I Give A Shit, Jason Aldean. I do. (A Rant)
Late Tuesday night (9-17), Jason Aldean took time away from getting fitted with pairs of $700 jeans and polishing up his Medusa of wallet chains to take to Instagram and call out Zac Brown for his recent comments about country music, and specifically Luke Bryan’s song “That’s My Kind Of Night,” characterizing it as the “worst song ever.” Though Zac Brown went out of his way to both say that his problem was not with Luke Bryan, but the song, and specifically clarify that he didn’t necessarily consider himself country either, though he does actually play real music with real instruments, Jason Aldean decided to take the low road with Zac Brown, and make it personal, saying:
I hear some other artist are bashing my boy @lukebryan new song, sayin its the worst song they have ever heard”¦”¦.. To those people runnin their mouths, trust me when i tell u that nobody gives a shit what u think. Its a big ol hit so apparently the fans love it which is what matters. Keep doin ur thing LB!!!
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
Look ladies and gentlemen, if Jason Aldean was ever pressured to actually write one of his hit songs, he’d choke like a Kardashian giving face love to a professional athlete. And what’s with the language on this prick for someone who’s supposed to be family entertainment? Do you kiss Luke Bryan with that same mouth Jason Aldean?
We already knew from Jason’s numerous stuttering, cardboard-like speaking presentations at stupid country music award shows that the man had less of a handle on the English language than a horny monkey does a greasy football. But if Aldean’s garbled communique is any indication, there’s Chilangos headed back home on the deportation bus that have better command of broken English than this plastic, country music Ken Doll. Match that with the vernacular of a 12-year-old female texter hopped up on half a dozen pixie sticks, and Aldean’s attempt at defending his man friend Luke Bryan is more of a laughable indictment of Aldean’s own character and intellectual attributes than a worthy defense of his “bro.” Aldean should have remembered the advice from those record executives: shut up, look pretty, and only open your mouth when the Auto-tuner is on.
And what do they say about people living in glass houses? A year ago this month, Jason Aldean and his shimmering white teeth were gracing the shiny cover of People Magazine’s Country Music Special Edition, singing the praises of Aldean as a superlative father and family man, while at the same exact time he was hanging out in an LA night club getting handsy with some loose American Idol castoff. Hey, we all make mistakes, but Aldean is two left feet in faux leather boots stained on the inside with residue from his chemical tan. Just stick to making sure you don’t fall off the riser when you’re working through your choreographed stage moves Aldean. We the people of country music will determine who needs to be called out or praised for their contributions to the genre.
And just appreciate this: Aldean took the time to call out Zac Brown, but still to this day has yet to reach out to Joe Diffie, a man he did an entire tribute song to. That’s right, Aldean hasn’t taken the time to even text Joe Diffie and his mullet, yet he’ll go on some rant replete with sophomoric abbreviations through the stupid-ass, adolescent forum of Instagram. Take this advice Aldean, keep your texting thumbs holstered in the loops of your $700 jeans, or tickling the #2 holes of your barely-legal groupies.
Who gives a shit what Zac Brown has to say? I do. We do. Are we the minority? Maybe, but the statistics show that our numbers are growing every day while mainstream music continues to circle the toilet hole of financial insolvency, trying to shore up their golden parachutes by instilling this sugar rush of completely vapid and talent-less hack acts that amount to nothing more than a harey carey maneuver, sticking a dagger right into the heart of country music, sacrificing its long-term health and viability to prop up the facade of the here and now.
You think the popularity of something proves its worth? In the minds and pocketbooks of a growing number of consumers, a song’s mainstream popularity is proper stimulation to avoid it at all costs. In a moment of vanity-filled rage and in a complete vacuum of self-awareness, you may think that you and Luke Bryan are kings of the mountain right now. But one day you’ll wake up and realize that mountain is nothing more than a heap of ashes of what country music once was, with no body or structure to that mound, and that the impending fall from the top will be quite precipitous.
Nobody gives a shit, Jason Aldean? Sorry “bro,” but you’re wrong. I give a shit. I do. And I’m not alone.
September 19, 2013 @ 12:52 pm
Damn Trigger, you need to come to Nashville so I can buy you a beer! Or two!
September 19, 2013 @ 12:52 pm
Straight up! Great post! I’m so sick of these pathetic pop-country acts, it makes me want to puke. Give ’em hell Mr. Trigger.
September 19, 2013 @ 12:52 pm
I give a shit.
September 19, 2013 @ 12:53 pm
Man I hope he re-…somebody helps him read this.
September 19, 2013 @ 1:02 pm
Second time a comment on this site has caused pop to come out my nose today!
September 19, 2013 @ 12:58 pm
Took the words right out of my mouth.
September 19, 2013 @ 1:07 pm
Aldean is a big ol ass hat.
I hope they stick Zac Brown right next to his seat at whatever award show is next. Fucking coward.
September 19, 2013 @ 1:12 pm
I put my playlist against these guys anytime.
September 19, 2013 @ 1:13 pm
I bet Zac Brown could kick Aldean’s ass! Remember The Kardashians are popular and loved by many people. Yet they have no talent. Well, Kim has one talent. We’ve all seen the video.
September 19, 2013 @ 1:15 pm
“You’re just jealouz. Irrelevant blogger. HA.” – Jason Aldean to Trigger.
You know it’s definitely how he will respond. He’s a teen girl trapped in a man’s body.
September 19, 2013 @ 9:59 pm
I think “irrelevant” would be a pretty big word for that reject.
September 19, 2013 @ 11:24 pm
I think in Aldean’s refined parlance “you’re” would be “ur”. 😉
September 19, 2013 @ 1:26 pm
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!!!
September 19, 2013 @ 1:37 pm
September 19, 2013 @ 1:45 pm
I never really liked him and he has been basically dead to me after I heard his song called ‘Johnny Cash’…
September 19, 2013 @ 1:54 pm
Well said as usual.
September 19, 2013 @ 2:03 pm
Why do U have 2 B so mean to Jason? Hez the best and a real country man. I bet you guys cant even bait a huk! I wood do anything for him! Sum peoples r just so jellus!
September 19, 2013 @ 3:17 pm
Aldean is a fucking homo, thats why!
September 19, 2013 @ 3:31 pm
sar·casm noun \ˈsär-ˌka-zəm\
1 : a sharp and often satirical or ironic utterance designed to cut or give pain
a : a mode of satirical wit depending for its effect on bitter, caustic, and often ironic language that is usually directed against an individual
b : the use or language of sarcasm
September 19, 2013 @ 2:13 pm
But…but…the $700 jeans go so well with his big loopy earrings and him and Lukey have matching tattoos!
September 19, 2013 @ 2:21 pm
Trig, I never tire of your way with words over here, but this is one of the best things I’ve read coming from your fertile mind. You hit every nail as they should be hit. Great points all tempered with big dollops of humor. Now, someone needs to translate this into troglodyte speak for all the wallet-chain dripping “new country artists”.
September 19, 2013 @ 2:24 pm
BTW: Aldean’s “Its a big ol hit so apparently the fans love it which is what matters” rationale is pathetically laughable (laughably pathetic?). “1994” was a “big ol hit” too, but I don’t see people really giving it any serious discussion or listening time ten years down the dusty ol’ trail, unless in the form of a punchline. Same thing, by and large with “Ice Ice Baby” and pretty much anything by Michael Bolton.
September 19, 2013 @ 5:09 pm
….that no-talent ass-clown….
September 23, 2013 @ 12:03 pm
You shouldn’t make fun of ass-clowns by comparing them to Jason Aldean.
July 9, 2014 @ 1:44 pm
Maybe Chris, but just don’t tell my heart my achy breaky heart.
September 19, 2013 @ 2:37 pm
You are the man Trig very well said ! Now have a drink and breath !
September 19, 2013 @ 2:39 pm
This says it all http://wbwalker.com/gay-o.jpg
September 20, 2013 @ 12:34 am
genius ! xD
September 19, 2013 @ 2:44 pm
The list of tags is priceless.
September 19, 2013 @ 3:06 pm
Just saw that, WTF?!?
September 19, 2013 @ 5:04 pm
I just scroll up to read the tags after you pointed out. I fell from my chair, laughing hysterically.
September 23, 2013 @ 5:53 am
“Monkey football sex”? Trig, I think you ought to copyright that phrase before Dallas Davidson uses it for his next song!
September 19, 2013 @ 3:06 pm
I would just like to say: not since the days of Travis Tritt and Billy Ray Cyrus have I ever seen a conflict like this
September 20, 2013 @ 6:43 am
You’re forgetting the Toby Keith/Natalie Maines feud.
September 21, 2013 @ 1:47 pm
Thank you very much I nearly forgot about that and at my age I’m a little bit more familiar with it
September 19, 2013 @ 3:20 pm
Trig for President!
September 19, 2013 @ 3:27 pm
Tears of joy. This is getting good.
September 19, 2013 @ 3:39 pm
if you go platinum,it’s got nothing to do with luck,
that just means a million people are stupid as fuck.
-Immortal Technique
September 19, 2013 @ 4:02 pm
Well said.
September 19, 2013 @ 4:35 pm
I see Justin Moore has spoken out, but of course Justin is on Bryan’s side.
I think Justin Moore should find a hat that fits him, then maybe he will see whats going on instead of just seeing the inside of a hat that’s down past his eyes.
September 19, 2013 @ 5:07 pm
I can’t get over thinking how Aldean is like the “cool” guy back in highschool who thought he was always so clever. God damn these guys are jokes, I can’t see the appeal at all, an I grew up only listening to radio country music and liked a lot of it.
September 19, 2013 @ 6:08 pm
Aldean isn’t even man enough to mention Zac Brown by name. What a coward.
September 19, 2013 @ 6:23 pm
That’s the only way he knows………………………………………………..
September 19, 2013 @ 6:30 pm
How many record labels do you think called their artists today and told them to keep quiet and not say a word. The bag has been opened, right now is the perfect opportunity for people to speak their mind on the state of country, but you won’t hear a peep, because people are scared of losing fans or hurting their standing with their label.
I normally don’t like to talk about the past and what people would have done, but you can’t tell me a guy like Waylon wouldn’t have jumped right in the middle of this and spoke his mind. You watch, their will only be artist support for Luke Bryan, because he’s the hot item right now.
September 20, 2013 @ 6:51 am
I remember Waylon’s comments about Billy Ray Cyrus (“You don’t have to be able to sing when you look that good”) and Garth Brooks (“He sounds like Mr. Haney from Green Acres”). In both of those cases, there were no snarky comebacks from his targets because the man was a legend and his opinion was respected.
I don’t think that respect exists today, though. If Alan Jackson had commented on a specific artist or song rather than the general state of the genre I’m pretty sure he would have been the target of a mass pile-on.
September 20, 2013 @ 1:42 pm
I also remember when Waylon said “Garth Brooks is going to lead country music down the wrong road”.
September 20, 2013 @ 2:11 pm
Little did Waylon know how bad it would eventually get……
September 19, 2013 @ 6:31 pm
That was excellent Trig!
September 19, 2013 @ 7:00 pm
I completely agree!! I went to a Jason Aldean concert ft Jake Owen & Thomas Rhett. There were kids there with their parents; Jake Owen even called an adorable little girl on stage with him. Mr. Aldean comes on stage & immediately starts using all kinds of profanity (the first of the night) & even asks some of his younger female fans on the floor to flash him…He even added swearing to some of “his” songs that didn’t originally include it. His performance was stiff, not nearly as engaged as his opening acts, and even the projected image of Kelly Clarkson was more lively than he was. I definitely lost any respect for him I had after that.
September 20, 2013 @ 4:07 pm
Cutting a duet with Kelly Clarkson is another reason he lost respect. All female country artists are great singers so why not choose them? He chose a big pop star to cash in on sales to her fans. Pop goes the weasel.
September 24, 2013 @ 5:10 pm
I went to a festival with Aldean and Jake owen as well, and don’t think for a second jake owen is all that innocent either.. A girl started out the flashing and Owen responded to that with a very classy “Keep the titties coming”. My 50 year old father came with me to a Brad Paisley concert and was embarrassed by the way the young girls were dressing. He hadn’t been to a country concert since George Strait was doing his festivals about 10 years ago and I had to explain to him that this is what country music has become. And as long as artists like Luke and Jason keep singing songs encouraging girls to shake their asses and “get down” that’s what’s going to happen. Its become like a side show.. these young people who have no respect for the beautiful history of the genre listen to the mainstream music out now, dress in what they think is “country” and act like complete asses. Its disgusting… I think someone like George Strait would blush over this behaviour, after all he didn’t even want to release “Give it All We Got” because he thought it was too Risqué.. So I think this may be a matter of what came first the chicken or the egg do we blame the mass idiots buying this crap or do we blame the artists and the industry.. either way something needs to change.
September 19, 2013 @ 7:29 pm
a corny reggae band that sings about smoking spliffs and laying on the beach has no room to speak
of course jason aldean came to his girlfriends defense, they have matching tatttoos
September 20, 2013 @ 4:11 pm
Name a Zac Brown Band song as pop as That’s My Kind Of Night. They probably use synthesizers for target practice.
September 19, 2013 @ 7:44 pm
This is why I LOVE reading your blog. Your rant on this subject is spot on. I read an interesting comment, will these singers be singing about “country girl shake it for me” in 20 years like Merle and Alan Jackson can sing their classic hits after 20 years? I think not.
September 19, 2013 @ 8:00 pm
Luke Bryan or Jason Aldean or Tim McGraw or any other pop country artist is to country as Kenny G is to jazz.
No real jazz artist wants to be affiliated with Kenny G but, unfortunately, Kenny G is considered a jazz artist. So is Joshua Redman. Does Joshua Redman want to be mentioned in the same breath with Kenny G? Hell no! Does he wish Kenny G was not considered a jazz artist? Hell yes! But, as luck would have it, they both fall under the category of jazz artist.
So, Wayne Hancock, Dale Watson, Hank III, Sturgill, Roger Wallace, Bob Wayne, etc., unfortunately are lumped in with the Jason Aldeans, Luke Bryans, Florida Georgia Lines, Tim McGraws, etc. under the Country music umbrella.
But, rest assured, once the country pop fans realize their favorite artists are the Kenny G of country, there’s a chance they may realize the error of their ways.
So, pop country music is nothing more than Muzak. Elevator music. Let’s take the cover of Kenny G’s album where he’s holding his saxophone and jumping up in the air and photo shop the faces of today’s pathetic, bubble gum, pop country artists like Jason Aldean, Luke Bryan, etc onto the face of Kenny G on that album. That should shame them into reality.
September 20, 2013 @ 7:43 am
Here’s Pat Metheny making your exact point about Kenny G. Also, he sounds just like a lot of us country music lovers who resent the fact that we need to explain ourselves when we say we like country music.
On a lighter note, here’s Richard Thompson agreeing with Pat Metheny:
September 19, 2013 @ 8:42 pm
This is seriously one of the most ridiculous things I’ve ever read. You (the writer) may think that Jason Aldean is sell out or whatever you and Luke Bryan too for that matter. But I read that the other night on Instagram and Jason Aldean didn’t mention any names yeah everyone probably knew who he was talking about but still. And really it is true no one obviously gives a shit what Zac Brown has to say because that song is seriously one of the greatest ever, why because it tells a story just like the rest of country music songs do. Everyone thinks Luke and Jason are on high horses well guess what so Zac. Brown fame changed him and not too well or he wouldn’t have been criticizing anyone else abouttp their choice of a song to cut. Cuz believe me he has quite a few shitty songs that as soon as I hear them I switch the channel. I absolutely love every song Luke Bryan sings though and I can’t hear enough of them so Luke. Bryan has obviously got something together….. That’s just my opinion!
September 19, 2013 @ 8:52 pm
The reason Jason Aldean didn’t name any names is because it takes guts to name names.
September 22, 2013 @ 10:23 pm
Damn Trigger! remind me never to pissed you off.
April 21, 2014 @ 8:54 pm
No dumbass it doesn’t take guts it takes class! And you got all these other haters on here riding your jock I would never buy you a beer I would give you a glass piss and hope you choke on it! Music changes dipshit if you don’t like it pull your old cassettes out of your dresser and listen to them or mabey 8 track get with the times man! You name one dam genre that sounds the same, you can’t cause none of them do classic type rock doesn’t even exsist name one band that sounds like zeppelin or skynard or stones. Jason aldean isn’t perfect but I’d sure buy his f’en album cause it sounds good and makes me feel good specially flying over states it doesn’t get more American than that! Idk man you people need to get a life it’s just music!
September 19, 2013 @ 11:08 pm
Hell yeah brother! Well said! Damn sure am glad I found this site.
September 19, 2013 @ 11:23 pm
I really don’t give a shit, but watching you traditional country hicks get all butthurt and emotional over the demise of your precious outdated genre of music is fucking hysterical.
September 19, 2013 @ 11:29 pm
^^^^Gross oversimplification of the issue to the point of being comical^^^^
The only people who ever say that some people never want country music to change are the ones that want to pin that position on “traditionalists” so they can then rip it to shreds. Everyone agrees that country music must evolve to stay relevant, and that argument has been made at nauseum by myself so many times it makes my head hurt that you left this comment. Nothing about Luke Bryan or Jason Aldean is evolved. It is devolution and base cultural reduction by definition.
September 20, 2013 @ 12:58 am
It is evolution. It’s evolving in accordance to a shift in demographic caused by the emergence of digital media. It isn’t about preserving traditionalist ideals and culture anymore. It’s about maximizing profits, and country songs are selling more than ever.
Blame the label executives and the dickhead that invented the Internet.
September 20, 2013 @ 7:01 am
When you abandon intelligence and sophistication in favor of base carnal desires, you have entered a stage of devolution. And that’s what we’re seeing now. It has nothing to do with technology or the internet and everything to do with the fact that the population in general is returning to the cro-magnon period.
September 20, 2013 @ 7:12 am
Yes. Like the movie Idiocracy.
September 20, 2013 @ 1:23 pm
Bob, you’re wrong. There are better country musicians playing better music that can be easily digested by a large demographic”¦ anywhere from Alt-Country, Folk, Honky Tonk, Streetgrass, Red Dirt, Americana, Bluegrass, Southern Rock, as well as the aforementioned traditional and neo-traditional country.
That’s what this site is all about; exposing more and more people to great music while calling out record label pawns like Aldean and Bryan, who have been falsely convinced that they have anything important to say, which is kind of amazing considering when they do actually have a platform to express their ideas(ie. Music and social media) they sound like 8th grade dropouts.
Why can”™t quality and popularity share the same stage, like many times in Country Music”™s history?
September 20, 2013 @ 2:04 pm
Bob, your internet theory is backward. The labels that want to get rich put the garbage music out through traditional means… TV and Radio. Many of the true artists rely on the internet to get exposure. As TV and Radio die off (as we knew them 5-10-15 years ago, the only way to make money there is to put shit out that people who don’t make the decisions in their household will like. I.E. teenagers don’t pay the bills nor are buying the technology, so to reach them, you gotta throw shit at the wall that is free to some degree. Mainstream radio is still free and so is network TV. All the shit music is on there. Sure they use technology to blast it out too, but they are grabbing a demographic that doesn’t have financial means to decide what they want, they have beg parents to buy it… and the parents do, but the free mediums is where you hook them.
September 20, 2013 @ 4:31 pm
Making country this pop is not evolving it, it’s selling out to pop plain and simple. Artists like Kacey Musgraves are the ones evolving it and her music could be more country but isn’t in the same universe as Luke’s song. Digital media? Funny because I buy country albums on iTunes. What sells big is whatever radio plays on repeat and if they hadn’t already played Luke so much his fan base would be small and new song would have few sales.
September 20, 2013 @ 8:42 pm
Read trig’s article “the science behind why pop music sucks”. Music is in fact de-evolving, and that’s not just someone’s opinion, its what the data tells us.
September 24, 2013 @ 10:32 am
I love how people that support pop-country can’t even bring themselves to say take the stance and say the music of today is better than in the past… they just use phrases like “it’s evolution”.
Funny, because technology gets better, music gets worse?
September 20, 2013 @ 4:56 am
Jason Aldean is the Ron Jeremy of pop country. He’s the guy that all of us fat, talentless hacks can look to so we can image ourselves as fat, talentless pop country superstars.
The great irony in this whole debacle is that guys like Jason Aldean only have success BECAUSE pop country is a separate and distinct genre from pop/rap/rock. They are not nearly talented or engaging enough to appeal to the masses without sneaking through the pop country niche and then exploiting it for all they can. If anyone should be concerned about saving country music, it should actually be these douchebilly bro-country superstar posers.
September 20, 2013 @ 6:43 am
This post was fucking aces, Triggerman…funny and hard-hitting…re: Aldean’s post: he didn’t write it, period…his publicist did…that shit is common in the era of social media…as Triggerman pointed out, the guy can’t walk and chew gum at the same time…in Aldean’s defense, maybe he tried to write something but nobody could decipher the crayon scribbles all over his ruined iPad screen.
If anybody is a candidate for a humiliating Glenn Danzig-style public beat down, it’s Aldean.
September 20, 2013 @ 6:44 am
I don’t see how anyone could listen to Jason Aldean or Luke Bryan and honestly think it is good music. And to think that I used to complain about Kenny Chesney…
September 20, 2013 @ 8:39 am
I was just going to click ‘like’, but I must urge and implore you to continue to complain about Kenny Chesney. Promise me you will? Please??
Because nothing he has put out lately has done even the slightest thing to lessen his suck-tastic-ness. He is destined to suck to infinity and beyond.
September 20, 2013 @ 8:53 am
Kenny Chesney wanted to suck, but he couldn’t reach. As I’ve heard some old folks say “He ain’t but titty high.”
September 20, 2013 @ 9:50 am
Zach Brown,Kenny Chesney, & the like sound like Jimmy Buffet to me. While they may not rap like the other clowns, it ain’t much better. Modern country blows.
September 20, 2013 @ 12:22 pm
ZBB may have some songs about the beach, but that is such a small portion of their catalog. They have a lot of great songs and their musicianship as a band absolutely blows anything I’ve seen away.
September 20, 2013 @ 2:16 pm
I actually like the Zac Brown beach songs. Mostly because I laugh when I picture him sitting there on the beach with his thick beard, stocking cap, sweater, and a pair of Hawaiian shorts.
September 20, 2013 @ 8:03 pm
I actually like them too, but I understand if they are not everyones cup of tea. I think I like them so much, because I always dream of having this life where I just bum out at the beach all the time and listen to music.
September 20, 2013 @ 1:26 pm
I think calling the crap played on mainstrean country radio “modern country” is giving it too much credit. I simply call it pop country. Also, douchebilly is a term that I grown to like to describe the laundry listers such as Shelton, Bryan, Aldean, Moore and Gilbert.
There’s been some good articles on this site about younger artists that are part of what I would say is a “artist driven” evolution of country music. Difference is they are pushing the boundaries while still respecting the roots.
Here’s a few. There’s more, no doubt.
September 20, 2013 @ 2:36 pm
… and on the subject of evolving a traditional music genre while also respecting its roots, I remember a great answer from Richard Thompson in an interview on CMTEdge with Jewly Hight as he was promoting his latest album Electric. Through some memory recall and Google, I was able to find it again.
Q: What is it that makes songs like “Another Small Thing in Her Favor” or “Sally B” feel so contemporary and also feel so tangibly related to tradition?
A: You have to love the tradition that you come from or the tradition that you decide to latch onto. I mean, these days, more and more people learn music from an iPod. You can grab music from anything anywhere in the world. But I think it”™s important to embrace the music of where you come from, and I come from English and Scottish traditional music. That”™s where you start, and that”™s the basis of what you do. Once you have a firm foundation in that, then you can go anywhere. You can be as contemporary as you like. You can bring other elements into your style. It”™s still built on this firm foundation that gives your music its own unique characteristics. I write contemporary songs because I live in the contemporary world, and I write about what I see and what I do. But the roots are still there.
September 20, 2013 @ 8:45 pm
Is it just me, or is that grossly unfair to Jimmy Buffet? At least Buffet doing his thing, however cheesy, was fairly original, and he’s written some good songs. Everything someone like Aldean touches turns to doo-doo.
September 20, 2013 @ 12:36 pm
Absolutely dead-on awesome response, Trigger!! WOW!! I am so impressed!! This Pop idol meathead certainly does need to understand that there are people that do care about what’s being passed off as Country music!! THANKS for being our voice!!
September 20, 2013 @ 1:05 pm
I liked Justin Moore’s comments… “you don’t call out someone in your fraternity.” Hey Moore, ever consider you’re not in Zac Brown’s fraternity? You, Aldean and Bryan are in some kind of sarority douche bag.
And Dallas Davidson…you write about what you know? Get off your fucking tailgate and go learn/know something else, I’m sick of hearing about beer and trucks…oh yea, you all are using the word “moonshine” now…what a stretch.
September 20, 2013 @ 2:21 pm
There was a guy in my hometown named Dallas Davidson who got killed in a car accident years ago. I hate to sound mean, but I really wish it would have been this Dallas Davidson instead.
December 29, 2013 @ 1:03 pm
I know I’m pretty late with this, but the very fact that the word “fraternity” was used is a window into the mindset of these douchebags.
September 20, 2013 @ 3:30 pm
Jason Aldean got divorced. His wife kept the money, he kept the hoop earrings. He has gotten his panties wrapped up around his wallet chain. This is entertaining to say the least.
September 20, 2013 @ 6:28 pm
goddam you got a way with the words, there, Trigger. right-fucking-on, brutha!
September 21, 2013 @ 11:22 am
Something else that struck me about that…
Unlike Zac Brown, Jason Aldean doesn’t have the stones to call out people by name. That says a lot, if you ask me.
September 21, 2013 @ 2:32 pm
Don’t know if you saw this, but Will Hoge:
“millionaires arguing about who is ‘more country’ cracks me up. Trust me, farm hands and factory workers are countrier than both y’all. Shhh!” http://us995.cbslocal.com/2013/09/19/country-star-will-hoge-addresses-the-luke-bryan-vs-zac-brown-fued/
A few thoughts:
1) every single successful country singer becomes wealthy–or at least in most cases has the opportunity to become wealthy. Would Merle Haggard and Willie Nelson not be allowed to chime in because they are rich now? (
2) Even is being poor is now a prerequisite for commenting on country music, then Will Hoge needs to shut up after the god awful chevy song.
September 21, 2013 @ 2:58 pm
Yeah, his opinion is a little presumptuous, and adding your opinion to the fray doesn’t really help everyone go, “Shh…”.
I added this and Blake Shelton’s tweet as an update to the story when Jason Aldean first spoke out, but I’m not sure how motivated I am to continue to string this story out aside from Luke Bryan, Zac Brown, or someone else making some major inflammatory public comments. At this point I think if Luke was going to speak, he would have. He’ll probably respond in a few weeks in an interview when everything has cooled down some. What I’m really waiting for someone else to speak out. Gary Allan continues to back peddle which is somewhat disappointing.
September 22, 2013 @ 11:28 am
Zac’s statements went over the top of Will’s head. It’s more about good, varied vs. bad, similar songs than who is more country. Zac cares about the music, not just the money.
September 23, 2013 @ 12:09 pm
“I was flat broke when I got into the music business. I took me 10 years to build up $2 million in debt.” – Merle Haggard
September 22, 2013 @ 7:56 am
Jason Aldean is opening for George Strait in Austin on his final tour. WTF. I have to question whether I am going now.
And, speaking objectively, that Luke Bryan song is the worst song ever.
September 22, 2013 @ 2:36 pm
Jason Aldean should be put in the front row, tied to the chair, mouth gagged and told to pay attention to how country music is to be done.
After that George should make him help take down the stage for being an ass.
Oh and make Aldean wear a name tag that say’s Buddy Jackson. After all that’s pretty much all he is.
September 22, 2013 @ 3:40 pm
Oh and make Aldean wear a name tag that say”™s Buddy Jackson. After all that”™s pretty much all he is.
That’s some grade-A inside baseball right there, Mr. Brown. 😉
“Let’s do it.”
“Why the hell not?” BAM!
September 24, 2013 @ 10:29 am
Haha. Buddy Jackson. That is gold.
September 22, 2013 @ 12:28 pm
Psst …
Rebecca Frazier – When We Fall
September 22, 2013 @ 1:20 pm
I give a shit!
September 22, 2013 @ 10:13 pm
Jason Aldean’s “Night Train” Tour…………Brought To You By Instagram.
Because That’s………..The Only Way He Knows!
And by…………..His Big Green Tractor!
September 24, 2013 @ 5:39 pm
“Look ladies and gentlemen, if Jason Aldean was ever pressured to actually write one of his hit songs, he”™d choke like a Kardashian giving face love to a professional athlete.”
It’s quite amusing in an ironic way when you stop to consider the fact that Aldean moved to Nashville to become a songwriter. Indeed, a few of the songs on his debut album bear his name in the songwriting credits, but that is the only one. It’s also funny that the guy who is obviously in his studio’s back pocket is telling Zac Brown (a free thinker) that “no one cares” what he thinks. No, Mr. Aldean, I think it’s the other way around. You, the only currently popular country music “artist” to have as many covers of other artists’ album tracks as original songs under your belt, are the one that no one cares about
September 24, 2013 @ 11:07 pm
Country music is dead thanks to the likes of Aldean. If its pop country then it ain’t country. Johnny Cash, George Jones, and Waylon Jennings are doing 2500 rpm in their graves. All of the bands now have goofy names and all sound alike. I’ll take the Oak Ridge Boys over the new bands any day.
October 15, 2013 @ 11:24 am
Wow. My 2 favorite country music stars being bad boys!! But luke ain’t nowhere on my favorites list!! I’m kinda surprised Zac said that honestly! It’s not my favorite song either but it’s sure not the worst! And Jason needs to come down off of that self made throne! I think he needs a serious attitude check. All I see in his future is a burnt out ol drug addict. I loved him before he started getting famous but now I think all I love about him is his drummer! Zac Brown is doing it right but he needs to be a little more careful about throwing his opinion around about his country music brothers. You don’t really want to make enemies in this kind of business. It’s a family and we all should just get along!
October 21, 2013 @ 10:05 am
I find it funny how alll of you self proclaimed Country Music experts act like you do. Zac Brown is a good artist. dont get me wrong but who is he to judge someone elses music? How can you call someone a “friend” and say “its nothing personal” then turn and bash him fir his style of music? There is no problem with standing up for your friend when someones makin fun of what you do. who the hell are you. Trigger to pass judgement on someone you ptobably have never met ot spoken too? Everyones entitled to there own opinio but you sir, dont have to be an ass about it. Jason has earned the right and paied his dues. You dint like his music dont listen to it and shut the hell up. Jasons music, his records, and his fans speak for itself. Country music is supposed to evolve and become different. I love the veterans of country music but me as a fan would get awfulky bored listing to the same, twangy, bango stuff all the time. Just because Jason didnt name Zac directly does not prove hes a coward. Zac is the coward for goin after somebody the way he did. Clearly Zac is feelin a little threatened by Lukes success. In reality theur going to keep.makin music as they see fit soley based on the fans reactions, so all of you can get over it.
November 26, 2013 @ 9:39 pm
AMEN. Way before I ever heard Zac had said this, when people asked me if I liked country music, as they always do when tell them you are from Nashville, I would ask which kind? This nauseating crap (Luke Bryan, Jason Aldean, Lady Antebellum, etc.) is not country music…. there is nothing raw and stripped down and “real” about it. I have used this particular Luke Bryan song as my example of what I hate about country music since the first time I heard it. Almost every single one of Zac Brown’s songs are amazing, and something that the likes of Johnny Cash, Waylon Jennings, Dwight Yokam, and Allen Jackson would consider country and could bear to listen to. Something with feeling, something that moves your soul. Don’t even get me started on these other guy’s cheesy ass clothes and frosted and teased hair. So manly.
January 8, 2014 @ 5:23 pm
Something worth noting is that music isn’t a static entity. It isn’t created then placed in some sort of capsule for preservation in perpetuity. and given that artists often describe various inspirations for their musical tastes, naturally music evolves. but for people to make a judgment about ‘country music as a whole’ : A: can’t quantify that because it’s based on a visceral reaction. and not data…B: the greats and pioneers of the genre have music that can still be bought and experienced. so why the huge FREAK OUT because the music isn’t the same as some bygone era. all of this is based on something that we can’t even really compare…for instance, i can’t make someone experience a song in the same way that i do. that’s bc that is an intrinsic exchange that happens with art in general. you feel that song and therefore it is a subjective experience. so, no one can say that something is BAD – just bc, they said so (and for the record i luv ZBB)
the idea is diversity.
the writer is a good writer, so i was entertained by that, but i think to say aldean got personal and took the low road, only to proceed in the very same manner belies you initial position.
this happens in all genre of music, though. people want to criticize the scene rather than just gravitate to what he or she likes. when you think about what ‘s really being said, it means that some fans want their music to be the same as when they first encountered it. that is myopic in a naive sense and equally illogical. it’s the music that exists and we’re inspired by it. not that we dictate the impact of the music…meaning ZB can’t say it’s worst song ever bc he can’t quantify such a claim. furthermore, since JA isn’t really a showman doesn’t he ALWAYS have a guitar in his hands? now is there, some industry knowledge that he’s pulling a madonnna on us? – when she ‘played guitar’ for bout five min in a show once. i mean jason even said himself that LB’s ass is double-jointed…. LOLOL
he is certainly entitled to say it’s a crap song or he just doesn’t like it – yes, this is still “Merica”, first amendment and all. but as big-time frontmen for the genre, i think we should have some class. i mean why would ZB choose to be a total D**K, then you as the writer get mad at the guy defending his buddy?? that’s as bad as when you see two women fighting only to learn that it was over a boy! again, misguided anger and intention….FWIW….
September 13, 2014 @ 5:33 pm
I know this article is almost a year old, but I just found it. I would just like to say that I agree wholeheartedly with everything you said! I can’t wait for the time when Jason Aldean and Luke Bryan mean nothing! Look back in 20 years and I guarantee you 99% of the worlds population won’t remember who they are! You’ve put into words the things I’ve been trying to say for the longest time! And by the way, I’m only 17 and agree with you… There’s hope for the future (for some of us).
November 24, 2014 @ 10:06 am
Long time fan of this site; first time comment. I’ve been away from the Country genre for a minute & shocked at what I found when I came back; to see it sort of taken over by what sort of drove me drove me away in the first place. I have my good ole’ MP3 player; it caters to what I call Country music so I’ve been ok without mainstream radio. Not afraid to miss out on the “next big thing”…I have a great internet connection with massive search capabilities & YouTube lol. I’ve been watching & listening; but I know what I like & don’t like. I know the difference between what I feel is pure unadulterated CRAP & what has MERIT. And weather I personally like it or not, if it’s hitting my sweet spot musically; I can still give credit where credit is due based on honest musical capabiltes, lyrical content & delivery; as in ability to sell ME on UR belief in UR tune & giving the emotion to back it up. Funny, romantic, sexy or serious, I don’t care. Just make me FEEL something.
Weather u wrote it or not is irrelevant to me because I don’t care. It’s UR delivery that in the end speaks to me. If u can write? That just means you have a bit more skill & talent. Side note for this point: When we watch actors, do we base our like or dislike of them as actors or their performances in their craft on weather or not they wrote that script? Produced it? Directed or cast it? Again I could care less. It’s the project as a WHOLE that will speak to people. Music, Acting, Dancing, Novels…Any kind of artistic expression; whatever it is we are watching or listening to, will be based in the end on how it made us feel. And if we like something or not, it’s going be due to
entire collective from the entire collaboration. Writer, producer, director, editor & performer. If u are what they call a “triple threat” in any artistic realm makes no never mind to me. It can be very well debated till the cows come home with stats & facts about which type of talent will produce the best end result but I assure u…Even if Frank Capra & Bogey himself came back from the dead or if Scorsese or Spielberg, Rogers & Hammerstein, Tom Hanks or Sean Connery all jumped on board to write, direct, produce, edit & star in LB’s next video….I still would not jump on board. Cause HE still lacks massive delivery, connection & emotion in my eyes. His voice his unique & I can HEAR that, I just don’t feel or believe it. It’s all about the end result of the collective effort for me.
Ok, back to my rant….
Noah said something that foreshadowed the 2014 CMA Entertainer of the year…and regardless of all the debate about new vs. old & who sucks & who doesn’t…I’m breaking my rule of keeping my opinion to myself & not forcing it or sharing it on social media, because 9 times out of 10 it’s a frustrating moot point & will change not one thing; so here goes nothing….WHAT kind of a genre did I come back to & WHAT world of WHAT kind of minds calls LB the 2014 CMA EOTY???????? (Now I’ll research the crap out of what that honor is based on lol.) I’m sure there is a mess of politics in all aspects of any industry but c’mon…really? My God the list is endless of what constitutes as ‘Country Entertainment’ because we all have such different styles, tastes & backgrounds; but to give this accolade to HIM? Now I’LL need to drop my tailgate in some obscure meadow & drink till that memory fades away, (‘hey bartender’); cause all the clichés in the world won’t make me understand that & I saw it happen with my own eyes lol!!!
Everyone has THEIR own opinion. Each & every generation has the past to go off of, & depending on what’s currently going on in ANY specific genre in the present, mixed by with a persons personal taste, lifestyle & exposure to the full history of that perricular genre…..that’s all gong to factor greatly in the FUTURE direction that style of music is most likly going to go. The masses HAVE been heard, or so it would seem. Every generation needs to have & see genres of any type of media entertainment grow. Move forward. Broaden their horizons … take it to the next level. And although I see some growth I only see it growing into someone else’s genre, not their own. It’s saturated in words like swagger, bling, baby girl & put it on you. Differences for sure….the profanity & violence isn’t here, but I notice in place of ‘da smoke’ or other drug references, they are replaced by mention of some type of alcohol. I know Country music has never had a shortage of beer & whiskey. It’s part of it’s culture & heritage…..but I don’t ever remember it being THIS saturated. Almost everyone currently has a “hit” right now that has that reference; weather it brings content to the song or not, or is what the songs point is. On the way to work yesterday, just for kicks; I racked up a total of 18 songs in a row lol. Turned back on my mp3 & called it a wrap =>}
Maybe it’s always been there & I just never paid that much attention & it’s sticking out now so much to me due to the pure lack of musical & lyrical content lately. Who knows? It’s just all sarurated in another cultures mannerisms to me. The way they try to dress, talk & try to act, try to adopt that mentality yet stay true to their own Country “roots”, but they are SO FASINATED with the other they just can’t help themselves.
Even some hand gestures & certain annunciation’s of words. I know music history as a whole & it DOES cross paths. Influences one another. That has to happen to mature & grow. I’ve always sort of been ahead of the curve with trends, so I sort of like a little ‘bling & swag’ here & there, call it what u want, but this is just nuts to me cause it’s not just the appearance….it’s now even the content. Poor Cowboy Troy….& poor Dirt Road Anthem lol. Ahead of their time or epic cross culture fail? Is it a sign of the times? A generation thing?
You have to find a happy medium here people. Find what speaks to YOUR MUSICAL SWEET SPOT so to speak 😉
This ‘Country’ culture is now more divided then I’ve ever seen it. Not just the fans but the artists & industry as well. I’m a mutt. I’m bread from generations of a little bit of everything. From Blue Grass pickers to Gangsta Rap & EVERYTHING in between so my taste varies & is broad. I truly can find something to appreciate in everything. Even if it’s to appreciate what I don’t like in comparison to what I do. I try to dig deeper & learn, but in the end..I like what I like. Same as you I suspect. I Love how some of the flavors taste when they collide & laugh how others end up being a complete train wreck.
The entertainment industry as a whole, will never put a ban on scantly cad lil shortys’ in print or on the screen & since our country was partially built on booze & trucks, I doubt we’ll see a shortage of song references on those subjects any time soon either. Along with heartbreak, cheating, stealing, lying, loss or death….fishing, hunting, getting the girl or don’t take the girl….being chased by the POPO’s or somebody’s current husband / boyfriend….
chasing paper, being hung over, starting from the bottom & making it to the top, one night stands or massive pride in the USA or using a song to shed some light or hope on a good cause or abusive topic…riding with ur hair blowin in the breeze while UR tops laid back & UR either ridin 24’s or a lift kit….apple pie, mammas house, daddys hands, fightin-bleedin-dyin for the Red White & Blue, chicken fry, daisy dukes & sexy tractors, endless wanna-be thugs or cowboys…night trains or family traditions….what else IS there to sing or write about people? It’s all life my dude & dudettes; & it’s always gonna BE that….anyway u slice it, it’s someone’s version of life they r trying to sell us. Weather or not we buy it? Only you can say…makes for hours of great endless debates & opinions that’s fo’ sho’ 😉
I still just wanna know how the HELL that happened this year…and I bet Noah is right. I bet Aldean is kicking himself for helping putting his boy ‘on’…& now look? LB got the big enchilada whilst Jas barley can claim a Taco Bell carry out. It’s all gravy though right? Plenty cheese to go round long as their packing stadiums; but we will still only like what WE like. You’ve got your integrity standards; they’ve got theirs 😉
Thanks for the read peeps….& a safe place to vent <3
May 4, 2015 @ 1:41 pm
So I came across the article about 2 years too late but I’m gonna post anyways. Just to give some context, I do NOT like country music. Bluegrass, grungegrass, southern rock, sure, but not a fan of country. So I’m objective here and objectivity is a rare factor in most arguments. My wife, however, loves country music. She grew up on it and still makes me suffer through it today. To appease her, I will take her to a concert usually once a year. I’ve seen Charlie Daniels and a few other greats at the Ryman. Even though I’m no fan of country music, I appreciate a good musician and am treated to such at each show. Garth Brooks in Nashville – great show, Brad Paisley – decent musician and fun atmosphere, Zac Brown – three different shows and never once disappointed (I’ve seen Charlie Daniels do Charlie Daniels and I’ve seen ZBB do Charlie Daniels and Charlie Daniels can’t do Charlie Daniels quiet the same). My interest in country music was starting to perk; and then came the New Years Eve show in Atl headlined by FL/GA Line or GA/FL Line or whatever they are called. After that…F*ck country music. Those two trailer-trash buffoons spent 2 hours trying to tell me the philosophies of backwoods livin’ interjingled (my word) with some ghetto wannabe skunk rap, munged with pure stupid. I mean…STUPID. How absolutely stupid could modern day mainstream country music get? After that concert, they exceeded my expectations. So while Zac Brown might have been a little mean (sniff, tears) Jason Aldean can let the skinny jeans wearing Luke Bryan wipe his tears and snot on his shoulder as they embrace in a powerful bro-hug. And FL/GA line can take a shot of their antifreeze laced Fireball and pour one out on the ground for their homies while engaged in twitter warfare of taking smellfies. I hate ’em all. PS. After this article was written somebody did those ass-clowns a disservice and ran all top-5 country songs at one time…and guess what, they lyrics, the beats, the rhythm, the instrumentation, the vocals….well, listen to it yourself if you haven’t seen this yet. Speaks volumes.
August 4, 2019 @ 4:32 pm
I used to love jason aldean.At this time.He disgusts me.He is a liar ,cheat and fake.Doesnt even write his own songs.Plus he emberassed his first wife.with his home wrecking ,no talented home wrecker