 14, 2018 @ 3:06 am
You. Mike might have this opinion….. You should have. YAK…your ass. KICKED!!
November 7, 2018 @ 7:28 pm
You aren’t going to do a damn thing, punk.
December 20, 2017 @ 4:08 pm
Wow, I came on the comments section to say that I agree that this “Country” album sucks and I’m saying that purely because it is labeled as “Country” and I think that’s where Trigger is coming from as well. I pulled the trigger (no pun inteded) on iTunes for the whole album before listening to samples of the songs. I did that based on a Radio DJ/Program Director that I generally trust opinions of. That was my stupid mistake, a $10 lesson well learned. While I still trust this person (who will remain nameless), I’ll be more careful with my purchases in the future.
Truth be told, I bought it last week and didn’t even listen to it until the “unnamed DJ” mentioned that someone said that this “…was the worst album in Country Music History”. I stumbled on this article after that and a quick Google search.
I would not necessarily agree that it’s the “worst Country Album”, I would suggest it’s the “worst job of categorizing an album”. If Walker and Shane insist that it is “Country”, then I will take my previous statement back and say in agreement that “it is the Worst Album in Country Music History”. I will also start turning off country radio if this it what the future holds.
If you like this album, fine, just don’t say its a “Country” or that he’s a “Country Artist”, not true. I would say he is more akin to a Jack Johnson style then Country, and far less talented than Johnson, but I digress.
I put a similar review on iTunes after I checked to see if I could get a refund, only to validate that you can’t get a refund just because the music sucks or was categorized terribly, not iTunes fault.
Anyway, I appreciated the entertainment value of your article Trigger even if some didn’t and/or want to turn it into a fight about something else.
December 21, 2017 @ 12:26 am
This is one for the books. Right up there with the FGL article. And as a queer I also fail to see why you get called homophobic. But meh- snowflakes are everywhere I guess.
The music may not be a bright spot but this article was GLORIOUS. I actually wish more people wrote with a clear voice. I know a Trigger take down when I read one. I would never confuse with some say from Rolling Stone of Bobby Bones
Will McGee
December 21, 2017 @ 7:46 am
You’re right, this album is terrible.
But your post is shameful. I’ve been reading your blog for a while now. But this is the end for me. I’ll find somewhere else to find out about good country music without having to listen to this immature rambling.
This article isn’t country at all. Where I come from we respect family men.
Shame on you.
December 21, 2017 @ 7:32 pm
Adios amigo!!!!!!!
December 21, 2017 @ 10:52 am
I’d rather drink muddy water and sleep in a hollow log than listen to that album.
December 21, 2017 @ 11:36 am
Do “False Advertisement Laws” apply here? And if so, can those that purchased this POS rightfully sue?
December 21, 2017 @ 3:07 pm
Thank you Trigger for saving me from listening to this album, which is the equivalent of frat house dumpster juice.
December 21, 2017 @ 4:59 pm
I think “Halloween” had good intentions, but it’s only saving grace was the vocals of Nicolle Galyon.
December 21, 2017 @ 7:12 pm
I understand that these rants are opportunities to vent your creativity, and this guy’s music is almost objectively trash, but I have to agree with the other posters who take issue with your puerile comments about a man with more than 1.5 children. No one who knows me would ever accuse me of being easily offended – and I’m not offended here, in the true sense of the word. I’m just disheartened to see an obviously intelligent, thoughtful man like you make vasectomy jokes about a singer with a large family. One assumes that you wouldn’t have made those comments about an artist who observed more traditional modes of country music.
Also, let’s rid ourselves of this “cultural appropriation” nonsense. Cultures intersect and cross-pollinate, especially in this country and in this increasingly globalized world. The point here is that the guy just doesn’t pull it off convincingly.
December 21, 2017 @ 9:22 pm
The fact that Walker Hayes has six children and one on the way was not selected as a way to somehow impugn him, like if someone was fat, or bald, or had some other characteristic that is commonly open season for comedians to broach with little to no repercussions, including the amount of kids they have. How many kids Walker Hayes has is a very critical fact to how “Boom” came about, and why it is as bad as it is. That is why it was not only relevant to bring up in the context of the record, it was arguably essential. And you can see this to be true because I’m not the only one doing it. You cannot read a feature on Walker Hayes (which there have been many of), that doesn’t bring up his large family. It is a talking point offered up to journalists by Walker Hayes and his management. They want people talking about it because it humanizes him. There is a song on the record itself called “Craig” that is about the amount of kids he has. The only difference between myself and every other journalist is I didn’t compliment Walker’s music, I criticized it. So this idea that I stooped low by dragging Walker’s family into a conversation about music is ridiculous. He’s been dragging his family into his music since the beginning.
As simply as I can put it, the reason “Boom” is so bad is because faced with a failing music career and so many mouths to feed, Walker Hayes HAD to release a record that fell back on the most slavish adherence to radio and pop cultural trends instead of making the album he wanted to make, resulting in what I believe to be the worst album ever released in the “country” industry. If he has 1.5 kids, he can continue to pursue his musical dreams on his terms, continue to work the club circuit, hope for a big break, or maybe a big songwriting cut with a bigger artist. Instead, he has to put out the shitiest record possible to make the greatest amount of money.
And trust me, Walker Hayes and Shane McAnally know this record is shit. They will never admit it, but in those lonely moments at night, they know they’ve pulled one over on the public here. Or at least they better know that, or that’s an even bigger indictment of their character.
And cut out the cultural appropriation stuff from the criticism if you wish. I understand that’s a nuanced argument. But go listen to “Mind Candy,” which finds the 37-year-old Walker Hayes lusting over his memories of a 17-year-old. Peruse lines such as “My train of thought derails, Down that rain rinsed azalea trail, Past your waistband elastic” and tell me this dude has any moral high ground to stand on.
Walker Hayes has been using his family to help sell records. And then when someone criticized him, he hid behind them. When you can attack the message, attack the messenger. Little do they know everyone already thinks I’m an asshole, which is a good place to be in since it allows me to be able to say what I actually believe as opposed to what I’m told.
December 22, 2017 @ 6:14 am
Bravo Trig!
December 23, 2017 @ 12:12 am
Didn’t know his was a point that had been harped on by other country media. Thanks for the clarification. You do valuable work and I’ll continue bookmarking this site on my browser; I’m sure you won’t be surprised to hear that your publicization of lesser-known, quality artists has shaped my listening experience (and, by extension, that of my peers). I don’t often object to your articles. I just wanted to make my voice heard on this issue.
Keep up your efforts. You’re not an “asshole”, regardless of what your contractors say. Conservatism and scruples in criticism are as necessary here as they are anywhere else. But poise, too, is an essential attribute.
Matthew Bjorke
December 21, 2017 @ 9:52 pm
There is absolutely no shred of journalistic integrity in this piece. Your “opinion” or “comedy” comes off as something from a bitter, bitter man. You’re bitter that something didn’t go right in your life. You’ve had a vendetta against people like Shane McAnally for a long time. You’re NOT ‘saving’ anything. The fact that the Americana Music Festival let you anywhere near a panel of theirs is shocking. You’re not saving country music, you’re just trying to entertain your sycophantic fans who eat the nonsense you constantly spew out about artists like Walker Hayes or ANYTHING tied to Shane McAnally. I used to think you could do better, or at least had good intentions, but I now know that you can’t and won’t.
December 21, 2017 @ 10:39 pm
Oh get bent with your feigned outrage Matt. I don’t “constantly spew” out anything. I write about 10 rants a year amid hundreds of other articles, and if you can’t understand the sarcasm, that’s on you. Like the old saying goes, if you didn’t get the point, you got the shaft. Walker Hayes and Shane McAnally are purveyors of cultural dreck, and they know it. This record is rubbish, and no, I won’t be the industry lackey parroting out the talking points on this record just because it is the politically correct thing to do. The only reason you’re pissed off is because you read something on social media that said you were supposed to be. Walker Hayes and Shane McAnally should count all the fucking money they made at the expense of public intelligence and the legacy of country music, and be lucky I stopped huffing and puffing where I did. Otherwise I’ll go back for round 2, like I had to do with Midland, and expose even more of their bullshit.
And nobody’s family was attacked. Period.
I’ve always respected what you do, and still do, and still will. But this was an eepish and ill-advised attack on my character, and on me personally (talking about getting personal) based on wild-eyed assumptions about my motivations that are completely unfounded.
December 22, 2017 @ 6:20 am
This era in history thrives on fake outrage. Whether it’s mainstream media or the sheeple on social media, they can’t wait until the wind blows them into the direction of something to “get pissed” at.
Fuck outta here with your bullshit, Bjorke.
January 1, 2018 @ 3:10 pm
Matthew Bjorke to the Pit of Misery…DILLY DILLY!!!!
the pistolero
December 22, 2017 @ 11:15 am
There is absolutely no shred of journalistic integrity in this piece.
Matthew Bjorke? The same Matthew Bjorke of Roughstock.com?
All I have to say is you’re in no place to lecture anyone about journalistic integrity, considering what Roughstock was once upon a time.
Jack Williams
December 22, 2017 @ 11:29 am
There is absolutely no shred of journalistic integrity in this piece.
I find it ironic that the “journalist” who makes this claim follows it up not with a factual argument, but with an ad hominem attack.
Earnest Calvin
December 23, 2017 @ 1:43 pm
I listened to “Dime Store” and have only one question. Are you defending this shit? Someone straight-facedly (I assume) peddles this mindlessness as country music and your outrage is saved for the person who blasts the purveyors? From the fake accent to the effected pronunciation, this may be one of the worst songs ever, no matter what label the marketers might have slapped on it.
December 22, 2017 @ 11:11 am
Ahhhh it’s Matt front Crapstock.com. I wonder when those Big Ten frat bro dudes/journalism school rejects from Whiskey Riff will be along to stick up for the corporate music cabal that’s been destroying country music for the last two decades!!
the pistolero
December 22, 2017 @ 11:28 am
Roughstock used to be great — and by that, I mean a lot more willing to call pop-country out for the bullshit it so often was, as opposed to the glorified PR website it seems to be now.
Scotty J
December 22, 2017 @ 12:19 pm
I didn’t even realize that site was still active.
the pistolero
December 22, 2017 @ 1:51 pm
Yup. Looks like they nuked a lot of their older content from the late ’90s and early 2000s.
Some of us still remember, though.
Tate Mclane
December 22, 2017 @ 1:24 pm
Trigger is dead on. I just listened to dollar store. Is this walker guy a fucking cartoon? Soul sucking hot China Town garbage.
December 22, 2017 @ 9:23 pm
What a hater!! no time for you!!
December 26, 2017 @ 3:07 am
Truthfully, Mr. Bjorke. How much money does the corporate music cabal pay you to defend this tripe? Defending such crappy music is not something that can be done out of free will.
Jack Williams
December 26, 2017 @ 8:13 am
You must be one of those “sycophantic fans who eat the nonsense” that Trigger constantly spews. 😉
December 27, 2017 @ 7:43 pm
No, I am a person that is sick of acts like Walker Hayes and morons like Matthew who defend them. Get freaking bent, Jack!!!
Jack Williams
December 28, 2017 @ 6:41 am
I agree with you and was being sarcastic.
December 31, 2017 @ 6:44 am
My apologies then.
Nancy Aberson
December 29, 2017 @ 9:54 am
” I wonder when those Big Ten frat bro dudes/journalism school rejects from Whiskey Riff will be along to stick up for the corporate music cabal that’s been destroying country music for the last two decades!!”
HA, this is the BEST!
January 17, 2018 @ 3:34 am
Trig, I like you and I like this site, always have, but I have to call you out on one thing. You are a writer and write for a living. This article was going well until you wrote “principals” rather than “principles.” It may sound nitpicky, but as a writer, to be taken seriously you can’t publish such an error, especially when the purpose of the article is someone else’s mistakes. Oh and yes the album is a shit sandwich.
February 11, 2018 @ 7:46 pm
Lucas Revens
September 11, 2018 @ 1:57 pm
HAHAHAHA!!! this has been some of the funniest shit I have read in a long time, almost want to listen to it today so I can fully understand the situation. I thought Luke Bryan was the worst but maybe not.. Darius Rucker (my opinion) has no soul. Anyone agree?
October 28, 2018 @ 1:00 pm
I’ve never heard of this dude, mostly because I stopped listening to country radio years ago. After listening to one minute of the embedded video for the “song” in the article, I can honestly say that this is the best possible article that could be written about this monstrosity. I’m glad I discovered real country artists a few years ago and I can skip listening to pure crap like this.
November 22, 2019 @ 9:15 am
This article is a piece of shit.
this article sucks
March 5, 2021 @ 9:26 am
This post is literally human garbage. If you think that Luke Bryan and Sam Hunt should have no other response different than yours than you are an idiot who clearly knows nothing of music. The main producer and co-songwriter of Walker Hayes material is named Shane McAnally (you can find this information under Walker’s artist profile on the SMACKSONGS website). Shane McAnally is none other than Mr. Country himself. He has been nominated for 8 grammys and has won 3 times for his contributions to country music. He is the mastermind behind the song “Body Like a Backroad” by Sam Hunt. This album by him and Walker Hayes is amazing in my book, and even if you don’t agree, that doesn’t mean you go and publish something that proves this world has awful horrible people in it who like to tear other people down. Just because this album is a country album and you’re a boomer and to you this doesn’t sound like country doesn’t mean it isn’t country. You want to know what pop was in the 60’s? The beatles. Do you think that the Jonas Brothers, Shawn Mendes, or Taylor Swift sound anything like the Beatles? Just because pop music has evolved doesn’t mean it isn’t pop music. Same thing with country music. You are the biggest idiot on the planet.
November 20, 2021 @ 9:02 am
This review was incredibly disrespectful to Walker Hayes and his family. His music isn’t the greatest, but that doesn’t given you the right to publish a review with so much disgusting language that it makes people cringe. You could have done this with so much more respect and dignity, but you chose to be a complete jerk about it. Have you ever heard of constructive criticism? If you have, you sure didn’t use it writing this review. You are the worst reviewer I have ever come across. Clean it up and practice some common courtesy for crying out loud!!
William Johnson
October 22, 2023 @ 7:32 pm
Ok so I just listened to it and pretty much the only really inappropriate song was mind candy yes he was talking about having sex with a 17 year old girl but it could’ve been a song about when he was a teenager too, he never said his age, and tbh I liked a majority of those songs, I’m not trying to shit on what y’all believe but I found nothing that is that bad yes mind candy but people have sex all the time and who knows how old he was in that song bc he never said an age, but nothing immoral unless u r Christian or catholic, but not everyone believes in that shit