Lead Guitar Player Will Indian Passes Away
Country music has lost one of the most tasteful lead guitar players to ever fill a break. Will Indian, lead guitarist for country legend James Hand, as well as the guitarist for The Nortons, The Cornell Hurd Band, and many others, has passed after contracting a fatal infection last month. Will suffered from Hepatitis C. He died Wednesday night (1-8-14) according to his family.
Will Indian was the defining element of the James Hand sound, and so many other bands and artists that were fortunate to have him lend his guitar playing to them over the years. He was not a flashy or fast guitar player, but his taste was impeccable and unparalleled, and his use and appreciation for space, tone, and subtly in his playing is what won him wide appreciation amongst his peers. Indian toured the country and world with James Hand and others, and was a staple of legendary Austin venues like The Broken Spoke, the Saxon Pub, and Austin’s hottest new venue, The White Horse. In recent years, his illness kept him from playing on the road, but he remained a fixture of Austin clubs.
Friends, fans, and fellow musicians threw a benefit for Will in July 21st of 2013 at the Saxon Pub, to help with the cost of his Hepatitis C treatments; a disease he had battled for over 37 years. James Hand, The Rhythm Rats, The Nortons, and many other acts played the benefit. In an interview with the Austin Chronicle before the benefit, Indian led on to the severity of his condition, but had hope he would recover.
I’ve tried the cures, but none have worked for me. I now have cirrhosis that was complicated by a recent pulmonary embolism in my right lung. I have had to cut back on gigs but have Wednesday Happy Hours at the White Horse with the Nortons. I am on a liver transplant list at the Methodist Hospital in Houston. I am on a maintenance program with medications that keep me stable.
It feels great and humbling to have the support from the friends I have made and people who are fans that tell me how much my music has meant to them. I am starting to archive my musical history of television, recordings, and photographs for an upcoming webpage.
Will Indian also was a guitar teacher, and worked with the schools in Dripping Springs just outside of Austin where he lived. His most recent work can be heard on the recent James Hand record Mighty Lonesome Man and Cornell Hurd’s Drop In On My Dream.
“I subscribe to the idea that music is a gift to share.” — Will Indian
January 9, 2014 @ 1:20 pm
I was very fortunate to have the opportunity to work with Will (in whatever small capacity) on James Hand’s “Mighty Lonesome Man.” If you talk to anyone else that I worked with on that record, they will tell you I preached the whole time that Will Indian’s guitar was the key to the James Hand sound, and was the perfect match for James’s timeless compositions. He was a great guy with a wise ear and a big heart. He will truly be missed.
June 11, 2020 @ 6:47 pm
Steve Dean had a dance hall in Manor called The Oaks. I remember seeing Will Indian play there with both James Hand and the Nortons.
January 9, 2014 @ 1:24 pm
So glad you did an article on this. I met Will a couple of times both here (UK) and in Austin. What an incredible player and a lovely guy. RIP.
January 9, 2014 @ 1:47 pm
Yesterday, my friend of thirty six years said goodbye forever. He was doing great just a few short months ago and now he is gone. Goddamn hep C, the motherfucker. What the hell is wrong with modern medicine that lets you suffer for a month on a ventilator when a pill should do the trick? Fuckers.
January 9, 2014 @ 3:41 pm
Damn, terrible news. He will be missed.
Here’s an old video in his memory:
January 9, 2014 @ 8:37 pm
Thanks Dave!
January 9, 2014 @ 10:12 pm
I met Will at a school in Drippin’ and found him to be a true gentleman. His passing is very sad. Rest in Peace.
January 9, 2014 @ 11:46 pm
“He was not a flashy or fast guitar player, but his taste was impeccable and unparalleled, and his use and appreciation for space, tone, and subtly in his playing is what won him wide appreciation amongst his peers.”
THIS is what country music electric guitar playing should be all about.
January 10, 2014 @ 10:05 am
You don’t need a million notes to say something beautiful. Ever.
January 10, 2014 @ 11:14 am
Actually Will could play plenty fast when it was called for. He just used every tool in his toolbox with, as you say, impeccable taste. He was also hilariously funny, kind, gentle and insanely cool. A great, great man and great musician. Condolences to his wife and family.
January 9, 2014 @ 11:59 pm
What a rare gift it was to watch this man teach my son to play guitar. He took a 10 year old boy that could hardly sit still in a classroom and held his absolute focused attention for an hour. He was an incredible teacher and taught my son to play whatever he asked of him. That meant, of course, that the very first songs my son learned on the guitar were Beatles songs. He was fascinated with the Beatles and 60s/70s music so that is what he wanted to learn. Not the easiest place to start, but Mr. Indian knew how to reach that young musician. He and Garrett had such similar tastes in music that I think he enjoyed teaching him as much as my son enjoyed learning from him. My son is 20 now and has never lost interest in playing and improving. I’ll be forever grateful to Mr. Indian for teaching, guiding and encouraging my son to develop his skills. What an amazing man, musician, and teacher. He will be missed.
January 10, 2014 @ 2:14 am
I met Will with James Hand over here in the UK a few years back. Wonderful guitarist and a damn nice guy! Sad news!
January 10, 2014 @ 7:26 am
A new drug with a much higher cure rate, with significantly fewer weeks of treatment has just been approved by the FDA. It is used in combination with the other two currently available, and very nasty drugs. And the kicker…….
“Most patients will be treated with the $7,000-a-week drug for 12 weeks, resulting in a total price of $84,000, according to Gilead spokeswoman Cara Miller.”
Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/life-style/health/new-drug-treat-hepatitis-approved-fda-article-1.1542441#ixzz2q0PBG3Qi
That’s in addition to the other two drugs. I’m waiting (and hoping) for the VA to get on board.
January 10, 2014 @ 7:49 am
So sad. The way he played was just so percise and elegant. It was like a good writer who uses few words to say a whole lot. His licks were always in the right space in the song. God bless his friends and family. Hep C sucks I hope medical science can make some progress on it it takes quite a toll on the creative community.
January 10, 2014 @ 10:05 am
Thank you for this kind tribute to my stepfather and friend, Will. On behalf of my mom, Lynn Sue Indian, we are grateful for the support of Will’s friends and fans.
Please note that Will’s death was actually unrelated to Hepatitis C. While he did have this disease, Will was diagnosed with a fatal infection in the last month, while waiting on a liver transplant. Despite the valiant efforts of his medical team, the infection took over and caused his death.
Will was compliant, determined and courageous throughout this ordeal. We already miss him terribly, and are so proud of the fight he put forth. Thank you for your thoughts and prayers.
January 10, 2014 @ 10:20 am
Very sorry about you and your family’s loss Ami. I have updated the information above.
January 14, 2014 @ 7:15 pm
Ami, I knew your stepdad in when he was in HS and I was in Middle school. Actually his sister Cindy was in my class. Then he was Billy and one of my favorite memories of the family was that there was always a lot of fun to go along with all the strawberry blond hair. The guys were just a bit on the wild side. I never would have guessed Billy was on his way to a career in country music. I am so glad he found what he loved.
Will Indian Passes | The Cornell Hurd Band
January 10, 2014 @ 11:47 am
[…] https://savingcountrymusic.com/lead-guitar-player-will-indian-passes-away […]
January 11, 2014 @ 3:19 am
The Rhythm Rats were one of the first bands I ever heard play in Austin. On E. 6th St. at the Mid-City Roadhouse. I remember walking up to meet the band and tell them how wonderful their music was and we were friends from that day forward. That was 1983.
Will recorded many cassettes for me. I’m listening to them exclusively this week. One song in particular I placed on a continuous loop named “Will’s Neighborhood”. It’s a 15-minute long solo. So we’ll always be neigbors no matter where he is.
I’ll miss you brother.
January 11, 2014 @ 5:53 am
R.I.P. The guitarist for one of my favorite country singers. Another great man gone…
As D.A.C. used to sing: ‘too many heroes are dead’.
January 11, 2014 @ 12:00 pm
Will was not only a great guitar player, he was a great guy! Always had a friendly word. I knew Will since the Rhythm Rats were guests on The Lone Star All Star Texas Music Review back in 1988 and was a fan of his before then. The World has lost a very special talent and a helluva good man!
January 11, 2014 @ 3:47 pm
Sorry to hear the news Will has gone on to glory.
Will had the reputation of a patient teacher to many students and aspiring guitarists in Dripping Springs. I loved hearing him play and sing rock and roll as well as country music. He certainly did share his gift of music and talents in a genuine way.
My condolences to young Will, Lucinda, Will’s family and friends.
January 11, 2014 @ 6:13 pm
I’m sad and I’m angry. I feel as if I have been cheated out of my best friend who has been robbed of his life. All that praying nonsense is for naught, I can’t do it anymore. If I had thought for one minute it would make a difference I would have devoted the last month to it but I know it is bullshit and so did Will. His pain is over but mine will last until my final breath.
I love you Will. You are my closest non DNA related brother. Thirty six years and counting.
January 12, 2014 @ 2:19 pm
You were right on….when needed, Will could blaze up the fret board….he was a true musicologist…..I used to try to stump him with songs…..he knew them all
January 12, 2014 @ 7:40 pm
Lynn Sue lost her soul mate and the world lost a great musician. My deepest condolences to Will’s family, friends and fans.
January 13, 2014 @ 6:10 pm
William David Indian Sr.
William David Indian Sr., 60 left this world on Wednesday, January 8, 2014, after a long battle against liver disease. Known as “Bill” by his family and “Will” in the music world, he was born in Schenectady, New York, on Sept. 16, 1953, to Tom and Ann Indian. In 1976, he followed his family to Lake Jackson, playing in the popular house band 10 Cent Coke at Pat”™s Place.
In 1982, Will moved to Austin, where over the next 30 years he launched a uniquely successful music career. Will was a lead guitarist for numerous bands, band manager, local DJ, music teacher, and song writer. He played with greats such as Bo Diddly, Stevie Ray Vaughn and Pine Top Perkins. His proudest career moment was when BB King told him, “You play good blues for a white boy.”
When he wasn”™t playing music, Will was a teacher”™s assistant at Dripping Springs Elementary School, where he taught, mentored and loved children in the special education program for nearly 20 years.
Will was preceded in death by his brother, Martin Tyrrell Indian.
He is survived by the love of his life and wife, Lynn Sue Indian; two children, Lucinda and Will Jr.; three step-children and two grandchildren, Ami Brezina and husband, Luke, Mitchell Felker and sons, Micheal and Archer, and Wesley Felker; his parents, Tom and Ann Indian; siblings, Tom Indian III and wife, Linda, John Indian and wife, Sandy, Cindy Ponzi and husband, John, and Eric Indian; along with numerous nieces and nephews.
A memorial service will be held at New Beginnings Church 400 North Dixie Drive, Lake Jackson, Texas, on January 14th, 2014, at 11:00 a.m.
In Lieu of Flowers. there has been a William Indian Benefit fund sent up at First National Bank 122 West Way, Lake Jackson, Texas, 77566.
January 14, 2014 @ 10:14 am
My wife and I loved to listen and dance to the music of any band Will played with. For us he was the one who made the band come together. We had no idea he was such an exceptionally wonderful man until we read about him. To mentor young children in a Special Education Program and hold there attention in a fashion that allowed them to learn such a wonderful skill is astounding. We will miss this wonderful man from the Adirondacks. Our prayers go out to his loved ones.
Take care!
Walter “C”
January 14, 2014 @ 11:13 am
Bill shared a lot of music with me and friends back in high school. He was a good friend in “the Junction.” I am so sad to hear of his passing.
January 15, 2014 @ 2:02 am
Charles Farmer, I heard that name a hundred times from Will . Another one was Kenneth Welch and I actually met Mr Dickey back in forever ago. Is it sinful for a man to love a man if there is no sex involved? I hope so and I’m proud.
January 16, 2014 @ 9:23 pm
I didn’t know Will Indian, but the person I grew up with was Bill Indian in Rotterdam Junction, New York. From 3rd to 7th grade we were inseparable, hanging out at one of our homes or the home of our other good friend, Dan Testo, just about every day. Bill (Will) was the best friend a kid could ever have. He loved the Chicago Cubs when they were the worst team in baseball. I would make fun of him but he never wavered in his support for them. He was the first kid I knew who was a member of the Columbia Record club. For those that don’t know you were obligated to buy a (vinyl) record album every month. As a result Bill had all the Beach Boys, Beatles and Jan & Dean releases before anybody else. Since the radio only played the hit singles, listening to the entire album at the Indian house was a treat. Later on in middle school we would listen to some “bad” stuff — the Rolling Stones and John Mayall. When we were in 3rd grade the Beatles came to the US. You could buy a Beatles wig for $1.98 and we were allowed to play Beatles songs and wear the wigs at school recess. He was quite a sight wearing a black wig over his red hair!. The last time I spent with him was when we were 21 working a summer job together. I asked what he was going to do with his life. He responded immediately, “be a hippie and play guitar in a band.” He obviously lived his dream and turned out to be a tremendous success. I will never forget him. Be at rest, Old Friend.
January 23, 2014 @ 7:06 pm
I remember meeting Will, Loose Reed, & Rusty Trapps as the Rhythm Rats in the early 80’s. They were
one of the tightest trios I’ve ever heard. Will and Loose backed me up on a one hit wonder The Reindeer Song and Christmas Time In Austin in 1986, which Larry Monroe played on KUT that Christmas Day. This past Christmas the songs were on You Tube for the first time. I love you Will, I will always remember the laughter we shared.
January 25, 2014 @ 11:53 am
Thanks for the article. Will started out teaching my son guitar. I peeked over their shoulder a bit. Then he said he could teach us both. After a while my son dropped out and he taught/played with me for a while. We developed a friendship and went through some rough times together. I remember his hound dog Sarge singing along with us. Haaarrrrrrrrrrrooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!. I cherish our time together.
April 1, 2014 @ 6:29 am
Every time I come here the tears flow. I need to stay the hell away but my memories haunt me. I know Will is dead but I keep expecting the phone to ring.
April 30, 2014 @ 11:39 am
Will Indian. A frank and straight forward man. In a world of `fluid’ personalities, myself
included, Will was always Will whenever we spoke. I recently watched one of the
Rhythm Rats TV shows we made in 1985 and Will’s talent as a showman and
ringmaster all came back. His stamp is all over it; costume changes, gags, props,
special guests…everything. I know he is going to miss some of us as much we him.
The last time I saw him at a record show he introduced me to Lynn Sue. I recognized
the look of another man who found the love he’d been singing about his whole life.
If you want to see Will and the Rats drive a stake deep in the heart of Texas music
history just type in `daniel johnston rhythm rats speeding motorcycle you tube’.
And somebody tell George Wise about this please. He needs to see it.
November 15, 2015 @ 8:10 am
How sad to hear of Will passing away.My best years playing guitar were in Austin where I met Will Indian and The Rhythm Rats in 1984. I was often hired when a 4th was required and enjoyed both Will and his young family as well as performance with him.Fond regards to all from back then.
December 18, 2017 @ 4:19 pm
I’d like to personally thank everyone that shared their feelings here. It’s coming up on three years since my dad died and honestly I still cry. He was so many things in my life, then all of a sudden he wasn’t. Reading all of yalls comments reminded me of how full of love he was at times. I still haven’t tried to play music since his death because the emotions are just too much to deal with when I start playing. Maybe one day I’ll have the willpower. My dad was one of those musicians that was able to speak with the guitar, saying more than words could ever accomplish. I’ve gone to a couple shows at the Saxon Pub to see all of my dad’s long time friends, and it’s great to hear music come from the heart.
December 23, 2017 @ 2:54 pm
I remember well our last visit at the Moose Lodge talkin’ about “Frankenstein Telecasters”. Always enjoyed visiting with Will. Great music and great memories.
December 29, 2020 @ 2:26 pm
Coming up on 7 years now since Will passed and when people ask who teaches guitar in Dripping Springs I still think of him. I know some really solid guitar players and he taught all of them. He was fun and patient and just a really cool guy. Once in 4th grade I was being a dweeb at lunch and he made me get up in front of everyone in the lunch room and sing I’m a little teapot – as if to say “Oh you want attention? Go ahead, get your fill”. Seemed like he went out of his way to be fair and accommodating and reason with otherwise unreasonable brats.
June 26, 2023 @ 10:57 am
I miss the chats we used to have from time to time,Will. I still love listening to you CD’s. Especially my Tribute CD that was recorded at WRPI Radio Station. Where you DJ back in the 70’s. James Hand has joined you now. And I’m sure you two are playing some Great Music together. Tell him and everyone else there with you HI. Take Care Till We Meet Again MY Friend.