Tim McGraw Slaps Woman Across The Face At Concert – UPDATED

tim-mcgraw***UPDATE (7-21-14): Tim McGraw has finally responded to the incident, and Atlanta police have weighed in.

This story has been updated.

Tim McGraw is in hot water with some fans after video surfaced of the country star aggressively slapping a woman in the face at a concert in Atlanta on Sunday (7-13) at Aaron’s Ampitheatre at Lakewood. Footage of the incident has spread across the internet on sites such as The Huffington Post and TMZ, and has Tim McGraw in hot water with some fans in a genre where laying your hands on a woman is considered forbidden.

But McGraw slapping the female fan only tells part of the story. Clearly seen in the video, a woman in the crowd reaches out to touch Tim’s leg twice before grabbing Tim’s jeans near his left pocket and causing a large rip, potentially looking for a threaded souvenir, or trying to touch Tim. Some also discern from the grainy videos available that the woman was trying to touch Tim’s genitals. The woman either didn’t let go, or her hand gets caught on Tim’s jeans, and when he goes to pull away is when the “instinctive” slap occurred according to Tim’s spokesperson. Tim was singing his song “Truck Yeah” as an encore performance at the time.

“At the end of the night during the encore, Tim was singing out in the audience and someone firmly grabbed onto his leg and wouldn’t let go as he was moving through the crowd,” says McGraw’s publicity firm The GreenRoom. “He instinctively swatted to try and keep them from ripping his jeans (which they succeeded at doing), and so he could get to more fans who were trying to slap hands with him before the end of the show. He didn’t know who had grabbed him and was trying to keep his pants from being torn.”

The woman was later escorted out of the concert by a security guard.

Though the woman was clearly being aggressive and putting her hands on Tim, the question for some fans remains why Tim felt the need to slap the woman, and so aggressively, instead of waiting for security to diffuse the situation. As can be seen in both videos of the incident, security arrives very shortly afterwards. At the same time, Tim was clearly reacting to the situation, and not acting out against the woman unilaterally.

READ: Tim McGraw Responds to Fan Slapping Incident & Police Weigh In

UPDATE (7-18-14 11:00 PM CDT): Yet another video has surfaced from the incident, showing the woman who was slapped in a blue top smacking Tim McGraw on the butt multiple times as he walks down the walkway.

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