NBC’s “The Voice” Wants Jason Isbell to Audition
That is apparently the story from an email Isbell received from the producers of the show, but it doesn’t look like the singer and songwriter is falling over himself to accept.
Jason Isbell is the most critically-lauded artist in the Americana music realm at the moment, walking away from September’s awards with Album of the Year, Song of the Year, and Artist of the Year, but apparently NBC’s talent competition The Voice doesn’t believe he’s well known enough yet that the flotsam and jetsam of the American public wouldn’t potentially gobble him up as an undiscovered gem in prime time. After apparently coming across Isbell “online,” the producers felt his prowess in the competition could be at such a degree that they decided to reach out him to participate in industry auditions.
Yes, imagine the irony of Blake Shelton picking Jason Isbell to be “coached” with the help of Taylor Swift on singing, style tips, and choreography.
“I am a talent producer on NBC’s ‘The Voice,'” read the email that Isbell posted partially on his Twitter account. “I came across Jason Isbell online and was hoping to chat with him about auditioning for us if it’s something that interests him? We are getting ready to travel the country and will be having invite only industry auditions (these are not open calls)…”
Apparently Isbell is only entertaining the matter as fodder for humor. “My audition on ‘The Voice’ will be a solo vocal and French horn rendition of ‘Oh Comely’ by Neutral Milk Hotel. I will wear a #bikini,” Isbell tweeted out in response. I would take that as a sign that there’s probably not a good of chance of that happening.
Though it’s a sexy idea of Jason Isbell being featured on what has become America’s biggest singing competition and exposing millions of viewers to the powers of Americana’s most iconic artist at the moment, the idea of the opportunity being effective for either entity is questionable. Though competitions like The Voice receive a lot of attention, their ability to actually launch stars has been called into severe question over the last couple of years. Many times winners tend to sink right back into obscurity after the finale, or fight for attention as middling stars in an industry now stacked with reality show talent vying for attention.
Though you can’t blame producers for trying. Isbell possesses the type of talent that would validate a show like The Voice, and an opportunity like that could be a big moment for Americana. But in the end, if there’s an artist that has ever found his place, it would be Isbell. And if you want a chance to see him on the boob tube, he has a live DVD of his Austin City Limits performance coming out November 24th, and will be featured on the re-airing of the Americana Music Awards via PBS Nov. 22nd on Austin City Limits. Here’s a taste of what Americana has, and what The Voice wish they did:
November 19, 2014 @ 10:28 am
*looks for the fake news tag and doesn’t find it*
They’re actually asking someone of Isbell’s talent to AUDITION!?
November 19, 2014 @ 11:29 am
I did that, too. No mention of the anyone from the famous Frankenfurter family, either.
November 19, 2014 @ 10:35 am
I was 100% convinced that the greatest thing I’d see today was the Ryan Adams show I’m going to tonight. This has given that a run for it’s money.
November 19, 2014 @ 10:38 am
How embarrassing. The Voice is pretty much my sole guilty pleasure…and I do enjoy Craig Wayne Boyd, who is currently the only country artist still in the competition. Plus everything he has done so far as been traditional, classic and spot on. I keep waiting for Blake to make him sing FGL, fingers crossed it doesn’t happen.
November 19, 2014 @ 10:57 am
Further evidence of just how clueless these buffoons are.
November 19, 2014 @ 11:34 am
“Yes, imagine the irony of Blake Shelton picking Jason Isbell to be “coached” with the help of Taylor Swift on singing, style tips, and choreography.”
That would be like Vincent van Gogh being coached by Thomas Kinkade.
November 19, 2014 @ 12:53 pm
Today on the Art of Painting with Bob Ross we have a very special guest, my friend, Vincent Van Goah.
Somehow if Isbell were on the show I think he should be the one coaching Blake on song writing and song selection.
November 19, 2014 @ 2:58 pm
A very funny and fitting analogy.
November 19, 2014 @ 11:35 am
Come on now – y’all know you’re DYING to see Isbell in a bikini!!!! 😀
November 19, 2014 @ 11:43 am
This was also tweeted to Jason:
@gloriousnoise: “@JasonIsbell What if you did it…and won?”
And his reply:
@JasonIsbell: “@gloriousnoise I’d have less creative control and a smaller percentage of revenue.”
November 20, 2014 @ 2:09 am
So it’s win-win?
November 19, 2014 @ 11:56 am
Though it”™s a sexy idea of Jason Isbell being featured on what has become America”™s biggest singing competition and exposing millions of viewers to the powers of Americana”™s most iconic artist at the moment, the idea of the opportunity being effective for either entity is questionable.
Yep. If Jason Isbell does appear on The Voice, I would be quite surprised if people didn”™t question both his talent and his commercial viability. “He has to show up on a reality show to get noticed?”
I hope the show”™s inability to produce any long-lasting stars makes him feel better about telling Blake Shelton to suck it.
November 19, 2014 @ 12:30 pm
Hahaha Blake trying to coach him!
November 19, 2014 @ 12:31 pm
‘ Yes, imagine the irony of Blake Shelton picking Jason Isbell to be “coached” with the help of Taylor Swift on singing, style tips, and choreography.’
Too funny Trigger….but I’ve found this fact ironic with EVERY artist on that show .
Its always been evident to myself and many others writing about the ‘biz’ in these times that there is an ingredient missing in all of these talent shows , competitions , reality shows etc when it comes to marketing and generating serious fan support over time . That ingredient is ” mystique ” and mystique is the je-ne-sais-quois that KEEPS people genuinely interested in an artist over a lengthy career . In another time ,movie stars , TV stars , entertainers/bands , writers etc made sure NOT to let people in on too much of their personal lives , their crisis with confidence , their approach to creating , their perceived flaws and/or foibles or their ‘moral universe’ because REAL artists don’t play by the same rules or expect the masses to understand or relate to the ‘universe ‘ they need to be in to create . The great James Taylor once wrote ” Save some of yourself for yourself ” . Mystique .The academy award -winning actor Jack Lemon once complained that his management would only allow him to do one major movie every 4-5 years to maintain his value ….his integrity….his mystique . He did off -off Broadway to maintain his acting chops . Both of these artists had , what anyone would consider , amazingly long and prolific careers based on their ART and talents first ….not their favorite foods , favorite ties , their current hair styles their personal tragedies or any other ‘back stories ” .
Appearing on these fabricated talent shows means sacrificing and exploiting so many aspects of your personal life and divulging so much information to a reality show- raised generation that you have nothing left to create and maintain your mystique with . A young friend of mine , fabulously talented , once auditioned for a similar talent show and was told that her ‘back-story” was not interesting enough to flesh out the segment or maintain viewer interest over the competition . They NEED something they can exploit far beyond whatever gifts you may have talent-wise . You see it all the time ( ‘ I’m singing for my dad who was a singer and passed away early on before he ‘made it’ ……I’m doing this for my mom who worked in the U.S and sent money home for us kids so we could join her one day ……I’m singing for my sister who was a great singer until her ‘accident’ .) All very tragic circumstances , of course , and touching back stories which have become a necessary staple of these ‘reality’ contests . But you are used up , written up , over -exposed and last week’s news all in a much shorter career span than ever when you trade your mystique for your shot at what is ever-increasingly short term fame …at best ! Nothing left for the masses to wonder ,assume , surmise ,’idolize’. Nothing that separates the ‘artist’ from the fan cuz ‘they’re just the same us us …just regular people with the same problems’ . In our heart of hearts ,we DON’T want to believe TS has the same problems as us . We WANT her on a pedestal looking model-perfect ..saying and doing noble things . We want her to be someone we’d LIKE to be …not someone just LIKE us .Things that make her MORE interesting that WE could ever be. We NEED some mystique from our ‘idols” whomever they are .
Of course this lack of mystique cannot be blamed totally on the artist . The times have made it much more difficult for artists who actually UNDERSTAND this aspect of fame when their management /labels/ motion picture studios refuse to acknowledge it . Its a bit like the state of the entertainment biz in general . The art takes a back seat to the artist , as most real country fans here are aware . And how many shitty shitty movies has a “star” like Jennifer Aniston or Adam Sandler made to try to stay on the publics’ radar . The pressure to ‘play the game ‘ at any cost means sacrificing not only integrity , it seems , but MYSTIQUE . And mystique IS the game if you truly want people to see you as an Artist with a capital A .
November 19, 2014 @ 1:24 pm
This is the inherent problem with reality singing shows. There’s no good way to measure all of the intangibles that go into making a true “star.” Look at Taylor Swift. It’s been said many times she would bomb on one of these shows because she’s not a strong singer. But she’s the biggest star in the world because the masses identify with her, including her flaws.
November 21, 2014 @ 12:08 am
‘ But she”™s the biggest star in the world because the masses identify with her, including her flaws. ‘
Perhaps that’s why the masses identify with her , Trigger . I’m inclined to think its , to a larger extent , because she’s been anointed by the media and the masses always love what the the others in the masses love because they are all but told to and are then part of something safe and accepted . Her ‘music’ aside , TS is easy on the eye , to say the least , and is marketed on that basis as much as her ‘product’ .
Not that it matters financially to her , but will TS get a 40 -50 year career out of it ? Not likely because there was and still isn’t much mystique involved .
November 21, 2014 @ 1:45 am
Singling out female singers to argue about the importance of looks in marketing is pretty sexist.
In any case, I would argue that Taylor will have a longer career than almost any other pop star, simply due to her intensely loyal fan base. In terms of longevity in the popular music world thus far, Taylor has only been rivaled by Beyoncé, Pink, and maybe Katy Perry, and none of them sell albums as consistently as Taylor does.
November 19, 2014 @ 12:54 pm
Blake Shelton: “Pick me. I’ll take you to the next level.”
Adam Levine: “No, pick me! We’d be quite the team, Jason.”
Gwen Stefani: “Hang on, boys. What could either of you realistically do for him? He’s got more talent in a fingernail than any of us.”
I can dream, right? Wouldn’t that be fantastic.
Can you imagine Jason conversing with those numbskulls. He’d be throwing jabs at ’em that’d fly straight over their heads. It’d be hilarious.
The Ballou News 11/19/2014 Edition | KOKE FM
November 19, 2014 @ 1:39 pm
[…] NBC’s “The Voice” asked Jason Isbell to Audition for the show?!?! *** […]
November 19, 2014 @ 2:21 pm
For the record and for personal reasons I would actually be against Jason Isbell going on The Voice and I’ll tell you why.
Earlier this summer while going through life just being happy with the music I’ve already gotten and being TV show free because the favorite ones I had at the time were only being shown at the fall season, I come across my Facebook and Twitter feed and find out that Sarah Darling was being picked to go on ABC’s Rising Star (Brad Paisley’s new one). I’m reading this news and think “Well I’ve been successful in getting away from musical reality shows but seeing as how she lost a record deal and was trying to get a new one…I figure sure I’ll help her out.” She goes through the first episode with enough smart phone votes all fine and dandy but the next time she goes on, she gets sent home because she couldn’t beat a singer who just did nothing but scream out her lyrics and they thought it was “beautiful”.
In the end I got screwed as a consumer because apparently having gentle voiced singers are not cool, I got news for you, I like my singers that way because I have autism and there are some levels of loud noises that I don’t like.
It’s the primary reason why I could never get into Reba, Dolly Parton or Martina McBride. Sure I’ve heard Sarah get loud on her records before but she has a way of making it easy for listeners like me and make my experience enjoyable. So if you mean to tell me that people like Sarah Darling are not cut out for radio because of her voice than I don’t see a need to support any shows like The Voice or American Idol or Rising Star.
Sorry if it seems like a rant but I’m just sharing my experience and how horrifying it was.
November 19, 2014 @ 5:46 pm
I agree with your rant. My wife likes the Voice (and used to watch American Idol) so I watch it occasionally.. All the female singers have to have the big voice and try to sing (scream?) the big notes. Many of my favorite female singers like Emmylou Harris and Alison Krauss do just fine without the big notes.
I hate these vocal gymnastics. I’ve always blamed Whitney Houston for starting the trend and now with people like Carrie Underwood it has invaded country music.
November 20, 2014 @ 6:10 am
I’ll admit the “screaming” part did sound sexist but at least y’all knew what I meant by that right? You’re right about Whitney Houston though, she was pretty much the worst offender
November 19, 2014 @ 2:50 pm
Maybe the Voice can ask Loretta Lynn since Jason is turning them down.
I’m sure Loretta would appreciate the competition and the pointers.
November 19, 2014 @ 3:17 pm
Asking an artist like Jason Isbell to ‘audition’ is insulting. It’s also hilarious because they clearly have no idea of who they’re dealing with.
November 19, 2014 @ 5:39 pm
Hilarious isn’t it? Perhaps they’d like to ask Dale Watson to audition while they’re at it. I’m sure he’d love to be “coached” by Blake ROFL
November 19, 2014 @ 5:48 pm
And phony Blake would drone on about country music needs traditional artists like Dale Watson.
November 19, 2014 @ 9:35 pm
Perhaps Dale could sing the sing the song that wrote for Blake Shelton.
November 19, 2014 @ 3:30 pm
Hey, I’m not completely averse to music competition show exposure. There has been some genuine talent discovered via “American Idol” and “Nashville Star” in particular including Kellie Pickler.
The problem is, above all else…………..”The Voice” has been largely ineffectual in not merely breaking winners…………but stabilizing winners.
Cassadee Pope may have already flamed out after scraping the Top Ten with her debut single “Wasting All These Tears” (“I Wish I Could Break Your Heart” peaked at #32) and her debut country album “Frame By Frame” failing to garner an RIAA certification. Danielle Bradbury, too, garnered a moderate hit off her lead single “The Heart of Dixie”, but its follow-up “Young in America” stalled at #49 and the album has sold barely over 100,000 units. The Swon Brothers only sold 10,000 copies in their album’s debut week of release despite finishing third on season three of “The Voice” and enjoying passionate endorsements from Blake Shelton.
In truth, NO contestant from “The Voice” has succeeded in breaking out to date with consistent, stable success in the vein of Carrie Underwood, Kelly Clarkson or Miranda Lambert…………….or even mid-level notoriety in the vein of Adam Lambert and Fantasia. NOT ONE.
Rather, what “The Voice” HAS succeeded in achieving to date is elevating the commercial careers of its own judges. Among the featured judges to date, Cee Lo Green is the only one who has failed to record a boost (though one can argue Shakira, Christina Aguilera and Usher’s exposure was short-lived and uneventful). But “The Voice” has been HUGE for Blake Shelton and Adam Levine. Neither of them have never been more successful.
That hasn’t spilled over into actual contestants, however. “American Idol” and “Nashville Star” has produced steady sellers, but not “The Voice”. And Jason Isbell doesn’t need them. He already has the measurable support to hold his own, even if he is striving for expansion.
November 21, 2014 @ 12:43 am
Noah . Check out my comments on ‘mystique’…..the missing marketing ingredient .
November 19, 2014 @ 3:39 pm
Well that was good for a laugh.
November 19, 2014 @ 3:44 pm
“In truth, NO contestant from “The Voice” has succeeded in breaking out to date with consistent, stable success in the vein of Carrie Underwood, Kelly Clarkson or Miranda Lambert”¦”¦”¦”¦”¦.or even mid-level notoriety in the vein of Adam Lambert and Fantasia. NOT ONE.”
You are correct, Noah. Who can remember any of the winners from previous years?
No, no, no.
If Jason didn’t even make the top 3 ….young punks do all of the voting, what then? Nah, it’s a slap in the face. Shake the dust off your feet and don’t look back, Jason.
November 19, 2014 @ 4:20 pm
Jason Isbell has a great sense of humor. As for the Voice: that was a total insult to the man. God knows he is more talented than all the artists/coaches put together. Goes to show you how out of touch the mainstream is when it comes to actual talent and great music.
November 19, 2014 @ 4:49 pm
Maybe they could bring in special guest coach Dierks Bentley. Now that I would watch.
November 20, 2014 @ 10:48 am
Billy Bragg as a coach might make for must-see television! 😉
November 19, 2014 @ 6:13 pm
Even the notion these commercially driven artists and shows are trying to get their claws into and pollute Americana music is disturbing.
November 19, 2014 @ 7:38 pm
The producers of this show are either ignorant or arrogant, but I guess you can’t blame them for trying. They do have washed-up artists on the show. I remember you covering Julie Roberts “pass” on the show last year. So that must be what they are regulated to now that America’s talent pool is dried up.
November 19, 2014 @ 9:32 pm
They’re ignorant and arrogant. To be perfectly honest, I’d like to see Jason Isbell perform on The Voice. If only to show folks like Adam Levine and Blake Shelton what genuine talent is and how you can sharpen your skills as a performer and as a musician and entertainer. There’s NO doubt in my mind he would wipe the floor when the those jackasses.
November 19, 2014 @ 9:25 pm
Oh the irony, the producers know they have shite talent overall and are trying to find some REAL musician who in the end pans them. I hope this story leaks and THAT gives Jason Isbell a wider audience. Then I can sit back and watch the fans troll each other over who were orginaler fans. Yeah, I uaed the word originaler.
November 19, 2014 @ 10:00 pm
This is all over the internet right now. I bet he’s getting more publicity right now from this than if he had gone on the show.
November 19, 2014 @ 10:33 pm
i think he should do it…
November 20, 2014 @ 8:25 am
A few years ago a brilliant, highly accomplished singer, certainly the best they’ve had on that show, got kicked off the show. The eventual winner was a fifteen year old girl.
I thought it was embarrassing for Judith, and for the program.
It was absolutely the end of taking that show seriously for me.
Of course he won’t do it.
The show has devolved into a comedy show, with some brief interludes of singing, much of it completely amateurish.
Great band though.
November 20, 2014 @ 8:26 am
referring to Judith Hill
November 20, 2014 @ 8:45 am
I remember hearing about Brittany Howard of Alabama Shakes getting approached by the X Factor and turning them down. Here’s a good quote from her on it:
It”™s not fair. You go out there, people gawk at you, they love you or hate you and it doesn”™t mean anything to them but it means the world to you. So it”™s kind of a fucked-up show. I would never do it.
November 20, 2014 @ 10:46 am
I was utterly flabbergasted when i read this in his twitter feed. talk about bad research…..
November 20, 2014 @ 11:02 am
Jason Isbell flushes more talent down the toilet everytime uses the restroom that “The Voice” has ever or will ever have combined. And that’s counting judges/coaches and contestants. Maybe this is a sign that Bro Country may finally dying out though.
November 20, 2014 @ 11:52 am
Why in the hell would Jason Isbell need to be on a singing competition show? He’s doing just fine without the likes of them to guide his career.
November 20, 2014 @ 3:00 pm
The producer who sent that email needs to find another career path. Clearly, this one isn’t working for him/her.
November 21, 2014 @ 1:06 am
I’m gonna have to disgree with a lotta folks here and your comments about the ‘lack of talent’ in the singers on the VOICE .Personally I think there have been some unbelievably talented vocalists on that show . I think the mistake most of them make ( aside from that pointed out in my comments on ‘MYSTIQUE” ) is in letting the coaches mold them into something mainstream/TV -friendly rather than letting the singers dictate how they want to be received by the public. They give up their uniqueness , their autonomy and far too much personal information in order to satisfy the show’s need for a back story.They give it ALL away to ‘make it’ . Isn’t that a kind of prostitution ?
Most are young and perhaps don’t understand what they have really sacrificed to the show and the contest . The older artists have had the opportunity over their careers to try things their way first ..artistically and career-wise . They have nothing to lose if they are still struggling by the time THE VOICE opportunity comes along for them .
None of this has a thing to do with actual talent and vocal abilities . It has EVERYTHING to do with image and perception by the time the VOICE has you in its clutches AND the fact that in the end , the audience ( American viewers ) vote . By the time its said and done , its been pared down to a simple popularity contest based on back story , hot looks , clothing and hair styles and any marketability associated with that list . Ultimately , and unfortunately , it seems that vocal talent plays a very small role in a VOCALS contest .
November 21, 2014 @ 8:11 am
This site’s (and country music in general’s) obsession with “launching stars” continues to bemuse and confuse me. Isbell has probably the greatest career going at the moment in music, and as in the video above gets to do it with is very pretty wife at his side, what would being “launched as a star” gain him, exactly?
I imagine that most of the people interested in “being exposed” to Jason at the moment have a pretty good shot of doing so, he’s “out there” pretty hard these days…and good for him.
I agree with most that this is a clueless producer trolling You Tube and not doing their homework. But I’m sure Blake could help commercialize him and make him a big star!
November 21, 2014 @ 4:46 pm
Wow.. I totally misread this article the first time I read through it. I automatically assumed that they were asking him to be one of the judges / mentors, possibly replacing Blake Shelton or Adam Levine.
November 23, 2014 @ 10:23 am
As someone who doesn’t get the love for Isbell’s music, I must say that judging by his Amazon customer reviews – both quantity and quality – he doesn’t need this show one bit. They might need him, though…
November 24, 2014 @ 11:03 am
He and Sturgill should do it and purposely not listen to a single thing their “coach” has to offer them.