Country Guitarist Chris Rodriguez Accused of Assaulting Wife

UPDATE: Country Guitarist Chris Rodriguez Convicted on Assault Charge
See original article below.
Country and contemporary Christian artist Chris Rodriguez who is currently a member of the band The Rise Above with Rascal Flatts member Jay DeMarcus—and has worked as a touring musician for Keith Urban, Shania Twain, and many others—was charged with Aggravated Assault – Strangulation for an incident that occurred on June 13th in Nashville. He was arrested for the offense on June 17th, and the felony charges are currently pending in the Davidson County court in Nashville.
According to the affidavit obtained by Saving Country Music, police were dispatched to the home of 61-year-old Chris Rodriguez and his wife Charlotte Medley after she called about a domestic disturbance. Ms. Medley told police the two had arrived home separately after having gone out for the night, and that she could tell Mr. Rodriguez was angry about something. Ms. Medley tried to barricade herself in a bedroom for her protection, but before she could get a chair in front of the door, Mr. Rodriguez forced himself in, and allegedly started hitting her with a closed fist.
When Ms. Medley fell back on the bed, she alleges Mr. Rodriguez put both hands around her neck and started choking her. She says she never lost consciousness, but was not able to breath for a period. Ms. Medley then reportedly fell on the floor, and Mr. Rodriguez continued to strike her with a closed fist until she tried to push him off and strike him back and he left the room. Ms. Medley then barricaded the door, and called the police. Officers observed bruises on the left side of Charlotte Medley’s face, and swelling and an abrasion on her right arm.
After the incident, a protection order was signed, which Chris Rodriguez allegedly violated in a separate incident, resulting in a Criminal Contempt charge. Mr. Rodriguez had a court date on July 14th, and is scheduled to be in court again on August 2nd for the Criminal Contempt charge, and on September 15th for the Aggravated Assault – Strangulation charge.
A native of The Bronx, Chris Rodriguez moved to Nashville and became an in-demand session guitarist throughout the 90’s, appearing on recordings from Vince Gill, Shania Twain, Faith Hill, Dolly Parton, Kenny Rogers, Lee Ann Womack, and others. He participated in Shania Twain’s “The Woman in Me” TV tour band from 1995 to 1996, toured with Keith Urban from 2005 to 2010, and has also toured with Faith Hill, Kelly Clarkson, and LeAnn Rimes.
Also active in the Christian music market, Rodriguez released a solo album on Word Records called Beggar’s Paradise in 1999. In October of 2020, it was announced Chris Rodriguez would be part of the supergroup The Rise Above with Jay DeMarcus of Rascal Flatts, along with Deen Castronovo of Journey, and Jason Scheff of Chicago. The group is expected to release their debut album in 2021.
UPDATE 8/8/2021: A copy of the affidavit from the Davidson County Court can be seen below.

July 15, 2021 @ 1:44 pm
Is an album released in 1999 enough to be considered “Active” in the Christian music market? Not defending the guy at all, but feeling like that part of the story was tossed in here to tear down Christianity.
July 15, 2021 @ 1:55 pm
Understand the concern, but it certainly wasn’t meant that way. Along with his solo album, Chris Rodriguez has played guitar on albums from contemporary Christian artists such as Amy Grant, Rich Mullins, Michael W. Smith, and others. Most biographies you can find on him mention his work in the Christian music market. I just didn’t go more in-depth into that side of his career because this is a country music website. But it was definitely not the intent to add that in there as a jab at anyone.
July 15, 2021 @ 4:52 pm
I definitely appreciate the clarification, though as someone who grew up with ’90s CCM, I didn’t take it as a jab towards Christianity.
But it makes me wonder: when it comes to the actual music, is there that much difference between country music (the radio friendly pop kind) and Christian music (the radio friendly pop kind)?
July 15, 2021 @ 4:56 pm
Nashville isn’t just the home of country music, it’s also where a lot of the production and infrastructure for the contemporary Christian market happens also. That’s why you have a lot of “rub” and overlap, especially when it comes to professional studio and touring musicians such as Chris Rodriguez.
I appreciate that some people had never heard of this guy before. But he is definitely someone a lot of folks in both the mainstream country and contemporary Christian know very, very well. He has credits all over the place.
July 16, 2021 @ 12:51 pm
I appreciate the clarification. Thank you!
July 15, 2021 @ 2:18 pm
I’ve seen enough interviews by christian artists saying that they themselves are not perfect christians. I can certainly imagine that the band members are equally as human. Still domestic violence is awful.
July 15, 2021 @ 2:30 pm
I mean, I would argue that hitting your wife with a closed fist makes you a bit more than “not a perfect Christian”, but to each their own….
July 17, 2021 @ 5:45 am
Mike W.
Maybe playing in a Christian band was just a gig…not a lifestyle…?
I’m not what you would call a practicing Christian, but years ago I did a stint in a touring Christian rock band… The gigs were always nice and the money was good.
July 17, 2021 @ 6:29 am
I’m sure it was. I have always held a pretty cynical view of the Christian pop music world. The old saying of a “fool and his money” comes to find. Considering how many posers there are in the Country & Americana world, why would Christian Pop be any different?
July 31, 2023 @ 10:25 pm
I dare say that there are people here pontificating about what is and what is not “a good Christian” who would do all he did and more (or have done) but feel qualified to sit here and throw stones. I certainly condemn what he did, but I also know him personally and this is HIGHLY out of character for him. ANYONE is capable of snapping given a bad day or bad turn of events, not in the LEAST way excusable, but no one here is above making mistakes and acting like he’s the only one on earth that could mess up. I hope he gets the help he needs, I hope he gets the restoration he like everyone else deserves. I pray the young lady has been able to move on with her life.
July 16, 2021 @ 9:18 am
@eric. EVERY professed Christian, (this side of Donald Trump) says that they themselves are not perfect Christians–and request forgiveness for their sins. That’s pretty much the core tenet of the religion.
July 16, 2021 @ 10:11 am
I’m a professed atheist, and every professed atheist I know says that they themselves are perfect atheists. Their disbelief in the existence of a god or gods never wavers. Our morality is independent of our atheism. When I have ‘’sinned’’, I have never had a handy ‘’well, I’m a , and we are not perfect, but I have asked for forgiveness’’ to excuse my behavior. Where is the religion that puts a finite number on the amounts of sins you can commit as a professed member and then your are excommunicated? ‘’Look dude, you can’t call yourself a any longer or attend services. You are an embarrassment’’.
July 16, 2021 @ 10:21 am
Since either you or your AI edited the above comment by deleting phrases that I chose to convey the meaning I intended, rendering the comment other than I intended, please delete the entire comment. ‘Well I’m a , and we…’ etc. look idiotic. Thank you.
July 18, 2021 @ 8:11 am
You don’t get it. The reason Christians say they are not perfect is because many non-Christians eagerly pounce on any sin committed by a Christian as a way to take a shot at the faith.
Being a Christian doesn’t mean one perfect. We are aware of that. We just exist in a hostile world that thinks anyone who claims to be a Christian is claiming perfection and as such they take special glee in taking shots at fallen Christians.
I will also say 95% of the jerks I have met in life are self-righteous atheists who think they are morally superior.
July 17, 2021 @ 5:41 am
LOL with the TDS! No article shall be posted without being met with that obligatory ORANGE MAN BAD!!! I feel bad for Trigger getting this nonsense from both sides on EVERY DAMMED STORY.
July 17, 2021 @ 1:33 pm
@ Peace–I’m hardly part of the TDS crowd. I defend Trump quite a bit on the political/ news sites–and regularly get cursed at by and accused of performing various disgusting acts on Trump, by the commenters on those boards, for my troubles. I’ve also ripped him, quite a bit. I’m not wedded to any newsmaker/public figure, and I call it the way I see it.
July 18, 2021 @ 8:04 pm
you absolute morons, if he put out one probably phony christian album, and we take the leap that he hit his wife because hes a christian. can we also say he beat her up because hes a mexican named rodriguez? they are known to do that kind of thing you know…
July 19, 2021 @ 9:36 am
Am Blessed to have several Hispanic friends.
Great people.
My ex husband, a caucasian (white guy) knocked me down and broke my right arm in two places. Was in two different casts for 12 weeks.
He is an FBI agent. You would think he would know better.
Love men, love people. There are some unsavory people all across the world.
But thank the Good Lord most people are kind and upstanding.
July 15, 2021 @ 6:12 pm
What a loser. Not surprised he formed a band with Deen Castronovo (another wife beater / raper). The genius from rascal flats needs to run away from this project.
July 22, 2021 @ 8:37 am
You should never serve on a jury . You have no idea what a whack job his wife is .
July 22, 2021 @ 4:26 pm
Bev – you know his wife? You say she’s crazy? I can tell you as someone who has known Chris and worked with him for many years, he is a pathological liar and serial philanderer. This is well known in the circles he moves in. He’s led a double life for decades, and it’s finally caught up with him. Why is it that all three of his wives went “crazy”? I mean, please. His wife is lucky it wasn’t worse. He is a predator, and these women have been psychologically and emotionally abused to the point of breaking. This has nothing to do with Christianity (except for the way he fakes being one so well.)
July 29, 2021 @ 6:11 pm
I, too, have heard this about him. Years and years of pulling the wool over women’s’ eyes…very very charming.
August 4, 2021 @ 11:39 am
Dylan. Hi. I disagree with your opinion wholeheartedly. Chris didn’t do this. And a judge recently commented after hearing from the accusing party that she in fact has displayed aggressive behavior and was deeply concerned at the lack of any witnesses on their part were present at all. This website is responsible for any defamation and damage there of, to a person (or persons) name, reputation and career. Public information does not equate or support guilty until proven innocent. The comments here are quite possibly by the same individual or others perhaps who have a self interest in using this platform for their personal in gain taring down this incredible and gentle souls reputation and distinguished career. This is a a most disappointing display of hearsay “journalism” and unchecked responsibility. Most of the negative comments are suggesting name calling that really shows who they are. The unabashed use of mental health references to leave vitriol comments is just plain sad. It’s cruel to reference his prior marriages, children and friends. Also, it is not unreasonable that a scorned ex girlfriends who sought fame by using his good name is, say, a giant possibility. Hell hath no furry than a woman scorned. Well known in music circles or otherwise. Since opinions is the name of this game, I know Chris is innocent. Perjury is a felony offense. And for all my eloquence, this is total bullshit. You can reply to this comment but keep in mind your messages are also perhaps an opportunity to look in the mirror. Sit in a room with your own character defects and deal with it. To point some kind stick in some else’s eye with a telephone poll in your own is par for the course. Just saying, Dylan.
August 4, 2021 @ 7:35 pm
Of course, everyone is entitled to their own opinion, indeed. However, maybe all the victims from over the years have banded together and are finally calling it what it is. That’s not out of the realm of possibility. Just a thought.
If you’ve ever personally known a woman who has gone through emotional, psychological, or physical abuse of any kind, and she has shared her story with you, I’m guessing you did not look her in the eyes and tell her she was the crazy one, or that she was lying — because that would be gaslighting.
What if, in this case, the wool is no longer pulled over their eyes? It takes a lot of courage to take a stand about these things. It’s incredibly commendable, especially in today’s climate.
The truth is a powerful force, ya know? Just saying.
August 5, 2021 @ 2:01 pm
Anonymous. Hi. Do I know what it’s like to know all those things you so carelessly fling into cyberspace? Yes. As a matter of fact I do. Which is why i strongly call bullshit when the court is manipulated and damage is done to those who are wrongly accused. The people talking smack about Chris and the comparisons and “expert” commentaries on behavior disorders, and condescending talk about what it is or isn’t like to be so and so and such and such is really telling of who they are and the lengths they go to in the name of supporting their own agenda. Cancel culture breeds cancel vultures.
August 5, 2021 @ 6:33 pm
You see, the whole thing about the truth is, I wouldn’t be flinging my story into cyberspace if it was anything else but the truth, or if it didn’t seem applicable here. I certainly don’t choose to spend my energy harassing victims of any kind of abuse (or anyone, for that matter) on the internet. I choose to speak up for all the women who were too afraid. Or who didn’t know. And to pray for his family, because it is tragic. He could have had it all.
PS – Cancel culture (which honestly, I am incredibly sick of myself) has nothing to do with anything here. He beat a woman. That’s not okay.
September 9, 2021 @ 7:00 pm
I’ll correct a couple of things. Websites in most instances are not publishers and they have immunity to tort action based upon what someone else posted on their website or forum board.
I too know Chris and the behavior and personalities traits described above or absolutely foreign to the person I know.
It makes one wonder who would post such a thing with such venom about someone that’s not in a position to defend themselves to a bunch of people that they don’t know…..
But hey what I know I’ve only got 32 years experience in trial law.
July 15, 2021 @ 6:43 pm
Another case of hypocrisy from the Christian world Love it!
July 16, 2021 @ 5:57 am
Seriously strait country?
July 17, 2021 @ 2:18 pm
Them damn Christians! They’re almost as vile a them damn non-Christians.
July 16, 2021 @ 3:50 pm
I am a trusted and close friend to Chris. What was presented in the article are simply “allegations.” I know Chris and I know the REAL story. I’m beyond angry and disgusted that he is assumed guilty until proven innocent, which is sadly the way of our culture. This precious man is innocent of these completely fabricated charges, and I believe in him and stand with him through the torment he is now enduring. The TRUTH will prevail!
July 16, 2021 @ 5:02 pm
All the information in this article came directly from the affidavit obtained from the Davidson County Court, and was presented as allegations. Everyone is presumed innocent until proven guilty, and if he is found innocent, this will be reported as well.
February 23, 2022 @ 1:15 am
Yo Trigger
I heard there have been significant updates to this case. Some charges dropped. It would be responsible reporting to provide that information since you did say you would + it seems to be of interest to a lot of people. I too have known + worked with the man for decades. Only fair.
February 23, 2022 @ 9:32 am
Hey Eddie,
I have been monitoring the situation. I am aware of some of the preliminary court stuff that happened in January. I do plan to post an update whenever there is some more detailed resolution on this matter. I don’t plan on posting a play by play of preliminary court motions. If you or anyone else want to covey any further information on the matter, feel free to use the link below and contact me directly.
February 26, 2022 @ 3:43 pm
Eddie M., NO charges have been dropped nor dismissed to date. Brace yourself for whats coming. Not sure how you are getting your info in Oregon, but pretty sure it’s phone babble from Chris.
March 1, 2022 @ 6:56 pm
You seem to have an inside track of sorts that the rest of us don’t.I live New York Haven’t spoken to him in over a year. Just following the case.
July 22, 2021 @ 1:21 pm
So, did his wife bruise herself? I’m asking in all seriousness-just trying to weigh the other side of the story.
July 22, 2021 @ 6:46 pm
She spent the night in the ER. No, she didn’t bruise herself. The police (not the wife) pressed the charges after they saw her injuries.
July 29, 2021 @ 7:53 pm
Glad you asked she had ZERO Bruises! He had bruise where she struck him in back of neck with her handbag with phone in it!!!!
Cops even asked to see bruises any marks she had nothing. Also Chris’s hands were examined and pics taken not 1 scratch….
July 31, 2021 @ 7:32 pm
Either the police saw bruises and pressed charges or they didn’t. Somebody is making ???? up here.
August 8, 2021 @ 12:39 pm
La T…This comment is a fabrication. She had taken a beating. There was bruising. And if someone is able to give themselves a severe concussion, that may be a historical first. The cops pressed charges because of the injury they saw at the time of the incident. This is called “probable cause.”
In United States criminal law, probable cause is the standard by which police authorities have reason to obtain a warrant for the arrest of a suspected criminal.
September 18, 2021 @ 10:00 am
Re: Dylan,
You might want to take the time to read the acual affidavit. Ms. Medley is the one who pressed charges, not the police.
July 19, 2021 @ 12:38 pm
well I know none of you would follow Christ if you followed me…but you’d see why I necessarily stumble after Him in about five minutes flat.
July 22, 2021 @ 10:30 am
Dear Kirk… I also know Chris personally and am not at all surprised his Narcissistic ass did this. I hope he gets what he deserves!!
August 4, 2021 @ 1:19 pm
I know Chris personally. He is kind and known by most of the real folks who know him as such. In fact, His kind nature makes him prey to wolves in designer clothing. Justice shall prevail.
August 14, 2021 @ 1:59 pm
I know Chris personally.
He’s a premier liar, a narcissist and apparently, abuses his wives. He needs to own up to his mistakes, pay the penalty and seek help. Not necessarily in that order.
When I was in my embryonic stage of our relationship, I would never have dreamed he had so many issues.
Facts don’t lie.
And if your comment about being “prey to wolves in designer clothing” is a slam on his victims then I would suggest you seek some counseling as well.
July 22, 2021 @ 12:56 pm
Chris has gone to the dark side in other ways as well. He firmly supported the BIG LIE regarding the election, attended talks by Michael Flynn and has REFUSED to get vaccinated.
I also hear that he has been let go from Terri Clark’s band for refusing a vaccine.
I know Chris. These are off the charts problems and not normal. I hope he gets help, regardless of the allegations.
And there is NEVER ANY justification for domestic violence. EVER.
July 29, 2021 @ 7:55 pm
A hole!! Politics has nothing to do with it!
August 8, 2021 @ 1:00 pm
Refusing a vaccine absolutely is political. Shut up now.
August 8, 2021 @ 3:22 pm
You Really are stupid
August 14, 2021 @ 1:55 pm
Wow. You really are naive and ignorant of science, acts and reality.
Again…shut up now.
August 14, 2021 @ 5:41 pm
Not even a little bit …
July 22, 2021 @ 4:13 pm
Hello, all. Before I begin, I kindly ask that you respect my truth here. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, of course. But no need to be ugly about the following, as it is my personal story as I experienced it…
I was a very close friend of Chris Rodriguez’s for over 18 years. I can say without a doubt he had me (and everyone else) snowed. He was living a double — if not triple or more — life the entire time. There has been much discovery that the public does not (yet) know.
Think #Conman. Modern day #TedBundy. Or even #BernieMadoff.
Mental illness is a very real thing. Everything he says is the opposite.
I don’t understand what #Christianity (or heritage, for that matter; to clarify, he’s Puerto Rican, not Mexican) has to do with it in this context, either way. You can be a Christian and beat a women nearly to death. You can be a non-Christian and beat a women nearly to death. An emotional, psychological, and now physical abuser is just that: an abuser.
(Sidenote: In reference to the incident reported in this article, you should know that the victim spent the night in the ER that night, and also suffered a severe concussion.)
Ted Bundy — a sociopath — was charming, hilarious, successful, well-dressed. Everyone loved him… And he simply fed his sickness by killing women. He got away with it for years. His longtime girlfriend had no idea. He was a fatherly figure, and her and her daughter felt very safe with him. He even got arrested and released at one point. Certainly the handsome man that they all knew and loved wasn’t a serial killer.
In the instance of this article, we are lucky no one has physically lost their life — yet.
Isn’t it strange that — in this case — all three of Chris’s wives were/are “crazy?” Perhaps too coincidental even? How do we know that? Why do we think that? Because he told us? Has anyone actually spoken to any of the “crazy” wives in question? I actually have. And I can assure you they are, indeed, not crazy. Victims of severe emotional and psychological abuse? A thousand percent. But not crazy.
That said, I also find it coincidental that, with most of his gigs (big or small), he was fired. So very curious. Sure, that’s not the story most of us know, but it’s what happened. Of course, we cannot argue with his talent — he is truly a brilliant guitar player. One of the best. A songbird singer. It’s a tragic story, really.
There are those that cover for him, and those that know the truth. Ever so slowly, karma or God or the universe — they know what’s up. And what is the old adage? “The truth shall set you free.” (John 8:32)
All we can do as humans at this point is pray for his family, his adult children (who have reportedly disowned him for quite some time — nope, he doesn’t talk about that, either), and his friends who are still being conned. He’s a very dangerous predator, and I do believe more and more women will speak up, once they realize the truth is slowly coming to fruition.
(For more context, google #NarcissisticPersonalityDisorder [which happens to be a massive trending topic in abusive relationships these days], #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder, and #Sociopath.)
#metoonashville #womensupportwomen #narcissisticabuse #thetruthiseverything
August 6, 2021 @ 1:38 pm
Let me start by saying I’m a little worried about you.
The way you are attacking Chris sounds like you are suffering from some kind of delusion of grandeur.
It sounds like you’re peanut butter and jealous.
It sounds like you need help.
You have gone down a Wikipedia rabbit hole. These comparisons have NOTHING to do with Chris. And I may be reaching here but it sounds like he may not want anything to do with you. And if so, with damn good reason.
I’m not sure how to else to tell you to get help other than you need to get some serious help.
Accusations are not facts. Allegations are not truth. The court will do what it does and Chris will continue to be the sweetest guy EVER. He is the farthest thing you describe and it seems like “though doth protesteth too much.” Those are Shakespeare’s words. It means you try so hard to fight something you show the effort in your lie.
You write fiction. These accusations are lies and the truth is in fact the truth. It will set Chris free and you can all band together and cry over your tea.
You don’t like him? Who cares. He is not guilty. That’s what matters. Whatever you think about him and your efforts to try to tare down him down are petty and immature. You should find somewhere else to troll.
Praying for you.
August 8, 2021 @ 1:05 pm
Hi, Michelle!
August 8, 2021 @ 1:35 pm
BINGO!! – You’ve Been Identified!!
August 14, 2021 @ 2:01 pm
Spill it, then.
Who am I?
August 14, 2021 @ 7:50 pm
Not you Doug, was referring to your unmasking of sister Michelle!
September 18, 2021 @ 10:04 am
Re: Dylan,
You might want to take the time to read the acual affidavit. Ms. Medley is the one who pressed charges, not the police.
September 18, 2021 @ 10:10 am
To Anonymous,
The part about my and Chris’ adult children is completely NOT true. Not sure who your sources are from, but you should correct them.
July 22, 2021 @ 7:16 pm
I was Chris Rodriguez’s first wife of 15 years. (1985-2000) My name is Lisa. Chris and I had two beautiful children together. I continue to pray for Chris, even though he and I aren’t really in touch anymore, now that our children have grown. Even though the relationship was very painful mentally, I still believe that God and friends can help anybody, if they are willing to get and recieve help.
July 23, 2021 @ 11:15 pm
Thank you Lisa for weighing in. Many of us who knew Chris from a distance have seen signs of this for years but never challenged him on it. I think more stories will be coming out as this unfolds further. Sorry you had to endure this firsthand.
July 29, 2021 @ 5:31 pm
Bs …Chris is a gentle talented musician many are jealous of him because of his hard earned success, he would never hit a woman let alone strangle her. Trust me she would be dead if he strangled her that entire scenario is not even a micro atom true!!!
Chris’s hands are his livelihood no way he would risk his career and abuse a woman especially his wife he loves!!
I have been told about a few incidents that involve stories about his wife in some pretty bizarre behavior from people who have no clue who Chris is, these bizarre happenings took place before she moved here to Nashville!
July 30, 2021 @ 9:59 am
That is the most insane, disgusting and idiotic comment yet.
Are you serious? The po-po filed charges due to her injuries, Sparky.
What is your major malfunction? You’re an idiot.
July 30, 2021 @ 8:54 pm
NY Mike: Chris is not thinking about his hands when he is blind drunk and in a rage. And you think he loves his wife? Chris loves no one but himself. (Teenage girls take fewer selfies…) As a result, he is constantly having relationships/sex/cheating with multiple women at one time year after year. Feeding the gargantuan ego. Women in every city. Marriage vows mean nothing. His whole adult life has been a series of lies and deception and fraud. All you are seeing is the pretty tip of an iceberg. What lies beneath the surface is very dark, and goes on for miles. For those who believe Chris, you are living in the upside down world. Everything he says is the opposite of the truth. What he needs is help from his friends. But everyone just enables him. If you love Chris, for God’s sake, step up and help the guy get well, if that’s even possible any more.
August 2, 2021 @ 9:13 am
Thank you, Jolene.
He’s a master liar. It’s part and parcel of who he is. In fact his lying is why he is no longer part of my life.
It broke my heart to find this out about him.
People… the man is not what he seems. And until he admits this to himself and gets real help for this it will continue. And the next time he goes off could be even worse.
People need to stop defending him and get him some help before he does any more harm!
August 5, 2021 @ 4:51 pm
Doug you sound like a Dr. Phil mixed with Dr. Jekyl sprinkled with some Oprah all on acid. That is his wife of 15 years who he has kids with and you dismiss her like that. Class is not part of your diatribe. Jeez
August 5, 2021 @ 5:06 pm
Hi Jolene. Hmmm. Anyone that has something positive in support of Chris gets trolled here. I’m beginning to think it’s becoming more obvious who trolls are. He married a con artist but hey. It’s just my opinion.
June 23, 2023 @ 4:14 pm
Hi Lisa – I got a chance during LMO to spend time with you, and Chris. It was great getting to know you especially. We had dinner together in SFO (band came to my parents house before a show in Marin County) and we also saw each other in Nashville. I was a friend of J’s. Anyway, I didn’t see anything with you two but I’m so sorry you were in pain. 🙁 I wish you much happiness. I have often thought of you and have hoped you were happy! You were such an amazing and fun person and deserve all the best! Best wishes if this is really Lisa….you can never be too sure.
July 30, 2021 @ 9:48 am
To: Curious,
Just to clarify In my 15 year marriage with Chris, he NEVER physically harmed me. I just wanted to make that perfectly clear. Thanks for hearing me out. Lisa
July 30, 2021 @ 10:01 am
Who’s speaking for the victim here, Lisa.
Do you not know what he has said about you for years?
Why defend him now?
August 5, 2021 @ 4:57 pm
Wow, Doug. She was his wife of 15 years and has kids with him and you dismiss her truth like that? I wonder how many wannabes are on this site calling people names when they are so obviously obvious about their agenda. Just sayin ladies. Oops. I mean anonymous ones.
August 7, 2021 @ 10:42 am
Hi, Orca
No diss at all, Luv. I was just wondering who will speak for his latest victim.
Wannabes? I’ve known Chris for years. Had to vacate our friendship over his lies and other issues.
My agenda? Making sure he doesn’t kill the next one.
Yours is…what, exactly?
As for your anonymous comment… My money says Oprah’s not your real name….
August 7, 2021 @ 10:45 am
Dear “Peter”
You sound like you’re defending a wife beater. Which suits you as you didn’t leave a reply option.
I didn’t dismiss her claims. I asked who would speak for his latest victim.
Don’t leave any more rabbit poop here. It’s unbecoming.
August 4, 2021 @ 11:29 am
This website is responsible for any defamation and damage there of, to a person (or persons) name, reputation and career. Public information does not equate or support guilty until proven innocent. The comments here are quite possibly by the same individual or others perhaps who have a self interest in using this platform for their personal in gain taring down this incredible and gentle souls reputation and distinguished career. This is a a most disappointing display of hearsay “journalism” and unchecked responsibility. Most of the negative comments are suggesting name calling that really shows who they are. The unabashed use of mental health references to leave vitriol comments is just plain sad. It’s cruel to reference his prior marriages, children and friends. Also, it is not unreasonable that a scorned ex girlfriends who sought fame by using his good name is, say, a giant possibility. Hell hath no furry than a woman scorned. Well known in music circles or otherwise. Since opinions is the name of this game, I know Chris is innocent. Perjury is a felony offense. And for all my eloquence, this is total bullshit. You can reply to this comment but keep in mind your messages are also perhaps an opportunity to look in the mirror. Sit in a room with your own character defects and deal with it. To point some kind stick in some else’s eye with a telephone poll in your own is par for the course.
August 4, 2021 @ 11:57 am
Again, all the information in this article came directly from the affidavit obtained from the Davidson County Court, and was presented as allegations. Everything in this article currently resides in the public domain. Everyone is presumed innocent until proven guilty. There is nothing illegal or defamatory about anything contained in this article.
August 4, 2021 @ 12:55 pm
Perhaps then you might consider a more prominent comment of the same in the piece posted.
August 8, 2021 @ 3:46 pm
The article states clearly, “…the felony charges are currently pending in the Davidson County court in Nashville.
According to the affidavit obtained by Saving Country Music…”
August 8, 2021 @ 2:55 pm
Link to affidavit please?
August 8, 2021 @ 3:48 pm
I’m not sure if the affidavit is available via a “link.” I obtained a copy by contacting the Davidson County Court. It is a matter of public record, and anyone should be able to obtain a copy of it upon request.
August 8, 2021 @ 9:31 pm
UPDATE: I just added a copy of the affidavit at the bottom of the article for anyone who wants to see it.
August 8, 2021 @ 7:46 pm
I am disgusted but not surprised by all the accusations, assumptions, prosecution and conviction of an alleged aggressor, not yet seen in Court. Women MUST NOT BE be “believed” UNTIL all the evidence is presented and the defense team cross-examine all the evidence and the alleged VICTIM.
I see that Chris’s character, career, political views and even his health (UNVACCINATED) and personal decisions has been trashed in this lovely blog.
How do I know this? Because the ONLY 2 PEOPLE that know all of the details in the cases are Charlotte and Chris. This blog started because Charlotte provided the information to “Trigger”, and the goal is to destroy his career labeling him as a COUNTRY GUITARIST WIFE BEATER.
August 8, 2021 @ 8:09 pm
I did not obtain any information from anyone but the Davidson County Court in Nashville. People are more than happy to call the court themselves, obtain the information in the affidavit, and confirm the details published in this story, or even confirm this is where the information in this article came from if they wish.
August 13, 2021 @ 1:31 pm
EVERY woman should be believed!
What the fresh hell is wrong with you?!?!?!
August 6, 2021 @ 2:15 pm
Again I have taken to the time to reply specifically in response to a long and very negative comment. I am concerned the other voices are not being heard.
August 7, 2021 @ 10:50 am
Speaking of felonies…Chris has been charged with two.
He beat the crap out of his wife. The po-po filed the charges.
The commenters here have all had relationships with Chris.
We all want him to get help. But he won’t ‘fess up to his many crimes. Once he does that everyone involved can begin to heal. Until then…
Concern yourself with the actual victim. “Hell hath no fury…”? Please.
You sound like either a family member of one of his Christo-Fascist buddies who has a prayer circle going for him and not his victims.
August 8, 2021 @ 8:41 am
Doug. Do you know all the commenters here? Is that why you sound so bitter?
You sound like an ex girlfriend or a jealous person because his career credits are better than yours.
You have nothing more to say than you don’t like him. Who cares. The victim is Chris. Because all these accusations will prove unfounded. And your your stupid name calling is really juvenile. You don’t know everybody unless you know who is banding together to use this platform to express your pettiness.
The victim is Chris. This is not unusual. It happens to men from all walks of life. His heart is true. And sounds like the narcissist here is you and your other anonymous buddies.
Who cares what you think. I don’t. Your full of shit.
Tell you what. If you think prayer has connection to fascism. Well. Uh. You are wrong. There. Not worth explaining the stupidity there.
You don’t run the world. You don’t run this comment section. And so long as you keep using it to spread lies you look more and more desperate.
I don’t like bullies. And they are scared of those who stand up to them. You don’t know Chris. Clearly. And whoever you are, if there is no contact further with him and you and your cronies my prayers are heard. You’re toxic. And I pray you stop hating and focus on your issues and move on with your life.
Praying for you.
August 8, 2021 @ 12:54 pm
RA: …Couple questions:
1. How do you know Chris is innocent? You must feel like you really know him well. Like he’s a brother to you. But I would submit that there’s a side to him that’s he’s kept secret that you haven’t seen. We’ll see what the court decides.
2. “Defamation” refers to the spreading of FALSE or UNTRUE damaging statements. Chris is a predator. This is provably true. This website has done nothing but publish the facts, and it is public record. Stop threatening everyone.
Just sayin’, and praying for you.
You seem really upset.
August 8, 2021 @ 1:02 pm
Nope. I dunno any of them.
But I DO know Chris. And he’s in trouble JD needs major help.
Tell me…what are YOU doing to help either him or the victim? Other than whining and acting like a pompous a-hole?
Now you can STFU.
August 8, 2021 @ 1:04 pm
Nope. I dunno any of them.
But I DO know Chris. And he’s in trouble AND needs major help.
Tell me…what are YOU doing to help either him or the victim? Other than whining and acting like a pompous a-hole?
Now you can STFU.
August 8, 2021 @ 8:44 am
Doug. Do you know all the commenters here? Is that why you sound so bitter?
You sound like an ex girlfriend or a jealous person because his career credits are better than yours.
You have nothing more to say than you don’t like him. Who cares. The victim is Chris. Because all these accusations will prove unfounded. Name calling is really juvenile. You don’t know everybody unless you know who is banding together which is why you use this platform to express your pettiness.
The victim is Chris. This is not unusual. It happens to men from all walks of life. His heart is true. And sounds like the narcissist here is you and your other “anonymous” buddies.
Tell you what. If you think prayer has connection to fascism. Well. Uh. You are wrong. There. Not worth explaining the stupidity there.
You don’t run the world. You don’t run this comment section. And so long as you keep using it to spread lies you look more and more desperate.
I don’t like bullies. And they are scared of those who stand up to them. And whoever you are, if there is no contact further with him and you and your cronies my prayers are heard. You’re toxic. And I pray you stop hating and focus on your issues and move on with your life.
Praying for you.
August 8, 2021 @ 1:09 pm
And if you dislike bullies, get your brother some help.
August 4, 2021 @ 11:46 am
I’ve left comments that do not support what could be considered Houston we have a problem as they see they could play a role in destroying a career and persons good name and oops. What do we do now. So curious if this will even get posted. He’s innocent. That’s my opinion. Modifying my post will not stop the truth prevailing. Just saying. I’m gonna leave that right here at your virtual glasshouse doorstep.
August 8, 2021 @ 9:53 am
Wow. Some of you people have never experienced someone leading a double life. Of course you don’t think someone with as lovely a persona could do these things. That’s why they call it a “double life”. If you’re not around once they get home, or behind a hotel room door, or once they achieve the anonymity of road life as a musician then you’ll never see the darkest parts of someone’s life. The voices from the past will eventually tell the story and I hope he gets help, but he needs to hit bottom first.
August 8, 2021 @ 9:06 pm
After reading all the comments trashing Chris Rodriguez, I decided to tell my story regarding the alleged victim Charlotte. Chris has been called ” Ted Bundy” narcissist, wife beater , abuser, pathological liar, criminal etc. Why ” Trigger” redacts some comments and others not?
Charlotte carries a lot of baggage , but here she is untouchable. In a way, I am not surprised as we all witnessed how other men were destroyed in the media, and in the end they were all innocent. Shame!
BTW Trigger, did you get a call from Davidson Co Court telling you about Chris’s “charges and arrest”?. Chris is not that famous, most of the people don’t know who he is. How come that NO other news site or media reported the incident? He is well known in the musicians world but NOT the general public. Someone close to the case had to give you the information, he is not Joe Walsh!
August 8, 2021 @ 9:44 pm
I obtained the affidavit from Davidson County Court Clerk Janey McFarland Merriwether on July 15th. Again, anyone can call the Davidson Court to verify the information contained in this article. I have also just added a copy of the affidavit itself to the body of this article so anyone can read it for themselves. The mug shot of Mr. Rodriguez was obtained from the Metro Nashville Police Department and the Public Information Officer’s office also on July 15th.
I did not obtain the affidavit or information on the alleged assault from the alleged victim or anyone related to her, or anyone else directly involved in this case. Saving Country Music regularly reports on these kinds of cases, and has contacts throughout the country music industry, as well as in both the courts, and the Metro Nashville police.
Nothing in this article is incorrect, or in any way out-of-the-ordinary, and the harassment and accusations against myself and this website are unwarranted and offensive. If someone does feel this report is out of line, then by all means, draft a cease and desist and send it over, and someone can get schooled on the finer points of the 1st Amendment.
Again, all parties are considered innocent until proven guilty. This was simply a news story about an affidavit placed in the public record about an individual in the country music industry.
These comments sections are an open forum, but when individuals use foul language or cross a line of decency at the discretion of this website, comments can be moderated, edited, or deleted. If you don’t like those rules, don’t comment.
August 9, 2021 @ 4:28 pm
Ms. Medley claims the Holy Spirit sent a stranger to drive her home before this alleged altercation took place. Clearly, the Holy Spirit would not have led her home to a fight, so she is lying right there. And if she is taking rides home with strangers, that’s just insane.
August 9, 2021 @ 8:28 pm
Let me get this clear, The Holy Spirit is now the Star Witness? I wonder how her attorney’s are going to call the Holy Spirit to the stand, testify and then be cross – examined by the defense . I wonder if our moderator got the transcript ( public information) of the hearing, where the alleged victim testified under oath that the Holy Spirit did all that. I mean, if this case is so public, let’s see it all!
The Holy Spirit story is very damning to the alleged victim. Nobody wins a case using the Holy Spirit as a witness.
The truth will prevail! Amen
August 9, 2021 @ 9:19 pm
AA: So…. I am guessing from your comment that you are not a Christian, and have never felt the Holy Spirit in your life. A pagan, or atheist, might call it “Intuition” or “the Universe”… I’m guessing you feel connected to none of these things. Sad.
Praying for you. ….And your Brother.
August 9, 2021 @ 10:28 pm
Michelle – Chuck -Another Anonymous,
YOU have entered a new realm of THE lowest of the ALL lows, when you mock the Holy Spirit, someone’s faith in Jesus, their belief in Christianity – Watch out! Step back and wait for the lightning bolt, because it’s coming to you! I think your mom would be devastated to see what you have written about someone’s faith. SHAME on YOU! You obviously know God, otherwise you wouldn’t have capitalized Holy Spirit. Woe to you! You’ve grieved the Holy Spirit in the worst way.
“And so I tell you, every kind of sin and slander can be forgiven, but blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven.” Matt 12:31
“But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you ALL things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.” John 14:26
Some people call it instinct, other’s call it a gut feeling, it’s all the Holy Spirit no matter what you call it. Learn about it. Your brother needs it right now.
You don’t realize it yet, but you are digging a grave for yourself and your family. When you mock the Holy Spirit, you’re heaping curses upon yourself and you’re letting the enemy win and he loves playing with your mind and you’re in great denial about all of it.
Also, when you put onto a social media platform, testimony that was spoken in court, that can come back to haunt you. Be very VERY careful! It’s obvious that you were there in the court room, there are eyes everywhere.
And plenty of every day folks, Christian and non have had experiences of God using a complete stranger for His purpose, the greater good, to save a life during a crisis, or to take someone home when their ride has left them. Think of the Good Samaritan, now try to be one, especially to your brother. He desperately needs HELP NOW!
Trust the comments of those who say they know him, regardless of how bad it hurts to read and believe that you might not know everything there is to know about him.
Everybody wins when the Holy Spirit reveals the truth in a lost man’s soul and yes THE TRUTH WILL prevail. I pray that when the whole truth comes out, that Chris will be able to survive it. Times up!
August 10, 2021 @ 7:10 am
Dear I am Second;
First of all, I didn’t start this blog nor all the unnecessary talk to people that are not part of the case. Nashville’s musicians world is small, and everybody knows about this case. I follow many cases, and you bet that I found the Court docket dates , so I decided to see it by myself.
Nobody is going to “hunt” me for saying that the Holy Spirit can’t take the stand. In fact , I challenge you to prove me wrong. When a WITNESS say that “John” or the Holy Spirit told her to do this or that over and over again, the WITNESS turned that person into another witness, therefore the defense team can cross examine that new witness, in this case the Holy Spirit .
I don’t need lectures from “Christians” as I am still one. If Judas and Peter were forgiven and then turned into Saints, I am sure that Jesus will forgive me for saying that the Holy Spirit can’t take the stand. A true Christian would say, ” I love you, Jesus Loves you, please go back to HIM”, but Nooooo , instead you condemned me and pretty much sent me to hell. Oh, dear, trust me I know very well about this. Finally I want to remind all of you, that most of the information about this case is public, Court Docket dates are very easy to find, and observers are allowed. For the next Court date I will bring ear plugs as some testimonies were so loud that my ears were ringing for 2 days. Look around on the next Court Date and say hello to ‘JUST ANOTHER ANONYMOUS” Can’t wait to see all the evidence and hear the testimonies. The truth will prevail!
August 10, 2021 @ 11:56 am
1.) This article/news piece is NOT a blog.
2.) Yes the Nashville session players world is very small, thus the reason why some know about the destruction in many musicians private lives. How do I know? – I’ve been in this industry for 40+ yrs. Have also worked with your brother thru those 40 years.
3.) You didn’t find the court dates, you were told to show up by your brother. You don’t need ear plugs when the truth is being stated, unless that’s not the truth you want to hear.
4.) JUDAS a saint?! He was a traitor! Go back and read your bible, Judas was NOT restored by Jesus! He destroyed himself by selling Jesus out for 30 pieces of silver, then couldn’t live with what he had done and killed himself by hanging. Were you seriously taught Judas was a saint in the Catholic Church? If so, RUN!
5.) I’m not God, so I can’t condemn you, nor send you to hell, your words and heart condition CAN do that for you and YES you need to ask for forgiveness, IF you’re sincere, – only God knows the heart. Out of the heart does the mouth speak. Only GOD can hunt you down and He will if you are truly His and have gone astray. True Christians are to sharpen each other, admonish, correct, rebuke, encourage, remain teachable and yes, show compassion and love towards one another. You are not doing that by disparaging an abused woman, talking about her baggage. We all have it. In this case, the baggage from the freight-liner has fallen into the ocean, the waves have vomited it to the shore and has landed at your feet. What are you gonna do about it? Somebody has to pick it up and deal with it now, cause it’s all broken open for the whole world to see.
Michelle, despite not knowing you personally, I know that your family is hurting and you want to protect Chris at all costs. But there are times when family HAS to intervene, say hard things and face hard truths about the people we love. Otherwise, this never stops! The light is finally shining on all that Chris has tried to bury, the men and women that he’s wronged. Your sins will find you out! He needs to admit what he’s done, ask for forgiveness, right the wrongs and pray the consequences that he set into motion don’t mentally kill him. God can and will forgive, but consequences of sin have a ripple effect that can go on for generations unless you deal with it.
Your sister-in-law Charlotte was beaten, bruised and could’ve died. Yet you mock the living God, the Holy Spirit, that dwells inside her soul, that guided her, warned her and provided for her escape. God have mercy on your soul! God have mercy. – – – It’s never too late to have a repentant heart, never too late!
August 10, 2021 @ 2:19 pm
Dear My Second
Who is Michelle? My family lives in Brazil LOL. I will see you in Court soon but you wont see me lol. I will take notes to report at this news outlet and will wear my earplugs as I am expecting to hear again the Holy Spirit Story, that went so loud that pretty much blew away the mic and court speakers. Go easy please , it hurts and can cause hearing loss. Bless your heart. Your Brazilian Catholic Friend.
September 9, 2021 @ 10:26 pm
I wonder if she and the holy Spirit stopped at an hourly hotel on the way home?
August 13, 2021 @ 1:38 pm
Wow. The Christo-Fascists are circling their wagons around him here. SO typical of them.
And attacking the victim? Wow. Also typical.
This thread speaks volumes about not only Mr Rodriguez but the people who defend him.
This woman is a victim. The police filed the charges, not her. What part of that do some of you not grasp?
But since most “christians” believe their women should be subservient to there every desire I suppose I don’t find this all that surprising… Again. Typical of their Big Lie.
September 11, 2021 @ 9:45 am
Re: Doug,
Did you even bother reading the affidavit? It clearly states that Charlotte is the one who pressed charges, not the police.
November 16, 2021 @ 12:41 pm
I am one of his 2 children. I can attest to the fact that he is completely narcissistic and only cares for himself. He is an emotionally abusive, dismissive, gaslighting poor excuse for a father. We haven’t spoken in nearly 2 years because I would prefer toxic people to not be in my life. However, I have never known him to be physically violent and I do not believe these allegations are true.
The reason I say this at all is because I want people to understand there are nuances to the truth. I think he is a bad person. But I don’t think he strangled her. He ruined my childhood but did so with harsh words and utter neglect. I have witnessed him fighting with my mom, and Barbara plenty of times. He is a jackass but not physically violent.
December 28, 2021 @ 8:27 am
Hi Nicole. I am sorry for what you’ve gone through. You were dealt a crappy hand in this area, and I admire your strength.
Just food for thought..:
The longer an illness persists, the more difficult it is to treat, and recover from.
Diseases that go untreated for decades will have worsening symptoms. In cases of mental illness and/or addiction, the behavior will escalate over time.
Chris has been ill for many years, and things have progressively worsened and unraveled.
That’s just my observation/opinion.
I’m not at all surprised this happened.
January 6, 2022 @ 11:03 am
It’s so very sad to me that s full grown woman with grown children, after being married 7 times, would make up such lies about Chris Rodriguez. Chris would never lay a hand on anybody. I’ve known Chris for sometime now. He would not physically abuse anybody.
April 5, 2022 @ 9:21 pm
After evidence is presented on both sides, the court will discern the evidence/stories and will determine the outcome. With that being said, many prayers to be said for everyone involved in this case as well as the the jury, because situations like these in our society, are so tough for the individuals involved in the case, for their families, friends and business associates that have worked with the individuals.
April 26, 2022 @ 12:43 pm
No one is righteous, no, not even one.
I have not seen Chris in 40+ years, but I know, we all fall far short of the perfect God. We all have demons and failures. While, some struggle with more severe issues, it is important to note, your perceived goodness alone will not get you to heaven. There is no amount of acts of good or impeccable character that give you the ticket to get in. Obviously, there is some truth to issues in his life, but there is in everyone and no matter your human justification of what your sin is better than his, does not give you the right to hurl insults to him. Does he need help? Sure he does and guess what? You do too. Each of us do. Just wait, some day God will hit you with a 2×4 to the head as well in some fashion. At that point you realize how important and how priceless God’s grace is.
We all fall down and sometimes it takes 70 times to get it right. Chris knows what is right. If you read this dude….seek Him first, kill that self and start realizing that He is in control and not you.
August 27, 2022 @ 3:38 pm
There has been a NEW article updating the resolution to this case. The link is above underneath his mug-shot in big brown letters. Anyone who is looking for more details, should go to the update. Comments are coming in & people need to be aware. It’s SERIOUS. There are details in comments there that others need to know. The comments above are all true, btw.
Of course, he would take the plea bargain. Did anyone doubt he would play that card?
The gift that keeps on giving will be allowed to roam free.
Like supervised probation will keep him from what he does?