Turnpike Troubadours Fans Frustrated As Red Rocks Tickets Sell Out

This story has been updated (see bottom).
Fans of Oklahoma’s Turnpike Troubadours were super excited to learn earlier this week that after a 2 1/2-year hiatus, the band was finally getting back together, and was planning a reunion show at the legendary Red Rocks amphitheater in Colorado on May 14th, 2022 with Reckless Kelly and Shovels & Rope opening the show—two big names in their own right.
With the pent up demand to see the Turnpike Troubadours live, fans wanting to celebrate the band’s reunification, and the impressive list of openers, tickets were sure to be a hot commodity. But nobody anticipated it being so hot that very few actual fans would end up with tickets.
Though it’s difficult to impossible to peer behind the curtain of the ticket selling process to see just how many actual Turnpike Troubadours fans were able to score tickets compared to scalpers and resellers, taking an anecdotal tab of posts on social media shows an overwhelming consensus of people getting locked out of the process despite sometimes waiting hours to secure seats.
Account after account from the experience on Thursday with the presale and Friday with the general sale was one of frustration and letdown to the point where fans looking for Turnpike Troubadours tickets and getting turned away became an internet meme. Meanwhile, tons of tickets are actually available, only it’s on the secondary market for markups ranging between $400 to $900.
“I’m convinced that not a single actual human being got tickets to Turnpike Troubadours’ Red Rocks show,” one fan said on Twitter, with many folks concurring with the take. “Still have yet to see one single actual human being say that they got a hold of Turnpike Troubadours tickets,” said another. “F*CK these scalpers and resale websites, man.”
Many frustrated fans turned their ire towards the ticketer AXS, whose system required some to wait in holding pins for extended periods just for an opportunity to purchase tickets, only to be told tickets were sold out when it was their time, and immediately being presented with resale tickets marked up significantly from the original $49.99-$79.99 prices.
“AXS, so you advertise Turnpike Troubadours tickets for $49.99-$79.99. You make people wait 2 hours only to find out the only available tickets are now $400.00. What kind of operation is that?” said one frustrated patron.
Another chimed in, “It’s unfortunate that the true fans, die hard fans willing to wait hours for tickets won’t be the ones there… unless they can afford to pay a ridiculous amount from resale. I’m mad for us but also for the Turnpike Troubadours because they deserved for us to be there.”
Obviously, the experience Turnpike Troubadours fans are having is not unusual in music in 2021. But it is unusual for Turnpike Troubadours fans. It’s not just automatic buying bots and scalpers gaming the system, but the intense interest in this reunion show that is feeding the intense desire for tickets by secondary resellers.
And unfortunately, even if the band adds a second show (which is a possibility), it’s still very likely that demand will continue to outpace supply, and resellers will be the ones walking away with the proceeds, not the band. The secondary markup on Turnpike Troubadours tickets is money taken out of the independent music economy, not added to it.
And though they were few and far between, some fans did score tickets for the face value price. “I JUST SCORED FOUR TICKETS TO TURNPIKE TROUBADOURS AT RED ROCKS!!! I AM SO EXCITED!!!,” the one lone fan that Saving Country Music could hunt down said in celebration.
But however frustrated fans are at process, it’s important to understand it’s not just a symptom of the inequitable ticketing system, it’s also due to the massive appeal for the Turnpike Troubadours, and this show specifically. It was going to be difficult securing tickets either way. Very likely a full-blown tour will be booked at some point in the future, with many more opportunities for people to see the band, and closer to home. It’s just very aggravating to many fans who wanted to be there to support them for their first show back.
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UPDATE: Turnpike Troubadours fiddle player Kyle Nix chimed in via the Facebook comments on this article, saying, “Yeah, this really sucks. I hate it for the folks who’ve stuck by us through everything & still can’t get tickets. We really didn’t think about this type of thing. We’ve been more focused on each other more than anything. But just hang in there if you can. The future is wide open.”
December 3, 2021 @ 12:43 pm
It does suck, and most of all because the band doesn’t see any of that markup.
But you know what? This is a reminder to us all: go see live music, in the small local venues, when bands are still getting on their feet. 10-15 bucks means a lot to them, and you get to catch talent from 20 feet away instead of Row Zed Zed Gamma.
December 3, 2021 @ 12:53 pm
Good point Craig.
December 4, 2021 @ 9:11 am
Same issue waited on 12/2 for the presale, nothing. Waited on 12/3. Got into waiting room right at 930 tickets on sale at 10. Took 35 minutes to get on and the cheapest ticket was 400. How can the same sight seeking then for 49 to 79 have zero tickets available but then also have resale tickets at 400+. Did they even actually sell and tickets at face value?
Nobody I know got tickets either. Pretty shitty. Been looking forward to this for awhile.
December 3, 2021 @ 1:41 pm
Craig’s right, last night I enjoyed an intimate evening with The Shootouts and Steel Blossoms and tomorrow Flatland Cavalry is here with plenty of tickets left. Except for the odd Cody Jinks show where I can usually get a good reserved seat for a decent price, I’ve long ago given up on 99% of these types of shows for the reasons we’re seeing here. I feel bad for you guys the real fans that have to deal with this. It’s been going on so long. People are getting rich and it ain’t the artists.
December 3, 2021 @ 3:08 pm
Yeah, the secondary guys wreck everything. A shame to see these resellers get their greedy hooks in an indie band like that. If TT cares about their fans, perhaps they will make it right
Maybe a couple more shows?
Personally, im like JB, staying away from the frenzy. Its more fun to go to shows with a bit of breathing room. And the way some fans over react to them tends to be a bit of a turnoff. I will catch TT down the road eventually, no hurry.
December 3, 2021 @ 4:12 pm
If they cared at all they’d pull a Brand New/Manchester Orchestra and cancel the super high priced tickets and do a resale.
December 3, 2021 @ 6:52 pm
Wrong. Price = what the market will bear. If the TTs want to keep prices feasible for middle income disposable, there’s a simple answer: offer more shows.
TT management will also learn more about markets that way. If you fix prices, you will become dumber.
December 3, 2021 @ 2:35 pm
On that note, if Robert Earl Keen is coming near you with his Road to Christmas show, it is a MUST SEE. I saw him two nights ago in Knoxville and I’m trying to figure out how to catch another one before he goes back to TX.
December 4, 2021 @ 9:03 pm
About 4 – 5 years ago drove me and my kids from Tucson AZ to a little town outside of San Antonio, Tx to see TT one Friday night at the Cuero TX ‘Gobble-fest’ or ‘Turkey-fest’ or something than aligned with their HS football team mascot
Fondly recall vividly walking up to some high school kid and paying them ~$7/person to get me, my kids and two friends that had driven down from Austin into the concert. Of course the usual ‘reserved VIP standing area’ up front was the friggin dance floor with everyone 2-stepping, 3-stepping or waltzing around to better concert than I’ve even heard TT play in Medicine Stone or 20+ venues regular or VIP tix
Been to TT live 2 dozen times over many years
Seen them at Red Rocks along with other 1/2 dozen times
Never, never going to try to buy a ticket via AXS again and they can all burn in hell… can maybe forgive them
For frustrating and screwing over 1000 fans… never forgine those DB’s for tainting TT and Reckless Kelly who I know love and respect their fans
December 3, 2021 @ 12:47 pm
Somehow I lucked out during the presale and managed to get 4 reserved seats. I honestly still can’t believe it. 100% sheer luck, because my co-worker and I both logged on at the same time, same network, etc. and I got through two minutes after it opened. He didn’t get in until at least half an hour later to see that all of them were gone. That’s how random it was. As you can imagine, I am grateful, but I feel awful for fellow Turnpike fans who didn’t get so lucky.
December 3, 2021 @ 12:54 pm
P.S. I’ve noticed between myself, the person mentioned above, and the few people on the TT Facebook groups who got tickets, the majority scored 4 tickets. Maybe 4 was the number that could slip past the bots and algorithms and whatnot? Just speculating.
December 3, 2021 @ 1:14 pm
Interesting. The one person I could find on social media and quoted in the article that got tickets (I don’t frequent the Turnpike Facebook groups) also got four tickets.
Also, if purchasing four tickets puts you at an advantage, this would also put the bots at an advantage, because they would be buying at the max ticket limit. It would make some sense that AXS would prioritize these buyers, not just because they’re paying more money, but because if you’re selling in 4-ticket blocks, you’re probably going to have less single and double tickets left over at the end, which are harder to sell.
December 3, 2021 @ 1:38 pm
Absurdly lucky to grab 2 in row 52 I think. It said “none available” when I finally got through but I kept hitting refresh and after about 10 times, a few minutes later, a pair popped up. Feel just awful for everyone who got screwed over here.
December 3, 2021 @ 4:13 pm
Yep, a lot of people don’t know this trick because they’re scared to lose their place.
December 3, 2021 @ 4:51 pm
We scored 2 tickets at $250 a pop for front row on Thursday, all that was available. It gave us about 30 seconds to confirm. Not easy when you had $40 budgeted, but we just won’t eat for a week and it will even out in the end.
Had a group of 10 with 3-5 devices each logged on today, no luck.
December 3, 2021 @ 5:02 pm
Oh so your the bot huh?
December 3, 2021 @ 1:57 pm
In my experience, 4 is the maximum you can buy for a show, per night. In this case, it’s only the one night. I’ve tried to get tickets for other shows with a group of friends, knowing it was going to be near impossible. We all try to buy 4 tickets, and typically only one or two of us are successful. I don’t think the number of tickets makes a difference at all.
December 3, 2021 @ 2:46 pm
Most of us never even got the opportunity to get far enough to say we wanted 4 tickets. I spent 3 hours yesterday, and 3 hours today trying to get tickets. I got in the “waiting room” at 9:30 both days. I waited in the BS “line” for 30 minutes yesterday and 60 minutes today and got nothing. People started telling each other that it was sold out at 10:01 already but I was hoping for a wing and a chance that I’d still get tickets. The bots got them all. I can’t even explain how angry I am!!
December 3, 2021 @ 12:53 pm
Those scalpers will have to sell that inventory and after the 3% pay 1,000x face value, they will be unloading the rest at a discount as the concert date draws near. I only ever buy tickets for a concert day of the event (sometimes after the gates open!) from the secondary market. Honestly, I love it this way. That way if something comes up, I’m not out hundreds of dollars. And only a few times I ended up paying more than face value. We did our little Outlaw Fest tour in September and I bought all the tickets (usually at a Cracker Barrel in route) on Vivid (2 tickets) – $210 Va Beach (9th row), $40 Raleigh (Lawn), $36 Charlotte (Lawn). Last minute we decided to ditch Charolette, but we were only out $36.
Just download the Vivid, Stubhub, and Ticketmaster apps and check them daily.
December 3, 2021 @ 2:14 pm
Been to many shows and playoff sporting events this way. It used to be that I would sit near a fedex/kinkos near the venue to print and go immediately to the event with my printed ticket. Now with mobile ticketing for everything it’s even easier.
December 4, 2021 @ 5:30 am
Ha! Before the mobile tickets, we traveled with a cheap printer for road concerts.
December 4, 2021 @ 8:18 am
That is freaking hilarious.
I Love it!
December 3, 2021 @ 1:09 pm
Side note. I just hope they don’t stream it. I really hate the culture of everything being online. It means people can pretend they are into live music when they actually haven’t left the couch.
December 3, 2021 @ 1:22 pm
I could not possibly disagree with you more. I love livestreams and actual concerts are even better. But I get busy and can’t afford or have time to travel all over the place. Livestreams have made it so that I can see all kinds of great shows while partying at home with friends.
December 3, 2021 @ 2:02 pm
You may be a great person, but that seems like a pretty selfish take. Streaming allows those who can’t make the show for whatever reason still enjoy it, while putting more money in the band’s pockets. Most importantly, it doesn’t interfere with those who attend the show in any way.
December 3, 2021 @ 2:15 pm
Thats not my reasoning at all. Its more to do with people who are growing up streaming live concerts instead of going to a show.
I know some examples of these kids. They aren’t getting to feel something special when you go to see an artist who finally made it close to you and when they do an acoustic version you haven’t heard it all before.
The only selfish part is how annoying it is to me that people who have never really been to a festival think they’ve seen more live shows than me. And therefore all my money on travel and tickets no longer includes bragging rights. And there is no incentive for the stay homers to join me next time.
December 3, 2021 @ 2:40 pm
10-4. Was not aware of the population of folks replacing the live show for streaming. If people are doing that, they’re definitely missing out. There are so many great things about live shows, and the community and crowd energy are part of that.
December 3, 2021 @ 3:00 pm
I didn’t realize it was a contest.
December 4, 2021 @ 12:07 pm
Bragging rights. Are you like 12 years old.
December 4, 2021 @ 12:41 pm
Nicest thing anyone said to me all day.
No, its pretty normal to want to feel like you got your money’s worth. People on this website post details of concerts all the time, Trigger reviews them etc.
My point is, people value what is rare and exclusive, hence these tickets prices. And once you dilute it with livestreams, then live music isnt as in demand.
Also people will stay at home and stream a big name band instead of supporting the local pub band.
Look, i’m not against it occasionally, but its not a good thing to be doing all the time
December 5, 2021 @ 4:48 am
I understand your take but for us here in Europe sometimes streaming is the only way to enjoy our favourite artists performances.
Not quite the same as being there .
December 3, 2021 @ 1:09 pm
I think AXS is purchasing their own tickets that they sell on the their AXS Premium resale site. They may have a third party involved, but they are allocating a significant percentage of their seats to this process. They don’t hide behind the fact that they offer a premium package for marked up tickets usually the reserved seats in the first few rows, which they sell as AXS Premium and in pairs, but that doesn’t account for a vast number of the other seats, not sold in pairs. Something is rotten in Morrison and with AXS.
December 3, 2021 @ 2:25 pm
For the record, I saw quite a few folks saying this and looked into it. I personally can’t determine if this is AXS selling its own tickets on the secondary market, or scalpers using the AXS Premium format to resell the tickets. I would have to think with all the new regulations in place for tickets, they wouldn’t be allowed to manipulate the system by holding back tickets and then reselling them. But like you said, they perhaps could work closely with a 3rd party and get away with it. I don’t know that’s what’s happening here, but it seems insane that after all the laws and regulations that are in effect to attempt to mitigate the fuckery in this market, there were resell tickets being posted for hundreds of dollars while some were still waiting in line to try and purchase.
December 4, 2021 @ 9:23 am
Got skunked on presale and general release. At 11:30 I had the wonderful opportunity to buy two tickets for $1,900! I’ll keep listening to my $30 record…
December 3, 2021 @ 1:14 pm
Seems like some artists are using Spotify to make sure fans get access to tickets first.
I’ve gotten emails (through Spotify) from Billy Strings and Brandi Carlisle saying basically thanks for listening, you get first dibs, follow this link.
I don’t know if scalpers have found a way around this yet, but I thought it was pretty cool.
December 5, 2021 @ 8:37 pm
I was talking to a friend about this, how cool would it be to get access to tickets based on your Spotify listening? A way to give fans a shot and artists an opportunity to make money instead of the scalpers.
December 3, 2021 @ 1:19 pm
Ticket services really should be forced to wait a few weeks before offering resales. That’s nuts.
I friend of mine went to a “sold out” Rival Sons show that was actually at less than half capacity once. Great for everyone who showed up but the scalpers apparently hosed themselves and the band.
Turnpike Troubadours a Red Rocks seems like an event that could sell out any number of shows and still make a bundle on a livestream as well. I really hope they add the later in.
December 3, 2021 @ 1:25 pm
I hate to even say that we ended up with tickets during pre-sale. It felt very much like a lottery situation. I had 2 computers with 4 browsers going on the waiting list and ended up getting through the app just by clicking through right after 11. Felt rigged. Makes it a bittersweet feeling knowing it could be completely packed with fans actually wanting to go and knowing in reality, that probably won’t happen.
December 3, 2021 @ 1:30 pm
I was able to purchase 6 tickets on presale date (Thursday)! I’m beyond excited!
December 3, 2021 @ 1:34 pm
My wife was able to get 2 tickets during the presale on Thursday and we are pumped. It said they were sold out but she kept hitting the ticket button until 2 popped up and we grabbed them. We’re looking forward to the trip from Atlanta to Red Rocks for the first time.
December 3, 2021 @ 1:48 pm
With it being Red Rocks, this was destined to be the case.
It would be cool if you’re in the area, but I think I paid $25 a head GA to see them before Long Way From Your Heart was released. Unless you’re in the area, I’d save my money.
Hate it for anyone that got snubbed, but glad TT will have positive momentum from the (re)start.
December 3, 2021 @ 1:55 pm
The same thing happened for Tyler Childer’s September shows at Red Rocks. I logged on 30 minutes before, and when it was my “turn” to buy tickets, the only ones left were over $200.
December 3, 2021 @ 2:19 pm
Keep in mind AXS and TM ‘scalp’ tickets also or offer ‘VIP’ seating at a markup. The majority or tickets are not going to bots. There are hold back and all kinds of other fuckery at play. I have no doubt they will add a show or even two as there’s nothing I see yet for 5/13 or 5/15 at RR.
December 3, 2021 @ 2:26 pm
Original credit card or ID matching the name on the ticket required for entry is the only way to greatly cut down on the bots / resellers. At least for presale tickets / the first good chunk sold. If you can’t make the show, you sell it back to the venue, minus a fee, and they offer it to someone who has signed up to be on a waiting list.
Another creative option, and one that Sturgill has done in the past, is to randomly make some tickets will call and some electronically delivered only a few days before the show….and not tell buyers which version they are getting. Scalpers are much less likely to buy and resell tickets if there is a chance they will be will call and unusable to anyone but the original purchaser.
December 3, 2021 @ 2:36 pm
Kyle Nix just piped up in the Facebook comments of this article:
“Yeah, this really sucks. I hate it for the folks who’ve stuck by us through everything & still can’t get tickets. We really didn’t think about this type of thing. We’ve been more focused on each other more than anything. But just hang in there if you can. The future is wide open”
December 3, 2021 @ 6:55 pm
Just play more shows, Kyle. Slso consider playing matinees.
December 3, 2021 @ 8:20 pm
Man, I’d love to believe they were that “aw shucks” of guys, but that’s just ridiculous (we really didn’t think…). How could they not know this was the predictable outcome, at Red Rocks of all places? It’s damn near 2022.
Their piss poor management not recognizing when it’s time to call a tour done is why they fell apart in the first place, but I would hope the new outfit would brief them on the options available for ticket sales (and getting them in the hands of real fans) at something as blatantly commercial as a comeback concert at Red Rocks of all places.
I realize these guys piss gold around here, but come on….
December 3, 2021 @ 8:45 pm
From what I’ve been reading, AXS is the only ticketer for Red Rocks. I don’t expect the members of the Turnpike Troubadours to know the in’s and out’s of ticketing companies and logistics at venues. They pay others to do that. And I agree, in hindsight, the people they pay to do that probably should have used a bit more foresight in planning a reunion show or shows. Red Rocks looks like a great venue to do this at on paper, but this ticketing problem has been plaguing this venue, especially over the last year or so. As others have brought up, the Tyler Childers shows had the same problem. I didn’t write about it then, because people complaining about not being able to get tickets feels like beating a dead horse. But this instance seemed so exceptional, it felt worthy of highlighting. Hopefully after this instance and the Tyler Childers shows, artists and their agents use more caution, or figure out work arounds for their fans. It really is a shame, because Red Rocks is a legendary venue. But clearly AXS doesn’t give a fuck about the user experience. The venue is publicly owned by the City of Denver. This is pretty irresponsible that a publicly-owned venue would be plagued by this.
December 3, 2021 @ 9:02 pm
Thanks Trigg. That all makes sense. I’m just maddened that the artists can’t demand that their tickets are handled differently after years of abuse by the ticketing giants & scalpers.
This isn’t new…especially for a band as big as turnpike doing a “band back together” stunt like this at Red Rocks. Come on. This was a bot / scalper magnet, and there is no way they didn’t see that.
December 3, 2021 @ 11:23 pm
Artists much bigger than the Turnpike Troubadours like Garth Brooks, Eric Church, and Sturgill Simpson have been actively battling against this trend for years, and even they can’t fully eliminate the scalper element from their ticket sales. It’s a deeply-rooted problem, and a group of musicians whose priorities should to be composing and playing songs and resolving personal issues are uniquely unqualified to tackle it. In fact I don’t want the Turnpike Troubadours worrying about ticket sales at all. I want them worrying about playing music. That’s their job. Again, should their management and agent seen this coming and planned accordingly? Yes, they should have. But I’m just not going to put this on a band that is just trying to hold things together after 2 1/2 years gone.
Also, it’s really important to note that the Turnpike Troubadours were NOT one of these bands that were selling out large venues left and right before their hiatus. This is new territory for them.
Also, Reckless Kelly with Shovels & Rope could have sold out Red Rocks themselves. Both those bands are mid-level headliners at major festivals, and top level headliners at smaller ones. It’s a great lineup, but putting all that star power on one day was going to completely blow out demand.
December 3, 2021 @ 11:51 pm
That’s all fine, but one comeback, diva show at a medium-sized venue could have been managed. RED ROCKS, nonetheless. Come on, trigger.
December 4, 2021 @ 9:43 am
Streets are saying this isn’t even gonna be the first show it just sounded the best in a comeback headline. Kinda shitty to let people think that if it ends up being true.
December 3, 2021 @ 9:10 pm
“Kyle Nix just piped up in the Facebook comments of this article:
“Yeah, this really sucks. I hate it for the folks who’ve stuck by us through everything & still can’t get tickets. We really didn’t think about this type of thing. We’ve been more focused on each other more than anything. But just hang in there if you can. The future is wide open””
I call B.S. They knew darn well what was going to happen.
TT’s already making a poor showing, with excuses, and not even out of the gate…
December 3, 2021 @ 11:26 pm
“I call B.S. They knew darn well what was going to happen.”
Yes, they wanted to purposely piss off their fans, and make scalpers a shitload of money on ridiculous markups that come directly out of the pockets of Turnpike fans that could be used to buy merch at the show, and be forced to make apologies.
December 4, 2021 @ 12:06 am
I have fought with Di many times in the past over science, and I love you Trigg like a warm bowl of menudo on a Thursday morning while listening to my Selena vinyls….. But, there is no way in hell they didn’t see this ticket debacle coming alongside this Red Rocks show. Are we living on different planets, Trigg?
December 4, 2021 @ 8:01 am
I think our disagreement here is who “they” are? If it’s Evan Felker, whose job it is to write and sing songs, and and deal with his stage fright and his fight for sobriety, then no, I don’t think he saw this debacle coming because it’s not his job to worry about such things. And specifically worrying about such things could and would be unhealthy for him, and a distraction from what his job is.
If “they” are the people the Turnpike Troubadours pay commissions to worry about such things, and that’s the very specific job they do in life, then yes, they should have anticipated this debacle, and let’s all hope they learn from it.
December 4, 2021 @ 9:50 am
I’d be willing to bet there will even be shows before this one. It just sounded the best in a comeback headline and their shitty management wanted the attention on the big show sales.
December 4, 2021 @ 11:18 am
“And specifically worrying about such things could and would be unhealthy for him, and a distraction from what his job is.”
Let’s just get down to it.
We understand the stage fright. We get. it. Last thing he needs is for people making excuses for him.
Felker needs to make a DECISION to Push THROUGH THE FEAR. He is Good, he can be damn Good.
Think wasn’t crapping kittens before presenting a peer reviewed lecture on Apoptosis to fellow students in Immunology, at UVM?
Think didn’t want to pass out cold when Dr. Sharp handed me the spinal column of a 70 year old male, in Pathology? Looking at me – and not saying a damn word? Allowed myself a 5 second internal freakout. Knew he wanted SOMETHING. Took a breath, depressed a vertebra with my thumb, looked dead at him, and said, osteoporosis.
Think didn’t worry about getting thrown out of the auditorium when Dr. Waters pointed to a picture of a tib/fib during pathology lecture, asking which bone she was pointing to? After Eons of silence, replied, fibula.
She asked, who said that? Classmates dimed me out. She made me stand up, and asked, do you know how many of my 2nd year M.D. students can’t answer that question?
Told her that was a damn shame.
Point is – Evan Felker wants to write & sing.
Well Brother, get out there and do it!
Just want to smack him upside the head and say, LET’S GO
December 3, 2021 @ 3:02 pm
I can’t believe that these practices are legal and that these third party ticket suppliers haven’t been sued by bands, venues, fans, ect in a class action. It’s obviously price gouging and results in artists/venues losing money to these services that buy up and resale their own tickets at a premium. Or atleast, negligence not having safe guards in place to prevent others from doing so. It’d be interesting to see a breakdown of how much is lost by artists/venues/promotors vs how much profit is made by these services or “secondary” sales platforms.
December 3, 2021 @ 4:02 pm
As someone local to Denver/Red Rocks, I just hope a revisit to the Denver area happens in a subsequent tour. It’d be a bummer for my only opportunity to see them live to be this grand reunion mega event thing. Red Rocks shows are always such a thing. Often hard and expensive to get tickets for, and such a big draw for out of towners, that anyone local to the area gets the short end of the stick, especially folks that have jobs that don’t allow them to spend half the morning on the computer hitting refresh.
I am happy for bands I like to grow in popularity enough to play Red Rocks, but it also means I likely won’t be seeing them live again any time soon.
That said, I am happy that Turnpike Troubadours are back. They’re one of my favorite bands. I’m glad to have been able to see them twice at much, much smaller venues before the hiatus
December 3, 2021 @ 5:03 pm
Came here to say that. If they announce a full tour I dearly hope they’ll come back to Colorado so we get a better shot at tickets.
December 3, 2021 @ 4:47 pm
Follow the Kid Rock example on ticket sales.
December 3, 2021 @ 5:04 pm
Same, I got two tickets right at 10 and have no idea after hearing everyone else’s trouble how the hell it happened. While I’m happy my first show at Red Rocks is this, I feel bad for true fans who are getting shafted on this.
December 3, 2021 @ 5:11 pm
Possibly like several people on here, I’m not sure I can count how many times I’ve seen Turnpike. Two or Three times at Cain’s, twice at the Grizzly Rose, once at the Zoo amphitheater, once at Red Rocks, once at Talequah…. Maybe that’s it. And I had tickets for Turnpike at Red Rocks that ended up getting cancelled when it all crashed before.
The Cain’s shows were with Boland where Turnpike opened. I remember the second one, the floor was bouncing and they were so much better than Boland, who is fantastic live. Especially at leftover Thanksgiving. Those Cain’s shows were special – literally saw the passing of the torch to Turnpike the second time. It was clear how powerful Turnpike was becoming. Hopefully more Red Rocks shows are added. There is a ton of great country bands, but currently Turnpike might be the best in all sub-genres, all categories. Shoot, I’d see them with 50,000 of my closest friends at a football stadium. They’re the kings right now, if they want the crown.
December 4, 2021 @ 10:14 am
Like you, Herbie, I don’t think I could count how many times I’ve enjoyed TT at smaller venues including at Cain’s and the leftover turkey, hangover ball shows. I was just thinking a couple weeks ago while listening to Diamonds and Gasoline on the road, “man, what would I give to see and hear this band live again?”
But after this ticket sale debacle, now I know what I wouldn’t give.
Unfortunately the last five or six TT shows I did attend were awful. I actually walked out of two. And while I’m glad TT has changed management and I am overjoyed Evan has finally found sobriety and seems to be on the up and up, this band isn’t what it was ten years ago, or even five years ago.
And that’s ok! It’s just I don’t think they are for me anymore. I’ll stick with the up and comers that I can catch at the smaller, more intimate venues like Cain’s and The Cotillion, artists I know actually appreciate and count on my support and dollars.
I am glad to see from comments here and social posts that several fans DID get tickets. And I hope everyone that attends the red rock show walks away thinking it’s the highlight of their 2022 year!
December 3, 2021 @ 5:56 pm
The purchase agreement stated that you could not transfer tickets and the original purchaser had to be on hand and show ID for admittance. That is a complete lie! I believe AXS is to blame for all of this and wouldn’t be surprised if they actually own the “bots” and resell them at a higher price after they find out how popular a show will be. Why would AXS let people resell the tickets they just bought? When I asked AXS, they sent a bullshit computer response. All lies. Wish the Troubadours the best of luck and am glad to hear they are performing again, but if they don’t think they have any control over these tactics, I would disagree. They could tell AXS they won’t do business with them and not book shows where AXS is involved. Troubadours have a lot of power. Hope they use it in the right way.
December 3, 2021 @ 6:14 pm
I live in Denver and go through this BS for every concert at Red Rocks. Childers sold out in 2 minutes. Cody Jinks was about 5. I waited my time in line today and yesterday knowing knowing full well I wouldn’t get a ticket at face value. Had to try. Got some crazy marked up tickets on resale market. Thus will probably be my last Red Rocks concert. I’m tired of this shit
December 4, 2021 @ 6:54 pm
Welcome to Denver. Try walking down Colfax without getting a human turd on your walking shoes. This city is wack.
December 3, 2021 @ 6:39 pm
ASX is a ticket scalper plain and simple. Their system is criminal. Leave a review of your experience on their Google app store page they have earned a much lower rating the way they handled this event:
December 3, 2021 @ 7:26 pm
Stop buying from 3rd party sellers (scalpers, legal and otherwise) and they go away.
No way for me to go in any case so me and my non-alcoholic beer are sitting here enjoying some Friday night Troubador tunes as we speak. Cheers.
December 3, 2021 @ 10:43 pm
Demand was high and Red Rocks is only a hair over 9k sellable. There’s not nearly as many tickets on resell platforms as suggested. Fans (not bots) got tix, they’re just not in comment sections and Facebook groups.
Red Rocks is a destination venue. It’s going to sell to a much broader audience who are willing to travel than most venues that are selling to a local base.
December 3, 2021 @ 11:10 pm
December 3, 2021 @ 11:30 pm
What the AXS system does is as soon as you’re rejected for original tickets, you’re immediately sent to a secondary market screen with jacked up prices. This inflames the anger of already-disappointed fans. What was the ratio of fans to bots? I don’t know. But when +90% of the fans that wanted tickets and spent hours waiting in line don’t get them, the response is going to be animated and angry.
December 3, 2021 @ 11:48 pm
This is why the Grateful Dead started selling tickets directly to fans via mail order in 1982.
December 4, 2021 @ 12:22 am
I was able to get 2 tickets for the show. I was logged on the AXS app and well as the website. The app only allowed me to enter the presale for AXS Premium sale. They were tickets for rows 2-4. I think it said they were based on “market value.” I believe they were $249 a piece.
I was able to log on to the regular presale on my computer. I had to wait in the queue for a bit before I got in. As they others said, there were no tickets available. I just kept refreshing over and over. After about 5 minutes I was able to secure two tickets up in Row 5. Lots of luck and perseverance got me tickets.
December 4, 2021 @ 5:43 am
If the band cares they could stop this. If the band cares they can tell their manager to stop this.
December 4, 2021 @ 6:49 am
Cashortrade dot org only allows face value sales. Your purchase is also insured.
If you want tickets, you might want to check there, especially closer to event day.
December 4, 2021 @ 8:04 am
$750/ ticket? Screw it. I was not looking forward to all those stairs I have to climb at red rocks anyway. I will wait for the turnpike troubadours to play at a nice festival in Texas. I will go to Idaho to see Reckless Kelly this summer.
It’s not just the bands, I like hang out with like-minded fans!
See y’all in the beer line.
December 4, 2021 @ 11:49 am
Same here. Waiting in the waiting room both days, second day I had three laptops and two phones between me and a buddy. No tickets available on the presale, and when I finally got in after about 45 min on Friday the only tickets available were resale tickets for $400+. Totally sucked. I reckon I’ll wait a few months and buy some on the secondary market. Wish the markup $$ would go to TT, but some asshat scalper will get it instead due to AXS’s stupid ticket process.
December 4, 2021 @ 12:18 pm
Yep just points to the evil people in the world who scalp tickets or help the process of it. Same thing happened where I live with the Morgan wallen concert. Ticket master claims they set ticket prices to reflect demand as a way to fight bots and scalpers but it actually encourages it. Plus they then offer the resale tickets on their site which is just oking the scalping. What the places should do is only sell the tickets at the location and all people have to be present to sign for each ticket. Would eliminate such shenanigans. Yea it would take longer and people would have to take the time to get the tickets but it would take time to go to concert anyway.
December 4, 2021 @ 2:01 pm
I got tickets. Cost a goddamn arm and a leg buy we’ll worth it.
December 4, 2021 @ 3:59 pm
I don’t get this at all. If people are willing to pay say $5,000 per ticket, and do, are you saying they should somehow be forced not to pay that? Who made you king?
And if the TT lose that money to resellers, whose fault is that? If that happens, that is good information that they did not price their tickets in line with reality. They were trying to do something artificial and stupid.
Here’s a thought: price Red Rocks tickets at the real going price. Then pocket the profit and finance a free or discounted show for people who couldn’t pay the premium price.
But price fixing? That’s just bad for everyone.
December 4, 2021 @ 8:42 pm
Too much logic in your comment for these emotional and sensitive times.
Anyone who thought they were going to see this show for normal prices has a misplaced sense of entitlement.
December 4, 2021 @ 9:15 pm
Anyone who would pay $8000 (or any other huge markup) is an idiot. Anyone who would sell for that much is a pos parasite.
December 4, 2021 @ 9:49 pm
What is someone who pays $50 to drink beer and be entertained by sound, when they could instead send that money to kids living in dirt and eating from garbage dumps, who would give anything for the clean water your donation could provide?
December 6, 2021 @ 8:48 am
Agreed, but that’s perfectly fine.
If you Jimmy want to sing covers and charge $500 a head, you’re free to do that. Maybe no one will buy. Drop the price to $5, and you’re in business. Then Jake comes along, and he thinks you’re undervalued. He buys 50 of your tickets at your price, making you happy, and then sells them for $10 apiece. He pockets the difference.
Is Jake screwing you over? No. You stated a price, and he paid it. You should learn from the situation. Next time, you charge $10 a head. Jake will buy another 50, making you happy, and try to sell them for $20 apiece. This time, he might lose.
Fundamentally, price is mysterious. We don’t really know what price people will pay to attend live performances until they start attending. There is no essential “what a live show is worth.” As far as money goes, it’s worth whatever people are willing to pay.
December 4, 2021 @ 4:41 pm
2 years ago I bought tickets to see The Turnpike Troubadors at Red Rocks with Pat Green and Parker McCollum for my husband’s birthday. We purchased airfare, lodging, and a rental car only to have the concert cancelled just weeks before the event. Our airline tickets and lodging were non refundable so we flew from Texas to Denver and spent our time exploring Colorado and sitting in what would have been our seats at the empty amphitheater. We met other TT fans doing the same and all had drinks at a little bar in Golden, Co, everyone commiserating and disappointed.
Imagine my excitement when 3 days ago, I received an invitation to an exclusive presale for tickets to see Turnpike at Red Rocks 5/14/22. My husband and I felt it was finally a way to recoup the experience we never had. I logged on hours early to the presale only to be queued immediately and then tickets sold out before I could even get access. I repeated the same process Friday for the general sale. There was never even a chance for the fans to get tickets. The resale sites instantaneously scored all the tickets and immediately listed them for sell for $400+.
I’m so happy for the band to be back together but I’m heartbroken for the fans .
December 5, 2021 @ 11:47 am
I know I might be in the minority but unfortunately this is why I think venues should have a policy where you have to buy in person. Yeah, yeah I know all the cons of it for fans but I see no other decent way around bots and scalpers.
Also on an unrelated but related side note to buying in person and just to shout out smaller venues. I usually decide day of if I’m going to see a show. If I have the money and the gig sounds fun and tickets are still up then I’ll trek. I live in an area where venues are easy to get to on PT and walking. I’ve never not gotten a ticket this way and they usually end cheaper because somebody is selling an extra, so I avoid the fees.
So National Treasure Marty Stuart was in town and I figured better see him while he’s still “young”. So I hopped on over to Freight and Salvage. I get to the window and they ask me some info as they are getting my ticket. As I am getting ready to pay and they tell me the ticket is on the house!!!
I have been to this venue before but not SUPER regularly but apparently I am known there enough that they like having me in their audience because I dance and a few acts have singled me out. So I want to shout out to building a rapport with your local venues it can pay off. And Marty Stuart KILLED. It was acoustic but I danced full force.
December 6, 2021 @ 10:22 pm
True fans are willing to wait in a real line and purchase a real ticket when they reach the gate to the venue. I know I have met some pretty awesome people waiting in lines. Get a horse race starting gate type of access and sell tickets to the real troubadours. I’ll wait from the back of the line.
December 17, 2021 @ 1:04 pm
I waited to get tickets today. I got in line as soon as the 30min count down started. I waited TWO HOURS watching the little white man move down the line. I am assuming since I was one of the first folks in line within 2 sec, I thought I had a chance. I got to the ticket purchasing page 2hrs and 17min after sales had started just to wait to be told there were only PRESALE left. HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE? It shouldn’t be legal to do this. So in the 2hrs that I waited, folks were purchasing and reselling right away??? This is the 4th time I’ve waited in line for this show and now I’m absolutely disappointed. I just got introduced to these guys this fall and I love them. But what is the point of wanting to wait in line again and then told that tickets are reselling at $300+. I’ve given up. This isn’t fun anymore.