Fake Outlaw Josh Thompson Evokes Waylon’s Name
I told you. Once Music Row figured out there is a HUGE group of disgruntled REAL country music fans out there with money to spend, they were going to start manufacturing their own “Outlaws,” fresh faced and focused grouped, ready to maximize their profits with fashion plate country. Well ladies and gentleman, I give you Columbia Nashville/Sony recording artist Josh Thompson, Nashville’s answer to the appetite for REAL country.
This is how they do it: The first thing you need is a bunch of glamor shots, and since the target demographic is red meat “Outlaws” let’s take them in hotel rooms and construction sites. I mean really? Hell, let’s even get him out to Hank’s grave. I mean isn’t that what all those ugly, foul-mouthed, stupid rednecks like, is people who show respect to Hank, right?
But then when it boils down to the actual music, it is the same formulaic frat boy country bullshit. Give it a listen and tell me I’m wrong. Here’s Josh Thompson with his, um, partner:
Two hours with a hair stylist: $400.
Matching designer shirts: $250
8 ball from a black guy in the parking lot that was really talcum powder and baking soda: $80.
Same damn song every other pop country manufactured star plays: WORTHLESS.
But maybe you’re thinking that this is just his radio single, and his others songs might be more “Outlaw.” Think again. Here’s another with that same damn pop country cadence, and I warn you, 0:15 might be the most douche-riddled moment I have ever seen from anyone claiming to be “country,” and it might result in you trying to clean your half-digested lunch out of the hard-to-reach nooks and crannies of your computer’s keyboard.
“Ladies, this is for you especially . . .”. Did he really say that? REALLY?
But this is where this guy brought my piss to a boil, a song he calls Blame It On Waylon.
Piped over a video that shows high school-esque overindulgence of alcohol, nookie girls, and some homo-erotic ass slapping scene at 2:10, this guy is giving tribute to Waylon Jennings for his “honky tonk ways.” I will tell you straight up, this song insults me more than if someone had told me to go suck my mother’s dick.
Listen Josh Thompson–that’s right, I’m talking directly to YOU. Waylon Waymore Watashin Jennings was a true Outlaw. He wasn’t an Outlaw because he wore his baseball cap backwards when he got sloshed and hit on peroxide blond coeds, he was an Outlaw because he looked the Nashville establishment in the face and said “I’m the hoss. We do it my way or no way.”
In fact Waylon wasn’t much of a drinker. Instead he did cocaine. A lot of cocaine. Until he became dis-attached from the whole world, going from bus to stage, and back to bus, never hanging out with anyone, never granting interviews. He could only relate to the world through his music, and even his best friends felt like strangers. Luckily he broke free of all of that one day in Arizona, but he had to come to within an inch of his life to do so, and even then, his lifestyle caught up with him in an early death.
Waylon Jennings died for your sins Josh, and all of the sins of country music. And until you can understand what a TRUE Outlaw is, and especially if you’re just going to use it as some marketing term, I wish you’d keep the name Waylon Jennings out of your damn mouth.
You see Josh, I have no doubt that you’re a fan of Waylon, or Hank Williams, or whoever. But your story and their story are not the same. Josh Thompson isn’t even a person now, it is a franchise. You are more machine than man now, tooled to optimize album sales, your soul replaced by an autotuner, your spirit swapped for a tape recorder, your life path switched for a marketing strategy. Waylon Jennings, Willie Nelson, Bobby Bare, Tompall Glaser, and David Alan Coe were Outlaws because they resisted the very thing you’re embracing, and no amount of drinking or tattoos or bawdy talk will make up for that.
Josh, if you want to become a TRUE Outlaw, and if your music is any good, then I will embrace you as an artist. Willie and Waylon started inside the system too. But until then, you are my enemy, a sworn enemy, even worse than Taylor Swift, and I’m going to be on your ass like stink on shit. Because Music Row has already stolen the word “country” from the people, and I’ll be damned if we’ll let the same thing happen to “Outlaw,” and ESPECIALLY to the sainted name of one Waylon Jennings.
I will be your shadow Josh, the voice of your conscience, at least until you change your ways, start calling yourself pop country instead of outlaw country, or until you decide to 86 the whole charade for a more honest living.
Welcome to country music.
–The Triggerman.
March 10, 2011 @ 8:33 pm
I mean dude really? Your name is Tiggerman really???? You show you are really a redneck bigoted piece of shit by saying “8 ball from a black guy in the parking lot that was really talcum powder and baking soda: $80.” what a dbag. Where is Tiggerman from? I doubt you are from some real country? You from west texas? You from Oklahoma? You from Austin or Lubbock? I bet you have never been to Huntsville or 6th st. I don’t think so! I think Nashville has their own sound (very pop) but just because an artist wants to sing a Hank or Waylon song doesn’t mean they are outlaw country. Josh Thompson is no outlaw artist and never claims to be. If you want to see real outlaw country check out Jackson Taylor and the sinners, Robert Earl Keen Jr, Hank Williams III, Kevin Fowler (Amarillo born and breed), Wade Bowen, Jason Boland & the Stragglers and Randy Rogers band. I could go on for days. The site is called “https://savingcountrymusic.com” aint no saving your doing for this POS article. Challenge me on Outlaw you 20 something POS I will school your ass…You got the platform but I got the voice…douche
March 10, 2011 @ 9:27 pm
Haha nice! You feel right into the trap my friend, head first doubled over!
Maybe you should have at least clicked on the “About” page, or maybe read more than one article before you made your wild-ass assumptions, all of which are wrong. I was born and raised in Dallas, TX, and I live 15 minutes from 6th & Red River in Austin, out in the country, Garfield, TX. I open my windows and I smell cow shit. Google it. And I’m 34 years old. What else do you want to know about me?
savingcountrymusic.com started as http://www.freehank3.org. I wrote over 250 articles in support of trying to get Hank III free of his label Curb Records, which we eventually did successfully. You’re preaching at me about what an Outlaw is, is cute.
And if this ticked you off, check out what I had to say about Amarillo born and raised Kevin Fowler:
March 12, 2011 @ 10:04 pm
Oh the good ole “you fell right in my trap” is laughable. Are you sure you are 34 or maybe 65 with that comment? Why would I look at the “About” section of the site? For one I was just doing Google searches on some artists and your article came up. Second there was no “wild-ass assumptions” being made it’s very clear you are tackless with your criticisms. I can tell you came from “small town USA” by your narrow view points and the whole 250 articles in support of Hank III sounds more like you writing to his fan club. You remind me of one of those elitist dbags that works at a vinyl shop thinking he is the only person that has ever listened to a tune and can understand it. There are different genre’s of country music and if you don’t know that by now it doesn’t give much legitimacy to your site. Your like the kid in high school that was popular for all the wrong reasons. Sure, you have a right to your opinion and so do a whole lot of other people and it looks like the others are speaking out based on these comments.
March 12, 2011 @ 11:00 pm
Oh I see, so your going to follow up your wrong assumptions about me, by making more wrong assumptions about me. Are you a Josh Thompson fan? Do you like his music? Then why don’t you defend it with salient points instead of letting some imaginary vision of who I am get in your kitchen and allow you to make an ass out of yourself by making accusations that are just not true.
Before you make one more assumption about me, understand that I do not think I’m better than anyone else. I don’t think I am better than you, Josh Thompson, or anyone. I just give my opinions as I see them. Then I give you a place to give yours. But if you’re not going to do that, and instead focus on me, all you are going to do is make yourself look like an ill-informed red ass, and nobody is going to listen.
March 13, 2011 @ 10:03 am
I am not a hugh fan of Josh Thompson’s at all after all he is a Packer’s fan for crying out loud. I am a fan of country more so Outlaw country. The way you criticize is slanted towards being racist and homophobic and that’s wrong. You find it ok to criticize and that’s your right to do so but, those that criticize are not immune from criticism themselves. I have no problem from you thinking his shit is fake or whatever but, not all country is Outlaw country Example (George Strait). I don’t see the connection of someone wanting to sing a song about Waylon or covering one of his songs and them having to be Outlaw country? Just because Waylon did a Bob Seger cover (Turn the Page) does that make Waylon classic rock? I know your a hugh Hank III fan but people could say that he was just riding on the coat tails of grandpa and daddy just like Shooter. I mean give more people a chance and some connections to the industry and we would see a lot more people breaking into the business that other wise never get a shot. Take alot of the bands on 6th st. I bet you most don’t get a good break into the industry.
March 13, 2011 @ 11:11 am
I have to say something. I don’t think Shooter or Hank III are trying to ride on their legacy coat tail’s. They cannot help who they are. In fact, it’s one thing that they both have in common. They are both trying to be the musicians they were born to be.
Some are better at it than others.
March 13, 2011 @ 9:22 pm
All I was getting at was the fact that I bet it was easier for them to break into the industry because the road was partly paved do to namesake as opposed to someone that has no connections what so ever.
March 13, 2011 @ 10:29 pm
I think that’s a fair point. Certainly Shooter and Hank III were given better chances because of their name. But with the shoe on the other foot, they also can find uphill battles because of people’s perceptions and expectations of them, and living in shadows. I would say the names are a blessing and a curse.
March 13, 2011 @ 11:57 am
I used to hate this site and the thought of it. It was considered the anti-Shooter site. As a fan of Shooter I was turned off. I revisited this site and realized that it is not an anti-Shooter site at all. It is an anti-bullshit site. Pop country is bullshit, trig and the people here are against one thing and one thing only. Musical Bullshit.
March 13, 2011 @ 9:17 pm
I agree there’s alot of today’s (Nashville) country I don’t like ether. On that same note I do think there is a place for every kind of music weather it is by commercial label or an independent.
March 13, 2011 @ 3:17 pm
“I mean give more people a chance and some connections to the industry and we would see a lot more people breaking into the business that other wise never get a shot”
That comment right there once again proves that you have not spent one second on any other part of this website, and you are making an asshole out of your self. That is the charter of Saving Country Music right there, that is what I do all day my friend. I wrote this article over a year ago. I write anywhere from 5-8 articles a week, most of which do that exact thing. But Josh Thompson and his ilk are doing the exact opposite, they are keeping the good talent down by plugging holes that should be filled by much more deserving artists.
March 13, 2011 @ 9:12 pm
You just don’t get it do you? You are so random with your responses and you like to take comments out of text for your little come backs…lame. I have asked you questions like:
“I don”™t see the connection of someone wanting to sing a song about Waylon or covering one of his songs and them having to be Outlaw country? Just because Waylon did a Bob Seger cover (Turn the Page) does that make Waylon classic rock?” and you don’t answer. I question your theory on these “holes” that are being plugged? Why the fuck would I read every article on this site to comment on one. Who does that?
March 13, 2011 @ 10:38 pm
Well, according to the stats on the site, the vast majority of the people do, but I understand what your saying. I guess the reason that I am telling you specifically to familiarize yourself with the site is because you’re making assumptions about me that with a few clicks and five minutes of your time would become so patently false to you, you would have kept a lot of your powder dry. Instead your points were diluted from your personal pot shots at me.
Specifically to your point about singing songs from different genres or from different artists, I understand what you’re getting at, but that was not the foundation of the argument against Josh Thompson. I’m sure you disagree with me, but the accusation about Josh is that he is “manufactured”. There is a lot of anti-Nashville pop country sentiment right now, that is why this website exists and has such a vibrant following. My concern is that instead of doing something about that, Nashville has manufactured their own solutions int the form of these “new Outlaws” which include Josh, and Eric Church and Gretchen Wilson, who sing about how bad pop country is, while singing pop country and working within the system. We can disagree on that point, but I don’t think it is wrong or bad for one artist to cover another artist’s song or mention their names. That was not the point.
March 13, 2011 @ 12:31 pm
wow. this article is lightning. Nice to see there are others that have some facts and rational behind their comments and posting rather than just saying he is pop country manufactured. Since he isn’t.
And it is no secret that I am Jamey Johnson supporter, and those that talk about him here, you can have your opinion about liking or not liking his music, but you clearly know nothing about the man.
March 13, 2011 @ 12:42 pm
speaking for myself and probably some others….we don’t want to know anything about him. I tried….I listened to the video you put up. It was a Hank Sr song for crying out loud….if that didn’t do it nothing will. He is just “ok”….no more no less. I don’t know about honkytonkbdonk. Read plenty (mostly rants) but I don’t know that I’ve ever heard it. I shelter myself and try not to be exposed to mainstream music like that.
March 13, 2011 @ 2:21 pm
Of course you don’t want to know anything about him. It might change your opinions that some of these guys aren’t the manufactured projects you think they are, and maybe they are real deals.
It is easy to ignore things and stay status quo. Keep saying Nashville sucks, keep rallying the troups for nothing. Keep blogging about tabloids.
March 13, 2011 @ 3:12 pm
If you think what happens here is “blogging about tabloids” then why the fuck are you still here? Why are you blowing so much of your damn time writing comments that are convincing nobody of anything. It this is all tabloid, if all my readers are closed-minded assholes, then quit lending credence to them by giving them your time an attention, AND MOVE THE FUCK ON. I’m tired of reading your repetitive shit. Contribute something, or move on, or I’ll start deleting your comments so that the healthy ones, including some that you have contributed yourself, don’t get drowned in the bullshit.
Please and thank you.
March 13, 2011 @ 3:35 pm
March 13, 2011 @ 4:08 pm
That’s leadership. I argue for clairity and facts and integrity of an artist and your going to delete it? People say someone is a sell out or fake and I should just move on?
When I asked you to take a stance on a guy like Jamey Johnson, I didn’t mean you had to say you like or dislike him, but you don’t do anything to address the mis-information some put out about him. Just as there is some mis-information about Josh Thompson here, and you let it go. His fans obviously have to clear it up.
March 13, 2011 @ 5:48 pm
IceCold: You argue for clarity and facts? So far every post I have seen from you has Jamey Johnson in it no matter what the actual subject is. I have been searching through some of the blogs I have missed and you always bring him up. Please start a Jamey Johnson fan site somewhere else and if you must comment, make the content relevant to the topic at hand.
March 13, 2011 @ 3:48 pm
Well after reading the things this guy Josh’s fans have written, I believe I will stay away from him. Apparently listening to him makes you angry and ignorant. There is already too much of that in this world.
March 13, 2011 @ 5:53 pm
Good advice.
March 14, 2011 @ 1:53 pm
Really? Forgive me for standing up for an artist that is making real country music, but Trigger isn’t enough of a leader to correct some of you on the accusations you make because his guy didn’t break the door down in Nashville, and when this is all looked back on, it won’t be Hank III that you all can thank for the change. I can understand you frustration with that, but don’t deny what is happening or say it is a not real.
Good luck in your fight. We will be waiting for you to catch up.
The Colt Ford Collaboration Country Music Blacklist « Saving Country Music
April 21, 2011 @ 10:32 am
[…] Thompson. If his music is your speed, then don’t let my opinionated ass get in your way, but since I roasted him for his stupid “Outlaw” song, it seems like wherever stupid is going down, he’s there getting his pony tail stuck in the […]
June 23, 2011 @ 12:59 am
What makes me sad (yet happy in away) is that James Hetfield (singer for Metallica) has more respect for Waylon than this guy. Hell, look up the song “Mama Said”, though it’s not country, it sound more country than what I’ve heard from Thompson.
Ps. For people who don’t know, Waylon was a real close friend to all members of Metallica.
July 1, 2011 @ 8:48 pm
i grew up my entire life listening to outlaw country. if you think that Josh Thompson is evoking Waylon Jennings that FUCK YOU!… maybe you didnt understand, thats right i said FUCK YOU! everyone grows up with an idol in life, and for Josh that just happened to be Waylon. all of his songs he writes himself are from the heart and sole, which is what all the outlaw country singers did EXAMPLE… WAYLON, MERELE, WILLIE, HANK AND SO ON. ive seen him in mutiple times and have enjoyed every show. he sings from the heart and his vocals skills are AWESOME. if you even had a FUCKING LIFE! and went to a concert of his, you would be able to get the chance to listen to COMIN’ AROUND, which only proves my point!…. but who knows, you may be just the same ole’ hater that dosent want to hear it, and if so FUCK YOU! before you go bashing someone, you might want to do a little research and see him in concert, then you would get the understanding that he honors every single outlaw that came before him!
November 13, 2011 @ 11:14 am
AMEN! preach it sista
April 28, 2012 @ 3:57 pm
wow you are deluded. honestly woman what kind of outlaw writes “bow chicka wow wow” as a song lyric. what a piece of crap. but i dont want to try to tell you to stop liking this guy, what I and many others are trying to do is point out to people that there is more than THIS. sure at the end of a saturday night, after suckin down a buncha budlights who cares if the music “speaks” to you anymore, just dance with a gal and have fun. there is nothing wrong with that, but dont try and pass this off as tough or outlaw. its just pop music. enjoy.
November 13, 2011 @ 11:13 am
I love josh thompson! I think he represents wisconsin well..he trys hard and is making something of himself and doing a hell of a job at it. Saw him at country fest this past summer..hell of a job, saw him in minnesota along with Luke Bryan and Lee Brice..josh was just as amazing as them. LOVE it. . so yall can suck on a big ole d and stop bitching because you’re jealous
January 6, 2012 @ 8:32 pm
Whoever tried to brand this shit as “cutting edge” has no clue.. Both of these guys could get prison raped at a DAC show… Outlaw my Appalachian ass..
January 9, 2012 @ 4:31 am
I’m going to come straight out of the closet here. This guy really speaks to my Gay-side. I knew I had it in me somewhere, but I’ve never really found it until now. It feels a little bit like he’s licking my scrotum. I should like it because Josh is trying so hard to make me feel good, but I can’t because I feel a shame.
Blame it on me!
March 26, 2012 @ 9:06 pm
Look Triggerman I’m not claiming that you’re wrong but how can you judge people when you’ve never written a song yourself and never performed. What is your credentials. You are the guy in Toby Keith’s “The Critic” and just like Peter Jennings you are on my list because your badmouthing a brilliant young man that I’m a fan of. I do agree he is not an outlaw but you sir are certainly not a “badass” like you claim to be and as for Jamey Johnson don’t you dare touch him cause you are worthless. Where’s your credibiliy?
March 26, 2012 @ 10:33 pm
How do you know I’ve never written a song and never performed? And where have I ever claimed I was a “badass”? If you disagree with my opinions, that’s fine, but I wouldn’t be so quick to assume things about me, and even if I wasn’t a musician, I still have a right to an opinion, just like you and everyone else does.
April 11, 2012 @ 9:01 am
I did not watch the videos you posted but I own this guy’s albums and have been to multiple shows…he is a VERY talented song writer and put terrific songs on Aldean and Paisley albums. Go to one of his shows you pussy self proclaimed “shadow” and stop jumping on the “hate fake outlaw” bandwagon. I have never heard him mention himself as an outlaw or pretend to be one…rather he is a guitar slinger who has a construction past and is finding success doing what he loves. Sorry he is not your long haired savior u have been waiting for to “die for your country music sins” it is music!!!
April 11, 2012 @ 9:14 am
First off, I’m not joining the “fake Outlaw” bandwagon, I helped start it.
As for “shadowing him”, if he ever had the balls to bring his bit to Texas, I will see him live, but here is an updated story on Josh you might find interesting.
April 11, 2012 @ 12:39 pm
OK…checked out the updated article and I respect that you do remain open minded and give a fair opinion…Personally I skip Beer On The Table every time I spin his first album…however I frequently have the rest of the album on shuffle in my car for weeks at a time. I have listened to a lot of music and been disappointed by some artists when I went to a live show and they sounded like ISH…Josh rises to the occasion and I honestly believe that his music is no less than 99% how he wants it to be and not controlled by a “tap the outlaw market while it’s hot” label…not to say the label will not do their thing but I believe Josh does his thing too. If he blames some of his behavior and actions on the greats then I find no issue with him mentioning it in a song…I don’t think he compares himself to them though. These are all just opinions and I’ll never miss him when he swings through New England because his live show does not disappoint! PS the first time I heard comin around was at one of his shows and I felt the same way you do that it is moving in the right direction!
April 27, 2012 @ 9:30 pm
Hey Triggerman, how about you take the cocks that are out of your ears and actually listen to his music. Fake outlaw? You are a stupid mother fucker. I hope at your funeral they play Josh Thompson. I bet your a faggot too.
April 27, 2012 @ 9:39 pm
April 28, 2012 @ 4:00 pm
You can only ride the “triggerman is a dumbass” points for so long. Sure that is pretty funny, but your gonna have to say something intelligent at some point if you really expect your comments to carry any weight
April 28, 2012 @ 4:08 am
Another great thread…as always, it draws people of varying degrees of literacy, with the lowest being the loudest. Before you can tell Jose and Rosalita to speak English in America, we’d better start with ourselves.
And it drifts off into insults, slurs, and sexual innuendos that don’t amount to a hill of crap. Great…I guess whoever can be the most insulting (especially if he’s only marginally literate), wins the argument.
But I digress…this is about Josh Thompson and his so-called “outlaw” status. And my take on the matter is this:
Just as buying a brand-new Harley Davidson you don’t know how to ride, and spending almost as much on your bad-ass wardrobe, much of which you wear whether you’re riding or not, doesn’t make you a biker, Mr. Thompson, talking trash, dropping cash, and showing flash does not make you an outlaw.
You cannot buy bad. You get it the old-fashioned way – you earn it.
April 28, 2012 @ 4:20 pm
One thing i have noticed after watching this site for a long time is that pop country fans are loyal as shit. Even to a fault.
August 1, 2013 @ 8:44 am
You know, I REALLY appreciate the call out! But I do have to ask…what about the turncoat, Randy Houser? What has occurred there? As well as Jason Aldean, Eric Church, Brantley Gilbert…see where I am going with this? At this point I have to say that although I like ’em, they are NOT outlaw country. And don’t get me started on a large venue (Bridgestone Arena) vs. Marathon Music Works for a REAL show. We make you and we keep you going (just ask Jamey Johnson and Blackberry Smoke) and the arena shows are AWFUL! Damn sure not outlaw!
March 23, 2014 @ 5:17 pm
Let me tell ya something..today’s new country music ain’t country music..all I hear & see is a bunch of fake ass wannabes..talking bout growing up poor & doing without..bullshit…the new singers grew up rich born with a silver spoon in their mouth.babied : pampered..nothing but a bunch of slack jawed sucking on their mommas titty no talent copy cat whiners..not talented enough to write their own music so they pay to have songs written..hell make the real song writers famous not the fakes.even rewriting songs : totally fucking them up..fake blondes & mommas boys..George Jones john cash Waylon Willie George strait that’s real country music..today’s new singers are like the new truckers we have on the road now..they won’t help nobody.care of nobody but themselves.they’re selfish childish won’t listen to anybody that tries to help & give advice..totally heading for destruction just like country music.. and when they put that bullshit rap music in country music…ohhh hell nooooo what the fuck is your malfunction? Y’all better pull your head outta ya ass & realise..country is country rap is trash…get it right….I know damn good & well if given the chance..I’d put them all in their place if given a chance to sing & that place is under me…cause I know I can sing & I write my own music….so wake up.
June 19, 2014 @ 11:54 am
Josh Thompson doesn’t know who he is or who he wants to be. He starts out trying to be a hard core outlaw, now he’s turned into a pretty boy, name-dropping pop artist. He ran out on his wife and newborn baby for some whore that works at his record label. He has a horrible relationship with his fans, standing them up for meet and greets and refusing do do autographs. Let me tell you something mr thompson, you might as well go back to pouring concrete in wisconsin because nobody wants you in music city
May 11, 2015 @ 4:00 pm
I MEAN YOU QUOTED WAYLON “we do it my way or no way” and that made him an outlaw… So of Josh listens to you he isn’t no outlaw yet if he conintues to do it HIS way he is trash? Spend your time talking about someone who cares about your insults….. Josh Thompson is a great man from a great family….. BYE
May 21, 2017 @ 6:20 pm
Ok asshole. I new josh when he was young..i know he worled hard every day. And we drank beer every night. His talent is unbelivabe he was born for country…mayby more .i dont lnow but i will allways remember his luv for nashville. ..what the fuck have you done??? Any music to make us happy? Glad ??sadd??dance?? Sing along??? Fuck you!!!!!! I”ve known him for a long time ..he”s as genuine as it gets…..Grover.