Heading to South by Southwest

It will probably be easier to name of the bands and artists that WON’T be at South by Southwest in Austin, TX this week than to even begin trying to make a list of the ones I’m hoping to see. In fact I’m learning before I even get there that the most maddening thing about my upcoming SXSW experience is how much great music I will miss.

While I’m watching a band that I’ve wanted to see for years (let’s say, Slim Cessna’s Auto Club), there will be another band that I’ve wanted to see for years (maybe Whitey Morgan and the 78’s playing right down the street . . . within walking distance . . . for free . . . while they’re serving free beer . . . and free food . . .while the most beautiful women in the world (that being the one’s of the Texas persuasion) walk around enjoying the fact that they do not need to wear as much clothing as they did a month before.

It’s a good problem to have.

I’ve been trying to keep any itinerary thoughts free and lose so I don’t get frustrated trying to stick to some pre-ordained plan, but I know for sure it will all start off with the Hank III show tonight at Emo’s, and probably end sometime Sunday with me not wanting to hear one more note of music for a while, cursing large crowds, and nursing a gullet tortured and poisoned by bad diet and worse behavior.

Most of the interviews, reviews, and other SXSW content will likely not show up on the site this week, but next week when I can make sense of it all. This week sow, next week reap. But if you want, you can follow my daily activities on the Twitter Feed, and no, you don’t have to join Twitter, you can just watch. It will give you some insight into what I’m doing if you so care, music wise that is. I’ll keep updates on my bowel movements to myself.

–Triggerman Out.

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