Sam Hunt Soils Himself While Sampling Webb Pierce Track
WARNING: Language
Haha. Okay… So this is how Sam Hunt is making his music, “… more traditional in terms of the genre … that’s definitely where the songs are leaning at this point,” like he promised us he was doing last summer? By filching a piece of a sacred Webb Pierce classic and misappropriating it for a shitty, derivative drum-looped pop song that sounds like everything else in popular music?
About the only solid Sam is doing for actual country music with his new track “Hard To Forget” is offering a outstanding side-by-side comparison of how eloquent and heartfelt country music used to be, and what a fetid, steaming shite roll it has become thanks to hacks like Sam Hunt. The bowel movement that is Sam Hunt’s “Hard To Forget” is far from solid. It’s one of those nasty deeds where no matter how much you wipe afterwards, you never get it all, like there’s a Sharpie stuck up your rear end.
Do I really even need to offer my angry little words toward this stupid song? Doesn’t all this go without saying? Birds will fly upside down over Sam Hunt’s “Hard To Forget” because it’s not even worth shitting on. So let’s keep this short. The truly offensive thing here is the fact that Sam Hunt really does believe he’s doing a good turn toward traditional country by sampling Webb Pierce’s “There Stands The Glass.” Yet Hunt might as well have walked into a studio, had the engineers bring the feeders up, and told all traditional country fans calmly and politely to go fuck themselves.
In a similar fashion to Keith Urban’s “Coming Home” that makes a mockery of the iconic guitar opening to Merle Haggard’s “Mama Tried,” “There Stands The Glass” is done a much greater level worse in the minds of those who love true country music because of the sample, and especially because just like Keith Urban, Sam Hunt (or his producer minions) electronically transmogrified the sample so much, it loses any soul the original Webb Pierce performance had. Specifically, they modulated Webb’s voice higher to fit the key of Sam Hunt’s composition as opposed to vice versa, making Webb Pierce sound way more nasally and archaic than he actually did.
In fact it’s arguably the Webb Pierce sample that ruins “Hard To Forget.” Otherwise it’s a pretty lame, but innocuous pop song that would just be one of many from Sam Hunt. The premise in the songwriting of “Hard To Forget” is fine. But the passive corporate music listeners who will interface with this song will wonder why the hell some old fuddy duddy is singing on this otherwise passable Sam Hunt song. They won’t be rushing to Spotify to sample the Webb Pierce catalog and discover a burning love for traditional country music.
By all accounts, “Hard To Forget” is just going to be an album track from Sam Hunt’s new record, not a proper single—at least at this point. So let’s not get too hot and bothered. But in trying to ingratiate himself to traditional country fans, Sam Hunt has slapped them across the face, however inadvertent it might be, and re-attained his title as the new Antichrist of modern country. In a career full of lows, somehow, Sam Hunt figured out how to do himself one worse.
February 7, 2020 @ 11:50 am
Wow! The only thing this did was make me want to go buy “There Stands the Glass” by Webb Pierce. What a travesty! I don’t know who gave permission for this, but I’m guessing Webb Pierce would not be impressed. Sam Hunt did just prove that he’s a pop artist, though, so there’s that …
February 7, 2020 @ 8:00 pm
I highly recommend you to buy a Webb Pierce Greatest Hits compilation on Amazon and enjoy, please. Webb’s music is all classic.
February 7, 2020 @ 11:54 am
“Otherwise it’s a pretty lame, but innocuous pop song that would just be one of many from Sam Hunt.” After reading that sentence it finally clicked for me. His music reminds me (lyrically and sonically) of the late 1990s pop band, LFO, who’s biggest hit was Summer Girls (the abercrombie & fitch song).
February 8, 2020 @ 2:32 pm
This is gross
February 12, 2020 @ 8:52 am
That is really funny. Also, RIP to 2/3rds of LFO.
February 13, 2020 @ 4:31 pm
What a downright shame! El Sucko! He couldn’t shine Webbs boots! This tells you how nuts its getting.
February 7, 2020 @ 11:57 am
Wow.<— Not in a good way Everytime I look for a redeeming quality in SH, let down.
February 7, 2020 @ 11:57 am
Please forgive, not sure where to put this, so just going to put it here …
Just watched Hot Country Knight’s Asphalt.
OMG – Hilarious.
February 7, 2020 @ 12:01 pm
Well shit…I just started singing “There Stands the Glass” with my band when we play live, and now people are going to think I’m copying this fucker.
February 7, 2020 @ 12:03 pm
Birds will fly upside down over Sam Hunt’s “Hard To Forget” because it’s not even worth shitting on.
This line cracked me up.
I hope he was being ironic with the title, the only memorable part is the Webb Pierce bit even with voice distortion.
February 7, 2020 @ 12:52 pm
Yes Man that line was so funny i had to click the red button and listen to the song, my first Sam Hunt song. Awful.
February 7, 2020 @ 12:14 pm
I fell for the teaser… At first, I thought it was actually Sam’s voice. Thought he was forcing himself to sound retro…. Quickly I found out the truth.
I never heard of The Stands of Glass” before…. I’m not too familiar with 1950s country… But the way I see it, this Sam Hunt song made me discover who Webb Pierece was!! So maybe this song isn’t that awful. I’m sure a lot of young people today are googling Webb Pierece !!!! (I was one of them)
February 7, 2020 @ 1:13 pm
Webb Pierce was the most popular country singer for several years after the death of Hank Williams. All songs he released became big hits.
February 7, 2020 @ 5:24 pm
Willie and Webb cut a great version in the early 1980’s too!
B back to the topic at hand, uff da this is bad.
February 7, 2020 @ 12:19 pm
do ya think , in light of sam urban’s recent dui issues , kicking off this excuse for music with ‘ there stands the glass ‘ is coincidence ????
February 7, 2020 @ 12:19 pm
What the FUCK is going on from :18 to :32?
What does the chorus sound like? Isn’t it some shitty Kenny Chesney song? Sorry about the “shitty” – only needed to say Kenny Chesney, the other would be implied.
What is wrong with people who will listen to this and like it? Where can this possibly be played? Is country radio so totally fucked up that it will play this?! I can’t imagine it’s going to fit in next to Lizzo and Ariana.
What/why is that noise at 1:30?
I really thought I would ever hear anything worse than 98% of what GARTH!!! has done, or Old Town Road, but I seriously underestimated this douchebag.
OK. Let’s just calm down. This can’t be real. I mean, Sam Hunt sucks, but even he wouldn’t put something like this out as a serious piece of music. He’s just messing with us. Has to be. Right? RIGHT?!?!
February 7, 2020 @ 12:21 pm
sounds like the ‘on hold’ jingle the help desk at my cable provider plays
February 7, 2020 @ 12:25 pm
just found this nostradamus prediction in an old college book:
“in the late 20th century a man named travis will sing the last country music song “
February 7, 2020 @ 12:27 pm
I hope Webb Pierce’s ghost haunts Sam Hunt throughout the rest of eternity.
February 7, 2020 @ 12:27 pm
If anyone is a Sam Hunt fan… This song would be a slap in their face… Sam hasn’t released a new album in 6 years, and after years waiting you get this lame hybrid cover . This shows that Sam isn’t invested in his songwriting anymore…
February 7, 2020 @ 12:31 pm
Now we have yet another simplistic pop song claiming a right to be identified as “Country”. To hell with it. I don’t listen to this shiite. Never have and never will. He doesn’t exist in my world. Let them claim the country mantle. They all all damn liars, and even they know it. Country is out there, you just have to take an extra 20 seconds to find it, and with streaming being the primary delivery system of music, they can and will wither on the vine. I compare them to ticks on your hind end. They can hide for awhile in their lies and conceit, but extraction and stomping are quickly on the way.
February 7, 2020 @ 12:35 pm
Sam hunt is a total savage for this one! what an epic villain!
February 7, 2020 @ 12:36 pm
My jaw dropped right after the beat did from a combination of shock and disgust. I need a shower.
February 7, 2020 @ 12:38 pm
Really beginning to believe these pop country artists are just trying to find the next Tik Tok famous song
February 7, 2020 @ 12:39 pm
This reminds me exactly of when Lil Nutzzak sampled Dewey Cox’s “Walk Hard”
February 7, 2020 @ 12:39 pm
During Prohibition, bootleggers would sometimes filter moonshine through radiators or add some really gross stuff to try and make it palpable, but in the end, it just made ya sick. Sam thinks he’s doing that but really, he’s pissing in the still.
February 7, 2020 @ 12:54 pm
This is not a country song, I’ll get that out of the way first. I’m also not a mainstream country fan in the slightest and have spent a ton of time on this site over the years discovering a ton great artists that are keeping the genre alive. But, here’s my hot take: After giving it a serious listen, could one make the argument that this is at least a step in the right direction for Sam Hunt? In my mind this has to be one of the most country things Sam Hunt’s ever done (I get that that doesn’t say much but still). It’s TOUGH to listen past that obnoxious dance beat dominating the song, but there’s a surprising amount of actual country instrumentation in there. In previous songs of his, you may hear a stray steel guitar buried in the mix for a split second, but nearly all the transitions between vocal lines feature instruments that sound like they could have been plucked straight out of the best songs of the genre. The songwriting isn’t terrible either, and underneath that big, pop beat slathered all over the track, it seems to be a relatively sharply written and catchy (albeit kind of stupid) song based around a songwriting topic that shows up in a whole host of country songs. At this point, it definitely feels like a guilty pleasure kind of song, and sounds like what artists like Diplo, in trying to combine dance music and country, should try and shoot for. I get that it shouldn’t be labeled “country,” but that’ll always be the case with stuff like this, and the more I’ve listened to this song, the more I want to put it on the good side of what happens when artists try to mix genres together. Overall, it just seems to me like a goofy, catchy country-pop-dance mashup that isn’t really doing any damage whatsoever to country music’s big picture like Body Like a Back Road and other stuff from him have managed to.
I might also be the only person on either side of the divide that likes that sample. I think really going out there with samples can sound pretty cool, and even though I despised when Keith Urban sampled the legendary guitar lick from Mama Tried, I think this one does a much better job fitting in with what they’re going for.
February 7, 2020 @ 12:58 pm
Is it safe to say this is Sam Hunt’s best song to date?!!!
He only has like 15 songs in his discography so far, so yeah, I think this is his best song to date lol
February 7, 2020 @ 2:21 pm
Sam Hunt has actually featured a decent amount of country instrumentation in his songs over time, especially the ever-present “token” banjo. So I don’t think this qualifies as a step in the country direction.
Also, I think the sample is horrible personally. Not saying you couldn’t do a cool same of a classic country song and make it work in an EDM tune, but the way Webb’s voice is modulated up, makes it jarring for me, though perhaps it’s because I’m used to the way his voice sounds on the song originally. I just think it clashes real bad with what Sam Hunt is doing. Like I said in thew review, the writing isn’t terrible, but the overall execution is.
February 8, 2020 @ 8:35 am
“sounds like what artists like Diplo, in trying to combine dance music and country, should try and shoot for.”
No. NO. First, I think you are referring to Avicii (“Wake Me Up”). And, NO, they should not try to shoot for this choking pile of dog shit. If anything, Hunt should be trying to shoot for what Avicii, and others, have done.
Actually, that’s not even correct. No one should be trying to do this. But if someone is going to, it should be the EDM guys using country samples, not the other way around. And sure as shit not some no talent ass clown like Sam Hunt.
February 8, 2020 @ 9:36 am
Diplo has spent the last year or so trying to do some country/EDM mix thing that hasn’t been too great, so that’s what I was referring to.
And to clarify, I’m not saying that Sam Hunt is good (the other two pre-release songs are really poor) or that any of his music should be called country, be on country radio, or allowed a place on its charts, but I thought this particular song was a fun mashup of styles that sounds better than a lot of the cringey stuff that usually comes from artists “blending genres.”
This isn’t normally something I’d like at all, but I can’t help that part, so I was really just trying to explain why lol.
February 7, 2020 @ 1:32 pm
‘Birds will fly upside down over Sam Hunt’s “Hard To Forget” because it’s not even worth shitting on.’
February 7, 2020 @ 2:04 pm
Peter Finch
February 7, 2020 @ 2:35 pm
Wow, that’s such an original MacBook Pro drum beat
February 7, 2020 @ 2:47 pm
My first thought as I listened to this was almost the same as when I bumped through Chase Rice’s latest release “Shit Sandwich” Part 1 (as if anyone wants a Part 2)……..aren’t these guys in the least embarrassed at putting out awful garbage when they know that most people (not just us) know they know better? Follow me?
February 7, 2020 @ 3:21 pm
Is this what Hell sounds like?
February 7, 2020 @ 3:24 pm
Classic gold review.
Killed the website in my browser in my frantic scramble to make the track stop playing as soon as the beat crap started. Luckily I was on the crapper when I played it.
February 7, 2020 @ 4:33 pm
If you were constipated the song should’ve helped with that
February 7, 2020 @ 4:13 pm
What they did it There Stands the Glass really is unforgivable. I don’t even have the words for it.
February 8, 2020 @ 12:24 am
Unforgivable or Unforgettable?
Hard to Forget? Or Hard to Get?
February 7, 2020 @ 4:26 pm
If you played that at one end of the hog pen the hogs would stampede to the other to get away from the stench.
You nailed it. He spindled and mutilated the sample to the point of it being the most fetid part of the song. Not a tribute – a defamation.
February 7, 2020 @ 5:41 pm
What. A. Fucking. Tool.
February 7, 2020 @ 6:10 pm
One word keeps coming to mind when I have the unfortunate brain lapse and think of Hunt. “Lightweight “. Yeah, that about sums him up and even that is generous.
February 7, 2020 @ 6:42 pm
This is honestly pretty standard Sam Hunt fare (terrible, but expectedly so) – the choice to sample There Stands the Glass is honestly completely baffling. It doesn’t sound remotely appealing, and I honestly thought it was a joke when it started up. The sample actively makes the song worse… again, the choice is completely baffling.
February 7, 2020 @ 7:11 pm
I’ve actually been digging back and enjoying a lot of 50’s and early 60’s country very recently, including Webb Pierce’s music. Hearing a true country classic like “There Stands The Glass” abruptly go into that lame drum machine infested bullshit Hunt is known for is simply disgusting. The only possible positive I can think of coming out of this is it will introduce Webb to many people who weren’t familiar with him. Though I kinda doubt most of those who are into Hunt’s “music” will have much interest in 50’s country or any sort of actual country music, for that matter. If he thinks this will earn him respect from traditional country fans, he’s got another thing coming! As for me, I’ll stick to ol’ Webb himself, thank you very much.
February 7, 2020 @ 7:32 pm
I love it. Sam hunt through in and through out bitches.
February 7, 2020 @ 10:30 pm
Nice try….lol….Just came back from watching Ray Fulcher open for 2 guys that aren’t even as good as………. this goofball. Ahhh…. When It Rains It Pours…………
February 7, 2020 @ 7:47 pm
I… actually kinda enjoyed it.
February 7, 2020 @ 8:54 pm
This may be the most positive comment from you I’ve ever seen, nonetheless from a Sam Hunt review. I actually don’t sense a tad of sarcasm either.
February 7, 2020 @ 8:34 pm
It’s a cartoon, and so, at this point, is he.
February 7, 2020 @ 9:14 pm
I don’t know where else to make this comment, but the new John Moreland album is unbelievably good. I’ve listened to it almost 4 times today. I think he nailed blending his typical acoustic arrangements with some electronic beats. Of course the songwriting is top notch. Can’t wait for a full review!
February 8, 2020 @ 5:31 am
Moreland is wonderful. Just finished my first spin through James Steinle’s new one and it seems like a real gem. Frazey Ford’s newest came out yesterday. I’m trying to wait until the vinyl arrives in the mail, but not sure if Ill be able to make it! Seeing her live March 26 and can’t wait. I’m so grateful for all of these amazing artists and so many more.
February 8, 2020 @ 5:34 pm
This seems like a good place. Sam Hunt is trash we just can’t seem to throw away around here.
February 7, 2020 @ 10:29 pm
I think someone’s real name is Mike?
February 8, 2020 @ 12:19 am
Why even bother?
February 8, 2020 @ 12:53 am
The lyrics could maybe work. With a country arrangement. This isn’t one.
February 8, 2020 @ 1:55 am
I know he’s not that good (but leave the night on is a jam) but just ignore him, surely you have better things to do than worry about what he’s doing. Get over yourselves.
February 8, 2020 @ 9:02 am
it our job NOT to ignore him . he’s making the musical climate unsafe for law-biding talent .if we don’t pull him over cuz we have ‘better things to do ‘ he’ll just keep doing it and infringing upon the good work and efforts of people who abide by the rules of respect for music and talent. sure …we could go grab a coffee and a donut and ‘look the other way ‘. but that’s not how we were raised when it comes to music and COUNTRY in particular .
nope ….mr hunt gets away with too much as it is . time to make a citizens protest .
February 8, 2020 @ 10:30 am
Right – as long as he is permitted to occupy country radio, he takes the place of someone who is deserving of it.
February 8, 2020 @ 3:24 am
As I listened to his “movement” I could not help suspecting he had written this specifically for a middle schooler.
February 8, 2020 @ 8:23 am
Its got electrolytes.
February 8, 2020 @ 8:53 am
Me: Sam Hunt’s next album can’t be that bad right? No way he could get any worse than what he is.
Sam Hunt: Hold my beer
February 8, 2020 @ 9:17 am
In other news, listened to Kristofferson’s first album last night sipping on a good bourbon. What a classic…..
February 8, 2020 @ 9:23 am
Sam’s coming for “Help Me Make It Through The Night” next.
February 8, 2020 @ 10:59 am
I reckon there’s an actual song buried down in there somewhere -but- the production is a weapons grade Quarterpounder that’s been under the heat lamp for a couple days. I’m afraid to wonder…. what the fank were they thinking in the studio? High-fiving each other going “what a great track!!!” I’m serious – what is the target audience for this… stuff?
February 8, 2020 @ 12:43 pm
Reminds me of what Kanye West did to Chaka Khan’s “Through the Fire” when he sampled it for “Through the Wire,” speeding her vocals up to Chipmunk-tempo. Just another way modern “country” music is taking its cues from hip-hop.
And is anyone else shocked that Sam Hunt even knows who Webb Pierce WAS?
February 8, 2020 @ 1:43 pm
Saving Country Music: Shitting on the purveyors of modern country-pop (even when the birds won’t).
February 8, 2020 @ 11:03 pm
Speaking of Webb Pierce, have any of you ever heard the Webb tribute album called” Caught in the Webb” produced by the fabulous Gail Davies from years back. It’s a killer. No filler.
February 8, 2020 @ 11:55 pm
Way this cat’s going he’s going to be the next Keith Whitley sans the real country style
February 9, 2020 @ 7:42 am
These are the times that I appreciate the fact that ‘country’ radio is non-existent in my little country. What a load of shit. Carl Smith’s cover is actually pretty good!
February 9, 2020 @ 8:26 am
Evolution of music genres is inevitable regardless of how hard people rail against it. You can say ‘we’ll just stop buying it”. But someone else still is…. And it will still get air time and it will still make money… And thus shift the definition of what a genre is. It goes back to the old saying, “you can’t put the genie back in the bottle”.
February 9, 2020 @ 8:29 am
There is nothing “evolved” about this track. I think you’re referring to “devolution,” which is important to rail against no matter where it presents itself in society.
February 9, 2020 @ 10:30 am
Wow…It’s so bad, I don’t even know what to say.
February 9, 2020 @ 2:58 pm
that fucker needs kicked in the balls about 15 times!!!
February 9, 2020 @ 9:04 pm
When one struggles to even have the words to describe what one has just listened too, says a lot! I guess I will just say I am mortified that this is even considered country music!
February 10, 2020 @ 5:16 am
I barely get mad anymore. He needs a hug and a warm glass of milk. This is just so sad.
February 14, 2020 @ 7:59 am
Could this possibly SUCK worse?????
April 25, 2020 @ 9:10 pm
I’ve read thru all the comments and all I can picture is a bunch of old geezers sitting around, upset that someone young resampled an old classic that probably held a lot of memories for them.
Have you ever stopped to think that maybe you weren’t the target audience for this song?
I love it. The old sample, the new beat, sounds great to me. Y’all are free to just change the station or song; you don’t have to listen to it. Some of us actually like it.
So quit bitching about a new version, and listen to the original version if that’s what you like. Dang!
September 22, 2020 @ 8:43 am
No, I like bitching about stuff I don’t like. You’re free to change what websites you visit, but you aren’t, so I’m not “changing the station”. I’m 18 and I just don’t like stuff like this.
July 15, 2020 @ 3:55 pm
It took me a bit to figure out where I had heard it before. He may have sampled Webb Pierce but he ripped off John Conlee’s Common Man.
December 20, 2020 @ 10:06 am
Late to this party. I’m trying to revive my interest in country music which I used to love. I read your scathing and very funny article and listened to the clips. I yelled “NO!” out loud when I heard “Hard to Forget” and thought “that’s going to be hard to forgive.” What a piece of shite.