Eric Church Plans Free Makeup Show for San Antonio

Eric Church cancelled his sold-out show at San Antonio’s AT&T Center for Saturday, April 2nd earlier this week so he could personally attend the Duke Blue Devils taking on Church’s North Carolina Tar Heels in the NCAA Basketball Final Four game on the same day. It became country music’s version of the Will Smith / Chris Rock “slap,” with folks taking sides on how fair or selfish Eric Church was being with the move, with decidedly more falling on the side of it being a selfish move by the North Carolina native.
You knew with Eric Church’s track record of taking care of the fans in his “Church Choir” that he’d be doing something to satisfy angry patrons, some of which that had planned vacations and non-refundable travel around making it to the destination city of San Antonio to see Church. Eric Church also outright cancelled the show instead of postponing it, which left many fans in limbo.
On cue, Eric Church announced on Friday afternoon that he will be returning to the area (somewhat) to play a free show in September as a make-up to those left in the lurch by his cancellation.
“Thank you San Antonio for letting me take my family to this game,” Eric Church says. “It took a minute to figure out how to express my thanks. I will be coming to the Whitewater Ampitheater in New Braunfels, TX on Friday, September 2, 2022 for a ONE of a kind FREE show for those of you who bought tickets and were planning to attend our cancelled San Anotnio show. Details to be announced soon.”
Those details will be quite important, because some 18,000 tickets were sold to Eric Church’s gig at the AT&T Center, while the capacity at the Whitewater Ampitheater is 5,600. Even with a matinee performance along with a night one, it would still be difficult to facilitate all the patrons who bought tickets originally, though perhaps not all of them would be up for making it to New Braunfels to take advantage of the opportunity.
The Whitewater Ampitheater is about an hour north of where the AT&T Center is. New Braunfels is about halfway between Austin and San Antonio. Also, one of the concerns about the initial cancellation was the amount of individuals traveling from out-of-town, or out-of-state to attend the concert, since San Antonio is a destination/tourist-oriented city. How many of those out-of-town patrons will make the trek to New Braunfels is a good question.
Nonetheless, Eric Church has made an effort to make it right to folks, and may have experienced problems trying to outright reschedule at the AT&T Center since it hosts San Antonio Spurs games and other big events, and may have not had another free Friday or Saturday to offer in 2022.
Either way, Eric Church’s move will likely continue to be debated in a time in live music when the pandemic has made cancellations more common, and worthy excuses (if any excuse at all) given to ticket holders a lot less.
April 1, 2022 @ 2:05 pm
What’s the possibility of Church still getting sued over this cancellation? They sign those contracts for a reason and I’m pretty sure “to attend a basketball game” isn’t one of the stipulations for cancellation. Also, I’m sure the industry wants to make an example of Church so in order to not set a precedent for unexcused cancellations in the future.
And aren’t most of those vendors at these kind of venues union? Would that effect a lawsuit?
I’d like to see him have to pay $5 million in a settlement so no artist ever thinks about doing this kind of thing in the future and restore confidence in the consumer.
April 4, 2022 @ 11:50 am
It is a music concert buddy. Everyone needs to calm down. I love the way some people throw financial amounts around like it remotely makes any sense.
April 4, 2022 @ 1:25 pm
What Church did was cost a lot of people money. He hit them in their wallets … their paycheck, 4 days out. People who live paycheck to paycheck … tell them it was just a concert.
April 4, 2022 @ 1:57 pm
If you are living paycheck to paycheck maybe you shouldn’t be flying into another town and staying at a hotel to see an overpriced concert. He is touring all over the country. I get that people look forward to concerts and it stinks if you have plans that get cancelled. Just try to keep it somewhat in perspective. It is one time.
April 4, 2022 @ 2:06 pm
The paycheck to paycheck comment was related to stadium workers —- ushers, vendors, parking lot attendants, etc.
April 1, 2022 @ 2:21 pm
Still bogus. He would have to do three shows to come close to making up for it in that small venue. Plus there is lots of other factors far as distance and accomodations that would be different. It was never the right move and now he is just trying to get some credibility back. This isn’t some vendetta against church. If Alan Jackson cancels his concert June 26th a week before because he wants to attend some sporting event, I will feel the same way.
April 1, 2022 @ 2:23 pm
Who is going to file the lawsuit, doubt if the venues will go down this path as they will want to host future events by not only him but other big name artists. Coming across as not friendly to big name artist would seem to be a bad strategy. Definately could see changes to the contract language going forward to prevent this from happening in the future. Wonder how the 5600 tickets will be distributed, seems likely Church Choir members would get access first.
April 1, 2022 @ 2:52 pm
Isn’t that language already in the contract?
I think the relationship with San Antonio’s AT&T Center and Church is probably already strained. Usually, the statement after a cancellation is “we are working hard to reschedule this concert” and we’ve seen it down a thousand times during COVID. But in this case, it was a straight up cancellation after he told them he’d prefer to go to a basketball than fulfill his contractual obligations.
April 1, 2022 @ 4:00 pm
Even if it is a breach of his contract with the promoter, he won’t get sued because the promoter wants the next Eric Church show. And shows from bands that share management with Eric Church (such as Metallica). And bands that share a booking agent with Eric Church. And bands that are friends with Eric Church. And if the promoter sues, it won’t get any of that. So, Eric Church has all the leverage, even if in the wrong, and gets the pass.
April 4, 2022 @ 7:22 am
Pretty sure Eric has a team of experts around him (including lawyers, managers, etc. etc.) who he consulted with before any of this happened. There won’t be a lawsuit and I’m sure any money lost was already handled between the promoter and his camp. Church also lost money not playing the show so I’m sure a check was written and the only people that really suffered here are the fans and workers.
April 2, 2022 @ 1:32 pm
Who would file the lawsuit? Out of 18,000 tickets sold for the canceled AT&T stadium show, odds are at least one ticket was sold to an attorney with expertise in class action suits. It isn’t just ticket holders, but the hotels, rental cars, plane tickets, band members, support staff, & nearby restaurants who lost money because of his selfish act. Sorry but a chance of about one in three to score a ticket to the New Braunfels concert, five months down the road, ain’t fair compensation.
April 4, 2022 @ 11:54 am
Yes clearly the loss of not getting to go hear Eric Church play live is to “tar and feather” him right? It is one concert. He is trying to make good on it. People need to relax. You all act like every ticket sold were to people living in Australia who all bought tickets to see him play in San Antonio. Chill out.
April 1, 2022 @ 3:03 pm
He has made a mistake. He knows it. He is not the first and will not be the last do so. He is right to try and make amends.
April 1, 2022 @ 3:19 pm
The capacity of this place is much smaller than AT&T Center.. How will this work logistically? First come first serve?
April 1, 2022 @ 3:32 pm
Very big question. You would need three shows if every ticketholder showed up looking to get in. They haven’t explained this yet.
April 2, 2022 @ 4:45 am
It is Church.
Wouldn’t be surprised if he plans to do three shows that day, haha
April 1, 2022 @ 3:34 pm
It’s a cluster from the get go.
What a disingenuous f.
Joke’s on you e.c.
April 1, 2022 @ 3:53 pm
Score one for DAMAGE CONTROL. The only way to make amends is to play at the same venue that can host the same number of fans. And he would have to reimburse any fans for tickets that were purchased, etc. (which ain’t gonna happen).
Sorry, but i’m not impressed.
April 4, 2022 @ 11:56 am
You don’t think people who bought tickets were reimbursed?? Really???
April 4, 2022 @ 12:24 pm
Airline tickets, hotels, etc. No don’t think so.
April 4, 2022 @ 1:44 pm
Hotels were far enough out where you get your money back. How many people do you think are flying into San Antonio for the concert? You realize he is on tour right? And if you book a flight either enjoy a nice weekend in San Antonio or use the flight credit to go somewhere else.
April 4, 2022 @ 1:46 pm
Hotel? show was cancelled in plenty of time so no cost there
Airline? Use the credit to go somewhere else if you want.
How many people are flying into San Antonio for this concert? You realize he is on tour right? Playing all over the country. Enough of the fake indignation. It is tiresome
April 4, 2022 @ 3:50 pm
Perhaps you didn’t read this article, then. It’s all there. There are some things that, as an musician with class simply does not do to his fans. This was one of them.
April 1, 2022 @ 4:11 pm
I didn’t chime in the first thread but from a different angle if I was was on the local crew call for his show (Union-large venue video production) and he canceled that might cost me 5-$700 for that day. Many of the crew both local and his own make a little more or less. I may or may not be pissed depending on how busy we are, or might be something I’d rather see at a smaller venue etc….. but I can afford it, many folks really need that $$$. In 47 years of going to and working shows I can’t remember anything like this. Heck I feel bad when I buy a ticket for something and I can’t make it to support our favs because I have to work. I missed Emily Scott Robinson here 3 years ago because of my job. She’ll be playing tonight at a little bar up the street from me and I can’t wait……..I’ll be in the cheap seats…..
April 1, 2022 @ 4:20 pm
We’ve had four days for Eric’s defenders to come up with a comparable scenario when a show was cancelled, and so far I haven’t seen any. This is a step in the right direction, but a lot of questions of how the makeup show will work.
Have fun at Emily Scott Robinson.
April 1, 2022 @ 6:27 pm
It wasn’t a personal cancellation but a weather one here in buffalo, ny. I’m going to guess 2012. They (radio station wyrk) had their yearly concert at the buffalo bisons stadium in downtown buffalo. Weather forced it to cancel. He came a few months later at Darien lake which is between buffalo and Rochester about 45 minutes away. Similar size venue though. I can’t remember exactly but think he did another opener for the second show.
It’s quite a process to set up his stage it’s pretty elaborate for the arena shows. Crew of like 100. Usually takes a day for setup and tear down. Pre Covid anyways.
April 1, 2022 @ 4:51 pm
As an eric church fan, if i had tickets to san Antonio I’d be upset, but at the same time i get it. I would feel eric has always done right by me. Mr misunderstood cd for free, free choir membership during covid, 3 plus hour long concerts. If a concert cancellation was the worst thing that happened during my week, i would have a really good week. Not that he doesn’t deserve a bit of flack for this, because he does. I dont care much for basketball, but i can understand the historic moment between UNC and duke in the final 4. If it’s something near and dear to his heart and a moment with his family, go for it is all i can say whether it’s eric church or joe the plumber down the road. First world problems.
April 2, 2022 @ 4:54 am
“free choir membership during covid”
You’re telling me this guy has a paid fan club? And, from the sound of it, a subscription at that? It’s nice he made it fre for the pandemic but how much money does he need? I get it with YouTubers, streamers and such because ad revenue and merch sales are pretty much all they’ve got along with the occasional endorsements. But for a big name artist to apparently not make enough from album sales, ticket sales, merch sales, song licensing, endorsements etc. to the point where they start one of those weird, parasocial fan clubs for those willing to pay money to pretend an artist is their buddy, that’s messed up.
Spin it how you want, and to be clear I’m judging the artist and not the members, but it’s weird. Music fans are supposed to be free promotion not a piggy bank. And it’s psychologically unhealthy to become so attached to people we don’t actually know.
Also I guess I’ll use my last initial so it doesn’t look like you have multiple personalities.
April 2, 2022 @ 7:12 am
Well, to be fair, EC is far from the only artist with a paid fan club. Last I heard, George Strait’s FC was paid, too.
April 2, 2022 @ 9:44 am
Lol not sure how a simple fan club membership affects my psychological health but ok.
April 2, 2022 @ 3:22 pm
Alan Jackson’s fan club is $20. If you want an official club t-shirt to go along with your membership, it’s an additional $25.
April 1, 2022 @ 5:31 pm
Better than nothing I supposed, but’s not exactly a real effort to make it up to the 18k people who bought tickets this weekend. This isn’t a slow-selling club show that’s canceling for “unforeseen circumstances,” aka the artist not wanting to play for an empty room and the promoter wanting out of the show. This is a show that the promoter spent thousands, maybe tens of thousands, of dollars in expenses they’ll still have to eat – the advertising, whatever money they have to pay to rent the arena, the show staff/crew who are probably union members and contractually still need to be paid.
The amphitheater show an hour north was probably booked before all this went down and is probably not happy about honoring another venues tickets as well. Thus whole thing just seems unbelievably, poorly thought out. How did Church’s PR people sign off the statement he made here?
April 1, 2022 @ 5:58 pm
The Alamodome (or at least a 2- or 3-night stand at Whitewater) would’ve been better to accommodate all those folks, but at least he’s trying to make amends. I can respect that.
April 1, 2022 @ 6:12 pm
I guess I would go to an Eric Church show with a hot date, but then again I definitely would not go steady with anyone who likes his music.
April 1, 2022 @ 6:52 pm
OK, so what if he doesn’t show up at this event, because he wanted to go see the Batman movie instead? Or in the future what if he wants to see another sport or something? Like I said, if he was sick, or had a family emergency or if there were covid related circumstances. Then i could understand, but this is just not called for, again , I like his music, I just don’t think I could ever trust him again, and if the pandemic ever gets over, and things really do return to normal, I still wouldn’t see Eric church in concert, on the chance that he would rather see a movie or ball game, sorry Eric but you have let down a lot of fans.
April 2, 2022 @ 4:53 am
In Carolina basketball terms, this is closer to “Bob Dylan, Willie Nelson, Joan Baez, George Strait, and Ray Wylie Hubbard announce a suicide pact, following a one-time-only show that will also feature the ghosts of John Prine and Tom Petty” than “There’s a new Batman movie.”
April 1, 2022 @ 7:26 pm
I say cut the guy some slack. He has built up a tremendous amount of goodwill with his fans over the years. What is the point of building up goodwill if you can’t occasionally call it due? If he started making a habit of it, then it would be a problem.
April 1, 2022 @ 7:31 pm
Hey Trigger, just wondering if there was any update on the Dwight Yoakam, Guitars Cadillacs Etc Etc album situation. Any update on the lawsuit or when it would be back on streaming. Thanks!
April 2, 2022 @ 8:21 am
Yeah, I’ve been waiting for it to reappear. The case between Dwight and the label was settled probably six weeks or so ago now, and I would have assumed it would have been the priority of Dwight’s team to get it back up ASAP. There were no details about what the settlement was, so I didn’t really have anything to write about, so I figured I’d wait until the album showed back up and alert everyone. And still, it hasn’t. Have sent a few emails out about it, but haven’t heard back. I’m still monitoring it.
April 2, 2022 @ 12:53 pm
Oh okay great. Exciting I look forward to listening to it again. Thank you for the update.
April 1, 2022 @ 8:21 pm
Gotta be a long shot for entertainer of the year this year, that’s for sure.
April 2, 2022 @ 12:50 am
Douchebag of The Year, maybe.
April 1, 2022 @ 11:01 pm
Still a bunch h of low life’s in this world. Now it’s creeping into Country Music…Let the man have a life…because you don’t doesn’t mean he can’t! I’m sure your butt doesn’t hurt that much and you can find something else to do that day. You made it this far…congrarts and now grow up!
April 2, 2022 @ 12:49 am
The man has a great life thanks to fans who spend their hard earned dollars on concert tickets, merchandise and albums. This is about integrity, something Church is seriously lacking. This little damage control skit is weak. I hope his team loses.
April 2, 2022 @ 11:09 am
The man has a great life because he is an entertainer, and pretty decent at it. Nobody forced all those people to spend all there hard earn money on him. They choose to do so on there own free good will. He’s right a lot more than he is wrong. He made a decision, life goes on.
April 2, 2022 @ 11:51 am
Eric, is that you? Lol.
Ryan, reading your comments, you come across as a little too enamoured with Church. He’s not going to bang you, so it’s best to not it go. ????
April 2, 2022 @ 1:07 pm
Or maybe i just enjoy and can relate to his music. There’s that too.
April 4, 2022 @ 12:02 pm
You come across as expecting him to bang you because you were nice enough to listen to his song.
April 4, 2022 @ 9:02 am
I would argue that he did this with about as much integrity as a man possibly could. He didnt make up some BS lie about being sick, personal problems, etc. He flat out said what he was going to do, was willing to take the financial hit, and is now trying to make amends with a free show.
Where I come from thats the very definition of integrity.
April 2, 2022 @ 12:23 am
Big Eric Church fan, but if he canceled his Vegas show to attend a basketball game, then offered a free show in Laughlin, Nevada, where i have to spend more money plus resources to see the show, not to mention the seating issues, that would not sit well with me. Mr. Church can certainly do what he wants. Hopefully he finds a way to make good with everybody, the fans and the hard working folks behind the scenes.
April 2, 2022 @ 4:03 am
It took him just one minute to think up the payback for those fans? He is quick.
April 2, 2022 @ 5:20 am
Friday September 2nd? High school football season will be underway. I don’t think people outside Texas realize how big H.S. football is here.
Not only the players and their families but also the bands, dance teams, cheerleaders and their families.
April 2, 2022 @ 2:34 pm
I agree having lived in Texas, but as someone who was born and raised (and current resident) in Eric Church’s hometown, college basketball is as big, or bigger, than Texas HS Football here. I dont know how to compare it with Coach K getting a change to revenge his last home game loss to the Heels, but this match-up is one for the ages. With that being said, I understand Eric’s decision being from Granite, but I dont have 18k people to entertain the same night. Anyway, Go Heels!
April 3, 2022 @ 8:29 am
His kids will remember their dad taking them to see Coach K lose his final game against UNC a WHOLE lot longer than folks will remember this concert being cancelled.
April 3, 2022 @ 8:42 am
This incident will hang like a yoke around Eric Church’s neck for his career. Every time I merely mention his name someone brings up how he’s a anti-gun commie because of a mischaracterizing Rolling Stone cover from four years ago. If it wasn’t for the Will Smith slap, this would have been the biggest story in all of entertainment this week, and it was in country music. There’s absolutely no doubt this will go on Church’s permanent record, regardless of how anyone feels about it.
April 3, 2022 @ 8:54 am
And he’s made a shitload of money since that interview.
I feel like Very Online folks (and I spend too much time online!) overestimate how much The Social Media Discourse actually impacts artists’ earnings…and how much artists who have already made millions and millions of dollars actually care about the difference between making $5m for their next album/tour and $500k.
April 3, 2022 @ 9:18 am
That is fair. I don’t think ultimately this will affect his bottom line, including as a live performer. And it might even be forgiven. But I don’t think it will be forgotten. People loved to hate Eric Church even before this.
April 3, 2022 @ 10:06 am
Yeah. George Jones might have been forgiven by the vast majority of country fans for his No-Show era but it is certainly not forgotten.
April 3, 2022 @ 11:40 am
Oh, he definitely hasn’t done himself any favors, haha!
…but I honestly doubt he cares what “Eric Church Haters” think.
There’s honestly a level of entitlement here – if Eric Church weren’t “Eric Church, Superstar,” he wouldn’t have been able to pull this crap.
April 2, 2022 @ 6:54 am
Two entertainment icons, Will Smith and Eric Church, make potentially fatal mistakes in the same week.
April 2, 2022 @ 9:48 am
Based on the angry comments on here he cancels 47 concerts a week. It’s not like the basketball game was scheduled weeks ahead of time.
What it his kids begged him to go see the game? Is he supposed to tell them sorry can’t go because some guy in Texas whose passed on 25 other opportunities to see me is more important?
I’ve seen Eric twice and both were great concerts. The guys human and has a family. If you don’t like it don’t go, don’t buy any of his music and complain all you want. He will never notice.
April 2, 2022 @ 11:54 am
“If you don’t like it don’t go, don’t buy any of his music and complain all you want. He will never notice.”
Oh, he will notice when it hits his bottom line. You don’t screw over the people who put you where you are.
April 2, 2022 @ 1:48 pm
Incorrect. If the guy is even a quarter of the way intelligent with money he isn’t going to notice a handful of internet badasses not going to a show. Why? Because plenty more people will be there to grab up those tickets for the foreseeable future. Not to mention that out of all the people saying “I’ll never again” 80% will.
It’s pathetic to question a man so much for ONE say it with me ONE missed concert. He’s already starting trying to make it up and who knows if he’s done. The problem is he won’t make everybody happy until he buys them the McDonald’s they were going to eat on the way.
April 2, 2022 @ 3:17 pm
Not a fan of Eric Church or his music. Having said that anybody who thinks this will affect his bottom line is wrong.
April 2, 2022 @ 6:11 pm
Saw his show in FT Worth last night. Set attendance record at Dickies Arena. Played for almost 3 hours. This one time event will have minimal impact to attendance at his shows in the future. Nice for a change to see a show were the artist does not hit the 75 or 90 minute mark and decide on wrapping up with a 2 song encore.
April 2, 2022 @ 11:45 am
It would be easier to take Church’s questionable decision if he didn’t say “fans, thanks for letting me do this”. I hate when people say things they know are complete bullshit. The fans didn’t let him cancel the show to go to the game, so why say something so idiotic? Just say “I understand many fans are disappointed and some have lost money due to non-refundable travel expenses. I know that canceling the show caused difficulties for folks. I apologize for that and hope people will understand, and I am prepared for any consequences that may ensue. Thank you” Why can’t people just be honest?
April 2, 2022 @ 1:50 pm
Maybe he thought his fans weren’t going to flip their sh*t over a single concert.
April 2, 2022 @ 2:14 pm
I think you taking the time to defend him in multiple replies odd. All I said was he should have been honest instead of saying something inane. “Thank you for letting me…” Haha! I’d wager fewer people would have “flipped their shit” if he’d have completely owned the decision honestly.
April 4, 2022 @ 2:39 am
I mean…the only reason he was in a position to fuck off to a basketball game when he had a concert scheduled is that he’s an established artist with a massive fanbase.
It means he’s pretty much insulated from any consequences for his selfishness.
April 2, 2022 @ 3:56 pm
April 2, 2022 @ 8:05 pm
You think you’re being cute.
You’re not
April 2, 2022 @ 6:23 pm
No Eric church should grow up and honor his commitments.
April 2, 2022 @ 10:30 pm
Pretty fucking smug for a dude with 5 good songs…
April 3, 2022 @ 11:11 am
Mr, Church was kind enough to cancel his show in San Antonio and now takes his bus full of mediocrity deep into the heart of hill country. At least the venue is smaller so fewer Texans will be exposed to this drivel. Go to all the basketball games you want, Eric, your fans are just fine roaming the isles of Wal-Mart.
April 4, 2022 @ 11:30 am
How is an outdoor venue in Texas Labor Day weekend when it is typically 95+ during the day even going to be enjoyable for the 1/3 of ticket holders who will be “invited”? AT&T Center is a climate controlled environment. It is also the second Friday of HS football season, which is a religion of its own in Texas. This is a PR spin to be able to come back to San Antonio on future tours.
April 4, 2022 @ 1:12 pm
Good job,Eric .You’ll likely put on an even better show than your scheduled performance.