Sorry, Mitchell Tenpenny & “Bitches” Goes Too Far
WARNING: Language
No. We’re not going here. I’m sorry. Consider this a line in the sand. Consider this an ultimatum. Nobody’s mother is being threatened here, mind you. We’re not veering off the rails or anything. But if there was ever a moment where dramatic action was called for in country music matters, this would be it.
This isn’t just an argument about taste, or classic country vs. contemporary country. This isn’t yet another droning discussion about what is country and what isn’t like the ones that go on forever and ever and never get resolved. This is an issue that should have all the denizens of country music of every shape and form in a tizzy, regardless of their allegiances or sensibilities, and locking arms to not allow the music that we all love take such a significantly degrading step backward.
What is this latest cause célèbre that Saving Country Music is probably overreacting about you ask? It’s an artist named Mitchell Tenpenny. Now you probably haven’t heard of Mitchell Tenpenny just yet, but if Sony Nashville has its way, that will all change very shortly. In fact they’re probably betting on Mitchell Tenpenny becoming a conversation piece. Why? Because he’s got a song that have the suits on Music Row seeing dollar signs, and it’s already turning in impressive streaming numbers and converting listeners into fans. And what is the name of this super hot song ready to see Mitchell Tenpenny bust out? It’s called “Bitches.”
Now let’s not be presumptuous and judge this book simply by its cover. Just because a song title sounds salacious doesn’t mean the song itself is, right? Maybe it’s irony, or maybe there’s a twist. We’ve seen so many of these female empowerment songs from folks like Keith Urban and Brad Paisley recently, perhaps it actually has a positive message. I mean, not even mainstream country would flirt with a song that used such a derogatory term towards a woman, would it?
Yeah, it would. Mitchell Tenpenny’s “Bitches” is about as derogatory and degrading as the title implies. In fact, it may be even more so.
Well, I don’t deal with bitches no more
Yeah, I don’t deal with bitches no more
I could call you crazy, curse your name
Throw your shit out the door
But I don’t deal with bitches no more
And that’s pretty much the song. In total, “Bitches” says the actual word “bitches” a sum of 25 times. Oh, and let’s throw a little slut shaming in there for good measure:
Your reputation, you earned it
You’re the best damn deal in town, oh, so cheap
Yes, this is popular country music in 2018 boys and girls. Or at least it’s what they want it to be.
But sorry, this crosses a red line. And I don’t want to see anyone trying to make sideways comparisons with Wheeler Walker Jr. or David Allan Coe whose clearly sarcastic efforts were never meant for mainstream consumption. Country music is supposed to be the last family friendly position on the station wagon’s radio dial, and instead it’s become a bastion for degrading views on women, right beside outright removing them from the format so they can’t even speak for themselves.
But this isn’t the most sinister twist with Mitchell Tenpenny and “Bitches.” Mark my words, if and when they choose to release this as a mainstream radio single, the narrative Sony Nashville will sow with the help of their willing accomplices in mainstream country media will be that it’s the women who want the song more, even going as far as to say it’s “empowering.” And if you think that is a ludicrous notion, just look what Tenpenny has already been saying about “Bitches,” and with the aiding and abetting of CMT, whose trusty reporter didn’t even bat an eyelash, or offer up a rebuttal or follow up question when he said,
“Seeing women sing it back, that was big for us to be able to all agree that maybe we could do this and do something different … I understood that emotion, and I felt like women would understand that emotion, too, from being cheated on by guys. And they can scream it, too. I want it to be an anthem.”
Yes, let’s take a song that says “bitches” 25 times and turn it into a fucking country music “anthem.” What happened to tipping your hat to the ladies, and the rose of San Antone? And you know if they release “Bitches” as a proper mainstream single, their bought and paid for buddies in country radio will dutifully play it without batting an eyelash. In fact the writer of the CMT article, Samantha Stephen, dubs herself a “Country radio insider.” I’m not even saying there aren’t some women out there that won’t enjoy this song, especially if they’re told to by corporate radio. But that in no way makes it justifiable. It makes the exercise that much more sinister.
But maybe Tenpenny’s label will do a switcheroo at the last minute, and decide not to release “Bitches” as the lead single. After all, that’s what we’re ultimately angling for here—to put pressure on the folks at Sony Nashville, have them look their wives, sisters, and daughters in the eye and make them think about the precedent they would set in country music by releasing this song. Tenpenny’s got plenty of other shitty offerings from where this came. How about “Alcohol You Later” anyone? This isn’t just about “Bitches.” It’s about where it could lead down the road. It’s about an artist that cut such an abomination and built his career on its success even being asked into the fraternity of major label country artists.
And who is this Mitchell Tenpenny tool anyway? He’s the direct product of Music Row nepotism, that’s who he is. His grandmother Donna Hilley was the former CEO of Sony/ATV Music Publishing—formerly known as Acuff/Rose, which is the largest songwriting and publishing concern in music. Though Sony/ATV is not a label, it is closely related to Sony Nashville where Tenpenny was eventually signed. And of course he started his career as a songwriter after attending the private Lipscomb Academy for high school, and graduating from middle Tennessee’s MTSU.
In a word, Mitchell Tenpenny is just another swinging dick in a baseball cap. I mean, how many of these generic country guys do we need? They had to make a brand new imprint for Mitchell called Riser House just because the other Sony Nashville offshoots are full up with other generic mainstream bros with #1’s on the radio that most of America has never heard of.
You’re tired of “bitches,” Mitchell Tenpenny? Well you just ran afoul of a genuine, Texas-born, single mother-raised, red blooded American ASSHOLE with a sister and a little niece who will pursue you and “Bitches” to the end of the earth if necessary to shield as many ears from this degrading filth so help me God. This is a hill worth dying on, and I know I’m not alone in that attitude.
Welcome to country music, Mitchell Tenpenny.
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Only a guy like this could obfuscate the meaning of the “Don’t Tread On Me” flag more than it already has been.
January 16, 2018 @ 11:16 am
What’s the early odds that this breaks FGL “Cruise” record if/when it hits #1?
January 16, 2018 @ 3:37 pm
I like it a lot quite actin like a lil bicth trigg
January 16, 2018 @ 7:43 pm
Thanks for the yellow journalism…..whatever your name is … cause apparently you don’t have to stand behind your thoughts for this shit site. No name associated with the article, just a lonely meatball crying. Luckily we know who she is… “a genuine, Texas-born, single mother-raised, red blooded American ASSHOLE with a sister and a little niece”
January 16, 2018 @ 8:25 pm
Lonely meatball. Good one.
My name’s around.
February 25, 2022 @ 6:17 pm
You claim to know what country music represents……but you no nothing. Yes country music has a majority of family appropriate songs. Johnny Cash has a song about doing cochise and murdering his cheating wife. Ole red is about a man catching his wife cheating and gunning her down. Copperhead road by Steve earle is literally a song about moonshine, murder and Marijuana, in which it is mentioned that the cops that go to copperhead road are murder hence why he says you never come back from copperhead road. His dad dies in a drunk driving accident while running moonshine and how he learned how to rig booby traps to protect his Marijuana fields. There are so many country songs that fall in line with the other songs I have mentioned. You know nothing about country music and sound like every other pussified liberal in this country. As for the slut shaming. He is talking about his GIRLFRIEND cheating on him which is about 90% what country music is about. If people don’t want to be slut shamed maybe they shouldn’t idk be SLUTS…so I repeat you know nothing about country music. “At no point in your rambling, incoherent response was there anything that could even be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.”
January 17, 2018 @ 7:00 am
Sounds like you’re threatening somebody’s sister and a little niece, here Brendan. “Luckily “we” know who she is” (?) You need a “we” to go after the sisters and nieces when you get pissed? Who’s the ASSHOLE?
January 17, 2018 @ 11:34 am
Coronas is the name, like two Mexican beers Brendon.
January 27, 2018 @ 9:57 am
I love how OP’s like Brendon like to talk tough in a post. But once they get called out or roasted, they run like little punks.
May 7, 2022 @ 7:21 pm
Standard modern lib bullshit. If a woman decided to express herself or experience view point from a cheating ass dickhead and titled it dickhead…. I Wouldn’t have a problem with it and wouldn’t mind hearing her take on it. Just like I don’t mind MT expressing his experience. I don’t find it derogatory if it’s true. Just my opinion.
January 17, 2018 @ 7:48 am
Lil’ Dale’s got a point here, Trigger. You assumed a whole lot with this article. Probably doing that trickster thing you do. Do we really know that Tenpenny is singing about females when he says bitches? There isn’t a single reference in the song to female gender. There’s not one word to give bitches a gender “she”, “woman”, “girl”, “her.” To just assume that bitch means woman, is not very 2018 of you….
January 17, 2018 @ 10:20 am
That’s why I included a quote from Tenpenny himself in this article. If you have any question of who this song is directed toward, just read the CMT feature I linked to above.
Also, you have to understand that intent and perception are two different thing. If you put out a song called “Bitches,” of course the vast majority of people are going to think it’s referencing women. Trying to imply anything else is just a shell game.
January 31, 2022 @ 8:28 pm
Since he introduces the song with a whole bunch of nonsense about how he doesn’t believe in being politically correct I promise you it’s about women.
January 16, 2018 @ 11:25 am
Well someone’s got to go first. Every time you think music can’t get any shittier, this site has to prove me dead wrong. Anyone connected with this abortion should be embarrassed and ashamed.
January 16, 2018 @ 1:12 pm
Every time you think Nashville has hit bottom somebody throws them a shovel.
January 16, 2018 @ 2:16 pm
Or a pickaxe, jackhammer, or any other of a myriad of “tools” (key word)!
January 16, 2018 @ 11:25 am
Maybe he should concern himself less with calling women bitches in song, and more with getting that snaggletooth taken care of. It would serve him well.
January 16, 2018 @ 11:32 am
If this song becomes a hit, it will be more of a condemnation of our culture than it will about Music Row or some no-talent hack named Mitchell Tenpenny.
January 16, 2018 @ 11:42 am
It would be pretty funny (and ridiculous) if this guy wins an award for his song “Bitches.” I can just imagine this guy going up the stage thanking everyone for the hard work in helping him make such a great album and great song. Oh and of course with his song bitches playing in the background when he is walking up to the stage to accept the award.
January 16, 2018 @ 5:17 pm
”If this song becomes a hit, it will be more of a condemnation of our culture than it will about Music Row or some no-talent hack named Mitchell Tenpenny.”
THIS statement is absolutely right on the money , Tom . RIGHT ON THE MONEY !
This is where the culture is at : If it appears ‘hip’ and it makes money ….it’s all good
Hypocrisy reigns supreme …Mixed messages , confusing laws , guilty until proven innocent ,and still selling products with sex . There is so much wrong with a song like this its hard to begin to list it all. At the very least , its a crappy excuse for a ‘song’ . At its worst , its a dangerous message to all ,but particularly our impressionable youth , so many ways . The absolute bottom of the barrel indeed .
January 16, 2018 @ 11:35 am
There are angles crying in heaven.
January 16, 2018 @ 11:41 am
Don’t be so obtuse about this
January 17, 2018 @ 2:24 am
Right on~
January 16, 2018 @ 11:48 am
That’s acute and obtuse comment.
January 16, 2018 @ 8:44 pm
I can’t help but be complementary to this……….
January 16, 2018 @ 9:27 pm
Looks like you guys have covered all the angles.
January 16, 2018 @ 12:14 pm
An I’m sure they’re right.
January 17, 2018 @ 7:02 am
I wonder if it’s acute angle. See what i did there?
January 17, 2018 @ 11:42 am
Nothing gets past you guys.
January 16, 2018 @ 11:36 am
What a complete mess of a project. It’s as if they realized that it was completely inappropriate and doubled down on idiocy by trying to add humor to the video. It’s like when you hear someone make a racist remark and then tell you to lighten up when you call them on it.
I’m sure this will find its audience, sad to think that audience could be a majority of mainstream music fans.
January 16, 2018 @ 11:37 am
He isn’t degrading women, just calling out the bitches. I guess I don’t see the big deal.
January 16, 2018 @ 12:18 pm
You “…don’t see the big deal…”? Yeah… misogyny does that to you, man.
January 16, 2018 @ 1:07 pm
There are bad men and bad women. While I don’t think this song is nearly articulate enough to draw a line between those people and the good ones out there, I don’t think we need to be going all politically correct here. Art is a medium with which anything should be able to be expressed. Call this a bad song if it’s a bad song, but celebrate the freedom it represents. That we can do shitty things like this exemplifies all the good we can do, as well.
January 16, 2018 @ 1:18 pm
There isn’t a person reading this that hasn’t thought that some chick is a total bitch at least once in their life, so take your mysogyny, xenophobia, racism, etc and quit BITCHING about it
January 16, 2018 @ 2:11 pm
You’re absolutely right, I’m reasonably sure that all of us have entertained that thought at some point in time.
The difference is whether or not you choose to verbalize those feelings. Those who choose not to possess something called character, which is largely lacking in society today and completely absent from the mainstream country music community.
January 16, 2018 @ 2:50 pm
The funny thing about that is when I hear someone like Jason Isbell spout off about white privilege or some other typical leftist opinion, his fans always tell me that he is speaking the truth as he sees it and I should respect his right as an entertainer to express himself. Now, apparently, when this Tenpenny dude sings the truth as he knows it, everybody has a big problem with it. I only hope all the lefty Isbell fans support this guy and his self-expression.
January 17, 2018 @ 7:16 am
Not associating with lunatic sluts who have nasty attitude and no foundation in reality, and not wanting to spend time with douche bag white privilege loser men who can’t see their own nasty unfounded attitude, are two different things that can’t be compared.
January 16, 2018 @ 2:47 pm
I understand what you are trying to say. Really. Technically, that might be right – it doesn’t refer to all women, technically. However, it offends a large number of people because it is a derogatory term. Right or wrong, it does. So why not be understanding of that?
Question for you:
If a song comes out tomorrow, that gains traction, from a non-white artist that says “I’m done with white trash.” Would you feel better with the explanation that the artist just meant poor trashy white people, not all white people? Or a song from a white artist saying “I’m done with “the N word.” Would it be ok to you if they said “well we didn’t mean all black people.” Because I have heard that exact argument more than once, unfortunately.
It’s a lot easier to write this off when it effects somebody else. And considering it’s offensive to so many, really, it’s THAT important to you to use that word? You can’t express yourself without it?
January 16, 2018 @ 3:04 pm
I’m sure some hood rats already have songs like that. I say let them keep making them, it really doesn’t alter my daily plan one way or the other.
January 17, 2018 @ 8:03 am
Leroy, since Bitches actually exist and white privilege is a myth, I’ll give you that…it is like comparing apples to oranges.
January 27, 2018 @ 10:16 am
The only difference is that Jason Isbell actually has talent. While this douchebag couldn’t sing if his life depended on it.
January 16, 2018 @ 12:23 pm
Sony Nashville surely appreciates your indifference, and hopes there is more complacency out there.
January 16, 2018 @ 5:32 pm
how bout the word ‘ bitches ‘ ? have we grown so insensitive to that word in reference to women that it shouldn’t offend anyone at this point ? why doesn’t this guy just go ahead and call the song C**TS ? ( censor if you need to Trigger ) ….. are we still too sensitive about THAT word ? lets just use it enough times that we won’t be so sensitive no matter that we are offending women . and who cares if youngsters start using these words in their school or at home in reference to their moms or sisters . and who cares if it offends gramma …..if she’s offended she’s probably a ‘c**t ‘
where the hell do we draw the line with this stuff . its one thing to be stupid enough to use a word when you DON’T know the meaning of it . Its another thing to use such a derogatory term on purpose . and its a completely meaningless point ….but if you can’t find something far more interesting , far more inspiring , far more insightful to write ,much less sing about , what the hell are you doing in this business ? we’ve got a pile of shit music sky high to deal with already .
January 16, 2018 @ 11:41 am
Reminds me of that shitty Uncle Kracker / Kenny Chesney duet from the early 2000s, only dumber.
January 17, 2018 @ 8:18 am
“When the Sun Goes Down” would be one of the best tunes on country radio if it were released today.
January 16, 2018 @ 11:45 am
Think he stole the chorus from a keychain being sold at the counter of a gas station
January 16, 2018 @ 11:46 am
I’m not as offended by the lyrics as I am the rest shitty song. Sounds like he’s just one of these stupid bro’s using hip hop vernacular to try to appeal to a urban minded Millennial crowd. This is what happens when cultures bleed together in a bad way.
January 16, 2018 @ 11:48 am
“Bitches”, “Alcohol You Later” & other Mitchell Tenpenny tracks are available for a couple of month now.
With the success of Walker Hayes or a song called “Singles You Up” (Jordan Davis) the floodgates are open & Nashville will take “country” music down to the next level.
January 16, 2018 @ 11:49 am
The term bitches has changed recently – I’m not defending that, as I don’t agree with it, but its hard not to acknowledge that. I think Kanye was defending it’s use in Hip Hop, explaining that recently. If a woman was singing this, it would also be different. AGAIN, I’m not defending it by a long shot. To me the questions is “Why make this?” Especially right now with what’s going on with harassment exposure, etc. And the answer is simple and we all already know it. We would never talk about this song otherwise because a 3rd grader could have written better music and a better chorus. But then again, that doesn’t mean anything to bro or pop country fans apparently.
That’s the song. WTF is up with the video?
January 16, 2018 @ 12:31 pm
Since when is Kanye an authority on anything? The guy has mental issues lol.
Kidding aside, I agree- it seems beyond stupid that this song is being released considering all the sexual harassment hoopla that is going on- which leads me to think that this song may likely kill itself with that message.
January 16, 2018 @ 2:13 pm
Yeah I wouldn’t have mentioned it but I read it somewhere, somewhat mainstream. Will be interesting to see what happens with this. There are people out there (as seen above), that are making excuses for it, so you never know.
January 16, 2018 @ 11:51 am
Couldn’t get past the first 10 seconds. Fuck him, that song, and modern country!
January 16, 2018 @ 11:57 am
As you mention, this would be a direct affront to the family friendly demographic, which is still a big part of country radio’s appeal. Sure, we’ve had Sam Hunt and FGL, among others, release some fairly sexually charged stuff on country radio, but I have a hard time imagining all these soccer moms, who listen to CCM and country, enjoying “bitch” blasting over and over in their car, just so that little Johnny in the backseat can repeat it at school.
January 16, 2018 @ 1:36 pm
Six year old walks into first grade classroom. Whazup Bitches!
January 16, 2018 @ 11:57 am
Can’t wait to walk in to Wal-Mart and year a 3 year singing the song.
January 16, 2018 @ 12:06 pm
I remember singing the beer commercial “Hello Mello Jax Little Darlin” in church. My Mother nearly had a stroke….LOL
January 16, 2018 @ 1:05 pm
Years ago I used to run with a group of friends who liked to ride horses, drink beer, sing songs around the campfire, all that fun stuff. The conversation wasn’t always “G” rated, but overall we were a pretty tame bunch so those with kids often had them around.
That is, until one guy went to pick his three-year-old up from Sunday school. He got there a little early while they were still having music time so he sat down to listen. The teacher said, Okay, kids, let’s sing the train song!” My buddy’s little boy, more familiar with our campfire songs than the Sunday school songs, immediately started singing “She got runned over by a damned old train!” My friend wanted to crawl in a hole.
January 16, 2018 @ 2:45 pm
That’s funny!!!
January 16, 2018 @ 7:15 pm
Ha! I can identify with that, although my “public singing debut” at the age of two (in church) was “Mickey” by Toni Basil.
January 16, 2018 @ 12:04 pm
Good lord! I’m on your side Trigger.
January 16, 2018 @ 12:05 pm
Faking a resonator solo with an electric guitar. Wrong. Its all wrong.
January 16, 2018 @ 12:07 pm
First Wheeler Walker now this. Doesn’t surprise me with the praise he’s gotten from this site and others.
January 16, 2018 @ 12:33 pm
The difference is that Wheeler is a comedian who was NEVER meant to be taken seriously. That’s satire. This is garbage and is degrading to women bec it is 100% serious. That is the main difference.
January 16, 2018 @ 1:26 pm
I agree with John ty. If you take s punch you better be ready for a fight
January 16, 2018 @ 12:12 pm
You can redefine and rationalize “bitches” and “ho’s” anyway you want but it’s still just downright lowclass and offensive no matter the genre of music. Same with jumping around on stage while grabbing your crotch for chrissakes
January 16, 2018 @ 12:24 pm
Fuck this guy. This is r and b though, doesn’t even seem to attempt to be country.
And Trigger, quit lying, you are not originally from Texas, you are from that show portlandia, where ever that takes place. Damn, you sound like Midland.
January 16, 2018 @ 1:32 pm
This ain’t my kind of R+B. Now the R+B out of Memphis, Muscle Shoals and Detroit in the 60’s and early 70’s, now that was R+B. Now all you little bastards, get off of my lawn.
January 16, 2018 @ 7:23 pm
I’m only 37 and I couldn’t agree more. I prefer Motown and the classic soul music of the ’60s and ’70s and even disco and the synthesized poppy R&B of the ’80s to what’s played on “urban contemporary” stations nowadays. I’m hoping to see Anita Baker when she embarks on her farewell tour later this year. 🙂 In my opinion gangsta rap was the worst thing to ever happen to the R&B genre and while there isn’t much actual gangsta rap being made today (it’s more mindless, monotonous trap type stuff), its influences remain.
January 16, 2018 @ 3:00 pm
I was born and raised in Dallas, Texas, birthed at the Methodist Hospital in south Dallas and have lived the majority of my life in the state. Anyone telling you otherwise is feeding you some Facebook bullshit.
January 16, 2018 @ 6:28 pm
I don’t have Facebook, just a terrible sense of humor; I know you are a Texas boy. Sorry for the cheap shot.
January 16, 2018 @ 7:13 pm
No worries man. I’ve seen similar rumors on Facebook that I fake being from Texas for some reason.
January 16, 2018 @ 12:32 pm
Anybody can be a bitch.
Life’s a bitch, right? Midway through the video, Mitchell the Tranny turns the tables and puts the shoe on the other foot, making Mitchell the Eye-Rolling Anti-Tranny the bad guy. It’s a frickin’ libertarian song and video.
“What happened to tipping your hat to the ladies, and the rose of San Antone?”
, said Don Quixote.
January 16, 2018 @ 12:34 pm
I have a hard time believing a song with that title would get any significant radio play in a format where a lot of stations felt the “ass in the sand” line of ZBB’s “Toes” needed an edit.
January 16, 2018 @ 3:03 pm
That was a decade ago. A lot has changed in country music since then, more than changed in the rest of the genre’s 70-year history.
This song is currently Mitchell Tenpenny’s single, with over 2 million plays on Spotify and a proper video. It is yet to be determined whether Sony Nashville will choose to release it as a proper radio single, but I’m not sure if it even matters at this point. It is the song he built his career on. It’s the one getting placed in all the playlists and creating his appeal.
January 16, 2018 @ 12:40 pm
I hope the Steeldrivers got a big payday for collaborating with him. Why can’t anyone with family connections not have a shit voice and even worse taste?
January 16, 2018 @ 5:24 pm
The Steeldrivers had nothing to do with this project. They played on the past album project which was completely different in theme and production. This project had a completely different team and record label working on it.
January 16, 2018 @ 12:45 pm
Kitty Wells would kick this dude’s ass.
January 16, 2018 @ 1:16 pm
Think of what Loretta Lynn would do to him.
January 16, 2018 @ 2:47 pm
Or Minnie Pearl…
January 17, 2018 @ 8:21 am
This dude would definitely go to Fist City.
January 16, 2018 @ 4:30 pm
T. Swifty might even put his ass in the dirt
January 17, 2018 @ 7:53 am
LMAO we went from Kitty Wells to Loretta Lynn to Minnie Pearl, then I scroll down a bit more and get “T. Swifty might even put his ass in the dirt”
Nearly put me out of my chair. Thanks for the laugh
January 17, 2018 @ 8:22 am
Hell, Billy Gillman could kick this guys ass.
January 16, 2018 @ 12:47 pm
To me personally, this song sucks on every possible level. And I want to say it flies in the face of what the majority of society would consider good taste.
But when I step back and carefully consider the social mores of this song’s target audience and try to listen to it from the perspective of the 15-24 year old middle-American female listener that typically drives trends in country music today, I can’t help but think the inference is largely “He’s talking about every girl but me! Those other girls were all bad to him, but he knows I would never do that!”
January 16, 2018 @ 1:03 pm
His mom must be so proud. If there’s karma in the world, he’ll have only daughters.
January 16, 2018 @ 1:03 pm
Jesus Christ, this song is cancer.
January 16, 2018 @ 1:15 pm
“Bitches.” They want us to listen to a song called “Bitches.” Remember when radio stations wouldn’t play “Goodbye Earl”? And CMT wouldn’t air the video for “Thunder Rolls”?
January 16, 2018 @ 1:20 pm
For many years, I have been a proponent of removing this word from ALL music, even hip-hop. I’ll go further and say that it has no genuine use in social media, print, or television. I’m also pretty much against women using it against other women even in conversation. Too many radical ideas for you?
Well this song is a good example of what you get, and deserve, when you purposefully remove common decency from society. Obviously I’m not saying ban the word or try to censor these songs or artists(?) or use any legal means. Just don’t use it. Start now.
Yeah, the song is horrible and the video is even worse. Have we experienced a low point in current country music? Yes. Is it an absolute low? Sadly, probably not.
January 16, 2018 @ 3:16 pm
You don’t want to censor or ban but you want to remove? How?
It’s called free speech. You don’t have to listen. You’re using it now but you want to somehow stop others from the same, albeit covertly. You have the right to project your ideas, and ideology, as do others.
One man’s trash is another man’s treasure.
Personally, I don’t like the way many women talk now days, but it is common to hear a lot worse from the mouths of babes….. lesson?: Don’t judge a book by looking at the cover. But, I don’t have to buy the book.
January 16, 2018 @ 6:42 pm
OK, so I’m being naive here. I’m a Boomer, I see things in a different way. I don’t want to stop free speech. I want things to be somewhat civil, meaning it’s up to you DJ, and me, and other people reading this and/or hearing that song to just stop using that word without being told to. One man’s trash is more often than not still another man’s trash.And that mouths of babes analogy? What if more Moms and Dads spent a little time explaining to their babes that there are some words that just don’t have to be used anymore for any reason, free speech or otherwise.
January 17, 2018 @ 8:14 am
I’m going to address the “boomer” first. I turned 70 last month what does that make me?
I’m ‘a’ person. An Individual. I don’t subscribe to grouping at any level. Grouping is what creates the messes we find ourselves in because when the group takes over the Individual HAS to defer to the group losing all semblance of Individual, and the group “feels” empowered to ‘force’ its beliefs, acts, etc., on everyone else. We are living that very nuisance. It pisses me off to see the US referred to as a Democracy, which is the epitome of “group” and is nothing more than mob rule. NO! We are a democratic republic, i.e., representative styled gov’t. to help ensure no “group” or entity has a legal advantage over another, or, can “force” its beliefs, acts by any means. At least that was the original intent, before the “group(s)” in DC decided masters (We the people) served the servants (elected representatives).
So, what you’re now suggesting is absolutely a great idea. Be the change you want.
Sow seeds, they will bear fruit. Educate others based in truth- which is a constant.
The Mom’s and Dad’s you’re referring to don’t know any better because their Mom’s and Dad’s didn’t know any better because they weren’t properly educated at home or in school.
Charity begins at home.
January 17, 2018 @ 10:11 am
DJ, this is mostly for you because I think we”re partly in agreement and I don’t want to take up any more space or time on this. I used the boomer term for context.I don’t consider myself to be part of any larger movement and i certainly don’t subscribe to any political ideas based on that label. My own Mom and Dad raised me to be aware of the problems of using words like bitch and of course many others. It was always in terms of civility, the old “golden rule”, the idea that everybody has worth, lots of things that people have forgotten or, as you say, were never properly educated about. I rest my case.
January 16, 2018 @ 1:28 pm
I agree no problem with the word Bitch because as stated above it has different meanings, contexts, etc. it this is just a bad song and obliviously trying to be shocking. Instead it’s just lame and the video has this Buffalo Bill/Silence of the Lambs vibe that’s just not working for me. If it weren’t called Bitches it would just be a meh song.
January 16, 2018 @ 1:46 pm
Surely no one will purchase this garbage.
This guy has a double digit IQ.
Can he even read?
January 16, 2018 @ 3:06 pm
This song is already a big success. It’s numbers are the reason this guy has a record deal. None of his other songs even come close. The only question is where it will go from here.
January 16, 2018 @ 3:09 pm
The market will, and should, determine where it goes.
January 16, 2018 @ 8:32 pm
I heard about this song from some songwriter friends in Nashville, a fair number of those streams have got to be from people saying “can you believe this shit?” Right?
January 16, 2018 @ 2:06 pm
There’s rarely a time that I’m actually embarrassed to hear a song. I’m pretty f’n embarrassed to hear this song.
January 16, 2018 @ 2:08 pm
It’s too bad the arrangement isn’t country, because lyrically it’s a great song that most men can relate to. I love it in that regard.
The feminists need to make up their minds. Either they’re “nasty bitches” and proud of it, or they’re ladies who behave as such, and deserve respect. You can’t have it both ways, so make your minds up.
January 16, 2018 @ 2:14 pm
And Trigger, in regards to the women who like this song, they’re either intelligent people, who are smart enough to know what they like. Or they’re inferior creatures, who shouldn’t be allowed to hold positions of leadership, and are too stupid to vote.
Your arguments seem to contradict your position.
January 16, 2018 @ 2:56 pm
Huh, I guess I didn’t realize that all feminists are identical. I thought maybe they were individuals who might have different ideas about how to conduct and represent themselves. Thank you for clearing that up.
January 16, 2018 @ 4:49 pm
I tried to answer you. Trigger deleted it.
January 16, 2018 @ 4:01 pm
Somehow I suspect that you can REALLY relate to it.
Coincidence, or mystery of the unknown?
January 16, 2018 @ 4:03 pm
I can relate, as can most men. Can you?
January 16, 2018 @ 4:14 pm
Thought you might have the capacity to read between the lines, and the capitalized letters on that one. My mistake.
January 16, 2018 @ 5:07 pm
So can you relate to the song, or not?
January 16, 2018 @ 5:14 pm
Honky, let’s not get into incessant back and forths here please. It junks up the comments section.
Thank you.
January 16, 2018 @ 2:23 pm
This is obviously a tongue in cheek song that is awful. Nothing to be outraged about. And if a girl is out sleeping around on someone, she is indeed a bitch (as the song implies). Get over yourself.
January 16, 2018 @ 3:08 pm
Nothing tongue-in-cheek about the song whatsoever. Mitchell Tenpenny’s quotes confirm that. It was written in anger. The video may be tongue-in-check, but that’s just them trying to divert criticism.
January 16, 2018 @ 4:05 pm
It’s definitely not tongue-in-cheek. It’d serve no purpose if it were.
January 16, 2018 @ 4:52 pm
So Trig… I’m confused. Are you defending women that cheat on their men? Or just insisting that a men not call women who cheat on them bitches? Would you be equally offended if it was a woman singing the same song replacing bitches with “shitheads”? Was Miranda’s advocation of arson somehow more responsible than juvenile name calling?
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not defending the song., it’s horrible. But I think the outrage is over the top. I’m more offended somone would call that tripe Country music.
(FWIW, when I clicked the youtube link at the bottom, my 47yo woman coworker, giggled and said she liked it)
January 16, 2018 @ 5:13 pm
Obviously I’m not defending anybody for cheating on anyone.
I have taken the quote/unquote “revenge” songs of Miranda Lambert, Carrie Underwood, and others to task in the past as well, and agree we cannot place a double standard when it comes to women artists. However a lot of those songs actually have stories, and I can’t recall any of them referring to another woman as a “bitch.”
I delved pretty deep into this issue in my review for Carrie Underwood’s last record, if you care to read:
January 16, 2018 @ 10:35 pm
Yeah I read that, but took it more as an opinion piece pointing out a poor choice in direction for the album, rather than an indictment of “revenge country”. Personally, I would’ve thought your defense of BS’ “She’s Got a Way with Words” to be more relevant to this post.
It seems to me that Country has a long history of revenge songs, this song just happens to be a particularly shitty example of an artist, masquarading as country, attempting the genre. But, I was introduxed to it here, and it only offends me so far as that I know it’s going to end up getting played over and over on jukeboxes in places where rednecks with shit taste in music gather… and I’m likely to get rexposed because it’s the type of nonsense they adopt as anthems
January 16, 2018 @ 2:43 pm
I’ve been wondering for the last couple of years how long it would take before we started hearing bitches and/or hoes in a country music song. I have to say I’m not surprised this happened as much as being surprised it took this long.
January 16, 2018 @ 3:01 pm
So tell us how you really feel? #badpubisgoodpub
January 16, 2018 @ 3:04 pm
fake dog tags check, metro trucker hat check, fake dont tread on me flag, plastic grin, sounds like the backstreet boys but cant sing as good 1/5
January 16, 2018 @ 3:26 pm
How many of you condemning this song voted for a man who said “grab em by the pussy”? Any of you?
January 16, 2018 @ 6:53 pm
January 16, 2018 @ 7:03 pm
I voted for him. I hadn’t voted in 16 years before that. My support was wavering until he called Haiti a shithole, then I was back on board. I sent an extra donation that day.
January 16, 2018 @ 8:45 pm
Why did your support waver? I voted 3rd party, but I’ve thought he’s done some good things lately.
You’re deleting at least 50% of my comments, including my initial response to RD here. If you’re going to keep doing this to me, can you at least tell me why?
January 16, 2018 @ 8:51 pm
I’ve told you many many times—don’t veer into politics that have absolutely nothing to do with the topic at hand. Yet here you are doing it once again. Nobody wants to see it, and even fewer want to see you wining how your comments keep getting deleted because you can’t follow an extremely easy to understand request.
January 17, 2018 @ 12:43 am
But has the question of “culture” been answered? This is not a political question but one of culture. How can somebody vote for a man who said “grab them by the pussy” and turn around and act like this song crosses a line? I know there are many of your readers who fall in this category
January 16, 2018 @ 7:33 pm
“And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything.” Sounds like consent to me. And no I didn’t vote for Trump but I think consistency is important.
January 17, 2018 @ 8:46 am
You think he cares to know the difference between “they let you do it” and “you can get away with it?” I don’t.
January 17, 2018 @ 8:28 am
Private conversation caught on tape vs. song potentially being released for airplay on radio, for one thing. I don’t care to delve into it any more than that.
Oh, and I didn’t vote for our current president; I just made the comment because I do see a difference of context.
January 17, 2018 @ 9:20 am
How many voted for Bill Clinton? Ted Kennedy?
January 16, 2018 @ 3:37 pm
Yeah, I saw this music video a few weeks ago on YouTube…didn’t really think much of it at first, still don’t think much of it now. Unless it actually begins to gain serious ground on the charts, I’m still gonna write it off as a stupid, childish novelty song. I doubt he cut this song with the intent of it becoming a huge hit.
January 16, 2018 @ 3:57 pm
Exactly. It’s just a bad song, not worthy of outrage.
January 17, 2018 @ 12:40 am
I couldn’t disagree with you more vehemently , Gina . if this gets anywhere near radio it IS most definitely worthy of outrage .I DO NOT WANT MY YOUNG NIECES AND NEPHEWS THINKING FOR ONE SECOND THAT THIS IS AN ACCEPTABLE REFERENCE TO WOMEN . I said it above and I’ll repeat it ……..what’s the difference between calling women ‘bitches’ or calling them ‘c**nts ? NONE ? Would you let someone call your mom, sister, daughter or niece ” c**nts ” ? ? Could you get away with calling a person you work with a bitch or a c**nt ? Do you want to be referred to in those terms ?
January 17, 2018 @ 2:46 am
I love when some men tell me how I should feel about being a woman. Just FYI, the word bitch has actually been taken back by women to mean all sorts of things. Remember Meredith Brooks song? Rap uses the word all the time. This song isn’t good enough to warrant the fake outrage it’s getting. And I think the women in your life can handle hearing the word. Get over yourself please.
January 17, 2018 @ 9:07 am
FYI, bitch is, and has been for longer than I’ve been alive, a female dog. Dogs are pack animals. Packs are groups. When the group rules the Individual becomes irrelevant.
Subliminal, yes. ALL desensitizing happens that way.
January 17, 2018 @ 10:14 am
DJ, do not refer to other commenters here as a “bitch” again or I will ban you. Obviously, “bitch” as been used as a derogatory term against women for many years.
January 17, 2018 @ 9:17 am
Yeah, okay.
January 17, 2018 @ 9:35 am
”…..the word bitch has actually been taken back by women to mean all sorts of things …..”
understood , Gina . but we all know what THIS song lyric means when they use the term …we all know what THIS singer is saying.
I didn’t think I was telling you how you should feel about being a woman . If you are comfortable being referred to by this term in the context of this song ,I can’t change that . My point is that as a society I don’t think we should condone women being referred to in these terms … matter the context. I think this kind of mentality is dangerous and I think we are seeing the repercussions of the ‘slippery slope’ we’ve found ourselves on because of it .
Certainly rap music is the worst offender with the kinds of language it uses and the disrespect it displays , primarily towards women . Now we see these sentiments creeping into country music and into our social mindset and behaviors under the guise of being ‘ hip’ and /or acceptable because its successful as business. In our heart of hearts, though , I believe we ALL know this is not the right thing …this is not a respectful thing , this is not a good thing for us as a society .Disrespectful language aimed at people , genders , faiths etc.. in a personal manner is dangerous for all of us .
January 17, 2018 @ 10:42 am
Trigger. It was aimed at Gina who doesn’t seem to have a problem with it and chooses to speak for all women, which I pointed out. I used the word specifically to point out how wrong she was/is. I’m guessing it worked.
January 17, 2018 @ 11:58 am
Okay, well I apologize if I didn’t pick up on the irony. I just saw comments referring to another commenter as a “bitch.” Others would have too, and probably not picked up on the context either.
January 17, 2018 @ 2:41 pm
I do not choose speak for all women. And yeah, don’t call me any name again just to prove your point. I am not wrong. I just have a different point of view. Get off my case, DJ. I mean it.
January 17, 2018 @ 2:56 pm
Thanks for removing the posts, Trig. I saw them in my inbox. You made the right call.
January 16, 2018 @ 3:59 pm
Got to the one minute mark…..but I’m drinking.
January 16, 2018 @ 4:02 pm
Thanks for finally doing a review on this steaming pile of hot garbage. My thoughts exactly. In my opinion, this is as big of a threat to country as Walker Hayes. As much as we don’t want it having too much pop influence, we also don’t want the shitload of cuss words that plague the hip hop industry. This guy has one-upped Walker Hayes because, despite trying to sound like Macklemore, Hayes doesn’t cuss. This Tenpenny douchebag is deliberately trying to bridge a gap that should never in a million years be connected. It’s not that hip hop is a bad thing, I like a little ‘90’s rap now and then, but it shouldn’t be mixed with country EVER. If I tune into country radio to find curses and deragatory terms proliferating it, that will be the day I no longer have any music but classic rock to listen to. If this is the future of mainstream country, count me out of it.
As for Mitchell Tenpenny, he can go suck a big fat one until he gets through this childish stage and realizes that creating bullshit like this is morally wrong on many levels and absolutely disturbing coming from a “country” artist. It’s a damn shame. The dude has a decent set of vocals. I would rather have Florida Georgia Line than this idiot.
January 16, 2018 @ 4:17 pm
The song is so offensive, all I can do is laugh. Why..How… did this song get recorded and a video to go with it? What lazy songwriting. He doesn’t even define bitch as the aggressive/mean woman- it’s just that she cheated on him so she’s a bitch. He should’ve known when she gave her “just a friend” a hug??!!! What a pathetic line. If a woman can’t give a male friend a hug, the problem isn’t her- it’s you. Please don’t now try to market him as a “nice” guy. I wanted to really think about the song and try to analyze his thinking, but I just can’t listen to it again.
January 20, 2018 @ 11:37 am
Best post in the whole thread. Amen!
January 16, 2018 @ 4:25 pm
I think this song hits spot on, I actually almost despise some country music. I notice you try not to bring up ole David Allan Cole “nigger hater” , which everyone knows they sing to unless you are not white. But David Allan coe is a perfect example of setting a bar. He said what the fuck he wanted, just like ole Mr. Tenpenny can do. Freedom of speech. So what if the song is titled bitches and says it 25 times. If people like it, they like it. If we all had the same views, then the world would be a boring place. I’m glad you don’t like it, Bc it’s not for all. Maybe you are or have been one of those “bitches” he references in the song. It’s about time country got real and not all tear in my beer fake.
January 16, 2018 @ 4:28 pm
you gotta start to realize some sarcasm.
January 16, 2018 @ 4:51 pm
Lol you are so butthurt over everything. When are you not angry? You use profanity all the time on this site. Shall we take a look back at what you said about Walker Boom. Get off your high horse. Art shouldn’t be censored. That’s not to say this is some high art or anything. I genuinely don’t think the song is bad, though. The video is funny too.
Country people talk like this. City people talk like this. Life isn’t a Full House episode. Women call other women bitches all the time. Gay men call each other bitches all the time lol. I really don’t know what the big deal is. Dolly Parton’s song “I Don’t Want to Throw Rice” is about her fantasizing about throwing rocks at another woman. There are a million other examples of women singing about similar things. I have no problem with it. Those songs are great.
Also, I can’t believe you brought up how he’s “slut shaming” the woman in the song. She should be shamed lol.
January 16, 2018 @ 5:05 pm
Ha! You called this “art.”
You’re right, I will cuss at times in articles. I cussed in this one. I don’t like to, but sometimes you must fight fire with fire.
But the big difference is I’m not putting this website out there on public airwaves on what is supposed to be a family-friendly, G-rated environment. In fact Saving Country Music voluntarily rates itself to where if parents have certain parental controls in place, kids under 18 can’t read the content. I also present warnings to readers if inappropriate material is present.
Context is everything. “I hate this fucking song” is one thing. Directly labeling women “bitches” is another. But it’s not even just about the language. Saying, “You’re the best damn deal in town, oh, so cheap” is way worse than simply the word “bitch.”
January 16, 2018 @ 5:44 pm
I haven’t been following this site for that long. Maybe a few years off and on, and more regularly for about 9 months. But I have noticed that when you post a story like this about an artist, the comments seem to get more defensive of the artist about 12 hours or so later. Not that every one of your “regulars” agrees on everything, but it seems like there is a grace period before it starts to get more defensive and more juvenile (I’m not referring directly to the comment you are responding to – for the record). Do you ever think that the artist or someone close to the artist gets the word out, and supporters then come and voice their discontent and how wrong you are? I don’t know, maybe that’s a stretch. Just something I noticed, could be way off. For all I know as well, this could have also been discussed already.
January 16, 2018 @ 6:20 pm
It amazes me that someone that would defend this as music, bothers to post on this site. Whose opinions do they think they will sway. I would venture to say most people that present dialogue here would agree that Merle, Waylon, Johnny, Guy, Townes are all folks that have been important contributors to the type of music we value. It is inconceivable to my mind that you can find anything of value in Mitchell Tenpenny’s music and still value music from the artists I have highlighted. My point is why do they bother? If Mitchell has a fan site and I would post on it, it would be for no other reason than to piss in their pool. Why would I bother, and what would I gain? Someone enlighten me here.
January 16, 2018 @ 7:20 pm
I haven’t seen anybody on here finding value in Mitchell. In fact, we all seem to agree that he’s a no-talent frat douche. We’re just saying that the song is harmless lyrically, and that Trigger is making a mountain out of molehill.
January 16, 2018 @ 10:23 pm
It’s strange you say that Honky because someone said “because lyrically it’s a great song that most men can relate to. I love it in that regard.”
Can you guess who said that?
January 17, 2018 @ 7:56 am
Yes, I love the lyrics. The general sentiment on here seems to be that the lyrics are harmless.
Nobody on here that I’ve seen is saying anything good about Mitchell Tenpenny as an artist or a person. What do you not understand?
January 18, 2018 @ 8:03 am
That’s a pretty amazing interpretation of the “general sentiment,” Honky. The author of this article (who runs the very website you frequent), and about (at least) half the comments on here say otherwise. ????????♂️
January 17, 2018 @ 8:30 am
“Ha! You called this “art.” ”
Probably a typo. Should have had an “F”.
January 16, 2018 @ 5:57 pm
As the mother of three amazing daughters, this is soo offensive. ….Just perpetrates the stereotype of the idiotic Nashville musician.
January 16, 2018 @ 6:30 pm
As an old man who has a wife, daughters, daughters-inlaws, nieces, and granddaughters, it makes me realize how many boys need a whole lot of growing up to do. I have a ten year old grandson that is more mature than many teens and twenty somethings.
January 16, 2018 @ 8:07 pm
Amen. That’s the problem with the world (and country music) today. Boys grow up physically but not mentally. Old time country music taught you about growing up. Today… well that’s why we’re here. Right?
January 16, 2018 @ 6:02 pm
Motorhead already did this much more effectively on “ByBye Bitch Bye Bye”. Everyone’s always copying Lemmy.
January 16, 2018 @ 9:21 pm
Guns N’ Roses had Back Off Bitch floating around on pre Appetite For Destruction demos in 1986 as well.
January 17, 2018 @ 8:32 am
Let’s not forget Buckcherry. But I kind of think he liked the bitch in that song.
January 16, 2018 @ 6:32 pm
I have a great deal of personal reasons upon why I’m against the word bitch. So I’ll just say: it’s a terrible word and other and better words can be used in it’s place. I just say “lowlife” or “stupid” or something among that topic if I’m going to describe someone. I don’t even like the whole term “resting bitch face” when one just has a plain face. I described it to my partner for using that term for herself, and I say something like “it’s funny when you used to use it, but you really are just tired or normal and not smiling all the time” and I suggest her thinking outside the box a little before saying that word. Learning this song using the word “bitch” so liberally disgusts me- and the artist is using it just because he’s describing women he/the speaker once dealt with. Just the mainstream industries trying to use something “catchy” and capitalizing on it. We all have boundaries though, of which I believe is conceptually mentioned here, and mine are sure to be crossed upon if I decide to listen to this song eventually (I didn’t click on the video and probably won’t because I don’t want to hear it).
I’m sure this song is and will be disgusting to most too, and I hope it doesn’t get much more attention than it’s getting. It’s one thing I hate about rap music (yet it’s so prominent), and it’s one thing that doesn’t belong in country music in any way aside from that sarcasm from those artists mentioned in here such as DAC- of whom I actually am a fan of. I just wanted to share my two cents on here about this.
January 16, 2018 @ 7:02 pm
The only thing I like about this song is the Don’t Tread on Me flag in the music video—- and making fun of trannys
January 16, 2018 @ 11:04 pm
Bitch is no good but using slurs like tranny is perfectly fine. Amazing.
January 17, 2018 @ 9:47 am
That’s the SCM comment section for you.
January 16, 2018 @ 7:04 pm
There was a cocaine and rhinestones podcast on that exact thing – how throught the 20th century even into the 90s it was ok for men to release raunchy material to country radio, but if a woman tried it, she was banned simply because they couldn’t handle the idea of a woman making her own decisions regarding her sex life.
January 16, 2018 @ 7:07 pm
This was supposed to be a reply to pgwenz, didn’t go through correctly for some reason.
January 16, 2018 @ 7:08 pm
Methinks if the Dixie Chicks released a song called “Dick” about how all men are a-holes, it would be lauded as girl power.
January 16, 2018 @ 7:28 pm
I don’t think it’s as much about “free speech” and expressing yourself through “art”. The problem is the new generation of people that turn on country radio think that this, Walker Hayes, FGL etc. etc. etc. is what country music is supposed to sound like because they don’t know any different. I talk to 20 somethings all the time, they say they LOVE Dierks, but have never heard Long Trip Alone… Black has set the standard for them… The more shit like this that gets released resets the narrative and the perception of what country music is.
January 17, 2018 @ 12:48 am
Exactly the point ,Azea . The more things slip off the rails like country music has and the more we support/encourage/allow this kind of derogatory reference and the like to permeate the culture , the more acceptable it becomes by impressionable youth .
And why do we allow this to happen in a ‘civilized ‘ culture ? BECAUSE IT MAKES MONEY .
January 17, 2018 @ 8:49 am
I “liked” your comment because; “BECAUSE IT MAKES MONEY”……. we don’t know that yet. Hopefully it won’t do much more than gain attention. I guess it depends on the marketing, but, we do live in an alleged free society which is allegedly capitalist in nature which means markets will make the decisions.
Currently we can exercise free speech which everyone here has been doing. I applaud that since it is the only freedom not regulated into PC-ism. Yet.
I also agree with your other assessments btw. The desensitizing has been going on for a couple of generations, maybe 3, and we are living the results. I suspect there will be a pendulum effect, that seems to be the way these things go. I don’t know that making a ‘big deal’ of it hurts, but, typically when you tell a kid he can’t, he will just to show you he can.
January 17, 2018 @ 10:15 am
This song is already a commercial success, and a hit. It is the reason Mitchell Tenpenny was able to secure a major label deal. The only question now if where it goes from here.
January 16, 2018 @ 7:34 pm
This brings to mind Meredith Brooks’ big pop hit of twenty-ish years ago called “Bitch.” Except she was referring to herself by that word and sort of using it as a badge of honor. And the result was much more endearing than whatever this is. And yet… she hasn’t had a hit since. Perhaps Mitchell Tenpenny ought to take that as a word of warning.
As for this song, with the way country has been aping hip-hop for a while now, it was just a matter of time before someone released a song picking up on another of hip-hop’s trademarks. Are there any stations spinning this anywhere?
As for country music being “family friendly,” that ship sailed the moment Florida Georgia Line released a song about sticking a pink umbrella in a woman’s “drink.” If it hadn’t already.
January 17, 2018 @ 12:51 am
”As for country music being “family friendly,” that ship sailed the moment Florida Georgia Line released a song about sticking a pink umbrella in a woman’s “drink.” ‘
Yeah …now its just kid-friendly ……
January 17, 2018 @ 5:41 am
Meredith Brooks, 1997, “Bitch”
I hate the world today
You’re so good to me
I know but I can’t change
Tried to tell you
But you look at me like maybe
I’m an angel underneath
Innocent and sweet
Yesterday I cried
Must have been relieved to see
The softer side
I can understand how you’d be so confused
I don’t envy you
I’m a little bit of everything
All rolled into one
I’m a bitch, I’m a lover
I’m a child, I’m a mother
I’m a sinner, I’m a saint
I do not feel ashamed
I’m your hell, I’m your dream
I’m nothing in between
You know you wouldn’t want it any other way
So take me as I am
This may mean
You’ll have to be a stronger man
Rest assured that
When I start to make you nervous
And I’m going to extremes
Tomorrow I will change
And today won’t mean a thing
I’m a bitch, I’m a lover
I’m a child, I’m a mother
I’m a sinner, I’m a saint
I do not feel ashamed
I’m your hell, I’m your dream
I’m nothing in between
You know you wouldn’t want it any other way
Just when you think, you got me figured out
The season’s already changing
I think it’s cool, you do what you do
And don’t try to save me
I’m a bitch, I’m a lover
I’m a child, I’m a mother
I’m a sinner, I’m a saint
I do not feel ashamed
I’m your hell, I’m your dream
I’m nothing in between
You know you wouldn’t want it any other way
I’m a bitch, I’m a tease
I’m a goddess on my knees
When you hurt, when you suffer
I’m your angel undercover
I’ve been numb, I’m revived
Can’t say I’m not alive
You know I wouldn’t want it any other way
Written by Meredith Anne Brooks, Shelly M Peiken • Copyright © Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC, Kobalt Music Publishing Ltd., Universal Music Publishing Group
January 17, 2018 @ 9:02 am
I hope that was therapeutic for her.
January 16, 2018 @ 7:52 pm
first it’s Body like a backroad and that pop chick with FGL on top of country charts and now this shit. What country music is coming too.
January 16, 2018 @ 7:53 pm
Well Trig… sorry to burst your bubble but you’re not going to be the only red blooded American ASSHOLE to pursue this worthless piece of shit to the ends of the earth. I’m right with you my man. Raised by a single mother myself and without my grandmother in my life God knows where we would have wound up. That’s why country music is so dear to me… it got me through the hardest times of my life. And if this jagoff thinks he’s gonna come along and slap down the two most precious things that got me through those hard times… he had better think again. What’s missing in country music is a man’s man. Someone to tip their hat to a lady. Someone to teach a boy how to be a man. Someone who does what they want and doesn’t give a damn what anyone says. And someone to fuck up a piece of trash like Mitchell. They’re out there… they just won’t let them in Nashville.
January 16, 2018 @ 7:59 pm
By the way… sorry about the language. This just really got me mad. “The fightin’ side of me” came out a little I guess.
January 16, 2018 @ 7:55 pm
Millions of Americans watch R rated films. Millions of Americans watch porn. Millions of Americans watched the news media say “shithole” about 10,000 times last week. I think we can all survive a song the refers to a woman as a bitch. Don’t like the song? Fine. But being perpetuated outraged doesn’t make you right. I’m starting to wonder how different you are than some random feminist Tumblr chick who feigns outrage over everything.
January 17, 2018 @ 9:24 am
Thank you, exactly my point.
January 18, 2018 @ 12:23 am
…so you wouldn’t take offense at someone calling you a bitch in a heated moment ? would your husband , your mother or your kids mind someone calling you that ?
btw, the president using the word” shithole” was most definitely called out , as it should have been , the man is such juvenile in terms of being any kind of role model or showing respect for ANYONE .
January 18, 2018 @ 7:17 am
The problem is Haiti is a shithole, not the word shithole. The problem is bitches, and dogs in general, they are idiots. Try training a dog not to shit on the floor without hitting it on the nose. Try training a dog to do anything just by discussing issues with them… and dogs are often considered to be better companions. It’s possible to generate smarter humans. Bitch and Shithole is like hitting dogs and bitches on the nose to get their attention. The president has only 4-8years, and there is a fog running through the minds of first world humans and… life, for first worlders is too short to do anything about anything, except themselves. Remove yourself from bitches is the message.
December 18, 2018 @ 1:37 pm
So you’re comparing women to dogs now? We need to be trained and “tapped on the nose?” I just want you to clarify those comments a little bit.
January 16, 2018 @ 8:09 pm
“Country music is supposed to be the last family friendly position on the station wagon’s radio dial.” – my jr. high youth pastor
January 16, 2018 @ 8:38 pm
This kind of crap- and steaming, unmistakeable crap it is- is what gives country music a bad name by and large. Ignorant, commercially-written garbage.
I’m not a snowflake that would say “don’t ever offend anyone” but I wouldn’t even call a terrible ex a “bitch.” Keep those feelings to yourself, Mitch.
January 16, 2018 @ 9:10 pm
Don’t disagree with the sentiment, but it’s not Country.
January 16, 2018 @ 9:32 pm
Jesus. Jack Johnson’s really let himself go, huh?
January 16, 2018 @ 9:51 pm
Like kid rock said in that song he did for tv with Hank jr, “we don’t say bitch, we say yes ma’am”. Welcome to 2018 where kid rock is the direction of our moral compass
January 17, 2018 @ 3:01 am
I bet this song goes over big in the “Bible Belt.”
January 17, 2018 @ 8:54 am
LOL….. tell a kid he can’t, he will. Even Bible belt kids. Or should I say, “especially”.
January 17, 2018 @ 9:11 am
”….tell a kid he can’t, he will. Even Bible belt kids. Or should I say, “especially”.”
But it doesn’t make it right .
SHOW a kid what’s right and she’ll have a guideline ….a real sense of HOW to treat people , how to talk to people, how to RESPECT people and what’s expected of her in that regard . . She’ll know when she DOESN’T behave accordingly that she is wrong . SHOW a boy how a man should treat a woman …don’t just tell him then display something else . Kids will always want to say or do what they know they shouldn’t . We need to , at the very least, SHOW them acceptable social behavior so they know when they’re being disrespected and exploited by media and money .
January 17, 2018 @ 5:57 am
Just another lazy pop country song that panders to the lowest common denominator.
January 17, 2018 @ 9:00 am
I don’t like the song(?). I don’t think it’s what I’d call Country music. A “bitch” has always been a female dog, but, I’ve always called them female dogs. The market will decide how successful this guy is or isn’t.
But this has been an entertaining thread. Good job all!
January 17, 2018 @ 10:02 am
You can’t really blame those on high for treating us like ants if we act like ants. Scurrying about in our predictable ways. Getting out of line is just tempting the magnifying glass. And the vast majority of the colony can’t handle that.
The country at large doesn’t respect anything any more. How to change that is the question.
January 17, 2018 @ 12:22 pm
His whiny voice makes him sound like the Bitch
January 17, 2018 @ 12:23 pm
this must be his “coming out” song
January 18, 2018 @ 10:32 am
Funny, after watching the video to the very end, I actually had that same thought.
January 17, 2018 @ 12:59 pm
God you’re hysterical. When are you going to start writing for CNN?
“He called a woman a bitch” REEEEEEE
January 17, 2018 @ 1:01 pm
What blows my mind is “critics” are eating this awful excuse for a song up. From the folks over at Whiskey Riff:
“My pick for Best Music Video Of The Year. Mitchell Tenpenny just released his music video for catchy song “Bitches” and you’ll do a double take when you watch it. Aside from the fact that this video was incredibly well shot, the concept is perfect to add a little comedic relief to a song for the thin skinned viewers. But for the people who can hang, the song itself is gold while the video is perfect. I can only imagine the fun they had on set. Give it a watch below and pick up “Bitches” iTunes here. You can also pre-order Mitchell’s EP Linden Ave and get “Bitches” instantly.”
Seriously? Video of the year? Hag, Hank, Cash and a whole bunch of other country legends just rolled over in their graves.
January 17, 2018 @ 1:49 pm
Alcohol You Later, Bitches.
January 17, 2018 @ 2:39 pm
I don’t know which is worse, the song or the vile video. There’s nothing amusing about the blond “woman.” Likewise, the brunette in the ladies room mouthing the words for WTF and the broken beer bottle over her head. Disgusting.
January 17, 2018 @ 8:44 pm
In the words of the great Steve Earle, shitty music like this is rap music for folks who are afraid of black people. Shame on you, Mr. Tenpenny.
January 18, 2018 @ 7:42 am
misogynistic garbage
January 18, 2018 @ 10:46 am
Has anyone brought up how close the melody and phrasing is to this song?
Bruno Mars – The Lazy Song
January 18, 2018 @ 3:00 pm
It is kinda catchy.
January 18, 2018 @ 8:13 pm
I didn’t even bother to listen to it. I don’t know ANY woman that likes being called a bitch. This man has no respect for women and this song is a joke.
January 18, 2018 @ 8:42 pm
It is a pos song for real pos. Just another crap song in “modern country”. On the other hand, this site is promoting a song with Ludacris in it. Luda’s own songs are far worse. Will this site call out Ludacris and his music?
January 20, 2018 @ 6:35 am
The artist looks lame. But censorship? That douche can sing a song about anything he wants. And anyone saying he needs to be silenced is almost as anti American as it gets. There is enough space in this world for a song about the “Pay Gap” and for a song about “bitches.” If you do not like it, don’t listen to it. And stop promoting the damn thing. I would of never known about it If not for you. I sometimes wonder if you get rewarded for the negative shit you write about these shitty artists. All the bad wannabe country that is on my radar is a direct result of reading your articles. Are you sure you do not get kick backs from Shame McAsshat and the rest of the Big Machine in Nashville? I am not so sure you are who you say you are anymore. Calling for censorship is absolutely disgusting. Only an enemy of the United States would want to silence fellow citizens. But this is your buisness is it not? And there is money to be made by pandering to the hipsters the brainwashed masses. You hold a very mainstream attitude obviously shaped by the popular opinions of very sheepish fools. I’m just sorry I did not notice this year’s ago so I would of never supported you and your disgusting ways. You do a blog about country music and that’s it. You are not so important to be “drawing lines im the sand.’ It’s entertainment. Has any rapper saying the word “bitch” ever get you all up in arms? Oh, but if that rapper happened to be black that makes it okay huh? I thought you were objective and a good journalist. You are just part of the propaganda machine brainwashed by sociology professors in an American University that was paid for by American tax dollars. You might as well start listening to Sam Hunt and wearing your balk cap backwards. I see your line in the sand, and I’m on this side looking down on the fools like you.
January 20, 2018 @ 1:55 pm
LOL, someone woke the beast up too early in the morning. You see humans as flocks of sheep with backward baseball caps on. You thought this guy was a journalist that you could use. Have a cup of chamomile, beast.
January 21, 2018 @ 12:18 am
This is a no talent hack
January 21, 2018 @ 6:09 am
There are a ton of wrong assumptions in this article but a couple of the more random ones (because research clearly isn’t a forte on this site as proven time and again)
1) Riser House isn’t a Sony imprint and wasn’t made up for this artist. He’s on the Columbia imprint. Riser House is the management and publishing company that was managing him and created enough leverage (read: fans) with his first project to continue to be involved even as Sony takes over.
2) “Bitches” won’t be the lead single and that has nothing to do with this site.
January 21, 2018 @ 9:43 am
Columbia Nashville is an imprint of Sony Nashville. If Riser House falls under falls under Columbia Nashville, which it does, that means it is still an imprint of Sony.
January 29, 2018 @ 6:52 am
But it doesn’t and it isn’t. Not that it matters but it’s indicative of how you pass a decent amount of your assumptions as facts in many articles. Sometimes you
January 29, 2018 @ 6:56 am
deserve to be called out on little things like that because they’re so obviously proveable wrong in pursuit of this whole personal vendetta of a mission against anyone you deem isn’t what fans of country music should like.
January 22, 2018 @ 7:55 pm
David Allan Coe was being “Clearly sarcastic?” Tell me more about that; I don’t see it.
January 22, 2018 @ 9:08 pm
They were comedy albums released to the underground and sold in the back of biker magazines. He was inspired to record them when hanging out with Shel Silverstein in Key West and listening to his joke album “Freakin’ at the Freaker’s Ball.” I’m not personally signing off on the content of those records, but of course they weren’t made to be taken literally.
January 27, 2018 @ 10:02 am
What is this, Tumblr?
April 24, 2018 @ 11:50 am
Even though ‘Drunk Me’ has no business on the country music charts, it’s a damn good song.
May 7, 2018 @ 3:38 pm
I’m actually surprised you spent such little time on his actual singing voice. He sounds like a constipated oompa loompa – especially on his new single, “Drunk Me.”
December 20, 2018 @ 12:49 pm
Soooo much hate
If ya dont like the song then hit “next” and quit the victim role. This song goes out to all you soft snowflakes ????
January 30, 2019 @ 11:13 pm
I guess it’s a good thing that we live in a place that we can all voice our own opinions.. I happen to like his voice. I don’t particularly like the “bitch” song, thought it was weird, but that’s my opinion..
There are times when bad women need to be called out, I’ve done it many times myself.. I’m not out to change anybody’s mind on this site, but just to let you know, I vote with my pocketbook, and I bought many of his songs.
June 4, 2019 @ 11:02 am
Thanks for bringing attention to this song, otherwise I may have never heard it…
November 8, 2019 @ 3:27 pm
Because there aren’t plenty of songs out there with Women singing about killing their husbands for cheating… no difference with this song other than the roles are reversed. At least this song is about walking away from the situation, not getting revenge and death.
January 31, 2022 @ 8:33 pm
Late to the game but thanks for this. I saw him with Dierks Bentley and The Cadillac Three, both acts I love, and was pretty appalled. Anytime someone introduces a song with a rant about political correctness what I hear is screw you if you’re offended. And honestly, sitting there with my 2 teenage daughters, I did not care enough to be offended but I was disappointed in Dierks and had no desire to check out any music by the guy–and I am usually a sure bet for checking out and streaming music from a decent opening act.
February 2, 2022 @ 9:33 pm
Come on, we can all agree that we all dislike bitches equally and like non-bitches more
February 6, 2022 @ 8:25 pm
Who is this little bitch BITCHING? I NEVER hesitate to call out a bitch, he/she/other NOT a prerequisite
March 3, 2023 @ 10:39 pm
YOU ARE SUCH A BABY LMAO. She was a cheater. She deserves to be flamed.