Song Review – Shooter Jennings’ “The White Trash Song”
Shooter Jennings’ “The White Trash Song” begins like Merry Poppins meets Justin Moore: lists of country artifacts bellowed out while silly little background sounds evoke memories of the Lily Tomlin scene in the movie 9 To 5 when she’s mixing up poison in the bosses drink and little animated birds come to perch on her shoulder. Vacuous, cliche lyrics are shoehorned into verses that at times are three sizes too short for the cadence Shooter wants to use, so they push at the sides of the song structure like the flesh of an elephantine Wal-Mart shopper testing the burst strength of her spandex.
After the ridiculous introduction, “The White Trash Song” reveals that it wants to be considered one of these up-tempo, extended country jams in the vein of Ricky Skaggs’ “Country Boy” or Alan Jackson’s “I Don’t Even Know Your Name.” The problem is the pickers employed for the session are just average, and there’s positively no space on this track for any individual performance to breathe. Meanwhile the rhythm sways to and fro and never finds the groove from the delay on Shooter’s voice and the phasing of the rhythm guitar, combining to make a wonky, muddy audio blob.
The worst transgression of “The White Trash Song” is that once again Shooter calls upon this ridiculous concoction of some cryptic chorus, delay, and reverb combination to attempt to bolster his vocal limitations; one of the most glaring and recurring miscues throughout his career. But this time it is taken way past the “10” on the dial to the point where his words become so saturated and incoherent they make Florida-Georgia Line’s blatant use of Auto-Tune sound rootsy. Shooter’s voice sounds good at the beginning, so why go with all this overproduced nonsense? The lyric track comes across as all breath, adding a polluted, filmy layer on the entire song that keeps you at arm’s length from the words and story and performances of the musicians. Little breathy vocal reverberations contaminate the track for seconds before and after Shooter sings.
This is possibly the worst-sounding song from Shooter Jennings we’ve ever heard from a simple production and engineering standpoint, which begs the question of why so many artists are lining up to have him act as a producer on their albums. Shooter has talent. Where he fails is in the decision making that is traditionally handled by a producer, letting bad songs and bad elements get in the way of what are otherwise solid offerings. “The White Trash Song” is a shining example of this.
What is one of the recurring themes in country music criticism? That’s right, is it authentic or not? By doing a song called “The White Trash Song,” this shows that Shooter is on the outside looking in. We all know who Shooter is, and he’s nowhere akin to white trash. He was born with a silver spoon up his nose, and has since worn a hard path between New York and LA in tow of his Hollywood girlfriend.
Does that preclude Shooter from playing country music? Absolutely not, and as soon as we start deciding who can and can’t play country, we’ve lost sight of the most important thing, which is if the music is good or not. But “The White Trash Song” is neither good, nor authentic. It’s Shooter’s attempt to identify culturally with a demographic in his never-ending quest to build a consensus around his music that doesn’t exist except for in an extremely tight and myopic scene of fans who have displaced all their sense of taste to follow the false notion that Shooter Jennings can in any way deliver any inkling of commercial viability to music that lost its relevancy years ago.
What is “The White Trash Song” about? I really can’t tell you because I can barely understand the words. If you want a laugh, check out the fail on this person trying to translate this mess here, but the song seems to be built around creating a “white trash” character that is either in jail or trying to avoid it. But for the purpose of what? Country music is about a story, something that touches your humanness. Sure, the music of this song is more “country” than most of Music Row’s “new Outlaw” songs, but just because something is country doesn’t mean it is good. This seems to be the most fundamental misunderstanding with “The White Trash Song.” It can’t even be a simple, fun song because the sound is so messy.
Scott H. Biram is the one positive in this song, giving a rousing vocal performance in the limited capacity he was given to work with. He displays both sides of himself positively–the souful Texas blues singer and the raspy punk-edged grit–in a very limited space and medium. But lyrics about drinking liquor AND booze, and he’s got nothing to loose? Come on man, we’re better than this. I do appreciate the general idea behind this song. It could have worked, but it failed in the production.
The idea that this song will have any sort of impact on anything when Shooter Jennings plays it on Leno tonight (2-28-13) is laughable, unless you’re aiming to have Brantley Gilbert fans invade you’re little Facebook music scene. Shooter’s plan to mitigate his critics by kissing their ass and incorporating himself into their music scene has been effective, but if I had $5 for every time an artist, fan, journalist, or music entity told me off record that they hated Shooter Jennings’ music but appreciate what he’s doing for the “scene,” I may be able to afford houses on both coasts as well. Of course they can’t let their true feelings be known because they’d be ostracized by Shooter and his toadies who allow absolutely no room for dissent or opinion. Once upon a time underground roots was about the music. I guess folks expect me to lie like them.
Go ahead, laugh me off as a die hard Hank3 fan with a grudge, but in the end I will look like Shooter Jennings’ best friend, because I’m the only motherfucker with the balls to stand up and give my honest opinion about his music, both negative and positive. And in my opinion, “The White Trash Song” is garbage.
1 3/4 of 2 guns down.
(This song is an augmented version of a song by Steve Young)
February 28, 2013 @ 7:03 pm
I have to respectfully disagree on this one Trig. The song is catchy and listenable and while Biram is DEFINITELY the highlight here, Shooter and the production doesn’t bother me that much. I have to wonder aloud that if your hero Leroy Virgil sang lead on this one with identical production it might just be the greatest thing to happen to country music EVER. We are fighting a losing battle in this music/culture and every time artists like this get the nod over anything Church/Gilbert/Aldean a little part of me hopes that a young kid watching might be inspired to pick up a guitar or fiddle instead of a drum machine. I’m one of those guys you hate who might not be Shooter’s biggest fan musically but thinks he’s a hell of a guy and I’m happy to see anyone like him getting national spotlight over the bedazzled douchetardery that passes for modern country these days. Kudos for bringing Biram into the fold for this performance, although his material loses it’s sheen for me after about 4 songs, he’s in top form here. This might be the closest thing early in this year to SAVING COUNTRY MUSIC we’re gonna get on a national and I would dare say global level so I for one will be watching the tonight show for probably the first time in 10 years tonight to support him.
February 28, 2013 @ 10:45 pm
” I have to wonder aloud that if your hero Leroy Virgil sang lead on this one with identical production it might just be the greatest thing to happen to country music EVER.”
This is an assumption. I’ve taken issue with numerous Leroy Virgil songs. You should look up my thoughts on “Rusted Up Old Pickup Trucks.”
“This might be the closest thing early in this year to SAVING COUNTRY MUSIC we”™re gonna get on a national and I would dare say global level.”
Really? Are you kidding me? What a disparaging thought. So why weren’t folks saying this when Shovels & Rope, Ray Wylie Hubbard, Justin Townes Earle, Jason Isbell, and Jessica Lea Mayfield played on Leno and Letterman? It’s because they aren’t as highly regarded in the “scene” despite being sonically superior? Shooter has played numerous times on both those shows already, and what happened afterwards? Was there any bump?
When Shovels & Rope and Lindi Ortega were played on ABC’s “Nashville,” this was a bigger bump than all those other performances combined because of the size of the audience.
And have you been paying attention to anything Kacey Musgraves has been doing?
The way we save country music on a national and global level is by putting our best foot forward. This song doesn’t accomplish that.
February 28, 2013 @ 11:50 pm
Your review does come off rather harsh, but I can’t disagree with a word of it. Not giving it 3 guns down shows remarkable restraint.
Speaking of Kacey Musgraves, how much radio play is she getting around the country? WXTU in Philly is treating her like a leper with a lit cigarette, and I don’t see that changing if Follow Your Arrow is the next single. Having listened to the minute and a half iTunes samples of the whole album, it’s not entirely church!-sex!-weed!-oh-my!, so I can’t understand why her label wants to push that angle so hard right out of the gate.
March 1, 2013 @ 12:14 am
Her song “Merry Go Round” got tremendous play around the country according to the charts. I think “Follow Your Arrow” being released to radio is a little presumptive. She played it at the radio conference and everyone seemed to jump to that conclusion, but from what I can tell it’s just a newer song in her regular live rotation. I going to have a Kacey Musgraves article coming up here soon…
March 1, 2013 @ 12:58 am
You may be right that it won’t be single, but it is the only song for sale pre-album release, so that’s almost worse. If it’s a blatant cash grab by playing up a controversial album cut 3 weeks before the release date, that doesn’t sit right with me.
I’ve been anticipating your review of her album almost as much the album itself, so if you have something to say sooner than that, awesome.
February 28, 2013 @ 7:04 pm
A-fuckin’-men, TM. Been ranting about the same thing ever since I heard this abortion of a song. He keeps this shiite up and Waylon will dig his way out the grave just to punch him in the mouth. Disgraceful and degrading to everyone involved.
February 28, 2013 @ 7:07 pm
I don’t see a mention in the article of it so I think it should be mentioned that this is actually a cover of a song from Steve Young’s 1971 album “Seven Bridges Road”, but with an alternate ending.
February 28, 2013 @ 8:50 pm
Just so it doesn’t become a point of drama, I added this information to the review. I do think there is a difference between a song written by someone else, a song adapted from a song written by someone else, and a “cover” song. A “cover” song is usually a universally-known work from another artist being covered by a new or different artist. Unless something is a cover, out of respect to the performing artist, I take a song at face value as an original expression from that performing artist because I believe that is how it is meant to be taken.
I also fixed the captcha thing. If things go well, I’m hoping we can remove them soon.
March 1, 2013 @ 9:56 am
Trigger, honestly, did you know this was a cover of a Steve Young song before hand? It’s a pretty obscure song, and I don’t see any shame if you didn’t know (I didn’t know before you I saw the comments.)
I cannot see how you can say “By naming this ‘The White Trash Song’ instead of a more specific title, this shows that Shooter is on the outside looking in” if knew that it was by Steve Young.
Yes, he changed a few words, but I bet if he gave it a different name, then you would complain about him disrespecting the original artist.
February 28, 2013 @ 7:08 pm
For some reason the capture text is at the end of my last comment. lol
February 28, 2013 @ 7:13 pm
Oh damn,Trigg. You swatted the hornets nest with this one but as I’ve been known to say “I get in more truth than tellin’ lies”.
February 28, 2013 @ 7:16 pm
^ “I get in more trouble tellin’ truth than tellin’ lies” ^
February 28, 2013 @ 7:17 pm
I knew it. First time I heard the start of this song
I was thinking I’d heard it before on Outlaw radio.
Anyway, I don’t mind this version.
So much crap out there, I can’t attack Shooter for
many of the decent tunes he’s putting out.
February 28, 2013 @ 7:53 pm
Trig, just curious, but were you aware that this song was penned by Steve Young when you described the lyrics as “vacuous” and “cliche”? Listen to Steve Young’s version and it sounds pretty dang good for 1972. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not terribly impressed by Shooter’s rendition, but I am a bit inquisitive as to whether you would have shit on this song as hard had you been aware that it was written by the same guy who wrote “Lonesome, Onry, and Mean.” Either way, Steve Young has the definitive version and it can be found here
February 28, 2013 @ 8:57 pm
That was Steve Young’s version, this is Shooter’s version, which is not performed verbatim from the original. Criticizing a song differently because the same artist wrote another song that you happen to like (in this case “Lonesome, Onry, and Mean”) is bias, just as it is if you criticize a song differently just because you like the artist in general.
I like the Steve Young version, and don’t think it is cliche because when it was written and performed over 40 years ago, it wasn’t. That is the nature of “cliche.” It is something that gets worn out over time. In 1972, it was original.
March 2, 2013 @ 10:23 am
That’s the most retarded thing I’ve ever heard to cover your tracks. You didn’t know it, and you’re an idiot. And Shooter’s is verbatim to a different version of the song. You really are a class act Trigger. Glad Shooter’s getting over on you these days.
February 28, 2013 @ 7:53 pm
I thought it was pretty good. Sounds more like an attack on Shooter rather than a song review.Ten paragraphs and it wasn’t mentioned that it was a cover tune.
February 28, 2013 @ 8:01 pm
I’m not really a fan of Shooter, ( I like some of his stuff but I’m ambivalent towards most of it.) but I actually really like this song. The lyrics might be a bit cliche, but I dig the actual music.
February 28, 2013 @ 8:57 pm
Shooter is the man! Scott Biram is the legend!!!. My hillbilly ass dont give a dam what yall haters think. Cant wait to watch Jay Leno tonight and see them play together and see Scott Biram play Friday and Saturday this weekend. Cant get enough.
February 28, 2013 @ 11:04 pm
There is far worse music and talent out there than Shooter Jennings. I heard the live version on Leno and I did not dislike the song. I like Shooter’s songs, not all, but some. At least when you listen to Shooter I can still hear the sound of old school country in his songs.
February 28, 2013 @ 11:10 pm
“He was born with a silver spoon up his nose,and has since worn a hard path between New York and LA in tow with his Hollywood girlfriend.”
…oh snap,lol.
March 1, 2013 @ 7:57 am
One problem with that, though, is that it is in response to the title of the song. To me, it doesn’t ring so true anymore now that I know Shooter didn’t write the song.
March 1, 2013 @ 3:55 am
Jesus you make it sound like he crucified Christ himself. It’s still worlds better then anything playing on radio.
But I’m a huge Shooter fan and like just about everything he does.
Your right that it does sound a little jumbled at times, but he always has a few songs on each album that follow this path, this just happens to be one of the worst offenders of too much going on at once.
March 1, 2013 @ 9:51 am
I’m not a die hard Shooter fan. I think a lot of his stuff is hit or miss, but I think this is a great song.
Gram Parsons was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, and never lived a country life. Was he being insulting when he sang Country Baptizing?
Second, I like underground country music, but insofar as there is a “scene” I wouldn’t mind it if Brantley Gilbert Fans showed up, because it would help the artists make more money so they can tour and release more.
March 1, 2013 @ 11:11 am
If this song introduces Scott H. Biram to thousands, perhaps hundred of thousands of new fans, then it is alright with me.
March 1, 2013 @ 11:54 am
Americans are overexposed to scores of new artists every day through TV, radio, commercials, the music playing in the grocery store, etc. etc. The only way to get exposure to resonate with people and to result in new fandom is by putting your best foot forward. Shooter didn’t do that, and nor did Biram by standing up and singing one line to a demographic of people that will be shocked when they roll up to him on YouTube screaming into a bullhorn. I’m not saying that playing Leno was not a good thing for both Shooter and Biram. The boost to their name recognition will be positive. But to assert that what happened last night is in any way an earth shattering event for either artist is a sad, sad commentary on the mentality of the underground roots fan. That was not Biram’s audience.
Biram got way more money, and way more meaningful exposure years ago when he was played on Sons of Anarchy. But the Facebook scene wasn’t paying attention then.
March 2, 2013 @ 6:06 pm
I think this song does have potential to bring in many new fans for Scott. Perhaps not from the Leno performance but from the thousands of people that will buy Shooters’ album, enjoy the song and want to hear more from Scott. People still to this day pour over liner notes, seeing bands that are thanked, who wrote songs, who performed on them and check out artists from there. If people didnt do that, there would be no underground, as we would all just get music from the radio and tv, and not from seeing those who are supported by other bands.
March 2, 2013 @ 11:20 pm
he deletes most of all my comments, but I’ll try again. Try to tell that to the Trigger guy, selfreliable. According to him and his posts, no one gives a fuck when you promote a fellow artist, wear their shirt on a CMT video, get them to guest vocal with them on a song that will sell to thousands IF you are Shooter Jennings. Ask bands like Fifth on the Floor (who will NEVER be mentioned on this site), Last False Hope (who will never be mentioned on this site in a POSITIVE way), Jason Boland (who, I also have never seen promoted on this site), or those fellas in Hellbound Glory how Shooter has helped quite a bit in exposing their music world wide.
By the way Triggerguy, how many artists exactly are “lining up” to get Shooter to produce their album? Can you name the list of bands BEGGING to have him at the board? Please do. I cant wait to see your 4 paragraph explanation with the list of bands.
March 3, 2013 @ 10:03 am
Nobody is deleting your ding dong comments. You keep changing your login info so it keeps sending them to moderation.
I just did an audit on your IP to try to figure out why your comments keep going to moderation. You have used the following aliases to post on Saving Country Music:
“Gary Meier”
“Andy Falls”
By using multiple aliases that clearly are not just a change of screen names, you are in direct violation of SCM’s comment rules. I have yet to delete any of your comments, but if you don’t pick one screen name and stick with it, I will delete ALL of them.
Thanks for reading.
March 3, 2013 @ 10:33 am
I agree, the recorded version is what will bring the fans, though I’m perplexed at this idea that Shooter Jennings’ name is appreciably bigger than Scott H. Biram’s to begin with. It’s probably a little bigger, but Biram has enjoyed some big opportunities over the last couple of years, like songs placed in Sons of Anarchy and other outlets, while Shooter has bounced back and forth between labels, and lost the radio support he had in the mid 2000’s. I still believe that others artists don’t need Shooter, Shooter needs them. And this incestuous culture pervading the underground of “I’ll promote you, if you promote me” instead of focusing on quality is the reason despite Shooter’s efforts the underground has seen obvious contraction in its fan base for the last 3 years.
There must be a focus on quality. You can give music all the exposure in the world. It still must appeal to people.
March 3, 2013 @ 1:57 pm
You dont think Shooter has a bigger name than Biram? My mother (the typical pop country radio loving 60 year old) knows who Shooter is and doesnt have any idea about Scott. Hell, I watch SOA and had no idea that Biram was featured on an episode, it isnt like it played with credits underneath it so you know who it was and the name of the song. You also bashed Shooter for doing the duet with Bucky, which was all over CMT and the number one video on there, but he has no exposure? He was signed to a major label at one point. A lot of people know his name much much more than Biram’s name. That’s what a major label, your own radio station and a famous last name does for you.
March 1, 2013 @ 12:22 pm
That is the most blatant Hank 3 ripoff I’ve ever heard.
Drums, fiddle and steel, and the solo.
Can’t anyone see Biram is playing Gary’s Lindsay’s usual role there?
March 1, 2013 @ 1:16 pm
It was awesome seeing Biram on Leno. After seeing him 6 or so times at clubs and such, i had chills down my spine seeing him on TV. It was crazy seeing him standing up and with out the bullhorn though.
I thought the live performance was good. Its not going to make me go out and get a Shooter album but it was fine.
March 2, 2013 @ 10:12 am
Steve Young’s is amazing. Shooter does pretty good, in my opinion.
March 2, 2013 @ 10:18 am
I love that you had no idea this was Steve Young and ripped apart the lyrics as if Shooter wrote it. All you had to do is google it once, but you just aren’t that smart. Dipshit. Also the last verse was written by Steve Young, i believe it’s on an early version of the song. I know i’ve heard it before. I thought this song rocked ass. And I thought Leno was off the fuckin hook.
March 2, 2013 @ 10:22 am
You should totally change this review dude cuz you sound like an idiot claiming he wrote it. Really. Bad move brother. And on the 2nd review of the other song you just take shots at his past music just to do it. It’s nice that you gave him a positive review, but as far as I’m concerned, this is one of the best songs he’s put out there. Oh I heard a rumor the other day you guys were getting shut down, is that true?
March 2, 2013 @ 11:52 am
Well, he linked lyrics that says written by Shooter Jennings. It is obvious he did not know it was a cover tune before he dismissed it completely. Some country music researcher. The lyrics are ripped to shreds along with the title just in spite. He didn’t mention Steve Young once until after the fact. I am surprised this one was left up, seeing how unprofessional and uninformed the author is on country music. Laughable at best.
March 2, 2013 @ 12:59 pm
First off, nowhere in this review did I claim that Shooter Jennings wrote this song. If I went back and “changed” this review, all this would do is fan the flames of this issue because people would claim I’m trying to cover up a mistake instead of taking ownership of it. And since I didn’t say he wrote the song, there’s really nothing to change. HOWEVER, NOT INCLUDING THE STEVE YOUNG INFORMATION WAS A MISTAKE, and that is why I went and added that information shortly after the review was posted. There is the one line about the title of the song that I agree could be misleading, but that is cleared up later with the Steve Young information that was added. I feel it is disingenuous to go back and change articles once they are posted, unless there are gross inaccuracies, misspelled names/words/etc.
Now, as for the reason for not mentioning Steve Young in this article, this is a very common practice of mine on this site to not go in-depth about the songwriters of a song. I feel this is a sign of respect to the performing artist. If an artist cuts a song written by someone else, I believe they sign off on the idea that the song should be taken as a sentiment that they believe in and have no issue presenting as their own. I also don’t believe it is fair to call this a cover song, because in my opinion, a cover song is one commonly known throughout culture. I would consider this a song Shooter is performing that originated with a different songwriter. And since this is the case, I have to take it that Shooter believes the words and content. And I’m sure Shooter would concur that he believes in the words as he is singing them. It is in this context that I criticized the words and content.
Having said all of that, once again I do believe it was a mistake not putting Steve Young’s name in this article. That is why I added it. And just to prove that not naming songwriters is a common practice of mine (and something I am now going to start doing because it leads to so much confusion), and that this was not some hose job on Shooter, here are some examples of me not naming songwriters in the past, and for positive reviews, and it leading to confusion.
The underlying issue here is that you like the song, and I don’t. And that’s fine. Taste can’t be argued. But the recurring theme with Shooter Jennings fans is that if you do not like his music, you’re wrong, you’re a liar, you don’t know anything about country music, you’ve lost your relevancy, etc. etc. I would never argue with someone to try and convince them to not like a song they like, because liking music is too precious to engage in that practice. My job is to give my opinions, and that’s what I did. If you disagree with them, hey, that’s fine, I respect that.
Finally as far as the site being “taken down,” that is incorrect. However, for the last month or so, SCM has been experiencing numerous outages because of a combination of tremendous traffic, and barrages of spam comments making the spam filter on the site work to hard and taxing the server’s CPU. That is why you now see Captchas on all the comments. This whole recurring “losing your relevancy” theme that I hear from Shooter Jennings fans is humorous. Over the last 3 months, we have been moving the site to bigger servers, and bigger servers, in an attempt to deal with the traffic being generated by this site. I’m not bragging, and that’s one of the reasons I didn’t write a whole article explaining the outages because that is how people would have taken it. At a very burdensome monthly expense, we believe we have now resolved this issue. One of the promises I have made to myself is that I will not keep the site going unless I consistently see solid and steady growth. I am humbled by the amount of people that come here every day to read my ramblings. I believe it takes patience and dedication to see anything worthwhile through. If you want to see a site that was taken down, here’s one:
Once again, I apologize for the misunderstanding with the Steve Young songwriting information. Nowhere will you see me claim I’m perfect. I promise from now on to do my best to include all songwriter information on reviews so it doesn’t lead to further misunderstanding and conflict.
March 2, 2013 @ 1:55 pm
“There is the one line about the title of the song that I agree could be misleading, but that is cleared up later with the Steve Young information that was added. ”
I’m assuming you’re referring to this:
“By naming this “The White Trash Song” instead of a more specific title, this shows that Shooter is on the outside looking in. We all know who Shooter is, and he”™s nowhere akin to white trash, so this song title should be taken as an insult. ”
But isn’t The White Trash Song the name assigned to the song by its author Steve Young? And so there was really no “naming” done by Shooter here, right?
March 2, 2013 @ 2:39 pm
That is why I said it was misleading.
This is what we are going to do. I am going to change it, even though it’s against my principles, and my instincts. And as soon as anyone gives me shit for being misleading, lying, trying covering my tracks, etc. by making the change, then I will change it back to the original wording to never be changed again.
This is stupid.
March 2, 2013 @ 2:44 pm
Here is another site taken down!
Xxx was taking down in favor of MoonRunners. People grow and change, much like your site. Stop trying to be better than everyone else instead of helping each other. Grow up buddy. It’s not a compitition. Why do you insult at every chance you can?
March 2, 2013 @ 3:04 pm
Okay, so we’re going to compare a site that was purposely taken down because its mission was accomplished to one that was meant to create a new radio format, yet turned out to be yet another lark from a man whose had many of them over his career? I’m still waiting for my little Black Ribbons USB device to be updated again. If you want, I can have up in 30 seconds, but since it really isn’t germane to anything, I’m not sure what the point would be.
“Xxx was taking down in favor of MoonRunners.”
Are you sure about this? Please, verify for me this is the reason was taken down.
“It”™s not a compitition.”
A competition of what? This is a song review. So please, give me your opinions of why this song is good. Convince me.
It seems like you’re making some gross assumptions here.
March 2, 2013 @ 3:15 pm
You took an obvious dig at XXX. That was low and uncalled for. I come to both sites often for reviews and news, andi have read numerous comments and posts where you take digs. It has nothing to do with the article as it does your attitude. You wanna be number one.
March 3, 2013 @ 10:22 am
First, my “dig” at XXX was in response to this comment left by someone else:
“Oh I heard a rumor the other day you guys were getting shut down, is that true?”
But shit yeah I took “digs” at XXX because it was a stupid, flawed idea, and I think once held up to the Darwinian test, it completely died. It was a joke. It NEVER had any potential of doing ANYTHING. And I and many other folks said that from the very beginning, and were chastised for it because any and all Shooter criticism is taken as insult.
“You wanna be number one.”
The number one of what? I’m a stupid blogger whose job it is to give my opinions free of filters. This has been the fundamental misunderstanding from the beginning. People love to say that I am mad at Shooter because I want to be the only outlet on information about underground music. Underground music died 3 years ago, and what was left was divided by Shooter’s XXX until know what’s left is a joke in comparison to the greater music world, with no relevancy and no future and no growth. It doesn’t mean that there isn’t still good music in the underground, but it is now the exception, not the rule. If Shooter wants to be the #1 outlet for shitty screamo crusty post-punk banjo scenester music, be my guest. I’m following to talent. Most of the music Shooter “pushes” I find either embarrassing, or even more subversive to the traditional values of country music. Sure there is some overlap, but this idea that were both fighting the same fight, and I just need to knock the chip off my shoulder and come in for the big win is ridiculous. Anybody who who cut a song like “Drinking Side of Country”, and one who would point a tank at the Country Music Hall of Fame, anyone who would wear a shirt that says “Shanking Country Music” is not an ally, they are the enemy, no different than the money changers on Music Row, if not worse.
March 3, 2013 @ 10:27 am
Ah. A dig at Last False Hope again. Same old shit. And, please look up the definition of “screamo”. You are uneducated. What do you think of the new Gallows songs with breakdowns and Joe Perrezze screaming? Will you bash them too?
March 3, 2013 @ 11:40 am
Nobody brought up Last False Hope but you man.
Give your opinions on the relevant topic here which is this song review, or further comments will be deleted. It’s time to move on.
March 3, 2013 @ 1:03 pm
Once again the baby deletes comments and cries when contested.
I am a Shooter fan, but I don’t come here to look for that, I’m usually surprised at any review on here of Shooter’s, as I find that stuff in other more relevant sites, but really, with his idiotic hateful slander, it just gets under my skin. He’s a tool who types, can’t play music and doesn’t even know how to make a mark besides pissing people off.
Boom, delete me emperor.
March 3, 2013 @ 2:40 pm
Nobody, I repeat NOBODY’s fucking comments have been deleted on this article so put a napkin on your vag and quit the fucking whiny bitching.
But lo and behold, look what I found!
So I just ran an audit on your IP address “Steve Hole” and GUESS WHAT?!? YOU’VE been posting under numerous aliases too, AND ON THE SAME ARTICLE. The other aliases your IP address pulled up are:
“Steve Hole”
“The one who tells it like it is”
“The Revelator”
So let’s recap here. The two people bitching like little fucking girls about having their comments deleted, when not even one has been, are posting under multiple aliases to make it look like there are greater numbers coming here to defend Shooter. Which by the way, IS THE EXACT FUCKING THING PEOPLE HAVE BEEN ACCUSING ME OF FOR YEARS.
What you seem to not understand is that this is my fucking website, and if I want to delete every single comment from people who disagree with me, I can. I don’t have an obligation to let anybody comment. At the same time, I think ANYONE can come to a comment section like this, see the wide and frequent dissent, including personal attacks at me, and see that there’s no effort being put out to suppress opinion. So take your bitchy little whiny ass AND GET THE FUCK OFF MY WEBSITE!!!
March 3, 2013 @ 4:07 am
Ahhhh trigger man is your little jizz injected ass still chaped about a little ol tee shirt? You are so funny and everybody knows their will never be a good shooter jennings review on this site. Even if you thought the song was good. You would dog it because you hate him..
March 3, 2013 @ 8:57 am
March 3, 2013 @ 12:12 pm
Just to get this out there: I’m not a Shooter fan. Don’t really care about “the scene”. Only recently started getting into less “mainstream” bands.
Shooter fans, if Trig is such a raging asshole, why do you keep coming back? Do you have some sort of alarm that goes off every time someone impugns your hero’s name? Honestly, of all the shit to get worked up over, a bad review is pretty far down.
This site is about the music, plain and simple. If you disagree, that’s fine. I’ve seen some bands on here that i thought were the aural equivalent of a shit sandwich. Everyone has their own tastes
March 3, 2013 @ 8:06 pm
Puffed up on pride man. Screwed up in a big way, you could at least say my bad. Excuses are like assholes.
March 3, 2013 @ 8:36 pm
Screwed up how? Because I didn’t get the memo that either you either love Shooter Jennings, or you’re a liar?
This is a review. It is my opinion. And I stand behind it. Shooter’s song sucks.
March 3, 2013 @ 11:32 pm
You don’t like Shooter’s song or Shooter period…. OK that’s cool
You didn’t know an obscure Steve Young song…. I didn’t know it either, no biggie you’re cool
You list a bunch of bullshit excuses for a lazy, personal attack…. Now you suck
My GrandDad would have called that digging deeper than you need to dig, sometimes you just need to quit.
March 4, 2013 @ 7:51 am
The Steve Young version is good, and so is this cover. It IS a cover, Trig, and anyone that can read can tell you had no idea while writing this review, no matter how much you try to not admit to it. I’m not a huge fan of Shooter’s music, but I probably would be if more of his music sounded like this one.
It’s been said before, and your response will be the same “I do more positive reviews on good country than Taylor Swift and Shooter Jennings reviews, go read those”,…..but I’ll say it again…why bother with any bad reviews? Particularly ones you want to break down from a sonic point of view. Yeah yeah it’s your site and your opinion but critiquing production and engineering is fully ridiculous. It is my opinion SCM would be better served by simply not reviewing material you don’t care for than getting in an argument with your readers every 5th story.
March 4, 2013 @ 12:49 pm
Trigger. You have zero relevance in country music. Doesn’t bother me one bit. You live on granny, just look out for a goddamn big ol bag of shit flying through your window in the near future.
March 9, 2013 @ 9:23 pm
You are an angry individual! I have never commented but am a frequent viewer of your site. I believe you are a good source of info on this under appreciated genere….your vitriol concerning the XXX movement as well as your anger directed at Shooter is dissapointing. I thought the idea was to “get the word out” and support these artists. I will say that I somewhat value your opinion and appreciate the exposure you provide for the artists. But you should really get rid of all the anger and provide a comprehensive, atriculate review instead of using your soap box as a launching pad for your personal vendettas. Why don’t you just pretend that Shooter, his radio show, production company and in your words useless “movement” don’t exist and provide consise, comprehensive reviews of the “real underground” artists you profess to champion? You got some great shit but it seems you tend to get swamped in a bunch of shit that just doesn’t matter. Keep up what you do best……provide quality info about these under appreciated artists to us uneducated minions and take the anger and fight to the bar. Despite what you think, Shooter is doing good work…….so are you……so move on!
March 11, 2013 @ 2:21 pm
“(This song is an augmented version of a song by Steve Young)”
(This review is a make it up as you go by Kyle C.)
You even heard of Steve Young as you fly the underground/save country music banner?
March 11, 2013 @ 2:56 pm
Well, I did write about Steve Young and tagged him in two articles mere weeks before posting this review in connection with the re-release of Heartworn Highways:
I also played his song “Honky Tonk Man” on my radio show episode #15 that aired on 7-9-2011
And on March 24th, 2011 in an article about a songwriters salute to Hank Williams happening at the Country Music Hall of Fame (the same one Shooter famously pointed a tank at), I said:
“The name I was most excited to see on this list was Steve Young, a forgotten country music Outlaw and songwriter who wrote Waylon Jennings”™ “Lonesome, On”™ry and Mean” and many other great songs. His most famous composition is “Seven Bridges Road”, which was recorded by Dolly Parton, Rita Coolidge, Joan Baez, and was a big hit for The Eagles. He was also featured with Rodney Crowell in the Outlaw country documentary Heartworn Highways”
But you and Shooter fans are probably right. I’ve never heard of Steve Young.
March 17, 2013 @ 10:18 am
I’d say half my comments don’t get past the “modirator” so I don’t always get to rebut to your rebuttable, but I can understand, it ends up going no where.
Anyway, I’m interested to see your review on the whole album “The Other Life”, and particularly the song “The Gunslinger”. I think the ablum is great and I don’t know when that song was recorded or written, but it sure seems to be that Ole’ Shooter takes a direct and very clever shot at you Trigger. I’ve never felt any of the songs like “Mean” (Taylor) or Shooter’s “Family Tree” were necessarily about you, but I think “The Gunslinger” is, and it is perfect, IMHO.