The Moonshine Bandits “My Kinda Country” (A rant)
I’ve been keeping one eye on The Moonshine Bandits for a while now as one of these bands that could potentially benefit from the genre barrier Jason Aldean broke with his country rap hit “Dirt Road Anthem” in 2011. I determined very early they were not one of the country rap acts I told people to look out for in my Survival Guide to Country Rap that actually bring artistry and respect two the merging of the two artforms, but as long as The Moonshine Bandits music remained confined within the demographic of gas-huffing Maury Povich watchers who glam onto whatever dominant culture is presented to them through corporate media to feel accepted, then it was of little concern.
And even though many of their moronic songs defined everything that is bad about modern music and contained some specific issues with things I hold dear, the music was so bad (aside from it’s accidental comedy value, of which there’s a lot) it wasn’t even worth criticizing. Well unfortunately now their filth has oozed out of the meth labs and other such hovels of America’s uber-scum to infect Country Music Television in the form of a new song and video called “My Kinda Country”.
This song is the worst song ever presented to the country music masses for consumption, period. Ever. An 11-year-old boy who just swallowed a Chinese toy laced with the date rape drug could write deeper lyrics. It’s a musical abortion. I’d rather eat the out the asshole of a roadkill skunk than listen to this. It’s so bad, birds refuse to shit on it. “My Kinda Country” takes the three worst country songwriting formulas of country rap, a laundry list song, and a faux “Proud American” song and combines them into the ultimate perfecta of musical stool.
I kept waiting on that homeless, Rick Rubin-looking dude to take his Epiphone and crack these two Jabba-looking knuckleheads in the jowels. And who wears their own shirt, advertising themselves? Isn’t that even not cool in the hip hop culture? And what the hell is up with their indecision?
I THINK I like what I see. I THINK I love who I meet. I THINK I’m proud to be free. I GUESS this is my kinda country.
You think? You guess? Which one is it? And just because you play with your privates, and every time you move your bowels it causes the same destruction as an improvised roadside explosive device, that doesn’t mean you have any military cred my friend. Sure, you bought a .59 cent Made in China American flag bandanna at Wal-Mart and your grandfather fought in the big one, but so did the rest of ours.
But the worst part about this song is it’s such an unveiled attempt at radio play and “mainstream sensibilities” it’s sick. The Moonshine Bandits should stick to what they’re best at, swinging their arms back and forth in urban rap gesticulations making their arm tubbage undulate while calling the people who don’t like their music “motherfuckers”.
Now I’m being serious here. All the stupid name-calling and sarcasm aside, these opinions and fun poking are based on my specific musical tastes, but I always believe artists should be measured against themselves first, and what The Moonshine Bandits do in “My Kinda Country” is sell themselves out, sell themselves short by seeking mainstream acceptance in such an overt attempt that flies in the face of their self-constructed image as country rap “Outlawz”.
Even if I was a true Moonshine Bandits fan, this song would embarrass me, and make me wonder why they want to convert mainstream fans to their tunes. That doesn’t seem very “hardcore” to me. And this selling out of their own core principles, however flawed they were to begin with, is what warrants the highest criticism, and is the reason the poison pen was deemed necessary here. Even someone like the country music Grimmace Colt Ford at least holds himself to his own low standards.
This video below is what The Moonshine Bandits should be doing, no matter how awful it is, because it’s who they are. And pay special attention to when they name drop Hank3 and Shooter Jennings. And as far as respecting country music, take special note of the line: “I’ll probably never see the Opry if I did I’d laugh.”
It’s great to see CMT supporting this filth, and I saw The Moonshine Bandits tweet in victory a few days ago when “My Kinda Country” passed Toby Keith’s “Red Solo Cup” on their top videos. This is like two slop pigs fighting over the same turd.
Artists like The Moonshine Bandits pose as big of a threat to rural country culture and traditions as big box stores, mega churches, and Monsanto. All “My Kinda Country” does is make them a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Their front-running cultural filth preys on the disenfranchised of rural culture (especially young men) by getting them to identify with vice, misogyny, and over-consumption as replacements to traditional country values.
Two guns way down!
February 22, 2012 @ 1:18 pm
“Corn popping all along the road”? What the hell? Were they driving around a movie theater lobby?
February 22, 2012 @ 1:59 pm
Certainly telling of how “country” they are when they see a corn field, and the first thing they think of is Orville Redenbacker injecting a butter-flavored slurry into a microwavable bag.
February 27, 2012 @ 11:33 pm
Im from Northern California drive along highway 99 all the time, just wondering where the hell they see corn fields? Rice fields is more accurate but that doesn’t fit the formula so well. Long time follower of the site Trig first time commenting, just have to defend the portion of the country I’m from that this song defiled
March 2, 2012 @ 9:20 am
There are true anD BLUE in the GREEN V, they have several generations of FARMERS~! Take your blinders off and GET REAL!
July 24, 2017 @ 12:26 pm
There is a lot of corn grown in California on 99, Right in the Moonshine bandits back yard.
So you cannot criticize them for that.
March 2, 2012 @ 9:28 am
Cause you are quite the JACKASS TRIGGER MY NIGGA! PEACE OUT ON THIS JACKASS OF A SITE! Grew up on country through and through…..OPEN YOUR MINDS OR BE PASSED BY!!!
September 15, 2013 @ 4:23 pm
LOL! Why so pissed that someone doesn’t dig your group?!? I don’t like them either, but oh well.
February 22, 2012 @ 1:19 pm
I don’t want to live on this planet anymore.
February 22, 2012 @ 1:22 pm
You know the next logical step is for them to capitalize on the growing underground scene. This might be it. All they have to do is market themselves as ‘underground’ and indie and say “we’re real country”. Most people will bite, including readers of this website, and the machine will again make a profit off the work of starving artists.
February 22, 2012 @ 1:32 pm
This shit is worse than juggalo music.
February 23, 2012 @ 9:32 am
Funniest thing I’ve ever heard!!!
February 22, 2012 @ 1:32 pm
February 22, 2012 @ 1:54 pm
I’d have to agree that this is worse than ICP, and that’s a mouthful. Trouble is, this isn’t all of them. Behold the Sunny Ledfurd Family Tree (of which these guys are a part):
The culture has gone so far in one direction, it feels like it’s too late to stop it… all you can do is sit back and laugh at the idiots.
February 22, 2012 @ 3:17 pm
I agree, its very important not to forget to laugh about this kind of stuff, and Farce The Music helps us do that.
March 2, 2012 @ 9:24 am
What you DONT GET TRIGGER is that these BANDITS had a following before they were signed and that BACKING is GROWING IN NUMBERS LEAPS AND BOUNDS, regardless of this site! HATERS ARE OUR MOTIVATORS! And besides, MSB has been doing this WAY BEFORE ALDEAN, COLT, and the other big names that are popping! Besides….they are ALL BUDDIES and SUPPORT ONE ANOTHER!!! Country ROOTS are the basis with a SWERVE of the younger generation of country music lovers! SFFS-132
February 23, 2012 @ 12:19 pm
ICP affiliate Boondox enjoys the best of both worlds making bad southern country rap and hanging with ICP haha:
February 22, 2012 @ 2:03 pm
The second song sounds like a slower version of Cowboy by Kid Rock
They are the most unoriginal artists i have ever heard
February 22, 2012 @ 2:11 pm
That was the worst shit I have ever heard.
February 22, 2012 @ 2:18 pm
yo yo yo yo im a outlaw………….dumbest and worse music i have ever heard
February 22, 2012 @ 2:21 pm
wow. that makes me wanna punch myself in the nuts with a chainsaw.
February 22, 2012 @ 5:44 pm
You win the award for best comment on this thread!
February 22, 2012 @ 2:28 pm
That was absolutely the worst song I’ve ever heard. Fucking terrible.
February 22, 2012 @ 2:29 pm
This is like really, really awful Kid Rock.
February 22, 2012 @ 3:00 pm
Did he say “Singin’ sweet home California all summer long”? My head hurts after listening to that, and why does the guy trying to sing sound like Jarrod from Storage Wars?
February 22, 2012 @ 3:05 pm
“Their front-running cultural filth preys on the disenfranchised of rural culture (especially young men) by getting them to identify with vice, misogyny, and over-consumption as replacements to traditional country values.”
This is exactly why Rap was hi-jacked and pushed to the forefront of popular music. By distorting the image of urban blacks, corporate rap has been extremely effective in promoting the most foul and ignorant traits as the most desirable for young blacks who wanna get rich. It perpetuates the idea that there is no future in anything but turning tricks for the elite.
Regardless of how anyone feels about rap as a genre, I suggest studying up. Real Rap MUSICIANS have been under attack like this for a while and can offer some wisdom on how to deal with it. In the very least, we’ll know what to expect and won’t be surprised when the Moonshine Bandits continue to rise. It’s no mistake that the “outlawz” video is staged in prison. African culture has become synonymous with prison culture and that’s the plan for us dumb hicks as well.
There are some some great YouTube interviews with Chuck D and Professor Griff from Public Enemy (don’t jump off into too much Illuminati/conspiracy shit). Tupac Shakur was a genius but at age 25 had not developed into what he could have been.
There are plenty of really bad songs but “My Kinda Country” is an Act of War against my family. It’s time to fight.
February 22, 2012 @ 4:03 pm
You are so right on with this. Im young enough where I heard mainstream rap hanging out with friends in school so I know the same thing that has happened to country has happened to rap. I would say that Tupac Shakur is to rap what Johnny or Waylon was to country. They were the artists with songs about real shit and they had some grit to it. Rap went laundry-list with stuff like weed, champaign, and bitches in the same way that country went laundry-list with trucks, guns, and farming. Same damn thing.
February 22, 2012 @ 5:16 pm
Great stuff Chad. If I was a huge rap fan, I might be more livid with this than from the perspective of a big country fan. This is the new reality living in the era of the mono-genre.
February 23, 2012 @ 7:23 am
there’s nothing to get upset about. they’re a joke band on a joke label.
February 22, 2012 @ 3:33 pm
so fuckin ridiculous. my kinda country is a perfect pop country song, a line about workin hard and lovin the lord with a slow motion shot of an old country guy lookin into the camera. fuckin awful!! i hate whats happening to nashville
February 22, 2012 @ 4:16 pm
I… I don’t even know how to respond to this. It kinda makes me want to cry. I could hardly tell people that I like country before, because of pop country,now this poorly executed rap is considered country. I just give up.
February 22, 2012 @ 4:31 pm
Honestly, not all music is made for everyone. I’m sure everyone has a song or band that they like that someone else doesn’t prefer. So you can go fuck yourself. 🙂
February 22, 2012 @ 4:51 pm
If you ever here the word “outlaw” come out of my mouth, ever, slap me please. And who is the rotund dude with the Scott H Biram mustache in that one video? He needs a boot to the kisser.
February 22, 2012 @ 4:52 pm
I’m only going to disagree with you on one point: wearing your own shirt. Slayer has been known to wear Slayer shirts,….but they’ve earned it.
The Moonshine Bandits……….Fred Durst got fat and found a twin…..and somehow found a way to make even worse music.
February 22, 2012 @ 5:30 pm
Freebird !!!!!!!!!!!! haha the good old times
February 22, 2012 @ 5:42 pm
Wow! I have to say there is not an ounce of “country music” in either one of those videos and songs. I can tolerate a mashup of both rap and country when there is recognizable country influences and I can see it as what it is, but this is ridiculous. It’s the same when I hear rock/metal acts do country. I didn’t mind Colt Ford when he first became popular because you had country artists sing in his songs with his radio rap remix added to it to give it some legitimacy.
Here is a video from a copule of my favorite rock/metal groups that have a country influence to help cleanse my soul after hearing this rap crap.
or this
February 22, 2012 @ 6:29 pm
i refuse to even click on the stuff and check it out. screw them and the horse they rode in on. i agree with colby jack’s first comment.
February 24, 2012 @ 7:10 pm
would a horse even let them ride in?!
February 22, 2012 @ 6:50 pm
To quote a Cheech and Chong bit… ” good thing we didn’t step in it”. Somewhere in my head a couple of songs are floating around , Substitute by the Who but the lyrics are more like ” substitute my rap with crap, wish i had two minutes back”
and Mudhoneys’ “Into your Shtik”
This is perhaps the worst thing i have seen in years.
Yes they are many things mentioned here, Wiggers, unoriginal, shit, really awful kid rock, worse than ICP, but what they are not is Outlaws. Or moonshine bandits either for that matter. But go ahead squirt out your fetid, vapid blather. I will continue to promote good music to those i meet and warn them not to step in this crapola.
February 22, 2012 @ 7:03 pm
I bet Billy the Exterminator and the crew from Lizard Lick Towing and Chrome Shop Mafia are listening to this right now. I blame TV for a lot of this …
February 22, 2012 @ 7:54 pm
What did I just watch? After about the first 10 or 15 seconds it all became a blur, Im feeling a little nauseous here.
February 22, 2012 @ 8:27 pm
I made it to “Tom Petty and AC/DC on my Ipod” and that’s all I could take
February 22, 2012 @ 8:28 pm
And I’m thinking Petty and AC/DC would both say “please take me off your Ipod” if they heard this shit
February 23, 2012 @ 8:15 am
^ yep.
Also, how did they manage to listen to all that good music and not pick up any shred of musical craft or knowledge of melody?
February 23, 2012 @ 6:15 pm
lol,Good point!
February 23, 2012 @ 9:06 am
No thanks.
February 23, 2012 @ 9:15 am
“Radio don’t need to know me but it needs to respect me…”
They sure do talk about CMT a lot on their twitter. Fuck these hypocrites.
March 2, 2012 @ 4:40 pm
Is CMT radio now? Sorry, I thought it was country music television. Guess I didn’t get the memo. At least think about your complaints and comments.
February 23, 2012 @ 9:25 am
My ears are bleeding.
February 23, 2012 @ 12:15 pm
I listen to this and I somehow want to blame Kid Rock. It’s not that this is terrible (but it truly is) it is the fact that it just all around bad song writing. The vocals sound terrible and mega auto-tuned on the first song.
February 23, 2012 @ 12:17 pm
It’s more Everlast than Kid Rock. Whether you like him or not, Kid Rock can actually sing….especially compared to these bozos. The quality of music doesn’t matter to me though, every word they say is either cliche or marketing imagery.
March 2, 2012 @ 7:36 pm
I don’t understand how so many people who hate this music would take the time out of their lives to comment about it. When i hear a song i don’t enjoy i change it, simple as that. These boys are great people with huge hearts and i thoroughly appreciate everything they do – the way they live, the music they make, the group of Shiners they’ve built that accepted me into their family with open arms, and OPC (which is a company they created to package boxes to send to troops overseas). All I’ve honestly gotten from all the negative comments on here is that you’re all really ignorant people who bash on others for being different. Shiner nation is filled with people who believe that different is unique and fully support it. If you don’t like the music then don’t listen, if you’ve never lived the lifestyle you have no place to judge. Anyways, I know haters are going to hate no matter what anyone has to say so go right ahead ’cause you’re making us famous 🙂 SFFS 132
February 23, 2012 @ 3:01 pm
Great music 😀 i love it
March 2, 2012 @ 10:40 am
let the haters hate shiner nation is growing day by day …….if i dont like music i dont listen to it but moonshine bandits are on top of my playlist ….s.f.f.s. 132 OS
March 2, 2012 @ 4:52 pm
I’m with Ricky on this one………. I grew up on country and also listen to many other genres. Moonshine Bandits have their own playlist my ipod. You attack the music because you don’t like it, that is your personal opinion and nothing is wrong with that. Them you attack them personally without knowing one fact. Get your facts straight…….. These boys ARE COUNTRY. And these boys get behind our troops! Check out OPC on facebook. This is MSB created a.nd supported
February 23, 2012 @ 3:02 pm
Great Music! I love it..:)
February 23, 2012 @ 3:03 pm
love the new album!
February 23, 2012 @ 3:04 pm
haha niceee videoo!
February 24, 2012 @ 7:09 am
Did these guys come in a time machine from 1999? This is music for people who don’t like music.
February 24, 2012 @ 11:36 am
Might help if they didn’t sing flat….probably wouldn’t help much though
February 25, 2012 @ 1:21 am
this makes me wonder how easy it is to get on CMT….smh
February 26, 2012 @ 9:12 am
Damn you Trig! I am grateful for all the great music that you have introduced me to. But, then along comes an article like this and I click play.
How the hell shit bands like this get play on CMT and the radio?
February 26, 2012 @ 9:58 am
How does this garbage get played when people with real musical talent don’t get the time of day… embarrassing
February 26, 2012 @ 2:04 pm
First heard these guys a while back when me and a buddy where trying to think of a potential band name I though moonshine bandits would be good name, decided to search see if it was taken and came across these guys. I lost faith in the world that day.
February 26, 2012 @ 10:56 pm
your coments and dislike twards this band, that I realy like, to me is evedence you don’t get it. the song is called my kinda country. not I’ll conform to your kinda country. and it seems you don’t understand the 1% out law patch or why this band can were there own colors, it’s ok you don’t get it. your not part of the 1% who do.
February 27, 2012 @ 1:17 pm
And i’m sure these clowns are real 1%ers or know anything truly about it ……..These guys are the ones that don’t get it.
February 28, 2012 @ 4:26 am
These are the kind of guys 1%er’s take on as probates with no intention of ever making them members, just to have there whenever they want to punch someone in the face.
February 27, 2012 @ 1:21 pm
Not sure if your comment is intentionally full of bad spelling and grammar to mock actual fans, or if you really are an actual fan of theirs without access to basic spell checking.
(If its the latter, start using FireFox for your browser. It has a spellchecker. Then you won’t look like a complete tard.)
February 27, 2012 @ 1:21 pm
Lern how 2 speek if u wantz to b takn c-reeusly. Werd.
February 27, 2012 @ 1:24 pm
Hey Trigger Man, I’d be really curious to find out what you think about Ridley Bent. He’s based out of Vancouver. Started in Hip Hop and made the transition to Country. His first album, “Blam” is a fusion of country and rap but his subsequent albums have been surprisingy authentic. He still includes a track or two where he raps but I would say it’s the antithesis of this kind of garbage and has real heart.
Have you heard of him? If not, maybe give him a listen. Like I said I’d be really curious to see what you think.
February 27, 2012 @ 1:24 pm
First of all… what the fuck is a CMT? Secondly, the whole time I was hoping the dude with the beard was Willy Tee Taylor and he’d pull out a 12 gauge and lay those fools down.
February 27, 2012 @ 2:49 pm
I blame the consumers. I get angry at shit bands but they are really just a symptom of a shallow heart. If there is no market for this crap they will stop making it. So we need to focus on spreading the good music.
Share the arts.
Help those with little or no culture.
It’s also a paradox to call these people out since the more youtube clicks they get the more valuable they become. Damn, they got us again!
Jason G.
March 2, 2012 @ 7:10 am
February 27, 2012 @ 6:42 pm
yall are all a bunch of haters man! I jam this shizz while plowing the fields and hitting switches in my droptop tractor rolling on Dubbs and… aww fuck it. I cant even joke about this crap… AWFUL!
February 28, 2012 @ 6:54 am
“…. I”™d rather eat the out the asshole of a roadkill skunk…”
Sorry for not being on topic but I recognize this quote and I just gotta…did you get this from the Angry Video Game Nerd videos or coicidence?
March 1, 2012 @ 7:20 pm
so let me just say that i love the moonshine bandits!!! and thank you for taking the time to review there new song. your opinion does not really matter good or bad but the fact that your talking about them is what matters. the moonshine bandits are a great bunch of guys that make great music. they also make music that a wide variety of people can relate to and enjoy. of course they would like to be a huge sucess in the music world but who wouldn’t. they bust there ass every day and will keep doing that no matter what level they rise too. it’s funny when i read 90% of most of these reviews beacouse they are only based on one song and mainly only the need to bitch about something. the moonshine bandits live every bit of what they sing about!!! party hard hell yes. love there country and there roots hell yes they do. every day they give thanks to our hard working soldiers. and they don’t just talk about it they do it working to help send hundreds of packages to our men and women overseas every year. and to say there fans are a bunch of crack heads that are only grabbing on to what the t.v. is telling them to makes me laugh. i am a 40 year old male who goes to work every day makes a shit load of money. has a wife that owns her own business has a family and oh guess what dosen’t do drugs!!! but do i like to have fun HELL YES… and the moonshine bandits make music to have a good time to. they are outlaws… if you knew anything about them you would know they don’t mean they are a wanted fugitive on the run, they mean they are going to do what they do there way and if you like it great but if not well guess what there gonna keep doing it there way!!! i could go on and on about how wrong you are about these guys but guyss what after i hit the send button on this i won’t be giving 2 shits about what you think anyway so why keep going. hell i didn’t even know what the hell “saving country” was untill i was searching for the moonshine bandits on google and i had to wade through 6 pages of good press before i came to this little site so it’s not even something to spend time on, but i just had to stop and tell you you got this one wrong buddy!!!!
March 1, 2012 @ 7:47 pm
I appreciate you coming here to defend an artist you believe in, and doing it with class.
March 2, 2012 @ 10:49 am
us shiners love the haters they help spread the word I bet half the people that watched it on this page liked it so we will take the haters with the new shiners
March 1, 2012 @ 8:05 pm
nicely put steve, i was about to leave a comment but not quite as nice as yours, you wrapped it up in a nut shell about these boys and i just couldnt understand the rude comments people were making on artist, you would think if they had that much to say so negatively and ignorant for that matter without really checking these boys out, well i was going to say other things but you put it great and helped me understand the mentality on this page, like vultures waiting on a fence. Thank you for representing our boys with such diplomatic response and hopefully us shiners wont get caught up in the ignorant comments on this page for the love of the moonshine mandits, these boys have worked hard to get where they are and i guess with it comes haters to..ttys sffs from the 707
March 2, 2012 @ 8:32 am
March 2, 2012 @ 2:09 pm
March 1, 2012 @ 10:20 pm
Haters make us famous SFFS
March 2, 2012 @ 7:19 am
Yesterday morning I turned on the TV and was flipping through the channels and I happened to come across this video on CMT. It was the first time I had listned to the Moonshine Bandits. While watching I was wondering how anyone could let this garbage play on TV but then I realized that is was CMT and they do seem to specialize in GARBAGE. The song seems so poorly written. The lyrics are incredibly weak and simple. It sounds like they took no time to put this song together. Im not going to judge them though. I think they sound like trash and thats my opinion. They look like their having fun and if they are then Ill let them be. I just find it so surprising that many people find this stuff good.
March 2, 2012 @ 8:02 am
I would love to respond to the many INARTICULATE, UNEDUCATED wastes of human space that are posting such negative comments, but it is obvious they are NOT SMARTER THAN A 5th GRADER…They must have quit school after 3rd grade judging by their spelling and grammar…You haters should seek education so maybe you could actually get a job and use your time and energy to support yourselves and your families so we “Hard Working Blue Collar Built Americans” won’t have to keep supporting you, trying to educate you and generally having to deal with you and your mental issues…Bless your hearts…
March 2, 2012 @ 8:25 am
The Moonshine Bandits are great guys, who make great music…their record sales and their fan base proves that……ignorant people who judge others make me laugh……but with all great things, great things have haters……If its not for you, push stop and stop listening, dont come online and bash some really good people and their music. Thank you for those that gave our boys a listen. The Moonshine Bandits and Shiner Nation arent goin anywhere… you haters need to pop some popcorn and take a back seat and watch where these boys go in the music business 😉 SFFS And if you are calling these lyrics stupid… are a douchebag city person who needs to open their mind……small town life and good hearted blue collar workers are the good people who spread positive messages about working hard and loving the lord………great message for our children. Nuff Said
March 2, 2012 @ 10:44 am
March 2, 2012 @ 2:03 pm
March 2, 2012 @ 2:21 pm
This Shiner Nation loves our Bandits. We work hard, play harder, and believe in an outlaw state of mind. We think outside the box. Rock, Rap, Country………. all have their good qualities. Our boys found a way to mix it together in a unique way that their fans think is awesome. Thanks again for taking the time to listen even if it wasn’t to your liking. SFFS~
March 2, 2012 @ 3:01 pm
I just love people that think they are Outlaws………….These guys are a joke and far from being anything OUTLAW. I think they should OUTLAW this gay music.
March 2, 2012 @ 3:43 pm
“dont you worry your pretty lil mind, people throw rocks at things that SHINE” -Taylor Swift
March 3, 2012 @ 9:41 am
This here website is about SAVING REAL COUNTRY MUSIC………music like this is destroying the foundation that country music was built on. If you can’t see that then you are blind. Click on my name it will take you to what I and alot of others on here consider Country Music. These guys are not it.
September 15, 2013 @ 4:15 pm
Ummmm, I listened (for as long as I could tolerate it, which was not long). Let me say this, I thought it was horrible and I’m from a very very rural area myself. Truthfully it sucked to me, but cool for the people who dig it you can have my part too. This is NOT what all rural farmers listen too, just for clarification.
September 15, 2013 @ 4:25 pm
PS…Pass me by with this music? please….
April 18, 2014 @ 7:27 pm
If I remember right Hank Williams jr and countless others were
Slammed by critics for being to risqué to be country!
Shine on Bandits!!!!
December 23, 2014 @ 8:20 am
Coming in way late here, but needless to say Moonshine Bandits have continued to grow their fan base by leaps and bounds over the last couple of years, proving that your opinion is certainly not the only one out there. Love these guys and all they stand for. Loosen up & have a good time without worrying about where good ole country is headed – there have always been those who skirted the edges of country and made it work. Check Moonshine Bandits out at or even better, grab yourself a ticket to a whole hell of a lot of fun – ~SFFS~
March 14, 2017 @ 7:09 am
“Joke band on a joke label”…? Check that charts last week? MSB is fine tuning their craft & their new release, BaptizedInBourbon is taking this to a whole new level. But I’m sure I’m just saying that cuz I like them, not because they’re in the Top 3 Spots of Billboard or Amazon or Google or iTunes….Cups Up baby, the party is just getting started. SFFS