The Highlights In You Hair Are a Dead Giveaway . . .
Real quick, Big G’s interview with Hank III last night was amazing. It’s lasted 1 hr 20 min and covered all kinds of stuff, but instead of trying to give the Cliff Notes version right now and make you salivate for something you can’t hear, I’ll wait until Big G posts it to his podcast and give you a big write-up then.
“The highlights in your hair are a dead giveaway
You’re not singing country music
100 Desperate Housewives at the ‘Meet and Greet’
Just waiting to meet and cheat
You keep singing pop songs and taking photo ops
You’re a sissy new age cowboy country fuck.”
Sissy New Age Cowboy by Brent Amaker and the Rodeo
For those of you who don’t know, this is Brent Amaker and the Rodeo. You can also find them on MySpace by clicking here.
I first heard this on Tim Pop Live episode #110 and just about fell out of my chair when I heard “The highlights in your hair are a dead giveaway, you’re not singing country music.” If you want to make it in pop country, you don’t need talent. You need a tennis ball shoved down the front of your jeans, a tub of bleach and three hours in the hairstylist chair to make you hair look like you just woke up on it.
Check it:
Pat Green
Rascal Flatts
I mean look at that dude on the left. Are you fucking kidding me? Are you really rolling with that haircut and trying to call yourself country music? WHAT IN THE HELL IS GOING ON ?!?!
Listen, I’m all for people rolling with whatever look they want and not judging books by their covers and all that, but this is just over-the-top, silly-ass vanity to an objectionable degree that has no place in any part of our culture, country or not.
If I ever saw this dude in person I would risk jail time to rag out his ‘doo’ and give him a knuckle burner.
What a joke.
Brent Amaker & The Rodeo Albums:
Brent Amaker and the Rodeo
Howdy Do