What 21 Artists Are Planning To Do In 2012
I think at this point it is pretty much a forgone conclusion that in 2012 we’re all going to die of death. You know, that whole Mayan thing. But I thought just to be on the safe side, just in case we all don’t die, we’ll probably want to listen to some music, so wouldn’t it be cool to know what some of your favorite artists have planned for 2012. So I asked them to tell us in their own words.
Leroy Virgil of Hellbound Glory is…
…working on a new project we’re just gonna call ‘merica. Gonna come out in chapters or volumes, haven’t decided. Songs about real ‘merica. Shitload of new songs. Also shit load of touring. Nationwide February and March.
…balancing two aging dogs, two little sons, 500 Elementary aged children, 4 chickens in coop & 1 debilitated claw toe while releasing a 10″ LP and new full length album. We also hope to be coming to your town whether in France, Tennessee or Canada. RAR RAR 2012!
Roger Alan Wade is…
…recording a new album, “The Last Request of Elijah Rose” – it’s a prequel to “Deguello Motel”. -I’ve got the songs written and just been playing them at home and sneaking a few in on shows getting ’em broke in for the studio. This one feels good. And hittin’ the road a little more this coming year.
McDougall is…
…going to put out a new album, spend thousands of miles on the road, and meet the girl of his dreams (not necessarily in that order).
Even as a child Ray Wylie Hubbard sensed the need for a hymnal for grifters. In 2012, he will release an album entitled “The Grifter’s Hymnal” consisting of 11 new original songs and a ringo starr cover; therefore fulfilling a life long quest and hopefully defying the Mayan calender.
Bob Wayne is…
…rollin till the wheels fall off …..(insert train whistle)!!! Yeeeehaaw!!!
Rachel Brooke is…
…heading back into the studio to release an analog full length record. And touring more. Also heading to the west coast where the 2012 earthquake will probably kill me.
Sturgill Simpson of Sunday Valley is…
…planning to win…period.
Ruby Jane is…
…going to remember the importance of loved ones and of being there for them no matter the circumstances. That is the most important thing I leaned from 2011.
…gonna play over 200 shows, just like we always do. See you at the honky tonk.
Adam Lee & the Dead Horse Sound Company are…
…already hard at work on a new release. We’re also hitting the road once the snow thaws. IN,IL,OK,AR,LA, and TX are up first. We’ll see ya this Spring!
Jayke Orvis is…
…hittin’ the studio, hittin’ Europe, and hittin’ Baby Genius in the penis.
Austin Lucas is…
…working on a follow up to “A New Home in the Old World”, tentatively with Tennessee legends Glossary as my backup band. I’ll also be heading into the studio with my family this summer for our first ever, official “Lucas Family Band” album. Heading out on the road in a few weeks.
James Hunnicutt is…
…going to kill the world with kindness in 2012 in a rootsy, metal sorta’ way 😉
JB Beverley of the Wayward Drifters is…
…2012 is going to be a big one for me. I have the new Wayward Drifters record, my solo project, the Little White Pills, and Ghostdance. No rest for the weary nor the wicked!
Peewee Moore is…
…releasing his 2nd full length all original album in the Spring to be followed by a 100 + American City Support Tour.
…releasing their 2nd album in spring/early summer and will be touring the west coast, southwest, and southeast in early August and a possible movie appearance may occur if all goes well.
Slackeye Slim is…
… planning on doing a bunch of writing, and trying to get a band together in time for a summer tour of the US.
Lonesome Wyatt of Those Poor Bastards is…
…praying for the destruction of mankind and releasing many more hit songs.
Lone Wolf is…
…gonna be working on a new album which should be ready by February, touring the whole southeast with four other acts on a tour named “The Dukes of Juke Tour”, and also will be playing austin in march. His schedule is getting busier by the day…thats right folks, keep yer eyes and ears peeled cause the one man banjo speed demon may be coming to a town near you!!!!!!!!!
Derek Dunn is…
…putting out “Poisonous Serpents”, and touring around the U.S. and Europe.
Olds Sleeper is…
…releasing an album on Sunday, January 1, 2012 in preparation for the intended self-pocolypse of said year. “New Years Poem” will be free.
Willy Tea Taylor is…
…going to throw a perfect 9 innings during the wiffle ball game of his life.
January 3, 2012 @ 4:13 pm
Lonesome Wyatt is my kinda dude
January 4, 2012 @ 10:15 am
Amen! I’m praying real hard, too.
January 3, 2012 @ 4:38 pm
MCDOUGALL!!!!!!! Willy Tea you crack me up every time! See ya soon pal.
January 3, 2012 @ 6:19 pm
Im a big Rachel Brooke fan, but why does she mention that she is recording in analog? Many many artists still record in analog. This seems like she is just trying to cash in on the vintage hipster fad that is going on to me. “Look at me im doing something in analog, Im soo old fashioned”.
January 3, 2012 @ 7:03 pm
Or maybe she’s just excited to be recording in analog.
I do see what you’re saying. I think it’s kind of hip right now to nerd out on things like analog recording. But knowing Rachel’s passion for texture and subtleties, my guess is she either just scored an analog rig or knows somebody who has one she is going to use, and is truly passionate about it. I know her last album was recorded at home, and was likely digital. She’s probably excited to be working in a new format.
January 3, 2012 @ 6:54 pm
I must agree. I believe that Last False Hope and Highlonesome also have full lengths coming out in the new year. Those are something to look forward to.
January 3, 2012 @ 10:32 pm
hey Triggerman,your tight with the Hillgrass people right?…any news on when that J.R. & R.L. tribute album is suppose to drop?…i’m ready to step over cripple people to get my hands on that record.
January 3, 2012 @ 10:41 pm
I don’t know. I know they are being really patient, waiting for the right tracks before they release it. Hopefully we’ll see it later this year.
January 3, 2012 @ 10:44 pm
And by the way, just in case some folks are wondering, I spammed out requests for people to submit quotes to as many artists as I could, and that I had contact info for until my arm went numb. I was hoping to get 20 responses, and I got 21, but just because I didn’t include somebody on here doesn’t mean I didn’t try to get a quote, or that I don’t like them or something. I had to draw the line somewhere. I do the best I can.
January 4, 2012 @ 4:28 am
theres no fuckin way Willie Tea could throw a perfect wifffle ball game if i had a chance at the plate. I d at least get ONE with my humongous elbows danglin all over homeplate.
January 4, 2012 @ 10:48 am
Sounds good…..till’ you are standing at the plate getting them hurled at ya’. The whistle of the wind through the holes…..the certainty in my head that I am going to connect, then the sucker takes a dive, and the bat is lonely as can be over that plate. That boy can toss a wiffle ball. Been there, done that. I want to see Willy throw a wiffle ball at a Giants game……
January 4, 2012 @ 6:03 pm
weber…imagining playing a good wiffle game with you and willy…that would be fun afternoon.
January 4, 2012 @ 5:49 am
i used to heave a hellacious spitter with a softball. got so no one would play catch with me unless i promised not to toss one at them. never occurred to me to try a spitter with a wiffle ball since they dance pretty good on their own. a perfect nine, willy? look to old gaylord perry vids and interviews.
January 4, 2012 @ 7:53 am
Read the statement by Bob yesterday and saw on facebook today that he started recording a new album.
From this and all the other comments 2012 seems to become a good year for music.
Plus Muddy Roots Europe!
January 5, 2012 @ 11:21 am
Great information….Looking forward to this “”˜merica” from Leeroy.
January 5, 2012 @ 6:12 pm
You forgot one: Triggerman is …
January 7, 2012 @ 9:21 pm