Random News Roundup Vol. 5

Hank III News:

–There’s a great new interview with Hank III, probably one of the best I’ve ever read on americanroots.com.

–There a contest to win an Epiphone guitar and other Hank III gear you can read about on the Hank III MySpace blog.

–Please if anybody recorded the Hank III stuff on Fuel TV, let’s try to get that up on YouTube. Not only for us sisters of the poor who don’t get Fuel TV, but this is also a great way to help promote Shelton.

File 13 Clothing . . .

Has just re-lauched there super cool anti-pop country merch line. Check it out by CLICKING HERE.

Cool shit!


In my LAST BLOG a lot of people, even though I said this in the blog itself, thought I was listing my FAVORITE albums of all time. No, I do not like Garth Brooks, and truth be known, I’m not even a big fan of Willie Nelson’s Stardust or even Red Headed Stranger. If you ask me Shotgun Willie is Willie’s best album.

But what I was talking about was the most INFLUENTIAL albums, albums that changed the direction of country music from a style or business standpoint, good or bad. And for those that STILL don’t think that Hank III’s Straight to Hell belongs there, go read the comments for that blog (on MySpace). When you have two different people telling me in my little blog they never listened to country music until they heard Hank III, that is influential.

Some people complain that some of my blogs are a little too heady. Maybe they’re right, but I’m not stopping. I’m going to assume that all of you are smart fellers, not fart smellers, but you’ve got to stay with me. If you think I’m a fan of Garth Brooks, you’ve missed the whole point.


I’ve been saying for a while that a new, improved savingcountrymusic.com is on the way. Well, there has been many and major setbacks, and without getting into all the drama, I’m still working on stuff. But I have made some changes to the current site, and will continue to update the old site until the new site is done. I’ve added a page devoted completely to the Reinstate Hank campaign, and one to podcasting.

I’ve also set up an account through Amazon.com you might have noticed. If you want to help support what I’m doing here, instead of asking for donations or trying to sell you shit you don’t want or need, this is a way to do that. If you are ever going to buy something from Amazon.com, instead of going directly to their website, just go to savingcountrymusic.com , use the Amazon search window in the right column, and a few cents from everything you buy goes back to the website. Everything is still Amazon, so it’s no different from buying directly from them, and it doesn’t cost you any more than normal.

And I promise any and all of the meager cash generated this way will go to official Free Hank III, Reinstate Hank, and Saving Country Music activities, mainly paying or web hosting, construction, etc. of freehank3.org and savingcountrymusic.com.

I appreciate all of you who read and participate in these blogs, and I will not sleep until Country Music is returned back to THE PEOPLE!

The Outlaw Will Rise Again !

© 2025 Saving Country Music