Jason Aldean To Zac Brown “Nobody Gives A Shit What You Think”
(This story has been updated. See below)
The war of words concerning the state of country music continues, with Jason Aldean being the latest to enter the fray. Responding to comments by Zac Brown in a recent radio interview, Jason Aldean took to his Instagram account to call out Zac Brown for calling Luke Bryan’s current #1 hit “That’s My Kind Of Night” the “worst song ever.”
I hear some other artist are bashing my boy @lukebryan new song, sayin its the worst song they have ever heard…….. To those people runnin their mouths, trust me when i tell u that nobody gives a shit what u think. Its a big ol hit so apparently the fans love it which is what matters. Keep doin ur thing LB!!!
In an interview on 93.7 JR FM in Vancouver, Canada last week with Barbara Beam, Zac Brown said in part:
I love Luke Bryan and he’s had some great songs, but this new song is the worst song I’ve ever heard. I know Luke, he’s a friend. ‘My Kind Of Night’ is one of the worst songs I’ve ever heard. I see it being commercially successful, in what is called country music these days, but I also feel like that the people deserve something better than that. Country fans and country listeners deserve to have something better than that, a song that really has something to say, something that makes you feel something. Good music makes you feel something. When songs make me wanna throw up, it makes me ashamed to even be in the same genre as those songs.
Zac Brown also went on to say, “If I hear one more tailgate in the moonlight, daisy duke song, I’m gonna throw up.”
READ: I Give A Shit, Jason Aldean. I do. (A Rant)
Luke Bryan and Jason Aldean both hail from Georgia, and both appear together on the recent single “The Only Way I Know” that also includes Eric Church. Aldean’s backlash continues a war of words, with many mainstream artists coming out against the current direction of country music. Alan Jackson last week said there was “No country stuff left” on country radio. Gary Allan in an interview with Larry King recently said, “We’ve lost our genre.” And Kacey Musgraves, who was just nominated for 6 CMA Awards, has spoken out numerous times recently, saying in late August that she was tired of Affliction T Shirts and truck songs.
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UPDATE (9-19-13 1:20 PM CDT): One of the songwriters for Luke Bryan’s “That’s My Kind Of Night” has come out in defense of Luke and his song. Professional songwriter Dallas Davidson, also responsible for such hits as “Honky Tonk Badonka Donk” and Luke’s other big hit “Country Girl (Shake It For Me),” telling Roughstock in part:
When Luke called and told me about it, the first thing I did was sit there and soak it in. A comment like that will hurt your feelings because when you write a song, it’s kind of like one of your babies. To hear a successful artist say it was the worst song he’s heard and it makes him want to throw up, that’s just not cool. I’m sure a lot of stuff like that has been said behind closed doors, and everybody has their right to their opinion, but to come out publicity and dog on other artists and dog on a song and the songwriters, to me, is just unacceptable and it’s not nice.
Zac Brown also specifically called out the songwriters in his initial comments, saying, “You can look and see some of the same songwriters on every one of the songs. There’s been like 10 number one songs in the last two or three years that were written by the same people and it’s the exact same words, just arranged different ways.”
Dallas Davidson continues:
We write songs for a living. We write about what we know about. What I know about is sitting on a tailgate drinking a beer. Hell I live on the river. When Luke called me to tell me about what happened, I was literally smoking Boston butts on my homemade cooker at my 800 square foot river house with about four of my buddies with their trucks backed up, sitting on a tailgate. And they want to know why we talk about tailgates in songs ”¦ well that’s because we’re sitting on them. We did that 25 years ago, and we’re still doing it. I can’t write about things I don’t know about. Fortunately, there’s a lot of people in this country who do what I do. To say that that kind of song doesn’t fit in our genre is mind boggling because it absolutely does…..My mom always told me if you don’t have nothing nice to say, then don’t say it at all.
Texas country star Jack Ingram has also chimed in. Last night Luke Bryan performed “That’s My Kind Of Night” on the TV show America’s Got Talent. Ingram took to his Twitter and Instagram feed to first ask if Luke Bryan was singing a Lady Gaga song, and later said, “It’s not the words, it’s that melody..Whoa ah whoa ah oh ah from the Gaga song…is the same as “cook up catfash dinna” etc!”
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UPDATE (9-20-13 12:45 PM CDT): For those wondering why Jason Aldean came to the defense of Luke Bryan and “That’s My Kind Of Night,” it might be because Jason Aldean wanted to cut the song himself. In an interview with Country Countdown USA‘s Lon Helton, Aldean says, “I thought it was great. I wanted it. I wanted to cut it. I’ve figured that out over my career. When we put out ‘Dirt Road Anthem,’ there’s gonna be people that are gonna bash you for it. ‘Rap has no place in country,’ whatever. People either like it or they don’t. Hopefully there’s a market for it. So I think [‘That’s My Kinda Night’ is] a hit, and I was hoping Luke wouldn’t cut it so I could have it.”
Also Justin Moore has spoken out about the feud, telling Nashville Gab in part, “Everybody has their own opinions, and I don’t have a problem with people having their own opinions, but where I do have a problem with it is when you call out somebody in your fraternity.”
UPDATE (9-21-13 5:50 PM CDT): A few more country personalities have chimed in.
Will Hoge through Twitter: “Millionaires arguing about who is ‘more country’ cracks me up. Trust me, farm hands and factory workers are countrier than both y’all. Shhh!”
Blake Shelton through Twitter: “So happy there’s a shit storm going on with some artists in country music and for once I’m NOT in the middle of it.. This calls for a drink!”
UPDATE (9-26-13 7:45 CDT): Jason Aldean has spoken once again on the feud, telling The Province:
Look, as an artist you’re not going to like everything every other artist does. There’s certain artists I really like what they do and certain artists I’m not that big of a fan. But I’m not publicly going to go out and trash ’em. “I know Zac, I don’t have anything against the guy, he’s always been cool to me, but I didn’t like that. And of course Luke’s one of my best friends and it rubbed me wrong. You don’t have to go out and say those things. I don’t agree with any artist bashing another artist.
Also songwriter Adam Hood took to his Twitter page to say, “Thank you zac brown for speaking up and giving “the rest of us” a voice!”
February 13, 2018 @ 2:10 pm
Chicken fried verses tailgait. OMG are you kidding me. Hello pot and kettle.
November 9, 2020 @ 11:40 am
Like anyone gives a shit. Neither one of these clowns are country anyhow! Aldean can eat LB’s ass in Zak’s bed! I don’t care! Neither can hold a candle to George or Alan! HOW ABOUT THAT!?
November 14, 2021 @ 1:05 am
Aldean probably has had his tongue so far up luke’s ass that he knows what he had for supper 2 day’s before, while luke was flicking Jason’s ear rings.????????????????
February 6, 2022 @ 6:38 pm
I like today’s country to some extent , but some are getting away from what country music is , yesterday’s country came from hearts, feelings good and bad , .and the struggles. I’ll take the old country music. It’s from the heart.
April 29, 2022 @ 1:12 pm
I stick to my old 8 tracks and vinyl to listen to real country music
October 16, 2022 @ 6:08 pm
The old country like George’s Alan Loretta Tammy Patsy no one can do and yes true country isn’t here anymore
December 12, 2022 @ 9:09 pm
Aldean and Puke Bryan are fake as Fuk, to hell what they do or think.
October 17, 2022 @ 6:06 am
My favorite has always been George Strait and Alan Jackson. And of course when Miranda Lambert came to singing.
February 10, 2021 @ 8:42 am
Catfish dinner. Luke Bryan for flonase
November 15, 2021 @ 10:40 pm
My my what some really disrespectful comments but thank God you still have that right! But I do agree with Jason Aldean. I’m a Maconite and a former musician but never ran into Jason unfortunately. His music and especially his loyalty make me proud! I thank both him and his wife for having the courage to defend the things and people that they feel strongly about even when it’s not popular vote they’re after; it’s the moral perspective instead. I really admire people who put integrity first.
May 6, 2022 @ 7:54 pm
His JEZEBEL of a wife, who he ruined his marriage and daughters childhoods over. Klassy guy.
June 4, 2023 @ 6:53 am
Yeah aldean is about moral character! Can’t wait til he cheats on wife 2 with flame 3…..
July 21, 2023 @ 2:32 pm
Which wife? The one he cheated on?
November 28, 2021 @ 8:17 pm
I love luke bryan he is the best and so is jason aldean I have alot of there cds and for blake shelton I don’t care for any of that drunks songs at all you go hanson and luke love you both ????????????
August 19, 2022 @ 5:36 pm
Aldean wouldn’t know a real country song if it kicked him in the ass.
December 30, 2022 @ 8:23 am
People have their own opinion, if you don’t care for their music don’t listen. I for one enjoy most all of it, there are a few I think are not great, do not listen, don’t listen. Why bash anyone, doubt you are perfect.
March 11, 2023 @ 5:02 pm
You said that right!!!
March 11, 2023 @ 5:04 pm
There isn’t any country music any more and I can’t stand this pop country crap
April 6, 2018 @ 11:23 am
You can get something called “Chili” in Cincinatti, OH. I have no problem with that goulash on top of pasta with raw onions and cheddar cheese on it….EXCEPT THAT THEY STILL CALL IT “CHILI” !!
Same goes for country music. It has always been about life, love and telling a story, not about posing in your affliction t-shirts or pearl snap finery, snakeskin boots and rawhide hat, and your stripper girlfriend in a $60,000 pickup truck doing the latest trendy shots in a kicker bar.
VInce Gill recorded his last record on Cracker Barrel records. Why? Because the Nashville Music Row record companies wouldn’t let him make a country record in Nashville, Tennessee! He says the stuff coming out of Nashville these days just plain sucks, and its all about “I’m hot. you’re hot, get in the truck”. If you listen to Luke Bryan, Blake Shelton, Jason Aldean, that’s EXACTLY what it is.
They just need to stop calling it country…. It ain’t.
February 10, 2021 @ 1:15 pm
You’re right Jason Luke Blake Shelton there’s so many of them that is not country Carrie Underwood they need to bring country back this crap sucks
June 13, 2021 @ 8:45 pm
They’re dumb don’t even sing anymore just blurt words about random crap they never did. Where do they find this material from a third graders essay.
December 23, 2021 @ 10:18 pm
Jason Aldean is the One to want to work with if I get noticed I hope it’s by him by J Buck
January 11, 2023 @ 10:07 am
According to the article some of it is from Dallas Davidson who likens the particular song this article is about to being his “baby.” Well, he should have aborted that shit.
April 8, 2018 @ 5:44 pm
i’m gonna throw in my two cents …as a songwriter and a musician myself ……..write about whatever you want ….if people like it ….great …..that’s just the icing on the cake……if nobody digs it …that’s great too…..make music for yourself ….write what you know and let the people decide …… if they connect with it …..mission accomplished ……country…rock ….soul ….doesn’t matter it’s all just music
June 30, 2020 @ 3:54 pm
leave your version of rap war at home. I DOUBT anyone really cares either way.
November 12, 2020 @ 5:55 pm
I let go of country in the mid 90’s, its all been downhill since then.
November 19, 2020 @ 7:42 pm
Ward Davis, Cody Jinks, Tyler Childers, Lindi Ortega, Casper McWade, Margo Price, Whitey Morgan, C.J. Hernandez…. just to name a few. Country music is in good hands with these artists. You just won’t hear them on the radio. Look em up. You’re welcome ????
August 4, 2021 @ 1:50 am
Also Toss in Cody Johnson, Ned Ledoux and Heath Clark. That’s some real country music.
January 6, 2024 @ 3:54 pm
Add Rhonda Vincent, Daryle Singletary (deceased), Heather Myles, Amber Digby, Mo Pitney, or if you’re feeling a little rowdy, try Kevin Fowler or Jason Boland. personally think Daryle Singletary was right up there with Keith Whitley and Vern Gosdin
January 6, 2024 @ 3:43 pm
You’re just not listening to the right artists. There’s still a lot of traditional country out there if you look for it
January 22, 2021 @ 8:40 pm
Hey why are you all so rotten to each other. When any one make a statement such as ” no one care what you think” might want to look at themselves first. And making a rotten statement about
another persons point if business. Is just as rotten. May be it would be better if you all stuck to the music and leave the bad mouthing to those that do it best the government.
February 19, 2021 @ 4:49 pm
Your two cents, and a whole lot of ellipses………
May 16, 2018 @ 7:16 pm
Zac Brown – Highway 20 Ride
Screw you Aldean and your bs songs.
May 2, 2020 @ 5:01 pm
I’ll take Chris anyday…don’t get the popularity of Aldean at all. He may be nice!
May 16, 2020 @ 11:13 pm
All this fighting over music content is downright stupid! What I think it is coming down to… Is one persons favorite is not someone elses and they are not being chosen #1 song. Plain Ole Sour Apples. Who Cares! Get Over It! I Love Jason Aldens music…. I liked the others but to start crap.. That is so childish.????
February 15, 2021 @ 12:58 pm
All country music sucks since 2000. I don’t listen to any of it anymore. Before you run off at the mouth, I’m 63 years old and I know what great country music is. I also know classic rock.
January 28, 2022 @ 1:45 am
June 2, 2020 @ 10:54 pm
No, don’t worry bout it, he aint! AND he ain’t…….. country!
November 9, 2023 @ 4:55 pm
Well when you got earrings hanging out your ears and your songs got the same beat as a Drake song or who the fuck ever does all the pop these days then that aint real country boy country music. Luke Bryan, Jason Aldean, Carrie Underwood for the most part, and some more have no reason to be labeled as country. Put their crap ass songs as Pop music and let real country artists like Randy Rogers, Cody Jinks, Aaron Watson and some more red dirt boys sing country.
November 9, 2020 @ 5:22 am
Thank you
February 16, 2021 @ 8:11 pm
Amen. Aldean is so far from country, I don’t know what he is.
October 18, 2022 @ 8:22 pm
He is definetly a man who stands up for his country! USA
June 4, 2023 @ 6:57 am
He stands up for his OPINION
His corrupt lacking morals wife cheating opinions
May 16, 2018 @ 7:25 pm
Zac Brown & Sir Roosevelt – “It Goes On”
Shake it pretty boy Luke Bryan. PFFT!
May 24, 2020 @ 8:45 am
The funny part is, everybody with a cry in this argument bought their way into the business. Yep, I know it and they know it, if you think money doesn’t control the Billboard list then you are as dumb as Luke Bryan acts and I don’t think he’s acting. I have watched him yap his trap on American Idol like he’s such an authority on everything while sitting at the same desk with one of the greats of music, I’m talking about Lionel Ritchie ( Not Katie Perry).
The funny part is, Luke does not have a clue. If he had an inkling of a clue as to how stupid he sounds 99% of the time he would park his truck on the tallest building he could find and jump off that tailgate. Jason reach down and pull that thong out and grow your as* up, if it wasn’t for dollars and the current state of the music industry, nobody would know your name either.
May 28, 2020 @ 10:55 pm
Really yall need to grow up i was raised on the old school country because thats wat my nanna listen to wen i turned 16 i started listening to garth brook george straight faith hill billy ray cyrus an my favorate tim mcgraw i love his music but now ive started listening to jason aldean lady antabellum little big town luke brain an my favorate. Zack brown & The queens of country dolly pardon & reba there will continue to be new country artist an new ways country will change. Thats just part of life just like goerge straight said u have to grow with the music or the music will out grow u keep that in mind wen ur trashing other peoples music most of the old stuff was about falling in love or broken hearts i love the new stuff luke justin an jason brings to country its a nice change. So this is my opinion to zack brown an the rest of u i am a red kneck by blood an trucks mud an beer is our way of like so keep it up im more country then most i believe is barefeet an getting drunk in the back of my truck while sling mud thats wat real country is get a grip
June 2, 2020 @ 10:58 pm
No darling, getting drunk in the back of your truck does not make you country. It makes you trashy……. and in need of rehab, but you’ll probably just say no, no, no.
You need to get a grip while you still got one…….
November 1, 2020 @ 3:27 pm
my gramma always said (bless your heart gramms) grandson go ahead and give your 2cents but dont spend your whole dollar! With that being said if you cant spin the record backwards and get your girl, your dog and your truck back it aint country plain and simple! example= Hank #1 , Hank #2 and Hank #3 thats classic , modern & new all country and all cool ! if it aint broke leave it the hell alone, but if its broke shut the fuck up and fix it! Good day yall
December 21, 2021 @ 8:40 am
I can’t stand to watch American Idol anymore because Luke Bryan sounds just like Homer Pyle, and Katy Perry is critiquing women singers who have better voices than hers.
January 28, 2022 @ 1:52 am
November 2, 2022 @ 2:25 pm
Angel, everyone likes trucks, tailgates, guns, girls, and beer! If you live in the south, those things might as well be apple pie. The thing is, it takes 5 writers sitting in a room on the east side of Nashville to come up with the most formulaic bullshit that really a 5th grader could write. The problem with mainstream country is this; country music has always been about life, real life. It’s about the good times, bad times and the in-between. It ain’t just about Friday and Saturday night, it’s also about Sunday thru Thursday as well. There’s great music, country music available now but country radio won’t play them. They’ll play Sam fkn Hunt but not Cody Jinks?
November 9, 2020 @ 5:26 am
Luke B is what country is about JD is the worst of country they write all kinds of cheating and leaving that’s JD LB on the other hand is totally devoted to his wife and kids and he’s raising his brothers kids
February 15, 2021 @ 5:27 pm
Dwight was great in Tifton GA. Kicked butt. Love al types of country and southern rock- not much for rap and crotch grabbers
June 15, 2018 @ 3:01 pm
Lower Broadway is quickly becoming another Bourbon Street. Killing the traditions that made it famous. Any given day, thousands of frat boys in khaki shorts and loafers, bachorlorett parties on school buses. Rap and Pop “country” are now the predominant music you will hear coming from th “honky tonks”. It’s sad to lose those traditions to the Redneck Yacht Club crowd.
September 10, 2018 @ 7:48 pm
I love lots of the new country music. I really do. I’ll be 60 next month and cut my teeth on Johnny Cash, Conway Twitty, Loretta Lynn, Charlie Pride, and the king of country, George Jones. I was around to witness NEW artists like Steve Wariner, Trisha Yearwood, Patti Loveless, Collin Raye, John Michael Montgomery, Travis Tritt and (King #2) George Strait come into their own. They changed the look and sound of the older country. Then artists like Keith Urban, Joe Nichols, Eric Church, Tim McGraw, Sarah Evans, Faith Hill, and my personal favorite, Jake Owen, changed the face and sound of Country music even more. I am not a fan of Luke Bryan’s voice…it annoys me. But he’s had songs I actually liked, despite that. “That’s My Kind of Night” is NOT one of them. Everytime I hear it, I change the station because it annoys the living crap out of me. It IS the worst country song EVER. And the video is even worse. I have to wonder if these guys will still be singing songs like that when their own daughters are teenagers. I’m not a prude, really, I’m not. But those formulaic country songs are growing tiresome. Jake Owen’s “Alone With You”…good stuff. Chuck Wick’s “Hold That Thought”…awesome (not NEARLY enough radio play or appreciated enough), David Nail’s “Red Light” and “Whatever She’s Got:”.are fabulous songs. Little Big Town and Lady Antebellum, Dan and Shay, etc. all fabulous groups. Too many good artists to name. Country music will continue to change, but we’ll always have our old favorites. I mean, hell, you can still listen to music from the big band era, or classical music. I love old R&B stuff from the 60’s and 70’s, too. It’s all good to me. But I have to agree with Zac Brown. That Luke Bryan song is freaking awful.
November 16, 2020 @ 11:29 pm
I was saying something similar in a conversation I was having the other day. Pop has always existed in country music, just the sound of pop was a lot different and better back then. It seems that all quality has gone out the window. But the mix of pop and country isn’t something new. I was reading that the ole George Jones song “The Race is ON” was a POP country hit. I was shocked. It shows that they’ve been mixing since the beginning.
But, variety is the most important thing. Some people enjoy texas country. Some people enjoy bro/pop country. Some like beach country. some enjoy bluegrass. Heck, some people enjoy western swing. Each serves their purpose in the music world. But, as long as there are real people singing real songs out there, it will be good and it will be recognized but there is room for every kind of music because there is an audience for every type of country music.
This is coming from someone who isn’t even a pop country fan
December 18, 2020 @ 4:44 pm
The best country band ever was disguised as a touring rock band.The Grateful Dead.They routinely performed classics like The Race is On,El Paso,Big River,Mama Tried and numerous old timey classics,along with a lot of country tinged originals such as Tennessee Jed.
So the reason for the crossover of genres is the fact that country music is the original American music and everything grew from that.
With that said I must agree Zac.
November 28, 2021 @ 8:23 pm
I love luke bryan he is the best and so is jason aldean I have alot of there cds and for blake shelton I don’t care for any of that drunks songs at all you go jason and luke love you both ????????????
November 2, 2022 @ 2:37 pm
Which of these things do not belong….. found it! I believe you took a wrong turn somewhere, ma’am. This here, as you could pretty much imagine by the title, is a place for fans of country music who also believe being the current state, needs saving. I know you believe in your heart of hearts that you are a country music fan but darlin, you have been mislead. You’re a pop music fan, and that’s perfectly fine, to each their own, but as you find your way to the exit would you be so kind to take those asshats with you? Thank you so much!
November 2, 2022 @ 2:30 pm
Pop still means the same thing…. popular music. It’s not the same thing, not by any stretch. Back in Jones’day when The Race is On was a “pop” hit, the guys running the record labels and the radio station actually let new shit in. It wasn’t a “members” only closed deal back then. Big difference,
April 15, 2020 @ 3:19 pm
I could not agree more. If I hear one More Luke Bryant Jason Aldean back road party night drinking beer Florida Georgia line style ridiculous song I am gonna scream. Every song on country radio sounds the same. Shut up and get in the truck and take your clothes off. Thank God for Ashley McBryde, Sturgill Simpson, Jason Isbell. Maybe there is some hope.
January 9, 2021 @ 3:35 pm
Yep!!! Luke’s voice sucks. That’s my kind of night and shake it for me. REALLY did your producer make you record those??
May 28, 2021 @ 8:34 am
Any type of music you listen to will change. And everyone can pick and choose what they like and listen to. At one time Johnny Cash and Conway Twitty were rock. Cash was banned from the Opry. Loretta Lynn had songs banned from mainstream country radio stations. Country music has always been a blend of all music. But we are blessed to be able to listen to whatever type you enjoy. No reason to be hateful just because you like something someone else doesn’t.
December 7, 2021 @ 12:47 pm
I would recommend ponying up the scratch for Sirius and Outlaw Country, but even THAT is slowly being “sanitized”. Perhaps just stick with Pandora to find some good music that’s NOT trying to get into your Daisy Dukes.
January 26, 2022 @ 7:34 am
All these “newbies” are horrible…I don’t care about your truck or your girl’s t-shirt turning you on….it’s all “tractor rap” to me….and it ain’t good.
November 7, 2023 @ 3:52 pm
How many would turn down having any artists career! We humans so pathetic!! If people don’t like what’s being played! There are buttons to change channels or Off buttons also!
September 10, 2024 @ 5:19 pm
Agreed. Went and seen Jamey Johnson last Friday. I dint hear no songs about drinking in my truck neither. Was a great show.
April 27, 2020 @ 5:27 pm
Jon Wolfe and Midland have some great stuff too!
October 17, 2022 @ 8:14 am
Midland and Jon Party real Country these guys are great
April 28, 2020 @ 2:56 pm
suprisingly enough I agree with Zac Brown, I loath luke Bryan’s music. I make a bee line to the radio to turn it off. Its disgusting, disrespectful to women, and isn’t even entertaining. He’s a one trick pony, and if I were his wife I would be ashamed to be married to him.i wish this type of bubble gum, horn dog, date rape music would go away. There are so many talented songwriters and singers out there, I’d love to hear more from them. This is what happens when corporate radio rules the airwaves !!
May 2, 2020 @ 2:47 pm
Zac Brown’s music is good; Jason Aldean’s and Luke Bryan’s stuff(except for “Drink a Beer”) sucks.
May 9, 2020 @ 5:02 am
What a bunch of petty, small-minded crybabies. Like all entertainers, you all are a bunch of of pretentious non-essential losers. Be grateful you get paid anything at all for doing what you supposedly love. IF you want to be truly appreciated in this world, go do something that’s in demand that people need. People need to eat, have a place to live, and the list of essentials go on. Entertainment is non-essential. Go wish in one hand, and shit in the other. Tell us which one fills up first.
May 17, 2020 @ 8:14 am
Well Jason is a little bi•ch anyways ????????
June 2, 2020 @ 11:13 pm
No, don’t worry bout it, he aint! AND he ain’t…….. country!
June 22, 2020 @ 12:22 pm
I hate this bubble-gum pop posing as “country ” music. Compare a David Ball song to a Luke Bryan/Jason Aldean/Florida Georgia Line song.. oh wait, there IS no comparison. And I know music evolves with the times, so what does that tell ya. Sad.
July 24, 2020 @ 2:32 pm
I have to come to Zac’s defense a little bit. I like Luke Bryan and a few of his songs, but I am really, really tired of hearing his songs dominating the radio airwaves, especially the monotonous “one margarita, two margaritas” song. Many times I have turned on the radio and it’s that song playing, or it’s two or three songs later, and that song with other LB songs. There are other artists I would love to hear more of and other GREAT songs that I have to discover on my own on YouTube. It would be so nice if they would get a little more exposure.
August 18, 2020 @ 12:52 pm
Well, I’m a city African American Girl and I Love Country Music. I was raised up on Gospel, R&B, Soul, Country, Jazz, House, Pop, some Rap (The back in the day rap with no derogatory language in it), Reggae, Rock & Roll, and Classical Music. Every Saturday morning we cleaned to one of those genres. My Mom said, she wanted all 5 of her children to be well rounded and versed. Right now, my 13 and 14 year old nieces can sing word for word songs from Luke Bryan, Sam Hunt, Thomas Rhett, Lady A, Blake Shelton, Keith Urban, Carrie Underwood, Miranda Lambert, Taylor Swift, Kenny Chesney, Florida Georgia Line, Brad Paisley, Jason Aldean, Darius Rucker, Kane Brown, Charlie Pride, Dolly Parton, Kenny Roger’s, Reba McEntire, Trisha Yearwood, Patsy Cline, Tammy Wynette, Allan Jackson, George Strait, Garth Brooks, Tim McGraw, Faith Hill, Shania Twain, Eric Church, etc… and so can I. Now everyone doesn’t like all their songs, but you don’t blatantly disrespect someone’s work. If you don’t like it, you just don’t like it, no matter the genre. This was an unnecessary fuss. Music is good and music is bad; what you don’t like, cut it off or just go, Next. I Love All of You. Now let’s stop bickering and get back to singing, laughing and dancing. Love, Peace and Understanding.
November 16, 2020 @ 11:34 pm
my mom was a rap fan growing up and she showed me some of the music she listened to (im 18) and it is actually really cool to see the rap about real life and not just drugs, sex, and cursing all the time. A song that she showed me that I remember was “Vapors” by Biz Markie.
Really good song and no cursing!
November 2, 2022 @ 2:52 pm
I can appreciate what you’re saying and I respect your opinion….the problem I have, I’m sure others as well, is that while to the casual country music listener that’s all well and good. I’m not a casual listener. Country music is woven into the fabric of this country. Good times, bad times, etc. I have devoted a lifetime to this genre. I’m a singer, songwriter and I’m a die hard fan. I don’t want this music to die because some suits from Albany, NY or L.A. thinks more guys like Sam Hunt or Luke Bryan is what the fans want. These folks have no idea what “country” means but as long as it’s formulaic, catchy, no substance then that’s what those uneducated rubes will be into, right? Meanwhile there’s artist, actual artist who can actually do the the thing that people pay money to see them do, sing! It’s a shame how many of these so called professional singers use auto-tune…..but I digress. To the casual fan, I understand where you’re coming from but at the same time look at it from all points of view before thinking it’s just folks bashing people because they’re part of the mainstream. It’s deeper than that. There’s an entire culture war that’s taking place between traditional/Americana and mainstream country music. Has been for several years.
October 18, 2020 @ 1:33 am
I think it is all good. Some can drive you crazy bc that one song will be all you hear on the radio. That being said. Call country, Country and the newer stuff Pop Country.
November 1, 2020 @ 3:35 pm
my gramma always said (bless your heart gramms) grandson go ahead and give your 2cents but dont spend your whole dollar! With that being said if you cant spin the record backwards and get your girl, your dog and your truck back it aint country plain and simple! example= Hank #1 , Hank #2 and Hank #3 thats classic , modern & new all country and all cool ! if it aint broke leave it the hell alone, but if its broke shut the fuck up and fix it! Good day yall
August 6, 2022 @ 9:48 pm
LOL. I just flashed back to “You Never Even Call Me By My Name”. I love DAC. And as good a job that Chris Stapleton did on Tennessee Whiskey, I like David Allan Coe’s original version better for country. But Chris’ version is more soulful, it’s deeper (but to me it just doesn’t sound country).
November 2, 2020 @ 8:44 am
Zach brown trying to criticize another musician after he puts out the same slow whinny ass songs yr after yr?? Cmon bro u suck way worse & have no room to speak
November 2, 2020 @ 11:21 pm
Looooove Jason Aldean
November 6, 2020 @ 6:13 pm
Personally I think all of mainstream country sucks big time. I will just sit back and play some Colter Wall.
November 8, 2020 @ 6:14 pm
It was Country Music when Country wasn’t cool !!!!
November 8, 2020 @ 6:58 pm
If it don’t affect you then Zac Brown STFU!! What have you done lately.
November 9, 2020 @ 5:53 am
All are artist in their own right. It’s all about choices.
November 9, 2020 @ 9:19 am
Funny watching all the skanks defend Aldean and Bryan and their drivel. If you’ve never driven a hundred miles (each way) just to pick up your child for visitation every other weekend (after working the night shift), then listen to Highway 20 Ride and shut the FU about Zach Brown. More talent in his left nut than either of those Nancy boys ever had.
November 9, 2020 @ 3:27 pm
Jason Aldean….what a Richard Noggan…
November 10, 2020 @ 1:22 pm
November 10, 2020 @ 1:23 pm
November 16, 2020 @ 11:36 pm
lol I had to
November 13, 2020 @ 7:58 pm
All the so called country crap singers of today can pound sand. Check your freaking egos at the door. Your nothing really. Corporate Nashville and all included only care about how much money they make. I can name a few no talent so called singers that sing thru a damn computer and the general public has no idea. Its all smoke and mirrors people. Money is the key. If corporate Nashville can make damn buck from investing and hype, they will. These damn mellenials don’t have a freaking clue to business. Aldean was about to leave Nashville at one time, Zac Brown quit his label and opened his own, Chesney cant stay off the dope, Taylor Swift is tone deaf, Tim McGraw can’t really sing. These people really do suck. Its all about the money. If you people really knew what went on behind closed doors, you wouldn’t have ever bought their crap.
November 21, 2020 @ 4:45 pm
Not trying to throw Cody Jinks under the bus but he said it best.
“let’s call a spade a spade
Yeah, that’s a pop record man, you’re a Nashville fan, if you could sing then you’d have it made”
Nashville is just contrived. No instrumentation. No soul. It’s a far cry from the depth of the independent stuff, especially Red Dirt.
Jason Aldean seems overly defensive because he knows it’s true.
At the moment Texas, Oklahoma, Kentucky, and evening Canada are > Nashville.
December 1, 2020 @ 12:39 pm
Tractor Rap ???? that should be the name of the genre. Real country artists are labeling themselves as Americana these days to separate themselves from all of these clowns. you included Zach chicken fry bullshit Brown. Spot being upset and check out the real artists. Sarah Shook and the Disarmers, Tyler Childers, Lucero, Bob Wayne, Slim Cesnas Auto Club, Charlie Crockett, .357 string band, whitey morgan, Scott H. Biram, Jason Isbell, Drive by Truckers. Check them out your fucking welcome
December 18, 2020 @ 7:17 am
All this crap isn’t country anyway. Pure clicktrack trash. George, Merle, DAC were through with it…before these clowns knew what to do with it.
December 20, 2020 @ 10:30 am
Everytime I hear or see Jason Aldean ,I think of the video of him with his hands in the air nearly trampling his band mates at the Vegas shooting . Tough guy with words
January 17, 2021 @ 9:33 am
The best 2 things to come out in country music in the last 10 years would be Chris Stapleton and Luke Combs, I’d throw in Casey Donahue… They write and sing country… There are a few others Randy Rodgers for one… Other than that the crap that caters to the 16 to 20 year old loose morality, wet t shirt crowd i could give 2 shits about… Quit being country long ago…
February 3, 2021 @ 4:47 pm
It ain’t been country for decades ,,, it’s just crap ,,,, lol. ,,, rap ??? In a country song ,,,, ??? WTF. ???
September 3, 2021 @ 6:05 pm
I agree! I will say that I love the Zac Brown Band but I can’t stand Aldean & Combs. I like Vince, Alan, George Jones, Brad Paisley, Marty Stuart, Elvis Presley (even though he’s been gone 43 years), Travis Tritt (who I will be seeing in concert for the very first time on November 5, 2021) and I like a whole bunch of other 70s – 90s country stars which also includes Garth Brooks.
The rest of them SUCK!
February 3, 2021 @ 4:52 pm
Neither one of those dumbass’s would know a country song if it bit them in the ass ,, why they call that Stupid shit country is a disgrace to real country performers ,,,, just Deport both of them to some country that don’t speak English ,,, they can’t sicken people there.
February 4, 2021 @ 8:29 am
I have thousands of pieces of media, open reel, vinyl, cassette ,cd’s, etc, etc. You won’t find ANY of the people listed here in my collection. Just sayin’ LOL.
February 25, 2021 @ 3:32 pm
I love Miranda Lambert. She stays true to her roots. I love the songs she writes.
March 2, 2021 @ 3:59 pm
Thay all have good and bad songs!! I just turn the station and find one I like.
March 12, 2021 @ 7:58 pm
These guys need to call there music LGBTQ tractor rap. They probably think backstreet boys is country. Ain’t none of them on the radio even close to being country. Hank3 and sturgill are there only real hope for future country. And this website and Nashville both don’t care about real country. If you sing about killing people in rap songs it doesn’t make it death metal. Same thing for country.
April 4, 2021 @ 5:57 pm
Hello today what you people call country …..its not country!!!! Hello your sounds is like wrappers….you guys dress like the shit videos …look at my ass and you girl hide your tits ….hell please bring back good old country music…..and respect to country music ….
April 10, 2021 @ 6:21 pm
If any of these “country boys” had been raised in the real country busting their behinds on small farms growing up, they’d be singing different kinds of songs. Any time I want real country I listen to an older cd in my old truck. It makes me happy and everyone is free to do the same.
May 26, 2021 @ 10:04 am
There’s good music and bad music in country.. Wether you call it country out not. The truth is real country music is dead unfortunately.. Alans right and my favorite all time Randy Travis,..is wrong!! Now we have a buck of young idiots running country music!! Aldean, Bryan, that dumb ass Keith urban, all these metro sexual bands can all suck a fat one! (Which apparently some do)
Lots of these guys I’ve seen in person and still listen to them, but ONLY BECAUSE THEY HAVE GOOD “MUSIC” AND SONGS… But NOT BECAUSE it’s country… Labeling them country is A JOKE!! THESE SISSIES FORGOT WHAT REAL COUNTRY IS!!!! Boots and cowboy hats have been traded for skinnies and elf shoes just like the steel guitar was traded for hip pop drums and rock guitars!! COUNTRY’S DEAD THANKS TO SHANIA TWAIN And all the late 90’s early 2k artists that because city cowboys. Lol and Guess what Aldean… We do give a shit!!
May 27, 2021 @ 8:16 pm
Ragged bones is pretty good a little Taylor Swift. And that song by Brantley Gilbert about bonnie and Clyde that’s it for country even old country too much my woman or man is cheeting songs or rideing around in my old truck partying under the moon songs just to much one tooth having hillbilly incest hoe down music for me
June 16, 2021 @ 7:49 pm
Hi my name is Leroy I like jason aldean he puts on good concert for fans and I like luke bryan he sing good luke bryan puts on good concert for fans
November 15, 2021 @ 2:36 am
Jason , don’t know who this is. Does he play country music. Or pop stars that wear baseball caps backwards.
November 15, 2021 @ 3:23 am
Where did Jason get that hat? Disney world? What happens when he is in airport security with those hoops?
November 18, 2021 @ 10:21 pm
Now I know where the mean girls and boys hang…yikes. mellow out.Buzz kill.
December 4, 2021 @ 11:56 am
Billy strings smokes them all
December 28, 2021 @ 6:26 pm
cody jinks
January 17, 2022 @ 9:58 am
There is very little country music now. Zac and his group I can listen to, the other hack makes me puke. He should shut the f#$k up and try to learn how to pick music. Oh and this is my opinion. Not yours, fine. Read and move on!
April 28, 2022 @ 3:18 pm
I grew up in Nashville in the 60’s. Back then the A&R people had to decide in a song just stunk to high heaven or if it stunk bad enough to be a big hit!
So I think this song might have fallen into one of those categories.
June 13, 2022 @ 6:49 am
I feel the same way about Rock and Roll. I miss it. Times change and music changes. You either roll with it or get out the way.
August 6, 2022 @ 9:31 pm
Well, I agree with Zac Brown: I’ve thought the same thing (the songs all sound the same, and the characters in “the story” are listening to something very non-country). I see Jason’s point about being unprofessional. But let’s flip it and say, would it have been Ok for Jason to call out Zac Brown if he had a song that said something un-pc? But I do love Jason’s reply. I wish we had more for real artists in country music who spoke up like that. BEFORE WE DOG SOMEONE ELSE FOR SOMETHING, LET’S PUT THE SHOE ON THE OHER FOOT BOYS AND GIRLS. Is it wrong what someone did/thought/said, or was it wrong because it’s contrary to our thoughts/beliefs?
August 22, 2022 @ 5:55 pm
To use part of a quote from the late & very great Waylon Jennings,.. What the likes of Luke Combs and Jason Aldean are doing for Country Music, Panty Hose did for finger fucking…. God Bless Guy Clark…
August 30, 2022 @ 6:26 pm
It’s embarrassing to me that they could even call what they put out today country you’ve got clap tracks and rap going on in it and it’s just my country I don’t really like any of the new country I only like country from the ’90s back but I got to tell you the shit coming out today sucks hick hop is what I like to call it bunch of Dime Store Cowboys just because you have a little bit of a twang in your voice doesn’t make you country
September 17, 2022 @ 11:38 am
I like some Like Bryan songs because they’re catchy and relatable with a fun beat if you like to dance, which I do. I Like some Aldean songs. “Any Old Barstool,” “Amarillo Sky,” and “Flyover States” all give me chills. Zac Brown’s “Highway 20 Ride” is a good song, as is “Chicken Fried,” but “CF” is just like the Luke Bryan songs Zac is dissing, so I don’t get his argument. Most of Zac’s songs all sound the same. “Toes in the Water” is BORING… Never did like the Mexican jive with the exception of “7 Spanish Angels,” which will give you chills if you have a pulse. Love Hank Jr and Sr, Keith Whitley, Dwight, B&D, Shanendoah, Garth… And there are a lot of real country music artists who aren’t so poppy sounding, but they don’t get radio play… Why??? THAT’S THE QUESTION… THE MEDIA WANTS US TO LISTEN TO POP country and maybe do away with our country heritage… Why??? Answer that and you’ll have it all figured out. The powers that be are the ones doing this .. there is real country music still being made.
November 14, 2022 @ 10:36 pm
Well most of these new singers claim to be fans of George Jones,Johnny Cash,Waylon Jennings.but the Sh*t the new generation of singers is singing would make George,Johnny & Waylon roll over in their grave…Keith Whitley didn’t have to rap and carry on! He’s one of the best and still going strong on the radio! Could you imagine someone ruining “Don’t Close your Eyes” by rapping the song?when it was perfectly sang by Keith Whitley? LeeAnn Womack is awesome She doesn’t have to scream or run around on the stage .She just stands there sings.Theres no need of wearing rediculous outfits and running around on the stage screaming…
November 15, 2022 @ 6:26 pm
I only have ever cared for a few of Luke Bryan’s songs. To me, most of his songs sound exactly the same. They’re all about girls shaking their things. It’s just what he had said about listening to One More tailgate, Daisy Duke song. I completely agree with him. I think Luke has it in him to go deeper and write something that makes you feel something more than going out and getting drunk and watching girls shake their rear ends. He’s not a teenager he’s a married man with a family. He should be able to sing about love and important things in life. When I found out that 10 of his songs were written by the same people. I thought, wow time to get some new writers. Why doesn’t Luke write his own songs? I think he’s stuck in a big old muddy truck tire rut. Just because it’s a hit to all these young kids out there and he’s bringing in money because he’s hosting award shows and on American Idol, doesn’t mean he’s a star. Zac Brown might not have said it in the nicest way, but telling the truth and I think that Luke would be wise to listen to him. It’s Time to grow up Luke and go deeper.
December 30, 2022 @ 4:14 am
Recently saw Zac Brown….they are a great cover band…I paid good $$$$ to hear them cover KC and the Sunshine Band, amongst others. Technically great…content horrible…was hoping for more of some original material…nothing stands out..the addition of Caroline Jones was great…but, her talent was wasted on those covers as well…looking forward to Mile0Fest….red dirt music
December 30, 2022 @ 5:33 pm
No love for Jason Aldean, “recently” he broke Texas law regarding performing a “vaccine only concert” at Billy Bob’s in Ft. Worth, TX amoung another issue.
Trust me, I’m no fan of Zac Brown anymore either since his bs at the beginning of 2020.
But Zac Brown is a Saint compared to Aldean.
June 3, 2023 @ 4:24 pm
All this arguing over music is hilarious ????. What is good or great in literally any and everything in life is subjective, including music. I listen to old country, 80s and 90s country, new country, bluegrass, classic rock, 80s rock, 80s-2010s pop, 90s grunge/alternative, ska, old school rap, gangster rap, r&b (all decades), hip hop (90s-2010s), 60s and 70s rock, some disco, classical, and maybe a few more I’m missing. I don’t care for screamo, but to each their own. For someone to say anything sucks is weird to me, especially if it is a highly played and bought song/record. Like, just say you personally don’t care for it, (and maybe add you support your fellow artists) and move tf on, or don’t speak on it at all. We all have different tastes and preferences….even in music
June 3, 2023 @ 7:48 pm
Honestly, most “Country Music” on the radio, isn’t country anymore. Not the music, nor the style. You think Johnny Cash would have ever worn skintight, sequined, jeans? Jason Aldean is about as country music as “Field Mob”. They are from Georgia just like Aldean and Combs, so I guess they are country musicians…
June 21, 2023 @ 6:59 am
Just because something is popular, hat doesn’t mean it’s good. McDonalds sells tons of their pitiful excuses for burgers. If you promote something enough, you can make almost anything popular.
August 8, 2023 @ 3:56 pm
or Hank
August 8, 2023 @ 4:00 pm
I can’t believe Aldean calls him self country. Just because you have a counry twang when you talk does not make you country. Aldean is not even a tip of a finger what Hank Williams is. He probably does not even know who Hank Williams is
August 16, 2023 @ 11:34 am
Nobody gives a damn about what these millionaires think. They are some of the people who have helped turn Davidson county and Nashville into a WOKE stronghold. When you say George and Alan here I think of Jones and Coe. And I think it’s about time get Coe cranked up on all this crap again. Buddy Brown had his album blocked at first this year by the leftist trying censor music but you can’t keep good ole boys down.
August 16, 2023 @ 11:58 am
Zac Brown isn’t exactly guilt-free from contemporary country. “Same Boat” sounds the same as “Chicken Fried.” So, either that boy is out of ideas or he magically came up with the same sound on accident.
Zac Brown has worked closely with Blackberry Smoke, one of my favorite bands, and they have been accused of singing about Georgia and “The South” too much, but they tour like there is no tomorrow and I ENJOY IT.
**MIND BLOWN** Some people like to sing about things they enjoy. And sometimes it makes them money $$$ lots and lots of money.
I cringe at the articles and fights on this site. We are quickly falling into the cesspit of “you ain’t real country” or “you ain’t country enough” or “you ain’t what I consider country ’cause …. (insert some slam on conservative folks here).”
**GRUMBLE** Just like what you like, listen to what you enjoy, and let it be.
October 3, 2023 @ 12:32 am
I hate zac browns beenie hat and his boring songs.
October 19, 2023 @ 3:41 pm
Luke and Jason don’t even think about that stupid crap y’all are two of the best and they don’t have a clue keep going y’all are 2 of the best .
Us Georgia folks stick togeather.
Y’all are my favorite. Carol davis
October 19, 2023 @ 3:51 pm
Keep up the music. CAROL DAVIS
One of your biggest fans .
February 14, 2024 @ 11:47 am
Country music is changing. To me there is no room for rap in a country-western song. All of the new artists over the past 10 years with the exception of Dustin Moore, Zach Brown pretty much suck. They make lots of money and are liked by a brand of people that is just putrid. True country artists are people like George Straight, George Jones, Conway Twitty, Allen Jackson, Reba McIntyre, Loretta Lynn, Barbara Mandrel, Patsy Cline, just to name a few. Today’s socalled country stars are legend s on their own minds. Songs use to tell some sort of story, use to get to the heart. Jason Aldean, to me, is just a wanna be that has wasted his opportunity by writing or recording shit songs. I’m not a musician but I know what I hear and see. Just like Trumps feeble attempt to take over of our democracy. Fuckin MORONS.
February 17, 2024 @ 11:10 pm
Wes , your a idiot !! Any person in this thread that critisises an artist for their type of music shows their lack of imagination and intelligence. It’s art and everyone appreciates it different. I grew up on Keith Whitley , George Strait, George Jones, Garth, they are great to someone . Even you that criticize with no talent is great to someone. You make me laugh and that what gives country music a black eye.
February 20, 2024 @ 1:23 pm
Not all songs are Great so just take it as a ride to try again. Not all have perfect days that way we just take it as a great way to have fun. And try to make every one day.
April 14, 2024 @ 7:39 am
This thread is hilarious. Reminds me of high school and the Ford vs. Chevy morons.
May 8, 2024 @ 6:29 am
This is why I listen to Pandora! I get to hear the old, real country, that I want, and NOT the shit country I dont wanna hear! And the best part is, NO COMMERCIALS!!! I dont even have to hear those! **?Just my two cents**
September 8, 2024 @ 10:39 am
I like them both but give me hank Williams George jones vern gosdin Conway Twitty Loretta Lynn Patsy cline Freddie fender lefty red sovine merle haggard Waylon Jennings Hank Williams jr and I’m as happy as I can get