Ryan Engleman of Turnpike Troubadours to Play with Reckless Kelly
The Turnpike Troubadours may be on indefinite hiatus at the moment, but you’ll get to see the band’s hot shit guitar player Ryan Engleman soon at a Reckless Kelly show near you. After the departure of long-time Reckless Kelly guitarist David Abeyta in February, it has been a revolving cast of characters filling the big shoes that Abeyta vacated after some 20 years in the band. Now Ryan Engleman will be the latest to plug that gap.
After the departure of David Abeyta from Reckless Kelly, solo performer and regular tour mate Jeff Crosby has been filling in with the band for the most part. Guitarist Matt Gracy known for playing with Jamie Lin Wilson and others also joined the band for a three week run in April. Dustin Schaefer, who left The Black Lillies in March, was also assigned to fill-in duties, but has most recently been touring with Shane Smith & The Saints. Jeff Crosby is currently playing with Reckless Kelly, and will continue up to their preeminent event of the year, the Braun Brothers Reunion in Idaho August 8th-10th. After that, Ryan Engleman will be the guy slinging Reckless Kelly guitar “for a few months,” the band says.
Ryan Engleman is respected as both a guitar player and person throughout Texas music, Red Dirt, and beyond. Able to bring a rock edge and attitude while still remaining grounded to the roots of country, he was fundamental to forging the infectious sound of the Turnpike Troubadours. Known for propping his boot on the monitor speaker and whipping up crowds, he will fit in well with Reckless Kelly’s sound that veers more rock that Turnpike, but still carries a country music underpinning. Engleman also played some steel guitar in the Turnpike Troubadours before they hired permanent steel/accordion player Hammerin’ Hank Early.
Ryan Engleman is not the only Turnpike Troubadours name that has come up recently. Evan Felker helped co-write the title track to Charley Crockett’s recently-announced album The Valley, and Turnpike fiddle player Kyle Nix plays on Crockett’s new song “Borrowed Time.” Bassist and songwriter RC Edwards has been busy with his side project RC and the Ambers, which has been playing numerous shows around Oklahoma recently, and Kyle Nix has also played with them upon occasion.
To check out Reckless Kelly tour dates, CLICK HERE.
July 28, 2019 @ 10:56 am
This is cool. Big fan of his playing and that twangcaster (I think?) has been on my wishlist for a long time. Maybe one day after the student loans are gone…
July 28, 2019 @ 11:11 am
We saw Reckless last night Jeff Crosby. It was absolutely fantastic. His playing style is different than David A., to be sure. But not so drastically different that it disrupted the Reckless sound. There was frankly as much jam-band sound as I had seen it if Reckless in some time. Several songs veered 5-6 minutes long, and I loved it. I’ve always been more partial to the fiddle focused songs during the Reckless set, but last night the rock show was every bit as good. Every single stinking bit as good.
July 28, 2019 @ 12:00 pm
Happy to hear everyone is moving on and has work, sure hope and pray that Evan gets straight and they all reunite better than ever. Way yonder too good of a musical act to never be again!
July 28, 2019 @ 3:23 pm
RC Edwards was with Dalton Domino when he played the Levitt Pavilion in Arlington on July 13th.
July 28, 2019 @ 10:22 pm
Great news. Ryan is a beast on his Tele I’m sure he will fit in very well with the boys from Stanley..
July 29, 2019 @ 9:03 pm
This is a nice fit for both parties. Great way for Ry to keep his fingers sharp while RK fills a big void. The Mexicutioner is a legacy in RK’s history and should never be forgotten. That being said, I would seriously pay big bucks just to see that classic Engleman boot-up-on-the-amp during a solo of “Crazy Eddie’s Last Hurrah.” #WineEmDineEm69Em
August 3, 2019 @ 8:27 pm
Both Ryan and Kyle are kick ass musicians in their own right but gosh it sure is magic when the group is playing together … missing TT.
November 14, 2019 @ 2:26 pm
Just saw Ryan playing with RK and Jeff Crosby last night in Petaluma. Boot up and kicking ass!! His hands were a freakin blur…lol He seemed a good fit for RK.
December 1, 2019 @ 10:06 am
When are RK announced that Engleman would be filling in at last night’s show in Houston, I had to get tickets. I’ve been to many RK shows but only got to see Turnpike once. Engleman BURNED IT DOWN. It was the best RK show I’ve seen in years.