Five Bands Who Could Fill In During Turnpike Troubadours Hiatus
Fans of country and Red Dirt’s Turnpike Troubadours were left forlorn late last month when it was announced that the band would be going on an indefinite hiatus amid a rash of cancelled shows and concerns for frontman Evan Felker. This has left a gaping hole in the independent country scene where one of the most beloved, exciting, and accessible bands has been brought to an abrupt halt, which begs the question of who might be able to step up to fill this important void.
Not any band can fulfill this task just because they’re a group of guys (or girls) who play country rock and are located in Texas or Oklahoma. Shane Smith and the Saints are a great up-and-coming band, but with their more folk-oriented material, they have their own niche to fill. The duo Shotgun Rider was a potential candidate, but they recently announced they’re splitting up too. More established bands like American Aquarium or Reckless Kelly are out their forging their own legacies. There’s a lot of solo artists like Randall King, Dalton Domino, William Clark Green, or Red Shahan, Jamie Line Wilson, and Charley Crockett who’ve opened for Turnpike before, or up-and-comers like James Steinle, Drew Moreland, or the Panhandle’s Comanche Moon. All of these are great bands and artists, but don’t feel like they fit the mold just right.
So who does then? Here are Saving Country Music’s Top 5 candidates for bands who could take Texas country to new heights.
#5 – Mike and the Moonpies
If you’re looking for a band that drips with true Texas country music authenticity and is not some marketed and packaged turquoise-encrusted fortunate sons formed in Nashville, Mike and the Moonpies are right for you. Before they became one of the hottest things in independent country music, the Moonpies paid well over their fair share of dues haunting the honky tonks of Austin and surrounding areas, playing multi-hour sets for two steppers, and even today can still be caught playing places like The White Horse and Hole in the Wall. It’s past time for the Moonpies to go national, but they’ll always have the real life experience of playing the honky tonk circuit for many years embedded in their music.
#4 – Mike and the Moonpies
One of the primary assets that allowed the Turnpike Troubadours to become such an important and influential band in Texas/Red Dirt music and beyond was their ability to bridge infectious songs with subsnative and resonant lyricism. Forging wide appeal for your music is one thing. Doing it while still staying true to your roots and working in verses that don’t just make you move, but make you feel and think as well was the secret ingredient to the Turnpike Troubadours’ success. Mike and the Moonpies is one of the few bands from the Texoma region that like the Turnpike Troubadours, get this chemistry just right.
#3 – Mike and the Moonpies
What made (or makes) the Turnpike Troubadours so special is that it was a group of top notch guys who all felt like the top flight players in their positions. Even Felker was a consummate frontman, just like Mike Harmeier with the Moonpies. But when you build in one of the best steel guitar players in the business in Zach Moulton, bass player Omar Oyoque who is the soul of the band live (and can play steel guitar too), guitarist Catlin Rutherford who is the perfect counter punch to Mike Harmeier, and Kyle Ponder putting that drive behind their music, each one of the players feels like they deserve their own spotlight. Mike and the Moonpies are like a supergroup, but all in an original package, just like the Turnpike Troubadours.
#2 – Mike and the Moonpies
Beyond what you might hear on the stellar records of Mike and the Moonpies, possibly the greatest reason they’re ripe to step up to the plate and fill the Turnpike gap is because they are nothing short of the greatest live act in all of country music at the moment. This is the reason Saving Country Music named the Moonpies 2018’s Live Act of the Year, and if anything, they’ve even stepped it up a further notch recently. Mike and the Moopies absolutely melt faces when on stage, and the recent addition of bass player Omar Oyoque has lit a fire under this band, and brought out the best in everyone else.
#1 – Flatland Cavalry
Look, nobody will ever replace the Turnpike Troubadours, and even broaching the subject seems insulting to Turnpike’s legacy, and as silly as putting lists together for easy internet click bait. The only band that could ever fill the shoes of the Turnpike Troubadours is the Turnpike Troubadours, and one of the reasons for this is due to how they hit on something so wildly original and unique, it could never be duplicated. It’s also unfair to lump that responsibility on any band’s shoulders.
The Turnpike Troubadours were also wildly influential, and there’s no better band that reflects that influence than Lubbock’s Flatland Cavalry. Frontman Cleto Cordero has the songwriting chops of all the Texas greats, and is backed by a crew of guys who “get” the Texas sound that is mostly country, but a little bit of rock ‘n’ roll to engage a bigger audience and keep country feeling fresh and rejuvenated. You can clearly hear the influence of the Turnpike Troubadours in Flatland Cavalry, but if they are going to step up to the plate and become the premier Texas country band, then you will have to hear the influence of Flatland in others. It’s all out there for Flatland Cavalry, but they have to want it. They have to be uncompromising with both their live show and their studio work. And they have to look beyond the easy Texas/Red Dirt markets so they don’t get stuck in the same circuits, which was one of the issues that saddled the Turnpike Troubadours.
No band lasts forever. But in country music, strong bonds form between generations or artists and bands where the up-and-comers learn from their predecessors, take up the torch, and carry the legacy to the next generation. Hopefully the Turnpike Troubadours have decades left to contribute. But if not, bands like Flatland Cavalry should be ready to step into that void, and keep the legacy alive for the next generation of country fans. Because the legacy of Texas and Red Dirt is bigger than any one artist or band, and more considerable than any geographical region. The Turnpike Troubadours proved that.
June 11, 2019 @ 10:59 am
Shotgun Rider was a potential candidate to replace Turnpike? I’m not a hater … but that’s a stretch.
Barf Crow
June 11, 2019 @ 11:13 am
Especially considering how Shotgun Rider just broke up as well…
June 11, 2019 @ 1:47 pm
When I saw the title, Mike and the moo pies was the first act that I thought of. They’re phenomenal. I saw them open for turnpike once, and have been a fan ever since.
June 12, 2019 @ 4:15 am
“Moo” pies gives a whole new meaning to their name, lol. I hope I get the chance to see them live one day.
June 11, 2019 @ 11:01 am
Hi Trigger,
Great content as usual. I have a friend who recently declared Old Dominion as ‘the best live band in country music.’ Am I allowed to slap him across the face or call him an Idiot Sandwich for that statement?
June 11, 2019 @ 11:11 am
June 11, 2019 @ 11:11 am
How about Mike and the Moonpies?! Highly under rated!
June 11, 2019 @ 11:13 am
I’m sorry but have you never seen Shane Smith and the Saints live? They’d fit in that spot just as easily as Mike and the Moonpies.
June 11, 2019 @ 11:25 am
So this is clearly simultaneously done tongue in cheek and as a tip of the hat to the Moonpies, not as a Moonpies > Saints throw down.
Not speaking for trigger, but I’m guessing he’s seen and listened to SS & the Saints tons.
They’ll be just fine. I promise.
June 11, 2019 @ 11:37 am
I’ve seen Shane Smith & The Saints multiple times and agree they’re a great band. They’re about to (fully) release a new album, and they’ll get their day in the sun soon enough. I also listed them first here for a reason. Perhaps they will step up to fill the Turnpike void, I just feel like they bring a bit of a different vibe to the music than Turnpike. It’s more edgy and hard charging.
Putting lists like this together is inherently foolhardy. Everyone is going to have their own opinions which are just as worthy as mine. Bands and artists are going to feel left out or overlooked. And as I said above, I felt like it’s almost insulting to Turnpike, and unfair to whatever band you’re lumping this responsibility on to act like anyone can replace them. When I first sat down to write this I felt gross, even though I felt it was an important discussion to have. So I handled it in my own weird way. I hope most people “get” it.
June 11, 2019 @ 11:19 am
Shooter- I can’t believe you didn’t even mention Mike & the Moonpies on this list. They are the obvious choice. Viva Mike & the Moonpies
Pedals Down
June 11, 2019 @ 11:45 am
Well deserved plug for Mike and the Moonpies. Know a couple of the guys in the band and they’re good guys to boot. You just can’t root against these guys.
June 11, 2019 @ 11:54 am
Micky and the Motorcars
June 11, 2019 @ 8:03 pm
Hearts From Above is in my most listened to and favorite album ever… period. They do not get the respect they deserve.
Ron K
June 13, 2019 @ 2:53 pm
Except I always confuse them with Mike & The Moonpies!
Tex Hex
June 11, 2019 @ 12:08 pm
I know this piece is meant to be tongue-in-cheek, but framing this as a “who could fill in for defunct band x” discussion doesn’t seem right, and it unfairly puts the other bands in a box they shouldn’t really be in.
Full disclosure Mike & The Moonpies are presently my favorite band in country. I feel like they stand on their own, and I never saw or heard the Turnpike comparisons. Granted I’ve not spent a ton of time with Turnpike but needle-dropping their catalog on Spotify just a moment ago, the Moonpies strike me as the more idiosyncratic, clever, and fun band. Less straight forward. Less self-serious. But still, just as (if not more?) talented.
I mean, Mike & The Moonpies’ latest couple singles are a random cover of 90’s alternative rock hit “The Way” by Fastball (excellently done, better than the original imho) and a gorgeous string and steel drenched slow jam whose main lyric was inspired by a goofy throwaway line from the Yellowstone TV series (not to mention namedropping an obscure Italian liqueur – which the band will now have to accept shots of, from fans, forever).
Who else does that? At least this well?
June 12, 2019 @ 2:47 am
Hey Tex Fernet is not obscure…at least not here in Italy! lol.
Tex Hex
June 12, 2019 @ 7:05 am
I know. I’ve spent considerable time in Italy. Still, it’s obscure to most Americans and certainly within country music. My point is the band could’ve said “bulleit” (or whatever else might rhyme with “cigarette”) but they went with “fernet” because that’s the kind of band they are. Classy. 😉
Hugh Mungus
June 21, 2019 @ 10:52 pm
“Who else does that? At least this well?” Turnpike does…except much better. If you really believe M&TM is a better, more ctalented, or more versatile band than Turnpike was, you might have aspergers.
June 11, 2019 @ 12:32 pm
The Damn Quails occupy similar sonic turf and seem to be somewhat active again.
Music Jedi
June 12, 2019 @ 8:22 am
Damn Quails is exactly who I thought of also. We just need a new record from them to reignite their fan base and secure new fans.
Benny Lee
June 11, 2019 @ 1:21 pm
If we’re comparing the chops of groups of musicians, I’m sure multiple bands are already there, but a band is more than that. It’s something spiritual. And Evan’s songwriting, in particular, is something that simply cannot be replicated or replaced.
P.S.- Love what Mike & the Moonpies are doing.
June 11, 2019 @ 1:39 pm
For once I thought I was going to actually agree with one of your articles 100% until I got to #1. If you would have put the Moonpies at #1 this would have been the best article you’ve ever written. 1 3/4 guns up.
Phil Oxford
June 11, 2019 @ 1:52 pm
Interested to see if The Moonpies add a new keys player to replace John. From what I heard live last week, I loved ’em without it: More Zach? –> Yes please!
And spot on about Flatland. Like a lot of people, been waiting for them to break big for the last couple years, and at this point (after a missed opportunity with the good-but-not-great Homeland Insecurity) it does seem to hinge on their desire and willingness to work a bit harder
Tex Hex
June 11, 2019 @ 2:52 pm
I really missed the keys when I saw ’em live earlier this year. Keys are such a vital part of most of their songs. The guy they had previously (I forget his name) is from Baltimore and had to bow out of touring for personal/life reasons, right? I hope they get somebody else on keys, on tour soon.
Also, their new’ish bass player Omar is a riot live. Just grinning ear to ear the whole time, dancing around the stage. The show I saw him at he was getting super harassed by horny ladies in the audience – one of whom kept leaning over the edge of the stage to grope him. Omar seemed pleased to oblige.
Phil Oxford
June 11, 2019 @ 3:21 pm
Yeah, I think they’ll almost have to add a keys player because so many of their songs incorporate honky tonk piano or (more recently) B3.
But I did enjoy the leaner, guitars-forward sound of just the quintet, even if it should be temporary.
June 11, 2019 @ 3:27 pm
From my understanding, the keys player was forced to move out-of-state due to his wife or girlfriend’s job or education, but he will still be playing with them upon occasion when he can pull it off. No word on if they’re looking for a permanent replacement, or another lead instrument. I agree the keys are a great part of their sound, but when you watch them live, they definitely fill up the space just fine.
Tex Hex
June 11, 2019 @ 3:42 pm
I swear I saw him lurking around from the side of the stage with Adam Odor when I saw them in DC earlier this year (I might be wrong, *buh-dump ‘psh*). Didn’t perform though. Guess it’s not too long of a drive down from Baltimore to hang with friends.
He performed for the Texas Music Scene live taping of “You Look Good in Neon” released this week.
June 11, 2019 @ 2:37 pm
Uh….Will Green is already as big as turnpike. That is a slap in the face to the hottest act on the circuit right now. Don’t know how many festivals Turnpike put on or hosted but Will is already doing just that. Not to mention he mentors most of the Lubbock music scene with his songwriters retreats; which is a big accomplishment when you think about how many great writers have come out of Lubbock the last 5-7 years.
June 11, 2019 @ 2:57 pm
Music is not a competition. William Clark Green was mentioned above as someone who is forging his own legacy and doesn’t need to try and step into the space currently vacated by Turnpike. I’m not sure he’s “as big as Turnpike,” but seeing how the band’s future is in question, that probably puts Green on more sure footing at the moment. Also, the Turnpike Troubadours have hosted the Medicine Stone festival in Oklahoma for seven straight years. But they won’t be hosting this year, because they’re on hiatus.
June 11, 2019 @ 3:21 pm
Well you’re all invited here on the 4th of July. Mike and the Moonpies come on at 10:30 sharp. Million times better that any fire works show will be. If you want to come a day early Sarah Shook and The Disarmers will be playing the fest the night before. Not a bad start to the holiday weekend! 2 of my very favorites!!
False Profiteer
June 11, 2019 @ 3:30 pm
I’ve been wanting to ask this for a while but haven’t found the right article for it. This seems as good a place as any. Any idea whatever happened to Luke Bell? He seemed to have fallen off the face of the earth. The most recent info I can find is a Facebook post from May of 2018.
June 12, 2019 @ 9:37 am
The last time I spoke to Luke Bell was in February of 2018 at the Ameripolitan Awards where he won Best Honky Tonk Male. Not to speak for him, but I think he had a family member pass away and has possibly been going through some personal stuff. He has been playing some unannounced shows occasionally. Every single effort has been made on my part to reach him and give folks an update. It’s very similar to the Hank Williams III situation.
False Profiteer
June 12, 2019 @ 10:34 am
Thanks for the reply. I hope everything works out for him, and he can take care of his personal stuff whether that entails returning to performing and touring or not. He’s a great talent.
June 12, 2019 @ 10:38 am
False Profiteer, thanks for asking, and thanks for the update, Trigger.
Sana Mello
June 11, 2019 @ 3:51 pm
The Vandoliers should be on that list..
June 11, 2019 @ 4:15 pm
Moving on from artists seems natural to me. Either I need something different or they change their style and I lose interest. Turnpike is exiting early in my world but that’s ok, plenty of good music out there. I totally agree with those that say Mike and The Moonpies should have been top 5 or even number 1.
Guitars, Cadillacs...
June 12, 2019 @ 5:06 am
I see your point, but the problem with TT is that they had just hit their peak with their last album and in my opinion, were at their zenith. All acts eventually run dry and coast on legacy, but it surely wasn’t time for TT to go yet.
Marty Strutt
June 11, 2019 @ 5:10 pm
Jackson Tillman Band are an up and coming Oklahoma band who have released two brilliant albums to date.
June 11, 2019 @ 5:29 pm
No mention of Mickey & the Motorcars…
Reckless Kelly… Dirty River Boys… Ryan Bingham… Corb Lund… Jim Lauderdale…
Ray Wylie Hubbard… Drive By Truckers…
Hayes Carll… Tyler Childers… James McMurtry…
Chris Knight… William Clark Green… Randy Rogers Band…
Whiskey Myers… Dave Cobb… Son Volt… Old ’97’s
Jason Isbell..
Who by the way pulled himself out of where
Evan is now and wrote even more amazing music after.
All of the above mentioned would probably KILL for the
notoriety that Turnpike have garnered…
Mr Felker is in pain, and
its sad that not only the fans suffer,
but the 5 amazing musicians around him do also.
Chemistry is nearly impossible to recreate, and many
artists aren’t ready for what comes with small plateaus,
let alone the Milestones Evan and Turnpike have achieved.
I hope that Evan finds his way above what is killing a great band.
June 11, 2019 @ 9:14 pm
I don’t think Bingham or Childers “would kill” for Turnpike’s notoriety. Considering Childers is selling out shows everywhere, and Bingham is currently touring in Europe, I don’t even put them in the same circle as Turnpike. They’re riding their own horses and doing juuuuuust fine.
June 12, 2019 @ 8:46 am
Bingham also has an Ocar, Grammy, and Emmy (I think)
June 12, 2019 @ 8:45 am
Were you just looking for a list of red dirt bands? Because that’s what you just did
June 12, 2019 @ 9:40 am
Unfortunately that’s a side effect of putting any list together. Ray Wylie Hubbard is awesome, but something tells me he’s not going to step into the space of a young, energetic band playing 6-piece country rock who can sway mainstream fans from the dark side.
MO Girl
June 13, 2019 @ 9:46 pm
Yep … you said it. I agree! Lots of great bands you listed there. No band can “replace” TT. Seems futile to try really. Best of luck to Evan and the boys. I hope Evan gets it together and returns. Just a great, great band.
June 11, 2019 @ 5:38 pm
This article should be titled “if you aren’t already, start listening to Mike & the Moonpies right fucking now”
June 11, 2019 @ 6:12 pm
Should have put flatland at 5 then Mike and the moon pies at 4-1.
They are awesome. Not quite on turnpikes level but they are a great band.
June 11, 2019 @ 7:00 pm
Can’t forget the Zach Romo Band!!! Best live shows you’ve seen in a VERY long time! Look them up!
June 11, 2019 @ 7:23 pm
Where’s the love for Hayes Carll?!?! TT had some of his music playing before their show started at both concerts of theirs I was able to go to. Hayes is amazing!
June 12, 2019 @ 9:42 am
Hayes Carl is a singer songwriter who had forged his own legacy before the Turnpike Troubadours even arrived on the scene. We’re looking for young, up-and-coming country band with an edge to their music that can fill the space voided by Turnpike. He is a good name though.
David f james
June 11, 2019 @ 7:32 pm
The steelwoods put on an amazing live show
June 11, 2019 @ 8:07 pm
Seriously though my Vote is Parker mccollum. I think he can fill the void. Only issue is all the screaming fan girls at his shows. It’s a bit much.
June 11, 2019 @ 8:10 pm
Also I’ve been on such a red shahan kick lately. Love his music but I will say his show sounds more grunge rock than country it’s a flip compared to the album. Kody West should have been on this list too.
Kelly Burton
June 11, 2019 @ 8:32 pm
My opinion mike and moon pies don’t come close to the talent Turnpike Troubadour’s have. No offense to Moonpies, they r good
This should be a conversation about great bands not a throwdown on the topic. My vote and opinion, is no better than the next person. That being said
Every artist/singer/song writer/band has a unique style. Music should make every1 happy and come togather. Evan has a style of song writing and singing, stories and music that makes you relate to. Cmplments to his band in their talent that in helping make this band great. Each & everyone them brought their talent and it showed. Don’t give up
June 12, 2019 @ 9:43 am
I agree.
Guitars, Cadillacs...
June 12, 2019 @ 4:45 am
Trigger, I swear you read my mind about Mike and the Moonpies. I’ve been thinking this same thing for a while now–ever since things started looking bleak for TT. I also love Flatland Cavalry. You can tell the lead singer is heavily influenced by Felker’s style, too. Shane Smith and the Saints are a great band as well.
June 12, 2019 @ 8:41 am
I think Shane Smith and the Saints are much closer sonically than Mike and the Moonpies. Flatland Calvary is a good choice too.
Black Boots
June 12, 2019 @ 8:49 am
I can’t believe you forgot Captain geech and the shrimp shack shooters
June 13, 2019 @ 2:34 pm
Geech’s voice has been really weak the last few times I’ve seen them, and Terry Taters left the band to play bass in The Dirty Old Whiskey Gamblers, so I just don’t think the Shrimp Shack Shooters are in a position to fill in for the Troubadours.
June 12, 2019 @ 9:41 am
This convo bums me out. Just reminds me of how good TT is / was.
No disrespect to the other bands mentioned.
June 12, 2019 @ 11:52 am
I, for one, am excited that Cody Jinks is stepping in at Red Dirt Festival in Sioux City, Iowa this summer.
Wishing the TT the strength to fight through their demons and come out stronger on the other side.
June 12, 2019 @ 11:55 am
#WhiskeyMyers!! #KoeWetzel !! #Parker McCollum !!! @whiskeymyers @koewetzel @parkermccollum
June 12, 2019 @ 7:16 pm
Koe Wetzel couldn’t pour piss outta Evan Felker’s boot if the directions were written on the heel.
June 25, 2020 @ 3:41 am
Omg! This is the funniest thing I think I’ve ever read! mainly because it is so damn true. I actually like some of Koe Wetzels music (hey, don’t judge me, some of them are ok) but I completely understand those mass appeal popish songs are not comparable to the exquisite masterpiece of true folk Americana country music that was produced by The Turnpike Troubadours! It’s truly one of a kind and they will always be my all time favorite band. I can’t imagine another band will come along that will have me listening to EVERY SINGLE SONG ON EVERY SINGLE ALBULM! It’s crazy to be that talented and I hope they make it back. I’m totally stealing this btw.
June 12, 2019 @ 6:59 pm
I’d say I want credit for this article, but after reading you for 10+ years, I think I think like you (when was the last time we disagreed about anything?)
June 12, 2019 @ 7:42 pm
Shane Smith, sonically, is the closest that you will get to what TT did. I like Mike and the pies as well…Flatland though? Nah. They are a great college bar that can play some festivals, but no one on this list provides as much energy as Shane Smith and the Saints. All this to say, no one will take the place of what TT was able to do on stage, studio or writing room.
Lol…Someone mentioned Parker McCollum, he’s a beat away from being the next Usher.
June 13, 2019 @ 4:15 am
AA is already filled in for TPT at Whitewater next month now opening for REK.
June 13, 2019 @ 5:42 am
Another band that’s always changing its roster and teetering on dissolving. I was an AA FAN, but suffered from BJ burnout.
June 13, 2019 @ 10:26 am
Those Damn Quail are pretty good, pretty, pretty, pretty good.
Jay Herrera
June 13, 2019 @ 1:48 pm
The Steel Woods. Check them out.
June 13, 2019 @ 7:28 pm
Has anyone heard anything about Felker?
June 13, 2019 @ 10:11 pm
Band of Heathens maybe?
Matt Reeves
June 14, 2019 @ 2:08 am
I think a lot of these comments are really crazy… As a member of a long-standing and successful band, that’s in this same scene, I think it’d be killer if Mike And The Moonpies stepped up and took the Turnpike Troubadours spot! He’s a great guy, who has a killer band that makes bad ass music! Country on boys!
Federico Weber
June 16, 2019 @ 11:18 pm
No one can take the Turnpike Troubadours place.
But the new kings are the Whiskey Myers.