The Worst “Country” Albums of 2019
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Alright, so we’ve run down the Saving Country Music Album of the Year nominees, and awarded The Winner. And we’ve also populated the 2019 Essential Albums List. Now it’s time to single out the dogs of the last calendar year and let them hear it. Here ladies and gentlemen are your WORST “Country” Albums for 2019.
Zac Brown Band – The Owl
A busy, disjointed, manic, mutt of a mono-genre effort with absolutely no compass, direction, or general purpose, The Owl is the vomiting out of any and all popular music influences mashed together like peanut butter and poodle shit. Forget all the high talk of how combining genre can be a gateway to vibrant creativity and musical evolution through the blending of influences and art forms. This record is like putting gummy bears in a lasagna. Both may be good, but they just don’t belong together in these combinations. It’s just flat out wrong.
In an attempt to be all things to all people, Zac Brown may have found the moment and place on the space time continuum where you don’t mean anything to anybody. Make no mistake, the 2013 knitted beanie version of Zac Brown would lay a vicious beat down on whatever the top-hatted Zac Brown has become today.
This new Zac Brown Band record is so bad, the label BMG pulled any and all promo behind it. The press received no preview copies, or pitches on features for the release. In short, with The Owl, The Zac Brown Band appears to have offed their mainstream career. (read review)
Thomas Rhett – Center Point Road
The great American country music goober is back ladies and gentlemen, riding a wave of nepotistic opportunity and slavish trend chasing to launch his own insipid bid in a crowded field of hopefuls to be considered the most non-country “country” star stultifying the American country music airwaves with knockoff R&B rubbish.
It’s clearly evident when listening to Thomas Rhett’s Center Point Road that he not only harbors no love for the actual and authentic sounds and modes of country music, Thomas Rhett outright loathes them, giving a wide berth whenever they threaten to enter his path, and instead turns his wheel into sounds and influences that symbolize the very antithesis of the country genre. Listening to Center Point Road, Thomas Rhett might as well have just cued up a mic and screamed “Screw country music!” and released that, or Instagram’d an image of him rubbing his balls on the stone-carved cowboy hat sitting at the foot of the Hank Williams grave.
Thomas Rhett is a chameleon of commercialization, with his premier attribute being a pliability to do whatever sells. But why would anyone buy the Opie version of Bruno Mars when they could listen to Bruno Mars himself? (read review)
Jason Aldean – 9
What Jason Aldean has done with this his 9th major album release is truly incredible. Who knew anyone had the stamina, the fortitude, the wherewithal, and the stick-to-itiveness to doggedly cram so many small town red meat chest-pounding machismo cliche’s into a single music album. Leave it to our boy from Macon to rear back and get it done. Jason Aldean is like an endurance athlete of countrified cock rock, shattering his old records with this newest release by turning in a merciless parade of sixteen songs that rattle your skull in a blisteringly loud and serrated audio assault bereft of nuance or variety, all captured in a void of self-awareness. Bravo, Jason Aldean. Inexplicably, you have outdone yourself.
This is the most Jason Aldean record of Jason Aldean’s career, meaning he rooted out most all the substance, boiled down all the sentimental impurities, burrowed deep to the kernel of his id and ego, and doubled down on the most lucrative aspects of his career commercially. Usually when culling through even the worst mainstream country releases, there’s at least a couple of commendable songs buried in the album cuts, including, if not especially a Jason Aldean effort. ‘9’ is basically just the same song with sixteen different flavors, like snapping different skin covers on the same iPhone. It’s almost like what a parody artist would present if they were looking to make fun of a Jason Aldean record.
‘9’ is all about fire-breathing guitar riffs, pounding drums, and quick passes through lame brain verses on the way to big blustery choruses served up to shake the cross beams of Mountain Dew Arena or Doritos Stadium. We need sixteen of these damn songs like we need sixteen more Democratic nominees for President of the United States in 2020. You feel dumber just by feeding your curiosity and taking a peek into how bad this record is. (read more)
Florida Georgia Line – Can’t Say I Ain’t Country
We can, and we will say that Florida Georgia Line and this new record ain’t country, because as an overall assessment, they ain’t. Southern pop perhaps, with country music tokenisms like passing notions of steel guitar garnishing some of the tracks similar to a delicate sprig of thyme or a freshly-picked mint leaf deftly placed upon a steaming pile of diuretic stool.
As disturbing of a notion as it is to even consider some mainstream country performer attempting to dabble in a “woke” version of the music, putting Tweedle Do and Tweedle Dum on the case is an even more daft idea. This was illustrated in one of the album’s early tracks, the mawkish and list-tastic “People Are Different.” Don’t be fooled into thinking FGL’s “Women” with Jason Derulo is some ode to the gentler sex. It’s an insult veiled in social awareness. The Cruise boys talk about how they need to “get one” in the song like a woman is a pair of Air Jordans or the latest 4K television. And even if the trajectory of “Women” would have been on target, it still in no way would have atoned for arguably the worst song of Florida Georgia Line’s already vile and monstrous career, the aggressively offensive “Swerve.”
Screw trying to speak to the plight of women. The statutory implications of a line like, “Does your daddy let you date?” coming from the 32-year-old Tyler Hubbard, combined with the objectification and indolent writing of phrases such as “…with that booty in them pants” means you might get #metoo’d in your office space simply by listening to “Swerve.” And if you think those concerns are being too prudish, try to not be offended as a country fan by the music of this song, which sounds like the 8-Bit sound bed of a boss level in a 90’s Nintendo adventure game. (read more)
Maren Morris – GIRL
GIRL can be analyzed with excruciating detail, combed over, decomposed and splayed out into its most essential elements, and still not even a modicum of anything that could ever be construed as “country” by even the most liberal of interpretations of that term can be procured. This is not the case for other often highly criticized commercial country performers and their respective records, including the most grievous offenders of genre mischaracterization such as Sam Hunt, Kane Brown, or Florida Georgia Line. Even these projects will feature tokenary banjo, or maybe fiddle, or perhaps agrarian themes in the lyricism. But GIRL can’t even claim these perfunctory homages to country.
As pop, Maren Morris’s GIRL probably works pretty well, and may even excel or be an above average effort in that realm when balancing it out against peer examples. And even as a country fan, you may favor a song from GIRL coming over the radio compared to the latest offering from some Bro-Country holdover tractor rapping about a date rape in a corn field.
But Maren Morris and GIRL are still not country, setting up inevitable conflict. Some fans and media members knowing down in their hearts what a misnomer it is to call this music country side step the issue in the effort to enhance the prospects of a woman in a genre they feel is too bereft of them. Of course women should have their place in country music, but there should also be a place for country in country music, and it happens to be that Maren Morris and GIRL pose a threat to both these concerns for women and country by shading out actual female country stars. (read more)
January 1, 2020 @ 9:49 am
The hard swats of truth in this article:
– a mono-genre effort with absolutely no compass, direction, or general purpose
– riding a wave of nepotistic opportunity and slavish trend chasing to launch his own insipid bid
– an assault bereft of nuance or variety, all captured in a void of self-awareness
– sounds like the 8-Bit sound bed of a boss level in a 90’s Nintendo adventure game
– shading out actual female country stars.
Thanks for the most enjoyable music rants on the innerwebs, Trig. May the new year bring you fewer things to make you throw up a little in your mouth.
Happy 2020!
January 1, 2020 @ 10:12 am
Aldean proves once again why he’s the worst in country music
January 1, 2020 @ 10:27 am
Maren Morris is not even remotely country. The crossover stuff of the 70-90’s sounds like Boxcar Willie in comparison to this horseshit. And here I thought Sam Hunt from a few years back was as low as things could get……..
January 1, 2020 @ 2:53 pm
She’s the female version.
January 2, 2020 @ 7:29 pm
Maren has one (and ONLY one) thing on Sam Hunt: she can actually sing. Otherwise, no argument. She’s about as country as Camila Cabello.
January 1, 2020 @ 10:53 am
I just don’t understand how we can classify any of this crap country music !! I don’t even turn the radio on anymore because the crap they try to pass off as country music just makes me sick .Very little of today’s music could even remotely be considered good country music , the days of good country music seem to be a thing of the past.I think I will stick to my CDs of Alan Jackson , George Strait, Chris Stapleton, and all the true country musicians from better days because they new what true country music was!!!
January 1, 2020 @ 6:19 pm
Country is still kickin. Just not on the radio. It’s outlaw now! We have some great Texas Country artist. Cody Jinks, Sturgill Simpson, Tyler Childers, Red Shahan, Whisky Morgan, Aaron Lewis, Ward Davis, Bishop Gunn, Wade Reeves and Whisky Myers. Just need to turn off the radio.
January 2, 2020 @ 8:56 am
I agree. I drive an eighteen wheeler and rely heavily on Dallas Moore to help get me through each mile when I get tired. He pumps me up and helps me roll the miles away.
January 1, 2020 @ 11:05 am
imagine how much space would be available on radio if these five acts weren’t getting the airplay they do not deserve and dozens of more focused COUNTRY acts do ? ……
for me , maren morris is the biggest musical let down . not because she isn’t country …but because if she would just go full- blown -damn- the -torpedoes POP we wouldn’t have to suffer through these forgettable songs she seems to think straddle the genre fence .
she has , in my opinion , one of THE best voices in the biz and its wasted on non -de-script material trying to find a following on a non-descript radio format . more than anything its just sad .
January 1, 2020 @ 11:18 am
I absolutely love this site. 5 years ago I was a country neophyte when I discovered Saving Country Music and it was like opening Tut’s Tomb in terms of riches of information and recommendations… I would never have discovered so much of the lesser known artists had it not been presented here. I don’t get the negative lists, however. I’m not even necessarily the most “positive” person and I don’t like the music at all that’s presented on these lists but hey… What I would love, especially considering Saving Country Music is one person, is for you to post “Top Non-Country Albums for 2019” – it would be great to see what else you’re listening to. There was a lot of great music released in 2019! Cheers and be well in 2020 and I will continue to, when someone suggests that they don’t like “Country Music,” to reference them to what I consider the definitive resource on the subject!
January 1, 2020 @ 11:36 am
Especially given the small amount of space devoted to the negative lists, I appreciate them. Posts about the “negative” stuff inform and remind me of just exactly what country music needs saving from. It’s kind of a way of keeping informed about what the other side is doing. It’s also a reminder of just how overwhelmingly powerful the mainstream really is, which is a reminder to to buy albums, tickets, and merchandise to support the artists who are keeping country music alive in such amazing ways. Supporting them thanks them and gives them a fighting chance of continuing to do what they do.
Trig doesn’t spend much time on the negative stuff overall, in my opinion. And it’s usually pretty funny. My highlight from this post was that Zac Brown’s record “is like putting gummy bears in a lasagna.”
January 1, 2020 @ 12:20 pm
Strong criticism of the mainstream is the conduit to turning the public on to better alternatives. It very directly results in music consumers being exposed to better options and making better choices. Without criticism of the mainstream, the Saving Country Music machine fails to be effective, and basically just becomes an exercise in preaching to a choir.
There were 80 albums on the Essential Albums list, 8 additional Album of the Year nominees, all of which received full reviews, and only 5 albums reviewed negatively all year. One of the reasons many think that Saving Country Music regularly writes negative reviews, or even believe that’s the majority of what happens here, is because these negative reviews receive an incredible amount of attention, even though they make up such a slim amount of coverage. But in doing so, they help spread awareness that there is an entire other world of music out there for people to discover beyond what radio is feeding them.
January 1, 2020 @ 1:28 pm
Also, I unfortunately don’t really get any opportunities to listen to new music that is not country. I reviewed around 100 albums this year, and still there are dozens of people out there bad mouthing this site, saying I’m a fraud, and swearing to never read it again and tell their friends to do the same just because I didn’t review so and so’s album. I could have reviewed 100 more albums than I did, and still people would be saying this. If I reviewed non country albums, people would say I’ve become a turncoat and shouldn’t be giving any attention to non country albums because oh my God I haven’t even reviewed so and so’s album. I usually do try to review one or two non country albums a year. I reviewed Weird Al a couple of years back and lost a reader of 8 years over it. I reviewed Courtney Barnett last year who actually has quite a few ties to country and roots and people were calling for my head. But overall, I’m just not informed enough to even put together a 5-album list of non country albums and act like I know what I’m talking about. I do listen to other music than country, but most of it is older.
I do the best I can.
January 1, 2020 @ 4:54 pm
You do a Great job.
People just love to bit**. Don’t let them get to you.
January 1, 2020 @ 5:55 pm
Ha! You should start reviewing those people! 😀
January 2, 2020 @ 9:25 am
I leave the occasional snarky comment, but my purpose in even commenting here is to provide what I feel is legitimate feedback. And I do that because the proprietor of this web site takes such a personal interest in feedback–good or bad.
I don’t think it is coincidence that the quality of this web site and the degree of user interaction are both so high.
This is the only web site of any kind that I read on a regular basis.
If you are opening the motion up to a vote, I vote NO on reviewing non-Country albums. Taste of Country does of that every day, anyway.
January 2, 2020 @ 10:58 am
You just reviewed 5 of them non country albums in this article.
January 1, 2020 @ 1:56 pm
The thing is, the crap is what most people think modern country music is, it damages the image of the music and the culture.
January 1, 2020 @ 1:32 pm
Trig, any review or thoughts on Blake Shelton’s compilation album .. Loaded in God’s Country. The album sales were off the roof… Over 85k in sales is crazy for a greatest hits cd.
I would think Blake fans would feel cheated on with this new project, pretty lame that country’s biggest star didn’t feel inspired enough to put out a full length album of new material
January 1, 2020 @ 1:55 pm
Massive ticket bundle tied to that release. That’s one of the reason they’re changing the rules for the new year where ticket bundles won’t measure that big. They still might factor in some, but not like this.
January 1, 2020 @ 3:47 pm
Ah.. But Blake only tours for like 5 weeks at most…. He’s probably only doing 12 shows in 2020, and he’s no Garth in terms of massive stadium venues.. I was still surprised to see him land over 85k.. I was thinking more like 30k in sales at best for a compilation cd…
January 1, 2020 @ 7:10 pm
Can’t say it was tied to a “massive” ticket bundle. He only has, what, 13 shows for the spring tour. Another artist had ticket and merchandise bundle and didn’t do as well. Don’t you think artists and labels are trying to navigate how music will be consumed? (Funny it’s no longer bought but consumed). So EP, Compilations,Singles. At least until they know where to go with music.
January 2, 2020 @ 1:59 pm
If it’s consumed, maybe that’s why so much of it is crap.
January 1, 2020 @ 4:02 pm
Putting out an album of old songs fans know what they’re going to get at least. A fandom that was really cheated Miranda Lambert’s. She put out an album that was 3/4 pure garbage. Not even good pop, just vapid noise. Even with bundling where buying a hat would get you a free album her sales tanked. Her dwindling fan base won’t stream or buy her singles. Her latest isn’t even in the top 100 Country iTunes. How the mighty have fallen.
January 1, 2020 @ 4:16 pm
I would prefer new music any day from my favorite artist rather than a greatest hits cd. But you appear to be a delusional Blake stan… So I’m ending my conversation right here …
January 1, 2020 @ 4:52 pm
The beauty of personal choice is you don’t have to buy a greatest hits album. As a Miranda stan you should be aware with that concept since you and her other stans spend more time worrying about her ex husband than buying and streaming her new music.
January 1, 2020 @ 6:38 pm
Black Boots, Please get your facts straight… I’m a “Stan” to only one artist , and his name is Jonathan Ryan Pardi
January 1, 2020 @ 5:17 pm
Got a Blake stan here folks.
January 1, 2020 @ 5:21 pm
“Her latest isn’t even in the top 100 Country iTunes”
This is just a straightforward lie.
I don’t get why you can’t like Blake without hating Miranda.
January 1, 2020 @ 7:02 pm
I mean you’ve got to ask yourself why is a big Miranda fan even concerned about the sales of a compilation album to begin with? Blake and Miranda both bundled their albums so why are people getting pissy over sales numbers?
January 1, 2020 @ 7:12 pm
Bluebird is sitting at 135 on the ITunes country chart behind 4 year old songs. Sorry to dissapoint but it’s an undeniable fact.
January 1, 2020 @ 7:54 pm
Folks, this article has nothing to do with Miranda Lambert, or Blake Shelton for that matter. Bad enough we can’t discuss those two without the comments section turning into a train wreck, now Stans have to infect other articles that have nothing to do with them.
And trust me, if you’re keeping up where Miranda Lambert’s current single is on the fucking iTunes charts, you’re a Stan of some sort. iTunes doesn’t even officially exist anymore.
Keep comments on topic, or risk getting them deleted.
January 2, 2020 @ 12:52 am
It All Comes Out In the Wash is in the top 100 and her album is in the top 10 and was a number 1 on the charts.
January 2, 2020 @ 1:04 am
Trigger, I am far from a stan for Miranda Lambert, her latest effort contains too much pop for my tastes and in general I have a hard time getting fully behind most of her albums. Moreover, I don’t hate Blake Shelton – God’s Country was a good song. However, it’s clear this person posted purely to snidely attack her out of some misguided sense that being a Blake Shelton fan legally requires you to hate his ex-wife. These comments show up everywhere Miranda Lambert is mentioned on the internet and are clearly in bad faith
so really, I think they deserve some pushback.
January 2, 2020 @ 10:14 am
Oh I agree. I just didn’t want this comments section to become nothing more than back and forths about Miranda Lambert.
January 2, 2020 @ 7:13 am
Actually, I think Black Boots is a disappointed Miranda fan. I’m pretty sure he has made comments in the past where he’s called her an all time great. So, maybe like some of the old Sturgill fans who were aghast at his latest album
January 2, 2020 @ 9:55 am
Whoever made that comment is pretending to be me. I love Wildcard a lot. Kinda stupid you can just use someone’s name on here, but I guess it doesn’t matter.
January 2, 2020 @ 10:11 am
I don’t think they’re pretending to be you. I think they’re a Blake Shelton troll who chose the same name as you. And no, there’s nothing preventing people from choosing the same comment name, though if I see someone clearly trying to impersonate another commenter, I put an end to it.
One thing you (and everyone else) can do to personalize their comments is to go to and get a personal avatar that will work here and on many other sites.
January 16, 2020 @ 10:00 am
From everything I’ve seen out there, the reverse is true. ML fans are really vicious. I don’t follow her as I am not a fan of her music or her in general, but seriously her fans are really nasty. They claim to hate Blake, yet they want him back. She’s remarried, he’s happy & in a long term relationship. Just let them be.
January 1, 2020 @ 1:36 pm
I’m no fan of FGL, but their newest songs aren’t bad. Blessings is my favorite song of theirs. This new album is their strongest to date and a decent step in the right direction for them!! Can’t say the same for the rest of the artists on this list sadly
January 2, 2020 @ 12:52 am
You suck. Worst commenter on this website.
January 2, 2020 @ 1:18 am
Seriously?? You must pay attention and read all the comments that I post….. Hey pal, do yourself a favor and just ignore my comments. I’m sorry my posts are too irresistible for you haha
January 1, 2020 @ 3:58 pm
It’s still insane that Maren Morris won Album of the Year at the CMA’s over Eric Church…
January 1, 2020 @ 8:27 pm
Because it was the year of politically correct me-too equality. That awards crap was well figured out before the show. They made their statement to an ever decreasing viewership. And I am no Church apologist.
January 1, 2020 @ 5:07 pm
” Fraud “??
This is simply the finest Country Music site on the internet!!
January 1, 2020 @ 6:58 pm
Amen! With arguably the most talented writer-
As for the “lists”, good or bad, I don’t care. I know who and what I like and that’s all that matters in my musical tastes- as for this site, I’d love to see some of the detractors and critics work as hard as Trigger- I can’t imagine the intellectual energy it takes to write all he does, never mind “reviews”- Holy ears listening, brain fried, fingers sore Batman-
January 1, 2020 @ 8:30 pm
Trigger is to be commended. Somehow he has to listen to all the modern garbage yet he manages to not reak of the smell. Don’t know how he does it.
January 1, 2020 @ 11:09 pm
Only CODY EFFING JINKS had 2 #1 albums and all my local station plays is the crap on this list
January 2, 2020 @ 5:44 am
Completely agree with the list.
January 2, 2020 @ 6:29 am
Nashvilles “finest”…all on the list.
All? Wait…
…(un-)popular opinion…but…i miss Miranda Lambert & production-wise the Highwoman album.
January 2, 2020 @ 6:40 am
I actually look forward to reviews of these crappy albums. Always guaranteed to put a smile on my face.
“country music tokenisms like passing notions of steel guitar garnishing some of the tracks similar to a delicate sprig of thyme or a freshly-picked mint leaf deftly placed upon a steaming pile of diuretic stool.”
Thanks for a great 2019. looking forward to what 2020 has in store!
January 2, 2020 @ 8:17 am
The “Girl” album cover is the worst album cover in the history of recorded music. A last call 6, laying on a bed of roses in a Big Bird costume, whilst removing the feathered uppermost layer to reveal her training bra. Doing all of this with a Sandra Bernhard-esque anxious sneer on her face. The music sucks, too, but the album cover is especially rotten.
January 2, 2020 @ 1:28 pm
Listen to Jerry Jeff Walker, and Ray Wylie Hubbard! 2 of the best!
January 2, 2020 @ 2:00 pm
The fact that you sat through these shows that you could be waterboarded without even closing your eyes, let alone revealing a secret.
These “songs” sound like the way diarrhea smells, from the few that I heard while at stores
January 2, 2020 @ 11:29 pm
“Tractor rapping about date rape in a corn field” is my new go to description for mainstream country.
January 3, 2020 @ 12:42 am
Such sad, sad, elitist people
January 3, 2020 @ 2:57 am
Just found this site, and I am beside myself with joy! Finally found some like minded people that hate todays Country crap as much as I do! Now please tell me you guys feel the same way about all the traditional Christmas songs! I hate those as much as pop country!
January 3, 2020 @ 9:01 am
How bout an award for the album cover with largest collection of goofy hats…?
January 3, 2020 @ 11:55 am
Listen here, Trigger. Don’t you sully 8-bit music by using it as a descriptor in a FGL review summary!
January 7, 2020 @ 4:37 am
This is a new site for me and I love it. It’s 5am here but I have always been a night owl. What has kept me here is the joy I have to know and see the opinions of so many people who feel the same as me. This music that’s called country today is so far from real country music and radio sucks today. I play and sing performing real CM and I was a country personality on radio for 45 years which makes me an old fart but very thoroughly filled with CWM facts and stories from long ago. Sorry I went so long here. Thanks for any opinions and news.
January 7, 2020 @ 9:02 am
Thanks for reading Robert. Glad you found the site!