Country Hall of Famer Naomi Judd Has Passed Away

Only a couple of weeks after making a reunion performance, only a few months before going on a final tour, and a day before being honored at the Hall of Fame medallion ceremony, Country Music Hall of Famer Naomi Judd of the famous mother/daughter duo The Judds has died. She passed away on Saturday, April 30th at the age of 76.
“Today we sisters experienced a tragedy. We lost our beautiful mother to the disease of mental illness,” a statement from Naomi’s famous daughters of Wynonna and Ashley read. “We are shattered. We are navigating profound grief and know that as we loved her, she was loved by her public. We are in unknown territory.”
RELATED: Naomi Judd Was Open About Mental Illness, Thoughts of Suicide
Naomi Judd was the matriarch of one of the most successful and influential duos in country music history, even if their commercial career was brief. Though they reunited for recordings and reunion shows many times over the years, The Judds with Naomi’s daughter Wynonna were only active for eight years full time between 1983 and 1991.
However, during that time, the two red heads from Ashland, Kentucky amassed 14 No. 1 hits, 25 total charting singles, seven consecutive Top Vocal Duo awards from the ACMs between 1984 and 1990, six consecutive vocal duo or group awards from the CMAs between 1985 and 1991, two other CMA Awards including Single of the Year for “Why Not Me” and the 1984 Horizon Award (Best New Artist), and five Grammy Awards.
Two of The Judds records went 2X Platinum, four others went Platinum, and four more Gold. This was the type of success that helped define 80’s country through the music of The Judds. One of their 2X Platinum albums was their debut on RCA/Curb, Why Not Me issued in 1984. The duo signed the deal after struggling for years to get noticed. From there it was off to the races, with nearly a decade of unparalleled success in the duo space until Naomi was diagnosed with Hepatitis C in 1991, and ceased touring full-time.
Personal differences and creative conflicts had also crept into The Judds project, but the duo would still occasionally record and tour throughout the years, becoming synonymous with country music into the 90’s. Wynonna also started a successful solo career, and still tours and records today. Naomi’s other daughter Ashley Judd is also a household name as a successful and prolific actress.
The Judds were both popular and traditional, with songs like “Why Not Me” and “Grandpa (Tell Me ‘Bout the Good ‘Ol Days)” making fans both young and old. The Judds primary run ended just as the “Class of ’89” with Garth Brooks, Alan Jackson, Clint Black, and Travis Tritt was taking shape, giving them a good exit as opposed to trying to chase trends with country’s new crop of superstars.
In August of 2021, The Judds were named as the latest inductees into the Country Music Hall of Fame. They were scheduled to be formally inducted on Sunday, May 1st—the day after Naomi Judd died. They had just appeared as part of a reunion performance on April 11th at the CMT Awards, and had announced a final tour with Martina McBride set to commence in the fall.
Born Diana Ellen Judd on January 11, 1946 in Ashland, Kentucky, as Naomi Judd struggled to raise her daughters as a single mother who gave birth to her first child at the age of 17. Her life became like a sad country song after surviving domestic abuse and rape. She ultimately put all of her struggles into the passion and inspiration behind The Judds, which left a legendary mark on the music that is only fair to characterize as Hall of Fame worthy.
April 30, 2022 @ 2:05 pm
So sad. I’m afraid the news will only get sadder. RIP, Naiomi.
April 30, 2022 @ 4:41 pm
Loved their singing together! So Sorry to hear about Naiomi. I’m shocked! ????????????For her family. So Sad!
April 30, 2022 @ 6:40 pm
Naomi is now at peace . She has struggled for many years dealing with issues and emotions that she could no longer handle. God has taken her pain away and lifted her spirit to live in eternity. Condolences to her daughters and family that they may find the strength to move forward and remember how much she was loved and put her music in our hearts to enjoy for our lifetime.
April 30, 2022 @ 6:56 pm
God Bless you and your family in this tragic time . She was a wonderful singer and entertainer. Just remember the good times may she Rest In Peace out of pain.
April 30, 2022 @ 7:30 pm
So Very Sorry for Your Loss. Prayers for Family and Friends for Now and the Days to come
April 30, 2022 @ 8:52 pm
I am so Happy to Hear The Judds will be inducted into the CM Hall of Fame, so shocked she has passed before that Happens.
My Prayers and Condolences for the Family.
God Bless you all. ????????????⚘????
May 1, 2022 @ 9:32 am
Naomi was loved by so many people. She was beautiful and a great singer. She will be missed.
May 1, 2022 @ 7:40 pm
God Bless her and family left behind. God takes us when it’s our time. It doesn’t matter how or why he just wants us HOME!..R.I.P.
May 1, 2022 @ 8:48 am
I’m just in shock. This is so sad. Just remember she’s in no more pain. Remember the good ole days and the way she smiled. Such a beautiful woman. She will be missed.
May 1, 2022 @ 3:32 pm
All these RIPS on here, I hate to say this but suicide is murdering yourself and that’s covered in the 10 commandments, remember those? I don’t believe for a minute that killing yourself put you in a better place. I feel for the family very much because that is the most selfish thing you can possibly ever do to people that love you. I’ve been through it and it’s horrible. It leaves you with so many questions and no answers among everything else it throws on you. So stop ignoring the real tragedy here, it’s not like she died of natural causes and the things she experienced in life, the bad things, I’ve been through the very same things, everyone of them, it’s hard but you have to have a backbone and pull yourself up. To have the great life she did should have definitely helped, just having a really good husband and my kids and grandkids made my life worth something. And I’m far from monetarily rich but I’m rich in other areas, the ones that matter.
May 1, 2022 @ 4:14 pm
You all are in my thoughts and prayers. It’s so very sad she was a very beautiful lady inside and out God bless you all.
May 1, 2022 @ 5:00 pm
Trish Ross Do you feel better now that you have judged Naomi and presumed to know the mind of God? Have you forgotten what John 3:16 says?? “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”
IT DOES NOT SAY.. Whoever keeps the commandments will have everlasting life!
You do not KNOW Naomi’s heart or the mind of God or what He has decided for Naomi! So rather then spread your religious legalistic jargon try having compassion for people who are hurting! “Love thy neighbor as I have loved you” Remember??
May 1, 2022 @ 5:00 pm
Trish, really?!? Yes we know its in the commandments, but not everybody is able to pick themselves up like you could no matter how much money you have!!! Let these folks morn and give their condolences as THEY wish. Thank you and may God continue to bless you in your life!!!
May 1, 2022 @ 5:05 pm
Trish Ross…In the almost 13 years since I lost my youngest son to suicide due to untreated depression, never have I read anything so sad as your perspective on suicide. Have you ever lost a loved one to cancer or heart disease? Would you tell them to to just tell the tumor to stop growing? Or the blockage to go away. Mental illness is no different. It is an illness, much like any other illness. The only difference…the stigma that surrounds it and the people who do not understand and want to make judgements…make it harder for people to ask for help. My God is a God of love, mercy and forgiveness. He knows the hearts of His children and He knows Naomi’s heart and her suffering. I have no doubt He welcomed her with open arms. For anyone who maybe struggling with mental illness, please know you are not alone. Your life matters and there is not one person who would be better off without you. 1.800.273.8255. Prayers for her family!
May 1, 2022 @ 5:28 pm
How cruel
May 1, 2022 @ 6:32 pm
Trish I hear what you are saying and no doubt you have been deeply hurt by your own experience and I sense a lot of anger between the lines. No doubt it is extremely painful to lose a loved one to suicide and it brings up all kinds of emotions and trauma. Speaking as someone who has dealt with mental illness for over 26 years I can also have compassion on the person who is in deeper suffering and in great torment and they desperately want the pain and torment to end. There are many mentally ill people out there who even when they reach for help can’t find a medication or treatment that helps them and those feelings of hopelessness take over that can push them past the point of no return. Unless you have experienced depression yourself to the full measure you can’t and won’t fully understand. God is a God of mercy and He sees the horrific pain and torment of those struggling to survive from mental illness and how helpless they are to be able to help themselves. He realizes when that person has reached the point where they are no longer rational in there thinking and He gives grace,compassion, love and mercy to His children because He knows their hearts and has the whole picture that we don’t.
May 1, 2022 @ 6:39 pm
I agree about the after affects of suicide on the loved ones left behind. If you haven’t experienced suicidal thoughts, you have No idea of the Pain the person is Suffering. Until you understand that, please be considerate and compassionate.
May 1, 2022 @ 7:23 pm
Your comments are unkind and inappropriate for this thread. It’s not about you! Don’t turn it into your story. Be kind or please be silent .
May 1, 2022 @ 7:35 pm
It saddens me when people think this is who God is. They don’t know Him at all, nor do they understand that the ten commandments are under the old law, and that with the new priest, Jesus Christ, the new law was His commandant to Love. We are not to judge, but Love!
How unfortunate that we can’t have empathy for a soul in so much pain that they simply can’t bear it any longer.
The Word says it is appointed a time for each of us to live and die. This was her appointed time.
Prayers for her family! ????????
May 1, 2022 @ 7:55 pm
it says she had thought of suicide, not that she comitted it. wow.
May 1, 2022 @ 8:05 pm
My prayers are with the family at this time. May you experience God’s peace.
May 1, 2022 @ 8:19 pm
Once you have accepted Jesus as your lord and savior your salvation is sealed it’s biblical and I’m not sure where you’re getting your info from but if it’s not in scriptures than you are deceiving yourself
May 1, 2022 @ 8:40 pm
Get over yourself. Depression is not something people can just brush off and suicide is not selfish. The pain gets to be too much for some people. It’s not like they don’t love their families. It’s that they struggle to love themselves. Have some empathy. Sometimes the devil wins the battle of the mind.
May 1, 2022 @ 8:54 pm
Trish Rose, shame on you Lady. For you to post that kind of a post you should truly be ashamed of yourself. I guarantee if you want to talk about the ten commandments lady I know for a fact that you have broken probably more but at least one of The commandments. Did you forget that we are all sinners. Did you forget that God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whoever shall believeth in him shall not perish but have everlasting life. By the way that is John 3:16. I sure hope that you don’t claim to be a Christian person. A Christian person would not judge another person. That is God’s job not yours. I am sure no one on here is interested in your nasty and hurtful words. Naomi Judd was a wonderful woman she was in a lot of mental pain And I am sure she is with the Lord now. And God bless her and her family. You seem to be making this about yourself . Just remember there is no difference in one sin then another sin. My deepest sympathies go out to her family. May God bless you all and please accept my condolences for your wonderful beautiful talented mother.
May 1, 2022 @ 10:24 pm
You don’t know what kind of life anyone has except yours
If you think money and fame can make you happy, you surely know better!
I am surprised an adult doesn’t know this!
No one needs your approval ….you don’t know what may have happened
Lord help me if I ever, ever shame those who have passed away!
You weren’t her, you don’t know and the daughters asked for privacy, this just caught my eye
No one knows what tragedy may be in their future, I wouldn’t be saying that if I were you, which I am glad I am not.
I don’t think you are very nice , I am sorry to say but shaming a person you don’t know who has passes away, whoa , I might say extra prayers tonight Miss
May 1, 2022 @ 10:57 pm
Trish Ross, since you’re quoting the Bible, don’t forget the part that says the same measure you use to judge others will be used on you.
If you think you’re helping anyone at all by climbing way up high onto that throne you use to judge other people, you aren’t.
People like you give Christianity a bad name. I pray you don’t find yourself in the same shoes one day. God have mercy on your soul.
May 1, 2022 @ 11:27 pm
Trish you are the one self centered self serving. What commands are you reading?? What about king David, Moses, Elijah all crazy in their own. BUT GOD. SET OUT to Redeem God chose the foolish things to CONFOUND THE WISE
Not quite sure how wise you are as YOU FORGET. JESUS OUR REDEEMER OUR SAVIOR DIED ONCE FOR ALL. and “many are called and FEW CHOSEN”. Naomi was. THE CALLED AND CHOSEN and she answered Kherson Father. Trish dear we don’t serve the same God you do not did Naomi. WE SERVE A GOD OF TRUE REDEMPTION TRUE PURE LOVE AND PROMISE. He knew He knows the hair on our heads. Naomi didn’t conform to where she was. She was tormented by Satan himself because he hated her because he feared her because Hera malignant vile scum who comes to ROB KILL AND DESTROY. no where in the WORDS OF THE MOSTHIGH GOD INSPIRED WORDS OF THE SPIRIT HIMSELF. does it say “oh by the way if ..”. I can’t finish that state ment. That woman LOVED the Lord. And she ran her race. She didn’t take her life it was stolen BUT GOD. SHE lives in Him and He lived thru her here. She wasn’t a “taker”. SHE WAS A GIVER OF LIFE! 2 amazing wonders
Go get born again and then a gay and stay OUT OF religious belief in a religion. JESUS IS NOT A RELIGION. HE IS THE REDEEMING LAMB OF GOD.
LEARN ABOUT HIM. He’s coo. You are not. WATCH WHAT YOU SAY. especially about Dad’s children. Good luck with that
May 2, 2022 @ 9:15 am
You are pure evil Trish Ross!
May 2, 2022 @ 10:06 am
As someone who not only lost their youngest brother to suicide, but also had the unenviable task of finding the remains and informing the rest of the family, I’d like to tell you, Trish Ross, to GTF off of this website and quit with bullshit takes like that.
People on this site disagree (and get nasty) about music taste, politics and current affairs, but your comments about mental illness and suicide are unwelcome here. Please crawl back into the hole from which you came.
May 2, 2022 @ 10:09 am
Trish, the Lord knows she was not in her right mind to take her own life. Our innate desire is to live and with everything in her being..she fought for it. God knows she was not mentally well and I disagree with you 100%. Give thanks to the Lord that you and your loved ones have not succumbed to such a loss.
May 2, 2022 @ 10:32 am
You are so very rude! No one will ever know what people are going through in their lives unless you are that person! Go to church and learn something!!!!!!
May 2, 2022 @ 11:25 am
The great thing about this forum is it reveal’s one’s character or lack of
May 2, 2022 @ 11:57 am
Trish Ross! Where and/how do I begin??? YOU ARE SELFISH, RUDE and the WORST kind of Christian! You pretend to have so much knowledge when it comes to scripture and doctrine…LADY! YOU ARE CLUELESS!!! HOW DARE YOU PRESUME TO KNOW A PERSON’S MIND AND HEART. SHORT STORY; Alittle over a year ago, my son and I found my husband, his father on the floor of our bedroom…he was already gone. Passed unexpectedly. We did CPR til first responders came, to no avail. My son already suffered from mental illness and emotional torture. 31 days later, my son had a complete mental break. I took him to his doctor that afternoon because I knew he was in trouble…3 hrs later he shot himself in the head, right in front of me. LET ME TELL YOU SOMETHING! THAT WAS NOT A SELFISH ACT!!! THAT WAS AN ACT OF DESPERATION! My son and I were as close as mother and son could be. He didn’t ever want to hurt me. He always tried to protect me. HE DID IT BECAUSE THE PAIN WAS SO ALL CONSUMING THAT HE COULDN’T PROCESS IT. NO SELFISHNESS INVOLVED. My heart was forever SHATTERED and I am shaking so bad I can barely send this message…the Lord loved my son. He loves him, he is with HIM now. You are EVIL. You may have Karma creeping at you right now. Lady, I pray that you never have anyone in your heart feel the pain that my son did. I was always taught at home and in church that my Father, is a kind,loving and forgiving father. My children were brought up the same. I have a feeling that your blessed and so perfect existence, is BS. SEVERE DEPRESSION IS NOT FEELING A LITTLE DOWN OVER SOME SLIGHT OR DISAPPOINTMENT!!!!! IT IS AN ILLNESS, JUST LIKE CANCER AND HEART DISEASE! ITS SOMETHING THAT LINGERS AND FESTERS AND OVERWHELMES!!! THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS ‘JUMPING BACK UP AND BRUSHING YOURSELF OFF’. Perhaps, you should get out of your little sheltered life and see how the real world lives. I can almost guarantee that someone in your family is suffering from severe mental illness. AND Because of your narrow-minded opinions and views they suffer in silence with it, like so many others. THEY WON’T GET THE HELP THEY NEED BECAUSE THE STIGMA YOU HAVE SURROUNDED IT. I’LL PRAY FOR YOU. YOU NEED IT MORE THAN THE JUDDS.
May 2, 2022 @ 2:35 pm
Sometimes you can be helped. Even with medication, treatments, etc. I’m sure Our Dear Lord looks at each of us a individuals in our own circumstances and then we are judged. This is also quite upsetting to tell two women who just lost their Mother.
May 2, 2022 @ 4:39 pm
I am sorry for the familys loss and yours….To me a person with mental illness who choses to take their own life are not thinking clearly and God will judge not us. We serve a compassionate and forgiving God and I do not think she has anything to be forgiven for….she was not in her right frame of mind.God give the family His Divine Peace and Comfort that only comes from Him…
May 3, 2022 @ 2:23 am
Mental illness is a Disease!!! People with mental illness feel hopeless even when some people reach out for help they don’t always get the help they need. My mother struggled with mental illness her whole life was in and out of the hospital for mental health issues. My parents were married 40 Plus years my dad said his goal in life was to out live my mother to take care of her. She eventually died of a massive heart attack which broke my dads heart ???? My dad also struggled with his own demons he served 3 tours in Vietnam and had issues from agent orange. He had PTSD never slept because he would have nightmares when he went into a deep sleep . Three years after my mother passed my Dad committed suicide ???? at first I was so mad at him . But I don’t have that Right he was sick mental illness is a disease he had help and it didn’t work so please understand people in there right minds would never commit suicide but they are sick.
May 3, 2022 @ 8:43 pm
No one knows how deep another’s pain can be. I’m reading her book and her mental illness consumed her. I don’t claim to know what she felt, but I do know that depression and anxiety can become impossible to bear. If you’ve never lived thru them it’s easy to underestimate their power over you. God rest her tortured soul.
May 4, 2022 @ 1:24 pm
Hate to tell you this she was a christian woman and committing suicide isn’t going to keep a person out of heaven. Grieving the Holy Spirit is the only unforgivable sin and that means to totally forever turning your back on God. So after all Naomi is in a much better place then here.
May 2, 2022 @ 2:38 pm
I agree with your comment entirely. As a mental health therapist, my heart goes out to the family, yet I truly believe Naomi is now resting in peace with pure love and happiness! I’m sending virtual hugs to her daughters to stay strong! It’s a very challenging and heartbreaking time. I too loved the Judds.
May 3, 2022 @ 11:35 pm
I am so truly sorry to hear of a great person to pass from mental illness . She was a true artist . I loved her and her daughter and thier songs. May Niomi rest and be relieved from all the horrible things that happened in her life as a child and young lady. I pray for peace love and gods grace to watch over her girls and husband. May the many beautiful memories of Your beautiful mother and wife be with you during this horrific time. God bless you and your loved ones. Love from a Canadian music lover !
April 30, 2022 @ 10:58 pm
Rip Dear Lady
May 2, 2022 @ 2:38 pm
I agree with your comment entirely. As a mental health therapist, my heart goes out to the family, yet I truly believe Naomi is now resting in peace with pure love and happiness! I’m sending virtual hugs to her daughters to stay strong! It’s a very challenging and heartbreaking time. I too loved the Judds.
May 1, 2022 @ 3:41 pm
Totally shocked and heartbroken for all of them. Rip dear sweet lady. God is with her and she is free from pain… God bless her.
April 30, 2022 @ 6:30 pm
Prayers for her family and friends ????❤️
April 30, 2022 @ 7:24 pm
So sad is mental illness. It comes in like a dark spirit that inflicts it’s horrid wrath on no none target. Taking prisoners as if it had no soul, without a care in the world. Yet only few can escape the long dark days of turmoil and constant punishment. No light is seen until the last breath has drawn.
April 30, 2022 @ 7:49 pm
I know God has her now and she is at peace I pray ???? that you can find peace in knowing she is at peace
May 1, 2022 @ 12:33 pm
I’m so sorry she was a beautiful lady and wonderful singer,we lover her dearly. ❤
She will be deeply missed. ???? ????
May 1, 2022 @ 3:47 pm
I heard sad news.Naomi Judd worked as a nurse.She made low income. I am retired nurse now.Every nurse has mental problems. I know now and applaud the families of all nurses.
May 1, 2022 @ 11:04 am
My deepest condolences to the family, may god give them peace and comfort.
May 1, 2022 @ 11:23 am
So Very Sorry to hear of your Mom’s passing! May the Lord give you Strength, Peace and Comfort!!
May 1, 2022 @ 4:32 pm
Loved your music!
GOD has the last decision…May GOD Bless
May 1, 2022 @ 6:45 pm
I am so sorry for your loss. Mental illness is real and a terrible cruel scary illness. I pray that God gives you peace and that He comforts you as only He can. I believe your mother is holding His hand and singing and praising Him all day long!!! Find strength in that and know that with God in our lives we will all be with our loved ones again when we leave this Earth. May God bless you all and hold you tight. Sweet Naomi we will never forget you or your music. Thank you so much for blessing us with it. RIH
May 1, 2022 @ 2:36 pm
I’m at a loss for words, loved her music,.
She is/ was a beautiful lady
May 3, 2022 @ 9:08 pm
I have listened to her and Wynnona Judd for over 20 years… I loved her voice I voiced how she had a spunky side…. I loved watching her perform and dance on stage she was an awesome country music singer tragically she was sick my heart goes out to her family her husband her two daughters I understand mental health I worked in it for 7 years I am truly sorry that you have gone too soon such a beautiful soul and a great singer I pray for comfort and peace for your two daughters your husband your family your friends you country music artist / friends and your fans who will truly miss you you will truly be missed Naomi Judd may you rest in Eternal peace and I hope you are singing with angels in God’s arms and watching over your family friends and fans. My heart goes out to you two daughters I pray for comfort peace and happiness in the days of the months the years to come may you continue on Winona Judd because I know your mom will be watching over you and would be so proud of what you will accomplish in the coming years and even decades you’re a great singer I had the pleasure of seeing you and the Philips arena in Atlanta Georgia great performer just wish I would have had the opportunity to see your mom but I know you will do great things and I pray that prayer as you prayed as we walk through the shadow of death we will feel no evil for my God will be with you nothing still condolence to you may your mom rest in peace!!!????????????????????????????❤️❤️❤️❤️
April 30, 2022 @ 2:08 pm
This is just so heartbreaking. Mental illness is a battle that so many face. May she rest in peace.
April 30, 2022 @ 6:04 pm
Ms. Judd was sick for a long time. This was no secret. In her autobiography she discussed her mental breakdowns in detail. Bless her. She is in God’s hands now. She is singing for Our Lord now.
May 1, 2022 @ 4:12 am
Rest In Peace
April 30, 2022 @ 2:08 pm
This one hurts.
May 1, 2022 @ 8:46 am
Naomi Judd will be missed.
Happy to hear being apart of
The Judds/ Duo her and her daughter
Wynonna Judd was inducted into
The Country Music Hall Of Fame
recently and both was suppose to
accept the Award tonight – Sunday
May 1st, 2022..♥️
Knowing today her 2 daughters
and so many country artist / fans
are truly sad and heartbroken to
hear of Naomi Judd’s passing
away yesterday – Saturday
April 30,2022. ????????????
If ever there would be a beautiful
Angel with a beautiful voice to sing
in Heaven it certainly would be
Naomi Judd. ♥️
RIP ♥️
Always know you will forever be
missed and forever be remembered
in our hearts Naomi Judd! ♥️
May 1, 2022 @ 10:35 am
Yes, this one I cried.
May 1, 2022 @ 2:44 pm
I can’t tell you how much sadness this brings. I’m so sorry. May God comfort you. I’ve seen Wynonna several times…excellent.
My heart breaks ????
April 30, 2022 @ 2:09 pm
The announcement reads like she comitted suicide.
April 30, 2022 @ 2:27 pm
Take this from Twitter as news source, (thus with grain of salt) many reports have it she had treatment-resistant depression and shot herself.
Treatment-resistant depression is the worst, I knew someone who had it and my friend ended up committing suicide also.
April 30, 2022 @ 2:30 pm
Yeah, that might’ve been what happened.
April 30, 2022 @ 7:57 pm
Yes she did commit suicide sadly
April 30, 2022 @ 10:05 pm
Great loss for Country fans. We were mesmerized by the sweet songs the Judds brought. RiP.
May 1, 2022 @ 3:05 pm
No words.????????????
May 1, 2022 @ 11:59 am
Depression is real, it’s a fight everyday. You just want the pain gone..
Prayers to her family
May 1, 2022 @ 2:22 pm
Yes, it does. The announcement made by the daughters made it sound that way and her obituary made it sound that way. Only her husband had the sense to just say she passed and the family ask for privacy. For all Naomi gave us in entertainment and sharing her talent, I think the daughters need to stop acting like they always do, selfish brats chasing the limelight and we should allow her husband to grieve in privacy and peace. The daughters would be nowhere today if it hadn’t been for their mother and they need to shut up! As hard as it is for them to accept, it’s not about them.
April 30, 2022 @ 2:11 pm
Beyond stunned over this. That comment “lost … to the disease of mental illness” is particularly ominous and upsetting. Prayers for the family and certainly for Naomi as well.
April 30, 2022 @ 9:55 pm
That’s what I was wondering
April 30, 2022 @ 2:14 pm
Wasn’t Pauline her mother and Naomi’s birth name was actually Diana?
April 30, 2022 @ 2:20 pm
Yes, this is correct and the article was corrected. This is a developing story, and so stuff is being added/changed/amended as the information is coming in. Sorry for any confusion.
April 30, 2022 @ 9:52 pm
Did she kill herself?
April 30, 2022 @ 10:14 pm
At the time of this comment Saturday evening, I cannot confirm that Naomi Judd’s death is a suicide. We can assume as much from the statement from the family and Naomi’s past issues with mental heath, but until we have confirmation, I cannot and will not report that she killed herself.
May 1, 2022 @ 6:37 am
Rip Naomi may you rest in peace. ❤️ Prayers for your family. I always loved listening to your music. A fan of yours.
May 1, 2022 @ 8:48 am
What Ever The Cause Of Death It Is A Loss To The County Music World R I P … You Are With GOD Now
April 30, 2022 @ 9:32 pm
April 30, 2022 @ 10:07 pm
Great loss for Country fans. We were mesmerized by the sweet songs the Judds brought. RiP.
May 1, 2022 @ 2:20 pm
Her first name was Diana, not Naiomi!
May 1, 2022 @ 9:18 pm
It’s spelled Naomi. If you’re going to be a tool and correct people, at least make sure you spell correctly in your own post.
April 30, 2022 @ 2:22 pm
RIP Naomi Judd. My first album (cassette) was The Judds, “Rockin’ With The Rhythm.” I never saw The Judds in concert, by 17 yo old me danced on stage with Wynonna in Wheeling, WV.
April 30, 2022 @ 6:58 pm
So very sorry to read of her passing, My prayers and thoughts go out to her family,
April 30, 2022 @ 2:28 pm
Very sad.
April 30, 2022 @ 2:34 pm
“This story is developing.” The family statement certainly raises some questions.
April 30, 2022 @ 5:50 pm
You n we all know it’s sad without knowing details or asking questions. So grow up n pray for the family like most.
April 30, 2022 @ 6:55 pm
May 1, 2022 @ 6:47 am
You’re PITIFUL and I feel so sorry for you!????????
April 30, 2022 @ 10:08 pm
The condescending voice of reason has spoken. Way to go V.D. !
May 2, 2022 @ 10:55 am
& Exactly…What Is The Meaning of Your Post? Praying Hands equal the trash bin?
April 30, 2022 @ 2:45 pm
I really fear the stress and impact of being back in the limelight in a big way recently – induction to the Hall of Fame, first tour in ages, tv appearances – may have been too much for her. Imagine being on that CMT show with all these boring, no talent and certainly non-country people taking over a genre that Naomi loved so much and contributed to so much to, all the people from her generation gone or basically banned from the current marketplace, that would have been traumatic for even someone not dealing with mental health issues.
April 30, 2022 @ 3:41 pm
Note about clinical depression though: outside factors are pretty much irrelevant. Depression is not sadness.
Sadness = your dog died so you are sad. (Or, in your example, your appearance at an awards show was upsetting and you are sad.)
Depression= not enough serotonin is getting to your brain, there is something physically wrong with your neurotransmitters. So you are depressed, no matter what is going on. Most people in this situation can be helped by anti-depressant drugs, but for some, none of the drugs work. That treatment-resistant group has a high suicide rate because they just can’t deal with going through life feeling like this with no hope.
So, I really doubt the CMT awards sent her over the edge…
April 30, 2022 @ 5:51 pm
Just rewatched CMTS and she wasn’t happy, barely singing
April 30, 2022 @ 11:14 pm
She had that “I don’t know where I am” dementia look! It was very sad!
May 1, 2022 @ 5:10 pm
Know that she is no further away from her family than she is from God. And God is very Close. Faith will always keep us strong ????????.
May 1, 2022 @ 2:20 pm
Her first name was Diana, not Naiomi!
May 1, 2022 @ 3:48 pm
A sad,uncertain time for Naomi’s family.I had the absolute pleasure of witnessing their talent from the 3rd row a while ago.Wow! These ladies will have to move on ,holding their mother in their hearts, and remember to do what she would want them to do with their lives. I do not believe it is fair to judge anyone’s decisions.We must respect that she was done on this earth and was terribly proud of her daughters.❤❤
April 30, 2022 @ 10:33 pm
The two of you. Amazing! God needed her to sing and soar with the Angels ???? in Heaven. She will be in peace, with no pain. My prayers ???? are with you and your Family. May you always be blessed. Thank you for the MUSIC, LAUGHTER, most of all the Beautiful of your Smiles and kindness of your Souls. We shall meet in a Heaven, One fine day. The good Lord tells us so . Until then, Keep yor Head held high,Remain Positive. For your Journey on Earth is not Finished. Love and Peace!
May 1, 2022 @ 1:14 pm
Prayers to you and your family.
April 30, 2022 @ 2:47 pm
so very sad
April 30, 2022 @ 2:53 pm
Prayers for Winona, Ashley and their family????
April 30, 2022 @ 3:18 pm
Thank You For The Music.
April 30, 2022 @ 3:27 pm
“Though they reunited for recordings and reunion shows many times over the years, The Judds with Naomi’s daughter Wynonna were only active for eight years full time between 1983 and 1991.”
That’s the way it generally is with duos and family groups. The Louvin Brothers, the Everly Brothers, the Righteous Brothers, Simon & Garfunkel, the Jackson 5. They usually break up, go their separate ways, and maybe get together for occasional reunions.
Wynonna played the naive child in the Judds, and the time had to come for her to go solo as a grown-up
April 30, 2022 @ 3:51 pm
In the second-to-last paragraph, you mention that May 1st was the day before she passed away. I think you meant the day after.
April 30, 2022 @ 4:20 pm
So very sad today for this news! My heart goes out to Wynonna and Ashley❤
The pain of losing your Mother is an unbearable grief! Many thoughts and prayers for you sisters and family. May she Rest In Peace!
Feel blessed to have seen them on stage together in the early part of the 90s in California ❤
April 30, 2022 @ 4:23 pm
You know what “profound” grief is?
Profound grief is when the Last thing you are thinking when a parent or loved one dies is that the very same day you CAN’T WAIT to hit social media, to tell the world about your grief.
Show some decorum!
April 30, 2022 @ 5:28 pm
Yes you are right, unless your mother is famous with millions of fans. The family in that case makes a statement before the story comes out from strangers. I really don’t think that makes their grief less profound. So why don’t you show some decorum and not try to speak for other people.
April 30, 2022 @ 9:41 pm
How long do you have pain after filling three teeth
April 30, 2022 @ 6:20 pm
Being inducted into the Hall of Fame tomorrow and no-showing might require some explanation.
April 30, 2022 @ 4:32 pm
A real duo and not the phony kind.
April 30, 2022 @ 4:46 pm
My very first concert was in Tahoe at what was Caesar’s with the (then) up-and-coming Judds were playing. My Dad slipped the guy seating tables some money and he sat my younger brother and I directly up in front of the stage and Naomi “flirted” with the two of us throughout the whole show and stole two picks from Wynona and gave them to us right before the encore. I’ve seen them or just Wynonna play a half-dozen times live since and it always takes me back to that first magical moment where I fell in love with live music. 40,000 songs on my iPod, 1,000 vinyl albums and 3,000 CD’s later, I can say with full certainty that without Naomi Judd, my love of music wouldn’t have been the same. She lit the fuse that started my passion for country music. I am forever grateful.
April 30, 2022 @ 5:40 pm
Thanks for sharing Ken.
April 30, 2022 @ 8:30 pm
Niomi & Ashley, if I could Comfort in anyway at all talking, writing meeting I promise I may help. I’ m 64 yrs young. And have been all around me since 9 yrs. Old to present.just text or E-mail me. Just me you Mama’s babies girls she out of pain now. She is with Jesus & God the father for a bigger calling. ” I Promise you.i’ve felt my whole life to write book or now cards perhaps Hallmark ect.. she is not gone, Always will be with you & us all.with much Love to you & much comfort to you & yous.
April 30, 2022 @ 5:33 pm
So sorry to hear about your thoughts and prayers go out to your family.
April 30, 2022 @ 5:45 pm
I’m so sorry for your loss it is so sad ????
April 30, 2022 @ 6:02 pm
Such a sad situation! Praying for peace and comfort for her family. Naomi’s husband, Larry Strickland, was a member of J.D. Sumner’s famous Stamps Quartet and sang backup with Elvis in the 1970s. A great talent in his own right!
April 30, 2022 @ 6:08 pm
A remarkable family
April 30, 2022 @ 6:36 pm
Cannot believe that Donna f would waste her time watching the cats a second time. Rip naomi
April 30, 2022 @ 6:36 pm
April 30, 2022 @ 6:37 pm
The loss of sweet
Naomi saddens me greatly. One beautiful lady. My heart breaks for her daughters and for Larry. May God bless all of you. May each of Naomi’s fans always remember her with much love.
April 30, 2022 @ 6:38 pm
It is very sad, I truly believe that Naomi and her daughters had a special bond. I know they are so heartbroken. Rest in peace Naomi
April 30, 2022 @ 7:00 pm
I am heart wrenched for your family. Mental Health is finally being recognized today, but STILL not enough. I have had my Dad, Best friend and friends of my adult Childrens friends. And also someone else I used to be close to. ” My heart knows what your going threw, I’m So very Very Sorry for your loss. Prayers & Comfort are being sent to you all.
April 30, 2022 @ 7:07 pm
I’m sorry I am burying son-in-law Monday for the same reasons and have battled the same notions as well for a very long time …the pain is unbearable on both sides of this and no end in site …so I’m very sorry to hear this but understand it
May 1, 2022 @ 9:40 am
Sorry for your loss, Brenda and family.
May 1, 2022 @ 9:23 pm
Brenda, so sorry for your pain. May God comfort and hold you. Cling tightly to the Lord. He WILL see you through.
April 30, 2022 @ 7:08 pm
I seen the judds in the early 80s at a honky tonk in named dukes in Tulsa Oklahoma. Was able to get right up to the stage an dance to their music. She will truly be missed by her fans. Prayers go to her family.
April 30, 2022 @ 7:20 pm
So I truly feel bad for the family…but (here it comes)… anyone who has any knowledge of Naomi’s personality, disposition, attitude, etc etc…knows that she was, in addition to her other mental illness (es), a grade A narcissist. She couldn’t stand anyone having a bigger spotlight than her. Of the various examples of this detailed in well documented stories of the Judd’s career, this is firsthand: I was listening to a recent interview with Larry Strickland on a southern gospel podcast, probably lasted 70-80 minutes. The interviewer talked to Larry for about 10 or 15 minutes before Naomi came into the room where Larry was on the call, and she completely dominated the conversation for the remainder. Larry wasn’t heard from until the “hey this was great, thanks for the opportunity” sign off. Isolated and unusual? Nope, not when you hear the real road stories of the Judd’s. So is this one last attempt to steal the show, literally, the Hall of Fame show? No one is going to remember any part of Eddie Bayers, Pete Drake or Ray Charles induction acceptance speeches. It will be a defacto first memorial for Naomi. Not trying to diminish what the Judd’s accomplished, just giving some food for thought, regardless of the comments that I know are already brewing. Have at me!
April 30, 2022 @ 7:31 pm
Bitter much?
April 30, 2022 @ 7:51 pm
The comment that I brewed is that all of this might be true, but in my opinion this is not really the time or place to broach such stuff. It’s an open comments section though, and you have a right to say whatever you want to. Mental health manifests itself in many different adverse ways, episodic narcissism certainly being one of them.
April 30, 2022 @ 8:03 pm
Precisely why Saving Country Music is so desperately needed. It preserves free speech. To your point about time and place, I won’t argue that my timing isn’t optimal, but neither was Naomi’s, though that’s part of episodic narcissism. But place? I would say this most certainly is the place, and you’ve mercifully continued to make it the place for Town square discussion, even uncomfortable or unwelcome opinions like mine.
April 30, 2022 @ 10:12 pm
Mingus Union HS Maurader, Cottonwood, AZ?
May 1, 2022 @ 2:54 am
Not even close.
April 30, 2022 @ 7:31 pm
So sad to hear about Naomi Judd soo beautiful. Just saw her on the country music awards and she is still so beautiful. So sad they were going to be inducted tomorrow. But she will be there.i didn’t realize she suffered with mental illness. She did a wonderful job and raised 2 beautiful women ❤. So sorry for your loss.
April 30, 2022 @ 7:58 pm
This is horrible! Girls, this is not your fault. I am so very sorry. God bless you all. Xxox Holly
April 30, 2022 @ 7:59 pm
She was an awesome singer and a mother she will be missed
April 30, 2022 @ 8:04 pm
May you rest peace you and your daughter made me feel good your music will live on
April 30, 2022 @ 8:25 pm
It is so sad when a musician dies for whatever reason I feel sorry for the family mental illness is nothing to joke about that’s why we should always be checking on in on our loved ones to see how everybody’s doing see the red flags of something going on with somebody else a lot of people suffer in silence their are too ashamed to come forward and say I need help because it’s the stigmatism of mental illness. A lot of people choose not to get help & would rather die than to go through treatment which is really even more sad people need to start talking more about mental illness how to break the barriers of stigma because it’s no laughing matter mental illness does not discriminate anyone can get something it’s like coughing on someone and getting a cold mental illness is not contagious but it doesn’t discriminate anyone can develop mental health problems whether they’re young or old we need to start talking about it more often instead of sweeping it under the rug and pretending that doesn’t exist and people need to start educating themselves online about different kinds of mental illnesses that are in this world today because they don’t know who in your family has mental health issues it’s nothing to make a mockery out of it’s nothing to be ashamed of and it’s not a joke about those who make fun of somebody else are surprised when they find out that somebody in their families had mental issues rip Naomi Judd she’s with our Lord now resting in peace my deepest condolences to the Judd family ????????♥️.
April 30, 2022 @ 8:38 pm
Such a shock prayers for the entire family during this difficult time I know Naomi is in heaven dancing with god and the other angels she was such a lady
April 30, 2022 @ 11:46 pm
Oh my when I was told about this I cried. I have been to many of the Judds concerts. I have watched and listened for about 25 years or more. I have all albums. This made me so very very sad. Thos family has been through so much. I love them all. I was really looking fwd to the new concert. O
May 1, 2022 @ 12:35 am
So sorry to hear this. Naomi is a beautiful lady and a great singer and entertainer. My heart is broken. My prayers go out to Wynonna and Ashley. I love all of yall so much.
May 1, 2022 @ 12:35 am
Living in a country where country radio is non-existent, The Judds hits were one of the few country songs that received some airplay and became hits. Rest in Power, Naomi!
May 1, 2022 @ 2:45 am
Loved the Judds and they are why I started listening to country music full time.
I find the comments of short time and only 8 years to be unnecessary. A bit rude.
May 1, 2022 @ 7:28 am
The “8 year” comment was to remark on how remarkable it was how they accomplished so much in such a short time period. Obviously, the footprint of The Judds went far beyond eight year. But it’s factually true that as a proper duo touring and in the studio, it was an eight year run, following by occasional reunions.
May 1, 2022 @ 3:03 am
R.I.P. Naomi. The Judds may have been the first artists that I heard in my early youth in the early 90s… Grandpa (tell me about the good ole days) is not just my favorite Judds song but it’s one of my favorite country songs of all time. The last 20 years have been heartbreaking for me, I started listening to classic country when I was around 12 at that time The Judds we’re still relevant enough not to be considered classic country even though they had been splitted for a few years by then but it’s been heartbreaking watching the true country artists pass away Waylon, Paycheck, Cash & June, Buck, I can keep naming them off. Naomi will be missed just like the ones I just mentioned & the many others that I haven’t but even though they are gone they will always live on through their music & it’s important that we as fans pass our love of this great music down to the younger generation. My heart weeps today. ????????
May 1, 2022 @ 3:15 am
To her daughter’s ND whole family, so sorry for your loss of your mother and all those who knew her! May she Rest In Peace ????
May 1, 2022 @ 3:16 am
May she Rest In Peace ????
May 1, 2022 @ 5:57 am
Hope the M.E. and authorities do their due diligence in investigating this death.
May 1, 2022 @ 9:07 am
True or false bringing this up at this time says more about you than her. If she craved the spotlight so much why did she step out of it for so long? The work she did to help bring awareness to this terrible disease far outweighs any petty attitude issues you perceive. I have to believe her efforts saved many lives by just demonstrating that it can happen to anyone.
May 1, 2022 @ 9:44 am
You have our Deepest Sympathy
May she rest in Heavenly Peace
Praying for comfort????????????
May 1, 2022 @ 10:11 am
God bless you Wynona & Ashley! I am so very sorry for deep loss! May you find peace & comfort in the wonderful memories with your Mother! Please know that you are both loved & prayed for by so many people. ???? Rest in peace Angel Naomi! ????
May 1, 2022 @ 10:57 am
I am at a loss for words. My heart is ????broken for u ladies left on earth. You will see your Mom again.
RIP beautiful Mother. Sending prayers for the family
May 1, 2022 @ 11:58 am
Very sorry for the loss a great loss to country. Musice may God be with you and your family she will be highly missed such a beautiful lady she was very good friends withy aunt Margaret Adkins of Ashland KY
May 1, 2022 @ 12:14 pm
May 1, 2022 @ 1:34 pm
Yvonne and Ashley, so sorry to here about brokyour mom’s passing. We are all ( the fans) broken ???? hearted over her loss.we al loved her so much. She is going to be greatly missed. So sorry for you girl too. My God give you great peace at this time. Love and prayers to you both, Sharon, a devoted fan❤
May 1, 2022 @ 1:44 pm
So shocked & saddened. My condolences to her loving family & friends.
Valerie Rowe
May 1, 2022 @ 1:53 pm
I can only imagine the pain your family is feeling.Thank you for talking about mental illness. Our prayers and thoughts are with you.Take one day at a time sweet daughters.
May 1, 2022 @ 2:18 pm
This may not be the place for this but I feeI the Need to Share. have seen quite a few messages about Mental Health,Depression and Treatment Resistant Depression,life isnt Fair and there are things that happen to Humans that are beyond anyones control.take myself for instance for years I struggled with my Idenity,In 2002,2003 My worldas I knew it turned Upupsidedown,inside out and backwards as I lost both parents and my spouseall within 14 months.on top of that I lost custody of my 3 boys and would. not see them for 17 years. Shortly after I came out as Transgender,I waa diagnosed with Depression,in 2004 was my first suicide attempt,in 2005 was my second attempt,then I was Diagnosed with Major Clinicak Deppression and Suicidal Idealations. I was put on Medication Then I was ok for a whileuntil 2013 when I attempted suicide for a 3rd was determined that the medication had stopped working,so, my Doctora and I tried numerous medications in some I had adverse reactionsto some and others just didnt work,so Then I was diagnosed with Treatmment Resisatant Depression with anxiety we finally found a mwdication that works,However I was hospitalized again in 2015 with Suicidal Idealations. My doctors increased the dosage of the medication which a Narcarotic. I haven’tbeen hospitalized since.however I can tell the difference between not having rhe Medication and having it. Even though I have the Medication At least 2-3 days of the Week are a struggle. With that said Depression is a Daily struggle .Nobody knows what is inaide a person except themselves, I completed my Transisition in 2018 I am Heartbroken over Naomi’s Death.
May 1, 2022 @ 5:13 pm
I am astounded by some of the comments I am reading.What difference does it make how Naomi Judd died? Eventually everyone will know. For the time being, show some respect and empathy toward her family.
I am not a fan of country music, but I do appreciate talent, and talent is what Naomi had. So, when I read about
one writer writing about suicide and 10 commandments…how about…judge not, lest thee be judged! Furthermore, letting everybody know how hard your life has been, does not belong here at this time. If you were trying to solicit sympathy, you fell short. And finally, to the person who so spiteful speculated that Naomis death might have been the result of her alleged narcissism, remember, words can inflict great pain!
The country music world has lost one of it’s best! Rest in peace Naomi! To her family and friends, may your sorrow be gentle and your memories be bountiful! Blessed be!
May 1, 2022 @ 5:43 pm
I was so sorry to hear of the passing of
Naomi Judd! She was a lovely lady inside & out To the Judd Family so sorry for your loss! God Bless you all & may your beautiful Mother Rest In Peace! ????❤️
May 1, 2022 @ 6:49 pm
I am deeply sorry about the loss of your mother. There was nothing you could have done. I know because I lost the most wonderful man, my father to mental illness.
May 1, 2022 @ 7:18 pm
Trish, shame on you.I was taught if you can’t say something nice about someone don’t say nothing at all. Did you know her & how she felt. Send regards to the family – they loved her & will miss her.God Bless them & you!
May 1, 2022 @ 7:42 pm
People who commit suicide are not in their right mind and should not be judged, nor should we judge anyone. I sure hope her family does not see the negative comments as it would rip their already broken hearts out!
May 1, 2022 @ 9:32 pm
Right now no one here knows for sure if Naomi committed suicide, it doesn’t matter either way. I used to be a friend with a lawyer who was an ex Catholic Priest. We talked about depression and suicide, and he said a loving God would never hold a mentally ill person, who is not in their right mind, responsible for committing suicide. Anyone who thinks differently needs to study the scriptures a lot closer, perhaps with someone who knows them inside and out.
RIP Naomi
May 1, 2022 @ 9:39 pm
Prayers sent for the family I love Naomi and the Judd’s my heart goes out to y’all cause I lost my mama on the 8th of April of2014 I miss her so much.alwsys a friend Kathy
May 2, 2022 @ 12:41 am
If there’s one thing I knew about the Judds it was that Naomi and Wynona found peace in their faith in God. They were believers and Wynona still is. Naomi passed into the next life because it was her time to go. If Jesus showed up and told me I could either go with Him now, or go to a ceremony tomorrow night, I would already be flying with Jesus. She was inducted into the hall of fame anyway, and that’s a good legacy.
May 2, 2022 @ 2:46 am
Mental illness is much bigger than so many perceive. My family’s heartfelt prayers for all the Judd ‘s family . Prayers to all
May 2, 2022 @ 2:54 am
May God bless the Judd’s family
May 2, 2022 @ 11:53 am
My heart goes out to her family.. Prayers up, and wishes of peace for each and every one of them <3
May 2, 2022 @ 1:41 pm
Pray for the family…pray for peace and comfort.we lost a beautiful soul in the world of music
May 3, 2022 @ 1:48 am
Her death was ruled a suicide…????…that just makes this more heartbreaking.
May 3, 2022 @ 7:46 am
for the record, her death has NOT been ruled a suicide at this point. I have been in contact with the local officials, and they have not made that distinction. There is one outlet—People Magazine—reporting that information, and they are doing it off of unnamed sources, and the family and their reps is NOT confirming that information. It still may ultimately be true, but I won’t report this until I hear it from a named, official source such as a family member or public official.
May 3, 2022 @ 4:21 pm
So very sad…I’m going to remember the beauty she shared with us. She tried as long as she could. Forgive her, if you’re disappointed. I don’t believe she meant to hurt us. (We all have ugly, somewhere.) Prayers for comfort and strength, sending to & for – All of her family and loved ones!
May 3, 2022 @ 8:07 pm
So, this isn’t officially confirmed now I feel terrible for commenting on something that may not be true & I apologize for spreading what could be misinformation at this point.???? Thanks for passing that along Trigger.
May 3, 2022 @ 8:34 pm
Don’t feel bad man. People Magazine reported this presumptuously in my opinion, and a bunch of other outlets ran with it. I’ve been in contact with the folks who are in a position to know, and though suicide is suspected and maybe even probable, it has not been ruled.