Kane Brown Got Lost on His Own Property, Rescued by Police

Kane Brown got lost on his own property for seven hours, and had to call the police to be rescued. This was one of the revelations that came from the 26-year-old pop country star’s recent interview with fellow country star Jana Kramer, who apparently now works for the junk food entertainment show, Extra!
“I heard a rumor that you got lost in your house, in your property. Is that true?” Jana Kramer asks (see below), stirring visions of Spinal Tap getting turned around backstage.
“Yeah, we got lost for seven hours,” Kane explains. “We have 30 acres, and it’s all woods. And we made our own trail. And it started raining, and it started getting dark, and we started running out of gas, and we couldn’t find our trail back. We live by all these cliffs, so everywhere we tried to go and we thought we were getting somewhere, we’d run into a drop off. So we ran into a drop off, so we ended up having to call the cops, and walking down.”
In Kane Brown’s defense, he had just moved to the property. And it started raining and getting dark, which can be really really scary. But even in a wooded area, it seems a bit strange that after seven hours, he still could figure out his way back. 30 acres is a spread, but not the wilderness. And though we don’t know exactly what he was driving, he was driving something if they started running out of gas, meaning there had to be some sort of trail.
Seems to me if you kept running into a cliff face that you didn’t ascend to get where you were, the smart thing to do would be to turn around go the opposite way, not continue to along the cliff face looking for a way down. I probably would have rather died from exposure or gnawed my own arm off for sustenance than as a grown ass man, calling the cops when I couldn’t find my way home on my own property. But then again, I don’t think like Kane Brown.
The only respectable way to be able to tell this story is if you were Johnny Cash, it was 1972, and you were high on pills at the time. Country music in 2020, ladies and gentlemen.
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UPDATE (8/7/2020): On Thursday (8/6), Kane Brown posted a slightly more detailed explanation of the incident.
“Someone help! I’m lost… ALL JOKES ASIDE. The real story is I moved into a new house. I own 30 acres of 3000 around me. I told my wife I wanted to go check out the property I’ll be 30 minutes. I went with my friend and his girl. I was in shorts and a t shirt. 30 minutes turned into 3 hours it started raining turned dark and dropped to 40 degrees. I left my phone on the back of my truck my friends was on 7%. We used gps to try and get back but it kept taking us to all these cliffs that u can’t drive a 4 wheeler down and I wasn’t about to leave them. So I called my last resort. Ryan upchurch who lives in the area. He finds me with his buddy and now 3 turned into 5 of us lost. He has 4 other friends riding around in a canam and they start getting shot at. My buddy’s girl who has asthma started then freaking out. We HAD to get her out. So we call the cops. The cops arrive and here the gun shots and think we are shooting at them. We yell at them and tell them we are not armed and made it out. That’s the story but I love the getting lost in my back yard better.”
August 5, 2020 @ 7:53 am
I was looking for the fake news tag 🙂
August 5, 2020 @ 8:00 am
The struggle is real. Maybe he should cover “A Country Boy Can Survive” to commemorate the ordeal.
August 5, 2020 @ 1:40 pm
A “Pop-Sort-Of-Country Boy Can’t Survive.”
August 7, 2020 @ 8:33 am
The Fauci man said it’s the end of time
COVID-19 cases at an all time high
The stock market’s up and the interest is down
You’ll get fined without a mask if you go downtown
Kane lives in the exurbs you see
Navigation not a forte of his homies
Got no compass, GPS, but has a 4 wheel drive
A “Country Boy” can’t survive
Got the cops on the linneeee
August 5, 2020 @ 8:04 am
60 acres here, my 5 and 8 year olds manage the whole thing just fine. Have for several years.
August 5, 2020 @ 8:05 am
Click bait headline.
I’m no fan of Kane Brown, but as you even pointed out, it is new property to him and it is 30 acres. It’s not like he got lost inside his own house or just a back yard.
Seems like you’ve officially run out of things to write about, Kyle.
August 5, 2020 @ 8:20 am
30 acres isn’t that big. I own 40 and have never once even thought I was close to being lost
August 5, 2020 @ 8:40 am
country song :” 30 Acres Ago “….
”I was so sure of where I was headed til I bought this truck …… …..”‘ etc etc ettc.
have at it all of you talented writers ….
August 5, 2020 @ 11:19 am
The song will be written by Dallas Davidson, Ashley Gorley, Ross Copperman, Rhett Akins, Thomas Rhett & handful of rappers…all with names like Lil’ This, Lil’ That…
Produced by Jason Aldean.
Background Vocals by Brantley Gilbert, Lady Ante…oops…the Dixi…double-oops…the Lady Chicks…well…yes…the Lady Chicks.
A tv movie is in the making too. A romantic horror action comedy musical. Kane Brown will be played by Tracy Morgan & Martin Lawrence at the same time.
The guest star list is impressive: Miss Piggy as the wise, singing angel guiding our two Kanes…Donald T. & Joe B. as dumb & dumber…Nicki Minaj as the love interest (Taylor Swift was too busy recording a surprise goth-metal album)…Carrie Underwood as the scream queen…Maren Morris as the bitch faced bitch face…Ellen as the oh-so-woke not-drunk & not-toxic sheriff…& all the bravo housewives of…+ all the bellow deck crews as the choir.
August 5, 2020 @ 3:50 pm
forget the song …can’t wait for the movie
August 5, 2020 @ 8:21 am
You know he obviously had his cell phone and they all have GPS and maps apps.
August 5, 2020 @ 3:23 pm
I was in kima tx …this clown put on a free show at the boardwalk…..never seen so many people in my friggin life….and his music is crap…he’s obviously an idiot aswell
August 5, 2020 @ 8:59 am
Seems you’ve got lost on your own device AGAIN, and ended up on the country music blog you only ever criticize and seem to hate. It’s gonna be ok though….no need to call the cops, we can help you find your way back.
August 5, 2020 @ 9:16 am
Oh, wow, what a retort. Did you come up with that one all on your own?
Interestingly enough, for a blog that is supposed to be about country music, one has to question why this post was even made. SCM clearly doesn’t consider Kane Brown country (nor do I). So, essentially what we’ve got here is a story that is about neither a country singer, country music, nor even music in general. This isn’t even “news.” It’s click bait.
This would be a fine piece for satire on FarceTheMusic, and I wouldn’t be surprised to see something done with it there…on here, it’s just begging for attention. Much like when Kyle wanted people to believe Taylor Swift wrote a song about him.
August 5, 2020 @ 9:41 am
Leaving your pointless question and total disregard of my actual point aside for a minute… It’s kind of news actually. And on a couple different levels. The most interesting being that this guy is constantly championed by many as a country artist. How would a “country” artist getting lost in his own backyard for 7 hours not be excellent commentary on the state of modern “country” stars? Trigger could of compared and contrasted this with many country stars of the past, to drive the point home, but it seems he figured MOST of his readers have half a brain and he didn’t need to spell it out. I’m just guessing on that, maybe I’m wrong. Either way, there’s lots of ways to look at this story, but you seem to be more interested in your vendetta.
I’ve only ever seen you whine and complain about this site, yet here you are. Any comment on that? You know…. my actual comment that you replied to?
August 5, 2020 @ 10:04 am
I stopped reading when you wrote “could of.” Come one, my four year old nephew knows that it’s “could have.”
August 5, 2020 @ 10:26 am
Sure you did ????
Your inability to answer a basic question speaks for itself, however. I look forward to your next grammatically correct, whiny complaint.
August 5, 2020 @ 10:51 am
Sure thing, Jakey.
August 5, 2020 @ 9:41 am
Alright, I’ve got to retort here.
For some reason, many people have completely lost perspective on what Saving Country Music is. There has always been assumptions based off the name, etc., but all of a sudden I have an excessive amount of people telling me what I should and shouldn’t be posting. I believe the reason for this is due to the fact that through the COVID-19 shutdown, I have been posting dramatically less criticism, commentary, and comedy on what’s happening in the mainstream in an effort to try and be more positive through a difficult time. Then when I do post something about the mainstream, positive or negative, people go apoplectic. I have ALWAYS posted stories like this here. This isn’t satire, this is a real story. But I’ve posted satire as well, fake news stories, funny shit, over-the-top rants, all kinds of stuff. There wasn’t a chance in hell I was NOT going to post a story about this. I mean come on, this is next level. This is quite literally a moment that will go down in country music history, no different than Johnny Cash being arrested for picking flowers out of people’s yards at 2 a.m. or getting in a fight with an ostrich, and losing. It’s funny. Laugh. Kane Brown seemed comfortable enough to tell the story himself. If he can laugh at himself and you can’t laugh with him, you’re the one that’s uptight.
August 5, 2020 @ 9:46 am
Also, I appreciate that we’re all products of our experiences, and perhaps Kane Brown didn’t have positive role models when he was growing up that took him camping, hunting, hiking, or 4-wheeling, or anything involving nature, which happens more than we know. But goodness, as some have pointed out, there had to be some two dozen apps on his phone that could have helped navigate him home before calling the police. But you laugh, you learn, and you move on.
August 5, 2020 @ 11:23 am
Yes, this is like if George Jones had gotten lost on his lawn tractor, and had to call the cops.
August 7, 2020 @ 5:17 am
We all need a laugh sometime. Kane brown is laughing all the way to the bank. It’s a crazy world…
August 5, 2020 @ 11:17 am
And it must be a slow day on kpopalypse for you to come trolling here
August 5, 2020 @ 12:06 pm
I’m surprised the moron can dress himself.
August 5, 2020 @ 3:11 pm
Dude… seven hours. Think about that.
August 6, 2020 @ 8:11 am
How did he call the cops? I presume he used a cell phone. Couldn’t he just clicked on a maps app, looked at the aerial and his position, and figure out the appropriate direction from there?
I bet he sent a maps pin to the cops to come in and find him. That would be hilarious.
August 5, 2020 @ 8:08 am
All is can say is “We live in strange times.”
August 5, 2020 @ 8:11 am
Compasses are your friend.
August 5, 2020 @ 8:17 am
He doesn’t own a smartphone?
August 5, 2020 @ 8:18 am
You really have to have no sense of land at all to get lost in 30 acres. Pick a direction and walk.
He’s sure no country boy.
August 5, 2020 @ 8:41 am
Sounds like a Second Lieutenant in the Army doing a land navigation course.
August 5, 2020 @ 9:54 am
Don’t you know it!
The 3 most useless things in the world:
1) Cold coffee
2) Wet toilet paper
3) 2nd Lieutenants
August 5, 2020 @ 8:28 am
Slow news day, Trig?
August 5, 2020 @ 8:55 am
There are no slow news days, only slow news people.
If it’s good enough for Jana Kramer, it’s good enough for me.
August 5, 2020 @ 2:29 pm
HA! That was funny 🙂
August 5, 2020 @ 7:54 pm
Jana Cramer would mentally abuse you to the point you’d leave and then she’d make a weak attempt at a Taylor Swift you’re an asshole song! There are many before and after ie country and western and outlaw/classic but never country and disco! Luke Bryan, FGL, Chris Lane And your lost wonder boy Kane should form a band and be Puke Bryan and the backside boys!
August 5, 2020 @ 8:35 am
worst part of this story for me is jana kramer’s new ‘job’ .
I’m a fan and this kinda breaks my heart …but hey ….kelly pickler .
August 5, 2020 @ 8:36 am
This is the most pathetic thing I’ve heard in weeks.
August 5, 2020 @ 8:42 am
Someone send him a compass.
August 5, 2020 @ 8:42 am
This story is the best evidence of, and the most resounding endorsement of, the American dream. America is the only place on earth where a biracial kid from rural Georgia can weasel their way to the top before the age of thirty by hawking sub-par music to buy property so big they actually get lost on it for hours at a time, only to be saved by the cops!
Honestly, I don’t know what the flag-burning mobs are complaining about.
August 6, 2020 @ 8:32 am
Neither do they. They just know that someone, somewhere is offended, and thus flag burning must occur!
August 5, 2020 @ 8:52 am
Grew up my grandpa’s 82 acre farm and never got lost
August 5, 2020 @ 9:02 am
My grandmother owns 1,000 acres in Oklahoma. I live in Illinois and am only there in the summers. I’m 18. Have I gotten lost? No. He should change his name to Kane Clown. Fucking Dumbass.
August 5, 2020 @ 9:08 am
He probably planned the whole thing as a publicly stunt… Not realizing that it just showed the Country Music Followers how much of a City Slicker Country Boy want to be that He Really Is!….
August 5, 2020 @ 9:20 am
Give me 30 acres and I’ll turn myself around
August 5, 2020 @ 9:24 am
Might have been worth a mention of he’d actually fell off the cliff
August 5, 2020 @ 9:25 am
I call bullsh*t
August 5, 2020 @ 9:27 am
Farce the Music was right about Kane.
August 5, 2020 @ 9:37 am
Well that’s it, folks. No need to pour through the music for computer generated sounds and token banjos. No need for Trig to spend countless hours trying to decide how bad their pop garbage really is.
Just stick these pretty boys on a little piece of land and see if they make it out on their own. If you can’t, you definitely ain’t country enough.
August 5, 2020 @ 9:49 am
Maybe this first LSD experience is a good thing for Kane. If he releases a track by track cover of Gilded Palace of Sin or Burrito Deluxe next year we will know that there’s hope for anyone.
August 5, 2020 @ 11:29 am
This is precious! Speaking as a guy who hunts in the woods and backpacks now and then, heres some thoughts. Learn to navigate. It can be done! Don’t just aimlessly wander in the woods. Familiarize yourself with the general layout and discern north and south prior to going in. If the sun is going down, remember it sets in the west!
There are indeed navigational apps. Trail markers can help, maps are good, also,, how about following your tire tracks back? Be prepared, isnt that what Boy Scouts used to teach? Geez…being prepared can mean understanding the layout and the trail prior to going in. And if your land is new to you, take the time to learn it! Thats the biggest mistake Kane made.
I once got lost in BLM land in Utah for a night. It was deep in canyon country. I was prepared, key for me was not panicking. I ran out of daylight, made a camp, made a fire, got water, had a bit of food and a bedroll, i was fine.I was PREPARED! Next morning at daylight I trekked on and found my navigation error, found the right trail and in a couple hours walked out. That was in a wilderness area of thousands of acres. And there were many cliffs, and rattlers. But I just kept calm and was able to figure it out. I’m no Bear Grylls , but you don’t have to be if you plan well.
August 5, 2020 @ 10:40 am
Maybe they were the Cliffs of Insanity!
August 5, 2020 @ 10:57 am
Automatic five points for any relevant Princess Bride reference.
August 6, 2020 @ 2:36 am
This whole story is INCONCEIVABLE~!
August 5, 2020 @ 10:57 am
I’m just glad he’s OK and no one was injured. Now, we can debate whether Kane Brown getting lost for seven hours is a legitmate news story. But if he lost, say, his notebook of potential lyrics for seven hours? THAT would be a story!
August 5, 2020 @ 11:06 am
30 acres isn’t that much. A square 30 acre parcel is 1,143 ft square. He probably wasn’t more than 1/4 mile from home at any time. Certainly not more than a 1/2 mile from home. How do you get lost for 7 hours?
August 5, 2020 @ 11:36 am
One good development is that Kane Brown, Kelsea Ballerini, Dan + Shay, Maren Morris have made the leap to pop radio (Kane Brown “Be Like That” f/Khalid,Swae Lee, Kelsea Ballerini “The Other Girl” w/Halsey, etc. ). Probably where they always wanted to be. Well, they’ve put one foot there anyway. I wish they would put both feet there and leap 10 feet away from country.
August 6, 2020 @ 7:56 am
Awww cmon you don’t like Kelsea’s “Hole in the Bottle?” Does that not count as country? She’s a really good songwriter (Grand Old Opry thinks so too) and if she wants to do both country and pop, I think that’s fine. I’m a fan of hers and of Maren’s.
With women, one of the issues is country radio is really sexist. You know which station regularly plays Mickey Guyton, Caylee Hammack, Caroline Jones, Danielle Bradbery, Carly Pearce, Tenille Townes etc. as opposed to just throwing the 2 or 3 current big female hits (Bluebird, I Hope) in with a sea of guys? DirecTV music channel #840 “Pop and Country.” Their programmer is fine with a 50/50 mix of male and female artists. So can you blame women for wanting to work in both genres?
As for Kane Brown, as a country artist, meh. But his pop duet with John Legend is a fucking beautiful song.
August 6, 2020 @ 8:33 am
None of those women singers you listed are any good, either. They are pop stars.
August 6, 2020 @ 12:41 pm
So you’re more rigid about this whole is/isn’t country thing than Trigger (who just recently did articles about Mickey Guyton and Caylee Hammack?) Allrighty then!
August 10, 2020 @ 6:58 am
It is called having standards.
Try it sometime. I don’t believe in a war of attrition.
August 5, 2020 @ 12:00 pm
Jana Kramer, born in Rochester Hills, Michigan.
It doesn’t get any more white, upper class privilege, than
Fun to listen to her affected southern twang singing.
Good ‘ol Rochester Hills girl.
Daddy’s credit cards, etc.
Happy for you Kane.
Glad you have your beautiful family, your home and land, and are realizing the American Dream.
August 5, 2020 @ 12:23 pm
I just got lost for like 4 hours n my back yard field. So ppl stop talking crap.
August 5, 2020 @ 2:03 pm
I hope you’re being sarcastic otherwise I completely understand why u would buy his music. Idiots like idiots
August 5, 2020 @ 12:27 pm
It’s obvious he’s never seen the Brady Bunch Hawaii episode where Greg uses popcorn as a trail.
August 5, 2020 @ 12:28 pm
He is as dumb as he looks. And that is pretty dumb!
August 5, 2020 @ 12:29 pm
No judgement from me. I could get lost on an acre of land with a map.
Of course, I also would turn on the GPS function of my phone and get out that way. So yeah. That part seems kinda weird.
Maybe no data?
Trigger, so many of us don’t comment a lot, but we read, and we appreciate you and what you do with this blog. Sincerely.
Post what you want when you want and keep on keeping on.
August 5, 2020 @ 1:49 pm
“Trigger, so many of us don’t comment a lot, but we read, and we appreciate you and what you do with this blog. Sincerely.”
I agree 100%.
August 5, 2020 @ 12:30 pm
Good grief.
I grew up on 160 acres. Granted, it wasn’t all woods, but still. 30 acres isn’t that much.
August 5, 2020 @ 2:01 pm
U can take a city boy to the country but u cant take the city out of the boy
August 5, 2020 @ 2:01 pm
He should go back to the city and making his “urban music” elsewhere in a more appropriate genere. He thinks he’s so country buy buying land in Georgia…..
August 5, 2020 @ 2:02 pm
How do u get lost on 30 acres with a smart phone he better stick to the concrete jungle!
August 5, 2020 @ 2:08 pm
Seven hours! Seriously, most 5 year olds would be able to work this one out in 30 minutes – maybe an hour max. I mean even if you’re walking in circles your eventually going to find you’re way out of an area that small if you just keep walking.
August 5, 2020 @ 2:39 pm
“Running out of gas” is a common expression in the South…it means I am tired! Has nothing to do with a vehicle. And it is not hard to get lost without marked trails. Live and let live!
August 5, 2020 @ 3:07 pm
He’s got the intelligence of a Brussels sprout. I find this escapade of no real surprise, and actually look forward to hearing about his next “misadventure”. So comical….lol.
August 5, 2020 @ 3:31 pm
Ok so he had a phone to call the cops but unable to use GPS? Maybe someone should tell him that if you’re walking somewhere there’s a button at the top that has a person walking and it shows him how to get home. Unless he did not know what his address was. ????
August 5, 2020 @ 3:33 pm
This thread is feeling a little like Stan Culture Bulllying Run Amok
August 5, 2020 @ 5:05 pm
Other than the fact that nobody here seems to have been outwardly attacking his social media, his families social media, shared any personal information of his, is giving him death threats, calling for his cancelation, or otherwise messing with any aspect of his career, personal life, or safety…..then sure, it fits that description perfectly, doesn’t it?
August 5, 2020 @ 6:17 pm
You think online bullying is not problematic?
Just asking
August 5, 2020 @ 7:09 pm
First, I hate the word problematic. But I understand your question, and I know you’re being sincere so I’ll answer sincerely. I do have an issue with online bullying. I wouldn’t really characterize people laughing at this and having fun with it on a website I doubt he reads as bullying. The moment anyone suggests that we all harass him or his family on their own accounts, or IRL, I will join you in having an issue and I’ll say something. In the meantime, sorry, this story is funny as shit.
Anyway, the dude is probably laughing too…all the way to bank.
August 5, 2020 @ 7:39 pm
Will try to remember not to use the word problematic.
But … if you happen to see it again, & i’ve had a glass of red, or thrown back a shot of Patron’s before hopping on TriggerMan’s site, all bets are off.
Bear with me while i navigate the intricacies of stanning culture verbage.
*Throw me a bone now & then, to help me along
August 5, 2020 @ 7:49 pm
I always do Di. Cheers ????
August 25, 2020 @ 6:35 am
Late response , I know. An area a quarter mile by a quarter mile is 40 acres. On smooth ground you should be able to walk a quarter mile in less than 10 minutes. Even on drivable terrain you should be able to go a mile an hour. That means you could walk the perimeter of a of 40 acres in an hour. He spent 7 hours in less land than that. He spent enough time in there to walk around 40 acres seven times!
That’s bafflingly incapable.
August 5, 2020 @ 4:58 pm
well, at least the cops didnt ‘george floyd’ him.
August 5, 2020 @ 5:14 pm
Oh no that very very scary glad he ok for sure kane brown????????????????????????????????????
August 5, 2020 @ 6:12 pm
So he had to “call the cops” to rescue him? Isn’t it funny that the much-maligned police could find their way to his location, and then find their way back out again?
I’m an old Boy Scout, and I find it hilarious when people get lost. Aren’t they paying ANY attention to their surroundings? I have taken “tenderfeet” out hiking, and after about the 3rd time I pause while walking a trail to look back, they always ask me what I’m doing. I tell them I’m looking at my back-trail, as it will sure look different when you’re heading back in that direction. And if you don’t look back periodically, when you do head back you’ll think you were on the wrong trail.
August 5, 2020 @ 6:26 pm
That last paragraph is priceless.
August 5, 2020 @ 6:59 pm
I’m 58 years old. Grew up on 2542 acres. Lots of woods, ravines, brambles, creeks, etc. Never ever got lost. Spent many nights just wondering about. Always came out the way I wanted to. Had several large ponds including one that covered 15 acres and a river running through it as well. I also didn’t get lost on a desert island!! Idiot!!!!
August 5, 2020 @ 8:09 pm
If I got lost on 30 acres I’d die in their before I called for help ???? ain’t no way. But shit where I’m from you don’t get signal to call for help you better quit bein a pussy and find your way out lmfao
August 5, 2020 @ 9:28 pm
This week on Nashville Skyline: “When city-slicker fake country singers buy land.”
August 5, 2020 @ 9:51 pm
Fuck Kane Brown. Did y’all hear? Jinks is coming out with an unplugged Adobe Sessions album?
August 6, 2020 @ 2:29 am
For the benefit of your European readers, i’ve done some conversions and according to my calculations 30 acres would translate as roughly four by four soccer fields.
It will take some truly steep cliffs and pitch dark woods to get lost in an area that size, but it can be done, apparently. it’s the commitment that counts I guess.
August 6, 2020 @ 7:09 am
Once got lost in the front yard took me 30 beers to figure out where I was ????????????????????.
Glad to hear no one got hurt .
August 6, 2020 @ 8:43 am
????????????bocephus would rather fall off another damn mountain than call the cops to rescue him.
August 6, 2020 @ 10:54 am
High Hunger Games
August 6, 2020 @ 1:48 pm
It’s time for a “Saving Saving Country Music” blog.
August 6, 2020 @ 3:39 pm
Does anyone remember ‘Living Proof’ the made for tv biopic of Hank Jr. that includes his fall from Ajax mountain? This is like the ‘Walk Hard’ version of that. Trig mentioned Spinal Tap, how I wish someone would do a legit spoof of the country mainstream. Dill Scallion was ok but there’s too much comedy gold to be ignored.
August 6, 2020 @ 4:10 pm
Yeah i have about 200 acres and I’ve never got lost and alot of it is woods
August 6, 2020 @ 7:08 pm
By definition no phone he would own would be “smart”.
August 7, 2020 @ 2:37 am
We have a lot of land and I’ve never gotten lost in it in my life. If you can get lost in thirty acres, you sure ain’t country.
August 7, 2020 @ 9:33 am
Y’all missed a huge chunk of this story. Kane was with Ryan Upchurch and another dude. His property is connected to another chunk of land that totals 30,000 acres. Another set of people were lost in the area and eventually Kane, Upchurch and the other dude got shot at as well. Police were called but not by Kane or Church.
August 7, 2020 @ 1:54 pm
Too bad they missed….
August 8, 2020 @ 2:08 am
Jeez, Trig. You mute me and make sure all my posts are manually approved because I made a harmless joke about junkie loving with the Neon Cross chick and here you are doing the same thing saying Kane and the situation would be more ‘respectable’ if he was on pills. I guess making jokes about dykey white girls getting addicted to drugs is a no no but similar jokes about a male mixed race country star is ok? Huh?
August 8, 2020 @ 7:12 am
Jaime Wyatt has been very up front about her addiction issues. It sent her to prison and rehab. As far as we know, Kane Brown does not have any addiction problems, and I wasn’t in any way making a crack that had anything with insinuating that he did or that had anything to do with his race. Calling Jaime “dykey” is just the kind of thing that will get your comments sent to moderation, and people screenshotting them and posting them on Twitter, proving this entire website takes a strong homophobic stance and the reason it should be cancelled. You’ve been commenting here a long time, and generally speaking I appreciate your contributions. But until you can figure out where the line is, they’ll continue to be sent to moderation. I don’t like moderating comments. It’s more work for me.
August 15, 2020 @ 7:10 am
Nothing was homophobic . I’m super liberal . My girlfriend has a dick . Me and Jamie are part of the same cohort. Screenshot that . Sorry to cause you problems . I didn’t realise you had so many bored drama queens looking at your site to make you look bad. I guess you’ve gained a reputation since I started posting here ages ago . If you can recall I’ve been here since your Triggerman, Rachel Brooke, JB Beverley and Lonesome Wyatt days . How long was that ? You know I got nothing but love and my posts are nothing but love.
August 8, 2020 @ 8:21 am
I’ve been writing Country lyrics for the last six months.Maybe I’ll post some soon.(Glad good ol’ boy [?] Kane Brown was rescued on his spread. )
August 8, 2020 @ 8:24 am
No,Blockman,deprecating ANYONE because of race,colour,religion origin and/or sexual inclination is W-R-O-N-G !!!!
August 8, 2020 @ 8:26 am
I’d get lost on ONE acre ,but I’m a city lad .
August 11, 2020 @ 3:23 am
Wow, you people are f***ing dense. “I’m SuRe hE hAd ApPs On HiS pHoNe.” If you idiots to the time to read, you’d know that the 30 Acres where, he became lost, was surrounded by 3,000 more acres. Let’s think this through, do you think a Google Car, at some point, came into that property and blazed a trail? Do you think it laid out all the trails and told him where all the land features were? If you get off the beaten path, you know google maps is f***ing useless right?
This all being said, his brand of country really sucks.
August 31, 2020 @ 11:21 pm
Soooo he was definitely eFFin his friend and his friend girlfriend for 7 hours Dang! Might have to check out his music
September 26, 2020 @ 3:08 pm
You get lost on your own 30 acres for seven hours and have to call the cops while admittedly having transportation AND a cell phone with GPS? It literally takes about 5 minutes to walk across 30 acres. You are either high to the most epic of levels, a complete idiot or you need to turn in your country music card. 30 acres isn’t a small farm or ranch, it’s a large yard. This generation is helpless.
October 16, 2022 @ 2:20 pm
Wow. I own a tad over 200 acres… I was actually born here. I’ve never been lost on my land… Not now at 48 years old… Not when I was 5. Not ever. It’s mind-blowing that anyone could get lost like this on 30 acres!!