Nashville Flooding Because God Hates Kid Rock
It’s true.
When wacko Pat Robertson proclaimed that Katrina happened because of all the sin in New Orleans and Haiti got hit by an earthquake because they made a pact with the devil, I thought he was high on more than just Christ Love. But apparently it’s true, and apparently God not only hates sin, but greezy hair, fedora hats that smell like turned munster cheese, and genre bending.
It all started at the famous Tootsie’s Orchid Lounge on Broadway in downtown Nashville where once upon a time greats like Willie Nelson, Kris Kristofferson, Waylon and Cash all hung out, writing songs and bouncing ideas off each other.
The front of Tootsie’s is known for displaying the faces of country greats: Hank Williams, Patsy Cline, Hank Jr., Willie . . . and Kid Rock. What, KID ROCK? Really? You might as well put the face of Satan up there. Even Kid Rock fans can’t say his mug belongs in that company.
We all know that God loves REAL country music. And edifying Mr. Rock on this landmark (probably because him and Pamela Anderson performed their sham celebrity wedding there, only lasted 100 days, what a surprise) apparently made God very angry. But the straw that broke the camel is when it was announced that Kid Rock will host the CMT Awards.
Shortly after the announcement, the Nashville area experienced over 13 inches of rain in two days and the waters of the mighty Cumberland began to swell. Now Nashville is being immersed in flood waters. Forget science fact and cause and effect, this is an act of God my friends.
Thanks Kid, you prick.
Seriously, this is just my dumb way to get people to pay attention to a disaster that most of the mainstream media is ignoring because it is in the Heartland. This is devastating. My heart goes out to the people of Nashville and the surrounded areas effected, and we all hope for the safe preservation of Nashville’s landmarks.
You can also follow the 9513’s update on the situation and relief efforts by CLICKING HERE.
Inside the Grand Ole Opry:
Downtown Nashville:
May 4, 2010 @ 12:19 pm
Thanks for this – we need smiles right now! Gaylord Hotel is now closed indefinitely… it makes me wonder about the fate of the Opry house – I guess it ain’t so grand anymore…
May 4, 2010 @ 12:32 pm
That is really sad about Nashville and everywhere else getting the flooding. My heart goes out to them. Now onto kid rock what the hell.What cause he did a couple songs and drank a few beers with hank jr that makes him a good choice for the cmt awards. It is even more official now than ever before popular or young country as I have heard it called is so totally fucked.
Tweets that mention Nashville Flooding Because God Hates Kid Rock : --
May 4, 2010 @ 12:50 pm
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by DeclaredUngovernable, The Triggerman. The Triggerman said: Nashville Flooding Because God Hates Kid Rock : […]
May 4, 2010 @ 12:58 pm
Hope you and all your friends and all our Nashville people are out of harms way.
I was planning a series of articles later in the week called “The Greed of Gaylord,” and one of the topics was going to be how they have manipulated the development of downtown. But now I feel like that would be kicking them while they are down.
May 4, 2010 @ 1:02 pm
It’s a very strange decision indeed. Having him perform is one thing, but this way his ugly mug mars the whole thing. The CMT Awards had credibility issues to begin with, now they’re ven more of a laughing stock.
May 4, 2010 @ 2:37 pm
Devastating, those poor people. I note the Opry at Opryland is flooded however reports say the Ryman is fine. Divine intervention?
May 4, 2010 @ 2:57 pm
Who says that? Check picture above.
May 4, 2010 @ 3:03 pm
A Qoute from a friend about the flooding in TN last Sunday,”yeah man on the news nastyville is under water and shut down… Shelton’s basement is starting to flood and he’s on a small hill… the basement where all the good shit is recording wise…”. Hope Hank III got his shit to higher ground!
May 4, 2010 @ 3:04 pm
It’s true Triggerman! Hallelujah.
Copy & Pasted from
“The Grand Ole Opry currently returns to the Ryman Auditorium annually for a run from November through February. Because of the May 2010 flooding of the Cumberland River that has rendered the current Grand Ole Opry House unusable, the Ryman (unaffected by the flooding) will host weekend shows while the Tennessee Performing Arts Center’s War Memorial Auditorium will host Tuesday shows.”
May 4, 2010 @ 3:10 pm
Thanks Triggerman…. here’s another interesting article that mentions what you did about limited coverage of the story…
My husband is in the production industry and occasionally works for companies doing rigging at the Gaylord. He has been working at the Opryland Hotel doing gigs for 25 years. He was there Sunday afternoon as the parking lot flooded. The power went out in over 1/2 the building for a couple hours and then nightfall came before they released the workers and got temp housing for its guests. So I ask this – how long did the gaylord have to evacuate and still did nothing? Did anyone think to preserve the history and artifacts of the Opry house and other facilities? The neighborhood across from Opry on the other side of Briley parkway is destroyed… underwater, as are many areas and neighborhoods in and around Nashville. As the pumps flow in all of Nashville, the only place for the water to go is back in the river which keeps the water level high and preceeds to flood downtown potentially destroying history….
The Ryman is downtown, on a hill near Broadway on fifth ave. and is currently only without phone access. I’m wondering if it will become the “new” grand ole opry location while the other is restored.
May 4, 2010 @ 3:31 pm
Ok, I see what you’re saying now, but the Opry House was where they had a lot of great artifacts and such. Yes it’s great the Ryman was spared, but the damage is still done. And reading what Declared dug up, more could have been done to save that stuff. Surprise surprise.
May 4, 2010 @ 3:49 pm
That article you linked to was spot on. I am astounded that this is such a non story to the mainstream media. The more I think about it, the more it’s pissing me off. The same reasons that the priorities are wacked with news stories is the same reason REAL music never gets attention. People are all caught up in what is sensational, and the REAL disasters get buried. It also doesn’t help that 80% of media lives north of the Pennsylvania border. Man I’m hot.
When I was writing this article last night there was a little part of me that wanted my stupid claim that Kid Rock was responsible to go viral, just so it would be an outlet so people could find out that NASHVILLE IS FLOODED. And the only way to get the word out is to use their same stupid sensationalizing system.
I have family down in Louisiana, and I remember after Katrina hit, trying to get information and NONE of the media outlets were reporting anything. Everybody wants to blame the government for what happened, but the media was just as culpable. I remember turning on NPR and they were doing one story after another on Guantonamo while people were dying by the hundreds and levies were breaking.
Fuck this.
May 4, 2010 @ 3:49 pm
I’ll take Satan any fuckin day over Kid Rock! Thanks for the info Triggerman, I knew they were havin a water problem but didn’t know nobody heard God say build an arch, must not been able to hear over all that sampling on Kids albums. I’ll remember all the good folks tonight before I go to bed, and even the greedy ones too, I guess.
May 4, 2010 @ 3:58 pm
Right on target Triggerman – as usual… thanks for all you do!
May 4, 2010 @ 4:32 pm
Thanks everyone for leting the rest of the country know whats really goin on…I live in washington state and I have yet to hear anything on the news…go figure uh?
May 4, 2010 @ 5:15 pm
looks like you got folks attention, triggerman. nice job. oh, and i don’t do kid rock either.
just sayin’.
May 4, 2010 @ 5:33 pm
I don’t think I got anyone’s attention that I didn’t already have before. But I tried.
I’m getting angrier about all this by the second.
May 4, 2010 @ 5:42 pm
This article on CMT has some info about the Opry… it’s not looking good for the archives and the CMHF has damage – good thing the Family Traditions Exhibit is on the 2nd floor.
This all saddens me so much… could some of this have been avoided?
May 4, 2010 @ 6:28 pm
This is an extremely sad thing, the pictures from there have been unreal.
I will say that Internet-wise, the story has been covered with pretty fair significance, it’s been the lead story most anywhere I’ve seen. In other outlets though it’s taken a huge backseat to other stuff.
Fuck Kid Rock and the CMA’s.
May 4, 2010 @ 9:42 pm
so far theres 21 people dead that should be all over the news when fucking haiti got hit with that earthquake thats all you’d hear every time you turned on the news i’m tired of it this is america and like Hank3 said if you can’t even help your own
May 4, 2010 @ 9:57 pm
The top story on right now is that the suspected attempted Times Square car bomber didn’t like sunlight. Apparently that wrinkle is more important than 25 lives and billions of dollars lost of historic landmarks and memorabilia.
I’m about ready to raise the Jolly Roger and take names.
May 5, 2010 @ 8:36 am
Well they’re gonna squeeze every last drop out of the Times Square story. I’m not saying it’s fair or right but they’re gonna keep kicking that horse long after it’s dead.
May 5, 2010 @ 1:04 pm
Triggerman, you may not have gotten any new people’s attention, but you did pass on some valuable information that we’re not getting any other way. This is the first I heard of it.
May 6, 2010 @ 8:03 pm
I venture to think it’s god taking a big long piss on taylor swift.
May 6, 2010 @ 8:30 pm
May 6, 2010 @ 8:43 pm
Hey Bandana, I’m writing a poem/song about your catch-phrase; FTW . Is that okay with you?
May 12, 2010 @ 6:56 am
How did Shelton make out does anybody know?
May 12, 2010 @ 9:20 am
I heard his basement got flooded, but generally speaking he was alright. Here is a video of him driving back from Franklin with his son the day of the floods:
June 15, 2010 @ 8:23 am
Ok to all of you Kid rock is doing his best to change the world he brings everyone together like we should be!!! His music gives you hope for a country!!!! have you even listend to his music the words well you should he saved my sprit….
June 15, 2010 @ 8:27 am
Its another night in hell can you imagin what its like to starve to death I say AMEN!!!And he has god on his side more than you know!!!!He contributes his time with every natural disaster we have had for free!!!!He don’t care what kid rock haters think in fact he wants you to hate him only the real people he wants to touch so go on with your boring ass life as us real people keep kidrocking in the free world!!!!!!!!!!!!And he has only begun to rock this country wait and see!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
June 15, 2010 @ 10:38 am
Angie, you’re a fucking retard. You have nothing to contribute to the discussion. Shut your fuckhole.
June 4, 2011 @ 4:49 pm
I like kid rock…..on ROCK SHOWS….W T F is he doing on the CMT’s(again) ? Kid Rock,Justin Beiber,Sheryl Crow,etc.etc,…country music as we knew it is dead and gone…now it is “fused” with pop and rock….talk about murder on music row….likei said….like Kid Rock….BUT NOT ON THE COUNTRY AWARDS SHOW…what part of that do the buttheads at CMT not get ??????
June 24, 2013 @ 2:48 am
Summer is the season for cranking up rockin”™, crowd-rousing country songs and CMT has the perfect soundtrack for doing so when Kid Rock hosts CMT”™s 20 Greatest Redneck Videos, premiering Saturday, June 29 at 10:00 p.m., ET/PT, immediately following an all-new episode of REDNECK ISLAND. CMT”™s 20 GREATEST REDNECK VIDEOS will feature the most loud-and-proud music videos from country superstars including Blake Shelton, Jason Aldean, Kenny Chesney, Kid Rock, Toby Keith, Trace Adkins and more.