Leave Carrie Underwood Alone Over This Gay Marriage Controversy
Well, now we know that the political vitriol and McCarthy-style ideologues attacking members of the music community in the aftermath of the Presidential election don’t only exist on the left. Apparently we were fools for thinking the end of the election would draw down the infighting and accusations when all it’s done is exacerbate them. The latest victim is Carrie Underwood, who’s come under fire from conservative family groups like American Family Association for being one who “encourages and supports homosexual marriage.”
The controversy stems from Carrie Underwood performing at the Georgia Dome in Atlanta on January 2nd at the evangelical “Passion” conference. The song she performed was her uplifting, critically-acclaimed, faith-based song “Something in the Water” that reached #1 on both the Hot Country Songs and Hot Christian Songs charts in 2014.
You would think the song, the performance, and Carrie’s other numerous efforts of outreach and support to people of faith over the years would earn her a little more good will from that community. But in a letter by American Family Association’s outreach director Wesley Wildmon to pastor Louie Giglio who founded the event, he says, “God is right about marriage and Carrie Underwood is wrong.”
If you’re wondering when and where you missed Carrie Underwood of all people coming out in in some sort of vehement public support of gay marriage in a defiant crossing of swords with the church, no, you haven’t been living on Mars, it’s just that it never really happened.
What did happen was Carrie Underwood was ambushed by a reporter for the British-based periodical The Independent when touring the U.K. in 2012, and when asked the completely inappropriate question about how she felt about gay marriage, which veers so far off the musical page it should have been stricken from the interview, Carrie Underwood with grace and wisdom answered,
“As a married person myself, I don’t know what it’s like to be told I can’t marry somebody I love, and want to marry. I can’t imagine how that must feel. I definitely think we should all have the right to love, and love publicly, the people that we want to love.”
Yeah, that’s it. This is something she said now half a decade ago, and the only reason it was presented as some sort of shot across the bow of the church was because The Independent, looking for clicks, presented it with this sexed-up squib:
“In a development that will doubtless outrage her many fans on the religious right, the nation’s most popular country singer, Carrie Underwood, has come out vehemently in favour of gay marriage.”
The Independent wanted controversy, and they got it. Later in an interview with the UK Associated Press, Carrie Underwood said, “I was asked a difficult question in the last five minutes of an interview and I answered it the best way I knew how, and after that I do what I do and I love making music…”
Yes, it was a question in the last five minutes of an interview, with an artist who thought they were simply helping the press out to promote upcoming public appearances, and the politically-motivated writer for The Independent turned Carrie Underwood’s answer into the entire premise of his piece. If there’s any outrage, that is where it should be pointed, and that’s exactly where Saving Country Music pointed it back in 2012.
But beyond how the quotes from Carrie Underwood surfaced, and if they should be characterized as coming out “vehemently in favour of gay marriage,” why are these religious groups attacking Carrie Underwood for taking of her own time to play one of their events? If she was in such stark opposition to the evangelical church, why would she lend her name and performance abilities to the event? If certain people were concerned about Carrie’s political stances, why was she booked in the first place?
Regardless of what anyone thinks about her music, Carrie Underwood has made her entire career about doing the right thing. She’s the only major mainstream country star at the moment upholding her performance obligations to the Grand Ole Opry. She regularly supports the Opry, and other enterprises like the “Passion” gathering in Atlanta, usually at her own expense because she happens to believe in the cause. In fact I’m surprised we haven’t seen the stories yet about how Carrie Underwood is a member of the “alt-right” for even performing at such a function, though I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re on the way. Rolling Stone and a dozen other outlets have already picked up this “gay marriage” story, making a molehill into a mountain.
And what is so provocative about saying, “I definitely think we should all have the right to love, and love publicly, the people that we want to love.”? I understand, the issue of gay marriage can be quite contentious, but even the Catholic church and many local congregations and parishes across the country and world are opening their doors to anyone and everyone who wants to come in, and not judging them for any reason, but understanding that the word of God is for everybody. Whatever happened to “Judge not, lest ye be judged,” or the lesson of Jesus breaking bread with sinners?
The institution of music should be respected as something we can all come together and enjoy. I’m no huge fan of Carrie Underwood’s music, but I think “Something in the Water” is great. It’s an amazing display of Carrie Underwood’s God-given talents that we should all be able to appreciate, regardless of political or religious affiliation.
The American Family Association’s outreach director Wesley Wildmon needs to be a little more wise and recognize that Carrie Underwood was hoodwinked in the U.K. over five years ago, and get off his high horse. Show a little respect to Carrie Underwood, who took of her time to lend her name and talent to your event because she wanted to lift her voice in praise of the Almighty, and didn’t do a half bad job of it either.
If you’re going to come out against someone for saying, “I definitely think we should all have the right to love…” then I think it’s your character that should be called into question. And I think most people of faith around the world would agree.
January 7, 2017 @ 10:47 am
Yea. If we’re gonna harass Carrie, let’s stick to harassing her about that shitty pop music she manages to somehow push to country radio…
January 7, 2017 @ 10:52 am
If you are going to judge her about her music, you might as well put down names if the other 98% of the acts labeled as country. The genre has changed like all of them do. I like to use an example of the difference between Buddy Holly and Metallica. Their music is totally the opposite. Yet both were labeled as rock.
January 7, 2017 @ 11:29 am
Pretty sure most people who label Metallica as a rock band don’t know that they recorded anything before 1991.
January 7, 2017 @ 1:09 pm
Well now like country, there’s many versions of.
November 25, 2023 @ 4:18 pm
Such a shame that we has humans have not let this gay thing go! The problem is labels. Why do we need labels on people?
December 5, 2023 @ 9:06 pm
I am sorry to those who feel otherwise, but the whole gay marriage thing has simply left the tent and it ain’t comin’ back.
As for those people who feel that Carrie Underwood’s music is not true country and therefore should not be played on country radio, I say blame country radio for that, NOT Carrie.
March 8, 2024 @ 1:37 am
The same should be said about the rise of Taylor Swift in the music world.
January 8, 2017 @ 7:14 am
How wonderful, change the reason and still throw rocks at her. You are beautiful…….
January 8, 2017 @ 11:59 am
Carrie Underwood is an amazing performer and an amazing mother. She is one of country music’s number one chart toppers. I can’t believe you have the nerve to label her work as ” that shitty pop music she somehow manages to push to country radio” you obviously haven’t even heard five songs of hers or even an album her work is great and you need to start listening to country music and understand that it isn’t all ” Yee haw hunky dory” shit that city people always think it is. Don’t criticise Carrie if you don’t want an argument.
January 7, 2017 @ 10:49 am
Carrie has never “promoted” homosexuality like this fake Christian preacher says. And she ever been quoted saying that homosexuality isn’t a sin like they are telling people. After all, guliable people are not going to look into it to see if it’s true or not. After all why would a preacher lie? So they will believe anything they say, just like Franklin Graham says about trans men. They give Christianity a bad name. Trying to get others to hate. Based on reading the Bible, God is all about love. He accepted us with our sins. That doesn’t mean our sinning is acceptable, but He still loves us and has no problem eating at the table with us. I could talk all day about this. But slot of preachers must not have John 8:7 in their Bible. That and many other verses.
January 7, 2017 @ 11:08 am
Just an FYI, people who are homosexual generally take offense to who they love being labelled as sin. They sort of see that as a personal attack, as would you. Lots of LGBT people are religious, they think that the way they are is God’s will. On a personal level, you are of course free to disagree, but this is why they consider this personal, not political.
January 7, 2017 @ 1:02 pm
Who am I to judge what gay’s do? I’m not a sinless God to judge. If I were a Christian, instead of sining and destroying others for their lifestyle, I would just pray about after I have asked forgiveness of my sins. You can’t win people to Christ if they are living in a way that God doesn’t like. We all sin some way or another. That’s what He sees. Sin. Not the type. There will be many gay’s going to heaven while the prideful preachers will not.
January 7, 2017 @ 2:54 pm
I am sorry but I was with u till u said that gays will go to heaven . No they won’t it biblical. Just like liars, adapters, drunkards, and otherss too . No we shouldn’t judge cuz we are not perfect but we have to have faith and believe that God can change us. No one is except from sin. God sees sin all the same. Our life style should be Christlike. So u need to have ur mentality…….is this what Jesus did wen He walked in this world.
January 7, 2017 @ 3:13 pm
Sorry but you need to read the Bible. Matthew 21:31. Jesus sees sin. Not the type. Verse shows an example of sinners that will go to heaven. Read Matthew 12:31-32. Only 1 sin will not be forgiven. A repentant heart is required. Some do it at 1st. Some do it 50 years later. Only He knows. So we let Him decide.
January 9, 2017 @ 9:30 am
You talk as if being gay is a moral choice that one makes. I could no more make a choice to be gay, as I made a choice to be straight. Please tell me about when it is exactly, that most people are confronted with this choice, as I seem not to have been given this particular rite of passage.
January 7, 2017 @ 11:03 am
Even if Carrie was a passionate supporter of gay marriage, I don’t think she should be attacked. Gosh darn those people who just want equal rights for everyone (in this country marriage is a legal agreement granted by the govt, which conveys rights, benefits etc, not just a religious thing). But this didn’t start with this years election, see Dixie Chicks.
I don’t think music should be about politics. I do think any American citizen has the right to speak up about politics if they so choose. I vehemently disagree with some of the political positions espoused by some of the Oak Ridge Boys (for instance), but I still can appreciate their music.
January 7, 2017 @ 11:20 am
Driving through Minnesota last weekend, I saw a billboard that said “Minnesota Lawmakers Follow the ABC Philosophy. Anything But Christianity.” It’s honestly like people forget that their right to free speech is part of the Amendment that protects people from Congress making laws with the rules of any specific religion in mind. Alas, the dumb and ignorant always have the loudest voices.
January 7, 2017 @ 11:42 am
Religion causes many more problems than it helps, it never solves any. These fools are just hate mongering, if that’s a word, to gather more followers to quench their thirst for power. I dont think anyone can say Carrie Underwood isn’t the sweetest, most wholesome female pop star out there. Compare her to Beyonce and you start to question if Beyonce isn’t just a high paid stripper that lipsynchs. Lol
Why should anyone care what Carrie Underwood thinks about the matter anyway? She isn’t gay, she isn’t in any position to change any legislation. Wesley Wildmon, I wish her Canadian hockey playing husband would knock your teeth out. That’s right Mike Fisher, you don’t have a hair on your add if you don’t pull Wesley’s shirt over his head and pummel him like like the redheaded stepchild he is.
January 7, 2017 @ 12:00 pm
I don’t think you really know anything about religion with your statment. The problem isn’t with religion, but how some use it for thier own causes, prejudices, and advancements. Just like it can be used for bad by some (like radical islam) it can also be used for lots of good like community food banks, free meals for the hungry, temporary housing for the homless. At least that’s what the churches in my area do. Just my 2 cents. Any ways attacking Carrie Underwood over this is just plain ignorant. And that’s coming from someone who doesn’t like her music.
January 7, 2017 @ 1:30 pm
Wait, wait, we have an article about Christianity being used poorly, we’re talking about Christianity, people have been killed in the name of Christianity for hundreds of years, but to point to religion being used badly you feel the need to go outside Christianity?
January 7, 2017 @ 3:15 pm
Christians never killed anyone in the past history of. That was the Catholic Church. They never got permission from Christ to kill anyone.
January 7, 2017 @ 3:25 pm
Tons of people have been killed in the name of Christ, which is the same thing “radical Islam” is doing. They are equally wrong.
January 7, 2017 @ 3:26 pm
Folks, out of respect for everyone, let’s please try to keep these discussions on the topic at hand. Getting too far off into the topics of politics and religion can get ugly very quickly, and we don’t want to muddy up this comments section with stuff not relating to this issue with Carrie Underwood.
I appreciate your understanding on this matter.
January 8, 2017 @ 7:23 am
The ignorance of so many Christians, while they judge with that ignorance, is the biggest issue for me. At least know your religion!!! Catholics ARE Christians!!!! Protestants and Catholics or both Christians and bound by the word of Jesus. NOT Leviticus. Nothing Jesus said has anything to do with the bible!! The Bible did not exist when Christ was trying to teach you how to be good people! Jesus NEVER spoke against gay people. You are literally making up your own rules!!! Follow Christ! Not ugly mean sinning men who want you to support their religious organizations…..
January 8, 2017 @ 11:42 am
History shows the Catholic Church killed Jews Muslim and anyone that didn’t submit to the church. There’s a reason for the Reformation. The theology of the Catholic Church contradicts the Bible and early church history. Christian apologetics I’ve been studying for over 11 years. It’s not weekend study. Christ never gave man permission to kill. Even having a bad thoughts made you a murderer at heart.
January 15, 2017 @ 12:20 am
You’ve been listening to too many of Obama’s Muslim,speeches.
October 28, 2023 @ 7:09 pm
PassingBye is telling the truth, which you should listen to.
December 5, 2023 @ 9:11 pm
I am sorry to those who feel otherwise, but the whole gay marriage thing has simply left the tent and it ain’t comin’ back.
As for those people who feel that Carrie Underwood’s music is not true country and therefore should not be played on country radio, I say blame country radio for that, NOT Carrie.
January 7, 2017 @ 12:04 pm
This whole ‘issue’ seems so passe in 2017 …particularly with so many more pressing concerns the world needs to focus energy and creativity on …..like global warming and a Trump-Putin world .
January 7, 2017 @ 12:07 pm
You say “these religious groups”; but who other than this Wildmon prick have said anything?
Wildmon sounds like he is the one representing hate.
January 7, 2017 @ 12:12 pm
She answered in the best way she could being put on the spot by a rabid reporter looking for click bait. Shame on the media for picking on musicians, attempting to ruin them by baiting and trapping them into answering faith and biblical viewpoints. But that is how many years ago? Clearly The American Family Association has a right to their opinions but why even touch this? Its only going to make them look bad. Currently in this country we have a right to freedom of religion and a right to free speech. Thats right, the same constitution that protects pornography also protects religious freedom. This seperates the U.S. from other countries like North Korea, Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, China and others who seek to censor and control everyone and everything. I think many folks are forgetting these facts. I for one listen to music for the sake of music as an art form. I could care less about musicians religious, political and personal viewpoints as it really doesnt impact my world. Its true that some musicians forcefully inculcate their political views as is their right, but personally I dont pay much attention. Music is a wonderful, beautiful, precious art that is capable of bringing people together of very disparate views. Of course thats my two cents which doesnt mean much to angry , unreasoning people.
January 7, 2017 @ 12:37 pm
Thank you! Great article and I agree whole heartedly that the crazy hypocritical pastor needs to get off his high hiorse and stop throwing stones at others. Carrie of all people is s wonderful clean cut person who is proud of her faith and never insults anyone. Going after Carrie is like kicking a puppy. I love Carrie and think she was brave to answer the question honestly knowing she would get backlash. Haters need to get a grip. Go after someone who deserves it if you must- but Carrie is a good person that does a lot of charity work and does not deserve this bs. The Bible says to love everyone- and not throw stones in judgment unless you are free of sin. Look in the mirror Pastor Petty.
January 7, 2017 @ 1:00 pm
I get so tired of this. Why is it anyone else’s business who you love/marry?
January 7, 2017 @ 1:51 pm
As a matter of civil liberties, it’s not. I’m a libertarian on this. But I am concerned about the nonsense, both left and right, where you are attacked for what you believe, even when those believes are not in the least threatening to anyone. For folks like AFA, you can never be conservative enough, and for their counterparts, on the left, you are a medieval bigot if you disagree with them. Both want power over others. But I am more concerned about the left’s not-so-subtle form of bullying and intimidation. See the faux-outrage over Chip and Joanna Gaines for a perfect example of leftist bullying.
January 8, 2017 @ 9:33 am
Yes you are correct. See my comment above. That said, it’s become dangerous and career suicide for a music artist to publicly say anything disagreeable to the left. These far left commentors who are saying fair game to these invasive questions are probably wanting to know who out there in the entertainment world personally disagrees with homosexuality so they can join the social media witch hunt and destroy the artist. Newsflash: Most religious folks who disagree with it are going to be polite and respectful and most don’t practice hate. The few that do make headlines and the media happily surrenders them to the mob to be destroyed. I agree with Trigger, these questions have a basic purpose : controversy sells, it riles people up and as a result often ruins people’s careers and livelihoods. So folks ask yourself: if you have a brilliant, talented artist and their music makes you happy, why would you wish to destroy them if you find out they personally don’t agree with homosexuality? Do their deeply held personal convictions really threaten you? What happened to just enjoying the art they craft? And if you say yes, we feel threatened, they need to be punished, boycotted and reduced to nothing, then what kind of person have you become? It’s possible to have deeply held personal theological views and still be kind to everyone. It’s done everyday by millions of people here in the US and other places. Now if said artist is an obnoxious activist looking to silence gays or deny them rights, I can see where you may choose to not support them. But the vast majority of artists have no interest in hating people or denying them rights as I’m sure Carrie does not. Once again I plead, enjoy the art form and who cares about the rest.
January 7, 2017 @ 2:24 pm
But yet many in the damned press just can’t understand why they’re held is such disrepute! Yes, I’m fully aware that it’s their job to seek the truth, so no tedious lectures, please. There is a difference between seeking the truth and deliberately misstating what an interviewee has said in an attempt to embroil that person in a controversy not of her choosing.
January 7, 2017 @ 2:25 pm
Held in such disrepute. Ayeeyah, I’d love to have an edit button again.
December 5, 2023 @ 9:17 pm
They took away the ability to edit your own comments? That’ dumb, why did they do that?
January 7, 2017 @ 3:20 pm
Why is it a ‘completely inappropriate question’ to ask a public figure if he/she is in favor of Marraige Equality? It was a topical issue at the time, we’ve LONG since passed the time when any musician just sang songs and gave no views about any issues and she is surrounded by LGBT folks on her team, her label, mgmt, etc.
Otherwise, you are spot on when you say that she should be held up as a true person of faith by living with love for others & not ‘playing God’ like so many of the commenters above. Folks, like it or not, LGBT people are open & fully intergrated into the Country Music Industry; in all areas & with ALL artists. Move the fuck on with your lives.
January 7, 2017 @ 3:30 pm
The question was completely inappropriate because the journalist clearly had an agenda for asking it. If Carrie Underwood said she wasn’t against gay marriage, they were going to use it to create a wedge between her and her fan base, as the writer admits in his squib. If she says she’s against gay marriage, then the British press runs with it the other way and criticizes this homophobic country star from the American south coming to their continent to spread her agenda of hate. There was no way Carrie Underwood could have answered the question and not stirred controversy. They knew that, and that is why it was asked. If Carrie Underwood wants her views known on a certain topic, she can speak out in her own time and place. Otherwise it’s completely inappropriate to ask a performer such question. She’s not a policy maker or a pundit. She’s a performer.
January 7, 2017 @ 4:39 pm
TBF if she was in a position where she might be discriminating against others due to her belief, I think it’d be a fair question. For instance if Blake was a member of a church with radical viewpoints, and never had a LGBT person on his team on the Voice advance, I think it’d be a fair question, because at that point it’s discrimination (or if you are a TV show remodeler & never seem to remodel the homes of Gay couples). But none of that is present here.
January 7, 2017 @ 5:18 pm
Man I almost get this position. But those situations aren’t discrimination really. They are not being denied their rights. Everyone regardless of gender, race, sexual orientation, or creed should have the right to marry, speak freely, assemble, address in public forum, worship whatever, possess firearms and…. oh yeah win the voice and get their house remodeled.
January 7, 2017 @ 5:25 pm
Well if you treat people differently because of their sexuality it’s discrimination (same as if it was because of gender, race, or religion). What you seem to be saying (?) is that you should be allowed to discriminate in those cases. (I would argue it’s illegal).
If you think you should be allowed to discriminate, and are discriminating, I at least have the right to know before I give you my money (or eyeballs in the case of TV).
January 7, 2017 @ 5:24 pm
Wrong. Very wrong.
Carrie has performed a number of times at evangelical So-called “Christian” events such as Passion Festival. Those orgs, as opposed to most of the public who attend, have now been proven again & again to be at best judgmental hypocrites; at worst homophobic, sexist manipulators. So does her support of the Passion Festival jibe with her views on marriage equality? If so, why does she have so many LGBT songwriters, management employees, label reps, stylists? Should her LGBT fans, of which there are tons, continue to spend our dollars?
Trigger, if she had been asked her views on Christianity, would you be crying foul? No. Before you immediately respond, think if you’ve ever complained that a country artist has ever been asked about their Faith. It’s the ‘Gay Question’ that has caused your post and the ensuing kerfuffle by people looking for controversy.
I think she handled the question brilliantly and it’s the predominate view, even of most mainstream Christians. As a gay man, I love drinking, cheatin AND church songs. My opinion: keep religion, sexuality & politics out of music. That sadly, ain’t the world we live in any longer. But if an artist does choose to respond to questions regading above, they should do it from the heart. WWDD? What Would Dolly Do?
January 7, 2017 @ 7:28 pm
Yes, I would say asking Carrie if she supports the platforms of the people organizing these events is totally fair game.
January 7, 2017 @ 8:11 pm
Carrie Underwood doesn’t need to answer for anyone but herself. If you interview someone for 20 minutes, scrap every other bit of information in the interview, and instead run with her answer to the final question you ask because you’ve got visions of launching Dixie Chicks Volume 2, then you’re the one that needs to be answering tough questions, not Carrie Underwood. The writer for The Independent took advantage of Carrie Underwood’s good nature to make her a political football. If she had to answer for playing Christian functions, then preface your question as such. Say, “Since you’ve played such and such, what are your feeling about gay marriage?” But the writer didn’t do that. He asked her about a hot button issue, knowing no matter which way she answered, he’d have a sexy headline.
January 7, 2017 @ 8:41 pm
Not defending the interviewer, or how it was done. The way it was reported was also horrendous. I hate the lack of context often provided in interview articles. In the future though (having nothing to do with the specific interview which was several years ago), if a Rolling Stone editor was interviewing Carrie today, I do think a question about performing at these concerts, and whether she supports the political views would be reasonable.
For the country singers performing at Trump’s inauguration, I think asking if they support him, is fair too. Same for any country singers at Dem events, or a Gay pride parade, etc.
January 7, 2017 @ 4:03 pm
Always stay humble and kind. Fuck everything else.
January 7, 2017 @ 5:26 pm
The alleged journalist who posed the question and the douche bag pastor both need to be slapped til their heads ring.
Idiots like those two intentionally create a controversy trying to glorify (justify) their pitiful existence.
Controversy sells, and make no mistake they are both selling BS because they have nothing else to sell that garners attention like creating a controversy.
January 7, 2017 @ 6:48 pm
Evangelicals are such bullshiters and charlatans. Most voted for a serial adulterer and self admitted sexual assailant. For the born agains, gay marriage = bad. Sexual Assault by their chosen one = good.
January 7, 2017 @ 7:22 pm
Music often IS political. In fact, it’s one of the most effective ways to push a political agenda. But that’s not really the point here, since Carrie isn’t pushing a hateful exclusionary agenda or an ultra progressive witch hunt agenda with her music.
I don’t get the connection between Carrie’s Christian music and the Christian Wrong, beyond the fact that many of them buy tickets to her shows. She’s obviously a cosmopolitan entertainer who is very comfortable in socially progressive settings.
January 7, 2017 @ 7:56 pm
Wesley Wildmon, I love you. Thank you for writing this!
January 7, 2017 @ 10:39 pm
“…..And what is so provocative about saying, “I definitely think we should all have the right to love, and love publicly, the people that we want to love.”?….” Nowhere in her response does she endorse anythng. She has a belief that people should be free to love and love publicly. You don’t have to be married for either. I’ve always liked Carrie Underwood. She stays out of the controversy and BS and keeps her private life pretty well under wraps. I had no idea this even happened until now but glad to read about it.
January 7, 2017 @ 11:46 pm
We live an interesting world with many differing worldviews, which is better than having one homognized mono-religion based upon the least common denominators of vague definitions of love and faith. And, our associations matter and say something about us. Also, we have interviewers who have alterior motives.
That said, though there is a distinction between an artist (including his/her worldview) and his/her art, the reality is the artist and the art can never be severed. So if an artist risks having an interview, and no parameters have been set, the assumption should be that almost any question is free to be asked of the artist, while keeping in mind any question is free not to be answered.
And, when people use the most popular Bible verse in America (“Do not judge” [Matt 7.1] replacing “For God so loved” [John 3:16]), all too often it happens in a bro-country name-drop kind of fashion, and is almost never used how Jesus intended. In Matthew 7:1–5 Jesus is actually teaching His disciples how to judge.
If someone believes “do not judge” means not to make any moral evaluations (using words like must, should, ought, etc.), he/she should be consistent and not judge people who are judging othes. A self-defeating definition is a self-defeating definition, even of it is dressed in “tolerance” (another word that is trumpeted that also has a modern definition that is self-defeating).
Trigger, I love this site! And thanks for all the good work you do for country music and her fans!
January 7, 2017 @ 11:52 pm
Good article, Trigger. You could say I’m a hard core conservative, i.e. who has supported guys like Senators Cruz, Paul, and Lee. But I don’t have a problem with other people living their private lives as they choose. I don’t have an issue with other people choosing their partner, regardless of their gender. Sure, there are positive things to be said about traditional marriage, but not every battle is worth fighting, especially when they involve personal choices made by other people, that do not infringe on our rights.
It is not reasonable to expect entertainers to take a position on every political issue. I agree that the question posed to Carrie was inappropriate, and while I think it would have made sense for her not to take a position on that issue at all, I will not judge her based on an opinion that is not relevant to the music. I think religious freedom is one of the greatest rights we enjoy as citizens of the greatest nation in the history of the world. I love “Something in the Water”. And while I have been disappointed in some of her song selections, she is one of the few mainstream artists who has released several good Christian themed songs. I don’t care if she is a Democrat or a Republican, Carrie is a sweetheart. I think we should let the artist decide whether or not they want to weigh in on political issues, and not try to put them on the spot for reasons of personal expediency.
January 8, 2017 @ 6:48 am
This is a complete non-issue. If you find yourself so staunchly opposed to someone having the right to marry whomever they want, then you’re the one with the problem and miserable life. America is the land of the free, and you’re free to do whatever the hell you want, so long as it doesn’t hurt anyone else.
January 8, 2017 @ 8:24 am
I agree. I dislike her because she became famous by winning shitty contest and contributing to the downward spiral of the music I grew up loving.
January 8, 2017 @ 9:39 am
Yet there is no doubt that these same folks would take a donation from her for their church in a heartbeat. Bunch hypocrites.
January 8, 2017 @ 10:45 am
What a bunch of creeps.
They have no influence on anyone other than their corpulent congregations.
They remind me of the odious Moral Majority which surfaced after the 1980 election and claimed Reagan’s victory as their own.
January 8, 2017 @ 7:03 pm
I don’t care what Carrie’s opinion is on gay marriage. If we are going to hold her feet to the fire on anything, it should be for the very questionable music choices she has made. I believe one poster called it “shitty pop music” and I cannot argue with that description. That is the real tragedy here.
January 8, 2017 @ 7:23 pm
Going to make this short an to the point !!! Anyone who is Gay should have the same rights a person does who loves the opposite sex….. Look it up everyone including churches most every person who is Gay as you call it is born that way it has to do with the front lob of the brain . I myself am behind all men an women who are that way 100% they don’t hurt anyone if we should be against something that is death penalty for child molesters come on people open your eyes….. Thanks
January 8, 2017 @ 7:42 pm
I haven’t followed Underwood’s music and I admit I’m somewhat biased against her music for pretty much the reasons stated by Kojak a few comments up (because she made her name by winning American Idol singing the sort of bullshit that would win there). Nonetheless I now respect her because I like her answers to both questions:
In the interview: “As a married person myself, I don’t know what it’s like to be told I can’t marry somebody I love, and want to marry. I can’t imagine how that must feel. I definitely think we should all have the right to love, and love publicly, the people that we want to love.”
After the controversy: “I was asked a difficult question in the last five minutes of an interview and I answered it the best way I knew how, and after that I do what I do and I love making music…”
I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t have handled it anywhere near that gracefully.
January 9, 2017 @ 4:10 am
This is all rather typical of the mainstream media, both liberal and conservative. Ask a loaded question get an answer and read into that answer what has not been stated. No wonder journalism is in such a dire state. People are (or should be) allowed to hold whatever view they want on homosexuality without fear of media vitriol, just don’t use it to reduce the liberty of anyone else.
I have to say, Carrie Underwood’s answer to the question is about as perfect an answer as one can give to such a question.
As for the pastor reacting to such obvious click bait, I categorically reject that as well. I am a christian and I take a libertarian stance on the subject of marriage, namely keep the state out of it. Anyone should be able to marry anyone without having to seek approval from bureaucrats.
January 9, 2017 @ 10:54 am
I love Carrie Underwood, and I’m completely against gay marriage. She has her opinion, and I have mine. No big deal. No way I’m throwing away the 100 things I like about her just because of one or two things I disagree with.
January 14, 2017 @ 7:59 am
Thank you! I wish more people got this. As a relatively conservative person, I’ve gotten used to artists saying things I disagree with.
January 9, 2017 @ 12:02 pm
“American Family Association”…..how many sister abusing freaks are in this association?
I have no opposition to freedom of speech and believing in what you believe in. I cant judge someone for what they believe in despite how much they choose to judge strangers. BUT carrie didnt just burst on the stage, she was booked months in advance BY AN EVANGELICAL GROUP. THEY CHOSE HER TO PERFORM. And as far as I know from friends who were at the event, she gave a good performance and gracefully exited the stage without making any religious or political statement. SO WHAT IS THE ISSUE HERE?
Even though I am in support of gay marriage, IF SHE HAD MADE A PRO-GAY statement at the event then i would have understood the reaction (i am a big believer in words having consequences – if you choose to say something, dont be taken aback by the opposition) But carrie didnt even say anything.
January 9, 2017 @ 6:35 pm
The A F A is one step away from being labeled a hate group, and they are masters of toeing that line.
November 9, 2023 @ 8:15 pm
They most likely have a hate group, and the SPLC (Southern Poverty Law Center) most likely has them listed as one by now as I write this (11/9/2023) on their website.
January 14, 2017 @ 7:56 am
I’m more upset with her about the Sunday Night Football video. It’s almost a parody. 😀
January 19, 2017 @ 1:56 pm
The fact is what she said supports gay marriage. “We should all have the right to love… who we want to love.” I don’t know how else you can interpret that. And if she supports it, she obviously doesn’t think it’s a sin, or she’s just supporting sin.. but who does that?? The American Family Assosiation is right in thinking that she supports it and has every right to inform their followers of this.
July 15, 2022 @ 8:28 am
Finally someone that gets it. She’s just trying to be a centrist and not piss off any gays fans. The problem is there is no central stance for hatred, so she should just own it and tell gay haters in general, and that c%cksucker in particular to f#ck off! Both sides is a terrible stance anyway as you stand for nothing.
October 15, 2018 @ 5:37 am
Carrie Underwood is the best singer in the world, so don’t make fun of her cause she inspires me to want to be a singer too. AND IF YOU MAKE FUN OF HER, I WIIL COME AFTER YOU!!!!!!!
oh and one more thing, I AM 12 YEARS OLD, AND IF YOU THINK I WONT COME AFTER YOU EVEN THOUGH IM 12, YOU’LL REGRET IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND THAT’S A PROMISE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
She hasn’t done anything wrong to be made fun of like that. Carrie Underwood, If your reading this, don’t pay any attention to them. there just jealous. I love you. please reply. my address is 55 Heritage court new bedford massachousets. PLEASE COME Carie Underwood!!!!!!!!!!!!.
June 23, 2021 @ 11:48 pm
Never really liked her but with her stand for the sin of homosexuality while saying she is a Bible believing Christian proves she is not genuine. She never speaks out for Christian values but loves to stand for the sin of homosexuality. She is nothing more than a typical celeb who pretends to be outspoken and brave but is only outspoken in favor of popular “in” issues. If homosexuality was not championed and pushed I doubt she would ever say she is for this sin. She is devious enough to only stand with what will help her. What is her view on abortion, conservative values, drugs, etc…?? She is what is wrong with country music – yet there is so much wrong at this point that I only listen to older stuff.
July 15, 2022 @ 8:37 am
Homosexuality, at least as christo-fascists see it, isn’t a sin. Just some terrible interpretation of the bible that belies any historical context. Like a typical gay-hater you are undoubtedly in denial of your own sexuality. Studies repeatedly show the vehement gay-haters are often simply trying to deny their own feelings. Just free yourself and admit you are sexually attracted to Carrie Underwood Betty. You and those around will feel so much better.
October 29, 2023 @ 5:14 pm
These kind of attacks from the emoprogressive left-wing are part of the reason why, IMHO (and also in the opinion of Bil Maher) Donald Trump was elected POTUS in 2016; as Maher said, people got tired of ‘walking on eggshells.’