Leave Carrie Underwood The Hell Alone
The question is not if Carrie Underwood is right about masks in schools. The question is does Carrie Underwood have a right to an opinion about masks in schools. And the answer is “yes.”
And as soon as the answer is “no”—where American citizens are either disallowed through edict, or from the fear of public retribution from the politically-incited, pearl-clutching, hall-monitoring infernal Twitter mob who can’t think beyond 280 characters and attempt to destroy the lives and careers of anyone they might disagree with—then we cease to live in a free and open liberal Democracy, and lurch one step further to the authoritarian state where a small number of people get to decree how the rest of us live and think, which many of the people coming for Carrie Underwood at the moment would be perfectly happy to see transpire.
You—Joe Q Public—of whom 78% of don’t even have a stupid Twitter account, are being told you should care vehemently and be full of outrage that Carrie Underwood—purposely or inadvertently—“liked” a Tweet from a conservative commentator named Matt Walsh where he posted a clip of himself addressing the school board in Nashville speaking out against a proposed mask mandate for students.
Now look, I can’t say I’d even heard of this Matt Walsh dude until this incident. And the outrage flowing toward Carrie Underwood is only helping funnel attention to this guy who makes his living off of dividing us and sowing outrage just like all political pundits. In fact this Matt Walsh character has said as much in subsequent tweets, overtly using the controversy to make his star burn brighter, and spread his message. And it’s working brilliantly. Maybe Matt Walsh is a swell guy, and maybe he’s a piece of shit. I write about country music, and I really don’t know. And I really don’t care either.
As for Carrie Underwood, she is the mother of a school-aged child. She has the right to express her opinion about affairs that affect her child. Maybe she has seen the mental anguish wearing a mask has caused for her kid. Maybe she just liked the Tweet accidentally. Do you really think that Carrie Underwood wants to kill children? Either way, if you disagree with her, then make that case. Give your opinion. Then an informed public hearing both sides can judge for themselves how they feel about the matter. That is how an open society works, not soliciting shock mobs to stifle all dissent, and attempt to destroy the careers of those we disagree with on culture war issues.
In fact, a lot of the anger flowing toward Carrie Underwood is completely unfounded, and verifiably false. Again, Carrie Underwood hasn’t voiced any opinion. She literally just “liked” a tweet speaking out against mandatory masks in schools, and all of a sudden she’s Morgan Wallen. And there are now dozens of tweets with 1000+ retweets declaring Carrie Underwood “anti-vaxx,” when she said nothing about vaccines at all.
It’s not even fair to call Carrie Underwood anti-mask. On numerous occasions during the pandemic, she made a big display of wearing masks (see above). But if you lie on Twitter, you will get rewarded. That is why individuals continue to do it, with these lies later becoming ossified through hard journalism and sensationalized headlines since Twitter works as the mother brain of today’s media.
Am I just defending Carrie Underwood because I’m anti-vaxx, or I’m anti-mask, or because I’m a champion of anyone in the country genre? To be frank, I’m not even really a big fan of Carrie Underwood’s music, with some exceptions.
And here’s what Carrie Underwood feels about me:
But coming from someone who actually covers country music in-depth for a living, I can assure you that Carrie Underwood the person has more character in her pinky finger than the entirety of this Twitter mob has in their angry thumbs. Out of the current class of mainstream contemporary country artists, Carrie Underwood is the only one that regularly pays her dues to the Grand Ole Opry, and regularly shows respect for the sanctity of country music.
And though many are using Carrie Underwood’s faith as an attack vector (real classy, by the way), they’re overlooking the fact that Underwood has expressed her support for gay marriage, is vegan, and probably shares other cultural values with many of those who are attacking her at the moment. She also happens to be one of the few successful women in mainstream country, and injury to her career would only continue the lack of representation for women in the genre.
The outrage shouldn’t be toward Carrie Underwood, it should be at the way public fervor can result in such a complete detachment from perspective that a liked tweet can launch a viral moment and scores of articles in major periodicals authored by political apparatchiks embedded in entertainment media, and a legitimate attempt to end Carrie Underwood’s career.
You want to talk about white privilege? Caring about what tweet Carrie Underwood liked on Twitter is the very seat of white privilege.
But make no mistake, the Twitter attacks on Carrie Underwood have been a huge boon for this Matt Walsh guy, and his anti-mask agenda, no different than how the outrage at Morgan Wallen for the N-word incident has been the rocket fuel to his continued dominance and success. YOU–Mr. or Mrs. outraged Twitter user raging against Carrie Underwood—are verifably forwarding the agenda of your enemies with this effort, while the character of Carrie Underwood becomes collateral damage in this culture war fight.
Masking in schools is a very, very contentious issue, and it’s the responsibility of us all to understand the heated nature of these topics, and try to be understanding. But instead, just like all culture war issues, masking in schools is being exploited by the elite to distract us from issues like the exposure of a 20-year kleptocratic regime in Afghanistan presided over by the American uniparty that has resulted in a trillion dollars worth of American taxpayer money going to equip what is now an Islamic jihadist state.
But it’s not just the elite, or political pundits like this Matt Walsh guy that profiteer off the bifurcation of the American public. It’s platforms like Twitter that reward lies and outrage, and have such an iron grasp on the attention span of those that populate the media that it has resulted in the onset of a dystopian reality where “liking” a tweet accidentally or purposely legitimately results in an existential threat to someone’s livelihood.
August 18, 2021 @ 8:38 am
I haven’t heard anything about this and don’t care. All I know is that she still makes shitty music.
August 18, 2021 @ 8:45 am
Saving Country Music is now the website where you find out if you should or should not be outraged about something you wouldn’t have heard about in the first place.
Cool Lester Smooth
August 18, 2021 @ 8:53 am
Gotta think this stuff drives crazy engagement, when people with STRONG OPINIONS about Underwood’s middling kitsch see it on Facebook.
August 18, 2021 @ 8:59 am
Didn’t post a link to this on Facebook. On purpose. And what folks assume drives “crazy engagement” is usually completely off. The biggest article on Saving Country Music in the last month was my obituary on Nanci Griffith.
Cool Lester Smooth
August 18, 2021 @ 9:02 am
Glad to hear it…for the sake of my faith in humanity, haha
August 19, 2021 @ 6:12 am
The headline on this article is bad.
August 18, 2021 @ 9:07 am
Many, many “journalists” embedded in entertainment media and country music media specifically are actively using their platforms to undermine the cultural institution of country music, often with lies, while any passion they have for actual country music takes a secondary or tertiary seat to the political motivations they have indoctrinated from their tenures in academia. “Saving Country Music” is my platform from which to share my opinions, and to forward my fact-based reporting to hopefully offer a counterbalance to this slanted and agenda-driven coverage. With a site called “Saving Country Music,” this is obviously very relevant to the mission. If you or anyone else doesn’t want to read a specific article, don’t read it. But just because it’s not relevant to you, doesn’t mean it’s not relevant.
Barney Newman
August 21, 2021 @ 10:54 am
If everyone wore masks, we could start smoking in restaurants and theaters again.
August 24, 2021 @ 6:14 pm
If everyone wore masks, we could start fucking ugly chicks again.
If its cruel and torturous to subject Muslim women to a burqa, why is it ok to force every woman in the world to wear a burqa?
Barney Newman
August 25, 2021 @ 10:45 am
And vice versa.
Barney Newman
August 24, 2021 @ 5:38 pm
I’m a catcher, and I don’t want to wear a cup. I want to have the freedom to catch a fastball in the nuts.
September 6, 2021 @ 2:13 am
You know soothsayer if you don’t have anything nice to say about Carrie then just do us all a favor and keep your comments to yourself and also how dare you insult her music I have always loved her music and always will. I will always love Carrie now and forever. She is my #1 most favorite singer of all time and I will always have her back.
November 23, 2021 @ 1:25 pm
Soothsayer!! Shut the F up!!
March 11, 2022 @ 11:44 am
And she’s a willfully ignorant asshole. Yes, her music is horrible.
August 18, 2021 @ 8:39 am
Social media is the source of all problems in the world and the worst invention in human history.
August 18, 2021 @ 8:46 am
So true. Matter of fact, it is veiled censorship which is directly opposite of what it was supposed to be.
The Original WTF Guy
August 20, 2021 @ 5:44 am
You’re wrong. The source of all problems in the world and the worst invention in human history is Jack Daniels.
Di Harris
August 20, 2021 @ 1:45 pm
Knob Creek, Baby
Cool Lester Smooth
August 18, 2021 @ 8:51 am
Don’t care enough about Underwood as a person or an artist to give a shit what she thinks about masks, or if she follows shitstains like Matt Walsh on Twitter.
Any chance we get a review of the new Jade Bird album? It’s not country, but it’s Dave Cobb…and it helped me finally understand what Margo Price and The Chicks were trying to do on their latest joints.
Shame they don’t have her lyrical or vocal chops.
August 19, 2021 @ 4:57 pm
How’s your Only fans page going, sunshine?
Cool Lester Smooth
August 20, 2021 @ 1:55 am
I remember you!
You’re the pathetic incel keyboard warrior who started crying and demanded my address so we could have a fistfight, right?
I guess sunshine’s a fair name – you tend to melt pretty fucking quickly, snowflake.
August 20, 2021 @ 6:30 am
You could have just said that you’re not doing very well. Fistfight? Don’t get my hopes up. But I’m glad you remembered this incel snowflake keyboard warrior.
Cool Lester Smooth
August 20, 2021 @ 6:38 am
Aren’t you worried about your mother?
The channel’s just a side hustle for me…but it’s her main source of income.
August 22, 2021 @ 5:51 am
Bringing up someone’s mother is the definition of weak. You are nothing.
Cool Lester Smooth
August 22, 2021 @ 5:53 am
She says I’m quite a lot…son.
Cool Lester Smooth
August 22, 2021 @ 6:04 am
Anyway, why ask about our OF channel if you didn’t want an answer?
The ban on explicit content in October is really going to hurt us – hope she can keep the house.
August 18, 2021 @ 8:55 am
I am a super pro-science liberal and don’t give two shits what Carrie Underwood thinks about anything. Not my concern. She is free to like or not like anything she wants. Actually, I don’t really give half a shit about anything a celebrity thinks about anything.
Also, I think every time the internet erupts about “outrage” over something, in reality, something like 5 people actually give a shit. No one really cares.
August 18, 2021 @ 9:38 am
This was a bigger topic on Twitter in the United States last night than Afghanistan. And as I tried to explain in the article, so many viral tweets of this nature immediately will result in hard articles in major periodicals that institutionalize the narrative since Twitter is the mother brain of American media. Whether anyone cared to begin with (and the truth is, they did, and in massive, viral numbers), the media will make them care because it’s what’s in their feed. This how the scourge of social media and Twitter specifically is dictating the narrative.
August 18, 2021 @ 10:02 am
(Not so) Coincidentally, 99 percent of celebrities also happen to be “pro-science liberals”…
Jake Cutter
August 18, 2021 @ 10:23 am
Or….so they say. Kind of hard to express your true beliefs when this kind of thing that happens.
August 18, 2021 @ 12:48 pm
What kind of thing? The only artist who has been legit cancelled over political viewpoints, and even actions, are the chicks at radio, and Colin Kaepernick in sports. Conservatives burned Nike gear over Kaepernick, Nike is still fine. Wallen used the n-word, he’s still fine etc. This entire concept of “cancel culture” is just media fueled hype. A small number of people making spending decisions based on this sort of thing, and always have, and that’s it.
Jake Cutter
August 18, 2021 @ 6:03 pm
I didn’t say or imply she was cancelled, so for starters, that’s a complete straw man. Yet you’re ready to tell everyone that conservatives try to cancel people too? Well no shit, genius. What does that have to do with my comment? My point is that in our culture, be it in Hollywood, entertainment, academia, the business world, etc, many people are afraid to state their opinions for fear of backlash and controversy (which, in this case, is that “kind of thing”). If you don’t see or understand that, then I don’t know what to say. …but sure, tell us all about the Dixie Chicks one more time, because we’ve never heard that one before…. And somehow it disproves my comment about people being afraid to say their opinions…or something.
North Woods Country
August 18, 2021 @ 3:30 pm
What’s a pro science liberal in 2021? Basically a conservative that believes in climate change?
On topic: If Carries issues a groveling apology…
Lastly, however you feel about Matt Walsh, in this instance he is correct. There’s no reason for schoolchildren to be wearing masks as a mandatory policy. Allow the staff and other adults present to make their own decision.
August 18, 2021 @ 8:57 am
mask or no mask, how did the huge sexist publicity / public relations machine that oversees the carrie underwood brand slip up and let a picture like the one illustrating this post go out without having it show her legs and heels?
August 18, 2021 @ 9:07 am
That guy is a moron, or is playing one on Twitter at least, and if Carrie Underwood legitimately believes the crap in that video, then yeah, I feel justified in losing some respect for her as a person. I was always lukewarm on her music, though her voice is undeniable. Being dumb has consequences in life, whether you want to call it “culture war” or not.
That said, it has to be a misclick, right? Carrie’s never been one to wade into any controversy that I can think of, and she’s much too famous to think it would go unnoticed.
Cool Lester Smooth
August 18, 2021 @ 9:25 am
Yeah, the most “reasonable” Twitter responses (contradiction in terms, I know) that I’ve seen pretty much consist of “Oh sure, THIS is what you’re willing to stick your neck out and get political about. Thanks for showing us who you are.”
August 18, 2021 @ 9:31 am
Very good chance this entire thing was caused by a thumb fumble. Carrie Underwood doesn’t go around Twitter liking Tweets on a regular basis. It would be completely out-of-character for her to do so on such a contentious subject. But the fact that there is ZERO discussion about this possibility at all is a great illustration of the mob mentality Twitter generates where all healthy speculation is left behind in a rush to judgement.
August 18, 2021 @ 12:38 pm
Thumb fumble or absent-minded phone handler forgetting they weren’t on their own device.
August 19, 2021 @ 5:01 pm
You voted for biden, right? I don’t think you get to call anyone dumb.
August 18, 2021 @ 9:45 am
Do not back down Carrie! Please stand strong and don’t give the SJWs what they want.
August 18, 2021 @ 9:50 am
Trigger, your article is simply stated: Does CU have the right to have an opinion on this matter? And really, does anyone else? Yet, look at the toxic replies you got which are easily as bad as any on Twitter, “he’s a shitstain, a moron, she’s dumb, Underwood’s middling kitsch, she makes shitty music.”
Apparently no one has a right to an opinion without being called names anymore.
August 18, 2021 @ 9:52 am
Agreed. It’s childish, and unhelpful. People love to obsess on what they perceive as the failings of others so they don’t have to address their own issues, and can feel superior.
Jake Cutter
August 18, 2021 @ 10:07 am
Psychology 101
Cool Lester Smooth
August 18, 2021 @ 10:20 am
It’s not an attack on Underwood’s value as a person to note that she sings trite pop country, written by other people, with no real point of view.
Y’know…middling kitsch, that no one should feel strongly about one way or the other, except perhaps to say “Y’know, it’s a shame someone with such a great voice never sings any good songs.”
Man behind the Covid mask
August 18, 2021 @ 10:09 am
Carrie has the right to her opinions but opinions have consequences. Just ask the Dixie Chicks. She just got unlucky because her like had to do with children and anti masking which is a hot topic right now. Other country singers like Aldean, John Rich, Tyler Hubbard and Miranda Lambert have all had questionable comments and likes during Covid and escaped unscathed. Carrie will survive too.
Jumpin’ Jack Flash
August 18, 2021 @ 10:12 am
Matt Walsh has always been one of the smartest people in politics to me, but that aside, Carrie should definitely not be lambasted for who she chooses to support. Ppl need to chill
Bill Kennedy
August 18, 2021 @ 10:37 am
It’s ridiculous that people are making a big deal about this. She’s allowed to have this opinion, which, I do happen to agree with, but even if I didn’t agree with it, I would defend her right to express it. I’ve even seen tweets from liberals literally saying that she is “cancelled in (their) book”. It’s pathetic, really.
My late grandfather (God rest his soul) was born in 1948, and was a staunch conservative, but had many liberal friends and I’m sure he would be appalled by the current state of things.
August 18, 2021 @ 10:40 am
Carrie has a right to an opinion, and other people have an equal right to disagree with it. And until that changes people have exactly as much right to call Carrie out as she does to like a tweet. Some of y’all are such snowflakes.
August 18, 2021 @ 10:50 am
And here’s the thing, masks shouldn’t be political. Scientists are saying mask saves lives. Not republicans, not democrats, not politicians. So do I think Carrie wants to “kill kids” no, but the policy she is purportedly supporting in this case, would have that potential result. And adults care far more about wearing masks then kids do. Kids want to wear the clothes they like, and we already make them wear uniforms. We’ve made everything into a “culture war” and it’s beyond dumb.
Personally, do I think Carrie believes what Matt Walsh is saying, yeah. Do I think she maybe mishit the like button, also yeah. But really if that’s all it was, she could have already come out and said that.
August 18, 2021 @ 8:40 pm
Scientist are saying masks save lives? Lol. You mean the pharmaceutically sponsored scientists and ‘experts’. Interestingly enough, for anyone with the desire to find out, there is enough information (from decades of studies) available that prove masks, in fact, don’t work. Turn off your tv and do a little research.
Jake Cutter
August 18, 2021 @ 9:11 pm
It’s possible that new evidence emerges, and I don’t claim to know the answer. But I am more than a little curious about the full 180 degree turn that happened in March/April of last year. I have yet to hear a good explanation as to why all the pre-covid researchers were somehow so bad at science that they had it all completely backwards.
Cool Lester Smooth
August 19, 2021 @ 1:38 am
There are two main answers:
The media failed to accurately represent what scientists were saying (which was “There’s a PPE shortage. Please don’t stockpile the N95 masks that we need for doctors and nurses.)
We have a metric fuckton more data on how the virus spreads than we did in March 2020.
It speaks so much about the state of the American conservative movement that they think scientists changing their mind when they get more data is some sort of damning indictment or “gotcha” moment.
But, well…it’s not like these guys are Jesuits or anything. Critical thinking is actively discouraged by fundamentalists.
Jake Cutter
August 19, 2021 @ 7:03 am
Critical thinking is discouraged by fundamentalists AND dogma promoting, politicized, and self serving institutions where the stakeholders care more about their careers than the truth and are motivated to enforce the politically safest answers. As stated in my comment, it’s POSSIBLE that enough new evidence has emerged. But you really buy that, fully and without question? They were COMPlETELY wrong about how an airborne respiratory virus spread? For decades? To the point that the WHO, CDC, and pretty much every institution was advocating AGAINST their use at the beginning of the pandemic? We somehow got to the moon couldn’t figure out how to study if masks work?
Forget the fact that there are still recent RCT studies that say they don’t work, and it seems to be mostly non-RCT, more anecdotal studies that say they do….again, I haven’t spent enough time getting to the bottom of that…but you’re not even the least bit skeptical? Your overconfidence in having the “answers” bothers me more than the “conservative movement.” Not least of all because you’re condescending about it.
Cool Lester Smooth
August 19, 2021 @ 8:38 am
A) Not all airborne viruses are the same. We didn’t know it was aerosolized, rather than droplet based, until the summer.
B) The media reporting that they were “against masks” doesn’t mean that they actually were “against masks.” It’s just something that bad faith jackasses claim on Twitter.
The line from the CDC was “Stay home and don’t buy masks right now, because we need them for healthcare workers.”
Right wing grifters peddling disinformation to line their pockets (like Matt Walsh) have reframed that as “FAUCI LIED ABOUT MASKS!!!!!”
It’s just not, y’know, true…no matter how many people believe it and repeat it.
Meanwhile, it’s a hell of a lot easier to use critical thinking to reach the conclusion that the government’s duty should be to maximize outcomes for our least successful, rather than the economy as a whole, than it is to both claim to be a Christian and fearmonger against accepting Afghan refugees…or refuse to protect vulnerable children from death and disease, because the methods are mildly inconvenient.
Jake Cutter
August 19, 2021 @ 2:01 pm
A. No shit. And it’s not aerosolized “rather than” – it’s both. That still doesn’t fully explain the 180 degree turn and why that wouldn’t have been taken into consideration at the time.
B. Not correct. The CDC DIRECTLY stated they did not recommend masks, as late as Feb 27, 2020. Same with the WHO. What do “Twitter Jackasses” have to do with that or my comment?
C. What do right wing “grifters” and Fauci have to do with my comment?
D. What do Afghan refugees have to do with my comment?
Not going to reply and make this thread even longer, but I’ll leave it by saying you said a lot, while managing to say almost nothing relevant to my question or comment.
Cool Lester Smooth
August 20, 2021 @ 2:20 am
Waiiiiit, you’re talking February 2020?
We didn’t know shit about shit in February 2020.
Like, I’d be far more skeptical if the health advice hadn’t changed significantly over the last 18 months, as our sample size increased.
Meanwhile, here’s a non-partisan article on the dearth of RTC trials regarding mask efficacy:
“The Danish Study” shows that if there’s under 3% community transmission and social distancing measures are being enforced, a mask reduces the wearer’s likelihood of contracting COVID by 18%.
Anyone claiming it says anything about masks’ efficacy in preventing an infected wearer from spreading COVID (the stated purpose of masks) is lying to you.
And you should ask yourself why.
August 18, 2021 @ 10:50 am
Matt Walsh is a disgusting piece of shit. I’d be shocked if she purposely liked the video
Leo Needletoe
August 18, 2021 @ 10:52 am
Lots of people just suck. This whole cancel culture bullshit needs to die. I’m sure this won’t ruin her career. The kid with the white teeth from Georgia didn’t get cancelled when he bad-mouthed The Highwaymen. Morgan didn’t get cancelled when he used an adaptation of the N word. And the Chicks didn’t get cancelled (well, they kinda did) when Natalie bad-mouthed W. But the Chicks rock, so joke the cancellers.
Anyway, let her like what she likes. The suck people don’t like anything anyway.
Cool Lester Smooth
August 19, 2021 @ 8:42 am
The only artists who have been successfully “Cancelled” in the last 50 years or so are the Chicks, haha!
It’s not a coincidence that the people who led that charge are the ones crying the loudest about “Cancel Culture” now.
And it’s not a coincidence that the chuckleheaded morons who burned their CDs are the ones who believe them.
August 19, 2021 @ 8:53 am
Yeah, that’s not true at all. Just recently Ryan Adams, Unknown Hinson, Winston Marshall of Mumford & Sons all have had their careers legitimately cancelled without committing an actual crime.
Cool Lester Smooth
August 19, 2021 @ 10:02 am
I’d be far more up in arms about Ryan Adams’ cancellation if Wednesdays hadn’t made the Americana charts, haha…and if his “exoneration” consisted of something other than “The 14 year old fan he groomed and sent dick pics to as a married 40 year old had said she was 18! That’s nearly as old as Bridgers was when he groomed and slept with her!”
Meanwhile, Unknown Hinson’s “cancellation” amounts to being fired from his job for embarrassing his employer online by posting a bunch of racist bullshit on his official social media account…while Marshall’s consists of his quitting the band because they told him to stop promoting racist bullshit on his official social media accounts, and he refused.
So, y’know…world’s tiniest violin and all that, compared to the systematic blacklisting and credible death threats Maines got for an innocuous anti-war statement.
August 18, 2021 @ 11:10 am
Thank you Trig for an excellent article. Have to admit I am surprised at the way this story picked up considering it was from last week. Also surprised so many are on Carrie’s case when the tool Aldean was spewing off crap at his concert the other night (it is funny he was glad to see no masks at his concerts, but you had to wear a mask around him at his VIP m/g). I don’t believe this was an accident by Carrie. She also liked Gov. Lee’s post about mask requirements. Her husband, Mike Fisher, has been very vocal about masks, vaccines, and has posted very questionable information on his instagram. Having said that even if I disagree with her “likes” she has a right to her opinion. She has always said she is apolitical but as you pointed out she has children and perhaps this is something she and her husband feel strongly about. She’s not going to be cancelled.
August 18, 2021 @ 12:38 pm
The backlash against Carrie Underwood for possibly liking a tweet compared to Jason Aldean outright saying he thought it was cool he “didn’t see one fucking mask” in a crowded arena is incredible, and telling. And I am seeing a lot of people who profess to be for supporting women in country music immediately join the Twitter fracas against Underwood—while a lot of them have also been on an anti-Dolly Parton campaign for months now—which proves most of them are not actually for women, or for country, but are more for their own severe political ideology, and simply are using country music as a forum to forward it, while also seeing it as advantageous to strengthening their social media brands.
August 18, 2021 @ 11:56 am
I’m a die hard liberal, but it looks like Carrie Underwood doesn’t even really have a Twitter at all — I can almost guarantee that whole account is run by a publicist. It makes the whole “controversy” even sillier.
strait county 81
August 19, 2021 @ 6:07 am
What’s it like knowing the guy you voted for is a complete laughing stock?
August 19, 2021 @ 11:57 am
It’d be easy enough to ask you “how was the entirety of 2016-2020?” seeing as how the last guy made such a mess of things. Maybe we all just pick the best out of what we see as a shitty choice and make do with it. Most people don’t care about politicians on a level of love and hate. Those that do are crazy fanatics. Politicians are our employees, not our leaders.
August 18, 2021 @ 12:02 pm
It all goes back to the haters of this world whom there options are always right and it doesn’t matter about anyone else’s. Ifs time to stop the noises and be grown ups.Its the children that suffer. Because of the parents creed,stupidity. Carrie is like the rest of us with her options “she has that right “
Bad One
August 18, 2021 @ 12:40 pm
I don’t have kids. That being said, I thought parents would do anything to keep their kids healthy and safe. Now, it seems that they want their kids to get sick. A little mask while in school. Glad I’m not involved.
August 18, 2021 @ 12:59 pm
Nobody wants their own kid to get sick, Carrie Underwood or anyone else. That’s completely nonsensical, and a bad faith argument. It’s like the abortion argument. Nobody’s for killing babies, any more than anyone is for controlling women’s vaginas. These are propaganda statements that are used by one side or the other to bleed the nuance out of an argument, and paint the other side as monsters, when in reality, both sides actually have people’s best interest in mind, and just see it from a different perspective.
I really don’t have an opinion on masks in schools because like you, I don’t have a kid in one. But I think there are very fair arguments that can be made against mandating kids wear masks. There are fears of psychological scarring, the effectiveness of certain masks, and the civil rights of people to make their own choices for their kid’s health. There are also strong arguments for it, for the health and safety for everyone. We should be able to have these discussions without saying someone is for kids getting sick (which nobody is), or calling someone a Nazi just because they want their kids to go to school in a safe environment.
August 18, 2021 @ 1:11 pm
Actually Trigger, most of the arguments you just listed for opposing masks in schools are bad faith arguments. Schools routinely restrict what kids wear, haircuts, jewelry, etc, and can just as easily mandate type of mask. Child psychologists aren’t out here warning about psychological scarring due to masks, and no evidence suggests it exists.
Parents who don’t like the policy are welcome to put their kid into online or home school, same as for any of the many, many other policies that schools have. When you send your child to a school though, other people have to be taken into consideration…not just your own beliefs, including in this care other people’s health. Schools also require vaccines…and it’s not violating your civil rights to make choices for your own child’s health. Pediatricians are literally begging for masks in schools, that should really be the end of the conversation.
August 18, 2021 @ 1:15 pm
How many children do you have?
August 18, 2021 @ 1:31 pm
Carrie Underwood doesn’t want her kid to get sick. No parent wants their kid to get sick. No parent wants anyone else’s kid to get sick. You want to argue for mask mandates in schools, you came to the wrong place because I don’t care, and don’t have skin in the game. I was simply giving examples of the concerns some parents have shared. What I do know is that if you stifle people’s ability argue their positions, it solves nothing, and it creates the kind of volatile environment that is currently swirling around this issue. It also continues to lend in the distrust in public institutions. Remember when Anthony Fauci knowingly lied to us all and told us masks were ineffective? People are distrusting of everything: the CDC, the media, the government, because they constantly lie, just like Carrie Underwood going from liking a Tweet to being called “anti-vaxx.” Understand the complexities of these issues, or keep talking down to the other side, and have them run into the awaiting arms of people like Matt Walsh.
August 18, 2021 @ 1:38 pm
Trigger, I have no clue what Carrie’s specific concern or beliefs are. I was pointing out that these arguments people are making are bad faith, people believing them, doesn’t make them evidence based. If Carrie doesn’t want her kid to wear a mask, she has perfectly valid options. The same options people have who don’t want their kids to get the measles vaccine (for non medial, and in some states religious reasons).
I do have skin in the game, so I know the actual stakes and my school has a mask mandate. But I also have family and friends who are Drs. some even in pediatric ICU, so I also understand that rising covid cases are bad for all of us…we all have “skin in the game”
August 20, 2021 @ 7:08 am
you guys really have to get off the fauci lied about masks bandwagon… as if changing your opinion based on newly available information (aka learning, part of the scientific process) is some sort of gotcha moment. it makes you look pretty dumb.
August 20, 2021 @ 8:10 am
Fauci did not change his opinion based on newly available information. He was part of a calculated ploy to keep there from being a run on N95 masks, feeling the public couldn’t be trusted with the truth. Maybe he was right, but that lie and others is what has lent to so much hesitancy by the public to trust institutions, hence the widespread vaccine hesitancy we’re seeing. I don’t say this to dunk on anyone. If you truly want to erode that public distrust, you need to understand the root of it. Simply calling people hesitant of the vaccines and masks stupid has not, and will not cut it.
August 18, 2021 @ 1:21 pm
Trigger please explain how anti-choice people aren’t trying to control a woman’s uterus if it has a fetus in it? There argument is that they are allowed to control your uterus because it doesn’t belong to you anymore, but they are 100% arguing that they are allowed to take control of it.
August 18, 2021 @ 1:33 pm
King Honky Of Crackershire (No!)
August 18, 2021 @ 1:46 pm
That’s not our argument, and it never has been. My guess is that you probably already know that and are mischaracterizing intentionally.
Loretta Twitty
August 18, 2021 @ 12:42 pm
Why would people come after a person’s career/livelihood over liking a post? Are you 13? I would have to delete half the musicians/social media contacts over their views. Do not ever apologize to the mob. Waste of time.
August 18, 2021 @ 1:31 pm
One other reason Carrie is receiving so much backlash is because it was (more) unexpected. Everyone assumes this is who Aldean is, and frankly his fanbase either agrees with him, or doesn’t care. A lot of people were surprised that Carrie would like this tweet, especially as it ran counter to what a lot of people, including her fans, probably assumed about her. And her fanbase is probably much further left on the political spectrum (in general) then someone like Aldean.
(given her husband’s very public comments for quite a while, it’s not actually surprising, but you’d have to be following him to know that)
August 21, 2021 @ 1:35 pm
And it’s possible since her husband no longer has a Twitter account, he could have viewed it from her phone & was the one who liked the tweet. But I know, she’s responsible for all of her account activity – no matter who is posting from her account. And if she no longer wanted the like on there, she could’ve unliked it. So by now it would seem she still wants it on there, whether she was the one who clicked on the like button or not.
Di Harris
August 18, 2021 @ 1:37 pm
Have shown restraint not putting this out
Am done.
How do all of the people around the globe feel about being host(s) for the a, b, c, Delta, …w, x, y, z variant(s). Especially if you received the Moderna, Pfizer vaccines. You are now a carrier.
Did no one question why Moderna & Pfizer tried so hard to stop the Johnson & Johnson vaccine from being approved? And why everyday, the Moderna & Pfizer big Pharma machine continue to pump derogatory information about the J & J vaccine?
We have a totally INVERSE situation.
All vaccinated hosts need to be quarantined and locked down & kept away from the unvaccinated. It is you who are are spreading the Delta.
A lot to absorb, i know.
Good for Carrie.
Think it was no mistake that she liked the tweet.
Billy Wayne Ruddick
August 18, 2021 @ 10:45 pm
Posts like this are exhibit A of how social media is dumbing down America…. Lord help us all.
Di Harris
August 18, 2021 @ 10:53 pm
Not too bright, are you.
Billy Wayne Ruddick
August 19, 2021 @ 2:48 pm
Did I misread your post as not being sarcastic? I’m hoping that is the case!
August 19, 2021 @ 5:02 am
I believe you’ve mistaken SCM for The Onion.
Man behind the Covid mask
August 19, 2021 @ 7:58 am
Doctor Read It On Facebook says if you got vaccinated against any of the following, polio, smallpox, measles, you are now a host and spreader of these dieasases even eradicated ones. Thank you for your wisdom doctor. .
Di Harris
August 19, 2021 @ 9:36 am
Ah, you are a good little drone, aren’t you.
Man behind the Covid mask
August 20, 2021 @ 11:29 am
I’m good with not being the dope who cries and begs to be vaccinated right before they intubate you. Hope you have a designated family member to let your online cohorts know that they pulled the plug on you.
August 20, 2021 @ 7:19 am
you think that unvaccinated people aren’t also carriers? WHAT.
your opinion is that the people who tried to do something about COVID by taking it seriously, initially quarantining, wearing masks, and getting vaccinated should again quarantine to continue to let those who have done nothing to go about their (probably much shorter) lives? WHAT.
some unbelievable ‘logic’ happening there. but, alas, as the numbers continue to show people who have been vaccinated are not the ones being hospitalized or dying of COVID, despite being carriers. oh well, survival of the fittest and smartest and all that.
August 20, 2021 @ 8:14 am
Actually, the science behind the CDC’s recent ruling to recommend booster shots for everyone is based on preliminary studies that individuals who experience breakthrough cases (which are at a greater degree than anyone wants to acknowledge) actually carry a GREATER viral load than even the unvaccinated, meaning they are more infectious, at least with the Delta variant. That is why these vaccine mandates for concerts and such could be ticking time bombs, giving people a false sense of security.
Di Harris
August 20, 2021 @ 8:39 am
“Actually, the science behind the CDC’s recent ruling to recommend booster shots for everyone is based on preliminary studies that …”
It is based on $’s.
Billy Wayne Ruddick
August 20, 2021 @ 5:17 pm
The key point is that the vaccinated experience far (FAR) better health outcomes than the unvaccinated when they do contract covid. That’s how vaccines work.
Darwinism is playing out before our eyes. And I have to admit that it’s not entirely a bad thing.
I’d also like to see a source for your claim in this comment about viral loads, Trigger.
Di Harris
August 20, 2021 @ 5:46 pm
“The key point is that the vaccinated experience far (FAR) better health outcomes than the unvaccinated when they do contract covid. That’s how vaccines work.”
This is part of the propaganda that is built into this scheme.
Come on Billy, enuf on this thread.
Trig is talking about a lot of new music that is coming out. Pretty decent music.
McMurtry is a marvel in his own right.
August 20, 2021 @ 5:49 pm
No doubt vaccinated people have better health outcomes than unvaccinated people who get the virus. However, an Oxford study that was released on Thursday and has been reported by just about every major news outlet says that individuals who experience breakthrough cases have just as much, or sometimes more viral load than people who are unvaccinated. Yes, they may still not get sick, but this could create a false sense of security. Since they have high viral load, they are just as likely to spread Covid. But since they’re asymptomatic, they may not know they’re sick, making them more likely to spread it to others.
Feel free to Google this, but this is just one of hundreds of stories out there:
Here’s also a really good Twitter thread from a doctor explaining why the false sense of security of a vaccine care could inadvertently lead to “superspreaders.”
Jake Cutter
August 20, 2021 @ 6:05 pm
Shhhhhh…. We’re supposed to be blaming the the anti-science nutters.
The booster will probably save us all though, so calm down everyone.
Billy Wayne Ruddick
August 20, 2021 @ 7:21 pm
You are off your rocker, Di. Go visit your local ICU ward and talk to actual doctors about the number of vaccinated vs. unvaccinated folks they are treating. And how many unvaccinated knuckle draggers are clogging their ICUs. The good thing, for people like you who are incapable of understanding science, is that you can just look at reality (see previous sentence) and see that you are wrong.
Yes, lots of good music coming out, but you can’t post insanely backwards and objectively wrong / dangerous / shameful lcrap like you have on these articles and not expect someone to put you in your place.
Billy Wayne Ruddick
August 20, 2021 @ 7:29 pm
Trigger – that same study also stressed the importance of vaccines. It also said that vaccinated people have the SAME ability to spread it, not more, as you stated. The vaccine is (and always has been) designed to protect those smart enough to get vaccinated…Not to protect those too ignorant and brainwashed by Facebook memes to refuse it. As I said, Darwinism at work. Especially with the wide availability of the vaccine in this country.
August 20, 2021 @ 8:17 pm
Though I keep getting couched this way, I’m not against the vaccine. I got the vaccine. But I think we have to be honest about the effectiveness of thinking we’re creating safe zones in concerts by requiring proof of vaccination. The science is telling us otherwise. Plus there’s no discussion about social distancing, no discussion about inside vs. outside being better. In fact, part of the problem is you can’t discuss any of this stuff without someone assuming you’re “brainwashed by Facebook.” These are complex matters with evolving information. My issue is we’re locking people out of concerts who may be completely Covid free, and giving others the specter of safety by acting like if you’re vaccinated, you have nothing left to worry about. You can still carry and spread it to someone.
As the doctor I linked to expressed, if you think since you have the vaccine you can’t spread it, or are walking around asymptomatic, that would make you more likely to spread the disease.
Di Harris
August 20, 2021 @ 7:30 pm
In no way, shape, or form, are you putting me in my place.
I am an actual scientist.
I deal in facts.
You deal in insults to compensate for your frustration(s).
That is fine. You are harming no one but yourself.
I Do wish you a nice weekend.
Will not respond to any other comments you make in this thread.
Also wishing you a nice rest of your evening.
Jake Cutter
August 20, 2021 @ 7:33 pm
“The vaccine is (and always has been) designed to protect those smart enough to get vaccinated” ???? ???? ????
Billy Wayne Ruddick
August 20, 2021 @ 7:38 pm
No way in hell you are a “scientist”. Or maybe you once were, but you’ve succumbed to the mental rot of social media disinformation like so many others.
As I said, go down to your local hospital and report back. Reality doesn’t lie.
Billy Wayne Ruddick
August 20, 2021 @ 7:43 pm
Quote away, Jake, and keep proving my point. You’ve got no rational points or facts to stand on. …Just another empty paper sack waiting to be on the evening news, while on a ventilator, whining “ahhh wish ahhh woulda got the vasssine. Please, people, get the vasssine while you can.”
Jake Cutter
August 20, 2021 @ 7:47 pm
I got it, so don’t know what point that would be proving???? That’s just one of the dumbest of the dumb things I’ve seen written here.
Billy Wayne Ruddick
August 20, 2021 @ 8:09 pm
The point you are proving is that you have no rational anti-vax argument. Quotes and emojis may impress your equally ignorant friends and kin you trade “political” memes with on Facebook, but that’s about it.
Jake Cutter
August 20, 2021 @ 8:20 pm
Haven’t used Facebook in years. I’ve been vaccinated. Don’t share memes. What else can you, unsurprisingly, get wrong tonight? For someone so smart you can sniff out fake scientists, you’re not doing so well. Enough of this back and forth…I’ll save Trigger the trouble. Keep swinging, you’ll hit one someday.
Billy Wayne Ruddick
August 21, 2021 @ 5:30 pm
Keep trolling and embarrassing yourself, Jake. Nice attempt to save face with your “I’m vaccinated” BS lie. Doesn’t work that way.
King Honky Of Crackershire (No!)
August 18, 2021 @ 1:38 pm
…..”Underwood is only helping funnel attention to this guy who makes his living off of dividing us and sowing outrage just like all political pundits.”…….
Nonsense. And it’s sentences like this that illustrate how ignorant you are about sociopolitical issues. We’re divided, because we share a land mass with people with which we share no values. We have fundamentally different world views. All Matt Walsh does is break down current events, as a Conservative. If he didn’t believe what he says, I seriously doubt he’d go to a school board meeting. Did you listen to his speech? And as for his follow up tweets in response to Underwood, he’s not doing it to “make his star burn brighter”; he’s doing it because he believes like I do, that a lot of people are so gone, that’s it’s fun to troll and mock them, as opposed to wasting energy on trying to explain anything to them.
I think you could do better that the quote above, if you would actually take the time to understand the arguments. I know you love to posture as being non-political, but if you have opinions on how the world should be, legally or philosophically, then you can’t be non-political. What you can be though, is a coward who refuses to acknowledge that some values are superior to others. Putting masks on children to make neurotic adults feel good, is child abuse. And any politician advocating for it should be tarred and feathered, and not figuratively.
August 18, 2021 @ 2:41 pm
Oh come on. Matt Walsh is owning that he’s exploiting this situation for attention, and so should you. Hey, I give the dude credit for his hustle. Yes, I listened to the speech. It was impassioned, performative, played fast and loose with the facts, but was overall very effective as political theater. Two guns up as a performance. But there was some of what he said that you could take out of it, expose to light, and watch it whither. But my beef isn’t with this dude at all. He’s just doing his thing. My beef is with the Twitter hall-monitors pearl-clutching at someone liking a tweet. I mean, the horror!
King Honky Of Crackershire (No!)
August 18, 2021 @ 3:11 pm
You come on. This Twitter stuff is a joke to him. He’s having fun making fun of people who deserve to be made fun of. The humor is apparently going over your head, but it’s classic Matt Walsh. It’s not a hustle, at least not the kind done solely for fame.
His position here is basically: “I’m right. I know I’m right. And I think you all are hilariously stupid for attacking a celebrity for liking a post of mine where I was right. Now I’m going to have fun mocking the fact that you morons are helping me use a celebrity to gain attention to my cause and you’re too stupid to realize it.”
If you’re going to claim that he played fast and loose with the facts, shouldn’t you at least make an attempt at stating which facts you’re referring to?
Jake Cutter
August 18, 2021 @ 8:54 pm
The Daily Wire crew is highly partisan, and as sensational and self-promoting as anyone in media, but he’s clearly making fun of the childish outrage more than anything else. And since the left has became the uptight, snobby, perpetually outraged pearl clutchers, it isn’t that hard to be the more jovial party. Even in the post where he was openly “exploiting” the situation, he was making fun of himself. There’s a lot I don’t agree with him on, but I don’t see much to criticize him for here.
King Honky Of Crackershire (No!)
August 19, 2021 @ 6:10 am
Yeah Jake, highly partisan for sure, but I don’t fault someone for owning what they are or believe. For the record, I’m not a Shapiro fan.
I like Matt Walsh in spite of him being employed by The Daily Wire. I would question you on the “sensational” charge in regards to him specifically. His shtick is dry, misanthropic humor combined with political analysis. When he’s being serious, I never see him being sensational.
Jake Cutter
August 19, 2021 @ 7:21 am
Sensationalism: “1.(especially in journalism) the use of exciting or shocking stories or language at the expense of accuracy, in order to provoke public interest or excitement.”
His most recent tweet:
“American birth rates are plummeting as increasing numbers of adults refuse to have kids or start families. Meanwhile, we’re spending 100 billion dollars a year on our pets. This is what it’s like to live in a civilization that craves its own extinction.”
I’m not criticizing him for it. I’m acknowledging that his sensationalism is a default in what he does. I will agree that he might be less so than many of his colleagues, but by nature of amplifying certain stories to fit a political narrative, and by using hyperbolic language, he doesn’t escape it either.
And, I think by now you know, I’m not demonizing conservatives for it. It’s just as prevalent on the left.
King Honky Of Crackershire (No!)
August 19, 2021 @ 7:32 am
Is this the line that you’re calling sensational?
“This is what it’s like to live in a civilization that craves its own extinction.”
Jake Cutter
August 19, 2021 @ 9:53 am
The whole thing. I understand the nihilism in SOME – not all, that he is referring to. I understand the birthrate declines in modernized countries. I understand apathy and a fair amount t of psychology. It’m not saying that he doesn’t have somewhat of a point. But saying our “civilization.” is “craving” it’s “extinction” is entirely over-generalized, hyperbolic, and sensational. Again, it’s a function of what he does. No worse than most media pundits on the left. The point of my comment is to say that Trigger criticizing him for that doesn’t itself refute what he is saying, and it’s an intrinsic part of the job, for better or worse. Bringing it back to Carrie Underwood….I have zero issue with her liking his speech. As a side note I think it’s funny that people are postulating and in some cases hoping that it could be accidental.
King Honky Of Crackershire (No!)
August 19, 2021 @ 8:12 pm
I get what you’re saying, Jake, but I would still chalk that up to comedy/sarcasm. It’s what he does. He finds stories that annoy him, and then makes misanthropic observations about them for comedic purposes. The dude is as much a comedian as he is an analyst.
I know that humor doesn’t make something automatically not sensational, but my point is more about his motives than anything, which I believe are pure: ideology mixed with comedy.
When I think of sensationalism, dishonesty comes to mind, “grifting” if you will. That’s the hot word everyone uses now. Everybody I disagree with is a grifter, lol.
Jake Cutter
August 19, 2021 @ 9:33 pm
Yeah and every argument I don’t agree with is a “bad faith” argument. Bottom line is Carrie should like whatever she wants: Comedy, sensationalism, “grifters,” “bad faith arguments” or otherwise. Sad that a small group of overly sensitive crybabies can bring us to even have to discuss this.
King Honky Of Crackershire (No!)
August 18, 2021 @ 9:12 pm
Trig, here you go. Take it from the man himself.
August 18, 2021 @ 10:17 pm
Again, you seem to be under the impression that the ire of this article was pointed to Matt Walsh. I think we’re in total agreement that the Twitter stuff was a “joke to him.” Beyond that, I don’t really take an opinion on the guy, aside from generally avoiding political pundits such as this.
The video does help to underline why I felt writing an article about this was important.
King Honky Of Crackershire (No!)
August 19, 2021 @ 5:45 am
No, I was never under that impression. I fully understand and agree with you about Twitter mobs.
But out of ignorance (you admit you’ve never heard of him), you made some remarks about Walsh that are incorrect, and since Walsh is more interesting to me than Carrie Underwood, that’s what I felt like discussing.
Tom Smith
August 18, 2021 @ 6:44 pm
“…we share a land mass with people with which we share no values.” What a completely fucking ignorant statement.
King Honky Of Crackershire (No!)
August 18, 2021 @ 8:29 pm
I appreciate you letting me know.
August 18, 2021 @ 1:51 pm
I know a lot more about Matt Walsh than Carrie Underwood, in my experience he was a thin skinned dope who didn’t have a lot of good ideas. Specifically in regards to evangelical culture and it’s relationship with the actual teachings of JC as they are written in the bible. Considering that half my work buddies are convinced that Bill Gates Covid Tincture and All ’round Cure-All contains microchips small enough to fit through a hypodermic needle, I think CU is probably relatively sane. Glad my child’s school is requiring masks and had no cases last year and we are all looking forward to her being able to get her shot when it is approved for under 12. God bless!
August 18, 2021 @ 2:12 pm
Carrie Underwood is currently facing some (very light) consequences for psuedo expressing an opinion on social media. Your argument seems to be that she shouldn’t have to face backlash or consequences for an opinion. Do I think it’s effective? No. But is it going to materially impact her life in any way? No.
Otoh, school board members, teachers, doctors, scientists, are getting harassed and physically threatened for potentially considering or testifying in support of masks in schools. And if Carrie’s opinion was to become policy, people’s lives would be placed in further risk (even if that’s not what she intends, it is the reality). So perhaps a little bit of perspective is in order, in terms of who is facing consequences in this conversation.
King Honky Of Crackershire (No!)
August 18, 2021 @ 3:17 pm
People who advocate for the abuse of children, to satisfy either their own lust for control, or to assuage an unjustified, neurotic fear, should be harassed. People who hurt people, deserve consequences. This is not a nation of laws; for better or worse, it’s a nation of political will. Good for Carrie.
August 18, 2021 @ 4:43 pm
You keep using the word child abuse but I’m not sure you know what that word means
August 20, 2021 @ 7:22 am
there is no way king honky doesn’t think that hitting a child is an acceptable form of discipline. heck, it probably made him the big tough man he is today.
and yet… wearing a mask is child abuse.
Di Harris
August 20, 2021 @ 7:45 am
You are welcome to hurl insults and accusations my way, all you want.
But you are not coming after Honky in this way.
Asking a child to wear a mask in school all day, to further one of the biggest pyramid/quadrangle schemes against humanity, is abusive.
But the Dept’s of “education” are having quite the field day, with their perpetual vacations.
Back off of Honky
August 20, 2021 @ 7:59 am
uh oh, mama bear showed up.
you guys like to think you’re so tough, that you’d go to war for what you believe in, etc., and yet wearing a mask is the hardest, most oppressive thing you’ve ever had to do in your life. your whole life view has been undone by a tiny piece of cloth. talk about snowflakes.
Di Harris
August 20, 2021 @ 8:19 am
Morning, gentile.
: D
Cool Lester Smooth
August 19, 2021 @ 4:52 am
A teacher literally got jumped last week and had to go to a hospital.
Meanwhile, Carrie Underwood said something idiotic on Twitter, and now people are making fun of her for being an idiot.
Big Cat
August 18, 2021 @ 3:08 pm
I’ve got so many other things to worry about
Tom Turkey
August 18, 2021 @ 4:25 pm
One of the most well written articles to date. Very well articulated in my opinion. I don’t care much about CU nor so I have any social media, Twitter or otherwise, so I’m not likely to give it another thought after this comment.
“These are propaganda statements that are used by one side or the other to bleed the nuance out of an argument, and paint the other side as monsters, when in reality, both sides actually have people’s best interest in mind, and just see it from a different perspective.”
Solid gold quote right here. I wanna print it out and hang it up in my office!
August 18, 2021 @ 4:53 pm
This discussion always happens, and it always end the same place. If she has the right to have an opinion, then everyone else has the right to criticize her for it. Welcome to the internet. If you don’t want your ideas discussed or attacked, then don’t share them with the public. I don’t love that this is where we’re at, but it’s not going to change and complaining about it does what the article accuse the Twitter mob of doing: giving more energy and attention to something that doesn’t matter, that won’t change anyone’s mind about anything, and that will definitely happen again.
August 18, 2021 @ 5:10 pm
“If she has the right to have an opinion, then everyone else has the right to criticize her for it.”
The difference here is we don’t know what Carrie Underwood’s opinion is. And even if you assume she’s against mask mandates in schools, you can’t then assume she’s “anti-mask” in general, and you definitely can’t assume she’s “anti-vaxx,” which is what she’s being accused of.
August 18, 2021 @ 5:26 pm
I am sure that some of you can cite an intelligent academic argument against this, but we are neck deep in arguments and disagreements over all things COVID now and we all love country music. I see this site as a place where I can read about rad things and the comments here, albeit intelligent for the most part, represent the same comments from 1000 different sites now. This includes political, schools, sports, and everything else. Too much of this is focused on what we hate and nowhere near enough on what we love. What we all love is country music. I hope we can stray from all of this if nothing else because it is what divides us and tjau should be elsewhere
Country Music Disciple
August 19, 2021 @ 1:57 pm
Your comment made me think of a quote I read not too long ago:
“Don’t argue unnecessarily just to prove your point. It ruins the spiritual atmosphere. Let people do whatever they like; you should live according to your own ideal.”
I myself tend to argue with others at times to prove my point which is usually a waste of time and energy for both parties. It seems like finding common ground on what I enjoy and love (not hate) along with others (such as country music) leads to a more positive experience.
August 18, 2021 @ 5:30 pm
Unless it was a mistake or someone other than her (possible), we have a pretty good idea that she is in some way sympathetic or approving of whatever Matt Walsh thing she liked. That isn’t a reach, that’s what the like button is for.
Yeah, the criticisms are harsh and exaggerated. This article and others on this site are also pretty reactive and emotion-heavy. Again, that’s life on the internet. Nothing more to see or say about it, really.
August 18, 2021 @ 11:08 pm
Thank You!! Couldn’t have said this better myself. I want to hit the upvote button twenty times. I want Trigger to dedicate an entire article to this statement. I want to shout it from the mountaintops. I want it to be read by everyone before commenting.
I’m not being sarcastic, I sincerely agree with you 100%.
I know I could just not go to the comments section, or not click on articles that I know will have this type of reaction, but I can’t help myself. So my lack of self control is on me, but I just wish said lack of self control didn’t leave me feeling so sad when I choose to indulge.
Fat Freddy's Cat
August 19, 2021 @ 5:24 am
So a mob of ninnies is in Flail State Six and foaming with rage because a musician isn’t genuflecting to The Holy Church Of The Face Diaper with sufficient fanaticism. But to make it worse, the mob of ninnies expect to be worshiped for their great virtue.
Some are disappointed that they were born too late to storm the Normandy beaches or march at Selma (and they’re sure they would have covered yourself with glory there). So they seek a new drama where they get to be the Great Hero, and Covid is how they are doing it.
August 19, 2021 @ 5:56 am
1. Twitter is a cesspool of bottom feeding, malcontents.
2. Matt Walsh is pretty good. I know nothing of his twitter activity, but I watch is youtube channel from time to time. Smart guy, with some interesting insights on current events.
3. right or wrong, everyone is entitled to their opinion. The day that stops, we turn in North Korea.
August 19, 2021 @ 6:19 am
This is outrage culture at its worst. All she did was like a tweet. You think she liked a tweet about hurting puppies or something abhorrent. Folks need to calm TF down, seriously.
Cool Lester Smooth
August 19, 2021 @ 10:05 am
It seems a certain subset of the population cares a lot more about the lives of immunocompromised children than they do puppies.
August 19, 2021 @ 12:03 pm
Just log off of Twitter when it’s not absolutely necessary for your job. It’s an echo chamber full of competing chorus lines. It is a reflection of the worst of humanity and not representative of anyone but people who spend too much time online. I guarantee you this nonsensical kerfuffle is only being discussed on the internet by people who have a vested stake in either attacking or defending the celebrity. Either because they over-identify with the famous person or as a proxy for politics.
I guarantee there are few to no water cooler discussions, coffee shop talks, or even people just shooting the shit about this topic. Paying attention to this is the same thing as fanning the flames of a dumpster fire. You’re not going to put it out that way and you’re spreading the stink farther than it would have gone otherwise.
August 19, 2021 @ 12:13 pm
“Just log off of Twitter when it’s not absolutely necessary for your job.”
See, this is the problem. For people in the media, they must be on Twitter, and all the time. It is a requisite. I bad mouth Twitter at every opportunity, and I’m on it all the time. It is the best news aggregator. Unlike many of my fellow colleagues in the media though, I know it’s trappings, and how the algorithm games the brain chemistry. But as I tried to explain in this article, what happens on Twitter gets institutionalized in culture through the media lens. It ends up metastasizing because to much of the media, Twitter is the center of the Universe. And that is why ignoring what happens on Twitter believing it will just go away is a conceit.
August 19, 2021 @ 3:10 pm
The problem is no matter what side of the political fence you sit on, people are going to say & agree with things you don’t. That’s what is meant by ‘freedom of speech’. I am so sick & tired of everyone – no matter what their politics – telling others what to think & feel. If the left aren’t trashing the right, the right are trashing the left. Stop trashing one another & accept the fact that people have a right to their own opinion & no it does not have to be the same as yours. And just because you have an opinion does not mean you need to share it. People want to share opinions about every single thing even when 99% of it doesn’t effect or concern them. As a great poem once said ‘Remember what peace there may be in silence’. Respect each others right to freedom of speech & freedom of thought, be kind to each other & don’t sweat the small stuff.
August 20, 2021 @ 1:38 pm
Well, this comment section did not fail to entertain.
August 21, 2021 @ 7:35 pm
Quit worrying about. You and people you know are more likely to be killed by a driver of a vehicle driving over the speed limit, by having no water cause all the wells and rivers are drying up, or by severe weather related phenomena. Most healthy people wouldn’t even know they had covid if they had it.
August 21, 2021 @ 7:49 pm
Di Harris
August 20, 2021 @ 8:00 pm
Oh, i am a scientist.
A nuclear scientist.
I do not facebook.
I do not social media.
I do read SCM.
Trig has a great, informative site.
*Yes i know, said would not comment again to you on this thread.
That you are so insecure, that you cannot have a rational conversation, is no one’s fault but your own.
Over and out, Billy
Billy Wayne Ruddick
August 21, 2021 @ 5:22 pm
You are also completely brainwashed on this subject. And I do not believe for a second that you have anything beyond a mediocre high school science education. Sorry.
Mike Honcho
August 21, 2021 @ 5:02 am
I know The Genital is a fat fuck, incel that can’t obtain employment, so they/them lists Community Organizer and Activist as their occupation. Fat people are always worried about other people making them sick. Fittest and smartest indeed.
August 21, 2021 @ 7:28 pm
The issue here is that we put too much focus and trust on celebrities, Twitter, Facebook, so called “religious”leaders and politicians. Second, we have the right to make choices, but not the right to make choices for other (often unsuspecting) people. Finally, we have failed as a society when selfishness trounces consideration of others (even if it causes some inconvenience).
August 22, 2021 @ 1:50 pm
Social media, but especially Twitter, have given opinions held by the (far) left an undue degree of influence. And in some cases, you risk being “cancelled” if you express a contrasting, or even a nuanced, opinion. George Carlin said it best: “Political correctness is fascism pretending to be manners.”
Mark Schwendau
August 22, 2021 @ 4:06 pm
Funny how last year it was safe to go eat in a restaurant masked up until we sat down but now school children must be masked at all times! Almost like this is less about public health than a globalist agenda.
September 21, 2021 @ 9:32 pm
People need to mind their own business & stop worrying, obsessing & freaking out over what other people do, especially when it comes to SM. She isn’t hurting anyone, leave her alone. She’s a good person who does a lot of good things for her community including her hometown community. Bet none of those twitter losers do anything for anyone other than themselves.
December 14, 2022 @ 10:17 pm
Carrie was right.
Kids weren’t in danger.
The hysterical lefties were wrong again.
December 9, 2024 @ 8:26 pm
Carrie Underwood has never seemed like the sharpest of people, nor has she ever made good music. All she has are good looks.