End of an Era: On Bruce Robison & Kelly Willis Announcing Split

Texas music couple Bruce Robison and Kelly Willis announced the end of their marriage late last week, and with everything else going on, it may have been easy to miss the news, or to maybe gloss over just how significant this news is, and regard it simply as a personal matter. Because when it comes to Kelly and Bruce, they weren’t just husband and wife. They were a musical duo who happened to find some of their greatest success as performers later in their careers, and together.
“After a lot of thought and work, we have decided to end our marriage,” the two said in a joint statement. “The two of us, now and always, love each other very much. Though this is hard, we are looking forward to our lives together as parents of our four beautiful kids. Our lives are so entwined we know we will work together, be a family together and continue to be in each other’s corner as we try to embrace whatever else this crazy world brings. Peace and love. Bruce and Kelly.”
If you came here looking for the salacious details behind the split, sincere apologies. No such information is available . But similar to the recent news of Robert Earl Keen retiring from touring, this announcement from Bruce Robison and Kelly Willis feels like the end of an era.
Kelly and Bruce can be considered members of Texas music’s first couple in a royal court of sorts, and their separation helps mark the end of that Camelot period. Bruce’s brother Charlie Robison was also a successful performer and songwriter, but announced in September of 2018 that due to vocal issues stemming from surgery, he was retiring from music. Charlie was once married to Emily Erwin of The (Dixie) Chicks, who was a bandmate of Natalie Maines, the daughter of producer and steel guitar player Lloyd Maines, who produced those early Chicks records, and is considered a founding father of Texas music.
Bruce Robison wrote the #1 song “Travelin’ Solider,” which became final #1 on country radio for The Chicks. Bruce and Charlie Robison’s sister Robyn Ludwick is also an acclaimed singer, songwriter, and performer. So the history runs deep here.
Bruce Robison also wrote the #1 song “Angry All The Time” for Tim McGraw and Faith Hill, George Strait’s hit “Wrapped” from 2006, and has also written songs for Lee Ann Womack, Dierks Bentley, Aaron Watson, Jack Ingram, Josh Turner, and more. He also recorded his own solo records of course starting in 1996—the same year he married Kelly Willis.
Meanwhile, Kelly Willis signed to MCA Records and released her first solo record in 1990 called Well Traveled Love. Her career was met with critical acclaim as both a singer/songwriter and more of a traditionalist performer. But by the time she married Bruce in 1996, her time on MCA Records had come to an end with no significant commercial success, though sincere traction among alt-country, Americana, and Texas music fans.
Both Kelly and Bruce were always going to be too good and too principled to find big mainstream traction, but it was their coming together as a duo that raised the biggest blip on the national radar, and according to some fans, resulted in their greatest work. It wasn’t just a marriage of convenience, either in life, on the road, or in the studio. Kelly Willis and Bruce Robison equaled something greater than the sum of their parts.
They first collaborated together on a Christmas album called Happy Holidays in 2006. Subsequently, their Holiday shows have become a tradition for both them and many of their fans over the years. In fact, December 2021’s annual holiday shows in Texas might end up being the last time the two perform together.
But it was their 2013 duo album Cheater’s Game that upped the ante for this married country music couple, and for some listeners, had them working backwards through the Bruce Robison and Kelly Willis discographies, discovering their solo careers for the first time. Their cover of “Border Radio” originally recorded by The Blasters hit just about all those true Texas music feels, as did their rendition of “9,999,999 Tears” originally cut by Dickey Lee. The album also went #29 on the country charts.
Their ability to mix smart cover songs with original material is what made this duo so enjoyable and resonant. It’s like they were born to sing together, and brought such smarts to how they approached each song. This wasn’t a side project. From their first record together, henceforth Bruce Robison and Kelly Willis was the primary recording project in both of their careers, releasing Our Year in 2014, and the well-received Beautiful Lie in 2019. You really can’t go wrong with any of the Bruce Robison and Kelly Willis collaborations.
Who knows, maybe the end of the marriage does not mean the end of the music from these two. We can only hope, somewhat selfishly. If George Jones and Tammy Wynette could make it post divorce, maybe these two can as well.
Meanwhile, Bruce Robison continues to build an independent-minded musical support web through his project called The Next Waltz, which releases videos, compilation records, and works as a label and management company for musicians, by musicians. He’s brought a lot of passion to the project over the last few years, and it continues to gain traction for music from Texas.
But it felt a little flippant to let this news slide by simply as a passing footnote, or a piece of gossip. Bruce Robison and Kelly Willis made something beautiful together through the years, and no matter where it goes from here, it deserves to be reflected back on fondly. It was great while it lasted, and it will be great for forever, even if it only continues to live in our music catalogs and memories.
January 23, 2022 @ 11:46 am
I guess this clears the way for Cleto and Kaitlin to take the crown as the new First Couple of Texas Country
January 23, 2022 @ 11:51 am
Jason Eady and Courtney Patton would be another good candidate.
January 23, 2022 @ 1:27 pm
I’m for that Turd. Love FC and Cleto and Kaitlin is the juice. I LOVE her stuff. I just would not want a coronation to be the kiss of death.
January 23, 2022 @ 1:55 pm
Heard Kelly tell the story of how she recorded a song co-written by her first two husbands…and “you can’t get much more country than that”.
My guess is, in the vein of George and Tammy, we haven’t seen the last of them performing every now and then.
January 24, 2022 @ 9:25 pm
Why does anyone care about any of this?
January 25, 2022 @ 7:21 pm
Because most people lead shallow and empty lives. Lol.
January 25, 2022 @ 9:11 pm
January 23, 2022 @ 12:16 pm
This one hit me far worse than my parents’ divorce when I was a kid. I’m still shocked. I nearly reached out to Bruce to ask him to wait until after the pandemic and we return to semblance of normalcy until they made a final decision. But, who am to make such a crazy request?
I was a kid when I was introduced to Kelly Willis’ music, not by country radio, but her music videos on TNN (and later CMT). I feel in love with her instantly. Maybe my first real crush.
Later in college, Napster introduced me to her (somewhat recently married) husband. I have in my closet about a dozen burned CDs labeled NAPSTER YEARS GREATEST HITS VOL. 1…… 12. I have no idea if I’ll ever listen to them again, because it has been over a decade since I’ve own anything that can play a CD (my last 4 trucks haven’t even had a CD player in them). Probably 40% of the music on those Napster CDs is live bootleg Kelly & Bruce. I have two live versions of them performing “Angry All the Time,” a ton of George and Tammy covers, demos of “Traveling Soldier” and “Desperately” — really great stuff and banter.
Over the years, I loved seeing these two perform together. It makes me wonder if they couldn’t make marriage work, do any of us have a chance?
January 24, 2022 @ 11:25 am
I rented the movie Bob Roberts just because Kelly was (briefly) in it so I hear ya. She and Bruce are both pretty great.
January 25, 2022 @ 9:17 pm
“Far worse than your parents’ divorce?”
Really? No normal person would say that. And why do you care about these people more than your family?
How pathetic.
January 25, 2022 @ 9:48 pm
My parents divorced when I was 5. Their divorce really didn’t have an effect on me at all.
For 25 years, Kelly & Bruce were in what I imagined was the perfect marriage. My hyperbole was more a commentary on marriage – like if they couldn’t make it work, who can?
It’s really not any more pathetic than you responding to a comment from someone you don’t know in such a harsh, miserable manner. A normal person would have just keep scrolling, but you felt the need to browbeat and pass judgement. I’m guessing you are this way because you were bullied as a child and now you find it empowering to berate strangers in comment sections.
January 26, 2022 @ 8:51 am
No, pathetic is valuing the lives of people you only know through the media and allow them to have some influence on your life or to really care what happens to them. Your statement that their divorce was more influential than your parents’ divorce only illuminates that fact. No to mention the fact that your statement is incorrect. Your life would have been so much different had your parents stayed divorced. To think otherwise is idiocy, not hyperbolic. The divorce of a couple in the entertainment industry only affects you because you imagine them to be your reality. That’s psychopathic of nothing else.
January 26, 2022 @ 8:54 am
The above should be “had your parents stayed married” and not as written.
February 8, 2022 @ 8:31 am
Worse than George Jones DUI ???
January 23, 2022 @ 12:27 pm
A very sad thing to hear for both of them and their children. I can’t imagine a divorce this far down the road. However the decision has been made. May Gods peace and love be felt by all involved. I have seen Bruce and Kelly perform many times over the years together and separately. I hope the find solace in your creative pursuits. Thanks for the music!
January 23, 2022 @ 1:20 pm
my pastor said he thawt the person most hurt by the Dixie Chicks stunt they pulled was Charlie Robison cuz he was all set to have a break out record right around the time Lloyd’s daughter opened er big pie hole and ran there band in to the ground
and hell don’t get SCM legendary commenter RD started on that ole broad neither we all know he ain’t a fan of er act
January 23, 2022 @ 1:23 pm
How about none of us get started on a Dixie Chicks tangent?
January 23, 2022 @ 1:38 pm
I’m sorry lil bro was just sayin n all
May 11, 2022 @ 10:56 am
So much saying but not thinking. LOL.
January 23, 2022 @ 1:48 pm
Lawd child, that dialect.
January 25, 2022 @ 9:19 pm
Nice diction and spelling.
Public school victim?
June 16, 2022 @ 2:14 pm
Your comment is relative in that not only did it effect Charlie’s career but Bruce’s and David Grissom’s as well. Traveling Soldier had been on the charts for some time and was a huge win for Bruce, who is a great songwriter. Natalie makes some comments that were not in line with the vast majority of her fan base. DJ’s were burning records in protest. That song and their popularity suffered dramatically.
January 23, 2022 @ 2:42 pm
Been a fan since I heard Easy when it came out… and I’m not trying to be contentious, but…who cares? These things happen. Living AND working that long together can take its toll. If this is what makes them happy, and they’re seemingly on good terms, then good for them. I doubt they’d welcome the designation of “royalty” anyway. If anything I’d imagine it’s annoying.
January 23, 2022 @ 5:34 pm
……”who cares?”…..
Me. A broken home is always a tragedy.
Mark 10:9 KJV
What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.
January 23, 2022 @ 6:37 pm
Your (Cancel Carhartt) made it through
: D
January 23, 2022 @ 6:51 pm
Yet look how you turned out, king of your domain, quoting bible verses to all of our benefit.
Would it be better if all couples stayed together? Sure, but neither of us knows what happened here and it’s none of our business. Plus, they can always repent ????
January 23, 2022 @ 7:10 pm
Yep, Jake, It’s definitely none of our business, but you (rhetorically) asked who cared, so I figured I’d let you know I did. I hate divorce, and am so grateful my parents stayed together for 44 years until death did they part.
January 23, 2022 @ 8:25 pm
What i found interesting was how a couple friends “felt sorry for me” because my husband married a “special agent” who was 20 + years younger.
Wanted to ask them, something in the vein of – do you think it upsets me that my husband married a home wrecking whore?
OR, do you think it upsets me that i vowed to love and be a partner and a helpmate to this man for all time?
The husband wanted to come home 15 months after he left.
Asked him, What’s wrong – Did her lips stop working?
Home was no longer available to him.
Wonder how she felt getting my leftovers.
Their marriage lasted 13 months.
Wishing the couple in this article, & their families, God’s Peace. And a quicker journey than not, through the massive pain.
Will be praying for them
January 23, 2022 @ 4:38 pm
In no way is this meant to trivialize the issue at hand, but some of the best tunes ever have come out of heartache. Those songs bring endless joy for so many people as well as solace to those in the midst of that heartache. Hopefully that is one good thing that can come of this. I imagine Bruce channels some of this and brings some serious heat.
January 23, 2022 @ 8:19 pm
“Don’t give ’em no excuse to do you wrong
Even when you lose you’re still the winner
At least you’ve got the making’s of a song”
–Waylon and Willie
January 23, 2022 @ 6:36 pm
Gross. Pathetic. Those poor kids.
“They say marriages ‘die,’ but it’s usually murder.”
January 24, 2022 @ 4:27 am
Sad news indeed but they come out as serious and mature people and i hope they’ll handle it the best way possible.
Love their music, still listen to a lot of their records and i’m also a big fan of the whole next waltz community.
January 24, 2022 @ 6:16 am
I’ll go ahead and file this under none of my business. But, I do hope they stay friends and continue to work together. stranger things have happened
January 24, 2022 @ 7:27 am
a lot of people backing up the “sanctity” of marriage, as if there aren’t countless valid reasons to divorce for the better of everyone involved. oddly enough, seems to be the same people who were licking the boots of a thrice married, serial adulterer politician not too long ago.
January 24, 2022 @ 11:34 am
If you start judging country artists for getting divorced, you better get ready to judge just about all of them aside from George Strait. Country music and divorce go together like peanut butter and jelly. The pearl clutching at this story is a bit weird.
January 25, 2022 @ 1:30 pm
Hmm. I went through and didn’t see any pearl clutching; just several people who think broken homes are a bad thing, which they are.
January 24, 2022 @ 8:05 am
Sigh. This is just sad.
January 24, 2022 @ 10:12 am
All I can say is, they sound so good together.
January 24, 2022 @ 11:50 am
I saw the announcement in my Facebook feed on Kelly’s page a few days ago right before going to bed.
Kelly Willis’s Bang Bang album from 1991 was one of my early country music section purchases. Heard about her and her music from a Washington Post Style section article. She spent her high school years in Northern Virginia and went to Annandale High School. I would see her on stage with Kevin Welch at the old Birchmere in ’92.
Saw Kelly and Bruce twice at the The Birchmere (2014 and 2019). They were both really great shows and I thought they had great chemistry together on stage.
Yeah, this is sad.
March 18, 2022 @ 10:37 pm
I think age plus the past two years has taken a toll on them. I noticed about two years ago, it was very hard to see them after shows. I always enjoyed chatting with them briefly, but it stopped. I felt something wasn’t right, and maybe that was an early warning sign. It’s really sad to see a great working team split up. They’ve spent over 20 yrs. building their brand, creating a fan base, and still keeping a marriage and family life intact. Quite a juggling act. I only hope they continue on either together or separately to perform, write, and share their musical gifts with us.
January 24, 2022 @ 2:30 pm
Saw them at Mile Zero and again in Athens, GA. The Athens show was better because the audience was there to see and hear them while the Mile Zero set was by a hotel swimming pool and there was a ton of talking going on. Still, everything sounds good in Key West. I feel lucky to have seen them together.
I could go on a screed about how Mile Zero is kind of in a rut and they don’t take advantage of talent like Bruce, Kelly, Carter Sampson among others. Different topic.
January 24, 2022 @ 9:19 pm
Beautiful Lie continues to be one of my all-time favorite albums, just so perfect for what it is.
January 25, 2022 @ 7:25 pm
“Our lives are so entwined we know we will work together, be a family together and continue to be in each other’s corner as we try to embrace whatever else this crazy world brings.”
Translated: “We want to fuck other people, so we’re splitting up.”
January 26, 2022 @ 5:23 am
What’s that you said about people living shallow and empty lives?
March 9, 2022 @ 4:06 pm
I’m very sad to hear this, but at 66 I’ve seen many marriages dissolved over the years. They are ending on good terms, and I know they will always love each other. I’ve seen them do so many great shows together, and it’s hard to picture them no longer a couple. It’s their life, and I wish them both happiness and success in the future. I heard recently all relationships end eventually. It’s true. I’m glad this couple gave us so much joy and fun for so long.
October 5, 2022 @ 4:34 am
I will never forget Kelly and the Fireballs!
Best to all of them, hope it works out.
October 13, 2022 @ 6:59 am
All you have to do is look at their twitter feeds, Bruce is all music while Kelly is mainly politics. They obviously have grown apart.
One person tweeted ti Kelly in reply ” how to keep 100% of your fan base” ” keep your politics out of your music and your music out of politics”
October 7, 2023 @ 8:07 pm
Just noticed Bruce is remarried!
May 31, 2024 @ 1:24 pm
whaaaaaaat ??
No way, I don’t see that anywhere