Jason Isbell Van & Gear Stolen in Dallas Update
11-16-2011 – According to Jason Isbell’s manager Traci Thomas, the stolen van and trailer were found “not far from where the van was stolen from”. The trailer with all the music gear is still locked, but they will not know if the gear is still in there until someone arrives there tomorrow (Thursday 11-17) with a key. (Thanks to ninebullets.net for the info)
11-17-2011 – Unfortunately when the opened the trailer, all the gear was gone. Jason Isbell on Twitter: “In a nasty new twist, our trailer was empty. Gear is all gone. Please check the list and lookout. Thanks” Please check below for a complete list of gear and keep an eye out!
Jason Isbell, former member of The Drive By Truckers and current solo artist had his van, trailer, and all contents stolen in Dallas, TX on Saturday (11-19) afternoon. Jason and his band, The 400 Unit, were in Dallas Friday night, playing the city’s legendary Granada Theater on lower Greenville in support of his latest album Here We Rest, sharing the bill with Texas singer/songwriter James McMurtry.
The stolen van is a white 2006 Ford E350 van with Alabama license plates, with a wolf sticker on a side window. It had a Calexico air freshener, a hula girl on the dash, and “derogatory writing in the dirt on back window” according to Isbell’s Twitter feed. The trailer was a black Wells Cargo with Texas license plates, and was full of the band’s music gear. The band had to cancel a show in Orlando because of the theft. Their next show isn’t until Thanksgiving.
Unfortunately stories of specific instruments getting stolen is all-too-common, but it is very rare to hear of a band losing their vehicle and all of it’s contents. Even if insurance covers the costs, some vintage gear, and the sounds and memories they covey can never be replaced. Folks are encouraged to look at the list of stolen instruments below, and keep an eye out for them.
- 1970 Fender Precision Bass (sunburst, worn, copper pickgaurd) in a Gator ATA Road case
- Duesenberg Goldtop Starplayer Guitar
- Sommatone Roaring 40 Combo Amplifier
- Baxendale Jumbo Acoustic Guitar
- Epiphone 12-string Guitar
- Red Nord Electro 2 Keyboard
- Red Hohner Hohnica Accordion
- Black Roland KC-550 Keyboard Amp
- Red Sparkle Gretsch kit, 2 Pearl Snare drums(natural), 20″ Bosphorus Cymbals w/rivets, 14″ Zildjian Mastetsound Hats, 21″ Zildjian K Special Dry Ride, and a 20″ Dream Energy Crash/Ride.
- Ampeg V4-BH in a road case
- Ampeg 6×10 Cabinet
More detailed instrument information can be found on Jason Isbell’s News Post.
Jason Isbell & The 400 Unit with Amanda Shires performing “Codeine”, a Saving Country Music 2011 Song of the Year candidate, on The Late Show with David Letterman earlier this month.
November 13, 2011 @ 11:35 am
This makes me sick.
November 13, 2011 @ 11:58 am
There is no worse scum on this Earth than a fucking thief. I’ve heard way too many of these stories this year. Possessed by Paul James, Jason Isbell, even my own brother. The lack of respect for musicians and their livelihood (a livelihood of self-expression to the enjoyment of others) is mind-boggling. This has to be the worst case I’ve ever heard of. I just saw these guys a few weeks ago … that Duesenberg’s a beauty.
November 13, 2011 @ 3:29 pm
KARMA is a BITCH! Thieves beware!!
November 13, 2011 @ 8:15 pm
I agree with Logan. Makes me sick to my stomach. Love the guy and I don’t think that DBT has been the same since he left. Best of luck to the man.
November 14, 2011 @ 2:54 am
Triggerman, perhaps you can start a donation fund towards offsetting the losses? If everyone gave a little then at least we could help.
November 14, 2011 @ 7:08 am
That’s a GREAT idea, Denise!! If it happens, count me in.
November 14, 2011 @ 9:26 am
If something like this is deemed necessary or helpful, then certainly we will step up and help.
November 14, 2011 @ 9:31 am
I hope they get these ball less bastards . I think a gallon of gas and a match is what I have planned for the thieves. They can burn in hell and I’ll give them a head start !
November 14, 2011 @ 10:58 am
this is the second time this has happened to the 400 Unit if I’m not mistaken.
November 14, 2011 @ 7:02 pm
Terrible news.
There is a more complete list with registration numbers on their website:
I tried to cut-and-paste, but the formatting was all wonky.
November 15, 2011 @ 12:21 am
Thanks for the update. Yeah, something about the way the text is formatted is really screwey, and it’s laid out weird on the site. I put a link in the body of the article so hopefully people can find it that way.
November 15, 2011 @ 2:06 am
very sad, the people who did this need to be caught… I hope all the stolen stuff can be recovered.
November 16, 2011 @ 11:13 am
I just read on Facebook that they found the van
November 17, 2011 @ 6:18 am
I’m glad the thieves had a change of heart. 🙂
November 17, 2011 @ 7:04 pm
Not so good update – Isbell posted on twitter that when Jimbo got back to Dallas to check, they discovered that the trailer was empty. That means the gear is still missing, folks!
November 17, 2011 @ 7:47 pm
Hope they find the a-holes…
November 17, 2011 @ 8:42 pm
Looks like someone stole my name.
November 29, 2011 @ 1:31 pm
FB page for stolen band gear: http://www.facebook.com/groups/204802156261605/#!/groups/204802156261605/
May 14, 2012 @ 10:38 pm
You might consider listing your equipment, with photos if possible, on this Facebook site: